Runaway!Chapter 04 free porn video

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In the November before his high school graduation David speaks with the trustee of his US based trust about attending university and emails him a copy of what courses he’s finished with a list of what he wishes to do for the next few years. Based on the course information from the university he can start studies in the summer after high school finishes to attend the uni for two years, plus summer classes before, between, and after those two years to have degrees in both business management and computer software design. David’s concern is the cost of the studies and living while he’s at college. This is a concern because the university may see him as an out-of-State student and it might cost him more than if he went to an Arizona based facility where he’s an in-State student.

At the request of his trustee David leaves it all in his hands to enrol him for the studies listed, pay the fees, and organise the accommodation. After everything is organised David learns his trustee is an alumni of the uni and that gives him an inside track on getting David to attend there.

The Monday of the week before the Summer Semester starts David arrives at the university and goes to the Administration Office to finalise the paperwork for his enrolment, which includes showing them the originals of his transcripts as they already have photocopies. He’s not surprised to see they have him enrolled as a Sophomore for the summer and as a Junior for the coming fall while in the same accommodation.

Amongst the various documents they give David is a limited time permit to park in an area close to the student residence to make it easier for him to unload his things to go into the apartment he’ll be sharing with five other students over the coming year, but he’ll be the only one there for the summer semester. Being the first to arrive he gets to choose which of the bedrooms he wants to use because the other five students are all incoming Freshmen. They also give David his permit for the long term parking in the student parking building that’s a few minutes’ walk from his apartment. The university gives him permission to have full AEMT kits in the car and in his apartment as well as a decent first aid kit on his person, all at his own expense. David already has the kits as his trust manager supplied it all for him when he asked for money to buy them. David had doubts about being able to have them on-campus as they all include sharp objects and some drugs which are things students aren’t normally allowed to have with them on-campus at any time.

The lady helping him with his paperwork is amused when she says, “David, being a Junior you’ll be expected to give mature direction to the other students living in your apartment next semester.”

He grins, “Yeah, I’m the same age as them so I’m sure they’re going to listen to me! Just because I worked hard doesn’t mean I can make them work hard as well!”

“If they give you too much trouble give me a call and I’ll have my husband drop by to have a word with them.” David half frowns at her. She hands over a piece of paper with a name and contact details, “He wants you to call him as soon as you get your car registration and license changed over. Now you’re living here he wants a few trophies for their office.”

David looks at the name and laughs. It’s one he recognises so he looks up and says, “Tonight you can tell Sergeant Baker I’ll happily shoot on his team but he’ll need to collect my twenty-two from Window Rock as well as providing me with a good handgun and heavy rifle to practice with and use here plus organising range time around my schedule.”

Mrs Baker laughs as she says, “I’ll tell him and he’ll agree. He already has the approval of the Chief of Police for you to use their range and the ammunition they have. So they’ll be happy to get it organised for you so you can shoot for them.”

David leaves the Administration Office to take his personal gear to his apartment. He chooses the bedroom nearest the unit’s front door so he’ll be close to it if he has to grab his medical gear and run. After he unloads his gear he returns the permit then he goes to get his car registered in New Mexico as well as a New Mexico driver’s license.

When that’s done after only a half hour wait David buys groceries from the store Mrs Baker recommended. He also stops at a hardware store to buy a fold-up handcart to move the food from the car park to the apartment. He figures it’ll be needed a lot while he’s at the university. Once the food is put away he decides to take a walk around part of the campus while heading to a local eatery Mrs Baker also told him about. He has a meal plan with his accommodation but that starts next week and it doesn’t allow for late night snacks while studying, etc.

The food at the restaurant is well prepared and filling so David takes one of their menus when he leaves as he can call in a delivery order when he wants one while studying.

Tuesday morning David is up and off to the University Bookshop to buy his textbooks for the semester. He also buys a new laptop computer since his current one is a few years old and he doubts it’ll handle the extra load of the university course demands as well as a computer should. The old one will be good to use in the apartment as an extra when conducting research for assignments. He adds a large screen to use as an external monitor to make such research work easier to do.

