CharlieChapter 4 free porn video

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I sat in the chair in front of the couch again with my feet on the couch. The men were on each side of my feet on the couch. "I don't like this place. I was saying. "I doubt I will come in here again. It's a mess, Just look at all the clutter on the floor." I motioned to the folders and clutter that had been on the desk previously. There was a trickle of spilled coffee running across the floor from under the desk.

"Yeah, it's a mess alright" Randy agreed, "It was a lot neater before you arrived though. I can't imagine what happened to it, can you.

"I know what happened." Henry chimed in. "Hurricane Charlotte came by and wrecked the place while she was being throughly ravaged."

"Now you're trying to embarrass me." I said. I put my arms in front of me, ducked my head and covered my face with my hands.

"Oh no." Said Henry, coming to stand behind me. He bent down and peeled one of my hands away, giving me a little kiss. "I'm just teasing you baby. Not making you mad am I?

I didn't move.

"Remember now, you volunteered to pick out all the furniture we need for the new office." Randy said.

I looked up at the jumble of scattered paperwork and dented in-basket on the floor and smiled, remembering how they had gotten there and feeling more than a pleasant soreness between my legs.

"I did?" I said with a wondering look on my face. Standing up to look at the guys from behind the chair.

I felt a little dribble of Randy's cum running down my leg. My panties had disappeared during the orgy. "I don't remember saying that." I looked at Henry. "Do you remember that Henry?" He stepped up to me and folded me in his arms as I cuddled up to his chest.

Henry looked at me and said, "I don't remember that either, what did you say to him?"

Randy said "I asked her right out. Are you volunteering for it? We were talking about who was going to buy the furniture. She said "Yes", and more than once too."

I smiled at Randy. "You're taking that all out of context Randy. You know what that was for. You were distracting me and I was saying yes for something completely different." I felt a blush heating my face, remembering his hands under my dress, playing with my slick pussy.

"Never the less, you said yes when I asked you and I'm holding you to it." He said. "Now, are you going to honor your word or not?"

"This might take another discussion" I said. Both men right away got big smiles on their faces. "And that is not the kind of discussion I am talking about either!" I pushed Henry away. "But maybe we can celebrate the new opening with something like that. That is, if you feel like it."

"Hot damn! I'm getting to really love this girl! said Randy. What do you say Henry. Do you feel like it?"

"I think you know I feel like it." Henry said, talking to me.

I felt another little trickle of cum join the first one on my inner thigh. I debated on going to the bathroom and decided it was just too risky. I didn't even want to look in there. Cleanup was just going to have to wait.

I was going to really like working with these guys. I hadn't had an orgasm like that in my whole short married life.

"Here's what I was thinking Charlie," said Randy. "I will give you the company credit card, You pick out the furniture and have it delivered no later than a week from yesterday to the new office. I will give you the list of the items I gave the rental company. You feel free to get what ever else you think is necessary. I expect quality furniture though, something that looks good."

"That sounds fair Randy. I don't think it will take more than two years of furniture rental."

"I think Charlie will do just fine in the furniture business, Randy", Henry said. "She picked out all the furniture in our house when we didn't have any money to speak of. You've seen the place, it's all good stuff, comfortable too. No need to be afraid to put a cold drink on anything either. I can't stand particle board furniture myself."

The next day I was in Denver's largest consignment store looking for the items I needed. I had already been through the new office spaces making notes on what I needed. I found several pieces right off to bat, a beautiful walnut desk for Randy's office with a pair of matching chairs with royal blue upholstery. A smaller desk in curly maple was found that would be suitable for a receptionist or the other office, several other chairs and a couch that would go in the reception area. I didn't find any filing cabinets and thought I would have to get them at Office Depot. I made arrangements with the manager to have them picked up later on and paid for everything with Henry's card.

All together I found about half of what I needed. I had two more stores to visit. I was hoping I could get most of the items I wanted today. I was meeting Henry for lunch and I just had time to get there from here if I left now.

