Stitch And Bitch Club
- 2 years ago
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If we'd had an impartial referee, I have no doubt that the contest would have been declared a complete and total mismatch and never allowed to begin. As it was, it was nearly over before I even realized that it had started. In one corner, you had a sophisticated high school senior, a seductress who had spent the last three years navigating her way through the complex social webs that connect the various groups at a suburban high school. In the other corner, a ninth-grade naïf who had no memory of how he had spent those same three years. I was doomed.
In retrospect, of course, Saturday and Sunday had probably been my last chance to sue for peace, or more accurately to grovel before the throne of Stephie van Carlen. A simple apology might have sufficed on Thursday or Friday, although I might have hurt my chances for that by sitting with Tanya Szerchenko at lunch both days. By Saturday, though, that ship had undoubtedly sailed. As it was, I spent both days, Saturday and Sunday, watching the NFL playoffs.
And in any event, I hadn't entertained any idea at all of apologizing, let alone groveling. With no idea what kind of relationship Stephie and I had had before Christmas, my impression of her was based entirely on our single encounter in the cafeteria on Wednesday, and as far as I was concerned, it wasn't a relationship I saw any reason to continue.
Monday started on a high note, a very high note, although I did have to wait until third period. I had already figured out that that was probably going to be true every day. There weren't likely to be high notes during first or second period. In Government, I was quickly learning that Mr. Kennedy was happy if you copied down everything he said during class, mostly from the way he paused to let us keep up with his pearls of wisdom. I had every expectation that the tests would require that and little more; as long as you knew what a bicameral legislature was, it didn't really matter whether you knew why the Founding Fathers thought it would be a good idea. A cynical view, sure, and one based on only three classes, but I was fairly confident it would hold up.
Mr. Anson's history class was a little better, but I still had the feeling that we were going through the motions of rote learning. Here, for example, is where you needed to know that the Founding Fathers wanted a bicameral legislature. You just didn't need to understand what it was.
Third period was when the day started to get interesting.
I'd read "Bartleby" over the weekend, but Mrs. Palmer started class by asking those of us with front row seats to pass back a Xeroxed paper that she was handing out. I took one and turned around to hand the stack to Missy, who gave me a little smirk and snatched them from my hand, apparently upset now that I had one of her jobs, that of the first passer-backer. I turned back to my seat and was mortified to see my own handwriting on the piece of paper that Mrs. Palmer had been distributing. I looked up to find her standing directly over my desk, just in case anyone had missed my name scrawled across the top of the essay.
"Mr. Sterling has favored us with his attendance for the fourth day in a row," she said to giggles from the class, "a season-best, if I'm not mistaken, Mr. Sterling?"
"Yes, ma'am," I felt my face flushing with heat.
"As well as an excellent example of the kind of essay I was looking for," she pulled me back from the edge of humiliation. "He selected a single fact from Melville's life, the scarlet fever from which he suffered as a young boy. From that, he created a hypothesis, that Melville would feel more sympathetic — although I believe a better word would have been empathetic, Mr. Sterling — toward the weak and downtrodden in society, toward people whose afflictions might make others view them with pity, or even with scorn. And in his next paragraph, he explained what he would look for in Melville's work to support his hypothesis. Beyond that, he did me one better; he explained what he would look for to dispute his hypothesis. I would ask him to read his paragraph to you, but I've embarrassed him enough already and you're all perfectly capable of reading. What some of you are going to need practice on is writing. Miss Smith, did you read the Bartleby?"
With that, we plunged into a discussion of "Bartleby, the Scrivener." At the end of class, Mrs. Palmer passed back the papers, and mine had a red A-plus circled in red. All right! I was on my way. Let the games began.
Without my knowledge, though, a different game had already begun. By the time I got to lunch, not only had Tanya run out of Religion before I could even turn to talk to her after the bell, but the radioactivity of my table had spread to all the surrounding tables as well. With Tanya's table full, and with its occupants, like the rest of the crowd, glancing at me with expressions that ranged from discomfort to outright hostility, I simply reclaimed the seat I'd taken on Thursday. After a few minutes, I realized that nobody was sitting within twenty feet of me. Some people, in fact, left the cafeteria altogether when all of the other tables — the ones not near me — had filled up.
