Money!Chapter 30 free porn video

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We had a nice weekend that included a quick trip up to Long Island, New York, to pick up two couples who were movie people and take them to Costa Rica. Diego had another couple that needed to go to Atlanta when we were down there, so we made our day really count with two nice charters. Sheena and Gin acted as our hostesses.

The girls wanted a marathon love-in Saturday night that had us spreading juices until almost three in the morning. The five of us went out to the patio bar and made drinks when we were sated. The girls found Fritos, potato chips and a couple types of dip.

We were snacking and drinking when Mercy and Kathy came out to see what kind of fun we were having. We had all neglected to put clothes on and we were still doing some intimate grab ass. This wasn’t a problem as Mercy and Kathy were equally bare. They decided to join in a drink and snacks, so the party continued.

It was finally agreed to put the glasses in the dishwasher, secure the snacks, and put the dips in the bar fridge. Everyone hugged and kissed, with Kathy and Mercy playing with my re-awakening appendage, but we went to bed. They slid in and I got in on the outside because I had thoughts of running in the morning. Like I said, ‘thoughts’.

We didn’t come out of our funk until Suki and Jenny came in to wake us up at eight. We wouldn’t get any breakfast if we didn’t get up right away. That got us all moving.

We didn’t take a shower and just quickly dressed to join everyone at the tables. Steve was teasing us that we were trying to have our own hot tub party right on the patio in the middle of the night. Shawna was sniffing the air and kept commenting on the wonderful fragrance of last night’s sex.

We helped clean up, and then took a messy shower that required me to shave so that my face wouldn’t be scratching up any tender parts. I put my toiletries, undies, and socks for the next week or two together while the girls were straightening up the bedroom. Not knowing how long I would be gone made it difficult to know what to take. I really didn’t need much, because I knew they would be supplying BDUs, and that there was nowhere to go out on the town. There was no town.

I was ready with a small duffle bag and my flight case that held my pad and laptop. I didn’t know whether or not I could use it, but I might Skype with the girls if I could.

Janet began looking around the room and couldn’t find her purse or phone. She said, “I can hear it, but can’t find it.”

Nikki found the purse behind the dirty clothes hamper in the bottom of the closet. Janet checked to see who had been calling and returned the call. It became obvious that it was her parents. She began looking at me and then held the phone away from her, and asked, “Could you get a helicopter and go get them to come visit? It’ll be an hour and a half before they get here if they drive over. Can we please go get them?”

I told her, “Sure, I’m sure that one of the Bell 407s should be available.”

She told her mom that we would be there to pick them up in thirty minutes or so. We made a mad dash out to the airpark, pushed a 407 out of the hangar, did the preflight, and were on the way to the beach. It was right at thirty-five minutes from making the call that we settled on the roof. Janet’s mom and dad were waiting for us, and Mr. Peterson indicated for me not to shut down. Janet helped them into the back seats, made sure they were buckled up, had them put headsets on, shut the door, and got back in the left seat. I was impressed as none of them were ducking their head thinking that the rotor blades would hit them.

I asked Mr. Peterson; “Are your night landing pad lights on a timer, or can you activate them by radio?” when we were still on the roof.

He said back into the headset, “I have an App to turn them on with my cell phone. That’s smart of you to ask.”

We lifted off and went out over the beach and water, and then circled to get a straight through heading back to the airpark. I asked Janet, “Do you want to call Steve to see if it’s okay to land the helicopter in the big open area by the ball park?”

Janet said, “No way, I want Dad to see our two airplanes. I think they’re both in today. He’ll be impressed with the Mercedes your sister gave you.”

Janet took her parents to the CJ4 at the airpark to show them the opulence someone had created in the aircraft. She then showed them the beautiful G650ER and told them that she could fly all the way to London without having to refuel.

Mrs. Peterson loved the mist blue Mercedes. Mr. Peterson knew that this model was the high-end of the Mercedes automobile line. Everything was fairly normal until we reached the trailer park. I drove through the business park, showing them the various buildings and plants. Seeing the magnitude of businesses really was impressive.

I parked at the patio and you could see the couple looking in all directions at once while trying to figure out where they really were. The families were getting ready for Sunday lunch, which was fairly casual especially for the kids. Chuck’s women were getting the toddlers to the table for a small bowl of mild chili and some quarter pieces of sandwich. The big meals for Sunday were breakfast and a dinner of pizza, calzones, and wings.

Steve, Tiny, and Henry were all there with Sue, helping get the little ones started to eat. I took the couple to Steve, and introduced him as the head of S&S, Tiny as CFO of S&S and several of the businesses, and Henry as CFO of Quality Wear and Big Girls dot com. I introduced them as Ray and Martha Peterson, Janet’s parents.

Tiny said, “I have some chickens on the grill, as well as about six racks of some very lean ribs. Could you go for some of those?”

Ray grinned and said, “Now you’re talking. I see all you folks have mugs of something that resembles beer. I could go for one of those.”

Ray looked at Martha, and she smiled as she nodded her head. My other girls decided that was their cue to come out. Gin and Donna had two mugs pulled for the guests in a flash. The four stood in a row together and were smiling. Janet looked at me, so I said, “Girls, I want you to meet Ray and Martha Peterson, Janet’s parents. Ray and Martha, these are the four girls who make up the rest of our family. From left to right are Nikki, Sheena, Grenaline or Gin, and Donna.”

The four girls were holding their breath, but Martha did what they didn’t expect. The woman went to Nikki and hugged her saying, “Aren’t you the cutie. You’re an island girl, aren’t you?” She hugged Sheena next, and asked her, “I hope you’re a part of everything with the other girls.” Gin was next, and she said, “You be careful of the old perv behind me. He might want to carry you off.” Last was Donna, to whom Martha said, “You are precious. Like a porcelain china doll.”

Janet said to her mom, “Let me show you our suite.”

All the women vanished into the house.