Henry was meeting me at a new cafe that had opened about a month ago and we had been meaning to go there. I got there first and ordered an iced coffee while I waited for Henry to show. He finally arrived, just a little late and we found a booth in the back.

"Hi Honey" he said, giving me a peck on the cheek and sitting down. I really like this place. These tall booths give you a lot of privacy. How do you like it?

I looked around at all the dark heavy wood, shields and battle axes on the walls and said. "It's a little too Gothic for my tastes. Maybe we'll be served on trenchers." He laughed at that.

I told him all about my furniture finds and what I was still looking for. Then I asked him what he had been doing.

"I have been busy all day working on permitting for the new construction. There are a dozen new forms and studies that have to be done. The environmental studies, we have been doing all along, but there are several new ones that are going to take me quite a while to get completed. We have to have a half dozen survey wells drilled at $800 apiece for the geological studies. The underground tank permits are being held up because of new regulations. The soil tests for the retention ponds are almost done and the tree permits may very well hold up the whole thing because of a grove of scrubby oaks on the property. I will probably be working late for a week until I get this mess straightened out."

"Henry" I said, "You have been working late almost every night. How much longer is this going to go on. I want my husband back. You come home late and have just enough time to get some sleep and go back to work again.

"I know Baby and I"m sorry." said Henry. "I'll talk to Randy tomorrow about maybe getting a little temporary help in the office once we get moved in. A secretary in the office could take care of most of this stuff. It's all just red tape but it needs to be filed so we can keep track of it. There is a lot of correspondence and phone calling to go along with it. It takes a lot of time filling the forms out, mailing them off and keeping everything together.

"How about me?" I asked, "I have a business degree too you know. I am at loose ends all day when you are away. I would love to be around you guys during the day."

"Maybe we can have Randy over for dinner soon and discuss it" he grinned.

"I know what you mean by "Discuss It'" I said. "You want him over here to fuck me silly while you watch and join in. I actually don't mind that in the least. You seem to enjoy it a lot too don't you?" I asked.

"I really like watching you enjoy yourself with him," he said. "Don't forget, I enjoy myself quite well too. You enjoy it too don't you?"

"Yes," I said, "I do, very much. What I really like is how much you and he love having me."

"You're the best wife a man could ever have" he said softly and leaned over to kiss me. "When would you like to invite him over?"

How about Friday?" I said, and he laughed.

"You really do enjoy it don't you?" he said, "Okay then, Friday it shall be."

A little thrill shot through me at the thought of it. Then I asked him, "Henry, you weren't angry at me when you walked in on us yesterday were you?"

"I was surprised I have to admit." He said. "At first I was a little offended that you had started without me there but that didn't last long. When I saw you being shaken around like a rag doll with him pounding you from behind, all I could think of was how desirable you were."

"Well, You were pretty rough with me, I thought for sure you were angry."

I tried to explain to Henry that I hadn't planned on that happening when I went there. It just kinda happened.

"I was a little angry at first." He said. "You felt so good though, sucking on me and taking me all the way down your throat like that. It didn't last last long."

"It wasn't me taking you deep like that." I said. "I could hardly move. "You shoved your dick right past my mouth and down my throat. I was gagging and I couldn't breathe when you did that. Sorry, I shouldn't complain. I really got off didn't I? Geez, listen to me. We shouldn't be talking about this in here."

I turned around and peeked through the cut outs in the booth decorations to see if anybody was next to us. Nobody there thank goodness.

"I'm sorry baby, I won't do that again." He said.

"No, I want you to do it. You like it and I think, with a little practice, it will become easier. Besides, I love having you cum in my mouth like that. It makes my hair thicker." I laughed a little.

"You sure have some thick glossy hair" He said. "I've noticed other people looking at it too."

"I love you so much Henry." I told him.

"I know you do and that's what supports me and why I will never be jealous of anything you do." he said.

"Anything?" Wondering what it would take to get him jealous.

"Well, so far anyway."

"I wish we were home so you could take me to bed now." I said. "Your new office will be only two miles from our house. I am expecting you home for lunch every day. We can make it a lunch in bed. How does that sound?" I asked.

