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Elizabeth was apoplectic when I arrived home. She seemed poised for physical violence and I could tell her hold on her frayed temper was tenuous.

"Why in the hell did you see Tiny Huntley again today?" she asked through clenched teeth. "Are you intent on getting yourself killed? If you are, just say the word. Because I'm about ready for that."

I looked at her calmly.

"Tiny and I have a business arrangement in this one particular area," I said. "I needed to let him know that I hadn't crossed him on it. I did it for your safety and Lauren's. I can't have him come after you."

Elizabeth stood in front of me with crossed arms.

"You're still in business?" she asked.

"We have agreed that we have reached divergent interests," I said. "We agreed that there will be no hard feelings if we put our own interests first."

"Tony Baker has agreed to let you interview Wells," she said. "Tomorrow morning, 9 a.m., for no longer than 25 minutes."

I sighed.

"No recordings," I said firmly.

"He won't go for that," Elizabeth stated. "Wells has immunity."

"I've got reasonable doubt sewn up," I concluded. "I'll get a jury full of young mothers and fathers; I'll dress Lauren up in pony-tails and pinafores; I'll say over and over again how her father – a man Tony Baker has granted immunity to – set her up as a drug courier. Then I'll testify for Huntley in his trial and say the same fucking thing. Of course by then the press will have excoriated Baker and your office completely so I doubt if Huntley will ever get to trial with Baker's key witness discredited completely. You tell that prick Baker that I said no fucking cameras and no fucking recorders."

Elizabeth stared at me.

"You would set Tiny Huntley free?" she asked.

"If I have a choice of keeping Huntley out of jail or sending Lauren to jail, guess where I'll land," I stated.

She nodded.

"OK," she agreed. "But you don't want to make this personal with Tony Baker."

"I don't give a fuck about Tony Baker," I came back. "I'll never see that prick again. You don't want me to make it personal with Tony Baker. And right now, you're just going to have to be mad at me. I can't allow you or Pam to dictate strategy in this one, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth stared at me harder.

"I guess you're right," she said. "But stay away from Tiny Huntley. You don't have any idea what sort of person you're dealing with."

"I think I do," I told her. "He said a couple of things I agree with: he only kills when he needs to and he does what he does to make sure his kids don't have to do it in a few years. He has a sense of honor that he adheres to. I actually trust him to certain extent. I certainly trust him to handle the Wells situation better than your office can or has."

She shook her head.

"I don't want to be in the middle of this," she said. "I get the impression that things are going to get ugly in a hurry."

Tony Baker insisted in sitting in on the interview with Biff Wells. I demurred and started to leave his office.

"We're not done here," he said.

"I'm done," I replied. "And you're screwed. Listen, little man, you're in over your head. You wanna make your name with this at my client's expense. Well that's not going to happen. I'm going to file a material witness complaint against Wells. I'll interview him at my leisure without your mandates. I'll be back this afternoon with a court order.

"Face it, Baker, you signed a pact with the Devil and I'm here to make sure you pay the price."

It took me less than an hour to secure a warrant for Biff Wells' testimony. Tony Baker tried to block it but he had no standing since he had granted Wells immunity from prosecution.

Biff Wells was not a happy man when he was led into an interrogation room and saw me sitting there. I had beaten him within an inch of his life eight years earlier and he could tell by the look on my face that I would have no qualms about doing it again.

The judge who signed the warrant forbade any member of law enforcement or the prosecution from witnessing the interview – a fact I made evident to Wells by leaving the light on behind the one-way mirror and the door open to the observation area. He knew there would be no one to help him.

I also made sure he was shackled to a bolt on the table. In short, there was no way Biff Wells could think that anyone outside of me was in control.

I started off with an evil grin. It was a good one because I had practiced for hours on it.

"You know you're a dead man," I said. "And believe me when I tell you by the time everything is said and done, death will be a blessing."

Biff tried bravado.

"Hah," he snorted. "Who's gonna do it? Huntley will be behind bars. The DA already assured me that I gave him enough to lock Tiny up for 50 years."

The bravado failed miserably with my reply.

