Money!Chapter 15 free porn video

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I woke to my phone advising me that it was five in the morning. I felt fairly rested and went straight to the back entrance and stretched out. I began running after walking and jogging, and continued to run for close to forty-five minutes. The hotel gym was full of men using all the various weights and machines when I went in, so I skipped that and went to get cleaned up. I was driving to the patio ten minutes later, hoping that I wasn’t too early. I walked in with Chuck #1 who was all smiles this morning. Steve was at his special table with a mug of coffee next to him. Chuck and I poured mugs and sat with him. He reached up and turned the overhead lights on, and we heard the bang of a screen door and then saw a form walk through the grass to get to the side door. Glenda opened the door, saw all of us waiting, and said, “So all my admirers are here to see me this morning?”

We all chuckled after hugging this matriarch of morning coffee. Steve said, “There’s been a lot happening this week, and Tiny thinks we need a party. He’s ordered the big tent and all the extra food. This is going to be an extravaganza. You finish early, Chuck, so that you can help on the patio. It’s probably not necessary, but it would be good if you’re here.”

The first Chuck said, “We’ll figure it out, Chuck. I have a few extra if you want some women and babies.”

Mercy had come out of the house and smacked Chuck on the shoulder. “I’m sure he would never give one of his women away.”

I poured more coffee, and asked, “Will you really have that many people?”

Tiny and the sexy, mature ‘Ruth’ were now here, and Ruth said, “Oh yeah. People love to come to the Friday parties because everyone is in a good mood and we get to hear what successes we’ve had lately.”

It’s amazing to see all the people come for coffee and then there was a little scramble to get a favorite when a bellboy from the hotel arrived with boxes of sandwiches and pastries. Chuck’s women had some with the little guys and carrying babies that weren’t that old yet. Mickey came out holding an infant with Sue Ellen hanging onto her trouser leg. Mickey handed the baby to Steve and told him, “Juanita will come to get the baby in a minute. I think all of Chuck’s are here now, so the nursery will be more peaceful.” I wondered how that could be.

Chuck said to me, “Give me a ride to the airpark. I’m your instructor for two hours, and then I’m headed up to Minnesota for a minor problem. Wanda will meet us out there before I leave. She’s my Office Manager, does all the really hard work, and manages my other two office staff.”

I wanted to begin the day and get started on doing more than takeoffs and landings. We checked out a logbook for a G-36 Beechcraft Bonanza out at the airpark. This was an air coupe and totally different from the Cessna. It felt heavier than the Cessna when we pushed it out of the hangar. I found the preflight card and went over everything outside the aircraft with some help from Chuck. I asked, “I can understand no flight plan when we fly local around the field, but we’re not calculating weight or computing temperature data either.”

Chuck said, “I guess you did read the entire manual. I filed a VFR plan for five thousand to seventy-five hundred feet. We really don’t need one, but it is good practice. As far as weight calculations are concerned, this is a six-place aircraft with only two of us at average weight in it. There shouldn’t be a need. The temperature is cool, so the density altitude isn’t going to be a problem. I know it is glossing over some things, but I want us to fly this bird so you get a variety of aircraft during your training. Technically, since this has a six cylinder engine with fuel injection and has retractable landing gear, unlike the fixed landing gear and carburetor on the Cessna 172 you’ve trained in before, this is considered a ‘complex aircraft’ by the FAA, and you’ll need to be signed off on that as you pursue your training anyway. It’s going to fly faster and climb more quickly than anything you’ve flown up till now. Let’s get in and play with the Garmin.”

I wasn’t lost in the cockpit, as I had found a small pad with a Velcro wrap that fit on my leg so I could write notes. Chuck called it a “kneeboard”. On top of the page was the ATIS and the local tower frequencies. The checklist wasn’t as detailed as the Cessna this time and just had a line that said ‘circuit breakers all in’ where the Cessna list said to ‘make sure all circuit breakers were pushed in’. I was able to do each. The instructions went right to engine start items. I checked my seatbelts and reached over and tugged on Chuck’s. That gave him a laugh, but it was something the flight manual said to do. I dialed ATIS frequency and noted a wind change from yesterday and wrote the barometric pressure down to set the altimeter. The Garmin displayed all the data from the gauges when it came alive, making you feel even more secure.