He laughed and said, "Right now, that sounds wonderful. We'll have to wait to see how well that's going to work out. I have to be getting back to work now. I will let Randy know about the dinner tomorrow. I am already looking forward to the after dinner snacks, I am sure he will be too. He really is in lust with you. We were talking about you in the gym today." he said with a grin. "He is anxious to take you on again too."

Friday morning, I woke with anticipation like butterflies in my belly. Randy had such a big dick, I was sore for hours afterwards. I loved it though. I had never liked the thought of anal sex before. I was getting it good now. Things were different though. Having two men at the same time was way different. Not bad though, definitely not bad. I was looking forward to it.

I had one more consignment store to go to today. hopefully for the last of the furniture. That one turned out to be a real winner. They had a bunch of scarred up furniture but enough gems in the mix to fill everything remaining on the list. I was especially happy with a beautiful rosewood desk. I talked the owner down to $450 from $800 and thought it was an exceptional buy. The guys were going to fight over this one. I had everything I needed now except for a few rugs and I knew where I was going to find those.

This store didn't make deliveries but he had the number for a couple of guys that did. I put it in my phone and made a note to call them later.

I arrived back home at 3:30. I had 3 hours to get ready and I felt rushed. I had decided on a quick and simple dinner. A steak with asparagus and a salad, strawberry shortcake for dessert. I didn't want these guys to over eat. I had plans for tonight.

I ran the tub full while I marinated the steaks and put them in the fridge. The asparagus was wrapped up in a big roll of foil with butter and garlic and set aside for the oven with the garlic bread. Two bottles of wine and a 6 pack of beer went into the fridge with everything else.

I took my time in the tub. I used a wash cloth this time and scrubbed until my skin was rosy pink. I used a new razor to carefully shave between my legs until I was as smooth as a baby's bottom. I didn't want any razor burns tonight. By the time I had finished drying my hair it was almost 6.

Lets see, what would Henry like me to wear. An aqua mini skirt that showed my ass off well matched with a very sheer, light blue, embroidered blouse of dotted Swiss and the thigh high stockings Henry had bought for me months ago. The skirt was just high enough to cover the lace trim at the top. Three inch heels finished me off. The blouse was sheer enough to read the newspaper through but it had an embroidered vine design that curled around my breasts and left many little openings in the material for my nipples to play peek-a-boo as the blouse shifted around.

The blouse was always a turn on for Henry and was good for a lot of stares from everyone else. When he noticed other men watching me he would let me know with a flick of his eyes. I would glance their way and sometimes give them a wink if they were good looking.

I had an hour to kill before anybody would show. I sat in the living room and started the stereo on Pandora. Henry sent a text saying they would be here a little after 7:00 PM. I sighed, What would I do for an hour? I poured myself a glass of wine and munched on a celery stick from the appetizer plate. I had just poured a second glass of wine when I heard car doors slamming. All Right! They were a little early. I ran outside to greet them.

"Hi guys" I cried, "You're early!" Henry gave me a big smile and a hug. " Randy insisted the stuff we were working on could wait until tomorrow. He was just too anxious to see you I think. You are going to kill us with that outfit Charlie."

Randy came around the front of his truck and picked me up in a hug and whirled me around. I squealed, laughing and hung on to his neck as my legs swung out behind me. He set me down and I leaned against him for a second.

"My God Charlie, you are smoking hot today.You smell good too."

I pulled him down to my level by his shirt and gave him a kiss. "It's always good to see you too Randy. You smell like you've been to the barbers. Just love that Bay Rum." I said, with a smile. "Lets go inside before we scandalize the neighbors."

Henry was already to the porch. He turned and said to Randy, "What did I tell you about Charlotte, isn't she a knockout?"

"I've known that from the first time I saw her Henry."

The guys came in and headed for the living room. Randy wandered around looking at the furniture.

"You guys sit down, I'll bring you a beer." as I headed for the kitchen.

"Now that I am noticing it," Randy said, "you do have some nice furniture in here, seems to match too. You have a beautiful finish on this walnut Charlie, how do you do that?"

