It Started as a Threesome
- 2 years ago
- 23
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I had just awakened after being in some form of unconscious state for several months. I was so weak that I could barely hold my arms up. A monitoring nurse told me that I should begin letting people know I was alive.
The problem was that I only had a sister living in Miami who might miss me sending her e-mails. She was somewhat of a crazy person and was a little wild. She was a year younger than me and had graduated from the University of Miami. Our folks had perished in a boating accident in the Bahamas the week before her high school graduation. I was already in the Marine Corps and took off for twelve days to bury the folks and to make sure Sis would be taken care of. A crazy aunt moved into the house and helped Sis through all the various legal hassles there were.
The folks had some large life insurance policies that left the house paid for. The crazy aunt was influencing Sis, but encouraged her to go on to school. I was fulfilling my life's dream by attending several training sessions in a row. The attorney would send me a form, with an explanation of what it was for, every time I needed to sign something.''
The way our parents' will was prepared, each of us children had a trust account set up that we could access when we were twenty-one. My trust account was just gathering interest as I was busy being a Marine. Through the eight years that I had been gone, Sis finished a business degree and had moved into a South Beach apartment, leaving the crazy aunt to live in and care for the house.
There were a couple of high school friends who I e-mailed fairly often, but they were used to me being away from my base for lengthy periods of time.
One of the voicemail messages was from Sis wanting to know why I hadn't e-mailed her. Another voicemail was from my crazy aunt who wanted to remind me that the house was there for me if I were to get out of the Marines, and that she had kept it in good condition. She told me to call or e-mail her.
This was a time I was glad I had put my cell phone bill on direct withdrawal from my Naval Credit Union bank account.
It took me a few days to get some strength back. It took a week before I was strong enough to walk across the room, and then another week before I could make an entire circle around the ward. For whatever reason, a nurse was kept with me twenty-four seven throughout this time. I was told that I was considered an important person to the military, and would be continuously cared for until I was released, when I asked her or him why I had a constant nurse.
I called my Sis the second week I was awake and felt like talking. "Is that you, Chucky?"
"Yeah, it's me, Dora. I was injured and out of commission for a few months. I'm finally able to function enough to make some phone calls. How are you doing, Sis?"
"I'm fine, Bro, and have a ton of news for you. I used a lot of my trust to buy into a club here in South Beach. It's a money maker so far, but you have to be careful with entertainment clubs because they often go bust because the owners either take too much out, or they don't watch the store. This is my sixth month and the club's making money and the other two partners and I aren't taking anything but a small salary so far. We're building a good cash flow, anticipating repaying each of us our investment. I can't wait until you can come see the place. You'll love it."
"That might be sooner than you think, Dora, because I'm going to be retired because of injuries. I probably have a month or so of rehab before I'll be able to travel though. Our nutty aunt wants me to call in answer to my e-mail and said the house was in good shape, so I think I'm going to plan on living there."
"You know you could live with me here in South Beach, but you might not like sharing the apartment with three women. My roomies are my partners in the club, and you would be drooling over them all the time. They both are total foxes."
"How about I move into the house and try to acclimate to civilian life first. Do you think Aunt Connie will mind if I move back home?"
Dora said, "She'll be happy to have the company. She's changed a lot these last few years. She's no longer pencil thin, and looks good with some meat on her bones. She quit smoking and doesn't drink much anymore, and she doesn't date much according to her. I think she still makes money doing what she's always done, so don't be surprised if she still takes calls from her service. She says she doesn't bring dates to the house though. You know that she is fifteen years younger than Mom, so she isn't that much older than we are."
The Gunny – well, "Master Gunnery Sergeant", one of the Corps's top NCO ranks – from when I first came back to the States walked in while I was thinking about the situation. I told Dora; "I have a visitor so I'll call you later to let you know."
"Good, and call Aunt Connie. She'll love to hear from you."
Gunny stuck his hand out and I shook it when I closed the phone. He smiled and said, "Good, you have a firm handshake now. You're looking better too. We need to keep you eating and exercising to get you back in shape."
"I'm going to the gym for rehab later today, so I'll be getting stronger soon. The hospital is feeding me well."