I'd been getting dirty looks from other people all morning, growing in number and intensity as I passed through my classes, but I just shrugged them off. Sure, Stephie was obviously a popular girl. Sure, I was going to have to suffer a little purgatory for breaking up with her. But I was a popular guy, too, right? I mean, I was a star athlete. So eventually, the little Stephie circle would go its way, and my little jock circle would come around my way, and things would settle down to normal. As I looked around the cafeteria, though, I had the distinct feeling that that was going to take a little longer than I thought.
I spent the rest of the day in study hall, trying to figure out the retrograde motion of Venus, something that Mr. Carruthers had started lecturing on today, and that nobody else seemed to have as much trouble with as I did. It took me the rest of the afternoon to figure out, interrupted only a summons from Coach Torianni to remind me that "we" had a tryout for a scout from the Atlanta Braves tomorrow afternoon.
Even my own family was cool toward me. Jeanne had eagerly accepted my offer to drive our car to school on Monday morning, and had expertly placed the car in the seniors' parking lot. After school, though, on my way to the lot, I watched as she almost ran to the line of buses. Thinking that perhaps she'd just forgotten we drove in together, I managed to drive myself home without, as far as I knew, breaking any laws.
Dinner that evening was no different than "usual." As we had every evening since the day after Christmas, we all listened to Tiffany describing in minute detail what she did during the day and how the pregnancy was affecting every organ of her body. Since the organs under discussion invariably included her boobs — their growing size in particular — it wasn't a subject that drove me from the table as quickly as it usually did Jeanne and Jill. This time, though, they departed with even more haste than usual, both of them glaring at me as they retreated to their rooms. After I'd done the dishes — without Jeanne's help this time — I knocked on her door. No answer. I called her name. Still no answer.
I was seriously bummed. This was the week that I was going to start tracking down the mystery of life. Or at least the mystery of my life. Who the hell was Patrick Sterling, and how the hell did he get that way? I already had a pretty good answer to the first question. He was an arrogant asshole who said "That was great, baby" to a woman he'd adored since the seventh grade, and who'd dumped Cammie Rowe when she wouldn't put out. He'd had at least one affair with a married woman, and at least one session with his current stepmother, I hoped to God before she married to his dad. He hadn't visited his relatives in a year and a half, and, oh yeah, he'd been dating a bigot.
How he got that way, though, was a little more difficult to figure out. I figured that Jeanne would be the best source of information, and while I had no intention of actually telling her the truth, I kind of hoped that if I enlisted her aid in my reformation project, I could sneak in a few questions about the downward spiral that my life had taken in the last three years.
I hadn't broached the subject up until now because frankly, I hadn't had the time. I think it was Socrates who said that the unexamined life isn't worth living. Easy for him; he didn't also have to spend time examining physics and baseball and American history, not to mention writing a paper on T.S. Eliot's "Murder in the Cathedral." And in any event, I think what he had in mind was an examination that was a little more introspective than I was capable of at the moment; with respect to the last three years, at any rate, I was solely depended on extrospection, or whatever the opposite of introspection is. And of course, that was dependent on Jeanne's actually talking to me. For the life of me, I just couldn't understand why my breaking up with Stephie would make Jeanne mad. The way she'd said Stephie's name when we were waiting for the bus last week, in fact, had led me to believe that she would welcome my breaking up with her.
Jill's reaction was a little easier to understand. She was more than likely the Queen Bee of her own class, and my horrible faux pas had probably, through some strange commutative property of high school transference, been considered some sort of reflection on her. I didn't know that for a fact, though, because I still hadn't really gotten to know Jill yet. She'd obviously grown up, as evidenced by the fact that she'd had dates every night between Christmas and the start of the school year. And not with the same guy, either; I don't think I'd seen the same car yet pull into the driveway and honk its horn to summon my hot youngest sister. Since school started, we simply hadn't been in the same room long enough for me to start up a casual conversation about the last three years of her life.