This was going to be strange, since you had a different visual perspective than from a high wing aircraft. Chuck showed me how to set the Garmin so that it would follow us and keep us aware of airspace around other fields. I requested taxi instructions and learned that I would be going to the other end of the field to take off today, heading north instead of south.

I stopped at the runway edge line and was granted runway access. The tower said something that was different by announcing my takeoff time. We were lifting off at seven fifty-nine. Chuck said over the intercom as we climbed, “The gear up lever is right beside the trim wheel. Lift it and wait until you feel it click and watch the gear lights blink white until up and locked. Go to seven thousand feet and turn to zero one nine. We’ll let the Garmin tell us when we enter Zephyrhills’ airspace.”

The Garmin beeped and a voice said over the intercom, “Entering ZPH northwest”. Chuck said, “We’re just cutting across a small chunk of their airspace. Do an unmonitored field announcement of your position, travel direction, and intention. You are just passing by. We might not do that if we were above ten thousand feet, but the Garmin will tell you that this field has skydiving going on daily, so you should always be vigilant when you fly this direction.”

Chuck had me turn north and we went up until we entered Brooksville’s airspace. Chuck said, “Let’s see if these folks are awake and will let us do a touch and go” when the Garmin announced we were entering BKV airspace. We should be able to do it if the Air National Guard isn’t doing anything. Go to the traffic pattern on the Garmin and request permission for a long final for a training touch and go. I’ll show you how to use the Garmin for glide slope. You’ll learn a lot more during instrument training.”

I was directed to an outer marker and entered the long final with the Garmin squawking my altitude and distance. I was at three thousand feet when a beeper went off, and I automatically reached for the gear lever. I pushed down and kept my hand on the lever until I felt the click, and lights on the dash quit flashing red and turned green. I was lined up on the center line and eased down until I felt the wheels hit the runway. I dropped the nose as gently as I could and didn’t feel a bounce. I had cut power and was rolling out when Chuck said, “Okay, now adjust flaps for takeoff, give it full power, and watch your airspeed indicator.” The aircraft was airborne by the time the needle was passing the green. I raised the gear on the way back to seven thousand feet and noted there wasn’t a carb temp indicator and we wouldn’t know if we may need some heat. Chuck asked, “Did your first instructor teach you that?”

I told Chuck that I had read about that in the Cessna flight manual and figured it was probably the same for all conventional engine aircraft. Chuck said, “This engine is fuel injected and is controlled by an internal computer.” He was smiling as he added, “None of this makes you nervous, does it?”

“No Sir, I’ve prepared myself as best as possible and have done everything as exact as I can so that flying would be easy. It’s exciting and I want to do a lot more, but I know I have a lot to learn. Now I’ll have to read the flight manual for this aircraft. I’ll bet it is bigger and more complicated than the Cessna.”

Chuck said, “Fly us home and land this thing. I should have the examiner come to test you now. You’re more advanced than most of the people in instrument training. Have fun flying. Just a tip, though, about carburetor heat: Heating the intake air, whether for a carburetor or fuel injection like on this airplane, thins the air a little, so you may need to adjust the fuel mixture to accommodate that.” Chuck sort of relaxed in his seat and said, “I want to extend an offer for you to take a U.S. Deputy Marshal entrance exam. I think you would be a good one. The pay is good, hours are terrible, but the benefits are great. I know you’re retired military, and Wanda has run you through the Secret Service. You went through the wringer over that money. They’ll be trying to sort all that out for years. There is still over half missing; all that grief and you didn’t get any. Anyway, consider the opportunity.”

I told Chuck, “I’m going to finish learning to fly a lot of aircraft, and then I’ll look at what I’ll do or where I go. I have a nice home in Miami and my roots are down there. I’m very close to my sister, and I sort of have a girlfriend, both of whom may come up to visit me. It will give me a chance to evaluate the girlfriend better at the same time.”

I was lining up for final and requesting permission to land while we were talking. There would be no traffic by the time we made it to the runway, so I was using the Garmin and glide slope to put the plane on the ground. Gear down, lower power, adjust flaps, and settle on the centerline, simple stuff. Chuck said, “You’ve landed this thing twice as gently as anyone. You do have a touch. Take us up to the hangar. Your next instructor may not want to use this aircraft.”