"I just spray wax it every week Randy." I said.

"I usually don't pay too much attention to stuff like that. Randy said. I don't think anything in my house matches. If it works, it's good enough for me."

"Want a glass for your beer Randy?" I called from the kitchen.

"Not unless it's frozen," he called back. "I would just as soon drink from the can anyway."

"Me too," Henry called.

"I wasn't going to ask you" I said, handing him a can with a paper towel. Randy watched him as he carefully folded the towel in half, wrapped it around his can and tucked the corner in so it wouldn't unwrap. I has seen it before, a lot.

"Ahh, that really hits the spot" Randy said, taking a big gulp of beer. "We've been to the hotel location today meeting with one of the sub contractors. He was curious as to how we got the contract for such a big project. I just pointed to Henry and said "Talk to brains over there, that was his baby, I just build em."

"So Charlie, how is the furniture business coming along, found anything yet?"

"Oh, I can't wait until you see the desk I found today. It is just gorgeous. It's rosewood and has a very clean, slightly oriental look to it. I think you're going to love it."

"I do like nice wood Charlie," he said, as he leaned back and put his boots up on my freshly waxed, walnut coffee table.

I tried not to glare at him as I said, "Make yourself comfortable Randy, take your boots off." I thought I would give him a hint as I slipped my sandals off and put my feet up, opposite his. He didn't move for a few seconds and I thought, 'This is not going to work.' "Here, I'll help you, I know how to take off boots."

I came around the coffee table and straddled his leg facing away from him. I picked up his leg by the boot and bent over. "Push" I said.

"I shouldn't put my boot on you." he said as he put his other boot on my butt to hold me steady while he pulled his foot out. "That was fun."

"Next" I said as I switched legs.

He placed his foot on my thigh, slid it up under my skirt and just stayed there, wiggling his toes against my ass. I looked up at Henry and rolled my eyes. He was grinning and enjoying the show. I was just about to drop the leg when he pushed and I dropped the boot to the floor.

"That was even more fun" Randy said. "If you don't mind my saying so Charlie, you have a really nice ass. If you ever needed a job, you would be really popular in a western boot store."

I couldn't help but grin and I said, "Thanks Randy, I seem to remember you mentioning my ass before. I'm glad you like it. A job in a boot store, hmm? I was thinking of taking a job actually, something in a secretarial position to suit my business degree might be more my style. Know of anybody looking for help?"

He looked over at Henry who was still grinning at us. He raised his beer to Randy as if in a toast.

"You sly bastard Henry. This must have been what you were leading up to today when you got me to agree that we needed more help in the office." He puffed up with a serious face "I am going to tell you right God damn now that I think that is the best idea I have heard in a long time" and he laughed. "There aren't enough beautiful women around that I can afford to pass this one up."

He looked at me and said, "Charlie, name your price."

I blurted out, "Twenty five dollars an hour."

"Done!" he cried out, pointing his finger at me. "You're hired. When can you start?"

"Damn!" I laughed and said, "I should have asked for more. I can start as soon as the new office opens."

"Hey, we need to celebrate!" Henry said, reaching towards me.

"Oh no you don't." I jumped up and ran into the kitchen. "We still have dinner to go first!" I started the oven and grabbed two more beers and another glass of wine. "Here you go guys, lets toast to a long and happy relationship."

"I'll drink to that" Randy said, as we all raised our drinks.

"Your husband told me you had a business degree Charlie" said Randy.

"Yes," I said. He told me you and he were talking about me. I am surprised he mentioned my degree. I thought it was something of a more carnal nature."

"Oh it was, for the longest time," he laughed. "You're such an exciting topic to talk about. We talk about other things too. Like, he thought you were the hottest cheerleader he had ever seen."

Same as Charlie
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Getting fucked

Hi I have got amazing response about my earlier stories. So writing a new one. This one is not experienced by me but the one who is experienced is very close to me and have told me personally. I am using my name instead of her as per her instruction. Anyway guys enjoy. I am Sandhya Kumari. I loved sex. I loved it ever since I was sixteen when I lost my virginity to the family servant’s son, a boy I did almost grow up with. He was a couple of years older than me. I was lovely at eighteen,...