Gunny told the male nurse to take a break and sat down in the chair. "We expected you to have several visitors from the various groups interested in all that money, Chuck, but that stuff has become a real political basketball. Eight more cases of money vanished by the time they shipped them back here. Then an entire Army squad assigned to guard the cash vanished with six cases of money. I doubt anyone will consider your involvement in the original discovery important any longer. Another thing is that you now have a real service connected disability that will never be questioned. You are being retired with a hundred percent disability at the rank you should have been, which was E-6, Staff Sergeant. You are also being classified as having received a combat related injury. You won't be able to live high on what you'll get, but it will keep you in food and a small apartment. You should get about twenty-five hundred a month."
"You know what? I'm actually looking forward to a change, Gunny. It's going to be almost Christmas before I can get out of here, so wait until I'm released from here to process my retirement."
The old Gunny smiled and said, "You and me, Buddy. We're going to retire about the same time. My retirement will be effective January 2nd. My wife has found a home down in Port Charlotte, Florida, that she loves and is getting it ready for us. I'm staying in base quarters for these last couple of months and am also looking forward to a change. Thirty years is a long time, but it's been good."
"Damn, Gunny, you've had the career I wanted. You're even at the rank I eventually wanted to make. You're probably not fifty yet, so you have a lot of good years to have another career if you want it."
The man laughed, and said, "Well, I married a Marine who just retired with twenty-six years, so our combined incomes will be enough to live on. We plan on buying a boat and doing some traveling. I've been taking sailing lessons and have my Captain's license now, so we're going to be swabbies for a while."
"Sounds like you have a good plan. Enjoy, and thanks for taking care of me while I've been out of it. I'm back now, and there hopefully will be no after effects."
Gunny said, "That's what I've been afraid of. Your rehab people will watch you to make sure your motor skills come back. You're going to have to watch what you do and evaluate each of your physical changes. Use the VA for regular visits and register right away. It takes a while before you get your first checkup appointment, but you can always go for emergency care if you need it."
I had to ask, "I still don't know what happened to the men in my team or the other team that was in the other truck, and I still don't know what happened to my team's Lieutenant. Can you tell me?"
"Both teams were released and not questioned any more. You would have been released, but you were hurt so they had to make it look like you attempted to escape. It's hard to believe how this escalated so fast, but people become nuts over three quarters of a billion dollars. Your Lieutenant had a shattered bone, so might be retired by now."
I made the comment, "That whole team arrived at the same time, so they have probably rotated out by now. I'm surprised none have come to see me."
"Your team was busted up and spread to other teams. I think it was to help get rid of the suspicions they might have been involved in some of the thefts. I'm sure none of them want to be associated with you so that they don't invite surveillance."
I agreed after thinking about it a few seconds, "I can see that. Well, I'll be easy to find because I'm going to my permanent home address in Miami. I still have a sister and aunt living down there. I should be fine with what retirement money I'll get. I should be able to get a job so I can afford a car and other nice things if my mind will get sharper."
As he stood, Gunny said, "I hope it works out for you. The hospital will keep my office posted as to your condition so that we'll be ready with your separation papers. Get well and gain some weight, meanwhile."
It's amazing how just talking can wear you out. I lay back on the bed and was out of it until a new nurse woke me for lunch. Physical therapy in the gym for two hours was after lunch, and then a shower and fresh hospital scrubs. The usual afternoon snack that was full of calories, a walk around the ward, and then supper finished my day.
I called my Aunt Connie between supper and my late night snack. I said, "Hey, Aunt Connie, did Sis give you a call?" when she answered the house phone.
"She did and I've hovered over the phone since. Dora said you'll be coming home to live here now. That is so good. I'll love having you for company. I promise to not be talking all the time, but it will be good to have someone around. Could you stop saying 'Aunt' Connie and just call me Connie?"
"Ha, ha, ha, easy enough, Connie. We're going to have a lot of catching up to do."
"We sure are, Chuck. Dora said you're in the hospital. Can you have visitors? I should come visit you if you aren't coming home soon."
"You don't have to do that. I'll be out soon and we'll have days and days to catch up."
My aunt asked, "Where are you anyway?"
I looked at my nurse and asked, "Am I still at Andrews or was I moved?"
The female nurse said, "You were moved to Walter Reed in late July because we have better neurosurgeons. You're in the neurosurgery recovery suites at Walter Reed."
Aunt Connie said, "Good, I heard that. I'll be up to see you soon. You need family when you've been locked away in a hospital for very long. Your sister said you've been there since June. Why so long?"
I tried to explain my injury and the surgeries as I knew them. She didn't comment, but said she would rather that she nursed me than have me be in a hospital so far away. I assured her that I was being very well cared for, but I could tell she was aggravated about something. We finally ended the call and I noticed the battery on my phone was low, so I plugged it in.