Jeanne continued to scorn me the next morning. She responded to my offer to once again let her drive our car to school by turning her back on me and walking to the bus stop. I was unwilling to drive myself in, so I hurried after her. Once on the bus, I found all the other kids turning their heads to look out the window as I walked down the aisle. Even Bobby Bunt, who'd made a complete nuisance of himself the week before by sitting in front of me and explaining his athletic prowess every morning, found a seat at the front of the bus.
The rest of the morning followed a similar course. Nobody would initiate a conversation with me, and the responses to my own openings were brushed aside as quickly as possible. Tanya, in fact, bluntly told me to "fuck off" when I tried to talk to her before Religion Class. As a result, the only people I really talked to on Tuesday were Coach Torianni, and the guy from the Braves. Even Tommy Narburg, whom I didn't knock backward this time when he caught my tryout, responded to my banter only with grunts and single-word answers.
By Wednesday, it had spread to the faculty. Mr. Anson and Mr. Kennedy both looked at me like I was the lowest form of life on earth, and Mrs. Palmer refused to look at me at all. Mrs. Jenkins met my eyes in Religion, but her eyes were filled with such pain and such disappointment that I found myself unable to hold her gaze for any length of time.
Mr. Carruthers spoke to me, but only because we had lab on Wednesdays and he had to assign me a lab partner. Or assign me no lab partner, as it turned out. My classmates were already sitting next to their first choice in lab partners, and he eagerly ratified their choices.
Friend did this yesterday....if you like people doing dumb stuff watch it....mortar tube hits my friend ends up with 4 stitches[/video]
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xmoviesforyouI'm Grant and sexually I've led a sheltered life. I'm 44 yrs of age and until recently I had only fucked two women - and I had married both of them (and divorced one of them). My sexual liberation happened when I was sent to Adelaide to work. My wife stayed in Brisbane and I commuted to Adelaide on a fortnightly basis. I found a unit in the city fringe of Adelaide. It was in a block of 4 other units. I didn't see or hear much of my neighbours until one day I had a problem with my hot water...
Jean had short blonde hair and coke-bottle glasses, back before those glasses were cool. Jean's favourite movie was Labyrinth, or at least that's what she always said — she might have been joking. Jean wanted to be a musician, but could never decide what instrument she wanted to play. Jean wore boxer shorts. Jean's best friend was a starving artist named Angela, who I actually met only twice. Jean kept a small stack of black metal records under her bed, which she only played after breakups....
The day before Patrice was to arrive, Ida could barely sleep. She went about her chores in a numb manner and was chided a few times by Angelique, albeit in a gentle manner. She wanted her brother and her daughter to get along well, she wanted them to like each other, because Scott had already proven to be so generous. She needn’t have worried. Patrice was greeted very warmly by her Uncle Scott, who gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Patrice was sure she felt a giant boner in her...
'I wake up because I am cold. The room is dark apart from the occasional flashing of cars' headlights splashing on the window from the street and the soft nightlight glowing in the bathroom. I am a little foggy and I look to my left. Roger, at least I am fairly sure that is his name, has the blankets wrapped all around him. The air conditioner is grinding away, the knob set to high up to one side of the sliding doors.Roger turned it on when we were both overheated from the hot sex we...
Straight SexToday we have the pleasure of introducing you to Jolee Love, a saucy brunette with a pretty face and perfect tits who gives us an unforgettable debut in Private’s My Little Plaything. Jolee loves to be dominated and submit to her master Marc Rose, getting spanked and excited before she gives an incredible cock sucking. This girl knows all the tricks, deep throat, gagging, getting that cock ready for her pussy and good pounding. Watch those big tits bounce as Jolee hops on for a ride and enjoys...
xmoviesforyouThis is my first story. I hope you enjoy it. It is set in a past era.-----------------------------------------------In a moonlit forest Elizabeth was running for her life.The life she knew, the life she cared about, the life that she adored. Sobs mingled with the exhaustive intakes of air, tears streaming down her face. She clung on desperately to an oak old tree and screamed in anger and forlorn despair. The screams echoed in the shadowy wooden wall around her until silence, only her gasping...