After taking the books and the computer gear to the apartment he goes to the nearest hospital to register his contact details and show them his credentials as an AEMT in case they need him to help out at any time. They’ll pass his information along to the other medical services in the city, and that’ll save him time in not having to visit them all.

David has lunch at Taco Bell then he calls in to see Sergeant Baker in the Triangle Sub-station of the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) on Dartmouth Street to discuss collecting David’s rifle from Window Rock for him. An officer with family in Fort Defiance offers to collect it when he visits his family there in a few weeks. Until the summer semester is over David’s weekends are going to be busy with studies and his Sunday afternoon visits to the Police Range to practice with the guns being loaned to him by the APD for the shooting meet.

Having finished everything he needs to organise to live at the uni David is free to wander the campus and the city to get to know it better. For the rest of the week he’s walking about the campus and the city when he’s not reading ahead in the textbooks or making clothes. His class schedule is a three hour morning class starting at 9:00 a.m. with a three and a half hour afternoon class starting at 1:00 p.m. every day.

On Friday morning he gets an email to visit the Administration Office. A summer student down to live in another apartment needs to move because the others in that apartment object to sharing with him, sight unseen, due to his religion. He’s doing the same courses as David so it makes a lot of sense for him to move into David’s apartment for the summer if David has no objection to sharing with a follower of the Hebrew faith. David agrees to the change. The two are introduced to each other and David helps him move his gear into the apartment.

Summer Semester

David’s first semester at the uni is mostly event free, apart from the usual type of student rowdiness in discussions. But there are two events that stand out. The first is at the start of the first lecture of the semester.

Jacob and David arrive at the lecture hall at the same time as most of the other students. However, when they enter the room the people just in front of them are the ones who objected to sharing an apartment with Jacob. An older student is turning to enter a row of seats when he spots the two and he turns to say, “Well, if it ain’t the Jew and the Jew lover!”

David grins as he responds with, “Just for a bit of clarity, are you an idiot or a pretend to be Christian or a pagan or what?”

The one who spoke doesn’t like the question, nor do his room-mates. The student turns more to David while asking, “What’s that supposed to mean?” The professor is at the front of the room and the voices are loud enough for her to hear them. Normally she lets the students deal with student issues but she doesn’t like the tone of their voices or the subject matter so she reaches for the lecture platform’s phone to call security.

“Well,” David starts his reply, “real Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ,” all hear the heavy emphasis he puts on the word real. “As for being a Jew lover! All true Christians love Jews, even if it’s just for the fact Jesus was a Jew! Not only was he very knowledgeable in the Hebrew faith the Bible tells us he spent many years as an approved and accepted Teacher of that faith and he later went on to be a Rabbi; which is their equivalent of a minister of religion. Only someone who doesn’t read the Bible often or doesn’t understand it wouldn’t know those facts.”

The first student is very red under the collar and he’s moving toward David when one of his companions says, “Damn, he’s right! Last week’s sermon at church talked about Jesus being a Rabbi. I just never linked it with being Jewish, until right now!” Two of the other students grab the angry one and hustle him into the seats. Jacob and David move down the room to sit in seats for the lecture. The professor hangs up the phone when she sees she doesn’t need security staff, then she hands out the course outlines.

The student David put down avoids David and Jacob after that, but the other students no longer have an issue with either of them.

The second incident is less of an issue while being a bigger problem in a different way. On Sundays David attends the Presbyterian Church the Bakers go to as it’s only several minutes drive north of the campus with a large park opposite it. After the service one Sunday there’s a car accident on the street outside so David grabs his medical kit to treat an injured woman. The follow-on paperwork eats up a lot of his afternoon. He’s happy to have helped the woman but he isn’t happy about all of the paperwork he has to fill in for helping her. It also brings him to the attention of the emergency medical services in the city again, and they finally contact him to work for them from time to time. Thus it results in him spending a lot of time doing work away from the university in his otherwise free time. He doesn’t mind helping out and he does enjoy the money they pay him. However, the lady he helped is related to the State Governor and David gets attention from the Governor’s office, which takes up some of his free time as well.