"Oh, Tony Baker is probably living on borrowed time, too," I said. "Desmond has no problem killing prosecutors and Baker was the only one dumb enough to make any promises to you. Besides, I won't be behind bars.

"By the way, Biff, did Baker tell you who his boss is? Well, my wife is the lead prosecutor. She's on leave now helping your daughter. Do you really think I'll have any trouble finding you when this is all over with? Do you really think I'll stop where I did last time? Please, you're a dead man and you don't even know it."

Wells paled visibly.

"I'm done here," he said.

"You're done when I say you're done," I declared menacingly. "Here's your best bet, shithead. You cop a plea to sending Lauren out with the drugs. You confess that she had no idea what was in the bags you made her carry and you never mention Tiny Huntley at all. You recant any other statement you made to Tony Baker and you might live to see another year."

Wells was about to speak when there was a loud knocking on the door. I opened it to find a harried young woman standing there.

"My name is Tara Simpkins," she said. "I've been hired to represent Mr. Wells."

I smiled.

"Tony Baker better be paying you out of his own pocket," I said harshly – and loud enough for him to hear me from where I was sure he was standing in the corridor. "Because if he dipped into county funds to pay your fee, he'll have more questions to answer than just granting immunity to a man who set up his own daughter for his crimes. I'm sure the press is gonna love it when they find out he's paying the legal fees for a low-level drug dealer and a man who offered his daughter sexually to pay a drug debt."

I heard a door slam in the hallway.

"Come on in, Ms. Simpkins," I stated. I recognized the woman as one of a handful of fledgling young attorneys who hung outside the courtroom looking for clients. It was the criminal side's version of ambulance chaser. "We haven't started yet. I was just giving Mr. Wells some background."

Ms. Simpkins looked at me dubiously. I smiled my warmest smile.

"Mr. Wells and I are old acquaintances," I informed her.

"I am aware of your relationship," she said smugly.

"Ah, well, then you know just what a scum-sucking loser you've been retained to represent," I countered. "Anyway, I was just informing Mr. Wells that his life expectancy is rather limited if he continues this course of action."

I slapped a thick binder down on the table. Its resounding thud caused Wells and Tara Simpkins to jump.

"This is a dossier of others who have agreed to testify against Tiny Huntley," I stated. "Well, actually it's copies of their autopsy reports."

Wells, who had regained his color when Tara Simpkins had entered, paled again.

"Do you represent Desmond Huntley, Mr. Wallace?" Simpkins asked hotly.

"Of course not," I replied. "My wife would castrate me. I do, however, represent Mr. Wells' daughter. Your client is of no use to me if he is dead. And he most certainly will wind up that way if he continues his present course of action. I suggested that recanting his previous testimony – because let's face it, he's so low-grade I'm certain he made most of it up – and copping a plea to clear his daughter would be in his long-term best interests."

Simpkins turned to Wells.

"Have you spoken truly to the DA's office?" she asked.

Wells hedged his bets.

"What I said was the truth to the best of my knowledge," he stated.

I laughed.

"You couldn't find your ass with both hands and a road map," I declared. "The defense attorney is going to rip you to shreds on cross-examination and Baker, if he is still alive, will pull his immunity deal when he finds out you lied. Lauren is the one who is gonna suffer for your stupidity."

"Well, you'll suffer, too," I said as I opened up the folder to a particularly gruesome crime scene. The man had been dismembered with a significant portion of his appendages removed while he was still alive. "But your suffering will end quickly enough – a week or two at the outside. Lauren could wind up spending her entire life in prison. Now we really don't want it to end that way, do we?"

"Mr. Wallace, I need to speak to my client alone," Tara Simpkins told me.

"Your nickel," I replied with a shrug. "But he doesn't leave this office until I have a formal statement from him. You even try that, Simpkins, and you'll wind up in front a judge a lot quicker than hanging outside the courtroom will get you there."

Just for spite I dropped the material witness complaint on her lap.

"Be sure to use disinfecting soap when you're done talking to him," I advised. "You can't be too careful with bottom-dwelling shit-suckers like Wells."

I left thinking I would have made one hell of a prosecutor.

Biff Wells stuck to his guns and Tony Baker had his wagon hitched so firmly to Biff's star that he couldn't get away.

