Accidental WerewolfChapter 8 free porn video

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Rays of light coming through the blinds finally woke Cameron up. He squinted, wishing like he did each morning that the place had shades instead. He pushed himself up off the mattress, still in the old clothes that Ben had given him three days ago.

He went downstairs to the kitchen to look for something to eat. He groaned when he looked in the freezer. TV breakfasts, TV lunches, and TV dinners. None of it appealed to him. What he could really go for was something savory, juicy. Some fresh...


Uh oh.

Cameron felt the wolf inside him smile and lick its lips. He forced himself to pick one of the Hungryman Breakfasts and stick it in the microwave. A few minutes later he had eaten the whole thing, but it hadn’t helped. He was still hungry.

He sat in the kitchen, looking around the room. The trash was piling up and it was starting to stink. He sniffed again and realized his clothes were starting to stink too. Maybe it was time to buy some detergent for the washing machine. He’d been here long enough that he’d have to start taking care of the place if he wanted to stay. But how long could he stay here, really?

Cameron had found the house the very first night he’d turned. He’d been blindly running away from the restaurant, keeping to the shadows and the darkest streets he could find. He’d found himself in Sara’s neighborhood, the one that was so dark because so many houses were foreclosed or never sold. There was one that seemed far from any lights at all and he’d broken in through the back door.

When he’d woken up the next morning he had found that the place was still livable. The lights worked, and to his surprise the faucets did too. It even had most of the furniture. The only sign that anything was wrong was the total mess in the bedrooms. Someone must have packed very quickly and left with only a few suitcases.

Cameron knew he should be working on finding Ben’s ingredients, but he was too paranoid about being discovered squatting in the house. He probably should have taken Ben up on his offer. Being locked in a basement would be preferable to this house arrest.

He spent most of his time hiding and waiting for the hunger to return. He kept the windows shaded and didn’t dare to turn on any lights. He didn’t even open the fridge at night. He could go for a few days without eating and be all right, but sooner or later the wolf forced him to hunt.

Once, after he fed on a homeless man, he discovered a significant amount of cash in the guy’s tattered coat. He snuck out the next day and bought as many TV dinners and 12-packs of soda as he could carry. Thanks to his muscled condition, that was quite a lot.

He ate the dinners, but didn’t know what to do with the boxes. He didn’t dare leave trash on the curb of a supposedly abandoned house. TV dinners and soda cans were piled high all around the kitchen. If he bought some trash bags he could probably stuff all the junk in them and leave them in a dumpster somewhere. He still had a little money left over from his first shopping trip, but he’d need more if he was going to start buying detergent and trash bags.

And so that led to the question, how long could he stay? What was he going to do, start paying the electricity bill? Sooner or later the microwave’s clock would blink out and that would be that. He just hoped he could find all the items on Ben’s list before then. His stomach growled and he started to sweat. He could feel the wolf beginning to get restless.

He took out the list again, looking at the items on it. He hadn’t heard of anything on it. How was he supposed to find them? He might just have to contact...

There was a sound at the door.

Someone was putting a key in the lock and turning it. Cameron looked quickly around. The basement door was right behind him. He’d be trapped down there, but the front door was opening so that was the only option. He got up, opened the door, and crept down the stairs with the lights off.

“Shit,” came a woman’s voice from the front hall.

Now that he thought about it, he should have just run out the back door, but it was too late now. He stepped slowly into the basement, trying not to make a sound. He knew the layout roughly, having explored it soon after he found the house.

It was barely finished, with plain plaster walls and a wall-to-wall carpet. The floor was literally covered with toys of all shapes and sizes. It was like someone had bought one of everything fluffy and bouncy from Toys ‘R’ Us and thrown it all down here. Toward the far end of the room the toys were piled high, almost two feet deep. The coating of toys thinned out closer to the stairs and you could see much of the carpet beneath.

Right now it was pitch black, and he decided to just stop rather than risk stepping on a toy that squeaked. He listened intently to the sounds coming from up stairs. He heard the sound of shoes, like high heels, filter down through the ceiling. They were moving toward the kitchen.

