Living Next Door To Heaven 198: Junior Clan free porn video

Our weekend was great. We didn't forget about our other hearthmates either. The parents conveniently had to go out Saturday afternoon and we ended up with Samantha eating out Jennifer while I slid between her silky lips and she bucked against me. Courtney was mounted on Jennifer's face while I alternated touching and squeezing all three girls' tits. Orgasms were a chain reaction, though I'm not sure who started the chain. I think all three girls copped two apiece.
Sunday morning, Sam and I were out of the house as soon as I had bread mixed and rising. We went to pet and groom all three horses. Then we saddled Gypsy and Princess and wandered through the woods in the early morning light. Jingo wasn't happy I left him, but I hadn't taken him on more than a few short training rides so I could tell how his leg was. We were in full riding gear, including jackets and hats, as we rode in the crisp fall air. Most of the trails are wide enough to ride side-by-side, but Sam took the lead on one of the narrower trails and we ended up in the clearing.
"Are you sure about this, sweetie?" I asked as we tied the horses. "We're going to freeze important equipment out here."
"I know, but please, Brian? You know how I've thought about making love here for almost two years. Ever since our treasure map game. I want you naked with me naked and the sky above us while we love each other."
"You know I'll do anything for you, Cutie. Let's get the blankets spread out." Ultimately, she got everything but 'just the sky above us.' We started out skyclad, but by the time I'd finished licking her to a forest-echoing orgasm, she was cold and we huddled beneath the blanket as we softly made love in the great outdoors with our horses contentedly munching on whatever grass they could find next to us.
"Like a fairy tale," Samantha sighed at lunch Monday. "Like an absolute fairy tale. I was a princess and my prince came. And came. And came." The girls all laughed and the guys all raised an eyebrow at me as I stood to leave with Whitney for afternoon classes. "I owe each and every one of my hearthmates big-time," Sam continued. "Thank you all for letting me have this wonderful weekend with our man."
Whitney and I headed for her car. As soon as we were in it, she pulled me to her and kissed me like her life depended on it. I was lost in the embrace of my first lover. My first cónyuge.
"I'm still the fairy queen and I claim you tonight," she breathed in my ear. "And I'll eat you for breakfast in the morning."
Somehow I made it through the week. Each and every one of my cónyuge wanted a night with me. Whitney on Monday and Jen and Court on Tuesday—the day Jen got her cast off. Her leg was still wrapped, but the doctor said it was healing nicely and she needed to start exercising it. She did that on Tuesday night by waving it in the air as she screamed out her pleasure at having my dick in her. Wednesday night, Liz was with me. She'd suddenly settled down a lot and instead of being frantic to get sex done, she wanted to spend all night touching and holding and eventually making slow gentle love. I wondered if it had to do with getting together with Doug. She seemed very sentimental. Thursday night, Doreen was in my bed. Both Rachel and Brenda said they could wait until next week, but Doreen had no other cock to fall back on. Or forward. We tried both and when I woke up Friday morning, she'd managed to get me into her in spoons position and was gently rocking her butt against my stomach as she stroked me. Friday night, I met Rose after the football game. She'd made varsity cheerleader at last. Even though most of our gang was going to the dance, Rose wanted alone time with me. We tried making out in the Suburban for a while. We didn't intend to make love in the truck, but we got a little carried away. Since Rose and I didn't worry about condoms, when I just sort of slipped into her while we were making out, we just kept going. When we got home, we took a shower and started over in bed.
"Are all my cónyuge happy now?" I asked.
"Darling, you don't know what it did to us," Rose sighed as she worked her way onto my cock again. "Everyone, including your compañera, imagined she was the one holding your hand. Do you want to see something?" Rose reached for her bag and after a moment pulled out a little baggie. She showed it to me.
"You kept our red thread after the ceremony?" I asked.
"Not Sam's. She has hers. Each of your cónyuge wanted a thread to keep in her treasure box. We are all handfasted to you. And, of course, Jen and Courtney have one for each other as well."