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male cum slut

My name is John I am now thirty two quite slim, live alone and have a thing for women’s panties, I just love to wear them under my clothes and have a large selection of thongs and other types of panties and I want to tell you how this has changed my life completely. When I was a teenager me and my best mate Tommy used to have what we called play time. This involved us both sitting around in just our boxer’s watching porn films and masturbating together, it was nothing gay but I did love to...

1 year ago
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Sister Moves In With Older Brother When Her Marriage Fails

My current relationship with my sister first when my sister came to stay with me after she left her husband. Jacquee, a beautiful girl; about 5’6 and about 135 pounds with beautiful brown hair and the most aluring senseous brown eyes ever issued to a woman. She had been living with me a couple of months and had got to know each other quite well again. Jacquee had taken over the household chores while I was busy working. On weekends we would plan a night out together or spent weekdays working...

2 years ago
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Drive For ExcellenceChapter 7

We loaded our gear after a breakfast on Sunday morning. Will and I loaded up our weights first while Andy carried our bags out to Will's car. Ed brought his things over while we were trying to load everything. The car was full last year when it was only Will, Ed and me. This year we had to squeeze Andy and his stuff in too. We filled the trunk with the heavy stuff. Ed and Andy climbed in the back seats. Will and I gave them two duffle bags to hold on their laps. The last duffle bag went in...

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Between reality and fantasies

Hey hot girls and sweet bhabhies..i’m sam…the story which i’m going to write here is about my fantasis about my mami and my real story with my distant sister who is not related to me by blood but she is sister of my very close friend and she ties rakhi to me..the first part is about my fantasies for my mami…my mami is a dark complexioned middle aged woman..she has a figure to die for…her ass is mind boggling and this is the best part that i like about a woman..its just so full of flesh and so...

3 years ago
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Ana wants to go to the adukt movies FINAL

I watched as my sensual wife was engulfing that monster cock with her sweet mouth in that filthy adult movies theater. Ana was bent over her seat and raising her round buttocks in the air.A second guy was now behind her body, between her spread thighs and he was rubbing his hard cock over her dripping wet pussy while he manipulated her little tight rosebud with his fingers.The bastard inserted one, then two, then three fingers into her anal opening. He then slowly pushed his cockhead into Ana’s...

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Part four

Tandem PlayI didn't get an opportunity to practice with Mom again until Saturday night. I don't know if she was avoiding me or what but she was busy every evening and would have been on Saturday too except Dad was sick and opted out of their regular dinner date. Mom made Dad something bland for dinner and spread a comforter over him after he settled back in his Lazy Boy, his favorite spot. She handed Dad the book he was currently reading but he closed his eyes and turned his head to the...

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Aggy Book 1Chapter 28

The first event was Sir Laurence's exclamation of horror as he digested the paragraph which the DNI had just personally brought to his attention. She sat watching his reaction as she enjoyed Sir Laurence's hospitality, the renowned taste of his coffee blend. There had been a noticeable rise in the already high standard of the brew and the word had quickly passed around the Admiralty drawing an increase of high ranking visitors – all on official business but it didn't really require face to...

2 years ago
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Naa Tenth Class Lo Tution Teacher Chellealu Swapna tho

Hai naa pearu vaasu.Naadhi andhra pradesh lo oka palleturu. neanu maaku dhaggaralo unna town lo chadhukunae vadni.Maa english madam dhaggara tution cheppinchukunae vadni.Aa roju naa jeevitham lo marichi polani roju. antha anandham malli dhorakadheamo.ika chadhavandi.naa jeevitham lo parichi polani roju ni meetho panchukovalani. Meeku ee katha cheappae mundhu swapna(maa english teacher sister 22 years(now 30years).Swapna dhi degree ayipoyindhi valla amma nana thamilnadu lo untaru.Akkaki thoduga...