Ray chuckled and said, “We set you up a little. I talked to Steve this past week to make sure that we would be welcomed. He’s the one who suggested we get you to come get us with a helicopter. Martha is so excited that Janet has found a direction in life and a man to share it with. It’s only fitting that she’s joined with a few girls to put a family together. Martha and I think it’s unique that you all have enough love between you to make something like this work. She says your relationship just feels right and knows it’s going to work.”

Chuck, Lisa, Bonita, Lizzy, Marion, and Virginia all came into the patio excited about something. They were all carrying instruments. Bonita hollered, “We’re going to play a couple of new pieces for you. These are really exciting.”

You could see Lisa come into view up on the big TV, check on some babies, and then reappear where Bonita was dragging speakers out by the big sliding doors.

Tiny was putting some ribs on plates and people kept appearing like magic. It was still just before noon, but food was ready.

Ray observed, “Those little guys are all so well-behaved. They’re antsy, but are staying in their chairs. Look at all those women hovering around them making sure they all eat.” The mothers began getting the little guys down one at a time, took their bowl and cup to the inside sink, and then came back for their paper plate and took it to the big trashcan.

Sue Ellen saw me, and came running. She leaped at me, turned in my arms, and pointed at Ray, “Is that your daddy?”

“No, Sue Ellen, that’s Janet’s dad.”

The little girl looked at Ray, thought a minute, then stuck her foot up and said, “I have six toes. Want to count them?”

I thought Steve was going to shrink behind the bar. Steve said to Ray, “This is my youngest. She likes to inform those she likes that she has an extra feature.”

Ray took her from me, and said, “I’ll bet Janet’s mother would like to see your six toes on each foot. Let’s go find her.”

Sue Ellen said, “That’s easy, she’ll be in the big bedroom all the way at the end of the hall. I’ll show you.”

Steve rolled his eyes, and said, “It’s going to be difficult to feed those who want some barbeque. Eat up, Chuck, your other brother, Chuck, is going to serenade us.”

I began realizing that I wasn’t startled or surprised by anything that was going on. A bunch of people pulled up on motorcycles and some of the older kids were running out to greet parents. Chuck’s women were getting the little ones up to feed them, and put them in the play area in the living room. Several others were getting soup or chili from the kitchen and coming to the table to make a sandwich from all the fixings.

Martha, Ray, and the girls all came from the back of the house and went to the bar for their beer and some barbeque. The girls were all smiling and happy, so there were no problems with parents. Gin was bringing Sal and the mothers to us and introducing everyone. Their three little guys who were about the same size as Chuck’s kids and Sue Ellen all lined up, smiled, and were excused. They were gone in a flash. Ray and Sal had a conversation for a while.

Sue came out and caused some fumbling around because of her outrageous figure, as usual. She offered to show Martha one of her plants. She suggested that Steve take Ray to the original plant and give the man an idea of what all we do.

Tiny and Steve took Ray and hollered for my car fob. I tossed it to them, and then found Janet to get a report. Janet said, “Mom is so happy that I have a relationship with a man as well as the girls. She said that it was reasonable for a group of us to be in love with the same guy if he was a good person. Dad came in and couldn’t believe how nice our living area is. Those two are really showing me a lot of love and restraint by not criticizing me for my lifestyle.” Janet kissed me and told me, “I do love you like crazy, and I’m only one of five who love you the same way.”

It was about three when we were all back in the patio, just visiting. That’s when Chuck, Lisa, and Bonita really wound up. Chuck began with a very heavy blues bass riff that had you wanting to moan a little. Marion and Virginia added some rhythm guitar in that matched the chord progression the bass was playing. Bonita began playing a keyboard with an organ sound, and then Lisa made you think that some of the masters had come alive. One of the kids was playing an electronic drum set, and the piece really jammed. This wasn’t hard blues rock, but a medium tempo blues piece that had a lot of syncopated phrases and riffs. There was a break, and then the four girls all began singing at once. Lisa led with the twins answering, and then Bonita would lead with the twins answering her. This piece wailed.

You had to get chills, or you were probably dead, when they brought this to a close having the bass doing that sweet riff the piece started with. There was a lot of whistling and applause. Bonita said, “That is something that Chuck wrote a lot of years ago when he was still in high school. I found it among Chuck’s discards and made him work it up for us. I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s special.”

“Let’s change up a little. Here’s something with cow patties, horses, and tractors. Chuck is such a homer.”

There was some instrument changes so that Bonita could play her violin that had been transformed into a fiddle. This had a sixteen bar lead in that had everyone tapping their toe and ready for a real down home treat.

Marion and Virginia showed they were twins by really belting out the lyrics of this one. It was fun, fast, and exciting to listen to. It would be a tune that would often be on people’s lips, that is if you liked country.

The patio had really filled up now, with steady traffic going to the tapper for beer. We listened to several pieces that Bonita, Lisa, and Chuck told us how they were created. Elmer was manning his controller with a headset while fooling around with a mixer.

Ray said, “This place is like a big party. Do people come here a lot?”

I told the man, “The day begins here in the morning, some come here for lunch, and then people come for the fellowship, a beer, supper after work, and often stay for conversation, a card game, or chess while the older kids study, and toddlers finally run down and crash. The place is just called the ‘patio’. I love to begin here about six to six thirty, and I’m early to bed so I’m down by nine-thirty to ten. You’d love the weekend breakfasts. They are special.”

Ray said, “I’ll have to see if Martha might want to come over and spend the night either here or in the hotel next door.”

“You’ll be welcome if there’s room, Ray. Steve, Sue, Mercy, Kathy, Juanita, and Mickey are the most accommodating people you’ll ever meet. I’m still not sure why they like me so much.”

Steve had heard that and came over to sit with Ray and me. “Chuck is like a son to me. Something happened when he came here the first time, and then had all my family wanting him to be with us when he returned. I haven’t let him get away so far, and he’s brought Janet and the other girls to be with him. Do you know that we both have our birthdays on the same date? I know it sounds campy, but we really enjoy having Chuck and his family with us.”

