Nancys panties 2
- 3 years ago
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It had been a few months since Nancy's first sexual encounter at work. Not a single day went by that she didn't think about how erotic that evening had been. However, she and Jeff had agreed to remain professional and did not engage in this type of activity again. The occasional breast squeeze or a tap on the butt was all that was ever given, and even that was rare. Nancy and Jeff had each dated others outside the office to limited success, each feeling the sex could not compare to what they had shared. Were they destined to be together despite their mutual 'don't date a co worker' rule?
One Monday morning Jeff and Nancy were discussing the project over coffee when the supervisor entered the room with a new trainee. Jeff's eyes bulged as he stared at the new employee, a petite brunette with a great body, highlighted by a very short skirt. "This is Laura, she's new in town and will be replacing Betty once she retires, I'd like you to welcome her aboard" our manager stated. Laura and Jeff shook hands, his eyes scanning up and down her fine lines as they exchanged greetings. Nancy and Laura then shook hands with slightly less exuberance. Within seconds Jeff had sized up Laura, looking at her curvy legs, waist and the outline of her small to medium sized breasts visible through her tight top. He had already made a mental calculation that at best she was a small B cup, but it suited her small frame wonderfully. Laura was just as pretty as she was sexy, with long, perfectly straight brown hair, cut at her shoulders.
A few months had passed since Betty's retirement and Laura was fitting in well with the company. She was a hard worker and even went out with the gang on Friday nights, despite being a newlywed. Jeff could not deny his feelings for the new worker, her sexy body and pretty face had him dreaming about her but he knew she was off limits. The most he could hope for was the odd peek down her top, confirming his initial feelings that her breasts were not tiny, but certainly not large either. Still, he never missed a chance to look at her cleavage as she bent over his desk, almost teasing him each time. Jeff had even accidentally-on-purpose nudged her chest with his elbow or the back of his hand, as a little reminder of how attracted he was to her. Laura never budged on any of these attempts, remaining professional at all times.
A few more months passed and Laura had confided in Nancy that she was pregnant. Laura was petrified that her boss would be furious that a new hire might require maternity leave so early in her tenure. Nancy assured Laura that a large firm such as theirs would take care of her well.
A few months into her pregnancy Laura began to show obvious signs, at least from the front and side. Her small waist line seemed evident from the rear, however. Jeff and Nancy discussed Laura's progression behind her back, talking about her body, wondering how she would look at 9 months. As each week passed Laura's tummy expanded, mostly outward as she had quite a small torso. Pretty soon her chest began to increase as well, although not as much as Jeff had hoped. Laura had decided to be frugal about her maternity wear, simply alternating and mixing and matching a few basic outfits. Most of them were quite conservative, not yielding much in the way of cleavage, however, one outfit consisted of a loose fitting blouse and matching pants. Jeff always made sure he visited Laura's office often on days she wore this blouse, hoping to get yet another peek at her ever expanding cleavage.
Laura worked up to the 7th month and then departed for an indeterminate period of time. By the time her farewell party had finished, her body had changed quite a bit. Gone was the tiny waistline, and her chest had perked up significantly, a large B cup now or maybe even a small C, Jeff estimated. Nancy and Jeff commented to themselves how Laura's breasts had become so full with the pregnancy, her old blouses now seemingly pressured at the buttons as she walked around, not ashamed to show off her new features. Laura bid farewell as she walked out the office, her hips swaying as she entered her husband's car. Jeff and Nancy each hoped to see Laura again, perhaps for different reasons.
Laura returned from maternity leave only 4 months after the birth of her first child, a boy. We figured money was tight in her family but worried she would not be able to concentrate on her position. Another thing we figured was that she was breast feeding. It was not uncommon to see her breasts unequal in size, or both swelling beyond her normally petite figure. Nancy and Jeff had each guessed she had grown from a B cup to a womanly full C cup. Somedays when she stretched out Jeff could almost imagine tasting her large melons as they pushed out through the thining material of her old blouses.