1 year ago
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Time of Eden and ElvesChapter 33

EXTRACTION POINT WHITEWATER LAKE CANADA Ben throttled back the engines of Raptor 41 and was throwing switches and pressing buttons before the ship's engines were even completely powered down. He pulled his helmet off quickly, almost tossing it to the side as he locked the controls into place and pushed his seat back. His heart was pounding madly and he looked at his co-pilot, an elf he had been training for five months now, and a pilot that was going to be almost as good as Endith. He was...

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I met Joanne the first day of High School. An alphabetical accident placed Bobby McCoy and Joanne McCrary side by side on the seating charts for the next four years. I loved her at first sight. It only took an hour more to realize that that love was hopeless. She was rich, beautiful, out going, athletic, scary smart, and completely out of my league. I accepted my fate without a fight. I made myself a quiet place in her background. Dawn was the rough first-draft of her younger sister, two years...

1 year ago
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Asha Aur 2017 Ki Holi 8211 Part 9

Mera ye submission padhne se pehle aap sab mere pichle submission padhein. Saal 2017 ka tha, 13 March Holi ki shaam thi. Shaam ko mere aur meri wife Asha ke sex ke baad, main nahane chala gaya. Asha bhi kitchen mein hum dono ke liye fresh mixed juice banane chali gaayi. Main bathroom se apne bedroom mein gaya apne shorts aur t-shirt pehni. Tab tak Asha ne mujhe juice aur snacks lene ke liye hall me bulaya. Main hall mein pahunch gaya. Asha ke legging, thong, top, bra sab hall mein waise hi...

2 years ago
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Emend by EclipseChapter 13

May 10, 1975 The day was perfect for painting curbs. The temperature the previous night had never gotten below 54 degrees. It was overcast, but there was no rain predicted for the day. The temperature climbed into the seventies around three in the afternoon. It was the first Saturday of the year where they could paint curbs. Sure, there were a lot of days in the middle of the week where they could have painted, but they only worked the curb painting business on Saturdays when homeowners were...

4 years ago
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The Esthetician Gives and Receives

Damn, what a mess! I’m here in this beautiful hotel, about to wrap up a business trip. I have a few hairs on the top of my nose that are driving me nuts. I can feel them. So I’m sitting in this fancy bathroom with one of those magnified mirrors, enabling this blind man to see what in the hell he’s doing. I find the source of my frustration easy enough but then, damn, I find so much more! I never really noticed all of the open pores I had and crud in them. Excuse me for being gross but my nose...

3 years ago
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A Little Adventure in TimeChapter 13 Door Man

After the fiasco at the Inn I piloted us over Yellowstone Lake and stopped. "Ship? You need a rinse? Geyser water can be corrosive." I asked. Ship, in a mood ... now I ask you ... Ship was having a mood and I was pretty sure he was a computer. A really good computer but a computer just the same. How can a computer have a mood? For that matter, how does a computer talk like a concierge at a five star hotel? I know I owned the best of personal computers available and it didn't do even a...

1 year ago
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What Happens In Vegas Stays Burned In My Memory

--------------------------------------------- She came through the revolving door as if she were gliding on air. She had an elegance that belied her age ... just 24 ... and her smooth stride somehow masked the fact that she was 6-foot 2-inches in her heels. A few steps in, she stopped. She told me she was a model but people lie so often I didn't expect the claim to be true. But she most certainly was runway material. Her leather-clad legs were miles long. Her hips, while slender, tapered...

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Trevors Transformation chapter 3

I repeated this process with Trevor three more times that afternoon. His youthful stamina – a virile young man of 19 – was incredible. In the two hours of ass fucking him with the big black dildo and jacking his thick cock, he never once went limp. He was rock hard the entire time, and the puddle of cum on the floor in front of him was more than I’d ever seen from a sub. After his fifth and last orgasm, his weakest, which took nearly a half hour to achieve, his reddened cock finally went...