I told Ray, and now Martha who had joined us; “I’ve been thinking that I need to build a place back by the other Chuck’s. We’re eventually going to want a place of our own, especially if we begin to have kids. That’s all in the future, so we’ll have to see what it brings.”

Ray asked, “You finished the Deputy Marshal Academy. Can I see your badge?”

Nikki was gone in a flash, and was back just as fast with my badge wallet. Ray looked at it, and asked, “Janet said that you were going to another school this coming week. What’s that for?”

Chuck Johnson came over and sat with us. He could tell that I didn’t want to divulge what I shouldn’t. He said, “Chuck has been chosen by another Agency to be a part of their darker operations here in the U.S. He’s going to be a Special Operative for the Secret Service. His unit is a separate entity and handles special operations when needed. It is an honor to be chosen to be a part of it. Chuck was part of a similar unit in the Marine Corps, so he was an easy choice for the Agency.”

Martha was alarmed, but Ray half grinned. He said, “I’m familiar with that group; I know that they have a link with the State Department, and that they do extend their operations to other countries. Good luck and be safe, Chuck.”

Pizza, calzones, and chicken wings began coming in the door. The patio was now really full as this was the weekend windup. Janet joined me in drinking iced tea, while Ray and Martha continued with beer. Janet was happy to play hostess for her parents.

It was going to get dark soon, so I suggested that we head to the airpark so we could fly them back to the beach. The Petersons thanked everyone, shook hands, hugged the women, and then Tiny handed me my key fob. He said, “I was watching to make sure that you weren’t drinking. You’re a good man, Chuck.”

I had to push the 407 out of the hangar and do my exterior check as it was getting dark. I probably should have done it in the hangar and then pushed the bird out. We loaded up and I watched the electronic digital engine control start the turbine up. Ray said, “I want you two to know how proud I am of you,” while we were waiting for the systems to all come up to normal. “You showed us your family with a lot of pride in your presentation. That’s what tells me you are doing the right thing. You’re both wacky, but I’m sure you’ll have a lot of wacky fun.”

Martha said, “I think that Janet could have had a bunch of mothers, along with a lot more brothers and sisters, if that opportunity had presented itself to us back in the sixties. I hope you invite us back soon.”

Janet and I both said ‘We will’ at the same time.

We flew back to the beach and stayed right at a thousand feet. The GPS beeped and I asked Ray, “Can you turn your pad lights on now? I’d rather not use the spotlight so that it doesn’t freak your neighbors out.”

The top of a house all of sudden lit up with the big circle and black ‘X’ on it. Four rotating beacons were spaced on the corners, so it was easy to line up. I gently settled on the deck, and Ray said, “Don’t shut down. We’ll get out now and see you soon.”

Janet got out to hug and kiss her parents anyway. She got back in and shut the door. We watched the couple as they moved off the pad area and down the stairs. We lifted off and continued to climb and then made a beeline to our airpark. The rolling pad had been left out, but I had to use the spotlight to line up to land on the pad this time. I set it down on the pad and shut down. We anchored the runners and pushed the helicopter back into the hangar. There I did the post flight inspection and went for the fuel truck.

I shut the hangar lights off and pushed the button to close the two big doors when we were done. It’s always sort of sad to see all the big doors closed. The morning will find most of the doors open, with activity in every hangar preparing aircraft for flights in many directions.

Janet and I made ourselves a drink back at the patio, and toasted each other on a successful first visit by her parents. She couldn’t get over how content her folks were about our relationship. The idea that her dad had talked to Steve and probably had me thoroughly investigated made me know that he was satisfied I wasn’t a love ‘em and leave ‘em type.

Chuck came over and said, “I want to leave here around seven-thirty. I’ll drop you off out there and make sure you will have an escort. They will contact me when it’s time to pick you up. I have to go to San Diego and then up to San Francisco for some station business. You would be with me to learn about some of the admin stuff if you were done with your training. Wanda is going to be with us, but she’s a member of the club so they won’t get nervous over her. I’ll see you at seven-thirty in the morning.”

The girls all looked at me, and I said, “Well, Lovers, let’s get to bed a little early tonight. I probably need the rest after our party last night.” The girls all agreed that we should go to bed early, but I think they were looking for some loving more than sleeping.

We enjoyed some very loving fun, with the five girls playing as much with each other as they were with me. Gin leaned down to kiss me while she was sitting on me, buried in her to the max, and said, “We’re able to entertain ourselves while you’re gone, as you can see. Brandy says that’s how they were when they first hooked up with Chuck. Nancy is so happy that Sheena is part of us, and little Tiani is like Nikki. It’s almost uncanny how Chuck had five, and you now have five with a similar group makeup.”

Gin was riding me through another orgasm as she said, “It’s going to be a lot longer before this five is going to be ready to want babies if we’re going to do it together. I think we need a few years of practice. I hope I can have the time to be with the girls and you while I become a doctor. This is so good, and I’m very happy that we waited the way we did. I think we all wanted to be like Janet and have a chance at being wild and crazy, but Janet even became celibate and waited to find you. This is so good that I just don’t want to quit.”

Janet pushed Gin off while telling her, “Give the man a break and give me a shot at him. I need him at least once before he leaves if he’s going to be gone for a week.”

Jazzy was the last of the five to be loved, and I knew it was by design for both of us. We had some kind of special connection. We fell asleep with me still inside Janet, but I was softening and drooling around our centers.

Beep, beep, beep, beep.

It took a couple of seconds to realize that my cell phone was ringing. “Miller.”

Chuck’s voice said, “Get up, get dressed in your BDUs, grab your duffel bag, and meet me in front of the patio. I’ll be there in fifteen. There’s a problem we have to fix.” He hung up so I knew that he was serious.

I moved over Janet and checked the clock and noticed that it was three forty-five. I did a quick triple S, dressed, and was about to walk out of the room. Janet got up, kissed me, and told me to be careful. Her movement had the other four also waking up and giving me a loving hug and goodbye kiss. That’ll make you feel good, but sad at the same time.

