PrisonerChapter 5 free porn video

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For the next few days, life was a bowl of soup. It had no shape, no focus, and no target. He'd returned to his apartment, hardly recognizing it as the place where he'd lived before. At first he'd tried to sleep. Then he'd tried to read, watch television, sleep, eat a sandwich, hear music, drink beer, sleep, watch television, and drink booze. Then he passed out and slept for fourteen hours straight.

Waking up didn't bring clarity. It did bring a hangover and the mind-numbing return of despair. He'd been alone a lot, but never this lonely. He'd often felt desperate, but had always been able to drown it with work, cooking, talking about cooking, and friends. Friends. He used to have quite a few of them, all carefully parked outside his true self – never allowed in. They may have known that; he surely knew it now. There wasn't one he could have discussed his actual predicament with. He cringed just imagining telling them. Friendship. Sometimes it's exactly that: a word.

After standing before his bathroom's mirror, brushing the same tooth for minutes, he realized he had two choices – taking his life or slipping back into the life he'd had before all this. He picked up his phone and called his onetime editor-in-chief. The man didn't even try to be friendly. He'd been replaced, he said. He added 'by a woman.' He should try elsewhere.

He tried elsewhere, but there weren't many 'elsewheres' in his line of work. A few freelance gigs were offered. He took the most promising job; ah well, the least boring. When he finished it, three days had passed; three days he'd nibbled out of the mountain of pointless nothingness that loomed over his existence. Finally the sheer pathos of his self-pity disgusted him. Goddammit, he'd been someone until this woman cut the legs from under him. He'd led a life, made a living, got respect, even if only professionally – and even if phony. He could do that again, couldn't he? Why not? He was the same man, wasn't he? He could live with phony.

He got his coat and took his bike into the city. Same building, same security, same reception. The editor was busy, his secretary said. Fuck busy. He knocked and let himself in. A pretty girl jumped off the editor's ample lap, fumbling at her blouse's buttons. He thought he knew her from somewhere.

"Goddamn it, Andy," his huge ex-boss bellowed. "Ever heard of knocking?" He ignored him, looking at the girl. Twenty-five, he'd guessed – a bit older maybe.

"She your new star?" he asked. "I can see why you'd prefer her over me." He liked his sarcasm; he didn't give a shit.

"What do you want, Andy?"

"My job back."

"You quit."

"I un-quit."

"Sorry, too late."

André smashed both fists into the desktop. The girl left the room.

"Don't bullshit me, Jenner," he said. "She may be experienced in all kinds of things, but not in journalism!" His fist hit the desk again.

"Get out, Andy," Jenner said. "You're finished here."

"I won't."

"Don't make me call security."

Back at his flat he emptied the bottle of Glenlivet he'd bought on his way home. Admittedly, after the first two glasses he started taking smaller sips and after the fourth glass he added ice, but still, two in the afternoon is pretty early for a bottle of whisky, even a good one – especially on an empty stomach.

Passing out has this ring of peacefulness to it, and of course it is. But one should never forget the gut-wrenching, brain-splitting hangovers that follow.

He woke up in a pool of vomit. And after a while he realized his cell phone had woken him up. By then the ringing had long stopped. He scurried to the bathroom and took a very long shower. Then he cleaned up the floor and made himself breakfast and coffee. Only after forcing some of it down, did he pick up the phone, finding a voicemail message.

"Get back," was all it said with the voice of Miss A. He stared at the phone. Then he punched buttons to hear it again – and again. There was no reason for doubt, it was she and she said it, sending a flash of adrenalin up his sore body and his aching brain.

After some sorting out, he found one relevant question amongst the rubble of his mind: should he? He poured some more coffee and listened to the message once again. It was an order, no doubt about that. But her voice wasn't cold or businesslike. If it weren't totally silly, he'd say he heard traces of contriteness – miniscule, microscopic traces, but nevertheless. He shrugged. The ear is a treacherous organ.

He could call her; ask her why, and what she meant. But by now he understood that wasn't an option, not with her. He could either obey or ignore her. Ignore her? Who was he kidding?

Walking into the reception was like coming home. The blonde smiled at him; the corridors echoed his footsteps. He felt the hidden thong cut into his genitals. Turning around, he took in the kaleidoscope of reflections the elevator's mirrors gave of him. The Villa's door stood ajar, he shed his clothes at the entrance, crawling naked past the threshold into the big, sunny room.

Miss A sat in one of the overstuffed club chairs, leaving through a pile of sketches in her lap. She must be preparing for work, as she wore one of her almost businesslike suits: a white, half-open blouse under a tightly laced black waist cincher of heavy silk, and a short leather jacket. Her charcoal pencil-skirt ended on her calves, which were sheathed in knee-high, well-heeled boots. Their laces ran up through rows of eyelets. The jacket was sharp, but showed just a bit too much of her pale cleavage to be entirely professional. Her heels were at least an inch taller than usual in a conference room.

She didn't look up.

For a few seconds he hesitated what to do. Then he bent forward until his nose touched the floor. He lifted his ass – as he had seen Licia do. Silence ruled, only punctuated by the ticking of a clock and the rustling of paper. Distant noises came in through open windows. While waiting he felt the accumulated stress leave his muscles; there was no need whatsoever to get her attention. She was here and so was he. All was well.

"The girls seem to miss you."

Her voice was soft, casual. He knew that nothing more would be said. There would be no explanations, no excuses. That was all right; he didn't need any.

"Rise," she said. When he scrambled to his feet, he saw that she had already risen.


She went into the bedroom, crossed it and opened one of the mirror-covered panels in the far corner. It was a door; he didn't know of its existence. Behind it was a corridor of unadorned concrete. The floor was rough and cold against his bare feet; he shivered when a chilly draft breathed on him.

Miss A's heels echoed on the stone, at times scratching in the sexy way high heels do. She walked the length of the corridor, not once looking back. There was a huge steel door at the end, but right before it she turned to the right and went into a gloomy room. There was only one naked light bulb, throwing a sphere of light about that exposed gray lumpy walls and a high vaulted ceiling. What it also revealed made him gasp sharply.