The criminal justice system varies from state to state and even county to county within a state. Our county had its own drug courts – because that was the most popular crime and the one most prosecuted. Most of the drug cases were penny ante – a college kid caught with an ounce of weed or some pills; an addict nailed for the 30th time on low-level possession charges.

The cases were plea-bargained out in 10 days or so and the usual sentence was probation or a very short – as in 48 hours – jail term. There was no way to jail every misdemeanor drug violator in the county. It was logistically impossible. They had even stopped arresting them for the most part. Misdemeanor drug violators were given a summons similar to a traffic ticket.

The other side of the spectrum is the felony cases. These are almost always possession with intent to distribute or manufacture with intent to distribute charges. Occasionally they will land hard on some meth-head or crack fiend who has been in and out of rehab 20 times but is still hooked. These people are almost always poor and black, lacking the resources for a decent attorney and the standing for the DA's office to give a crap about them.

Elizabeth handled only the high-level, high-profile cases and rarely offered a plea even if you were rich, white and drove a Mercedes. She was unflinching in her determination and believed everyone deserved the same sentence for the same crime regardless of how good an attorney you could afford. I liked that about her. But I could be biased.

To secure a felony charge, the prosecuting attorney must follow rigid protocol. Even if the perpetrator is caught in the act, the case must appear before a grand jury for indictment or to a third-tier judge for a felony arrest warrant. The county has four tiers for judges. The fourth tier is the presiding judge of the various departments – criminal, civil, family, probate and drug courts.

The third tier consists of jurists who have been on the bench for many years and can usually spot bullshit. They require more than just general suspicion or the word of a cop.

That's why prosecutors tend to use the grand jury more frequently. The grand jury is empanelled for 180 days in our county. It consists of 36 people too stupid to get out of jury duty, about half of which get their kicks by watching "Law & Order" reruns on the tube every day.

The proceedings are secret and the records are sealed. The accused is not permitted to testify – or even offered the choice – and he or she is not represented by counsel. It doesn't meet daily or sometimes even weekly. It meets only when the prosecutor calls for it to meet. It is basically the prosecutor's show. He calls witnesses to say what he wants them to say. He presents the evidence most favorable to his case. He is not required to submit exculpatory evidence on the accused's behalf. The running joke is that the grand jury would indict a ham sandwich if the prosecutor asked them to.

The sad thing is, it's true.

A defendant who finds himself or herself subject to indictment or the rare felony warrant finds limited recourse. They are arrested – depending upon the stature (and usually the color) of the accused, he is arrested immediately or weeks later. The prosecutor might call the person, inform them of what has happened and make arrangements for them to turn themselves in.

Or he might send the SWAT team to knock down the poor bastard's door at 3 a.m. – after making sure the media is alerted – so he can scare the shit out of the guy's family and humiliate him in front of his neighbors.

Once arrested, booked, fingerprinted and jailed, the accused is arraigned, usually in front of a magistrate at first but later in front of a sitting, low-level judge. No evidence is presented at the first arraignment and the accused does not enter a plea of guilt or innocence. Part I is solely for the purpose of setting reasonable bail – a requirement of the U.S. Constitution, much to the disappointment of district attorneys everywhere, I believe. Arraignment, Part I must be held within 24 hours of arrest.

Arraignment, Part II comes three or four days later. It is there where a defendant – because that is how he is now termed – enters his plea of "Guilty" or "Not Guilty." Our state does not offer the plea of "Innocent" for obvious reasons. Innocence ends early in our part of the world. It is always in front of a sitting jurist – or a retired judge if all the local judges are forced to disqualify themselves. The last time that happened was about 10 years earlier when one of their fellow sitting judges went down for accepting sexual favors from women in return for a favorable verdict (either for the women themselves or for their male loved ones).

After the plea is recorded, a preliminary hearing is scheduled.

Depending upon the case, the prelim happens 10 to 30 days later. The courts are so backlogged that it has become the general practice for the defense attorney to convince his client to "waive time" at the preliminary hearing.