I made two single serve Styrofoam cups of coffee with lids and was standing out by the street when Chuck pulled up. I threw my duffle bag into the trunk, got in, and gave Chuck his coffee. He thanked me, and said, “I think the McDonald’s up the street is open twenty-four hours, so we can get a couple of sandwiches to take with us. I’ll try to explain what I know. We’ll get more info en route, but it was Tom Crowfoot who called me for help. That’s the way it is when there’s a problem.”

Chuck bought four Egg McMuffins for us and broke some speed limits on the way to the airpark. We parked in the pilots’ lot and walked to the charter office. Chuck told me, “I’ll get the books, you begin the exterior. I see the two techs working on it now.”

Both techs met me at the airplane, and one said, “The exterior is good. Go start the APU and get the electronics up. Everything is what it should be.”

I sat in the right seat while getting the APU up and starting the cockpit checklist. Chuck got in, shut the door, and told me, “Sit in the left seat. I’m going to do some research between here and there.”

“Where is ‘there’, Chuck?”

Chuck laughed and said, “You’re good. You don’t even wonder where, you just ask; straight to El Paso. We’re supposed to be met by a helicopter that’s supposed to take us to the site. This is going to be like Idaho, but in some rough desert terrain.”

I asked, “Is this a Deputy Marshal or an Agency job?”

“Both, that’s why it was important for you to be a Deputy as well as be a part of the Agency’s Operations Group. Most of the Deputies who will be there are going to be Agency people as well. You’ll like working with them, although you may be more aggressive than they are. We’ll have some Border Patrol people with us, but hopefully none of the willy-nilly Homeland people who complain about everything. This is serious enough that we should be good with any action we take. There’s a chance for collateral problems, but we’ll have to see.”

Chuck went to the communications desk as soon as we were at altitude, and was pulling information from files in DC and El Paso. He came up to the cockpit and told me, “Refile for Santa Teresa airport in New Mexico. It’s just outside El Paso and closer to our objective. Let me get the rest of the information.”

Chuck came back up with a stack of papers, along with some fresh coffee for both of us, a few minutes later. We ate our Egg McMuffins and drank coffee before Chuck described what was happening.

“A Border Patrol guy was apparently tracking what looked to him like a group of people being walked through the rough area west of El Paso. There’s nothing in that area, and you really can’t have much of a farm or ranch there. There’s lots of rocky barren land just like where you were in Afghanistan. He was using an ATV, getting close to the some heavy rocks, when he began getting fired on. He got the heck out of there and came back with a couple more men to see what they could find. He had a helicopter with infrared scope sweep the area, and it also began to get fired on.”

“Some guy wearing robes and a turban shows up the next day, demanding his people be left alone as they supposedly own some of the land out there and are using it as place to make peace with Allah. The Sheriff in El Paso told the guy he was at the wrong place since the property is in New Mexico. This made the man angry and he was yelling that he was going to steal the wives and daughters of the lawmen, and they would then show him and his people more respect.”

“They thought that he was just some whack job who was making a fuss to get noticed. It turns out that one of the Deputy Sheriff’s wife and two daughters turned up missing that night. Another wife and daughter are missing the next day. Deputies began calling in to make sure that their families were protected. A call was received at the Sheriff’s office that they would trade the two wives and three girls for a million dollars and a guarantee they be left alone. The FBI got involved since this was an interstate incident, and one of their men promptly gets shot. The man goes out to a known hostile area without armor. He’s not dead, but he’ll be out of action for a long time.”

“The Marshals Service gets called into action, and there is a call to the Agency for some covert help since the ACLU is now aware of what’s going on and are hovering around to make sure no one’s civil rights are being violated. No one even knows whether or not these people are citizens yet. Well, they called again last night, and said that all the females would become their concubines if the ransom wasn’t paid within forty-eight hours. So there is a problem with the two wives and three girls being used as collateral, and we have no idea what their installation looks like. My suggestion was to exchange the money for the hostages, and then sweep the area to clean it out. No one high up is willing to do this, so we have to see if we can penetrate their guard and get up close to these people. They tried using small drones, but apparently these guys have been practicing their skeet shooting. I’m going to find a place to observe while you and another man you’ll like will do the leg work. I could do this, but I’m not as agile as I might need to be.”

I was smiling as I said, “Imagine that. I leave all that, and now I’m doing it all over again on home soil this time. Tell me about this partner who I’m going to have.”

Chuck said, “She graduated in the same class you did, and is a medically retired like you Navy Corpsman assigned to the Marines, according to her bio. She’s obviously healed because she went through the Deputy training. Her name is Frances...”

I finished for Chuck, “Cunningham. She’s one tough babe. She was part of the group that I hung around with in school. She was captured and tortured over there, and then was able to kill her guards and all the soldiers who had captured her. She freed six other men who were in bad shape and were scheduled to die by decapitation within a day or so. She should have the Medal of Honor for her actions, but you know how that is. Everything is political.”

Chuck asked, “Then you don’t have any problem using her for a partner and backup?”

“She did everything all the men did and excelled at them. She’s really a Marine, even though a Navy Corpsman so she has had Marine training. Does it say whether or not she’s had scout training?”

“She was a combat corpsman. She was Marine trained, but had to be Navy for medical training. It doesn’t say that she went through scout training, but may have before going on her first tour. She served three tours over there and was captured during her third. The Agency is interested in her, and she could be invited at any time.”

I told the boss, “I’m good working with her. It’s going to be OJT under fire if she hasn’t had scout training. She’ll like that.”

An F-18 was off our port side for a few minutes, and then vanished as I set up to land at Santa Teresa airport. We were directed to a hangar area at the north end of the buildings and told to shut down. A cart came from one of the hangars and parked where our door was. Chuck pulled the keys as he said, “This is all a little strange, but I don’t have any bad feelings. We’ll put the chocks out and lock up. We might not be here that long.”

