Money!Chapter 40 free porn video

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The period of time it took to get Andrea on her feet was really short considering that she probably should have died in that crash.

We found that her entire electronics package had died and somehow shorted out, even the battery feed from the two engines. The aircraft had become dead in the air only a few minutes from Jacksonville while still over Ocala National Forest. Andrea had attempted restarts, but there was no power, and therefore lost altitude faster than she expected. She said that she had tried to aim for an open area on the other side of some heavy brush, but didn’t make it. Andrea had initiated all the emergency landing procedures, but couldn’t notify home or anyone because all her electronics were totally dead. She activated one of the emergency beacons on a survival vest, and that’s what we heard which allowed us to find her.

This beauty had a lot of scratches and bruises, but no broken bones or even bad sprains. She was asking if she could go back to work the very first day out of the hospital. The doctors told her that she needed two weeks down time, and told her that her class ‘A’ physical was downgraded to a ‘B’ until she was approved by an FAA-certified flight physician. She could fly right seat with Janet on G650 flights though, and did that to earn as much as she would have if she’d been flying courier.

I flew a couple weeks of courier duty all over the west coast because that pilot needed the time off for family affairs. Fran was having a blast, as she had purchased a new Nikon digital camera and a Sony digital video camera. Best Buy saw her coming and sold her a display screen that would show all her pictures, and she had an app for her phone to play all the videos she had taken. It took her thirty seconds to figure out that she could watch the video on her IPad as well as on her IPhone.

The second week I worked courier seemed to be all in South Texas and southern New Mexico. After being out for most of the week, we had a pickup at Grant County Airport, in Silver City, New Mexico on Friday morning. The FBI had a package of evidence that needed to be processed by the center in St. Louis. This would be on the way home, so I was all for this one.

We were in the Phenom 100 because that was what was available as the backup aircraft for this area. You have to constantly refuel this bird because its range is so limited.

We were waiting for the FBI courier to deliver the package when a couple of County Sheriff’s cars came out to the aircraft. There were two Deputies in each car and they told me they were going to search the aircraft. A large Deputy backhanded me hard enough to knock me off my feet when I protested.

My sport coat flopped open and my shoulder holster and Glock was displayed. Two Deputies instantly had their guns out of their holsters and were holding them on me. I tried to tell the Deputies who I was, but the same big one gave me another backhand that loosened some teeth. They cuffed me this time and stretched me over the very sun-baked hot hood of their County car.

The Deputy pulled my ID and discovered my badge wallet. The man started laughing as he tossed it to his partner. “This guy has a fake U.S. Deputy Marshal ID and badge. I wonder how many years he’ll get for that. Don’t mess the babe up because the Sheriff may want to take her for spin. Just cuff her and we’ll let him decide.”

The FBI courier showed up with the evidence carrier and began arguing with the County Deputies. They were manhandling the smaller courier and told him, “Maybe you’re just as guilty as this guy. Whatcha’ got in the box?”

The courier began to tell the Deputy, but was backhanded the same as I was before. The guy made a mistake and was going to pull his weapon and the big Deputy hit him hard enough to knock him out. They cuffed the courier and threw him in the back of a Sheriff’s car.

One Deputy was curious and opened the case with the evidence and began going through it. He said, “That guy may be FBI. This is all bagged and tagged for some kind of processing. And here is a triple bagged bunch of white powder. I’ll bet that’s dope.”

The big Deputy said, “If that’s dope then we have a real case on this airplane jockey getting ready to take delivery of an illegal substance. You, Mr. Fake Marshal man, are under arrest for possession and transporting narcotics. You just lost your airplane, Buddy. Just like that little weasel lost a car. Let’s figure out a way to lock this airplane up and get these three to the Sheriff’s office.”

The four men were looking at the cell phones the FBI guy and I had and were discussing if they could be cleaned for them to use since they were the newest IPhones available.

They had not been watching Fran closely and she had used her cell phone to call the contact and get across what was happening. From where I was sitting on the ground leaning against the front of the Sheriff’s car I could see what she was doing. She put her cell phone that was still connected on a small ledge by the seat, and stuffed her Glock and clip-on holster down inside the cushions of the seat.

The big burly Deputy said, “Come on, we got to get these three back to the Sheriff’s office before the pussy spoils. He might want some fun this evening and he’s going to want to see his new airplane.”