At he center of the room was a construction of brass pipes, supporting the naked body of a girl. She was folded over a lateral pipe, its height forcing her to stretch her spread legs to the maximum. High-heeled plastic platform shoes propped her up; her head dangled at the other side, between her knees, hair touching the floor. Miss A turned towards him, pressing a finger to her mouth, urging him to be quiet.

"Sorry, honey," she then said to the tied up girl, while getting a transparent latex apron form a peg in the wall. She donned it and walked over to the girl's ass. It rose high, sticking out obscenely.

"I promised you a monster ass-fuck last night, but alas..." she said, patting the bare flesh. "It has to wait for a bit, I'm afraid." He saw that, together with the apron she had slipped on latex gloves.

"Business raised its ugly head," she went on. "I have to leave you alone for a while." She fondled the ass cheeks for a minute. "Well, anyway," she went on, "it gives you more time to think about what you did to me." Her hand came down hard, twice, making the bare flesh shiver. Then she spat on the crack between the glowing cheeks and slipped a finger into the closed hole. The girls started, making the pipes rattle.

"Please, Mistress," she croaked. Her voice must not have been used for a while, but he recognized it immediately.

"Licia!" he said under his breath. Miss A looked angry at him, but the girl gave no sign of having noticed.

"Please what, honey?"

"Please, I need to pee."

Licia's voice was small, childlike. Miss A chuckled.

"No problem, darling," she said. "Do whatever you need to; there's nobody you might offend." He heard another groan, but the girl didn't relieve herself.

"Whatever suits you, honey cunt," Miss A said after a pause. Her fingers touched the girl's exposed cunt lips, rubbing them. She then turned towards a small table with a silver tray that held several objects. She picked up a plastic bag filled with a soapy liquid. A tube ran from it, ending in a nozzle. She pressed it against the girl's asshole, making Licia shudder.

"Open up, honey. As from today you'll be doing this first thing every morning until it becomes routine. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, Mistress." Her voice was almost a whisper. Miss A forced the nozzle in.

"Please relax some more and it won't hurt," she said.

The black tip of the nozzle slid past the tight sphincter. Miss A raised the bag, squeezing it to force the liquid into the girl's bowels. She hummed soothingly when Licia started to groan.

"I need my girls clean, honey. I bet you understand," she whispered. "Keep it inside you, please, for just a few more minutes."

Licia's ass churned around the nozzle, a movement that got more urgent when the obvious pressure in her belly intensified – not to mention the increased pressure on her bladder. Five minutes went by before Miss A said, "good girl." She turned her eyes to the naked man, who'd watched in frozen terror. She pointed to a bucket and urged him with nods and gestures to pick it up and hold it under the girl's spread thighs.

"Let go, honey," she then said, pulling out the nozzle. A brownish, malodorous liquid gushed from the hole, accompanied by a long sigh from Licia. André felt it splatter over his arms and chest, causing him to almost drop the bucket.

"God, girl, you stink!" Miss A exclaimed, laughing out loud.

When the stream became a mere trickle, she pushed him and the bucket away, picking up another bag to repeat the process. After the bucket filled up with her second offering, Miss A made him take it to a corner of the room where he could dump its content into a hole in the floor and rinse it out. When he returned, he saw Miss A handling a large syringe. It had a long, fat nozzle that she pressed against the tight ring of the girl's sphincter.

"Relax, love. I promise this will be good," she muttered, pushing the nozzle completely in. Then she pressed the plunger. It caused a hissing noise, followed by some bubbling. A foamy substance backed up to gush past the nozzle and trickle down the ass crack before dripping on the floor.

She removed the syringe from the slippery hole, replacing it with a gloved finger she pushed in to the knuckle. After a little pause she started to turn and twist it, spreading the lubricant. Soon she added a second finger, humming softly to calm the girl. Licia danced on her plastic hooves, wriggling and churning as the fingers kept fucking her, putting extra pressure on her bladder.

"Good girl." Miss A complimented her again, taking out the shining fingers, dripping with oil.

She returned to the tray and picked up a black, cone-shaped object. André shuddered with recognition, watching how the thing swelled generously in the middle, before tapering off to a narrow waist at the bottom. There it flared out again into a round flange. He groaned with sympathy, his anus contracting. Miss A smiled a knowing smile at him. Then she reached down low between the girl's spread legs to find her dangling face.

"Open your mouth please, honey," she asked. "Wet this pretty object with your saliva and do yourself a favor – don't be stingy."

Through the gap between her legs he saw how her mouth opened and how the cone went in. After it came out again, dripping with spittle, Licia begged:

"Not there, Mistress. Please not in there." Miss A held her inverted gaze for a moment. Then she shook her head.

"Can't do, honey. The Second Gate, remember?" she said. "The Second Gate is all about this; about openings and opening up. Openings of the mind; openings of the body..." She almost chanted the words as she touched the girl's mouth, pushing the two fingers in that still shone with lubricant.

"God knows you are open here, darling," she said. "And even during this nonsense time of being a lesbian, your pretty cunt has been well trained by all those naughty vibrators and dildos. But you have been way too selfish with your poor tight ass ... Such a shame, as it really is a wonderful fuck hole."

She rose again and slapped the high ass cheeks repeatedly. Then she invited him closer by nodding her head, mimicking with her hands what she wanted him to do. After a few seconds he understood. With both hands he pulled her cheeks apart, allowing the woman to spit a drop of saliva onto the closed sphincter.

"Relax now, honey," she said softly. "Let go, so it wont hurt too much." She sank the plug past the greased muscle, into her hot, padded bowels. The pressure must be getting unbearable, considering the girl's increasing moans. The sphincter stretched thinner and thinner around the intruder, until, suddenly, it closed with a plop, gripping the plug's waist.