The woman’s voice said something Cameron had trouble making out, but he definitely heard the word “squatters.” He heard a sigh, and then the shoes walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

Cameron stood perfectly still, hardly daring to breathe. Somehow the former owner of the house was back, which made no sense. He’d seen the foreclosure sticker, and didn’t the bank usually change the locks after that? Clearly the authorities were neglecting their duties. This woman had opened the door with her old key. Maybe she was back to get some stuff she’d left behind after she cleared out so fast.

Now that she was finding all his trash, Cameron knew he was screwed. If she checked the whole house she’d find him here in the basement and call the cops. Heck, she’d probably call the cops anyway now that she found all his crap. What was he going to do?

A rumble from his stomach provided an answer. Yes, that was one way to deal with the problem. He could sate his hunger and deal with the situation quickly. Cameron shook his head, trying to think with something other than his stomach. Eating her would be the stupidest thing he could do. The wolf blood would be stronger and this woman would certainly have family that would notice her missing. It was getting harder to ignore the wolf’s hunger, though. He could feel the fur trying to push its way out of his skin. If he hadn’t learned how to control his transformation she’d already be dead.

He’d just have to hope she get what she came for and leave. He’d have to clear out that night, taking whatever he could carry from the fridge. Maybe he’d be lucky enough to find another house close by with power. Although, he thought with resignation, he should probably just take Old Ben up on his offer.

Cameron slowly sat down in the dark where he was, not sure of his balance. He carefully felt around him for the nearest wall and scooted himself over to it and sat there, leaning against a doll of some sort. He was starting to shake a little from keeping the wolf under control. He couldn’t hear the footsteps at all now, not since she’d gone upstairs. He felt his ears twitch, wanting to becoming larger and pointed. He knew he could hear better when he was in wolf form.

He waited, concentrating on remaining human, keeping the wolf inside him. From upstairs, he heard the footsteps clomping back down the stairs and into the kitchen. He was covered in sweat now, his t-shirt damp. He was having trouble focusing on the sounds he heard. There was lots of shuffling and shifting of furniture and objects.

And then, to Cameron’s dismay, the basement door opened. Light leaked down to where he sat and he looked around for any hope of escape. There was none. He doubted he’d be able to escape if he wanted to, he was trying so hard to ignore his stomach.

Then, the light flicked on. Cameron was blinded by the sudden brightness and squinted his eyes. He heard a couple footsteps and then a woman’s head leaned below the ceiling and found him. The face looked younger than he’d expected. Perhaps over thirty, with a sketch of worry lines, but she’d still get carded.

He expected her to scream or whip out her cell phone and call 911, but instead she looked at him with puppy-dog eyes.

“Oh you poor bastard. What a mess y’are, there.”

She had a slight southern twang which instantly made her seem nice. Cameron hoped she was. If she made the wrong move, well, he knew what would happen to her whether he meant to do it or not.

She stood up and continued walking down the stairs, giving him a nice view of her long legs and black, steel-toed combat boots. Cameron was too far gone to think and couldn’t help but stare. She had on black pocket-covered pants that were loose toward the cuffs and grew enticingly more tight as they went up. As she descended, Cameron saw she had on a racing-style jacket covered with zippered pockets. It was thick and tough-looking, but hugged her curves like a motorcycle on the road.

She moved over to him, arms outstretched. She was babbling on about how he must be on drugs, how it wasn’t his fault, how she would get him cleaned up. Cameron nodded dumbly through all this, not really able to pay attention to what was being said. He was using every ounce of his energy not to change, and didn’t have anything left to do much else.

She helped him get slowly up and started walking him toward the stairs, and he became dizzy. The next thing he knew he was sitting in the kitchen as she did something at the counter. He noticed a motorcycle helmet on the table next to him and a cell phone next to that.

“Not ... call cops?...” he managed.

She looked over her shoulder and smiled. It lit up her face and her somewhat spiky blonde hair swished.

“Nah. I just came back to get some of my shit. Nothin’s missin’, so you can stay if you want. ‘s not my place any more, anyway.”

Cameron sighed. A scent caught his nose. His stomach rumbled.