Nancy, Jeff and Laura continued to be great work buddies, talking and laughing all the day as they compared stories. Laura was now wearing loose fitting clothing that allowed her to go to the nursing station provided by the company to pump breast milk twice daily. Just knowing that Laura was milking her tits at work had Jeff wild with desire, wanting to get a hold of her large jugs. Laura was obviously in great physical shape as it had only taken a few months for the return of her small waistline. The only signs left from the pregnancy being her swollen chest. Laura even joked about it sometimes, warning people to get out of the way or they might get sprayed, as she entered the nursing room. Jeff waited and watched patiently for the tell tale leaking signs on her blouse but they never appeared, indicating she was most likely wearing pads in her bras.
Jeff continued to make sure he spent the maximum amount of time around Laura, without seeming like a creep. In fact it was not uncommon for Laura to push her chest against Jeff's elbow as the two worked together. Was she not aware of her new size or did she enjoy having them touching another man, Jeff wondered. The pressure was beginning to mount in the office as Jeff continued furtively staring at Laura, wanting to be with her as much as possible.
The end of month meeting had arrived and the most important personnel were gathered around the meeting table. Laura, Nancy and Jeff sat on one side together, laughing and talking as always before the meeting started. Jeff's eyes told the story as he looked at Laura up and down, and then to Nancy, giving her the same sexual stares, wanting to touch them both but feeling he should resist. The meeting adjourned and Laura quickly ran back to her office, her breasts bouncing up and down with each stride.
'Did you see the size of those tits, did you see how big they looked in that blouse?" Nancy asked to Jeff. "Ummm yeah I did, they look like they need a good sucking" Jeff responded, hoping to get Nancy going. "Look I have a secret for you" Nancy shyly stated. "When we were in the meeting just now, I kept tuning out and thinking about a baby sucking on Laura, and it got me really hot". "And then I imagined it was me nursing from Laura and I got majorly horny". "I kept looking at them and they looked so full, do you think that's weird for a woman to think that". "No, I think it's hot as hell " Jeff answered, being the typical male, wanting to push his friend into a bi-experience or maybe a three way. "Do you think she'd let me suck them, I'm dying to see how big her nipples get and see the milk squirt out" Nancy asked, squirming as she did so. "Well why don't you go in there and ask her, or maybe try and get her on the topic and see where it leads" Jeff replied, wanting more than ever to see this happen. "You have to let me see if you succeed ok honey" Jeff asked, feeling a twitch in his pants already. "Sure thing, you could probably hide in the cubicle across from Laura and watch it all" Nancy added, loving the thought of being watched. Nancy excitedly bounded out of the office, her large jugs bouncing even more than Laura's in her tight sweater as she ran to where Laura worked. Jeff carefully followed Nancy, making sure Laura was not aware of his presence.
Nancy arranged herself as she slinked into Laura's office, tapping her on the shoulder to gain her attention as Jeff hid in the opposite area.
"Laura, I've been meaning to talk to you about something, I've been thinking of having a baby someday, what's it like"? Nancy asked. Laura responded and talked about her baby and the birth and the responsibilities of being a parent. Laura seemed overjoyed to talk about motherhood as she described everything in agonising detail. "Well ok, that's great, but ummm what about the breast feeding" Nancy asked, wanting to steer the topic in that direction as her eyes flicked up and down. "Ohh well it hurt at first but now it's great, I feel such a bond with my child, and look what I have now!!' Laura proudly exclaimed as she jutted her chest out. Nancy gawked at Laura as she could not believe how much her chest had expanded.
"Yeah, Jeff and I were just talking about your breasts after the meeting". "Oh you were, were you?" Laura snapped back, looking down at her ever expanding pair. "Yeah we both agreed you are looking pretty hot nowadays" Nancy stated, her eyes riveted on Laura's chest. "Well ummm thanks, I think" Laura responded, not knowing how to take the compliment as she flipped her hair nervously and looked up and down at her own chest and then back into Nancy's eyes.
