Himura BattousaiChapter 31: Extra Story--Yahiko's Fight (Beginning) free porn video

Kaoru (shaking the dojo with her voice): Yahiko! Yahiko!! Yahiko--!!! He's gone again! It's time for practice, where the hell could he-- (she notices spiky hair sticking out above the bushes) Got you! (seizing a handful of hair) Thought you could hide from me!!
(The hair belongs to Sanosuke, who is innocently grilling fish. They are instantly at each other's throats.)
Kaoru: You and your misleading hairstyle!!
Sanosuke: Are you making fun of my hair?
Kenshin (with a basket of laundry): What's all the fuss about? (seated around the well) Yahiko's gone?
Sanosuke: Probably out with some girl. He's old for his age.
Kaoru: I bet he's out blowing his money on snacks. The kid's a pig.
Kenshin: I think he's out training on his own. The sword should be beginning to make sense to him by now.
Kaoru & Sanosuke: NO WAY! in our opinion.
Kenshin (weakly): You think so...
Sanosuke: A girl. It's definitely a girl.
Kaoru: It's food. No mistake.
Kenshin: I really think he's train--
Kaoru & Sanosuke: No way.
Yahiko (strolling in behind them): Food... girls... what kinda stupid stories of desire are these? Disgraceful.
Kaoru & Sanosuke (sending him into orbit with a combined punch) You punk!!!
(They march off self-righteously.)
Kaoru: God!
Sanosuke: Kids these days.
Yahiko: Where did that come from!!
Kenshin (all smiles): So where were you, Yahiko?
Yahiko: Just for a walk.
Kenshin: If you're missing practice, it isn't "just" a walk.
Yahiko (going inside): If you hit four out of six days of practice a week, that's enough. It's not something to worry about.
Kenshin: Oro... (as the door closes) Hmm.
And then, a few days later--
(Yahiko peers around the door. No one is outside.)
Yahiko: All right, no one on my tail. (thinking) I thought Kenshin was getting suspicious, but no one noticed a thing.
(Kenshin, Kaoru and Sanosuke regard him cooly from their vantage point on the roof.)
Kaoru: It IS suspicious.
Kenshin: He's hiding something.
Sanosuke: Well, I've got some time to kill.
(They sneak after him, Kenshin hiding behind the well cover.)
Sanosuke: It's a girl, I'm telling you.
Kaoru: It's got to be food.
Kenshin: I still think he's training.
(They follow him to... )
Kenshin: The Akabeko...
Sanosuke: My favorite restaurant? (Great place to eat and run.)
Kaoru: So it WAS food!!
Kenshin: Oro.
Sanosuke: Feh.
Kaoru: So he's been sneaking in here...
(The restaurant is nearly empty, with no sign of Yahiko.)
Kaoru: That's strange. I'm sure he went in here.
Tae (catching sight of them): Oh, Kaoru, I haven't seen you in so long!
Kaoru: Tae!
(in the back of the restaurant)
Chef: Hey, kid! We're outta charcoal. Bring another bag!
Yahiko: Right!
Chef: Tell Tsubame to bring one too. It's getting crowded, so after that come help the customers.
Tsubame: O... okay.
(Tsubame is a girl around Yahiko's age, with short hair and a nervous face.)
(The four peek around the gate.)
Kenshin: I see. He's doing odd jobs here?
Tae: Yes. he told us not to say anything, but... He came in one day and asked us all to keep it a secret.
Kaoru: But why would he do something like this...
(Tsubame trips and falls, dropping the heavy bag.)
Sanosuke: Maybe THAT'S what we're after.

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