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Bet Your Sweet AssChapter 11

It definitely wasn’t every day that one fucked one’s own mother, let alone on a hide-a-bed, while on film and being watched by one’s own father in the process. I had to say, I was already aroused to be boning Mom, but soon after Aaron ate her and the ladies out, and so close to when Dad was going to screw Natalie, it was a whole different ball game. I could feel her slick, wet, hot pussy surround my thick, hard cock and it was a whole new level of taboo delight! I also knew that Aaron would...

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A Trip Down Pineview Lane

We met over a year ago on The Lush Stories site. I will not go into a great deal of details of the first year, but suffice it to say, we chatted many times, then many phone conversations and eventually we met face to face. I will call her BG. Not her real initials, as you might imagine. I am an older guy and she is young. She is in college to be a nurse. She is 18, but very mature for her age. Our relationship has blossomed from lust to love. She is very dear to me, but on to the event that...

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Mind the TimeChapter 7

"Please, she's all I've got. I'll tell you all you everything if you just give her back," Williams said. "Grandma?" "Vee?" "Let him in." Junior opened a small door in the bubble and Mr. Williams stepped through. His head exploded. The body dropped in the opening. From a car down the street an RPG fired but the door was already shut. The RPG hit so softly or the bubble absorbed the energy so gently that it didn't explode. It slid down the side of the bubble and laid on the...

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Luke Violet 3

"Hey Luke!" He approaches me with and we hug each other. “How are you my friend?” We catch up quickly and then I introduce him to Mrs. Taylor. "This is Violet. She's a close friend of mine. My neighbor actually. I invited her to come along and relax with us." Jacob was surprisingly cool with that. I did send a group text to my friends that came along on this trip and and gave them a heads up I was bringing a friend last minute. I could tell by the smirk and the way he stares at her...

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My Story With My Lover RJ

Hi indian sex stories dot net …Mera name rani yadav hai aur meri age 24 saal hai, mai bhopal ki rehane wali hu aur mai ek feminine person hu matalb ki mai bahar se to male hu but under se puri tarha ladki hu apne aap mai under se ladki ki traha feel karti aai hu hamesa se, aur meri body gori aur bhout fair hai mera cut face ladkiyo jesa hai ,aur meri sex feeling bhi ladkiyo jesi hai. Jab kabhi bhi mai ghar mai akele rehti hu to mai girl cloths pehnti hu jese bra painty saadi n nighty n vax bhi...

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My life with Steph and her sister

Chapter 1[/b] I’d been going with Steph for about three months; she was a gorgeous auburn haired 16 year old with a fantastic slim body and we were really into each other. I was 17 and about six months older than Steph. Neither of us were what you could call sexually experienced, in fact Steph was still a virgin when I met her. I had had a few sexual experiences but was by no means an accomplished performer. We were on a date one night in town when after a few drinks we found a dark spot...

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Sex With My Neighbour Aunty

I live in Bangalore. I live in a place where most it companies are near to my place Coming to the story this happened before few days before and before that aunty and I had many encounters like she used to show cleavage and has rubbed her ass while passing near by   On that day it was Sunday I was on terrace busy on phone Aunty came to hang her clothes to dry and while doing that she gave me smile when I looked at her and she bent down there was nothing on her body except gown I saw her...

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Another Changed Life Ch 04

Thanks for all the comments and votes so far. Those on the last chapter made me giggle – I dunno about the ditto thing, but glad you liked it! Unless I get totally carried away, I think there is one more chapter of this story to go. * * * * * * Throughout lunch and dinner service I was so relieved and so happy I was singing to myself, not even caring that the other staff were laughing about it and speculating on why I was in such a good mood. When Mark came through the kitchen on occasions...

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teaching a first timer

I am a 50 year old man who likes both men and women. I have been with a few guys before but this story is about me being someones first. It was summer time and I was lonely and needed some company. I was looking through craigslist and I came across an ad where this young man was looking for someone to be his first in gay sex. He had posted a picture of his dick and it looked really tasty. I did not know if he would be interested in an older guy or not since he did not say an age so I decided to...