First TimeMy first day at the Manor had been exotic and by eight that evening Iris suggested I’d earnt an early night. So, making my way upstairs and along the landing I entered the cosy guest bedroom. By nine I’d climbed into the comfy old bed, my head sinking luxuriously into the large puffy pillow. The sensuality of being in Iris’s company began filling my thoughts and my hand crept between my thighs and into my snatch; I began masturbating; then shortly, I heard someone knocking softly at the...
Hi here I am Ram Vijay, age 20 from Coimbatore! If any girls or unsatisfied Aunty in Coimbatore can contact me through my mail This is my first story, if any mistake forgive me. This is my first experience with my girlfriend when I am studying 12th std. My girlfriend is not virgin at that time hence she had sex with her ex boyfriend. About my girlfriend: Her name is Neethashri, she is one year younger to me but my same class with great figure 34-26-34. Many boys from our school used to admire...
An unexpected fuck with tenents By: gautam Dear ISS readers I m a regular reader of ISS. Reading all Ur submissions has encouraged me to share my one of many such unforgetful sex encounter with two of our tenants. Let me tell u something about myself. I am at present 27years n am working in automobile engineer. I am staying in one of the most b’ful cities Chandigarh in a very posh locality as we have our own house there. Since it is a big house n we r only three members living there. Our house...
Nothing job-related came to my attention by Friday afternoon. I speculated what the perfect job ad would look like - “Wanted! Matucket Firearms Corporation has an immediate opening for product design and testing in their Machine Gun Division! Iraqi war veterans with PTSD desired! Call now, operators are standing by!” I remembered that the AK-47 was invented by a busted-up Russian sergeant during World War II. Too bad there really wasn’t a Matucket Firearms Corporation, either with or without...
Alina Lopez and her friend Kyler Quinn talk shit about Alina’s stepbrother, Nathan Bronson, in private as they snap sexy selfies of themselves. Whipping out their tits, they start taking photos to send to their boyfriends. The girls agree that they think Nathan would be hot if he were to change everything about himself. After another round of selfies, Kyler heads out to fuck her boyfriend. When her friend leaves, Alina keeps on shooting pics with her boobs out. She has just flashed her...
xmoviesforyounow let us return to our story..... Will and Brook remained in the shower, cuddling up against each other, while kissing and caressing their naked bodies under the hot steamy water. Almost ten minutes had passed, when the couple heard the noise of shattering glass over the sound of the running water. Will, quickly, turned off the water and jumped from the shower. However, as he did, fate seemed to catch up to him, for as he sprang from the shower, the slippery tile, combined with Will’s...
[Note from Trisha: a reviewer noted early on that a chapter was too short, really only "a fragment", to post on its own, and so I'm posting two chapters this time, Chapter 12 being quite short] Chapter 12 -- Back to Work On Monday, the day after the thrilling trip to the Farmer's Market, Jimmie arrived at work, very nervous about the reaction his new haircut might produce. So used to being dressed by Ms. Oberdorfer, and increasingly Yvette, at this point, he didn't give a thought...
Without doing introductions and other boring stuff, let’s go to the plot. My Name is Christopher. People call me Christo. This story is about me and my mom getting intimate with each other to an higher level to which a mother and son shouldn’t. My Mom’s name is Rani. She is a typical South – Indian women. She works in a private institution, a kind of tutorial for weak students. She teaches maths. My father works in a multinational company in UK and visits us yearly once. Rest of the time, its...
IncestFlowers, chocolates & outings for Valentine’s Day, all the regular shit gets boring. Not saying you don’t have to do it for your special one, but you gotta spice things up a bit too – ya know? Well Sydney Paiges’s husband does. He can’t keep a nympho like her satisfied without a little excitement, something daring in their lives! And boy does he have a dare for her today. While they’re in public, having an ice cream date – Sydney’s husband...
xmoviesforyouThat grin still hadn’t left his face… I was starting to get the feeling that he was planning something. Our night wasn’t over yet, so he had said. But what, I wondered, could he possibly be planning? This question faded from my mind upon pulling into the driveway. It was quiet as we casually got out of the car, unlocked the door, and stepped inside. Immediately I went to the bedroom, and donned a clean satin nightgown. My still shirtless husband appeared then, carrying a tray of strawberries...