Chuck opened his case, looked at it, and then told me, “Watch for field equipment vests. Grab one if there are some stacked somewhere. They aren’t in anyone’s inventory, so you won’t be stealing from one Agency over another. You might even keep an eye out for MP5s, especially those with threaded barrels. It would be nice to find a silencer for one, as well as a bunch of extra magazines. How many extra pistol magazines do you have?”

“I have five extra. That’s a lot of close work. I hope that I don’t need that many.”

Chuck said, “You can use my collapsible if you can’t score an MP5. It works the same way, just with a fold-up butt that’s made of extremely heavy wire. I only have one silencer, so now you know something else you need to get when you’re in training.”

Same as Money!
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GloryHole Sidra Sage 11022020

Sidra is a hard working girl who needs to let off steam after work. She hopes the local swing club has what she needs. She heads right for the back room where a single girl can get the action she needs at the Glory Holes. It’s her first time so she is tentative at first but when the first dick shows itself she knows it’s on. She is a girl in heat and loves to objectify the cocks in front of her and use them for her needs. Stripping out of her sexy outfit to get serious she fucks the...

4 years ago
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I Warmed Up Paperboys Cold Extremities

All characters and terms including boy and lad refer to people age 18 and over I opened the door. The paper boy was walking down the path. He come up to the door and handed me the paper. Bless him, he was shivering and his fingers were blue. It was a freezing cold winter’s day. I took him inside so he could get warm and I sat him down on the sofa. He was freezing. I rubbed his hands one at a time. He got embarrassed. I rubbed his hands one at a time between my hands. “Your hands are like ice.”...

Gay Male
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Getting your Personal Faggot

By: AWC "Just shut up now, take out my cock and get busy servicing it”. Frank had an angry tone. “I do not want to hear, if you are a faggot or not. To me you are a faggot and I only admit, I did not know it”. This was Frank talking to his old time buddy Richard. They were in the school together from 4th grade and now in college. They were well-known to each other and buddy, buddy too but it would be hard to say, if they got along any good. Frank was more like a jock but Richard was just a...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 304

"So Teneesha, I'm Maxine Stone. Jerry here tells me you are game for most anything?" I asked. "I ain't eatin' no pussy," she said defiantly. She said it in a harsh whisper, since we were sitting at a table in the Cop Out Club. "Tell me why you would even say that?" I asked. "Everybody knows you a stone lezbian," she said in a condescending voice. "I see, so if that bothers you, why did you come down here?" I asked. "Well, Jerry said I would love having a big TV star between...

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A Wifes Gift to her Husband

Introduction: This is a stroy about rekindling love between a married couple. Bill walked into the lounge to find his wife. He was a little confused why she left him a note under the windshield wiper of the car to meet her here. This was the fanciest hotel and restaurant in town and they have never been there before. Bill looks around trying to spot his wife. He is very nervous and becomes much stressed when he doesnt see her. The poorly lit bar was very crowded with the after work happy hour...

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Happy Birthday Sister In Law

Hi, my name is Sonu and I am an avid reader of erotic stories. My first contact with porno was at a very early age and since then I have been hooked. Currently, I am in my early thirties, height 5’11 and 125Kgs with a high sexual drive. I know I am overweight, working on it to reduce it. I have never measured my dick but it is definitely not as big as people claim in other stories. I like cunnilingus the most and can spend a long time licking and sucking those beautiful petals. My wife Gudiya...

2 years ago
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Mother Daughter Hard Party Girls

Sunday — Harry Lynch was trimming back his shrubs on the Saturday that his safe, warm, family life came to an end. He was intent on his attack on the overgrown plants when he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was his neighbor, Cal Dillon. "Hey Harry, can I borrow your lawnmower? Mine just died and Marge will kill me if I don't get the yard done before her fancy-smancy tea this afternoon." Their Maryland neighborhood was made up of 'mini-estates' of homes on one and two acre lots. Everyone...

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Our Steam Sauna Experience

We are both steaming hot in the steam sauna in this small-town Italian sauna in the middle of a very non-descript part of the south. The ‘dress-code’ was variable, most naked, but a few, like us preferring to have a towel round us! At one point, space was a bit tight, and it seemed as if all of the customers were stacked up on the benches. Until one by one they left. We are sitting side by side. Feeling you gently nudge my knee, I glance to see you as I am leaning back onto the upper bench,...

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The Fun Sack

This story represents my oldest fantasy, rendered more powerful by the fact that I thought it would actually happen. In the end, with not a thought for all those frustrated transvestites, the Fun Sack idea was dropped without notice. This represents what I hoped would have happened... For those of you who live outside England, you may want to do a search- and-replace: dinner jacket=tuxedo; suspenders=garter...

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SecretsChapter 8

The following morning, Matthew arrived just as Katherine emerged from the bathroom looking a little green. "You OK?" "Bit of a stomach upset," Katherine replied and traipsed into the kitchen to get a glass of water. "Oh, how was your date at the weekend?" Matthew gave a tortured smile and sat down, helping himself to a banana. "Ummm, bit of a communication problem." Charlotte looked up from her newspaper. "Oh," she said, Matthew's less-than-candid reply piquing her...

4 years ago
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New Experiences

I had never considered having sex with another man before. It had crossed my mind but I always came to the conclusion that it would not be for me. Then one day---- I was riding my motorcycle down the road, happy as can be when the urge to find a restroom came upon me. The two lane highway in Alabama I was on had a rest area not too far ahead and I sped up to get to it. Fortunately it was right where I thought it was and I parked and got to the restroom. It was not a modern rest area like you...

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City Pussy Meets Farmerrsquos Cock

the heroin of this story is 31 years old,[/i][/b]still maintains her figure and her status are 34-30-36. She is very beautiful and looks more like the Tamil actress sneha. We make a perfect couple as she too is always in need for sex.Sumi and I had been married for 8 years and in those 8 years of sex life was just amazing, as we are very open minded couples and had a desire to try out everything possible in sex. We have tried bondage, threesome, foursome and...