Life in General

Starting university the way he does results in David missing out on a lot of the more organised social life activities at the university. This is due to most of them being aimed at recruiting Freshmen and are all set up to organise Freshmen during their first year. None of the many organised university groups, like the activity clubs and the fraternities, seek David out to sign him up as a new member of their organisation. This is because David isn’t on their Fall Semester lists of incoming Freshmen, nor is he on their Fall lists of students transferring in from other institutions. Nor does he get the event alerts sent to people because he’s not on their existing lists or the other new student lists they use to add people to their contact lists. Nor does he sign up with any of them at the university publicity day for them held each year. David goes to some of the organised events due to the general advertising signs on noticeboards or word of mouth from friends.

David does spend time with the students from his apartment block in semi-organised social activities like scratch games of flag football, but most of his social activities are outside of the university with the Baker family, the ambulance crews he works with, and the police officers he knows. Although he spends a lot of time with older people he fits in very well with them so he has a good time at the various barbecues and parties they put on, invite him to, and he attends.

While at university David spends many of the public holidays at work as an EMT working as the junior medical technician in the ambulance so others can have the holidays off to be with family or because they want extra crews on when expecting troubles. Most of his EMT work is night shifts and some weekend shifts to cover people calling in sick or asking for a day off. Yet he does end up spending part of most of the major holidays with the people important to him, such as the Thanksgiving weekend with Jason and Christmas lunch with the Baker family.

David usually gets away to spend a weekend in Window Rock every four to six weeks and for a week at the end of the two main semesters.

He does well at the annual shooting event, as expected, and he makes the local cops happy to have some trophies. After he does well in his Senior Year he tells them he’ll be leaving the area before the next shoot so he won’t be competing in it. A lot of people are sorry to see him going away, but others are happy to see him going because they’ll now stand a better chance of winning some of the events.

During his two years on the university cross country team David does well; often winning and no lower than third place in his events. Thus the coach and his team-mates are happy to have him on the team because his performances add to the team points and the team’s position in the competition. Despite doing well in the regular competitions their team isn’t good enough to qualify for any of the higher level meetings.

David does very well in all of his courses. He’s rarely in the top ten students in the course for the year but he’s always in the top ten percent of the students. He’s often on the Dean’s List for having a good overall performance.

One other activity David does is to make children’s clothes and cloth dolls in his spare time. He attaches a maker’s label for his trade name of L A Jones Custom Clothing so people think they’re factory made clothes. He arranges with the church he attends for them to be given to local poor people when they need them, or for Christmas and birthdays.

In general his life flows along on a fairly even course with a balance of studies, outside work, and recreational activities. He’s happy with how things are going and he’s very happy he’s on track with his long-term plans for his life.

Junior Year

David is well settled into the apartment when the first of his new room-mates arrives, Patrick Mills. David uses his handcart to help move Patrick’s gear. There are lots of volunteers and officials to help on the official moving days but Patrick is a few days early. Both are on hand to help their other four room-mates move into the dorm then leave them to get organised while they go to help other new students with their gear.

One amusing point about the moving day is David loses track of the time and all are surprised when a police car pulls up. Sergeant Baker gets out, walks up to David, has words with him, escorts him to the car, David gets in the back, and they drive away. There’s a shooting team practice shoot on this afternoon so when David didn’t show at the station to travel to the shoot with the Sergeant at the agreed time the Sergeant came looking for David. The real fun starts after the practice when David returns to the apartment. Most of the students saw him being taken away and they want to know why the police wanted him.

David enters the room and is asked by Jim Weeks, “David, what did the cops want with you?”

He manages to keep his face straight when he replies, “They had a few people down at the gun range and they needed someone to show them how to shoot properly so they came to get me to show them how to shoot well.” They don’t believe him, until he takes them into his room to show them the displays he made for his medals from the shoots for the last few years. He has a simple but elegantly engraved wooden plaque for each year with the medals he won that year pressed into cut-outs in the plaque and then sealed. Of course the gossip on the incident is quick to spread across the campus.