"You know, I've never seen milk tits before", Nancy conceded, feeling a little embarrassed but curious at the same time. "Sorry, you don't mind if I call them tits do you?" Nancy asked, not sure if Laura was a prude or a wild woman deep inside. "No, that's what they are, my big milk tits!" Laura shot back, laughing heartily. Nancy had always had fantasies about a man sucking on HER milky nipples, but for the first time in her life she was wondering what it would be like if SHE did the sucking!!. "Well would you like to see mine?" Laura responded in an uncharacteristic tone. "Umm if you don't mind, sure I would love to see, I'd like to know how big mine would get!!" Nancy exclaimed as she looked down on her 38D lines. "Yeah you're already nicely stacked" Laura smiled as she looked over Nancy's chest. Nancy wondered if this was an idle comment or if Laura had been checking her out as well. "Why don't we go to the ladies room and I will show you, ok Nancy" Laura said with a smile. "Ohh cmon honey, we are all alone here, just open up your blouse here, it won't take long" Nancy asked, wanting desperately for Jeff to witness the act. "Well, ummm, ummm, yeah ok, I guess it's late enough" Laura nervously replied as she placed her fingers on the top of her blouse.
Laura slowly and methodically undid the top three buttons on her blouse and then the last one, as she pulled the blouse out of her skirt and let if fall open to each side. Laura pushed the panels aside, running her hands up her tummy as she touched her bra and looked directly into Nancy's approving eyes. "So, here they are..." she proudly announced. "Where did THOSE come from" Nancy blurted as she stared at Laura's breasts, pushing out so much from the top of her maternity bra. "Those are fucking HUGE" Nancy blurted as she looked and gazed at Laura's set. Laura proudly looked down at her new found chest, "I used to be too small for some B cups but now I am busting out of this 34C" she exclaimed, pushing them together slightly. Nancy could not deny her feelings, her own nipples pushed out hard against her bra as she admired her co-worker's nipples, obviously very erect under the white bra. She had never touched a woman before but she was certain she wanted this to happen. Just seeing Laura's nipples push through the bra was making Nancy wet between the legs as she had alternating thoughts of sucking Laura and having a man suck her own milk laden tits should she ever be a Mom. Nancy wondered if Laura was aware that both ladies were sporting major nipple erections as she stared constantly at Laura's bulging pair. Nancy new hers were hard because she was horny, and hoped Laura felt the same. Laura's breasts seemed creamy white, with a few dark veins cascading from the top, disappearing under the white fabric.
"Ummmm may I see them, may I see what they look like without your bra honey" Nancy asked in an ultra shy tone. "Yeah sure, you've seen one you've seen them all right, and besides we are all alone right?" Laura asked as she looked around to make sure none of the nerdy guys were lurking. "Yeah we are alone totally" Nancy said, biting her lip as she knew she had told a lie. Laura smiled and then quietly undid both clips on the front panel, allowing the maternity sections to fall below her breasts. Nancy gasped as Laura pulled both her tits out and let them hang out of the bra, her nipples very dark and swollen, much longer than normal. "Holy shit those are nice looking" Nancy blurted. Nancy had expected to see milk already dripping, not being a mother herself. "Can I see some milk please Laura" Nancy asked, squirming now as she felt her pussy lips swell up and leak wetness as she could not believe how different Laura was from herself.
"Sure, I think I can get some out" Laura replied as she started to play with her right nipple and squeeze the flesh of her breast. Nancy was transfixed now as she watched Laura play with her nipple and squeeze, trying to coax out some milk. Laura's nipples grew in length, swelling out more than 3/4 of an inch and then out of no where, milk began shooting out of her right nipple, spraying almost as far as where Nancy was standing. Nancy was addicted now, she had to see more, she was feeling so much sexual tension she knew she would pounce on the next guy she saw, or maybe even Laura. Laura was now getting into this as well as she continued milking herself, perhaps wanting to spray her co-worker as drops of milk began leaking out of her left breast. Nancy watched as both of Laura's breasts leaked badly on the floor, her nipples growing far beyond their normal length.