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Wife and Mother in law camping trip experience par SeXStoRY So me, my wife and her parents went on a camping trip this past weekend. We brought two tents. We had them setup for a couple of days. The tents were about 8 or 9 feet apart we setup a hammock between both. My father in law went out to get a few things back home that we forgot. My wife and I went swimming and my mother in law said she wanted to read a book in the hammock. My wife and I went swimming and had a good time. We made our way...

2 years ago
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My Chachi 8211 The Punjabi Whore

By : Jaansingh Hi everyone, my name is Sanjay but all my family and friends call me jaan. It’s a nickname my parents used to call me and it just got stuck. I am 25 years old and studing at Mumbai Medical College to become a doctor it’s my parent’s dream which I share as well. I’m 6 feet tall built Punjabi guy with average or above average size lunn its 7 inches enough talking about my lunn haha. This story is about my mean and always angry chachi how I accompanied her to a wedding of her...

1 year ago
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Trail Head parking lot Head

I was on my way home from doing sales calls in the LA area and I thought I would cruise by a 'cruisy' trail head parking lot before I headed home. This parking lot has two sections, I parked went by one side and saw a little white pickup with a guy sitting in it...promising...., then I went to the other side and it looked like just hikers and mountain bikers getting ready for some afternoon exercise, so I went back to the other side to see if the white truck was still there. It was so I parked...

5 years ago
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My Best Friends Mom3

i'm only at the age of sixteen and my hormones are out of control and i couldn't believe this happened. so my friend, jeff and his mom, annette have rented out this beach house for a week in the summer and jeff invited me and a few of our other friends up for a day and all of us get up there in the same car and we'd all be getting home in the same car as well. we finally got there and jeff was waiting for us and when we got there, we went out onto the beach and as i got out there, there...

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Belle Delphine Twitter 66000 19m

Belle Delphine is a girl you probably know only by name. Or, if you're an adventurous perverted human, you've probably seen some of her content. Belle can go from extreme to cute and fuckable in an instant. On her Twitter account, she has 1.9 million followers. She's "here to be pervy and nasty" and there are nearly two million people who want to be just that with her. For a social media account, Belle has done a pretty good job in keeping up who she is for her followers.There was a time when...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 74

Ivan, Dave and Lorraine were still meeting with the caterer when I got home. I interrupted them anyway. "What is this, Lorraine?" She looked over the letter. "Oh. Good! They could use you up here. I would have asked you, but I thought you were retiring." "I am retired. Past tense. I'm an old man; I no longer have to work for a living." "Boss, we're almost done here." Ivan sighed like I was the problem. "Can we finish this then you yell at the bride." I glared at him, but I...

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I awoke in a cold cell, the cement floor feeling like ice on my naked skin. Shivering I curled into a tight fetal position, trying to keep some of the warmth from completely abandoning my body. My senses seemed dulled, my body intently concentrating on breathing and moving the blood through my body. It was all I cared about anymore, just staying alive. I had no idea where I was, or why exactly I was there. All I knew is that there was no escape. The sound of a door opening. The pat, pat of...

4 years ago
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My Little VentrueChapter 95

~~Jack~~ It’d been two weeks since the incident. Two weeks since the news broadcasted Jack’s fuck up with the crows. Two weeks since Julias’s death, his mother’s embrace, and the capture of Sándor. Two weeks of futile attempts to understand what had happened to him. He’d stuck with journaling, organizing his thoughts and putting them to words, but it wasn’t working out very well. All he could manage to write were succinct paragraphs that were obviously bitter, cynical, and angry. Sometimes...

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The woman next door Part 3

I had been thinking of how to get my girlfriend, Amber and her daughter, Jenny together like I told Jenny I would. If you do not remember I had just fucked Jenny for the first time and she had told me she watched me fuck her mom and wanted to join in. So I told her I thought I could make it happen. I had talked to Amber once or twice about bringing another woman into our bed after she had told me she had wanted to try it. Now was my chance to make both her and Jennys fantsies come true. I was...

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Jennifers Mistaken identity Stories

It was a though choice for Jennifer. She had moved to the other side of the country into an unfamiliar town for a new job as a journalist but as she was watching the moving people put all of her stuff into her new house in the suburbs it was starting to feel like home.When the moving people were done set about Jenn was unpacking everything in the boxes and setting them around the place. It looked like the perfect home for her in the pictures but it was even more cozy then still images could...

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DDFBusty Dominno Mary Rock Nympho Housewife Dominno Seduces Her Maid And Invites Hubby to Join In

Dominno is a bored housewife, and all she ever thinks about is sex. Today, even though her slender young maid, Mary Rock, is cleaning the kitchen, she can’t resist fingering herself and squeezing her colossal knockers. But Mary doesn’t really mind since she has a crush on her sexy boss. Soon, Dominno invites her to the bedroom where they can pleasure each other in ways that only women understand. When Dominno’s husband, Vince Karter, gets home, he’s surprised to see his...

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AmlieChapter 3 Not a Lady

[Undated entry] Somewhere in the Caribbean “I WIN!” Amélie sat on the small native boy, not any larger than she was. It was hard to tell which one was white and which one was black. The mud from the tidal flat was dark and sticky and covered them from top to bottom. The boy smiled, his teeth white in the middle of black. “Yes, Emmie!” Neither one was five years old, but at that age it didn’t matter. When they were old enough for school, which for Amélie meant old enough to sit in a small...

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The Stopwatch

The alarm rings, rousing you up for school. You wake up, grouchily stumbling to the bathroom. You wash your your face, and walk back to your bedroom. Then, as your eyes adjust, you see a strange parcel on your table. You open it, a silver watch rests inside. You read the paper tied to it. "Dear, Timestopper. The Device you hold in your hands allows you to stop time. Press on the screen to stop time and again to resume time. Have Fun. -Sinr Corporation. You look at the watch, then clasp the...