The next amusing thing is when his freshmen room-mates learn he’s the same age as them yet David is a Junior and not a Freshman nor a Sophomore. That’s when they begin to worry about how much he’s going to pressure them on their studies because they realise he must study a lot, and real hard. They’re pleasantly surprised when they find he also wants them to have some fun and frolic to keep a balanced life.

David’s attitude to life and studies slowly becomes the prevailing one of the accommodation block he’s in. Over the first few months of the semester the other students see David enjoying life while he studies hard. It’s clear he gets good marks through hard work and they all see the many benefits he gets from that. So they follow his example.

The other students are surprised David has a sewing machine in his room. It’s quite a feat to fit it in the small room. However, he does get it in with room to move around it. The first time he makes his own repair on damaged clothing they think they know why he has it there. What they don’t realise is he also makes new clothes. Because they don’t see him cutting out the patterns or sewing the pieces together they assume the new clothes are bought due to them having his fashion label.

Life is similar to the summer semester with most of the meals being in the uni cafeterias with some meals at the restaurants and take-away food stores near the university. He also eats a few simple meals he makes in the apartment from the foods he buys. The classes and studies keep them all busy most of the time, plus their many tests and exams are held and passed. However, they do manage to squeeze in a lot of personal and group fun and frolic during the year.

Plaza Emergency

The one significant event during the first year occurs on the day David has his last mid-term exam. Just before lunch he’s one of many students crossing the large plaza area in front of his apartment block when he hears some loud angry shouting and he turns to look at the side of the area. A small group of people are shouting at each other. A security officer is heading to the trouble spot, along with many students which includes David. He’s still a few steps away when one of the group pulls out a knife and he stabs a girl. David immediately darts forward the last two paces to strike the hand with the knife a hard blow to disarm him, and David also kicks the man in the back of the thigh on the other leg to make him fall away from the knife. David drops down beside the girl while taking his pack off his back to get at his first aid kit.

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A Damyankee in the Wild WestChapter 5

Author’s note:[ and ] delineate mind-to-mind dialog. The next few evenings on the job were pretty much the same, but then came Saturday night. Clear Wells had four saloons and two brothels, and there were waiting lines extending out the door at the two brothels. The four saloons were so packed that you had to push your way to the bar to get a drink. My imagination said that this was the entire male population of three counties, but that was patently impossible. I was down the street a ways...

1 year ago
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GloryHole Alex Coal Alura Jenson 06122021

Young Alex is new to College but still not finding the right things to fit in. So far finding only very small boys so to speak, she decides to ask her favorite Professor Ms Jensen about her advice on how to relieve her stresses. Professor Jensen says it’s good of her to come in as she is not doing well in class and is obviously distracted. Alex Comes clean that she needs help in finding the proper men with the right Dicks to keep her focused. Ms Jensen knows just the cure. Every Thursday...

3 years ago
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Dudh Ki Cream Lund Ka Ghee Or Vo

Hi to all hot n sexy member of iss I’m Vijay a Punjabi guy n srchng hot females bcoz my aim of life to spent next 2 years as a call nature m vesy cool.ok friends now m telling my story in front of id is. () Ye koi imagnary story nhin hai ye ek real story hai jo 2 sept 2010 ki golden night ko hui.mein sealdah rajdhani mein evng time delhi se sealdah k liye chala.meri sath seat par ek bhut sexy aunty jeans or shirt mein bethi thi.train chalte rhi humaro baat chit ka silsila...

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RansomeChapter 5 Helping The Church

Seeing the Churchwarden after the service the next Sunday David asked him, “Mr. Price, can you tell me how urgent the roof repairs are, and what they will cost?” “When it rains and the wind is from the east the rain gets in, so fairly urgent, at least some patching is. Really we need a new roof, and the Vicar claims to know someone who will do that for only a hundred thousand.” David persisted, “But really it should cost twice that to do it properly?” The Churchwarden looked nervously...