The nurse asked if I thought I would need a sleeping pill, but I assured her I was tired enough to go right to sleep. I also told her that I probably didn't need twenty-four seven supervision any longer. She agreed, but those were the orders.
I turned the TV on and handed the remote to the nurse. I was asleep seconds later.
The next morning was the usual of doctors' inspections, followed by a psychologist who had me take a thinking quickness test. I apparently didn't score well and she asked if I had to think things over before answering sometimes. I had to admit that it did sometimes take me a few seconds to mentally find the answer to a question. She said that I might recover from it since I recognized the problem. My morning snack was a very nice jelly donut along with a glass of milk and cup of coffee.
I was given a hearing test and then taken to an office for a vision test. Everything was normal, but I did notice that it sometimes took me a second or two to define the letter on the chart. It wasn't that I couldn't see it, but I had difficulty remembering what it was. That worried me a little.
Today's lunch was real meat with potatoes and broccoli. I had a lot of drinks on my tray. There was a carton of milk, coffee, and a real malted milkshake. I would have rather had vanilla, but I sucked the chocolate shake down very fast. The rehab people came and worked me for two hours again, but had me catching and throwing a tennis ball today. I did well, didn't miss any balls, and was able to accurately throw, so those motor and decision skills were okay.
I did the after PT shower and shave, putting fresh scrubs on that actually fit pretty well. I was shocked when I came from the bathroom. My sister and aunt were sitting in two chairs waiting for me.
"What are you two doing here? I told you not to come, Connie, and you have a business to run, Dora."
Sis stood and gave me a hug, overwhelming me with her light perfume. It was the first female scent I had smelled in years. She held my hands and looked at me a long time. "You're skinny, Bro. We need to fatten you up."
"These people are trying to do it. You'll see; there will be an afternoon snack arriving here any second."
Aunt Connie got up out of her chair and came to me to envelop me in her arms. Her scent wasn't strong, but it did tantalize the senses. She gave me a gentle kiss on the lips that lingered just a second when she backed away from me. She said, "Welcome home, Chuck."
That's when I noticed both women were wearing dresses with a lot of cleavage. The former skinny Aunt Connie, who always seemed top heavy, was now filled out and it seemed her top was now larger than ever, showing a deep valley to get lost in. Checking out my sister had me equally as enthused, as she had our mom's big breasts and was showing enough of them that you wondered if some nipple pink would show.
The two sat in visitor's chairs while the nurse remained in her chair next to the bed, being vigilant while evaluating my visitors.
Dora said, "I couldn't resist when Connie said she was coming to see you. You know it's been a lot of years since we've seen each other. You were either in training or overseas while all the legal stuff was happening. Dad had everything set up, as was his way. His insurance paid for the house and there was a small trust for the annual taxes, the house upkeep and a life trust for Juanita. He left insurance money in two large trusts for us. We still receive dividends from his company's stock. They are direct deposited into our trust accounts."
Connie said, "Your parents also included me in their will, creating a trust for me if I would watch you two and take care of the house. You know how much I loved your mom and dad, so I was happy to move into your home. I love living in Pinecrest with the other rich people. Your folks and you kids never did act like you were from the top shelf. That's why you had so many friends. I'm still surprised that you left for the Marines, Chuck. I always thought you would go to college and try to follow your dad."
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Nine weeks had passed since Spencer had made the audition film with Kate and she had started her 90-day program with the directors of Zander Corporation. He had seen her in the office a couple of times at a distance, but they hadn’t spoken. Once he had considered going to her office just to see how she was doing, but changed his mind deciding that it would be best to avoid her until her Zander contract was completed. He had made twenty or more audition films for Zander since he had been hired,...
Straight SexBladen Disney was at a loss of words. His father Walt Disney had passed away several weeks ago and now Bladen was at the reading of his father's will. His father passed some of his valuables like jewelry to his friends and furniture to his family. He left his home to Bladen's mother Jessica. That wasn't why Bladen was at a loss of words though. His father had left Bladen his most valuable possession. He left Bladen his empire. He left him his company for Bladen to run. Bladen of course was...
Pale white skin, dark brown hair tied up to a pony tail, green eyes and an intoxicating, sweet smile. Jane often admired herself in the mirror, there was no doubt in the fact that she was proud of her physique and always had an attire that would do justice to her body. 'You're one sexy babe in the world' she would often whisper to herself and giggle. In college she didn't have a lot of friends, but all the friends she had, was quite dear to her. One of those were, Ashley. Ashley was as...