"That's almost overwhelming. And Elaine?"
"And Elaine. I wouldn't be surprised if she has it wrapped around her wrist tomorrow night when you go down there," Rose sighed. She moved slowly up and down on my cock as we talked—not enough to get either of us off but just enough to keep us on edge. "I wish I could live like this," she whispered. "On the edge of orgasm with your cock in my pussy and your juices already flooding out of me. Brian, you make us all so happy."
I made it through Saturday morning's taping as well. We'd been doing two recordings every Saturday so I could have some Saturdays off and we could take a break over the holidays. I wasn't taking any of my girlfriends on the show now, but the station—my replacement as Miss Polly's assistant, now known as Miss Darlene, I discovered—was calling and interviewing women who had applied to be my girlfriend for the show and 'help' with the demo. It gave a lot more human interest to the show as we spent some time getting to know my helper. They expanded the slot to twenty minutes on Friday morning. Some of the slots were local promotionals: the rodeo queen, Miss St. Joe Teen, a cute little girl with cerebral palsy. I loved her. She was funny as all get-out.
"I don't believe in handicaps," she said firmly. "I believe I can do and become anything I want to be. I've decided to become a brain surgeon." That was punctuated by a little spastic jerk of her hand that sent the slice of chicken she was cutting straight into Miss Polly's face. "Oops." She gave her little promo for the cerebral palsy association and then turned to me. "May I, Brian?" I nodded. "I don't know exactly who you are, but I know you are out there watching somewhere. Always remember, girlfriend. No matter what, he still loves you." I broke down crying.
After we were wrapped up shooting for the day, I loaded into my shiny red Suburban and headed for Indy. Each year, Elaine had invited me for the Fall Cotillion and I couldn't go for one reason or another. This year I knocked on her apartment door and one of her roommates opened the door.
"You're not ready!" she said. Gail. She was petite like Elaine but carried herself like she was six feet tall. I swear she looked down at me. She was dressed in a formal gown. She grabbed my hand and dragged me into the living room.
"I thought I could get cleaned up and dressed here. There's plenty of time."
"Not ready?" Lena, the other roommate cried. "What about our dinner reservation? Hurry."
"Wait. What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Oh, Elaine's sick and said we could take you to the dance."
"Sick? Where?"
"I'm here, Brian. I'm sorry." Elaine looked awful. She had bags under her eyes and sounded like her nose was stuffed up. She was wearing a big bathrobe and fuzzy slippers as she came out of her bedroom. "I can't go. You want to take the bitches?"
"No way! Sorry, ladies." I rushed to Elaine and scooped her up in my arms and carried her back into her bedroom. The covers were rumpled and I slid her into bed. "You poor baby," I said. "I'll make you some soup and sit beside you and hold you all night. Oh, my sweet girl. I love you." Elaine giggled.
"I told you. Go away now," she shouted at her roommates. There was a knock at the door.
"Oh. That must be our boyfriends!" Gail laughed. They called me out into the living room for a minute to meet their dates and explained that they were trying to play a trick on me but I was way too noble for their devious little plots. Then they were off. I went back to Elaine. She was sitting up in bed with a tissue, wiping her eyes.
"Were you trying to test me, Elaine?" I asked.
"No. I knew that wouldn't be a test. It was their idea. Getting sick was my idea. They think they're good actors. They both actually think I'm sick." She didn't sound stuffed up anymore.
"You aren't?"
"No. I just didn't want to go to the dance because we have so little time together. I wanted to spend it all naked in bed with you." I noticed that the bags were gone from under her eyes and when she unfastened her robe, she had nothing on beneath it. "You're over-dressed." She got up and started getting rid of my clothes as I tried to kiss her and touch her. "Now my cónyuge, come and hold me. Tell me you love me and make me believe it." I held her out at arm's length and looked at her hands. Indeed, there was a thin red thread wrapped around her wrist. I slid my fingers beneath it, putting us both in its circle.