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Cassie Is A Naughty Girl

I was always wanting to grow up and be like the neighborhood teenage girls in my neighborhood. They were always flirting with all the young guys in the development. One day, they were just kids playing with Barbie dolls and a few summer’s passed and they looked like Barbie dolls. Mary Evans was a Hispanic girl who had a dark complexion with black curly hair and brown eyes. She was tall and had a really full bosom. She walked around so sure of herself and all the boys in the neighborhood were...

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The Bedroom Part 2

I took her hand and led her toward the bed. I kissed her once again and watched as she reclined and made herself comfortable. I couldn’t help but smile as she lay there, her legs slightly splayed and her fingertips caressing her nipples. I took my time and undressed before joining her. I turned to approach the bed and found that her hand had found its way between her legs and she was slowly rubbing her clit. I watched for a moment.“Please mind your hands Marie.”I could hear frustration in her...

Straight Sex
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OSL FeliciaChapter 1 Meeting

"Flip your hair, Felicia!" James said as he circled me. "Toss it nice and high and give me a -- yes! That look!" James' camera clicked rapidly, a sound I was used to hearing. A sound that, on a good day, gave me a small buzz. I gave him my most sultry look and winked at him. The winking would never make it into a take but the before or after shot might. Winking has an effect on my face, James often told me. He thinks winking puts me in a higher mood. I stood in a small set in James'...

3 years ago
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Fantasies Fulfilled

FANTASIES FULFILLED by Throne "Priscilla, we are ready for our tea," his wife Abagail said, intentionally using a plummy voice. Paul took a steadying breath. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. It had been one thing to have the fantasy. To imagine himself as a perfect maid, serving his wife and one of her friends while he was in full uniform. His face made up conservatively but femininely. No hair anywhere on his body. But it was something else again to actually be...

2 years ago
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PennyChapter 4

Getting through it would have been a piece of cake had it not been for one thing; I still could not get the ease with which Penny got it on with Mark and Dave out of my mind. Try as I might I could not accept that a faithful wife could have given in that quickly. Maybe if we had gotten into the watching thing a year or so after we were married when she wasn't so far removed from her slut past I could have bought into it. But after as many years as we had been married and as far behind her as...

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Jesses Girl

I am looking in the mirror, now, as I was this morning. My shave is keen, my face moisturized, my hair immaculate. Green eyes are what she likes, so my colored contacts are in. I'm not a bad looking guy, even without all this primping. Hell, I never have problems meeting women, or convincing them to come home with me. People that say you need to be funny or a great dancer are full of shit. You have to look at them right, nod your head at the right parts of the conversation, and smile...

1 year ago
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Diablo CanyonChapter 5

Monday, August 20, 2007 Clay Nolan I've never really cared much about clothes, so I just threw on a pair of gym shorts, some soccer sandals and a t-shirt and was ready to go. Mom dropped me off early, so I had time to admire David Ginsberg's and Dan Steele's cars. They were both new here and drove really cool cars. Dan was an exchange student from England and some sort of count or something. He drove a classic Aston Martin that he'd inherited from his dad. David drove a new Ferrari...

2 years ago
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Angel at Work Ch 4

‘Shannon….wake up.’ he told her. ‘Shannon…you need to wake up!’ ‘Why?’ she mumbled in return and snuggled down closer to him. As the breeze shifted and the storm moved on, Allen stayed as he was, letting the head laying in his chest rest. He knew she’s wake up soon but he wasn’t sure how he was going to explain why he was lying in her bed, holding her against his chest the way he was. As he gazed down at the top of her head, Allen couldn’t help smiling. She was so much a younger version of her...

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Showers of Gold

We were doing some decorating hanging paper I would paste it my wife would hang it.My wife would always were old clothes that were a little to short in the body area and jeans that would reveal her lovely bum crack. As the day goes on the sight of her bum crack turns me on and I get playfull with her and pull her jeans down to reveal more bum and start to tease her by kissing her bum cheeks and licking her bum crack.I always chose a moment when her hands were full and she couldnt fight me off...