First TimeOctober 9, 1993, Chicago, Illinois On Saturday morning, Kara, Michelle, and I were sitting in the ‘Indian’ room. Kara had come down, as we’d agreed, to continue our conversation from the previous night. We’d decided to stay in and talk, and we had, before I had gone with Michelle to her room to spend our scheduled Friday night together. “Michelle, do you remember our conversation about my relationship with Steve?” Kara asked. “Which one? We’ve had so many!” Kara smiled, “True! I was...
threesome anal I helped my boss in the business, I seduced a client, fucked with himand then my boss caught me./It was around 12.30 A.M, and I was in my bed. I was lying on my backtotally naked, and my boss’s cock was inside my pussy. He had beenfucking me for the past few minutes, and he was ready to cum any timesoon. I was moaning loud, asking him to fuck me harder.The relationship between my boss and me started a year ago when I joinedhis company. After a month of working in his company he...
‘Ah, ah, ah…’ cried Brenda ecstatically, hoping that tonight, of all nights, might be different. She was completely naked, her 38c natural tits swaying with the rapid thrusts, her thick hairy legs locked around Doug’s firm arse, her hands clasping him as if to keep him in place. Brenda’s husband Doug was fucking her passionately, he had fingered her to climax prior to climbing on top of her, his cock revelling in the sticky moist tender minge. He groaned passionately, overwhelmed by the...
Peggy was an incredible looking woman. Even at 40, she had a body that men stopped and looked at as she passed. She was 5' 8" tall with long auburn hair that fell down to her waist, hazel eyes that you could drown in and rich, full lips that men dreamed of kissing. However, it was what was underneath her clothes that deserved her so much attention. Her legs were tight and contoured from years of walking on high-heels, she was one of those women who actually knew how to walk correctly in...
M. D'Avrigny soon restored the magistrate to consciousness, who had looked like a second corpse in that chamber of death. "Oh, death is in my house!" cried Villefort. "Say, rather, crime!" replied the doctor. "M. d'Avrigny," cried Villefort, "I cannot tell you all I feel at this moment, --terror, grief, madness." "Yes," said M. d'Avrigny, with an imposing calmness, "but I think it is now time to act. I think it is time to stop this torrent of mortality. I can no longer bear...
Introduction: A dinner party with friends This is the sequel to Suzanne 1 & 2. The next morning I dreamt that my cock was in someones mouth. Eventually I woke up enough to realise that my cock really was in a mouth, Suzannes mouth. By then she had been bobbing up and down for some minutes and I realised that I was about to cum. When we had been together in Melbourne she had always swallowed my cum when she sucked me off, so I did not warn her that I was cuming. She swallowed the lot, then sat...
We begin with the sister Emma. It is a Saturday morning and Emma decided before heading in to the shower, to check up on her brother Simon. He is one year older than her with him being 23 and her being 22 and at the moment, she is living with him in his apartment which she generously pays partial rent of. Although they are separated by one year, they seem almost like they could be twins, although Simon is slightly taller than Emma. The both have brown hair and are naturally slim . As Emma...
BisexualHi meri ras bhari aunty, bhabhi aur bade boobs wali aur salam sabhi ko jo apna khada lund hath me liye bethe he aur bhabhiya aur auntiya jo apni chooto me hath dal kar bhethi he. Mujhse sexchat ya kahani feedback dena ho toh par aap mail kar skte he. Mera naam akash he aur aaj fir ek aur kahani aapse share karne ko aaya hu. Ye kahani meri last story “aunty ne mujhe hilate huve pakada” ke baad ki he. Meri last story padna mat bhulna. Meri umar abhi 22 he aur lund 7 inch ka body average he. Is...
The meeting with Grace going so well, but giving Emma much to think about, did it alter her perception of her father? She did look through her mother’s diary for entries in May of 1986 and did find one about that day. Yes, she and Susan had a wonderful time together that day, which Charlotte went into detail describing.And yes, that night Edward did spank Charlotte; she was unsure of why, but he accused her of some misdemeanor. Charlotte did write about how aroused she was being spanked out...
Love Stories“Do you trust me?” I ask, standing in front of my apartment. “Yes, I do,” you say, looking at me in the dim light of the hallway. Your green eyes look at me briefly, before looking down at the black scarf in my hand. “Good.” I turn you around, place the blindfold over your eyes and tie it behind your head. You let out a deep sigh, as if you’re about to dive from a cliff in unknown waters below and are mustering all the courage you have. Noticing your body tense, I move closer, press my body...