"My cónyuge, I love you. I am yours always."
My night with Elaine was predictable. Funny. Erotic. Sexy. Challenging. And loving. Oh yes. And loving. There was nothing that was off-limits between Elaine and me. She asked me to lick her and I dove into the task. "I love you, Brian!" she called. I will never get tired of hearing that.
"What do you want, Brian?" she asked.
"I want to make love with you all night long," I laughed.
"I mean specifically. Right now. Do you want to fuck? Do you want me to suck you? Do you want to do me in the ass? What position do you want to be in? Doggy? Missionary? Cowgirl? Spoons? I asked you for what I wanted first. Now you ask me for what you want."
"Like the first time I touched your breasts," I said. "You didn't give me permission until I asked."
"Exactly. Oh, I'll be creative. I'll ask. I'll suggest. I'll initiate. But you need to, too, Brian. You need to not be afraid to tell me what you want. If I can do it, we will."
"You are pushing me to the edge of my comfort zone. I want to hold you and kiss you and feel you touch me. Then while we are lying face-to-face holding each other, I want you to line me up and help me enter you. That's where I want to start. I want to hold you and kiss you while we make love slowly and passionately. Then we can think up something else."
"I can do that my love. In fact, doing that would really make me happy."
I loved making love to Elaine. She took my request to heart and after we'd kissed and held each other, just getting used to the feel of each other's skin, she rolled my condom on and guided me into her wet warmth. Then she looked me in the eye as I pushed into her slowly. There was no way to break eye contact with my lover. The intensity of just moving into her was tripled by looking into her eyes. My hand held her round little butt and pulled her to me, burying me even deeper.
"Wait," she breathed softly. She caught her lower lip between her teeth and her eyelids fluttered. I held still waiting for her. "Do you feel where you are, lover? I might not be as deep as some of your lovers, or maybe you've gotten longer. You are touching my cervix. Go back in gently just a little. There. Feel it? It's a hard bump at the end of my vagina. It's very intense when you touch it and for some reason, in this position you are perfectly lined up with it."
"I can feel it. Like I've bumped against something."
"If you just touch it like that, it's very sensuous. I'd like you to be right there when you come so I can feel you squirting right against it. But if you slam into it, it hurts. Really hurts."
"Please make sure I'm not being too rough. I want to be gentle with you."
"Go back and see if you can find it again," she said. Her breathing was a little ragged. I think mine was, too. "In a way, it's like your balls, only up inside. It's so sexy to have it touched and caressed but so painful to treat it roughly. Yes. Right there. Can we keep this pace until you come?"
"I love this, Elaine. I love going so slowly that I feel you rippling against me. I love touching your cervix just a little with the tip of my cock. I won't be able to last long in you, though, love. It's just so intense."
"You don't have to last a long time for it to be wonderful, my love. Just look into my eyes when you come. Look into my eyes and see how much love I have for you."
I looked as I slid slowly back and pressed forward again, holding against the hard little nub in her pussy. She worked her muscles around me as I stayed as still as possible, then I withdrew and advanced slowly again. This was so difficult to do. I could feel the pressure building for half a dozen strokes before I knew that I wouldn't be able to hold back any more.
"Elaine, I'm ... Oh, I love you, darling." I sank to her limit once more and this time with the pressure of her cervix against the tip of my cock I felt the jets race up my tube to pulse against her.
"Oh!" she squeaked. "Oh! I feel it. Oh, Brian. Oh, Brian, I love you." Somehow, feeling us both coming as we looked into each other's eyes with wonder was so overwhelming that the tears I saw in her eyes were reflected in my own.
"I understand it's not a virgins' club and just signing the agreement doesn't mean that no one will ask me to be sexual, but I also know that if I say no you'll all honor it. I don't even really want to date that much. You've let me sit with you at lunch ever since school started and I've really liked it and enjoyed talking with you all. I haven't felt ... so alone this year. And nobody has to date me. I just want to be a part of it—a member of your clan. Please?"