He let go of her cheeks, stepping back. Licia's screams became a long, low groan that suddenly twisted into a cry of dismay. The alien presence must have crowded her full bladder, for as soon as the thing was in, a gulp of golden urine gushed from between the girl's legs, splattering the floor.

Miss A jumped back with an exaggerated yelp.

"Oh my," she cried out. "Look what you did, pissing all over my new boots!" She stamped around with theatrical exaggeration. "What do we do now? I can't very well meet my clients dripping with the piss of an incontinent little slut whore, can I?"

Licia sobbed quietly as she fought to stop the rivulets coming down her thighs. Miss A laid both hands on the bare high ass and lifted one boot, pushing it between the spread legs into the girl's face.

"I know what you can do, honey," she said. "You can clean them with your tongue."

From her awkward angle it took Licia a few minutes to clean every square inch of the boots' heels, tips, soles and the lower part of the shafts. She gulped as her pink tongue slid over the shining leather, her lips sucking up the stray drops. Miss A turned her feet this way and that until she was satisfied that no niche or corner had been overlooked.

At last she complimented the girl on a job well done. She picked up a bottle with a plastic straw that she fed to the girl's inverted mouth.

"Suck, darling. It'll have to keep you for a few hours, I'm afraid." After Licia drank half the bottle, Miss A rose again. She tapped the plug that sat securely wedged in the girl's ass crack – peeping out like a black eye.

"Now be a good girl until I return, honey. Enjoy your new black lover and don't ridicule his modest size," she said. "We all have to start small, don't we?" She giggled. Then she kissed both cheeks beside the plug and whispered: "Good girl! Don't forget I love you."

She smiled, shedding the apron. Then she turned, gesturing him to follow, and walked away on her tall, thoroughly cleaned heels.

Staring out onto the terrace, he didn't know what to do. Well, he did know what he shouldn't do. Miss A had pushed him down into a chair after they returned to the terrace room, and she'd told him with unmistakable intensity not to go see the girl while she was away. Not to visit her; not to speak to her. Then she had picked up her papers and her laptop, and left.

What she could not do, though, was make him forget what he'd seen. He could not shake the images of callous abuse and off-handed humiliation. But most of all he could not shake the confusing feelings those images gave him. The girl had begged not to have her asshole violated. Miss A raped her anyway and he knew that should have offended him, even outraged him, but it hadn't. He'd liked the girl, he owed her for the way she nursed him back to health after the ice cellar horror. But even that didn't make him feel for her now. To the contrary: sitting here, watching the sun peep around the corner, he realized that he hated Licia.

He'd never hated anyone in his life, not even his boss. To be sure he didn't even know if the bitter, cold feelings he had were hatred at all. And if they were, shouldn't they be aimed at Miss A, the cruel torturer? Maybe, but they weren't; he loved her. She had treated him maybe even worse than she had the girl, but he hated the girl and loved Miss A. The feeling confused him no end.

Squirming his bare ass into the leather cushions of the chair, he was very aware of the absence of its black, fat intruder. He also was aware of the presence of the same plug between the girl's buttocks. It caused his mind to wander and as it did all kinds of half-forgotten sensations revisited him. At first there were reminders of physical pain: the burning of his skin, the violation of his asshole, and the fiery crisscrossing of his back with the riding crop. But more intensely he remembered the ridiculous apron, the being pissed on and laughed at.

The memories had always filled him with a thrilling, shivering sense of – contentment, even gratitude: women had tortured and ridiculed him, but they had also tolerated his presence, kissed him and even fondled his body. He had belonged. But now those feelings were jaded with a sense of loss, a sense of resentment. Suddenly he knew why he despised Licia – it wasn't hatred, it was jealousy.

He envied her for the attention she got – attentions denied him. But most of all he envied her for the few simple words Miss A whispered in her ear right before leaving. 'Don't forget I love you, ' she'd said.

She'd never said those words to him, and he knew she never would.

He shook with emotions he hadn't felt before. Slaves were supposed to love their masters as a matter of course. He knew he loved Miss A in the most helpless and pathetic way, but could a mistress be in love with her slave? Never. It would be a blatant weakness; it would turn the world upside down. It also was unfair to other slaves, unfair to him, wasn't it? He loved her like he was supposed to and there were no conditions to his love. He knew Miss A would never stoop to loving him back and that was how it should be. He was her servant, her chair; he'd be shocked and disappointed if she ever did.

Besides, Licia didn't love her mistress – Miss A had told him so herself. One moment she would crawl and grovel for her, only to be found out cheating the next day. He thought her so-called panicking to be a highly suspicious excuse for running off, but time and again it moved Miss A into taking her back.

He had never been jealous. It had taken him time to even recognize the bitter hurt for what it was. He'd never envied others for having things he craved, or relations he coveted. He simply never thought he could claim anything as his – anything at all.

But yes, he was desperately jealous of the girl.

He remembered liking Licia from the moment he met her. She was a sweet and playful girl, never bitchy. She was open and helpful. She was fun to be with. She'd never tried to come between him and Miss A, as far as he knew. But now he wondered. Hadn't she sacrificed him to avoid being punished by her mistress? He'd forgiven her because Miss A had put her in that position. But now he wondered. He also wondered if that was what jealousy did – pushing a one-time friend into the ugly light of suspicion?

The new feeling was like a hot coal dropped into his hands. He had to juggle it around in order not to burn his skin. The feeling was vile and indeed alien to him. Twisting and turning it, he tried to figure it out, knowing instinctively that it was a dangerous sentiment – an intruder. It might destroy him because he didn't know how to live with it. Should he confront it? Confess it? Or bury it in the graveyard of his mind? He felt the chill of moisture drying on his face. He'd cried without knowing.

Time passed; how much time he didn't know. His new thoughts made him restless. He looked around the apartment for things to clean up and tidy, but that hadn't calmed him down. What it did was lure him to the mirror-door in the corner of the master bedroom. There he caught himself listening to whatever sound might come through it. He knew that it only would make it harder to obey Miss A's order to forget the girl's predicament, but after his third visit he couldn't resist opening the door and listening at the crack.