“Thanks...” he breathed.

“Lana. ‘Thanks Lana,’ ‘s what you mean.”

“ ... Lana...” he breathed again. He could smell her. She was fresh, alive, warm-blooded. Good meat. So much better than he’d been having out of boxes, microwaved on high for 5 minutes. The taste was in his mouth now. The wolf wanted to eat her. She didn’t deserve it, though. Better some bum than a nice woman like Lana.

“ ... Gotta get out...” he said.

“No, stay, s’ok, really. Have a burger.”

She turned around, revealing a plate with a little hamburger on it. Cameron nearly passed out with relief. It was just a regular old burger he’d smelled. He now saw a paper bag of groceries on the counter where she’d been working.

He took the plate and had finished the burger almost before the plate touched the table. It helped, just a bit.

“Seconvs?” he said with a full mouth, indicating his empty plate.

“Jesus kid, y’all are hungry. Have mine, I’ll make s’more,” said Lana, taking the plate. “You want tomata?”


She served up another burger on a bun, and Cameron saw how she placed the patty just so on the bun so it was lined up right. Then she cut a slice of tomato and lined that on top of the patty. It was cute.

Cameron did his best to eat slower this time, feeling himself growing stronger against the wolf with each bite. He must just be able to resist the urge to feed long enough to get out, or wait until Lana left.

“Cameron,” he said between mouthfuls of burger.

She was cutting more slices of tomato, and stopped, mid-slice.

“Hmm?” she said.

“My name.” And then Cameron realized he was supposed to be dead. Oops. He should have come up with an alias by now.

“I thought that’s what ya said,” said Lana, still looking down.

Cameron wasn’t sure what happened next. The wolf inside him seemed to panic and the lurch, pulling his body with it. Next thing he knew he was on the floor, tumbled out of his chair. The wolf was growling with anger. It lurched again and he had only enough time to look up where he’d been sitting to see the large knife, red bits of tomato dripping off it, vibrating in the wall. Before he knew it, Cameron’s body was throwing itself down the stairs to the basement.

He lay at the bottom of the stairs, his slow human brain still back in the kitchen trying to put the pieces together. He rolled over and peered up toward the kitchen. The wolf inside him howled with rage, insisting that he run, that he let it take over. It knew what to do. But, with his stomach momentarily sated, Cameron maintained control.

The sounds of those boots -- why had he assumed they were dress heels? -- came closer, and the wolf only allowed him a glimpse before it pulled him away from the stairway and into the basement. All Cameron needed to see was Lana coming around the corner, pulling a sleek, deadly throwing knife from one of her many pockets.

Cameron found himself at the opposite side of the basement, backed against the wall. He was breathing rapidly, fighting with the wolf inside him. It wanted so badly to rip this woman to shreds, to gnaw on her bones until there was nothing left. Maybe that wasn’t a bad idea.

Lana appeared at the top of the stairs and the wolf reacted again, leaving another blade quivering in the chest of a large stuffed bear next to him.

“Y’all must think you’re pretty fast,” she called. She slowly walked down the stairs, her eyes never straying from his. “It won’t matter. You were mine since I opened th’ door. You should’a got me then. Instead you were stupid and let the cute girl cook you lunch. How dumb d’ya havta be? As if anyone would feel sorry for your ass.”

She threw again, and again the wolf in Cameron dodged. This time, it wasn’t quite quick enough. He felt pain on his left cheek, and knew that a trickle of blood was escaping down his face like a tear.

Lana smiled. This time the smile darkened her face.

“That oughta do it. Those knives are silver. Yeah I know what ya are. ‘s nothing personal, you little shit. Ya piss off the wrong people, you’re gonna git it.” She sauntered into the room a few paces and kicked a rubber ball out of the way, apparently ready to watch him die.

“‘s weird though, you don’t look like I ‘spected, but you gave yer name away easy ‘nuf.”