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Poker night with my wife everybody wins

She finished retrieving the beers from the fridge and passed them around the table, apparently unaware of the show she had provided my friends. She bent over and gave me a kiss which provided half the table with another much closer look at her pussy and the other half a view of her tits which were framed by her long blond hair and were hanging down loose in her shirt, nipples hard and erect. She didn't notice Jim's finger poised to catch a drop of her juices should one fall, but I did, and...

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 Act one.The players. You; Femdom Hotwife. Me; Pervert Hubby.Wardrobe. You; Mid-thigh blue satin robe, black cotton panties with tiny rose print, and my favorite fuck-me heels. Me; Naked pervert!Props. Handcuffs within easy reach of the bed.Action; You burst through the bedroom door, bust me jerking off with some dirty magazines, and irately scold, "What in the fuck are you doing! That's my cock, and I didn't give you permission to touch it... Did I?""No, Mistress. I'm sorry."You...

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MomPOV Anika MILF with big natural Euro boobs E424

– 38 years old from Hungary – Has been in the US for about 10 Years now – Is a single mother of one – Prefers no relationship, just fucking – Is an ex Stripper from Europe – She does watch a lot of porn but usually girl/girl – Does legit professional massage therapy for a living – Of course offers happy endings in exchange for a tip – Has even went as far as giving golden showers – Loves public play and being naked with spectators – Is into anal sex and enjoyed my cock in her ass – She had some...

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When a text becomes a sext

Ah! One of my favourite past times. when you are in a in a state of frustration of epic proportions but not able to accept a huge dick in your pussy for whatever reason, a good ol' sexting session is probably what the doctor should be ordering. And if you are worried about your messages and pictures of your pretty pussy going viral; don't be! Send those messages with pride and commitment: not only do you give yourself a good seeing to, you also have the god given power of making a man blow his...

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The ArrangementChapter 2

"You want to what?" Kevin exclaimed. It was later that night, Mineena having been put to bed some time ago. "It isn't what I want to do. It's just that right now with our finances so tight..." "I can't believe you'd actually agree to..." "Honey, I haven't agreed to anything. I simply told Max last week that I needed some temporary work -- something that would pay well. Since I've been out of the business so long, I can't expect top spots or salary. He has this friend at...

4 years ago
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Dorm Surprise

Dorm Surprize By Kachakali See a picture and caption of this story at What a bad time to take the TG pill and have the AC in the dorm room go out. My roomate told me to call Maintance. But I have other things on my mind. I'm turning into a girl. I'm nervous and I want the changes in me to start already. I took off my shirt and pants to see what's going to happen to me. I'm just in my underwear now. The ceiling fan is trying its best to cool...

2 years ago
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This One Time At Band Camp Part 1

The first girl who ever blew me was the last girl who did it perfectly. Her name was Kaitlyn. She always wore tons of bracelets on both arms, and had red highlights in her blonde hair. Her breasts weren’t the largest around, but they were a decent size, and her ass was incredible. It wasn’t flat and it wasn’t too big. It didn’t have a ridiculous width. It was perfect. I’ll admit now that, growing up, I had an overactive sex drive and masturbated anywhere from two to four times a day. Then...

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Give her the slip on the Euston Road Part 4

Give her the slip on the Euston Road Part 4: I took a long drag on my cigarette as I sat there in my neglig?e.. Hayley was wearing a white shirt and black jeans. She looked like Patti Smith on the "Horses" album cover. What had matters come to? I asked myself. I had always been on top when we had had sex before whether I had taken Hayley from in front or behind. I had been the one who wore the trousers in our relationship. Hayley would always wear sexy lingerie when we made love ...

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AvatarChapter 2

Nicole Wilson lay in bed, sound asleep, dreaming of her boyfriend, David. He'd be away on that stupid field assignment for another two weeks, and she missed him so much. She was then awakened by a sparkle of lights surrounding her body. She asked, "What's going on?" She heard a soft voice say, "David needs you." She felt herself lifted from the bed and then she was standing up in an underground chamber. She looked around and saw the circular stand with the jewel, but her attention was...

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Eroge Download

ErogeDownload! I know most of you fucks like to fester in your mother’s basements while jerking your dick to the idea of actually, you know, getting laid once in a while. Well, how about you shift gears and pretend like you have an actual social life. Don’t start sweating and hyperventilating on me yet. I’m not saying you actually have to, god fucking forbid, talk to some dimepiece in real life. I’m talking about visual novels. You get some hot sex scenes in those that are pretty fap-worthy,...

Free Sex Games
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Shadows From the PastChapter 20

Penny had yet to change out of her Sunday clothes, but as the sounds of hard sex drifted from her daughter's room, she was more reluctant to continue up the stairs. While her pussy tingled and buzzed at the prospect of seeing her daughter fucked into submission, her heart pounded in trepidation of equal measure. At the top of the stairs, she gazed with shimmering eyes towards her daughters' bedroom and uttered a sigh both sultry and frustrated at the door left ajar. A slapping noise rolled...

3 years ago
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Behind The Bikesheds Wiv An Old Schoolmate

The author asserts the moral right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work. All Rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrievable system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent...

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If you’ve read our stories, you know about our unique family. All of the stories posted have been written by my husband Donny, but after the birthday gift I just received, he is allowing me to tell my own story.I recently turned 29. To celebrate, Donny said that he and I were going away for the weekend (sorry, the city must remain anonymous). He booked a very exclusive hotel and told me that my birthday gift would arrive later that evening. I guess it was the word “arrive” that made me...

4 years ago
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Young Neighbor

NOTE: Someone has been neg bombing my stories as soon as they appear, so Ive had to turn off anonymous voting. Am sorry for that. <,3 ———————————– I am rounding the curve, almost home. It has been a long day at work and I am ready to get home. My husband, Bob, is out of town on business and my son, Bobby, is away at college. It will be a peaceful evening so I can just sit around and relax. As I pull into the driveway, I see Ken next door playing with his dog in his front yard. Ken, 20, grew...