At first he heard nothing. Maybe he was too far away. Then he heard a distant, forlorn little sound that he couldn't make out at first. It came in irregular patterns, interrupted by long stretches of silence. He'd closed the door and left, only to return within minutes, and open it wider before stepping inside. His bare feet made no sound on the cold concrete; the chilly draft gave him a shiver.

The sound he'd heard was sobbing. When he reached the room he knew for sure – it was the girl sobbing. He peeked around the corner, but the room was in total darkness. Moans interspersed the sobbing. The girl must be stone cold and stiff from her static position. He could still smell the acrid urine, laced with the sickly-sweet stench of her enemas. He returned to the bedroom, closing the mirror-door silently. He rubbed the goose bumps on his arms, wondering why he didn't feel relieved. He should be thankful not to be in the girl's position. He wasn't supposed to envy her – was he? Not to feel – left out. So why did he?

He uttered a frustrated scream, slamming the kitchen's counter with his flat hand.

Five minutes later he found himself back at the entrance of the torture room, carrying a blanket. He'd love to think it was sympathy that fueled his actions – the need to help the suffering girl. But he knew it wasn't. It was the need to steal the suffering away from her; robbing her of the means to please her mistress.

He strained his eyes to make out her silhouette in the room's darkness. When he at last did, he tiptoed closer, and threw the blanket over her folded form. He put both arms around her, feeling her shape against his naked body – the spread legs, the raised ass, and the plug's flange at its center. He pressed his belly against the hard object, shivering with her. Then he whispered through chattering teeth: "For you, Licia. For you." She groaned, stiffening even more.

"Noooo," she hissed. "N-no need ... please don't." He ignored her plea, rubbing her flanks through the fabric. She arched and humped to shake him off.

"Mistress will be mad," she panted, making the chains and brass pipes clang. "You shouldn't be here. Go!"

"You are a cheat and a whore," he said, not letting go of her body. "You are not worthy of her." The girl hung still again.

"I know!" she whined, the last word ending in a sob.

"You betray her," he went on, squeezing harder. She breathed quicker, shallower.

"I am weak," she admitted. He snorted.

"Too easy, girl," he said. "She should kick you out."

"I ... know," she agreed, having difficulty breathing now.

"Beg her to dump you," he insisted. "Beg her!"

"I ... did," she said, wrestling to get the words out.

"Liar," he spat out, hugging her even tighter.

The girl was silent. Realizing he was choking her, he relaxed his hold. She responded with a series of deep, coughing breaths. He let go of her, stepping back and taking away the blanket. He lowered his gaze to her inverted face. It looked up at him from between her knees.

"What is it to you?" she asked. The question put him back on his feet. What indeed? He knew it was jealousy. He envied her position. He wanted to be her, but he could never admit that, could he?

"I don't want Miss A to hurt," he said instead. "You've hurt her enough." The girl was silent again. Then she shrugged, making the metal rattle.

"I know, and I'm sorry," she then said. "But she always takes me back. She says she's in love with me." The answer sent a flash of indignation up his face. Before he knew it he'd slapped her. Then, realizing what he did, his hand reached for the place he'd hit, starting to caress it.

"You are bad, " he said. "You count on her forgiving your cheating, because you know she loves you."

"I know," she agreed. He went on.

"You are a selfish slut. You manipulate her love and take it for granted. It is you who should love her, but you don't." Another silence lingered. The draft made them both shiver.

"I try," she finally said. "I so much want to love her." New sobs wrecked her body. He felt shamed by them. He touched her ass cheeks, tentatively.

"I," he said, "I should not have judged you." Another silence was punctuated with sobs. He circled the plug's flange with his forefinger.

"Please don't tell Miss A I was here," he then said, letting go of her. He picked up the blanket and turned to leave.

"I'll have to when she asks," the girl said.

Of course she asked the girl as soon as she returned from work, late that night. And Licia told her. Of course she told her. She had no choice, had she?

Now, hours later, he was on the night-dark terrace, still hurting from the grizzliest experience of his life. Torches and candles were placed around him in a half-circle, sparsely lighting the place. The evening breeze felt balmy after another summer's day. He wondered how Licia's torture room could have been so cold. He also wondered why he had such trivial thoughts at a time like this and after what happened. He stood on tiptoes, strung up by chains to an iron hook set into a protruding beam. Sweat was drying on his skin. His shoulders ached, as did his whipped backside and his bruised crotch. He didn't mind the pain. It was proof of her anger. Anger equaled attention, didn't it? He'd gotten her attention all right. He grimaced.

"Why do you smile, dog?"

She sat in a rattan chair right on the edge of the half-circle. A riding crop lay in her lap, black leather on a pinstriped skirt. Her long legs were crossed, the skin of her throat and face shone pale in the yellow, dancing light. "You want me to whip you some more?"

"If you wish, Miss," he said, suppressing a wince. "But that wasn't why I had to smile." His answer made her stare in silence for a bit. Then she rose, climbing to the top of her high-heeled boots. She walked the few steps up to him and grabbed his jaw, turning his face towards hers.

"You are a worthless little shit," she said. "You keep proving you are hopeless and you know it, don't you?"

"Yes," he agreed. "Yes I do, Miss. But then again it is no wonder. I am male." She grinned, pushing away his face. She started to walk in front of him. He admired her feline movements and the delicacy of her cleavage, ever so slightly trembling with the impact of her heels. Would he ever understand how such a delicious package could hide such monstrous perversions?

"Don't use your stupid maleness as an excuse, though, dog." She had turned and stopped in front of him, caressing the palm of her gloved left hand with the tip of her crop. "Especially," she went on, "because you are not even male. You are nothing – a slab of hairy meat with arms and legs and a cock that brings tears to my eyes."

His gaze never left hers. He felt the venom of her insults, even when they were delivered in a sweet, soft tone. But they didn't hurt, not really; they just were too damn accurate to hurt. None of what she said differed from how he saw himself. Hearing it from her mouth was like a seal of approval. He felt – vindicated; it spread a perverted sense of pride through him. He grinned again. It made her eyes darken.