I did all the post flight stuff and went to the driver of a fuel truck who was fueling a small air coupe I didn’t recognize. I asked if he could bring the truck over to the Bonanza and he nodded. I used that opportunity to use the bathroom, wash my hands, and get a cup of coffee. Chuck was standing at the counter with my logbook and holding another one. Next to him was a beautiful, tall woman with what looked like long breasts. There were some lookers out here.

Chuck introduced me to Wanda, his Office Manager. He said he had to get going and the two went out to one of those beautiful small jets, but not as big as a Gulfstream. This one was painted with cartoons and various slogans, and it said ‘Deputy Dawg’ with a caricature of Chuck up under the cockpit window. A voice from behind me said, “Beautiful, isn’t it. I love to fly that thing, but I’ve been busy with my kids lately.”

“Are you the lady with the quads?”

“That’s me. I’m Lisa Johnson, one of Chuck’s wives, lovers, or harem women; however you want to label us. I’m also a flight instructor and will give you your next two hours. Chuck checked you out in the Bonanza, so let’s use that and see how far we can go for an hour in one direction. She grabbed both books, and then stopped, “Come back to the pilot’s PC, file a VFR flight plan to the east coast, and we’ll go from Vero Beach north, around Cape Canaveral airspace, probably around Jacksonville, and then home. We’ll find a field for one additional landing for experience, and my two hours will be done. I’ll need to get back to my babies. This is a welcome break, and I’m told that you really have read all the manuals.”

We repeated the preflight and the cockpit stuff with her watching. I had the engine started and field condition information, and kept tapping on one gauge that wasn’t coming up. Lisa looked at it, gave me the slash across the throat gesture, and frowned. “I guess we’ll have to get another aircraft. I’ll have the mechanics look at it. Brandy will want to use it this afternoon. Take this logbook and get another. Tell the girl we’ll take anything, and have her contact maintenance.”

I took the logbook and went back out to the Beechcraft. I finished doing the engine shutdown checklist to make sure I was leaving the aircraft correctly. Lisa had taken the logbook from me and had gone inside the hangar to find the aircraft we were to use. It was a Cessna 152 that you could see had years of experience teaching students to fly. We pushed it out and I found the preflight card and quickly did all the checks, including the engine Hobbs meter that I checked against the logbook. The surprise was there was no yoke, only a stick. Okay, I thought, this would be a learning experience. Lisa easily got in and buckled up, but I noted the belts weren’t tight. I would ask her. This aircraft had all the basic things, but that was all. I did the ‘clear’ and started the engine, feeling the lesser power than the 172 or Beechcraft had. CS&S had good headsets that made it nice to call for taxi clearance. I thought the brakes were a little funky, but useable for steering. It was then that I looked for a stationary brake release the 172 manual talked about, and said it wasn’t on all models. It was on the left firewall so I released it and tested the brakes again and they were fine. Lisa asked me what I did and I told her how I had read about some Cessna 172s and other models had a stationary brake for temporary stops instead of tie downs. It was something I had read.

We easily went through takeoff and I found the stick to be easy to use as we headed east southeast toward Vero Beach. Lisa said, “We’re both going to be screwed out of time today because I have to get home and you need a half hour for lunch before Brandy shows up. I’ll see if I can get another shot at you, probably for hood time during instrument training. We’re going to be going slower, so we’ll be south of Jacksonville. There’s a neat grass field to land on that should be dry enough because we haven’t had any rain for a week. You need some grass runway experience. You’ll get some dirt and gravel experience too. I think you’re having fun with the basic flight training. That’s a good thing. A lot of people are uptight all the time. You’re going to have a ball if you decide to learn helicopters. Those things become an addiction, but can be and are lifesavers.”

The landing and takeoff on the grass field felt strange as the grass was a little long and wanted to hold us back on takeoff. I got off in plenty of distance, but it did teach me that taller grass could hold me back even more. We shut the 152 down almost exactly at twelve oh five. A fuel truck was fueling some other training aircraft and the guy said he would take care of this one. The girl behind the desk asked, “Do you want to pay for your schooling the way you said now?” when we turned the aircraft logbook in.