"Waiving time" refers to the state statute that requires the case to be tried no longer than 180 days from arrest (an offshoot of the "speedy trial" language in the Constitution). By waiving time, a defendant agrees to give up this right. It serves myriad purposes. It gives the attorneys involved time to compile their case, to interview witnesses, to draft motions. It also gives the defendant – who is almost always released on bail – a few more weeks or months of freedom before landing in jail.

Have I mentioned that I really believe that most people arrested for something are guilty of it? I'd be a shitty juror.

A judge is chosen from a rotating schedule to preside over the preliminary hearing and he or she will also conduct the actual trial, which is scheduled at the prelim. In most cases, the prelim is a mere formality. There is no jury present and the burden of proof is much lower. In a jury trial (or a bench trial, which is a jury trial with the judge acting as the jury), the state must prove "beyond a reasonable doubt" that a crime was committed and it was committed by the defendant. At the prelim, the state must simply prove a crime probably happened and it seems reasonable to think the poor bastard who got arrested did it. The judge is the sole arbiter in the preliminary hearing. There is no jury.

The prosecutor generally calls only two or three witnesses and the defense is permitted only to call witnesses who can directly rebut what was said by the prosecution. For that reason, the defense rarely even cross-examines the witnesses. It lets the prosecutor know the defense strategy and it is a monumental waste of time. If the grand jury indicts a ham sandwich, it is a foregone conclusion that it will most likely stand trial.

The judge must only find the state has a reasonable chance to convict the accused and then schedule a trial. For this reason (and a multitude of others, mostly involving the difference between what attorneys bill for in-court and out-of-court appearances), about 60 percent of defendants simply waive the preliminary hearing, admit there is enough evidence for the court to bind them over for trial and move on.

But not this time. This time, I was going make Tony Baker give me a preview of his case-in-chief and I'd do my best to shred his witnesses – even though I knew it would cost my wife dearly when I discredited the people who work directly for her most of the time.

It was 17 days from the time Lauren was arrested until her preliminary hearing date arrived – 16 days of hell living with Elizabeth, Pam and the two Laurens.

That isn't entirely true. The hell was created by Elizabeth and Pam, who seemed at odds over everything. Lauren and Lauren got along extremely well. The elder Lauren, despite her situation, was a good kid. She showed enormous patience with my Lauren (more patience that I probably would have). My Lauren was a constant shadow. She followed the older girl everywhere and insisted she join us for sleep-time storytelling. My little girl often fell asleep holding hands with the teenager.

Pam and Elizabeth couldn't be within 30 feet of one enough without bickering. Snide comments were Pam's specialty. I knew this from our dating days. She would mutter under her breath just loud enough for you to hear in hope of provoking you into a fight. Sadly, it worked on me more often than it should.

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The Humiliations Of Captain Marvel

This is one of many stories for the Mcu. This story basically follows the many humiliations for carol Danvers... anything can happen. Whether you like her or not, give her a really big humiliation...and if you don't like her, make it really humiliating... Tons of Nudity for Carol...the nudity will definitely humiliate has to be in a big way too I'm thinking of writing great story's to show how Carol could be humbled in situations. She can get Pegged, Spanked, Tied up, and...

2 years ago
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Their Summer With Amie

It was the beginning of summer break. Shawn and Sara were excited about their trip to stay with their older sister, Amie for a few weeks. Shawn and Sara were 16-year-old twins, and had just finished their sophomore year of high school. Amie was a 24-year-old fitness instructor and amateur model. The twins had not seen their older sister since she had left home a year earlier to start her modeling career in San Diego.The airport did not seem crowded as they kissed their parents goodbye at the...

2 years ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Bianca The Head Doctor Is In

We’ve got 21 year old Bianca today. She’s a young lady who works in an auto-parts factory which sounds horrendous. As a former factory worker, I KNOW it’s horrendous. So we welcome her with open arms to the iconic black couch. She a really nice and down to earth girl, seems like she’s just trying to make it, so lets see if we can set her on the right track. She’s got a killer body built for comfort, nice tits, and a great big ol’ ass. So I think we’re gonna have some fun today. We get to know...