But Cameron barely felt any pain and the wolf’s rage boiled over. Cameron let it win, and he groaned and pushed with all his might, forcing the fur out of his body. He felt his face stretch and the sharp teeth explode into his mouth. His nose flattened and instantly picked up the scent of his own blood. At this, the rage increased. He flexed, straining his upper body like a weight lifter in competition. The muscles pulsed and grew, coiling around his limbs like constricting snakes. His chest inflated, pushing against the flimsy t-shirt until it exploded off his back. He crouched, feeling his legs grow until they popped the buttons off his pants, the jeans splitting up the seat. His tail spilled free from somewhere in his body out the ruined jeans.

Usually when Cameron needed to feed he took a back seat while the wolf took complete control. This time, he and the wolf seemed to share his body equally. He smiled his thin canine lips, revealing his dripping fangs to the would-be assassin across the room.

Lana had turned white as a ghost and was almost completely frozen, loosely holding a knife in her hand.

“You were s’posed to die you bastard!” she yelled, her voice wavering. She threw the knife, but Cameron dodged it easily. He’d forgotten how much smaller things seemed when he was a wolf. She was like a child pestering him. This was going to be fun.

He turned to pull the knife out of the wall, but stopped when he saw his clawed hand. He had 10 little knives to kill her with and he had better control with any one of them. Why sink to the human’s level? Instead he dragged his claws across the wall, making five deep gouges in the cheap drywall.

Lana made to throw another knife, but didn’t. He didn’t flinch.

“Are you going to waste all your knives trying to hit me?” he growled, his voice rumbling in his barrel chest.

She put on the best game-face she could and changed her grip on the knife, ready for a close-quarters fight.

Cameron moved toward her slowly, bent low, his claws up in front of him. He moved from side to side, circling her, toying with her. He kicked toys out of his way and used one of his toes to spill the foam guts of a stuffed animal onto the floor. She tried to keep her eyes on his, mirroring his moves, but she saw how he had eviscerated the toy without the merest thought. Cameron wondered how she could look into the round yellow eyes of a beast and think she could win.

“Did someone tell you those silver knives would kill me no matter how small the cut?” he boomed.

She jabbed at him, but he jerked out of the way. The wolf was enjoying playing with his food, but it wanted to eat soon.

“You must not know,” he continued, enjoying hearing the low rumbling tones the wolf produced, “I’m not a natural werewolf. I change when I please, and I’m not harmed by silver --”

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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 2

Accidental Crossroads: 2. Sammy read him the riot act. I know, I know, I know ... it's trite and does not apply but it's a statement every parent has used in trying to control an unruly kid. So what does the riot act really say? The Act created a mechanism for certain local officials to make a proclamation ordering the dispersal of any group of more than twelve people who were "unlawfully, riotously, and tumultuously assembled together". If the group failed to disperse within one...

3 years ago
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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 3

Accidental Crossroads: 3. "Who was that?" "Polly Caretaker, Jakob Flintkote's Caretaker," said the ceiling. "Have a seat," The comfy looking leather recliner appeared out of no where. "We're unsure what to do with you. Hungry?" "I could do with a bite," said John. "Preferences?" asked the ceiling. "Can I get a porterhouse steak, aged to perfection and so tender I can cut it with a fork?" Talking to a ceiling ... well ... you know ... I wasn't sure I was sane ... might as...

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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 9

Accidental Crossroads: 9. After the pig out, John burped. "Thank you," said the ceiling. "That burger was great ... the taste was something I'd had before," said John. "There's this cheese," a piece landed on the desk. It was shot through with green mold. The ceiling said, "Have a sniff. Awful ain't it." "Good god," John said, "I ate that?" "Sort of ... It goes between two patties ... the burger isn't ground like it is on Earth. We shred it ... form it, put the cheese...

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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 11

Accidental Crossroads: 11. John never said a word about the jeep. He did his best to find the right oil and solvent for the watch. The phone company had to put in 5 poles to run a line..."make that two lines," said John, to the rep when he called from the General Store. A step back here. John was calling his housekeeper by the only name that fit..."Sultry," So ... finally he asked. "What is your name?" She burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" "You have no idea how many times...