Robyn's appeal was heartfelt. Last spring, she announced that she wanted to sign the agreement because she wanted to be part of the virgins' club. We had to explain what the agreement really said. She was taken aback by that at first, but when she came to our year-end party, she liked what she saw. Then on Independence Day when we all met at the lake, she'd actually started to integrate into our group. She'd been sitting with us at lunch, but I hadn't been there much since Whitney and I had to be on our way within 20 minutes of sitting down. I knew she'd spent a lot of time with Sam, though, and nearly swooned when Sam told her about riding the horse from the fire to our door.
Everybody looked at me. Was I supposed to be the accepting one or the hatchet man? I wish they'd tell me when they want me to do something. But no one was saying anything until I opened my mouth.
"Robyn, I asked you this once before and you told me a lot about yourself. I just want to be clear with everyone in the group. Are you being abused? Do you need a safe place?" I said. Tears sparkled in her eyes. She held them back.
"I am not being sexually abused, molested, or assaulted in any way, Brian. My mother is crazy and going home is always frightening. But I've learned to block it out. I try not to get home before my father and he keeps her under control while I make dinner. I'm just so scared of people and I feel so alone sometimes. I just don't want to be alone anymore."
"Robbie, you know that we're all here for you anyway," Cassie said. As far as I knew she was the only person who called Robyn 'Robbie.'
"I know. But I feel like I'm on the outside looking in. I would so love to have been at Samantha's wedding. I mean handfasting. It sounded so beautiful."
"Uh ... Robyn?" Geoff said. Everyone thought Geoff was the shyest boy in school. Rose, Sam, and I knew the truth. "This might be the wrong time to ask, but ... uh ... would you like to go to the ballgame with me Friday night? I mean with all of us, of course, but I'll pick you up and all. If you'd like. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I'm no test. I'm kind of like you in a way. I don't want to get really involved with anyone, but I'm kind of alone right now. You don't have to be my girlfriend or anything, but I'd like to talk with you and get to know you better."
"Really? Without any passes or sexual stuff?" He nodded. She was safer with Geoff for that than with any other boy. I was going to have to talk with my buddy, though. He couldn't use her to hide his sexual orientation unless she was onboard. "I guess that would be okay. Does that mean I'm part of the group?"
"The whole clan has to agree before we make anyone a signer on our agreement or now part of our clan," I said. "We're all going to be together—or as many of us as possible—on the 28th. We'll tell you officially then, but don't let it get you anxious. Those of us here at the table have gotten to know you and we'll support you." Everyone nodded. I had to get up and run with Whitney to make it to class on time.
Whitney was still coming to work out with me in the mornings and I'd managed to convince her that we should run first. We put in a couple miles at five and then did our forms and sparred a little. Mostly, when we were sparring, it wasn't just general fighting. We worked on specific moves and defenses. I won't say we didn't get bruised, but each jar of arnica was lasting longer.
After our workout, I'd put the bread in the oven and she would come upstairs to shower with me. We were often joined by one-to-five other girlfriends getting ready. I'd made a good bit of money over the summer and was getting $500 each Saturday I taped two programs. What was new was that I was now also getting residual checks from the network for the syndication of my segment and royalties on the series of video tapes and cookbooks they were selling. Apparently, I was pretty popular. As a result, I started contributing to the food budget to help pay for the extra girlfriend or girlfriends who came for dinner and to 'study' and ended up spending the night.
Whitney and I went to school in her car and from St. Joe Valley to MHS together. Anna had been picking me up there with the girls in my Suburban because it was easier for Jennifer. Of course, now that Jennifer was just using crutches and not a wheelchair, Courtney was driving the Suburban and we met after class at IUSB to come home without Anna having to make another trip. Even though she'd learned to relax a bit while driving, Courtney was still one of the most cautious drivers I'd ever met.

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