"Are you playing the Christ or something?" she asked, more curious than sarcastic. "I don't get you men," she went on. "You seem either macho or martyr. But even the martyrs usually get their pecker up from punishment and humiliation."

While saying that, she lifted his limp penis with the tip of the crop. They both looked down on it.

"You are a riddle, André, you know that?" she asked, letting go of the cock. He cleared his throat.

"I don't know, Miss," he began. "I really think I am a simple thinking guy. I admire women; I adore you. All I want is to serve you, to be with you, and to be tolerated." He paused, looking for words. "Even if you don't want me." She just stared at his penis, reaching for it with the crop again.

Same as Prisoner
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When I was younger we lived in a small town that hosted the county fair. My parents would take my little sister and I to see the animals, ride the various amusements, and to see the homemade items that county fairs are famous for. We looked at all the huge vegetables, the quilts, canned foods and nick knacks but my favorite were the animals. We didn't have the room for any farm creatures where we lived so the closest I could get was the fair. I loved walking through the animal barns, the sheep,...

1 year ago
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What Do You Say

Another story sent to me by a faithful reader. Enjoy! I had just turned sixteen and could not wait to get my dick wet. It is all me and my friends would talk about. "What would be like to fuck that girl?" "How would it feel to cum inside her?" You guys know how it is. One of Friends was turning eighteen and his parents were having a big party. They had rented this huge place that had rooms for us all to stay in and then it had this big dance hall thing and they had this DJ guy set up in there...

1 year ago
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Stuart part 1

My name is Claire Olivia Milton. Or at least... It used to be. I was born on 2nd March 1990, the second daughter of three, to two loving parents. My father is a manager at a big investment firm, my mother- 15 years his junior- was his secretary until she fell in love with him, got married and had three kids. Growing up I wanted for nothing- I lived in a big house, was spoiled rotten, went to the best schools... And yet, from a very young age I knew something was wrong, not with my...

1 year ago
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Seduced by the Preachers Daughter

My wife and I relocated a year or so back to a small town in Arkansas. I had received a promotion with the company I was with and relocated to run a small office in Little Rock. The move was a pretty big one. We were now about fourteen hours from our nearest friend or relative.The first thing we did when we settled was find a church. My wife and I had both grown up in rural Georgia. Even though we were far from saints, we had always attended church regularly. We went to services at several...

Oral Sex
3 years ago
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The DebtChapter 2

I groggily came to life at 7:00 when the alarm went off. I rolled over to turn off the alarm with Dee Dee clinging to me. We were alone in the bed. I was still too sleepy to wonder what became of Caitlin. "Don't go," she begged. "Please, stay here with me. I'll make it worth your while." I rolled back toward her and kissed her. "As much as I would like to stay, Dee Dee" I said, "I have to go to work. I should be back around 12:30. Then we can do something fun together. You and...

3 years ago
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Memory Of A Friend 2

The next day we went shopping down to Swansea all day in Aunt Megs car. On the way home she suggested we stop for a drink. We walked in the pub and from the greeting it was obvious she knew the Landlady well. We got the drinks and sat on bar stools at the bar while Meg chatted intimately to the Landlady, obviously a close friend. While we sat there the pub’s big Alsatian dog came around the bar to us, jumping up and making a huge fuss of both of us, but mainly Aunt Meg, who he obviously knew...

4 years ago
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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 4 Dog Sitting

Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

2 years ago
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The Loving Family

Introduction: Enjoy! I welcome all comments or constructive criticism. The pressure his cock was putting on Allisons young virgin asshole was unbearable. Her uncle had been trying to ease it into her tight, pink hole for the last ten minutes. Allison was bent over, her pert bottom sticking high up in the air. She could feel a slight breeze from the open bedroom window between her gaping legs. Her pussy was so wet she wanted to start humping the air in frustration. She craned her head around the...

3 years ago
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Kimberlys Gangbang WeekendChapter 2 Saturday Afternoon

Kimberly Martin awoke from a deep and soothing sleep around noon on Saturday, and as she stretched herself into conscienceless, she remembered why she had such a deep sleep. Her body needed it after being satisfied by eight different men, counting her husband, who fucked her in her ass for the first time. After stretching and recalling the feelings she went thru the night before, Kimberly lay back on the bed and realized how much she enjoyed showing off and letting all those men fuck her....

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305 padlocked nurse pt3

305 padlocked nurse pt3Barney having returned from his months break with his parents in the New-York home, where they now lived, returning refreshed and more than a little glad to be back. During his break as John had bidden he had researched chastity belts and security devices, as well as attending his sister`s wedding and his mother`s birthday party. He had survived mothers comments about his lack of girlfriends, and his both sisters questioning if he was gay. He had twice called the flat...

2 years ago
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My 75 year old Aunty

My two previous stories have dealt with the story of my relationship to date with my partners 75 year old Aunt. Last week I popped round with my laptop and showed her the stories on the website. At first she was horrified until I explained that they were posted anonymously and unless someone who knew us both read them then it was highly unlikely that our secret would come out. This knowledge seemed to pacify her and once she had read them through they even became a turn on for her resulting in...

1 year ago
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I went to Angel’s boyfriend’s apartment as I often do to hang out with her. We opened up some Tequila to have some Margaritas and were talking as we always do. Of course when one is drinking the topic goes to sex. I said, “Well you’re gonna be married soon, hopefully this guy still makes things fun in bed cuz you’re about to spend the rest of your life with him.” She always tells me everything so I know what she likes in bed because of the stories she tells. “Hell yea he’s still fun! I mean,...

4 years ago
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One Night Stand With A Tall Indian Hottie

Hi buddies, Rahul here from Pune. I am back with another true sex story that happened to me in the most unexpected manner. It’s a bit long but I hope you would like it. I was taking an 8 pm flight from Delhi to Pune and reached the airport an hour before. I was standing in the check-in line when I noticed a hot woman standing in front of me. She was wearing a t-shirt and tight jeans. Her ass was round and very inviting. Looking at that only I started getting hard on. I could see her face when...