3 years ago
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Biggest and BestChapter 3

Tuesday, I could hardly think about work at all. I had risen and left the house early, like I had on Monday, skipping my run this time. Grace, my Administrative Assistant, must have thought I was on heavy medication or something, as dopey as I was acting--and probably looking. I know that I had told Sonny that I would not do anything personally. But my mind was in turmoil with all sorts of ideas about what my wife was doing--hell, had been doing--with these guys she had known for twice as...

2 years ago
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Department Store Slut

I had went into the local department store, winding down at the end of the night after working a long and tiring shift at work. I had just picked up a movie and a book, hoping to enjoy one or the other as I lay in bed later that night. I went through the one open line left in the store, placing my two items on the counter to pay. The lady at the register started ringing up my items, and that was when my attention was drawn by another woman. She walked up a few feet away from me, about the...

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my mom part 2

After watching Stephen fuck my mother I was so fucking horny luckily I had the knickers that Stephen spunked in earlier so I grabbed my cock and start rubbing it where his juicey bellend spunked and my mothers filthy cunt was I shot so much spunk over them which made it more fun to lick them clean every inch of them. Weeks later Stephen and my mother decided to bring me on holiday with them to Crete of course as an 18 year old I would rather be with my mates then with my mother and her fat...

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I woke up from my bed, my alarm clock was blaring and the sight of my clock showing “7:00” meant I was late. I panicked, I ran down stairs and put on adidas sweatpants and a green sweater I had lying around. I could possibly catch the public bus but I don’t know if I would make it all i know is that I need to get to School since I have finals. My mom stops me her 6’3 figure haunts over me as her D cups lower as she looks at me, her brown hair and brown eyes stares at me, her bulge is noticeable...

3 years ago
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You Are a Meany Chapter 14

That first day of school set the tone for the rest of the school year. Lori and her court knew not to directly mess with Luke. The cost of getting caught was too high. Mr. Noth did run a tight ship at school. He held a welcome back assembly to explain his policies on bullying and other changes. He made sure that all the teachers and personnel were on board. The verbal bullying at school became almost nonexistent. Some of the parents were upset that their children got suspended for...

2 years ago
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Heaven With NRI Cousin

I have a cousin by name Soumya (name NOT changed to keep it hot). She is around 8-9 years older than me. When I was growing up she always loved me and at that little age I did not have any ill feelings towards her. But as I grew up I realized how hot she is. She is short, maybe just over 5, amazing boobs and ass, always dressed in salwar with a dhupatta. I was never able to peek at her cleavage. When I was in 9th, she was around 24 got married and soon her husband got posted to USA. Few days...

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One Night In Argentina

It was a hot and steamy mid-summer night in Buenos Aires, Argentina. On this particular night, the hint of passion in the air was greater than it had been in a very long time. Raol was a tall and remarkably handsome man with a slender, yet unmistakably, masculine build. His hair was jet black and slicked back with not a strand out of place. His eyes were dark brown and very intense. He was dressed in a light gray tuxedo with long coat tails. His matching shoes were polished to an impeccable...

Straight Sex
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BangBus Victoria June Administrative Opinion

The bus is always hunting. We never stop! this week we pulled up on this chick outside of a tech school in hopes of scooping her up. However, and administrator came up to us and told us that we had to get out of there or she would call security to get us out. We were slowly able to convince the administrator lady to hop on the bus to make some extra cash. Once she got on, it was game time. In no time we had her fully undressed and ready to suck some mean cock. Bruno shoved his dick deep down...

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BSC01 The True Meaning of BSCChapter 8 Mount Vesuvius

After Presenting her naked body to Peter and Danny Miss Judith Burtenshaw paused for a moment then turned and addressed Danny singularly. She looked down at his erect penis bulging out under the trouser cloth then looked up and straight into his eyes. “Master Danny, would you please accompany me to that empty classroom over there. I think I have something you might be interested in.” Judith winked at Peter and he gave a ‘knowing wink’ back to her. Danny just followed Judith Burtenshaw like a...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Eve Ellwood My Boyfriend Deserves It

My boyfriend was being a jerk again today. We got into an argument so I decided to just get out of his car and leave him. I immediately went to his best friend, Logan, to bitch and vent but he seemed to be just as fed up with him as I was. I told him that Benji always wants to fuck me in the ass but that I would rather have my soft soles and long toes sucked. Logan’s eyes went wide when I said that and he admitted he has a kinky fetish for foot play. So I let him remove my high heels and...