I am sorry it has taken me forever to post but finally have a chance to give a quick update. Let me just say, I love this new phase of my life and although a couple of things surprised me I love being with Dave.So, what happened since my trip? Dave and I had behaved like we were a newly married couple for a while. We snuggled next to each other each chance we get and end having the most incredible sex. At his request I don’t use any panties or bra so he can play with me when he wants.I get...
Sheila was quiet on the way to her house, and so was I. She stared out the window, lost in her own thoughts. I drove, imagining her going down on that guy, wrestling for mouth space with Jade on the length of his cock while he sat there like he owned them. My teeth were grinding. She wouldn't do that with Amy due home at any minute though, would she? No. She may be Charlotte, the school slut, but even she wasn't that low. I decided my girlfriend was safe for the time being. But why, oh...
More of Phil, the boy who fucks his Mum, and her sister. Part 3.Maggie did her make up. She was just finishing, when Phil walked into the bedroom. He sprawled on the bed, and watched her. She applied lipstick. She turned to him, “well, will I do?” She asked him. Then without waiting for an answer stood up, and walked to her wardrobe. She was dressed in a green bra, with matching knickers, and suspender belt. The knickers were cut high, and she knew her bum looked good in them. Phil’s gazed...
Stepsisters Gianna Gem and Savannah Sixx are on the road trip of their lifetimes as they head to a country music festival. They love getting groovy down south! But when their car breaks down, they are not sure if they will make it all the way to the festival after all. Lucky for them, a southern gentleman comes along to give them a ride. They make a stop at his house on the way and seduce the guy with no problem. The gorgeous stepsisters get down on their knees to share his hickory smoked...
xmoviesforyou"As I see it, we have a number of problems to deal with. Some are moral and spiritual, and some are practical." Mike and Father Ambrose rested in their hotel room after a light meal. Both were troubled. They were confronting a massive problem, head on, and neither was sure how to proceed. Following the first rule of consultation, "two heads are better than one," they were engaging in some sincere discussion of their goals and how best to achieve them. "Our biggest problem is the good...
SIDE NOTE , IF YOU'RE UP HERE TO COMMENT FOR ANOTHER INSTALLMENT OF "Incest Diaries" THEN COMMENT BELOW. Thank You & Enjoy. Hot Springs- Chapter One kimono: formal Japanese dress -sama: title meant to show respect to the receiver hakama: formal divided skirt for Japanese men Glancing up at the noon sky, Rin took in a large gulp of air as the scent of spring's cherry blossoms gently drifted to her. The breeze was strong that day, and it blew her long, silky black hair around...
I tremble with nerves as I wrap my arms around his neck and lean into him. Jack leans down and kisses me, a soft, tender kiss which calms me a little, before entwining his fingers through my hair and pulling me in for a deeper kiss. He bites my lip and arousal sparks through me, dispelling the last of my nerves. I pull him down onto the bed and sit as he straddles me, hands roving over my back, my collarbone, my breasts, my stomach. He guides me into a vertical position and lies beside me,...
First TimeMy wife loves to feed me cum out of her pussy or ass. I love to suck her clean. But lately she has been making me suck her boyfriend's cock till he cums in my mouth. She puts lipstick on my lips and feeds me his cock. She says it makes her real horny to see me suck a cockOne day she brought home a friend of hers from work a long legged blonde with big tits. Well, there I was hoping to get to suck her pussy or ass. My wife made me strip and masturbate in front of her till I got real hard. Then...
The author kindly advises that this scenario contains descriptions of exhibitionism, rough sex and graphic language and is only suitable for persons over 18 years old.A French-Moroccan girl discovers forest sex, and exposes herself to a female motorist.The envelope containing a memory stick in her mailbox looked innocent enough. She took it with her on the way in and left it on the table in the hallway. Aureli Durand had just arrived home, exhausted after another stressful day at the office....
She gathered together Sofi’s two plaits and pulled. Not suddenly but with an insistent force. Sofi’s head had no choice but to follow. Gradually she was pulled upright. Remnants of my cum still remained, slowly descending in rivulets across her back, catching the light as she moved. Like raindrops on a windowpane, they made their hopeful way to her reddened arse. Lotti stood up and towered over her. “Turn around, slut, and face our hosts. Where are your manners?”“Sorry, Miss,” Sofi muttered,...