"What does it taste like" Nancy queried, wanting to get an invite to taste the real thing. "My husband loves the taste of it, he sucks on my tits all the time and gets a real mouthful". With that Laura squeezed some milk onto her hand and then held it up, offering it to horny Nancy. Nancy could not resist the invite as she swirled her finger on the milk and then placed it in her mouth, swallowing the tiny amount in one gulp. "Wow, it's nice and sweet and so warm" Nancy commented as she swirled her tongue around her lips, wanting more. Laura placed the remaining milk on Nancy's lips and watched as Nancy licked it all in, swallowing her second load. Laura had now figured that the show was over and began clipping up the left panel and started to move to the right side when Nancy blurted out "Laura, I'm dying to have more, I know you're not a lesbian but may I ummm you know, try some from the tap" she asked so worried she would scare off her friend. Laura looked scared and confused as she contemplated the situation. "What, you mean you want to suck them, right here?" Laura complained. "Yeah right here, if you don't think that's too weird". "Well, ah that's pretty weird, I don't know if I would like that" Laura complained, pausing as her breast hung out. Nancy could tell Laura was contemplating the question, perhaps even wondering what it would be like to have a woman suck her. "Cmon, no one will ever know, I just have always wondered what it would be like and there is no way I will be preggos in the near future, what do you say?"Nancy pleaded. "Wellll, I guess you can, but I'm not really into this you know, I'm not even bi" Laura cautioned as she allowed the right panel to fall again, her swollen breast still soaked in milk as it dripped out. Nancy could see the excitement in Laura's eyes, masked slightly by her words as she told Nancy to make it short. "You do like having your tits sucked don't you?" Nancy asked. "Ummmm yeah I do, when I am close, you know, close to umm orgasm, my husband sucks on them and well you know, it really helps out" Laura quietly and nervously stated, not wanting to state the obvious.
Nancy licked her lips in excitement as she knew she was about to suck on a woman for the first time. Laura braced herself with her rear on the edge of the seat and her legs slightly spread open as Nancy approached her, swinging the chair around so Jeff could see. Thinking Laura was not wanting too much contact, Nancy simply lowered her head to Laura's nipple and clamped on without using her hands. Laura gasped out loud as she watched Nancy clamp on and begin sucking and playing with her right nipple. Nancy moved in slightly as she looked up to make sure Laura was not disapproving as her mouth clamped tighter and tighter around her aroela. Nancy was now getting load after load of hot milk jetting against her throat as she sucked and sucked and licked. "Am I doing it right" Nancy stopped to ask, batting her long eyelashes at Laura. "Ummmm yeah, you sure are" Laura responded, her breathing now very shallow and broken as she braced herself on the chair. Laura's eyes flicked up and down as she tried to determine if she liked the experience. Jeff was certain she was loving this as he watched the look of fright change to a look of excitement and ecstasy.
All this sucking had got Nancy dripping wet, as she felt her panties soaked right through. Nancy was desperate to rub herself but felt Laura might object. Laura simply watched on as Nancy sucked and sucked like a baby, her mouth filled with hot milk. "Mmmmmm it's getting really creamy" Nancy cooed as she continued swallowing Laura's milk. "Yeah it ummm gets like that when it's almost drained" Laura whispered, her hands now approaching Nancy's head. Nancy was now licking and swirling her tongue all over Laura's nipples, lapping at her and licking her erect nipples harder than ever. "Mmmmm you really know what you're doing" Laura exclaimed, her tone of voice indicating she was feeling something more than motherly. "Am I doing this right" Nancy once again asked as she moved her hands up to caress Laura's breast flesh, squeezing her gently. "I would say, you're doing it a little TOO well" Laura conceded, her head moving up and down as she watched her co-worker lick and suck. "My baby doesn't suck that well" Laura stated as she placed her hands on Nancy's head and pushed her into her, coaxing her to continue. Nancy looked to her left and saw that Laura's left nipple was now pushing through the bra, obviously very hard as well. Nancy hiked her skirt up and knelt on the ground, her lips perfectly even with Laura's sagging breasts.