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Megs Uniform

Prof. R Copyright 2004, All rights reserved. (formerly of the University of ____________) [This fictional story follows the series ‘California Zephyr’ and before the series ‘Summit Conference,’ but it also may be enjoyed independently.] [When we were cuddling together in our room in the Oxford Hotel, Sophia liked me to tell her stories about long-ago loves. I suspect that the long-ago part appealed to her, but I also know that we both enjoyed the results when I came to the end. At her...

2 years ago
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Accidental WerewolfEpilogue

Raven surfaced into consciousness on the first soft mattress she’d felt in — how long? — and itching like hell. She rubbed her arms, blinked, and looked at her hands. Human hands. Her first thought was it was such a sickly, pale color. Her fingers had come away from itching her arms with clumps of black fur. She shook her hands to get rid of the stuff, disgusted, and peeled the sheet off of her. There was cat fur everywhere, all over her and under and around and clinging to the sheets. Some...

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How the World Changed

The year 2020 changed many things in our world and our lives. The word isolation took on a new meaning. Previously it had been used mainly in hospitals and in prisons. At the start of 2020, the major part of the world populations was confined or confined themselves in their homes and isolated themselves from others.Our social and sexual habits were drastically altered. No more going out for a drink or on a date with a suitable or even an unsuitable partner. They called it social distancing, and...

1 year ago
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A Splitting of the SoulChapter 6

In the aftermath of the windfall coming from NASA's contract profits Chenosh's new company rose to the top of the medical industry. The joint company she created with her grandfather was her closest competitor, but not all went well. A call came in from to her office at her headquarters from the President of the United States. Heading to the Oval Office she landed on the platform on the grounds in her helicopter. Escorted to the President himself, she was offered a cushioned seat across...

1 year ago
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Mama Ki Beti Ke Sath Maze Kiye Raat Mein

Ye story meri aur meri mama ki beti ke sath hai. Mera naam Suvam hai, aur main Delhi mein rehta hu. Meri height 5’8″ hai, aur mere lund ka size bhi 5.5 inch hai. Ye story 4 saal pehle ki hai, jab mere mama ki beti mere ghar aayi thi. Uska naam Sarita hai, aur wo age mein mujhse ek saal badi hai. Kaafi khoobsurat thi wo dikhne mein, aur uske boobs bhi bade the aur gaand bhi moti-moti thi. Wo 1st year ki exam ki chuttiyon mein aayi thi, aur meri bhi chutti thi. Wo aur main sath mein tv dekhte...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 2

"Kat's having a party next weekend," she told me. Katrina, Kat for short, was one of her friends, who I got on with pretty well. "Will you be able to come?" "Yeah, of course." I replied. "Her parents will be away," she continued, not looking at me and starting to fidget with the carpet, "so we were talking about what we could do, and..." "And what?" I asked when she came to a halt and began toying with her new tongue piercing. "And... well, they know about, you know,...

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The Vampires KissChapter 2 Chained

Damien's corpse slumped in the hot tub style bathtub, his vampiress wife and murder still straddled him, convulsing in orgasm as she sucked the last drops of his blood from his neck. Scarlet spread through the steaming water. Even now, the change transformed Damien. It would be an hour or more before his corpse awakened to undeath. The angel Aurora sighed in disgust as she watched from the Ether, the realm that lay between the Spiritual and the Material Realms. Damien was too good of a man...

1 year ago
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Foot Fetish

Here we go again. I'm hoping that this one will make you all happy. It's the best I could do. If it doesn't work for you I'm sorry. I hope that you enjoy...hell I hope that you can READ it to begin with. But anyway I hope that you are going to enjoy it and if you find anything similar to this or you get the urge to write ANYTHING like this then send it my way PLEASE!!! But anyway I hope that you enjoy it and e-mail me back with any comments, questions, or suggestions. Thank you and...

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