I thought to myself that this could become a very fatal mistake being made by these men. They had no idea how Fran had previously overcome her captors.

We were driving for about twenty-five to thirty minutes before we got to the Sheriff’s office. The FBI Agent was awake and aware, and wanted to talk but I kept wagging my head ‘no’ to him. We were forced to sit on a bench outside an area they used to process new prisoners.

When we were alone I asked the guy, “How long before you’re going to be missed?”

The man had a dejected look and said, “Probably not until morning. I was going home after the delivery. I’m a new Agent, just finished training.”

I told the Agent, “My people will hopefully quickly react. We may be in some serious trouble. These people seem to be living in their own world.”

Voices were being raised in a room nearby. “You dumb motherfuckers. That guy is really an FBI Agent and that pilot is a real U.S. Deputy Marshal. You should have confirmed his identity with the phone numbers in his badge wallet. We can be in the shit on this one if we don’t cover our tracks really fast. Jones, take the FBI car to Jimmy’s and have him crush it and pile it under the rest of his junk. Give him a fifty and have the car buried among all the other junk. Smith, go out to the airport and get that plane in a hangar. I’d really like a jet of my own. I’ll have to find a pilot for me.”

“Anderson and Peters, think of a place to put the two Feds while we figure out where to keep or bury them. You guys could have gotten us into some real shit this time. You have to investigate more before you jump to conclusions. Let me interrogate this female to see what she knows. Bring her into my office with three more sets of cuffs. That ought to do it.”

I asked in a very subservient way, “I need to pee real bad,” when the two Deputies came from the Sheriff’s office. “Can one of you take me to the bathroom? I promise to be good. I’m not looking to cause trouble.”

The one guy named Peters pulled me up and pushed me toward the bathroom. He put me in front of the urinal and unlocked the cuff on my left hand. As soon as he stepped back for me to unzip and do my thing, I swiveled and caught the man with my flattened hand coming straight across his neck. I heard the snap and knew I was alone in the bathroom. I used the key still in his hand to take the other cuff off. I slid the cuffs and key into my pocket, and pulled the man’s service pistol, a Glock, from his holster and shoved it in my back waistband.

I did have to pee, so I did my thing and wanted to piss on the now dead Deputy’s corpse, but didn’t.

I probably shouldn’t have taken the extra time, because when I opened the door and came out with my hands behind me, the Deputy named Anderson was in front of the FBI Agent stuffing his dick down the throat of a very unwilling man.

That was too much for me and I pulled the weapon from my rear waistband and fired a single round through his head. How can people be so cruel?

I used the key I had taken and un-cuffed the now beaten and bruised Agent. I told him, “Go over to those phones and call your AIC and ask for a team to come to us. This is Silver City.”

The door to the Sheriff’s office opened at that instant, and Fran came from there with a crazed look on her face and a letter opener dripping blood. Fran hugged me and said, “I thought I was over there again and looked for anything I could use. The guy was pulling my pants down without unbuckling my belt and couldn’t get them over my hips. The letter opener was right there so I turned and killed the son of a bitch.”

There was a loud racket at the back area of the office that caused all of us to crouch down to see what was coming. A team in BDUs came down the hallway looking in every direction. I hollered our password and the team straightened up. I stood and said, “We made it this far. There are two men who are disposing of the FBI man’s car. They are going to make a run for it when they see you.”

The Agency team made a sweep through the building and found a safe in the Sheriff’s office that held several dozen IDs of people who would have to be researched. There was a stack of currency in the safe that told of numerous arrests and confiscations.

The Sheriff’s car was a newer Mercedes and several of the Deputies cars were BMWs, Mercedes, and Cadillacs. These peace officers rode in style.

It took a while to find my wallet case with my badge as well as the FBI Agent’s identification. No one had ever investigated Fran’s purse, so she was never fingered as an Agent. We were able to capture the other two Deputies and recover the FBI Agent’s and my phones.

The hangar where the plane had been towed was full of cars, a couple of motor homes, and another light plane. It was going to require a lot of time to figure out what happened to the former owners of these items.

The FBI was all over the office and all the Deputies. Not all of them were guilty of what the Sheriff was doing, but enough that were required that there had to be an ad hoc election of a new Sheriff so that the County would have law enforcement people. The New Mexico State Police had to bring a squad to temporarily take over.