3 years ago
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The Easter Bunny Girl

"Easter is a time of new life," I read. "Well yeah, I wish," I thought. Here I was, Paul Samuels, 15 years old. Probably the nerdiest, most friendless guy at school. Coming up to Easter I had nothing to do. No friends to visit, no camps to go on. Nothing. So that, I guess, is why I accepted the job ad. They wanted an Easter bunny for some kids' parties at the National Park on Easter Saturday. It seemed like quite a good gig: $200 for 7 hours' work. I would arrive to setup at 9.00,...

4 years ago
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Contractor to the Porn Stars Chapter 4

When I entered the house I found it cleaner than it had been for a while. I'd been too busy to do much more than a lick and a promise, but Ann had it shiny. She looked a little tired so I made a pitcher of lemonade and persuaded her to take a break. We sat out back on the patio and Ann visibly relaxed. I explained the progress I had made about Chuckie and she relaxed even more. I told her, “You did a great job, Ann, but you look a little tired. Why don't you take a shower and clean up and I'll...

Straight Sex
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Swiss Girls Finishing School Part 3

John had been stood up. He had been meant to meet his friend David for a drink, but just as he was arriving at the bar, David called and said that he'd managed to get a date with a girl he'd been trying to screw for months. Obviously, John could hardly begrudge him that. He decided to go in for one drink anyway.  With his drink in hand, he sat at a small table by the wall. He surveyed the girls at the bar. One in particular caught his eye. She was about 5'8, slender but curvy, with long blonde...

2 years ago
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A Step Mothers Sin Ch 2 Mistake Two I Join Him

Chapter 2 - The next day: my second huge mistake, I agree to join him... I awoke and went to work, but I spent most of the following day deeply distracted about the relatively innocent interaction with Robert the night before. I was anxious on several fronts. The embarrassment of the incident notwithstanding, I also had to admit that the image of his very large, very erect penis was etched indelibly in my mind’s eye. The memory was arousing me despite my best intentions. I could not rid my...

1 year ago
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My first gay sex experience

Our bodies were entangled in a muscular mess of sweat and moaning and I knew what was going to happen next....... So I have had some good experiences so far in my life but nothing can beat the first time I lost and made someone else lose there was about in grade 11 when I had this encounter. There was this boy at school with me, a bit shorter than me and quite stocky but was quite cute in my eyes. I had a feeling that he was gay by the way he acted around me and could sort of tell...

First Time
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The Orchard of Infinite Delight

I was introduced to Evelyn when I joined the Philharmonic Chorus for the first time. The nervous wait to learn that I had successfully passed a series of auditions was over, but I had much to learn. Evelyn, a mezzo like myself, was asked to guide me through the early stages. In time she would lead me through other experiences that had nothing to do with singing. At first I was totally involved in the new world I had joined. We sang with all the country’s leading orchestras and under conductors...

3 years ago
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The Soccer Mom Next Door P3

Lucy lay back on my leather sofa, her naked slim tanned legs were wide apart, showing off her wet used pussy that I had already fucked twice that day, but I wasn't finished and she seemed eager for more as well.I knelt between her legs, and then moved up until I was just inches from her, before I took hold of my almost completely hard cock, despite I had cum twice already, and then rubbed it up and down her wet slit, teasing her lips with my big bulbous head."Oh, god" she muttered flexing her...

2 years ago
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MILF gives in

We love living here on the lake. We both had spent a lot of time growing up on the water and knew that someday we would like to move to a lake. With our son and daughter now grown and moved out, being here at the lake is an attraction for them to come back to visit us. We love hosting groups of our kids’ friends on weekends and holidays. This weekend we had a good size crowd of 12 all in their mid-twenty’s. I love cooking for all of them and it is not at all unpleasant to have several...

1 year ago
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Mom and Me part 3

Note : This story is completely fictional! I don't blame mom for wanting to move after all the trouble we had because of me. She got a new job and the new high school is very nice. We never talk about what happened before and its like we are all brand new, but I can't stop thinking about her pussy and I have started peeking at her every chance I get. I think she knows what I am thinking because sometimes she gives me a little wink. Mom got a boyfriend where she works he seems nice enought,but...