“Sure, use this debit card, and we’ll do it again when it is time for commercial and instrument school.”

Lisa said, “Go to the operations building. There’s food there. Be back for Brandy. She’s going to give you three hours, and that’s all for today unless you want to get some of your solo time. I think we have instructors for Saturday and Saturday night, so you’ll be racking up the hours. I’m sure you’re signed off to solo so rent one of the trainers this afternoon and Sunday and go flying. You need to get solo hours in. You’ll be a short timer and take your exam at thirty-five hours. You should be able to do that by next Wednesday. We’ll let someone give you one on one ground school session, and have you study on your own. You’ll need to be renting an aircraft and getting as many hours as possible when you’re not being taught. You’ll be busy, but it’s fun. Go eat.”

The little restaurant had hot meals, but I thought a quick sandwich with a bottle of iced tea would be best. I walked back across the field and found the Bonanza in front of the small aircraft hangar with a note on the yoke. It said a faulty sending unit was replaced. I went into the pilots’ room and finished my sandwich, used the restroom, and went back to the desk area where Betty was a familiar face. There was a woman with Betty with a little star on the side of her eyebrow. Amazing, but not unexpected, that her name tag said ‘Star’. Another woman came in and asked, “I’m looking for Chuck Miller.” She looked around and saw me and said, “There you are.”

I smiled and she stuck her hand out. “I’m Brandy, and I have you for three hours today. I see my aircraft has been fixed, so let’s get going. I want to file VFR for Miami Executive Airport, refuel there, and then fly back. That will be three hours or thereabouts. My little one will be okay while I’m gone, but won’t like it if I’m not back soon after that. All Chuck’s kids are about the same age, so we all have babies not quite one, and most of us have kids that are just over three. They are all active and probably too smart because the grandmas are teaching them to speak correctly and are already teaching them to read. The kids have the same gift as Mercy and Missy, and use it somehow.”

I was finishing the preflight the whole time Brandy was gabbing, and was in the cockpit after helping her get in the right side. I rapidly went through the checklist and started the aircraft. I checked the ATIS noting that the barometric pressure was dropping. I set the altimeter and noted the change on the Garmin. It didn’t take long to be in the air and call in to open the flight plan. We were assigned nine thousand feet and advised of traffic above and below us. I kept an eye out, and only spotted one aircraft going overhead heading north.

Brandy mustn’t have an opportunity to talk much, because she didn’t stop the whole way. She couldn’t get over how smooth I landed in Miami. We headed to the small aircraft refueling station where there was an open place. I refueled the aircraft using the card in the pocket on the door. I told Brandy that I really liked her aircraft, but it didn’t have a great range. She told me that this aircraft had a nine hundred mile range at over two hundred miles an hour. She said that I was looking at an older A-36 specs.

This might be a plane to fly my sister or maybe even Sandra up to Tampa. I asked her if this aircraft was available to rent or just for flight training on the way back. She said, “I have two of these. One’s an older model, but I’ve upgraded the avionics. This one’s the class act. Don’t you just love it?”

We did a landing at Manasota airport and took off again to just about reach altitude to descend again to enter our glide path. I loved having the Garmin keep me on track. I could look out and see where I was, but this was like really knowing where you were.

I refueled the plane myself this time, while the fuel truck driver fueled another student aircraft that was being readied to go up. Brandy filled out my logbook while I filled out the aircraft logbook. She had her own logbook and made an entry there too. She told me, “You may not have to fly Sunday to get your time unless you need more solo time.”

That Friday evening was a blast. There were so many people there you couldn’t believe it. Chuck arrived about six and was instantly required to play some music with Bonita, Lizzy, and Lisa. I was having a great time when a gorgeous girl sat on my lap and asked, “Who are you to not even stare. You ignore Donna and Nikki the same as you do me. Are you gay?”

I surprised her and flipped her to lay her across my lap and gave her five good whacks while she wailed. Donna and Nikki appeared to help her, and asked me why I was spanking her. I said, “She accused me being gay, so I showed her how much I enjoyed her female backside. I didn’t know I was supposed to bow and kiss your hands when I was in your presence.”