Nancy changed her pattern now, sucking harder, flicking her tongue as both hands squeezed Laura's breast. "Ohhhh Goddddddd yesssss, suck just like that" Laura moaned as Nancy sucked so hard, the nipple grew in length and became wrinkled with all the moisture. Laura undid the clip on the left side now, allowing her huge breast to fall out into view, already covered in its own milk. "Please" was all Laura said as she guided Nancy's head towards the left side. Nancy was now presented with a totally full, ripe breast, aching to be nursed as she held Laura's breast with her hands and squeezed it until milk began shooting out onto her cheek and mouth. "Mmmmmmm that is soooo cool" Nancy moaned as she watched the milk spray out under her squeezing.
"Ohhh Nancy that feels so good" Laura moaned as she closed her eyes as Nancy clamped over her nipple and began milking her left side. Laura was now moaning out loud as Nancy sucked like a baby but licked and swirled like the horny adult she was. Laura's hip giration and squirming told it all, she was now just as turned on as Nancy as the two were lost in the moment, praying no one would see them. "Do you like my sucking" Nancy once again asked, hoping to hear that Laura was beyond the point of no return. "I have never had my tits sucked like this, you really know what to do" Laura moaned as she wanted Nancy to lean in and suck and lick harder than ever. Nancy reached up and began twisting Laura's spent nipple as she sucked on the left. "Ohhh God, don't do that, I will get so turned on if you do that'!!" Laura stammered as she looked down to see both her tits being played with.
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"I'm so glad you called, Mary," Nancy said as she gestured Mary toward one of two chairs near a small table in the bedroom. Mary didn't say anything. Rather she took a seat in one of the chairs, folded her arms and looked at the floor. "Are you O.K., Mary? What's wrong?" Mary looked up and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know," she replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "I know you're upset about something. Come on, Mar. What's up?" Mary looked down again and crossed her...
Nancy began running her hands over her body more intentionally now. caressing her breasts, her belly, her shoulders and her neck. She had a sudden, quick thrill at the idea of being naughty. She walked over to the door and made sure it was locked, then returned to the bed. She pulled back the bedspread, blanket and sheets and slid herself in. Covers to the side, Nancy relaxed and let her hands roam freely. She found that the exercise of surveying her body was not only more affirming than she...
The following is based very loosely on the Nancy Drew books. Here, we're sharing with you the other side of Nancy Drew - in one of the cases that was never published. I hope you enjoy. Authors/writers: Feel free to contribute to the story - the more the merrier Now, your story begins... Nancy Drew - teen sleuth. Everybody knows her. She's been the talk of the town for years - always getting the bad guys. So, when you got the assignment from the newspaper to follow her on one of her current...
CHAPTER 1 As I’ve always explained, my stories here are all experiences I’ve had or had shared with me by friends. I have had to use a little author’s licence when describing situations which we just glossed over by a friends relating it to me but by and large all activities as described are real events. Followers of my stories will know I have had a lifelong penchant for the mature woman and though I am now a mature gent myself, I still enjoy a liaison with a sexy ‘old girl’ or two and let...
What follows is a brief description of some of the sexual experiences of a young girl in 1840s America called Nancy. She lived on a small farm just over a day's ride from the nearest town, which was small in any case, just a church, a saloon, some stores and a few houses. She lived with her three older step-brothers and her Pa (who was really her step-father - her father died just before she was born and her mother just after she turned 10), and a few farmhands: four black men and a fat white...
Copyright© 1992-2003 "A woman who lived in St. Paul Had breasts undeniably small Her husband growled, 'Dear, Why not burn your brassiere? It's fulfilling no function at all.'" -author unknown My childhood friend Nancy called after trying me at my office. Since I had won the lottery, I had wrote or spoken to her three times, and things were not going well for her. I promised to come to her house tomorrow instead of heading back home. I rented a car and drove to the small...
Two weeks later Clair called and Jim and I both were on the phone as she said, "You two performed some kind of a minor miracle. Nancy has stopped misbehaving, her grades are excellent. She is the manager for the high school basketball team, she has a part time job two days a week, and she is dating several of the nicest boys in town. She is a pleasure to be with. She always has this positive glow about her. Getting her into horseback riding was a brilliant move. She is a very happy,...