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out of town visitorsme breeding Susie

The evening went well ,both girls had their pussy filled with cum and cleaned out orally, I even got my cock sucked by Brad. I was unsure about Brad when I heard he was bisexual but when the time came I thought what the hell. Did I like it ,well it was a quick two sucks , will I suck his cock I guess when the time comes. As of now two identical female bodies are in my thoughts. After a few drinks and a couple of hours fucking around we decided to rest and have more to drink. My wife...

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A Twilight KnockoffChapter 4

The Five (the name was now officially a label) met me at my locker and a repeat of yesterday began, except for the classes. The weatherman this morning called for wind and snow and they filled every break with details of snowstorms' past. Today I had State History with the Freshman; it was a little embarrassing to be the oldest one in the room, but it was the only other half-year course besides geography. I figured I'd get to learn something interesting in this class and Mr. Marris was...

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Mummy Ke Saath Yaadgaar Orgy 8211 Part 8

Hello ISS ke dosto, main Raghu aap sab ke liye fir se apni story ke agle part ke sath hazir hu. Der se likhne ke liye mafi chahta hu apne readers se. Par deri ke badle iss baar badi update ka luft uthaye. Doston pichli post mein aapne padha ki kaise mummy ne Renu aunty ko bhi humare is khel mein shaamil kar liya aur Raju se chudwa diya. Toh doston ab Renu aunty poori tarah se humare sath mil chuki thi. Aur ab meri mummy, Hema aunty aur Renu aunty teeno milfs ekdum nangi hokar, makeup aur heavy...

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Klaatu Barata NiktoChapter 3

"Did you pick up a job application for me, Mom?" "I did but they also mentioned something about a hiring freeze. Funny nothing was said until I told them you were my son and half Martian besides." "I'm sure it was just a coincidence," Klaatu replied. "Thanks anyway." "Did you call White and Wong?" "I did but I can't touch any of that money until I'm 25 years of age unless it's for college expenses. It's some kind of trust." "It sounds like some kind of lack of trust to...

3 years ago
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The Audition 2

The Audition Part 2 "Ready Jane""Pull down your panties and set them beside you on the floor." Bella orderedShe then had me stand by the biggest of the two beds where she unbuttoned the top part of my dress. Bella fixed it so you could see my bra but not enoughso you could tell my breasts were fake. Next she hoisted up the bottom of the dress so my penis was visable. With all this touching going on from such a pretty lady it was already getting longer and harder by the millisecond. ...

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Tara laughed, as Nick was Lauren’s flavor of the week. He was just her type, playing forward on the hockey team, cute, but not especially smart. “Is he at least a good fuck?” “How the hell would I know? Every time I have a chance of getting laid, he’s too drunk to do anything about it. Besides, I don’t think he has what it takes to get me going anyway.” “Really? That’s too bad. Why are you still with him then?” Tara asked. She has had the same boyfriend for the last 3 years. She was...

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UniversityChapter 63

I went to the Museum on Tuesday morning. The Pilbara box was gone as were the anthropologists. There's a photo of an Arabana camp in Paterson's book. It was taken in 1891. There are 11 folks in the picture. In the 2006 Australian census there were only 12 Arabana speakers enumerated. A century of progress! Henry arrived and saved me from introspective depression. He'd spoken to someone at the Bishop Museum and was quite ebullient. "He was quite interested," Henry said. "He asked...

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Seducing Daddy

 I was so excited. I was finally 18. It was my birthday and my parents threw me the perfect surprise party. Everyone was there. All my friends said how awesome it was that my dad spent so much money on a DJ, and the caterer. My boyfriend wanted me to sneak out later so we could fuck, but I told him I was really tired, and had a lot to clean up. He said he understood and we made plans to go out the next night. After the last guest left, I looked around and noticed my mom wasn't around. "Dad?...

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Telugu Blackmail Sex Series Part 8211 2

Idhi telugu black mail sex series lo second episode indhlo inko 1 part vundhi who dont read part-1 can find my story on https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/desi/telugu-blackmail-sex-series-part-1/.. So please give your valuble feedbacks to complete remaining series Hi, my self akhil age – (24) height – (5ft’11inch) tool length- (6inch) width – (2nhlf inch) complted my b.Tech in vizag now doing job in hyd in some xxxxxx compny …. Any unstasfied girls and auntys feel free to ping me Note- mail...

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Parikshala Time Lo Naa Classmate Tho Boothu Maja

Hi everyone, this is Ranjith. This Telugu sex kathalu is about how I seduced and fucked my classmate in college. This incident happened when we are in our B. Tech final year. For my convenience, I am writing this story in my own language which is Telugu. Ma B. Tech final year lo first mid exams apudu nenu na classmates kalisi chadhivevalam college lo okate. Exams mundhu roje na birthday ipoidhi chala baga enjoy chesa next day college lo na friend thana peru rohi ontariga steps paina...

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A Dream Comes True

It was one of those rainy days when all you want to do is sleep. I however had other things to do. This was my day to volunteer at the local library. Today was a young person lean to read day. For what ever reason children between the ages of twelve and eighteen that had poor reading skills were given two days a month to get help reading. It was my turn to volunteer for this chore. I had four boys that I had started with some six weeks before and much to my surprise they were doing very...

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Jay Part 2 The Honeyboi

After that night at Herbert's, Jay and I became a couple; I just went home with him that night, and basically never left. My mom was cool with it, even though she didn't like me hanging out with Jay in the beginning. She had been around, and she knew Jay was a "chicken hawk," as she called him. At that time she was in denial about my sexual identity - even though her lover - Monica had been calling me a sissy as long as she'd known me. I mean, mom knew there was some kind of problem with me...

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Second ChanceChapter 17

In the days that followed, Brent felt he was in a trance. His beloved Jeanette had been scheduled for brain surgery a mere four days from their meeting with Dr. Chen and as he sat by her side in the hospital, he struggled to grasp the meaning of what had happened to their family in the past month. The incident at the Wagon Wheel was almost forgotten now with the knowledge of Jeanette's affliction. He was frightened, he admitted to himself, and he couldn't conceive of a life without her....

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