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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 12

Accidental Crossroads: 12 The Powers that Be? Who the fuck are they? Are they the same as the Powers that Be on Cassandra? I'm a mess. The putt-putt of the four cylinder jeep entered in to his thoughts. She's back. Sultry rolled to a stop right by the front steps, practically fell out of the drivers side door and ran up the steps. She crossed the porch, nearly jerked the front screen door off its hinges and hollered, "John! Where are you?" "In the kitchen, Sultry Wench. What's the...

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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 14

Accidental Crossroads: 14. Some time later, after several rounds of restoratives, John and Cassie were in bed and cuddling. "This is so nice," Cassie wiggled in closer, "If a girl can get a Cassandrian guy in bed ... they don't cuddle. They're not interested in a girl's day. They don't pet or stroke," she shivered as John ran a hand down a silken flank. "Little kisses never happen," John took the hint, she sighed. "This is wonderful." "Well," said the Seven, "The mating...

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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 17

Accidental Crossroads: 17. "Cassie," John said, "I probably wasn't very honorable in my rescue." "The portal let you through," she said. "It even let the Powers that Be through." "Sam?" "Hello, John." said the healing chamber, "Settle in and get cleaned up." "Take the Powers first," John said, "I need to talk to the arbiter." Sam asked the Powers, "You people coming all at once or you going to separate." "You chose, Sam." "As soon as Karen Entertainer gets out...

3 years ago
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Accidental Experiment The Experiment BeginsChapter 8

Everyone was somewhat surprised by the size of the building that housed the medical supply business but also the fact that it looked closed. However, the open sign was flashing away as they got out of the RV. Cindy had been detailed to babysitting, so she took out some of the little games and toys that the girls had gotten so they could have a little fun. Dan walked up and just opened the door, but then stopped and waited for the rest. He was working hard at being gentlemanly and let the two...

2 years ago
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Accidental Boy

His name was Klaus. He was fourteen—at least the Hamburg, Germany, brothel manager had guaranteed he was fourteen and showed me documentation. It was in German, though, so I could only make out about half of what the documentation said. Before him had been Gebhardt and then Dieter—both guaranteed to be fourteen. Both quite nice to have had. Klaus was good—very good. There were two single beds in the starkly outfitted Hamburg brothel cell. It wasn’t that long after the end of World War II, so...

3 years ago
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Accidental Lovers Part 2

PART TWO HOME SCHOOLED CHAPTER 1 Alicia Cooper was thrilled when the Bennington School District had hired her two years ago. She had been fresh out of the University of Northern Iowa with an education degree and was quite happy to get away from Cedar Falls and Iowa in general. She had grown up in the Corn Belt and while she had a great childhood, the conservative nature of the state was something that she really needed to get away from. She had run into far too many people who took...

2 years ago
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Accidental Cheating part II

Thank you for all your comments, I apologize for all the spelling errors and I plan on correcting them and writing out the 2 parts as one eventually. This is a true story as best as I remember it although I did change the names of those involved.. Thank you.. —————————- —————————- —————————- Lets have some fun.. was definitely the last thing I ever thought I would hear coming out of my wifes mouth, but I would never pass up this chance, it might not come again… I had just blown my load all over...

2 years ago
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Accidental panty peeing

I have always been aroused easily and greatly by women wetting their clothes, there are so many great videos on here which shows that it’s something that a great many ladies love to do and many are so turned on by the experience that they need to rub themselves to orgasm at the same time. Accidentally wetting in. Lot he’s also is a real turn on for me so I regularly seek videos with this content. A while ago a friend of mine told me a true story about his wife, a lady I knew well and fancied,...

4 years ago
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Accidental Incest

Trees, Trees and oh more trees! All I saw when I looked out the window were trees no variation at all. They were all big and green. Boredom had set in and I was only an hour into my family’s road trip. I could see my parents' mouths moving but my iPod was on too loud and I couldn’t understand what they were saying. Suddenly Mum turned round and again her lips moved but I didn’t hear what she said. She wanted a reply. I guessed at what was asked so I went for a casual “Yep” as a response. All of...