Since it’s that time of year again, baseball season, I recalled an erotic memory… A number of years ago, when our sons were younger, I coached youth baseball. I love baseball and my wife Nora strongly suggested that I coach our boys when they started playing. I had played baseball in high school and college. I was initially hesitant, but once I got involved, it was great. I guess it paid off too as all of my boys went on to play College baseball and were four-year starters. At the time, Nora...
Reluctance"Sheesh! That Brenda is too much." Katherine was lying on Amy in the middle of Katherine's bed. They were both still naked after spending a long time shaving each other's pussies and "checking for bumps." Their dildos had gotten a lot of use as well. "Yeah." Amy was feeling sleepy after her big orgasm a few minutes earlier. Her eyes were closed and she was in no mood to move or talk much. Katherine was feeling sleepy as well, since she too was floating after a nice orgasm, but she...
Hello folks..This is Sparky91, writing my first story on ISS.. I’m a regular follower of ISS.. Okay coming to the story..Firstly I’m lil’ bit dark with a good height and body nicely built..With a man thing of 6.5″.. This was my first experience with my aunt.. She’s definitely a hot figure.. Coming to her sizes..She’s lil’ bit stout not too much.. One will have a boner on seeing her.. She’s damn hot.. She has a sizes of 37-27-36..Definitely very good for the hands to hold the boobs.. So coming...
One particular day I was home alone or so I thought I was. My door was closed and I had stripped down to nothing. Looking at myself in the mirror I couldn’t resist touching myself and soon I found my self sitting on the bed watching myself as I stroked my shaft feeling my heart racing in my chest. I closed my eyes and licked my lips as my breathing got louder and louder as my climax approached in a deafening rush and I was rewarded with sticky cum on my hands. I exhaled and opened my eyes...
Meanwhile, in their own cabin, Carl and Verna Monroe were beginning to learn the intimate secrets of married love and each other's eager bodies... After Jim and Suzie had left, Verna closed the door of the cottage and smiled at her new husband. "Is there any booze left, honey?" "Not a drop," Carl replied, shaking the empty rum bottle. "Just what's in our glasses, and then we'll be dryer than Kansas." "Then let's polish them off and go to bed, okay?" Bed! Sex! Carl quivered as...
My roommate is a massage ther****t (a legitimate one)and I finally found something I could get out of it. One of our friends is a client of hers and he is totally sexy! Long blonde hair with an amazing eight pack abs and I wanted to cum every time he got down to his boxer briefs in order to get the massage done. One day he was over and he happened to notice me looking at him as he was undressing. I looked away immediately but he still noticed, I was really embarrassed as I went over to the sink...
September 16, 2000, Denver, Colorado Fifty minutes later, long enough for Housekeeping to change the sheets on the bed and for Suzanne and me to shower, there was a knock at the door. Suzanne opened it and let a bubbly and obviously very happy Cheryl into the hotel room. “Hi!” she gushed. “Hi!” I replied. “I owe you an apology.” “Nah, not really. You didn’t go back on a promise or anything. And I am going to get what I want!” “And what’s that?” Cheryl laughed softly, “Well, unless...
Mere Teacher Ki Biwi Ki Chudayi Hi,iam Abhi,meri age 23 hai, and iam doing MBA ,me aapko ek real story batane ja raha hu ,muje vishvas hai ki aap ko jaruur pasand aayegi,bat un dino ki hai jab me XIIth Class me study kartha tha ,us time me mathematics jaya kartha tha, maths ke teacher bahut achhi maths padathe ,vo home per hi tution padathe the,unke sath ghar per unki biwi rah thi vo bahut hi sexy aur must thi ,aur uske boobs ,kya kahna ,koi b usko dekh le to out of control ho jaye aisi hi ek...
Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here, first of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. I am writing this story after a break because there was nothing horny/wild in my life which was to be written. My dearest sex story readers, you can message me if you have come across or experienced wildest unique encounters, a real one. I will be happy to write the story in your stead and publish for...