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Cat and Mouse A Cresswell Industries Story Pts 3 and 4

III: Baiting the Hook The skies were dark blue when Rita's Porsche pulled up in front of Timmy's house. He was terribly worried that his mom was going to be out in front of the door waiting for him with an angry look on her face, but there was no one there. The lights inside the house, however, were still on. Rita was nice enough to undo the hairstyle she had given him, restoring his fuller hair to its original appearance, and she allowed him to wash off the makeup she had...

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Now a Married Slut Wife

My name is Susan. Like many women, I'm bored with my marriage Don't get me wrong, my husband is a wonderful man and I still consider myself very much in love with him. But like most men, he's under a lot of stress to perform at work, and that, with a lot of travel, has taken its toll on our sex life. Even before the job became so stressful, we weren't what you would call adventuresome in bed. The other morning I was looking at myself in the mirror and thought, hell I'm still a good-looking...

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Rebas TranceChapter 3

“Okay now, let me see if I understand this right ... first, Van ‘borrowed’ Jake’s hypnosis kit, then Mom caught him, and her idea of teaching him a lesson was to have him hypnotize her? Did it never occur to you, Mom, that Van’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer? You’re one of the smartest women I know, but that was ... wow, quite the fuck-up!” Kyra blurted. “Watch your language and tone, young lady!” Reba reminded her, though she knew that Kyra was right ... it was truly a blunder on a...

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Raped Degraded DaughterChapter 7

Jim Simmons needed a coffee break badly. He was pretty well fucked out by his daughter's young and vibrant pussy. His old cock wasn't accustomed to such energy and vitality in a cunt. He was used to his wife's dormant, almost corpse-like fucking, unresponsive and unwilling. Linda's pussy was not only inviting and eager, but lively and active, a tight, clenching cunt that literally sucked the jism out of his balls! Linda was relieved when her father released her from sexual bondage long...

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The Nerd Ch 02

The fraternity house was lit up with what looked like a million Christmas lights. The half-dressed fivesome hurried up the steps to the front door. It was being policed by three burly frat brothers.“Penny Penis Eater,” one of them cackled, recognizing Aaron’s date.“Not that you’ll ever know Devin,” Penny replied. “This is my date, Aquaboy. Can we go in? It’s freezing out here.”“Aquaboy eh? Brave costume for a night like this kiddo. Lose the socks though, anyone can see that’s not real.”“That’s...

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Starting Over Chapter 3

Slowly I recovered from the wonderful climax that Nan and Judy had provided. It’s difficult to articulate how I was feeling: warm, satisfied, cared for, virile, but most of all mellow. Somehow Judy and Nan helped me get to the closest chair. As I seated myself, Judy headed for the kitchen to get wine glasses. Nan laid out in a recliner near me. This gave me my first opportunity to get a good look at my new friend. I guessed she is about 5ft 4in. She’s trim with only a few extra...

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strangers on a train

I was on my way to work one warm summers morning. I had a very long day ahead and I didn't really want to go, but with bills to pay and little mouths to feed I was struggling to make ends meet and I took this job on a few weeks ago. I was working in a busy office, taking calls for the most snooty woman I've ever met. When I wasn't taking her calls, I was writing nasty letters on her behalf to her clients that had turned her work down, mainly because she was no good at what she did, and thought...

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The Teacher

My name is Amy Cotter and this is what happened on my last day at school.I took a deep breath and looked at myself the mirror. On any other school day I'd be wearing a very different set of clothes. The school code of conduct stated that all pupils should wear a uniform consisting of a white shirt or blouse and either black or grey trousers or a knee length black or grey pleated skirt. It was ok to wear a plain black sweater as well. Normally I'd have my black school trousers on with a pair of...

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Always Finding TroubleChapter 35

My body alarm went off telling me it was time to get up. I sat up and turned off the alarm, leaned over, and kissed Bobby. She moaned, asking me to give her another fifteen minutes, so I slipped on my peg, a pair of shorts, and a T-shirt and went outside to relax before my day. Before I even began my stance, Wanda was with me, followed by Marie and Jan. As we all began, Bobby came out, followed shortly by Angie who just stood looking at what we were doing. As we continued, she took a...

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