The two other girls were laughing, and the one who sat on my lap didn’t get up but had managed to pull her button shirt apart to show me her braless skin almost to a nipple. I asked her, “I don’t even know your name.”

Same as Money!
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Beth pulled into the boathouse and secured the boat, grabbing up her things she went into the house and up to her room. As she walked her clit was rubbing against her shorts. “Golly, if this doesn’t go down soon, I am going to have a rough time. I’ll be cumming as I walk around.” Beth undressed and took a shower. After a while she lay down and was soon fast asleep. Beth was lying naked on the bed, her legs were opening and she could feel her pussy becoming aroused. She could see him crawling...

3 years ago
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Experimental Stage Threes a partyp

So this takes place in the spring of 2006...I'm now 20, soon to be 21, and I'm nearing the peak of my party stage, and sexual experimentation stage. I had recently broken up with my boyfriend of nearly 5 yrs. He left me for another girl. Heartbroken and a bit vengeful, I went on a spree, sleeping with about any guy with a nice smile. Anyways, moving on, I was home from college (my first stint) on spring break and I had acquired a fake id while attending. I went out bar hopping with some...

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The Botanist part 1

I read a story on xHamster (This one: which was so new and refreshingly different to me that I felt it inspired me to write this prequel.Enjoy :DCheshire Cat xThe Botanist part 1My name is Doctor Lionel Cheshire, I am head of research and development at Flower Technics, the worlds leading flower producer. I'm afraid I cannot give a full statement about my research so far without telling you a little about my sexual history...For as long as...

1 year ago
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Sleeping Beauties Chapter Two

Sleeping Beauties By Michele Nylons Chapter Two - She Devil Penelope Bishop and Randy Cody had married not long after the shootout at a meth lab where Penelope had shot the Chief of Police and Randy had shot another police officer. The Chief of Police, other senior police officers and several criminals were involved in a conspiracy and had been defrauding the Police Benevolent Fund as had the Mayor who was later arrested and convicted. Also, not long after they teamed up,...

4 years ago
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A Visit From The Bs

Mary-Jo's nightmare began when she opened the door of her new apartment to a willowy redhead in spike-heeled boots bearing a bottle of Veuve Clicquot in a plastic cooler. Behind the attractive bottle carrier loomed a broad-shouldered man who smiled at the newly wed in a way that made her feel naked. "Hi," said the redhead as she bustled through the doorway causing Mary-Jo to step backwards into the small hallway. The blonde haired bride was shorter than her visitor but rounder in the...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat! Samantha stood in front of the mirror admiring the costume she’d bought months ago in preparation for this night. It was October 31st , the night of her company’s big Halloween masquerade ball. Samantha worked for one of the biggest Fortune 500 companies Nicrosafe that produced internet surfing software. She was an executive IT tech. Her job was interesting enough. But because of it she was always classified as a nerd or geek. But tonight she planned on showing everyone that...

Love Stories
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08 TogetherChapter 85

Present – Ben, Jens and others – The plan Thom starts to go over the plan for the TSIFFTS semi with Jens when suddenly I have a feeling - and this is one of those feelings I can’t ignore! I hug Jens and say, “Whatever you two configure is fine with me, I need to make sure the front gate is covered.” Jens gives me a strange look and asks, “Ben, what’s wrong?” I smile at her and lie a little, “Nothing. I just feel we need to be safe, rather than sorry.” I grab the security team for the...

2 years ago
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Easter Givings

Easter Givings ? by: Dee Eon It began shortly after the first day of spring in Aunt Em's Victorian rural home after my foster 'mom' and I finished breakfast. "Peter," she said fondly with a poignant sad look. "These three years you've been with me have been the happiest I've ever had. I'm now sure those social workers are eating crow for calling you a very troublesome child. I'm only sorry I hadn't cared for you since you were seven after your parents' terrible car accident." "I...

2 years ago
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The vibrator of his ex

I warn every small 5inch white boy out there, if you do it one time you are done and eventually will become addicted to big nice cock sliding in youeven if you think it coudnt be done to you, it might just happen, because big cocks needs small tight holes and small cock boys have 2 pretty holes for big cocks love even if you think that friend with a gf coudnt want to fuck you, the truth is, big cocks love to fuck and get into a warm mouthi was in a party drunk having fun and got wasted , he was...