Fran and I didn’t get home until the next Wednesday. We finally had to beg to get out of there so that we could go home. We had to refuel on the way, and did it in Panama City. We almost decided to hole up there to get some rest, but we both wanted to get home to our family.

We were inundated with videos from our escapades once again. Fran had a copy of everything from the office in Silver City. There was a video camera in the bathroom, a camera in the hallway, and a camera in the Sheriff’s office so that the pervert could watch himself attacking female prisoners. Fran’s videos of what happened at the airfield, and then the rest of the videos gave us some knowledge about how far these bad guys would go.

Steve and Chuck were almost hovering around me. Chuck said, “This is constantly more than I wanted you to experience. You’re becoming less forgiving with each event, and eliminating your opposition faster each time. I’m not sure that’s a good thing.”

I told my mentor, “You’ve taught me to evaluate the situation and the men we’re against. The opposition should be eliminated without hesitation if we are being fired upon. Waiting one additional second could cause a friendly casualty. I pray that I will always instantly act to save the life of someone who’s part of that lifesaving group.”

I told my boss, “Truthfully, Chuck, all someone has to say in a situation is ‘gun’, and I’m ready to start shooting. Fran recently beat me to the draw on one, so I don’t think I’m too bad. We’re going to stand down for a while and become human again. I’ll do some courier flying and keep learning the PX so that I can fly at Mach 3. I had a couple of hours in our long range fighter bomber simulator and loved the hell out of it. The tech on the desk said that bird can almost fly at Mach 4, and was approaching that speed with full armament during this last month of test flights.”

Chuck smiled at me and said, “There’s something about you that says you should be a pilot of one of those fast attack birds. Who knows, we might have you teaching pilots out at Pendleton. Steve and Wes think that we might be able to win this bid and build the aircraft ourselves. Steve is pushing to see if we can build here in volume. He figures that we can buy some land and build a manufacturing plant and a test field out away from the population if we can do it here. It would be easier to keep secure, and we can do the test flights over water to be sure we are not shaking the earth as we go through Mach 1 if we put it near the Atlantic. One thing that might make it possible is that laying up a composite fuselage is almost all hand work that can’t be automated economically, so we aren’t behind the power curve on plant and equipment.”

On the other hand, if we can come up with robotics that can lay up the carbon fiber and then blow mold the resin we will have a big future in the aircraft industry.

“Embraer has the perfect place because they test their new planes over water. They keep making changes which require Sal to have to go over the entire aircraft to get it to stay quiet. They just don’t understand that the original design was done to keep within a certain profile and they keep wanting to change that profile. They know that our design works as they have built one aircraft exactly to our spec, and it’s as quiet as a 737 at Mach 2. Their engineers and interior designers who want interior and exterior changes are the ones who can’t leave the aircraft alone.”

Janet stayed home for a couple of days to help Fran and me get our heads on straight. I was thinking of some courier flights, but was called by Wanda who told me that my name was coming up for a situation.

I waited most of the day for the call to come and I was very surprised when it did. The contact said, “This is unusual, but something that we encounter all too often. I need your team to go to Andrews and pick up a State Department Agent and fly to the Netherlands. We’re not on a secure network, but the State Department person will have the information you’ll need. This isn’t going to be an easy one, and it’s going to cost some casualties. You’ll need Janet and Fran to make this work. Chuck and Lisa would be optimum for this, but they’re in Hawaii again and we need to respond instantly.”

Fran had heard most of the conversation, but Janet was out at the airfield working with Kissa. I called Janet’s cell phone and asked her to come home as we had an op to do for the agency. I called back to the airpark and asked for the availability of a G650ER as that was what we would need. They had one of ours just coming out of maintenance and would hold it for us.

The kids swarmed Janet as usual when she walked into the patio, but she was able to get them to go back to doing the games they were playing.

The three of us had a mug of coffee while I told Janet, “This is going to be different. The Agency called and we are to pick up a man from the State Department in DC and fly him to Europe. I’m not exactly sure where yet. This is obviously something multi-national for us to be involved. Chuck told me that this could happen and also told me that we needed to act quickly when the State Department had a problem.”