"I've never felt anything like this before, Nance." "What do you mean, Honey? What is it?" "I don't ... I feel so stupid. I don't know if..." "Come on, Hon. What's up?" "I've always thought you were wonderful, Nancy. I've felt close to you for years." "I know, Mary. Me too. I feel exactly the same way. But, I don't understand." "Nancy ... the fact that I feel this way ... so unexpectedly..." "Yes? What, Mary?" "Does it mean we're gay? Does it mean that I'm...
I laughed, "No I don't think so baby. Lots of women enjoy this when our men aren't around. Sometimes when they are. Jim likes to watch me do this with other women." My breast was at her lips because I had shifted to put it there. As I expected she caught the nipple in her mouth and began to suck wetly as I had done to her. She enjoyed it and began to move from one to the other as I felt her fingers on my cunt again. It didn't take her long until her tongue was in my wet pussy and on my...
Some months later when Jim came in from the fields I handed him this letter from our Nancy. Nancy was now entrenched in college and this was our first letter. She had spent the summer with us again and had left to go home to get ready for her freshman year at college. Our summer with our young Nancy had been fabulous. Nancy had matured and had learned and practiced a lot more about sex. All of the old "connections" had been renewed this summer plus several of Nancy's young friends came to...
It was late Friday night and my boyfriend Bobby was driving me home. I'd had such a wonderful time that night. We'd gone to our High School's football game and then Bobby took me to Bob's big boy for food afterwards. While we were at Bob's, I went to the ladies room, and, on a whim, I took off my little white panties. When I got back to the table I wondered what Bobby would think if he knew that my pussy was bare beneath my skirt. We rode along in Bobby's dad's Impala and I was...
Nancy Nicholas was a certified college graduate with an impressive Grade Point Average. However, even she would have to admit that there was something to the repeated opinion from her more than strict father that she had very little common sense. She had been raised according to rigid standards of right and wrong and projected an aura of confused morality and naïve perspective on everything around her. Now that she was finished with college and her parents were sending her little sly hints...
Thursday, July 27th, 2006, Boston Massachusettes “Goddamn, I’m fucking sore,” I complained again for the hundredth time since leaving the hotel. I twisted in my seat, trying to find a way that I could sit without putting any pressure upon my wounded shoulder. I absentmindedly watched a couple of kids zoom by on skateboards as we sat at a red light; we were driving to a gunshop across the other side of town, and my body was throbbing. It was almost noon already; it was very sunny and hot,...
Santa entered the living room and froze. His instincts told him that everyone in the house was asleep, but he had assumed they were asleep in bed. Not so at all! There on the couch, sound asleep sat 22 year old Paul, naked as the day he was born. The only thing he wore was a smile, and looking under the Christmas tree, Santa understood the smile very well!!She was not tall, but her long body showed the definite curves of woman and not a girl. Nancy wore a red Santa hat and three...
I was eleven when I watched my sixteen-year-old baby sitter fuck two high school boys. "If you don't say anything about it," Mellisa said, "I'll give you a treat." What eleven-year-old wouldn't say he'd be quiet for a candy bar? I told her I wouldn't tell and when her friends had gone she did not give me a candy bar - she gave me my very first blowjob. "Did you like that?" she asked. Stupid question - I stood there with my tongue hanging out and my head shaking like a puppy dog...
Bob stiffened and came all over the wall. I had hit a sensitive nerve. After he got his cock back into his pj's he looked at me, "It has been hard to leave her alone for Jan and I" Bob kissed Joy goodnight. He stood there and looked at her full body completely exposed and then left. Since it was just the three of us girls I stripped nude and said, "I sleep nude guys, OK?" Joy looked my body over, "Damn Nancy you are stacked, why not, no big deal." I sat on the bed and posed...
Note: I know several people who participate in the "LARP" (Live Action Role Play) called "Vampire-Masquerade". They asked me to come down to check it out. As they explained it to me, I asked how the characters were developed, and got some interesting answers. While the idea of joining in this activity doesn't hold my interest, I came up with this particular character, in case I ever do. Read, enjoy, point and snicker, whatever. I make no apologies to the fans of "Twilight" or "True...