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Airport Anal Exam

Airport Anal Exam By Humbleslave A few months had passed since the wild Christmas party, which had found me bound, beaten, ass-fucked, and humiliated in front of more people from my past. I was busy washing Mistress Chantz's convertible in a skimpy white string bikini and matching heels, with my hands bound behind my back, which was obviously quite a sight for the neighbors. By now I was used to this sort of thing, and went about my business, kneeling on the hood of the car to scrub...

2 years ago
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Wifes Massage Becomes A Threesome

Lisa had decided months in advance of our wedding anniversary that we should celebrate the event in style. Her plan was that we should organise a relative, who was staying with us on holidays, to look after the c***dren while we went off to an up market hotel for the night. When she told me to make sure that the vibrators had new batteries and that our bondage gear was in good order I knew that she really did have some great plans in place for us. Given I had I had so much notice of Lisa’s...

3 years ago
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Winds of ChangeChapter 17

Grant tried to move the meeting forward, but eventually everyone came to the opinion that the British had to be dealt with before anything else mattered. They also felt that getting to Charleston was the crucial first step in that task. In lieu of that, the decision concerning clothing was tabled, though Bea did purchase a lot of material and sewing notions. The house slaves were purchased from her brother and were getting set up to travel on the Amanda Dear. They were fearful, at first,...

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Back to the Massage Parlor

As the months went by, all of my family became a lot more casual about nudity and sex around the house. We had all been nude with each other and each of us men had made love to both of the women. My wife, for example, would walk nude from the bathroom to our bedroom even when she knew that our son would see her. And he deliberately exposed himself to her many times. Once in a while, our daughter would come over to spend the night. When that happened, we would have a normal family night of...

1 year ago
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DickDrainers Blake Blossom Sometimes Blake Just Doesn8217t Understand Him

Blake’s beautiful, blonde, boobalicious…but she also has brains. It’s always been really easy for her to figure stuff out, whether its in the classroom, when it comes to outfits to wear, everything! Which is why the fact that she’s confused now really scares her. And what’s she confused about? A guy of all things. Unbelievable right?? You see, Blake has a boyfriend. And he’s the greatest. Smart, handsome, driven…freaky…. Their relationship has...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 938

This for Canadians and for others who may be familiar with Canada. Yes, I am a Canuk! You are just going to love this and I hope it makes you smile no matter where you live in this great country of ours... TOP REASONS TO LIVE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA 1. Vancouver : 1.5 million people and two bridges. You do the math. 2. Your $400,000 Vancouver home is just 5 hours from downtown. 3. You can throw a rock and hit three Starbucks locations. 4 There’s always some sort of deforestation protest going...

2 years ago
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Exploring sexin young years part 2

When we got home, both of us still half naked,it was a strange feeling after what just happend. Bengt went to his room, and I went to mine. I started to think it over, and realized I just had analsex with my own b******r, and on top of that with some spectators. Was a bit worried that someone should get to know about it, but it did also turn me on a bit. Once again I inserted the buttplug, and I could feel Bengts load leaking out of my anus. I couldnt resist touching my self a bit, before I...

4 years ago
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Trials of LoveChapter 3

We sat in silence; Kay had tucked her feet under her and was resting her back against me. I’d moved my hand from her breast and slid it under her dress to rest on her belly. I was amazed that I hadn’t noticed her little bulge. I’d been so wrapped up in what had been going on I’d missed all the clues that had been right under my eyes. “We are a right pair of idiots, aren’t we?” she murmured. I shrugged slightly; as much as I loved this woman, I still had some reservations over her recent...

2 years ago
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Campfire Tales

Six of us are sitting around the fire passing around a bottle of bourbon. My wife Monica is sitting next to me. Monica is gorgeous with brunette hair and brown eyes. My wife is a full bodied woman. She has a great set of C cup tits and a thick ass. Next to us are Ross and Rachel. They are an athletic married couple who run marathons together. They both have light red hair and are really fit. In the flickering campfire light I keep catching glimpses of Rachel’s cleavage down the front of her...