2 years ago
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I Hate My Sister

I've always hated Dawn my sister, I know I shouldn't but it all stems from the day she was born. Up to then I was the only one, the heir of the family name and fortune. Then she came along and I was forgotten, worse even I had to change my life because she was there. You know how it is, be quiet or you'll wake your baby sister or sorry we can't go out because we can't find a babysitter etc. Ok I know sibling rivalry is common and I should have grown out of it by now, but fuck it why should...

4 years ago
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Secret Lives Chapter 14

Several months have now passed since that wild weekend and life has settled into a comfortable routine. It was one of those quiet moments. Both of us were lost in thought as the hypnotic thrum of the tyres lulled us into an introspective world. We were now comfortable enough with each other that silences weren’t unnerving but actually comforting. Things had progressed surprisingly slowly considering our tumultuous beginning. Once the dust had settled, we came to the understanding that we did...

2 years ago
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Ethereal Muff Firsttime with a couple on a remot

She follows me down a winding trail through the fir, cedar and spruce forest to the shoreline of Georgian Bay. Waves gently lap against the shoreline of smooth, multi-colored pebbles, the air is heavy with the sweet scent of the surrounding forest, and the surface of the water is bright with countless tiny reflected beams of the sun as if there is a gigantic disco ball in the sky casting its sparkling radiance across the water to the edge of the horizon. Jennifer, my wife, happily wanders over...

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Down On The Dirt Road

Sitting on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere USA, Madison begins to grow impatient as she looks over at her boyfriend Shawn. She decides do something that will make her calm down faster. As Shawn is reading a map and trying to figure out where they are going next, Madison slips her hand down her jean shorts and begins to tease her shaven pussy. She lifts up her butt and slips off her jean shorts. Also she switches her sitting position putting her back to the door. She looks at Shawn...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Pleasure Boy

Many, many years ago I had joined the military and my first and only duty station was San Diego, Ca and while stationed there I became a person who was hungry for cock. The excitement of having a man approach me, knowing that in a very few minutes he was going to possess my body for his sexual enjoyment sent tiny bolts of electricity through me and I have always wondered why that was. The commanding way he puts his cock in my mouth, making me take it. Not that I didn’t want to, just the way he...

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My dad is a Doctor and I am a voyeur

Let me explain. My father is a successful and popular Doctor in a smallish mid west town. I am studying computer science at the local College where I am singularly unsuccessful with the girls. I have had lots of sex; however, it would be nice to do it with another person one day. I am about five feet six and as a result of a bone disorder when I was young, have one leg very slightly shorter than the other. It does not bother me; however, it meant that I could never be any kind of an athlete,...

4 years ago
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First Threesum

My First ThreesomeIt was a lunchtime when our next-door neighbour knocked on our front door. His wife had gone into labour and he wanted me to pick his 6yr old up from school. I’d said for a while now that I would if they needed me to. I told Chris not to rush back as I would feed him and put him to bed if he wasn’t back in time. Rob arrived home from work at 6pm and was happy to hear that Chris’ wife had gone into labour. He’d just got into the bath when Chris returned to say he had...

1 year ago
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TeensLoveAnal Sailor Luna Anal Money Pit

Sailor Luna has decided that putting her fine ass to work is the fastest way she can earn some cash. She is broke and she loves to get her hole punched, so the whole thing seems like a win win situation to her. When she goes over to meet her John, she is wearing a sluttly, strappy little black dress. She rubs his crotch, but before they can get started, he sends her to the bathroom to change into a sexy sheer bathing suit…and a dog collar. He walks in on her and grabs her by the collar,...

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Teachers Daughter

Hey there Horny Readers it's me ink, a guy of age 20 with 6 inch thick and long tool. I'm back here with a new story which happened when i was in high school. This story is about how i had sex with my Social Science teacher's daughter Janu . Janu was short and had busty boobs i don't know exactly her boob size but it was unusually big for her at that age. She is fair and has a cute smile. Her mom name is Sugu (will be a special one so read fully). Please Do LIKE & SHARE and also subscribe...

2 years ago
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Summer Time Ch1

Katie is outside sunbathing again. This heat is making all the girls in the neighbourhood go sun crazy. It’s May right now and we’ve never seen heat like this at this time of year before. We have a pool in our garden which hasn’t been used in at least 2 years but now our parents were finally getting what they paid for out of it. It’s the summer holidays and I usually spend my days out with my best friend Karl. We’d skate the streets, ogling all the girls who we’re now out wearing as little...

4 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 71

It was quite a while later that Mr. Bell and Judge Thorson opened the bedroom door and announced that our guests had departed, leaving a small army behind to protect us. He was seriously disturbed, and I waited and waited for him to say what was on his mind, but he just paced, thought, thought and paced. Millie and Colleen knew he was holding something back, and after the Thorsons left, Millie confronted him about it. "Jim, what is it? What's got you so wrought up? Spit it out! We're too...

3 years ago
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Futa Daughters Naughty Temptation 1 Daughters Rebellious Futa Passion

Chapter One: Daughter's Rebellious Futa Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! “I'm totally going to do it!” the futa-demon Spice said. She had her hands on her hips, her big boobs bouncing before her and cute devil's tail swishing back and forth. The gold chain, connected to the two rings that pierced her nipples, jingled. Red hair cascaded down around a youthful and mischievous face, black horns peeking out of the fiery curls. She unfurled...

3 years ago
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Body shots

had been without sex for a long time. I went to the bar one evening & visited with some male friends, none of them had ever appealed to me. We lived in a very small town where everyone knows each other. Aside from the bartender, I was the only woman in the place. James came into the bar and started visiting with my friends. He worked in town and lived in another town. I was immediately attracted to him. I had never seen him before. We made eye contact and soon he was next to me at...