This is a little story about how a sweet young woman named Nancy came into discovering her essence and how to enjoy it. You see Nancy was a wonderful woman untouched by the evil one. I am the evil one and know a little about creating an evil woman. If a woman has heard of actions and positions to be tried in concert with a man, there is always that need to try and see if they are as good as she has heard. I hope I was and am. I think Nancy has a little S&M about her. I found she loves to put...
Nancy is a dear friend I have never met. An online acquaintance who became a sister. She told me about the baby she is carrying, her black lover's child. I cried when she told me of the love she had for another man and how he had broken their engagement when he learn of her carelessness. I shared in the joy of her decision to have her lover's baby, and I longed for the baby I had once miscarried, my own black lover's child. This is Nancy's story, and perhaps my own as well. Nancy met her...
Life was not pleasant for her, she had to work on the farm from a very young age, and their Pa, Mr. McKinley, was very hard on them, striking them frequently with his cane. He especially picked on Nancy, whom he blamed for the death of his wife, so she grew to hate him. It is rather ironic, therefore, that her first and many subsequent sexual experiences involved him. The first came when she was just turned eighteen, as she was beginning to awaken sexually. It was summer so she was...
It was just after lunch the next day when I got a call from Sally, we chatted a bit and she sounded flirty before she got on to the reason for the call, it would appear that when she put her report in she made mention of the loft and as they had no pictures of the loft on file she had to come back and take some, she was very apologetic and blamed it on her being new to the job but she wanted to set an impression and do the job right so she asked if she could drop in on her way home and finish...
“Hello Mr English” the voice said on the other end of the phone, “My name is Sally Rice and I am the new property manager for your tenancy” she continued, “I would like to pop round for your annual inspection, are you free this afternoon? She asked and although I hate these annual inspections I realise it has to be done, I agreed to her popping round and just hoped and prayed that she was better than the last woman they sent round, she was a real battle axe and picked holes in everything.I...
Chapter 14, A Good Turn Deserves Another.We entered our cabin. I went to pee and Chuck pulled back the comforter and sheet and was finishing when Ricky and I entered from different directions.“This is the middle part of a three generation fuck fantasy,” Chuck said to Ricky. “Nancy and I want you to join me in giving her two cocks this evening.”Ricky started to close the door.I told him to leave it open.Chuck told me to lay on my back. I did. Ricky and Chuck started on me with Chuck kissing my...
PrefaceThis is Nancy’s story. It is based on actual places, people, facts, desires, and more than a touch or two of fantasy. It includes activities and people she wanted in the plot. Most are very real, actual people she said knows. Some are people I know. Please understand, as a man, I would never harm a c***d nor take advantage of the weak. Nor would I have sex with the daughters of my wife. Adding that to the story was her Idea.Alford, Lord Tennyson published a collection of poetry in 1842...
However, Nancy’s stay with us that summer was going to prove even more eventful than ever I could have imagined. Even after having been caught wearing her things by the neighbour’s son, Lesley, which led to a whole new dimension in our friendship, as you’ll know if you’ve read “Caught in the Act…”Once again I found myself alone in the house. Dad was at work and Mom had gone to her Bridge Club and wouldn’t be back for ages. As you’ll know if you’ve read “Caught in the Act…” Nancy was really hot...
Nancy Drew should have stayed out of my town Based on the Emma Roberts Nancy Drew movie By now, I was drunk with power. I had multiple attacks under my belt, including a mass murder of six people at once. I wasn’t dumb enough not to be cautious, though. I was contemplating going out of town for girls with the new car my parent’s had gotten me for my eighteenth birthday for good grades. For some reason, being a serial killer had made me able to concentrate better in school and focus in other...
Author’s note: This story was inspired by a lady LUSH author. She knows who she is. The facts contained herein are true. However, the names have been changed to protect the guilty. I met Nancy through Lush Stories. We started the relationship as most such involvements begin. I made a private comment on one of her stories and we began corresponding on Lush and eventually moved over to e-mail. We exchanged pictures that neither of us wanted to be public on Lush and our messages became more and...