Group Sex
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Weekend cottage with friends Pt 5 Guess Who

Despite the energetic exploits of the previous night, the men went for a round of golf. When we came back we were grabbed by our partners and dragged to our bedrooms. Julie told me that while we’d been out they’d decided on a game for the evening but we needed to be shaved – down there. “Why? You mean just my cock or my balls as well?” “Everything. All I can say is that it’s so that you don’t know whose pussy is whose and we don’t know whose cock is whose”. I was still none the wiser but I...

2 years ago
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A Mothers Only Option

"John, it's time to ge - OH MY LORD, John!" Startled, you look down at yourself and shout in surprise - your dick is fully erect and constantly seething cum! In fact, it must have been going on all night because your entire stomach, legs, and most of your bed and sheets were soaked and sticky with your surprisingly still warm sperm! "What have you been doing," screamed your mother, stomping to your bed and looking disgusted at your oozing erection. "Now, I'll have to throw those sheets out! ......

4 years ago
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The Bucket ListChapter 13

Wednesday morning I fell back into my usual routine. I was down in the gym by six. MaryAnn was already into her workout as I got onto the treadmill. "Well, how did everything go?" "You worked there, so you know: it was hard work, harder than I've ever worked before, and it was the most rewarding work I've ever done. I'm sure I'll be going back there sometime in the future." "When you do, I want to come along, too." "I can think of nothing better than to have you with me working...

3 years ago
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to tell you the truth

Well by six grade when we moved to the middle school i started to get some attention from girls. But I had trouble keeping my grades perfect when i got into the girl world. I lost many guy friends due to being nice to girls, walking girls to class, and just little thing but we were in middle school. I started to give this one girl name amber, she was a friend of mine from 1st grade, well i did a lot for her i even started to tutor her but me only being 13 i had a one way strain of thought....

1 year ago
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PornstarPlatinum Sexy Vanessa Fuck Now Interview Later

I’m so excited, I have a interview today, as I am at Scotty P’s studio. He is interviewing people for a reality show he will be doing! I’m a little nervous, plus Scotty P. is hot too, I hope I can hold myself together! Oh he is coming now, Hi Scotty, what�s that you want to do the interview later? Wow you must like what you see! Let me see what your packing Scotty, it feels nice & big! First I’ll suck this beautiful black dick, then you can fuck me Scotty. After...

2 years ago
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So I guess a blowjob is out of the question

So, this happened in the later part of the '80s. Me and about 8 of my mates were in a technologies course, and just finished a very stressful exam, so we decided to head to a pub that was having a "Women Pay Cover," and drink for free.So we showed up, and there were about 7:1 ratio of women to us blokes. Anyway, as we were getting our liquid courage up, a couple of my mates were asking the ladies to dance, and as normal, the more liquid courage my mates got, the ladies were getting their liquid...

1 year ago
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The Taming of Tara

Chapter One Darkness. Darkness and pain. That had been her world long? Shehad lost all sense of time, almost all sense of self. Sensations. The blindfoldcovering her eyes, cutting out all light. Arms crushed together behind herback, tight hemp ropes at elbows and wrists, secure enough to keep her armsutterly immobilised, but not enough to affect her circulation. He was considerateabout some things.... A supple leather collar buckled around her neck, witha short chain bolted to a...

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AngelicaChapter 10 The Learning Curve

It was Angel's second day on the job as Jordan's receptionist. She was about to pull her hair out because it seemed the phone in his office rang off the hook and she had no idea how to assist the callers. Connie, who did the billing and kept Jordan's books attempted to help Angel learn her new job, as did his nurse Meredith, but they were busy and didn't have a lot of patience or time to spend teaching her. Jordan's office was one of the busiest offices in town. One of Angel's problems...

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My First Girl

I must of bee 19 at the time. i was out on the town with my friend John when i first met Sharon. She was a little older than me but we hit it off right away.We were both into karaoke and enjoyed a good sing song, every so often we would do a little show for the guys on stage. Sharon would grope me to tease them, and sometimes I would grope her back. We became a little notorious for doing this and John loved it.Over time, i got more comfortable with Sharon groping me, and i got comfortable with...