1 year ago
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Accidental Kiss to My Friend8217s Girlfriend

Hi guys, my name is Andrew. How are you guys? It was a long and hectic month. Lots of work to be done. As my internship got over fast I was busy in preparing reports and settling back in. My friend Rakesh called me asked me If I could pick his girlfriend Aditi from the airport. His internship was extended for 2 weeks and she had already booked tickets. She was coming to Bangalore to meet him. He assured me that he would try to come back in 1 week. In that time I should keep her company. I...

2 years ago
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Accidental Friend Hot Sexting

Hello, everyone, My name in Chandu I’m from Karnataka. This happened 2 years back when I was searching for a job. Now I’m working in an MNC here in Bangalore. Let me start the sex story which happened with me. It’s a bit long, so please have patience. I’m sure you will enjoy it. When I was jobless I used to feel very bored staying in a PG. I used to try to chat with people on some online chat rooms. One day I found a website called ‘chathour’ where you can chat with strangers. I used to ping...

2 years ago
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Accidental Enjoyment With Anni Bhabhi

By : Funlover.Aravind Hi everyone, I am a regular reader of ISS. I used to read many stories and mastrubate on my own, i am going to narrate a story which happens in my real life one week before. My brother is working in MNC Chennai we are staying in Chennai my brother need to go US official last week so he went, I am working in am BPO as Team Manager so i used to go night shift and used to sleep in morning. This incident happened two days before, in my home my father mother, my brother, Anni...

4 years ago
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Accidental Slave

All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age of 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and...

4 years ago
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Accidental Slave

I didn’t intend to become Denise’s slave. I really didn’t. It was all sort of an accident. It even started out with an accident. No, that’s not exactly true. It wasn’t an accident that I posted a naked picture of Denise online, that was intentional. But it was sort of an accident that I took that picture in the first place.I live with five other girls and everyone is really casual about how they are dressed unless they are downstairs in the living room or kitchen. We live in a three storey...

4 years ago
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Accidental Swingers A GCSC StoryChapter 2

The driver’s voice came over an intercom explaining that they had arrived. Trixie checked her makeup and reapplied her lipstick. Hank climbed out and offered her his hand as she stepped out into the dimly lit parking lot. They were in what appeared to be a warehouse district. All of the buildings were large, one-story units with lots of loading docks. The limousine parked beside one such structure. You could hear the thump-thump-thump of club music. Trixie looked around. The parking lot was...

1 year ago
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Accidental MartianChapter 4

Alexander Industries New Pittsburgh Ammunition Plant, Mars Thursday, April 19, 2136, 12:15 pm David Reed walked into the office of General Operations Manager Rufus Farley with a spring in his step. Even now, Ms Johnson was packing her belongings in the assistant plant manager's office. David's boxes of mementos, et cetera were sitting in the assistant plant manager's conference room waiting for him to unpack them. Tomorrow morning he could actually start doing his job without Ms Johnson...

3 years ago
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Accidental MartianChapter 7

New Pittsburgh, Mars Sunday, April 29, 2136 David woke up with someone's hand on his chest. Slowly opening his eyes, he looked down and noticed the hand was definitely feminine. Searching his memory David thought back to last night remembering how Will, Marilyn, and he finished the evening. Gently turning his head, he felt Marilyn snuggled up against his face and saw her reddish brown hair piled on the pillow. Lifting his head, he could just see Will's head nuzzled into the back of...

2 years ago
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Accidental Hero Chapter 2 Girls arent so icky after all

The next day at school, the principal came on the PA system and announced that the school had a hero amongst us, and he named me. Me? A hero? No way. Mr. Ullman went on to say that I had remained calm and aided in the rescue of Mrs. Davidson and the driver of the car, as well as the kids on and off the bus. Remained calm? That didn't happen. Well, that set off another round of nice-goin's and attaboys from the kids, just like the last time. Mr. Ullman gave me a letter to take home to my...

1 year ago
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Accidental Love

My love making gone wrongly to my BF Dad Hi all Its jenni againIts the story when I wrongly got tangled with my BF's Dad in his farmhouse. It started as I was so horny and my BF told me to meet him at his farm house at 7 in the evening with very provocative outfit he got me the other day. I was eagerly looking forward for the moment i visit my BF farm house that i forgot to see my mobile for the text message my BF has sent that he has to leave town due to some urgency and that he will be back...