2 years ago
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Twelve Lays of Xmas Ch 07

Part Seven of 12 Lays of Xmas, the full novella version. Typical. You wait seven months for chapter six, and then two come along in 24 hours. Any similarity to any persons living, loving or otherwise – well – you know who you are. * * * * * The Twelve Lays of Xmas Seven Swans A-Swimming Nobody was around very early the following day, but I actually had to force myself out of bed at about ten to go and see the people behind my present to Jessica, the CD and the artworks. Apparently, all was...

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Honeymoon with my gorgeous mature MOM

While you're reading this magnificent story YOU will certainly CUM multiples times, so, grab your fleshlight, lube and napkins and enjoy the SHOW that Erica & Josh displays just for you. Real and amazing love story between me (Josh Gibson) and my mom (Erica Gibson).[...] "Are you sure you guys are going to be okay?" Hal Gibson asked his wife and son. "Hal, relax. We'll be fine," Erica replied. She turned and looked at her young son, who was pushing one final box into the back of their SUV....

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Cajun fun

This is a true story of when i was visiting family in houma,LA.I decided to take a trip to houma,louisiana to visit family i hadn't seen for a long time,my aunt uncles and cousins.when i arrived i was welcomed by my aunt and cousins,"where's uncle paul" i asked just as i said it he pulled into the drive way with his work mate and i almost hit the floor this guy was amazingly hot.i sat awkwardly in the living room trying my best not to stare at him but it was impossible,i just kept getting...

4 years ago
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As Cloe and I walked into the lingerie department her eyes lit up, hey what do you think to that? In the corner was a stunning silk dress all in black with a sexy halter neck and a large slit up one side. Imagine that dress with stockings and suspenders 4” heel and you wearing it she said. Our basket was already full of sexy items, Cloe pulled the dress form the rail and asked me to go into the changing room to try it and some lingerie on. Here now I gasped. Course don’t worry Hun the...

1 year ago
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TeamSkeetClassics Karlee Grey Hands On Advice

This Team Skeet Classic update features Karlee Grey, Tony Profane. Originally released July 19th, 2016, this Sis Loves Me scene was and still is a major hit! When Tony is looking for some relationship advice, his stepsister Karlee is who he goes to. Karlee goes straight to the point, asking to see how big Tony’s cock is, and giving him a little taste of what his girlfriend could be doing to that dick. When Tony comes back saying his girlfriend only teased him and didn’t even touch him, Karlee...

2 years ago
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Losers WifeChapter 3

The girl didn't even remember coming down in the elevator or walking through the casino. She had crossed the crowded streets almost by instinct alone and it wasn't until she passed an all-night diner just before her corner and saw the clock inside that she realized it was almost two in the morning. God, she had spent hours there on that horrible bed... and, she vowed... "I'll never do it again!" Occasionally a streetlight would reflect against the streaked tears on her face and the...

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PornHub Voyeur is a well-known porn tube platform where you can find all kinds of porn content. If you want to enjoy voyeur content, which I’m sure you do, then you’ve come to the right place. Pornhub has free porn all over the place and in every category, voyeur included. That being said, I’ll show you a few things that Pornhub isn’t really good at when it comes to these voyeur videos so that you can make your decision about whether you want to watch voyeur porn here or somewhere else,...

Voyeur Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Finders KeepersChapter 12

"Well done, Commander!" McClintock had insisted on hearing the report himself. "You and your team take a couple of weeks off, Tran, you've earned it." "Thank you, Sir" Pham returned with a grin, "It will give our armor time to air out!" McClintock grinned back "Yeah, three weeks is a long time to spend suited up, even with the efficiency of the armor's recyclers. Dismissed, Commander!" Pham came briefly to attention before turning on his heel and exiting the Yuee Flagship's...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 182 Life Death and Pepper Spray

After about twenty minutes Willy came from the bedroom. "I talked to Mike. He suggested that if I needed to call, after he had explained the job to me before I signed on, maybe I should leave." Earl nodded and I turned away. Big time war correspondent my ass, I thought, but I didn't say anything. Lucas didn't have any expression. He stayed right with his computer searches. "You need to find a flight and we need to get you out of here. The sooner the better, it takes time to mount an...

2 years ago
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Main Didi Or Khan Driver 8211 Part I

Mara naam Rajoo hai mare yah story kafie arsa phalhy ki jab mare age 19 thi… Maray ghar may main or mare bare didi Sonya mare 19 thi or unki age 23 thi jab parents nay unki shaadi kar di… Didi wasay he bhohat piyare thi or friendly be wo sab ki care karte thi or help be karte thi… Shaadi kay baad wo apnay susraal chali gaye or jab be wo ati to or be piyare dhakhte or unka jisam or sundar sundar lagta or main chore chore dhahkta rahta kay kitne piyare or sexy lag rahi hain. Kitna lucky hai jijju...

3 years ago
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Jonathon And Jackie Naked In SchoolChapter 24 Jackie

I woke up to the feeling of JR's cock against my butt. Giggling to myself, I decided a girl could get used to that. The only problem was JR and I were both wearing underwear. I wiggled my backside, and JR squeezed my boob. I wiggled again, he squeezed again. We continued until we were both laughing. I rolled over so I could kiss him. We shared a few kisses before getting up. I had gone to bed in my panties, JR was wearing his boxers. When we sat up, I saw Mo sitting on her bed. She grinned...

2 years ago
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Dream StateChapter 25

It was early 1992 and Aimee was tending her garden. It was just the two of us there, and I noticed that some things were different. First, Dawn wasn't with Aimee. This was unusual in and of itself; Dawn seemed to be a permanent fixture around Aimee when she was tending her garden, recently. Second, Aimee wasn't singing. Third, and most striking: Aimee wasn't really gardening, either. She was just kneeling on her little plastic mat, looking very concerned. "Jim, I need to speak with...