2 years ago
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Grden of Delights

Garden of DelightsNaomi’s TreasureIf she had her way, Naomi would spend all of her time in the wilderness, exploring and experiencing the tranquility of nature. Every chance she would get, she would take off for the weekend, or even as long as a week, to go hiking and camping in the back country of Colorado.From all of her time outdoors she developed a dark tan that complemented her long blonde hair. She normally kept it tied in a ponytail but occasionally she would let it glide free down over...

2 years ago
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Closer Than Breathing A Light Gay OdysseyChapter 2

For a short while the Jays, to use the nickname Jayde and Jake had adopted, did as he promised and quietened down. However, over a couple of weeks or so the volume crept back up. No chance meetings on the stairs provided an easy opportunity for me to mention the subject again. Friends were sympathetic, but had no practical suggestions. Smiles described them as 'those two noisy birds roosting upstairs, ' and suggested firing a shotgun loaded with blanks at them. Witty, but as I pointed out,...

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a fantasy date with roger

I knock on Roger's door, he answers and lets me in. he is wearing his wifes skirt and blouse. I ask to use the bathroom and return in a pair of white lace panties and a short skirt. roger is in the kitchen making a coffee, I stand in the doorway watching him. when he turns round he smiles his appreciation so I lift my skirt so he can see my panty cock. a bulge develops in the front of his skirt, I am happy he likes what he sees. we sit on the sofa next to eachother and he puts some transsexual...

3 years ago
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Only Couples

Chapter 1A naked woman in her early thirties came out of the house. She closed the door behind her and turned, watching the couple out near the pool. They too were naked, dancing belly to belly and cheek to cheek. The portable tape player was too loud now. All the neighbors were in bed. She stooped and turned down the volume, balancing a tray with four fresh drinks carefully on her tanned thighs. The eight-foot-high concrete fence around the back yard kept out prying eyes from the Leatherman...

4 years ago
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Dirty Sex Lovers 8211 Part II

Hope aapko meri pehle wali story pasnad aai hogi Dirty Sex Lovers, ye ek aur last story usi ladki k saath. Reshma ne company se resign de dia tha usko kahin india se bahar job mil gai hai, vo notice period pet hi. Us sex k baad hum log aur zyada open ho gye ek dusre k saath usne kaha ki sex k waqt gaaliya dete hai to kaisa lagta hai mene kaha try karenge, usne ye sub ek indian porn movie mei dekha tha. But vo hamari company ki dusri branch mei shift ho gai 2 mahine k liye to wahan pg mei rehne...

2 years ago
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For his pleasure she cums Part 2

Saturday Evening She lifts her leg from the water, stroking it gently with her forefingers, feeling the softness of her skin. Before the ‘play-weekend’ started, she made sure she shaved her legs including the tender bits that mattered, she wanted nothing to get in the way of her and her pleasure – and off course her husband. She knows how hot it gets him when he touches her legs and they are smooth as silk. It’s been about an hour since she got into the bath, and after filling up twice with...

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The night I found I loved sucking cocks

It seems my girlfriend, had put up with my tiny three inch cock long enough knowing I loved being tied upand dominated while wearing panties, she thought Ijust might be bisexual,so, one night she got me to put on her panties and bra, and tied me to the posts of the bed, as she has many times before . Tonight I was in for a surprise. She came right out with it, and told me, I am tired of not getting a climax from that little useless cock of yours,and burning up and buying batteries for my...

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Sexy Secretary

Sexy Secretary Intro My penname comes from a character I used to play in interactive fiction. One of the stories was based on the enigmatic M&R Corporation and I loved the idea of hapless males being transformed by a faceless corporation. I also loved the idea that the victims of M&R Corporation were forced to choose (or were allocated one by their "sponsor') from one of four feminine roles: schoolgirl, secretary, maid or sex-slave. I plan to write a...

2 years ago
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Enjoying my girlfriends mums company a bit too mu

This is going back a few years now, it was with my ex. Her mum was incredible! Mid 40's curvy figure, fake tits & absolute filth. She'd always ask me to look at her pc when something was wrong with it, when I came across some pictures & videos of her & an ex partner. I left it there to come back to next time she was out...One night, my other half was staying away for a xmas works do. Her mum had asked me to come round & watch her youngest. But when I got there, my missus sister...

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