4 years ago
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She caught me looking

Dave sat at his terminal. It was another standard day in the office, programming a software tool for a faceless end user he'd never meet. Oh the joy.His office was a dull place. Grey in color, populated by geeky males who were all buried in their respective tasks. His daily highlight was walking by reception and seeing the brightly dressed girl who sat there, smiling falsely to everyone as they passed, her milky-white cleavage on display for the world.That is, until one Monday, when Natasha...

1 year ago
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Monica my ex and fun with her pt 1

When I knelt in front of your erect cock, just looking at it, taking it in my mouth, licking it and sucking it turned me on. Plus, grabbing your slightly dangling balls was always a good patent to keep you from shoving your cock down my throat, because you fucked me often in my throat as if you were driving into my ass without resistance. I liked to lie on my back and you would get me from the top in a reversed 69 Being under the influence of alcohol while playing with a screen, I suddenly had...

1 year ago
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Matt and his Cougar

The affair between Matt and I was the best thing happening in my life at this moment. Having wild and hot sex with a much younger man was the highlight of my life. One day I was home on a Friday evening with nothing to do since my husband was in bed sick with a 102 fever. I made him some soup and gave him night time medicine so he could fall asleep and not wake up till the morning. My son George was getting himself ready to go out that night, me being curious and wanting to know if he would be...

Cheating Wifes
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My Name Is Colton

It started on a regular school day. My friend Steve had been talking about a video game he got for his computer. I was kinda the poor kid in school so I did not have a computer or games. He offered to show me so I walked home with him. When we arrived at his house he let me know that his parents would not be home for a few hours so it would just be us and his younger sister, Sarah. I knew about his sister from school. She was somewhat popular for being pretty and a little skinny. She had...

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The Morning After

Side by side they slept right where they had collapsed from their final coupling, the third of the night. For Haley, it had been a moment of reawakening, a renewal of the satisfaction that she craved as a woman, Anthony had taken her in ways that now other lover had ever done. His large black cock had given her pleasures that she had only dreamed of; she had lost count of the times that her lover had brought her to climax last night. Still sore from her previous encounters, she sought a way to...

2 years ago
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Up and Back

Eric mindlessly plodded up and back, up and back.  Lap swimming was so boring.  Other swimmers kept him company at first but now they all seemed to have gone.  Up and back.  As he made yet another turn and pushed off there was a splash in the next lane and he glimpsed female legs.  Every eight laps he stopped to rest and found himself staring at the girl as she swam. It was hard to size her up exactly for her hair was concealed by a swim cap and her face obscured by goggles, but man, she sure...

Quickie Sex
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NatalieOur little village pool was manned by one full time Life Guard and volunteers throughout the week. As a former British Swimming competitor and now 36 and out of competitive sport, I was tasked with coaching swimming at various levels, this I did in my spare time, ages between 6 and 60.Everything was pretty much run of the mill until a young woman arrived for swimming lessons, Natalie a slim petite 16 year old joined the beginner’s class and at first lacked any confidence but as the weeks...

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Late Night Treatment

When Laura Ford-Ramsey removed her coat and handed it to Karen, it was no surprise that underneath she wore only bra and knickers, suspender belt, stockings and high heels. Mrs Ford-Ramsey had been a client at Valentino for more than a year and for most of that time it had been her custom to arrive for her fortnightly beauty treatment semi-undressed. She knew she had no reason to be embarrassed; even as she approached fifty, her body was in a shape that could only be maintained by rigorous...

2 years ago
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Bullet Part 2 A Cry In The NightChapter 12

I called out, "I will Sara," to my new-found sister in response to her plea. Then as before I asked, "Where are you?" expecting, hoping, an answer. All I felt was a pang of despair I guessed was from Peter. I strained along with my friends for the slightest sound but we heard nothing. Once more I assured myself, Peter and Sara, saying, "I'll find you Sara. "I will not give up. "I will find you and help you." We all waited a bit more until Stacey asked our group, "So where do we...

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The Making of Kairi Fox Part 2

For the next few days, it was safe to say my anxiety was through the roof. Every notification, email and slight noise from my laptop sent me into a frenzy of confusion and a little bit of horniness. Someone had been recording my dress-up sessions through my webcam. I had taped over it now and made sure that nothing could be seen. Everything I did online was careful, and I began using a VPN just for extra security. Sarina. Mistress, apparently. She already knew, though. Fuck.My days were wrought...