Chapter 13, Feeling Lucky!I had to get up around dawn to pee. Chuck must be like a camel because he can go all day holding his water. He said he had a “guard-mount bladder”. I had no clue what that was until he explained that, in the army, people on guard were not permitted to leave their post without being properly relieved. I could have never been able because, when I have to go, I have to go- when it hits me, I relieve myself. He lets me sleep on the outside so going is easier.I know,...
Chapter 4, More anyone?Mother broke a barrier! In a way, I was not surprised. Sapphic love was not all that unusual between consenting female adults. It certainly was not the norm between us.This became the second time she tasted Chuck’s cum. I wondered if he was habit forming because I could become an addict.It was the first time she tasted me and I totally enjoyed it. It was a passive thing on my part. Well, sort of. It was a mental and physical act because I enjoy receiving oral pleasure and...
It had been some five years since I’d fucked Nancy, I was older and then so was she. We were talking over the fence when I asked her if she’d had anything since the last time we were together, and she replied that she hadn’t. I was feeling quite horny and she was dressed in a lemon blouse and a grey skirt, we made some more small talk.After a while it became obvious to me that she needed to be fucked again. “Where is your husband” I asked “Gone to get the caravan ready he’ll be a couple of...
She was about in her mid 50’s but had what looked like a nice figure. Not voluptuous, pretty average. Probably an average set of tits and not beautiful, maybe not even pretty, but a little enticing. She walked her dogs two to three times a day, and always between my house and the neighbors. She lived across the street. We barely spoke to each other. I was sitting on the chair by my front door when she walked by with the dogs. I called out to her, “Nancy, got a minute?” She reluctantly walked...
The first week was a blur. Classes, books, finding my way around, sizing up lots of the male coeds and teachers (and a few females). Joy and I had mostly the same classes and we had been together almost constantly. Joy was a toucher and was continually brushing against me or patting me. We seemed to be nude in our room a lot and she liked to touch then even more it seemed. I wanted to instigate things several times but something came up to put it off. Then at the end of the first week there...
In a little less than an hour’s time, I had concluded an advertising pitch in downtown Chicago, just a couple blocks off Michigan Avenue. The client interrupted me early on in my presentation and asked me five or six rapid fire questions. It may have been the strong coffee I drank that morning, or the adrenaline of my first big meeting at my new job, but I handled each question he asked me and then shut up, just as my boss had instructed. After his last question the client said “I’m good with...
Chapter 20. Liz? Or, Lez?He left us gently closing the door behind him. With the taste of his semen still in our mouths, she and I looked at each other and began kissing deeply. We moved awkwardly to the bed with neither of us wanting to break our intimate hold on each other as our bodies pressed against each other, our hands caressed, and our tongues danced in each other’s mouths. We nearly fell onto the mattress and giggled as a result.We were not new to each other’s body having spent two...
Chapter 19. ChangesIt was another wonderful night. The bed was so comfortable, the room was quiet, all was right.Chuck and I woke and showered together. It will be my last freshwater shower for a while so I washed and conditioned my hair again. I decided to wear the same dress I wore to dinner the night before. The huge decision- to wear or not to wear a thong. I asked Chuck what he thought.“Commando!”“What?”“Commando.”I explained I had no clue what he meant.He pulled up the skirt-like lavalava...
Chapter 18. More Dessert?“How about that bath I promised you?”I had thought of sucking my husband’s cock when I heard his words. As much as I desired to please him, I was also physically tired. I moved back up toward his face and kissed him.“Was that a yes?”“It was an ‘I love you.’” I just looked at him and smiled. “As wonderful as it sounds, let’s snuggle and fall asleep.”He smiled back, hugged me tighter, relaxed and... well, it was like he flipped a switch. He was asleep. I never saw anyone...
Chapter 16. A New DayI snuggled next to Chuck. In moments, I was aware he had fallen asleep because of his breathing. He had to have been tired from servicing me and then Sofie.Me? I was wide awake thinking about what had just happened and thinking about Sofie and what she might be feeling right now. You know, that post sexual decent, especially when she was alone. I decided to go check on her. I slipped out of bed and grabbed Chuck’s lavalava as a wrap. I laughed at myself, I had been naked...