1 year ago
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Accidental Bareback with Black Woman

I met her on CLCE. She lived in a city where I travelled frequently on business. She had posted looking for a FWB. We emailed back and forth quite a bit and there were several missed opportunities in the for m of trips where I stayed over in her city but she was no quite ready to go through with it. Finally, on one of my trips, she agreed to meet me in person. To help break the ice, we met over drinks at a bar near my hotel, then headed back there and to my room where I had some more drinks...

4 years ago
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Accidental Dog

She is an exhibitionist by nature and loves showing off her petite little body. 5-2 tall and 105lbs soaking wet. Strawberry blond hair to her mid back and little more than small orange size titties, but at 41 she had a smoking hot body.. Not a stretch mark on her frame and no sag to her tits! Josie was dying to get tanned for her 42d birthday, so she got out her oils and lotions and set up her lounge chair on the back deck and grabbed some wine for a relaxing afternoon of sun...

2 years ago
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Accidental Slave

I can’t believe how my life has changed over this past year. I am doing things that I never thought myself capable of doing. I am a married woman with three children that up till recently led a relatively normal life. I have been married for over 20 years and like most married couples we have had some rocky times to get through in our lives. We reached a point of near divorce a few years back over some serious differences in sexual preference. My husband, Bill, had very strong interests in...

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accidental cuckold 2

After long thought about the recent indifferent attitude towards our routine lifestyle which we have been happy in the past decade or so, I come to a conclusion to confront it in a way so that it will give me some idea on Michelle’s expectation from my end for our life to get back to normal. I approached my boss for a meeting to discuss about upcoming holiday maintenance schedule which normally done during Dec – Jan holiday period so rest of the year production carries on without any untoward...

2 years ago
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accidental cuckold

She woke up to see me starring at her. She held me tight for a while and let go of me. She sat up and took water from her bedside table and drank quietly without showing any sign of panic. I asked her if she wants to talk about it. She quietly said “not now” and went back to sleep. I know that she will talk about it when she is ready. So I decided to get back to my sleep. As soon as I lay down, she turned around and placed one leg and hand on my body, held tight and slept like baby....

4 years ago
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Accidental Fantasy

It had to be the freakiest of freak accidents. Both cars ran the red light, trying to beat the yellow and the came together right in front of me, sending both cars skidding towards mine. I slammed on my brakes and thankfully received just a mild bump as they came to a stop. People were running everywhere and it seemed like only seconds before the sirens could be heard in the distance. An officer had me move my car to the curb and I sat there, shaking, my head on the steering wheel. I wasn’t...

4 years ago
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Accidental Discovery Ch 02

The feedback from Part One of this story was incredible. Thanks to all those who applauded the piece. Double thanks to all those who suggested ideas and asked for more. Feedback is the pay here, not money. It’s perhaps the purest form of exchange, the one most direct in benefits to both sides. I write, you comment, I write more, you comment more. Ain’t we got fun! Thank you. ================ Marlene lay back in her dorm bed and let her eyes close. She reached deep into her mind to relive the...

2 years ago
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Accidental Burn

I wrote this when I was buzzed. ‘What? You don’t wanna touch me?’ ‘My dear, I’d rather kill you slowly.’ Everyone laughed at that. Crais was a funny guy. Even with a gun to his head. Though, the laughter stopped when Crais barreled forward, slamming headfirst into a wall. The girl was strong. ‘YOU DON’T WANT TO TOUCH ME!?’ She screamed. Crais rolled over, arching a brow at her, the white blood that flowed from the back of his head that reminded Eddie of hair conditioner didn’t seem to...

4 years ago
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Accidental Island Incest

Joe snapped awake and saw a blue cloudless sky above him. He slowly sat up with a groan and saw nothing but blue ocean and sand. “Where the hell?..” And then he remembered. He was going on a boat trip for the day, it stared out fun but just as they were about to turn back. A massive storm picked up. It happened too fast for the captain to correct their course and keep them straight and they were knocked around for miles. Everyone was holding on for dear life and struggling to put on their...

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