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Experience Makes Man Perfect

Hi, readers, I am back with a new sex story of my life which happened a few months ago with my neighbor….. My name is Rajan 26-year-old, live in a small town near coorg..Karnataka. From last 8 years, I haven’t been in the home for long.. I was studying away and been working in all major cities. At last this February I came back to my native place and settled happily. My sex journey started at early 18 and I have been enjoying my sexual pleasure frequently whenever I got a chance.But this time,...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 5

"All characters participating in sexual activity are age 16 or older."[Opening Theme: "Violet Skies" by In This Moment]The doorbell rang. Jennifer hurried to the door and opened it, revealing a smiling Theresa. Both girls squealed with excitement. "Get in here, you," Jennifer said, grabbing her arm and pulling her inside. As soon as she got the door closed, Theresa pushed her against it and kissed her. Jennifer returned the kiss, and said after Theresa finally pulled away, "Not so shy about...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Tristen My Daughters Friend chapter 2

Weeks had gone by since Jay had a little borderline fun with Tristen, his oldest daughter’s friend. She had spent the night with Anna and come downstairs to get some water when she discovered that Mr. Wells had been jerking off. A little open and honest talk began and they talked through the embarrassment and turned it into a little fun when Jay suggested that they pleasure themselves while watching each other and it wouldn’t be crossing the line. Jay discovered that their little play...

1 year ago
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Beauty4K Jessica Jade Show me your true self

He comes up to Jessica Jade in the street and tells her he has a model agency and he searches for new faces. First, she feels suspicious and even nervous a little bit, but he manages to calm her down with a story about a big client who pays good money. He invites the hottie to the studio and asks her to relax and take a comfy position. Jessica Jade does her best but still fails to do what he asks her. He comes up to her and does everything to help her relax, he even grabs her tits and that,...

4 years ago
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Daughters Horny Urge Section 3

Janet took her husband's hand and placed it on their daughter's cunt-mound. Jerry's fingers slid inside. "Ah-h-h-h-h…Ohhhhhhhh, Daddy!" Fiona sighed, cupping Jerry's hand over her little cunt. Her hips rocked against her father's hand, urging him wordlessly to fuck her with his fingers. Her eyes closed and her lips parted in a long sigh of pleasure. "She's tight, isn't she, honey?" Janet asked softly, fisting her husband's throbbing erection. "God, yes", moaned Jerry....

3 years ago
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The Capture of Sweet Pussy Pam

The Capture of Sweet Pussy By Stroker88 Part One God how he loved this. Her naked ass faced him; proffered high in the air. “Wiggle it for me Sweet Pussy” he cooed as he brought his riding crop smartly across a bare ass cheek. Face pressed against the carpet she could barely hear her own sobs as she jumped then wiggled in total humiliation...”Yes master”. “Thank you master”, she cried; knowing what real pain would follow if she failed to respond properly. “Again!! Sweet Pussy…faster this time”....

2 years ago
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Remembering a naughty lesson

So here I am sitting here knowing you are probably less than 10 minutes away and you are going to get wet just wondering what is in this message.That's because you are a very bad girl. Like I said before, bad girls get spankings. I guess I'll just have to drive over there and pick you up nearby your house. It is not that I want to do it, but you leave me little choice with your actions. We are going to have to drive somewhere remote so you can learn how a proper lady behaves herself.I pull off...

1 year ago
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Gaias ChampionChapter 14

The woman who came through the tunnel that led to where the guardians stood stared at everyone assembled. Surprise was painted all over her face, as she wasn’t expecting this many people here. Her eyes wandered around, taking in everyone who was there, before settling on Jason. “Jason? Is that you?!?” the woman called Sheena asked. “Yeah, it’s me! Hold up, how did you get here? What are you doing here?” he questioned her. “That is something I would like to know,” Phalmina piped up, coming...

2 years ago
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the hunting trip my best friend 2

Hunting trips are usually fun. Being stuck at a hunting lodge with my best friend ,Howard, in the middle of a raging blizzard is not my definition of fun. Howard was standing at the window looking out. Outside the snow was coming down so hard you couldn't more than a few feet out. "Well at least we got free liquor out of this." I said as I handed him another C-N-C. Howard gave me that look as he took the drink from me. "Next time we see a story on hunting in Alaska, let's remember this and...

1 year ago
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Triptych InterviewsWhitney

Saturday, November 26 (After Chapter 28 of Triptych) WHITNEY: Hey-ya! Knock-knock. You Dr. Aroslav? aroslav: Some people call me that. Welcome, Whitney. WHITNEY: Thanks. You really want to know about this little old Bayou girl? aroslav: No. I'm not really interested. There seem to be some people who believe you'll be important to the story sometime. They want to know about you. WHITNEY: Well, as long as it's not just you. What do you want me to tell you? Do you mind my Bayou accent? I...

2 years ago
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PrisonChapter 6

The last couple of months have been hard. Preparing for the exams and all those hours of training had taken a toll on everyone. In a way, I was glad to be back to school for a couple of weeks just having lessons and now preparing for the sixth form. But for the rest of the term, it wasn’t like that at all. On my walk down Churchgate Road past St Mary’s Church, I noticed all the cars stopping on the main road to let kids out; I wondered why they were not turning into the school. When I...

2 years ago
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First Time With My Online Friend

Hi, my name is Rahul. I am 21 years old, doing my bachelor’s degree. This is a story about a recent and first sexual adventure I had. It had been a year since I got introduced to world of gay sex. It all started when I accidentally clicked on a wrong shemale porn site. Since then every day I used to fantasize about guys pounding my ass and different other kinkiest fantasies. One day through one of the many groups I joined on KIK I found a guy; he was 25 and was looking for a bottom. I private...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Horny Neighbor

Hi All, This is sexy chap again with yet another story. Thank you all for the response I got for my last story. My last story was in the incest category on how I fucked my so called sister’s sister from office. It was titled as fun with sister. This time I am going to narrate you yet another true incident that happened with me and my neighbour please give me your feedbacks on So coming back to the main story and I stay in Jaipur and my house is a double storey building there is a family...

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