4 years ago
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Fucked My Family Friend

One fine afternoon …I was in my house playing games in my computer…My elder sister was doing some college project in the drawing room…..That day in my home we had a delicious food biriyani and chicken grevy . Some food were left while I and my elder sister ate,my parents went for work and they will return by evening only. My elder sister called my aunty whose house is very bit far from our house…My elder sister gave me a vessel of biriyani and told me to give that to aunty and come …I was eager...

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The doctor visit

There was a health campaign in our part of town for free checkups, wanting men and women to have prostate and mammogram checks. They were offering exams free so more people would go. They had a traveling mammogram machine in this big medical truck, provided by a hospital, and a few of those construction type trailers with small rooms for doctors doing prostate exams for men. The idea was you and your wife could get the medical attention free. All you had to do was show up. It was wonderful...

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BrideChapter 3

The afternoon was spent watching her parading in all her new outfits, it really was nice just to see the sheer pleasure on her face. None of the clothes had been expensive but that didn't bother her in the slightest, they were new and they weren't the drab prison garbs that she'd endured for the last four years. The only clothes I didn't get to see were her new bras and panties although I did get a couple of teasing glimpses as she showed off the shorter skirts she'd bought! She'd...

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old lady turned me on to cock

my old lady always wanted me to have sex with a man as she first i didnt no what to think than i thought what the i told her i wouldand she said she would bring me a surprize later that nite.i was nerveos and excited.we got stoned and than she had me go in the bedroom where i was surprized there was a guy a big man he was naked and he had a 9in cocki couldnt belive it he reach in my shorts and started stroking my cock i was so fucking hot now ,i went to my kneeses and suck my...

3 years ago
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Fucking My Curvy Best Friend Sreenidhi

I am Vimal and I am 22 years old. This is about how I had sex with my closest friend Sreenidhi. She had a fair complexion, nice curvy body, 32 B-cup boobs and a bubble butt which gives off small jiggles when she walks. I’ve always fantasized about sucking those boobs and fucking my best friend. As she was my best friend, I would often visit her as she lives alone. One day when I went over to her place. She was wearing a simple half t-shirt without a bra that day. Her nipples were visible. Her...

4 years ago
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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 50 Good Man Good Woman

Everything was coming together. The caterers and the rental company had arrived and were setting up in the ballroom after a little confusion. We moved the wedding indoors because of the threat of bad weather. The band had arrived and was setting up in the ballroom. The friends of the family were arriving, as were The Brothers. I was smiling when the six single Brothers showed up in the company of the dancers I had arranged for them to meet at the bachelor party on Thursday. The six couples...

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I Won My Wife With a Baseball BetChapter 4

I unlocked the door to my apartment, and stood back to let Ally enter first before following her in. She stopped just inside the hallway, and after I had shut and locked the door and set down all the bags I was carrying, I held my arms open, and she came into them. I lowered my face to hers, and kissed her. Our tongues played games, and my hands wandered down her back and cupped her ass. She moaned. I broke our kiss, and led her to my bedroom. She sat me down on the bed, and stood in front...

3 years ago
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Demons SlainChapter 10

The voice went on. "There is an imprediment. The b ... bride is my wife." Everyone turned around in shock. The complainant was a thickset, red-faced man in his thirties. He didn't seem to be too steady on his feet. Millie gasped white-faced. "Allan!" He didn't make any move to move further into the room and I was preparing to go and sort this out when I felt the hand of the registrar on my arm. "Leave this to me Mr. Hammond, it is my duty to sort this out." He addressed Millie's...

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Adrians first blow job

My online buddy Raymond is a virtual pipeline for hot erotic porn. This is a story that he got from his buddy Adrian:“The party was boring so Adrian decided to walk home. Taking a short cut through the park, he saw Gail walking ahead of him. He caught up to her so they could walk together. As they walked, Adrian eyed up Gail. She was slightly chubby but she had huge tits and her lips were plump and luscious. She wasn't wearing anything too revealing because of the cold freezing weather....

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