We all packed for three to five days, gathered our weapons, and went to the airpark. I did the exterior inspection and confirmed a full load of fuel. Janet went over the maintenance write-up and found that it was just a periodic inspection. She was spooling the APU and starting the electronics. I had stopped in the charter office to file a flight plan and was met just outside the door by Kissa who wanted to tell all of us to be careful and come home to her. I think Fran and Janet enjoyed that the most.

I pulled the door closed and slid into the left seat. I was taxiing the aircraft toward the runway soon after buckling up. All the student traffic was away from the airpark, so we were quickly able to takeoff.

Same as Money!
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WeFuckBlackGirls Loni Legend 12252017

Poor Loni Legend! Just look at her, busting ass at her restaurant! She’s like any typical small-business owner, working hard and dealing with bad employees. Her cook took off. Her waitress no-showed. So there’s Loni, making food and slinging it out to her customers as fast as she possibly can…but that just isn’t good enough. She’s screwed up an order, and the food prep is taking way longer than she imagined! Loni is very worried her customers are going to leave bad...

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I took the last, long drag of my cigarette and held the smoke in my lungs, then crushed the still glowing stub into the metal ashtray on my lap as I exhaled the blue smoke out in to the night air. I was sitting on my balcony, naked, sipping on a generous pour of whisky. I tried to concentrate on the view of the city laid out before me. The CN Tower rose bold and stark against the dusky, Toronto, night sky. The city lights shimmered off the dark, glass like surface of Lake Ontario, and...

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SpiralsChapter 14

The steroid scandal and the fall out from that had the school in turmoil. The "in" crowd was suddenly not so "In". Hawkins, Boardman and Bishop were suddenly pariahs, reviled by the same people that had lauded them as heroes just weeks earlier. The school was forced to forfeit any game they had been in, and the team finished the season with a 2-12 record, next to last in the region. Under suspicion by association, the school's basketball team had undergone intense scrutiny. Luckily,...

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TJ MorgChapter 85

"Cedric, start the loading of the HAC line through a force field. I'll go down into the hold and act as loading officer and meet Avers there. Where do you want the 'tainers?" "Across the centre line from the four fifty forward." "Suits." Charles made a rude noise "You don't know anything about locking 'tainers, TJ. I'll come with you and act Bosun to your First Officer while you talk. Quarter gravity, Cedric?" "Wilco. Colin, get to it please." "Coming up, Cedric ......

3 years ago
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Caught By Mr D Part 4

I assumed my thing with Mr. D was over and done with. I left for college with only girls on my mind. My first year ended and I came back home for the summer.One weekday afternoon I was alone in the house and I decided to go out back to read a book. This time with all my clothes on (see Part 1 if you haven't yet...)Mr. D interrupted my reading when he walked over from his house next door. There were a few seconds of initial discomfort but that passed quickly. We were both glad to see each...

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Dannys Mom Part 6 of 6

Danny's Mom - Part 6 of 6 In which Danni has an unpleasant experience at the bar, reunites with Eric and Emma, wins a wet T-shirt contest, begins allowing his Mom to dress him every morning, fights off an attacker at the bar, moves in with Eric and Emma, falls in love with Eric and begins sleeping with him, and realizes that she has to make some choices about her future. Mom and I went to the Sports Bar for a couple of drinks after supper. I was afraid that she'd make me wear my...

4 years ago
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One way trip to the Congo

One way trip to the Congo By Marcus EShe was a tart. Not a cheap tart, an expensive, upper middle class tart, but a tart nevertheless. Definitely not a professional hooker just a party girl who enjoyed flouting what she had. John knew what she was and loved her for it. When you had the assets that Kimberley Church had watching her flout them was a pleasure all heterosexual men appreciated. Her small, curvaceous hour glass figure, long elegant legs, dark sultry looks and Home Counties upper...

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Two Sexy Neighbours Part1

(Part-1) Hello Desipapa Readers, First of all I would like to introduce You myself. I m "Pagal", due to some personal reason I would like to hide my name so excuse me. Sorry for that so I m a young, Handsome and Smart Boy, 20 years old, Student of Inter. This is the story of me and my two neighbors, which are sister in laws there self in each other. How I fuck them this is the main story so leave it to later, now I introduce u with them. They both are married and live in same house cause...

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first time cuckequeaned

Hello I would like to start with a bit about myself , my name is Elana and I am a collared slave to my Mistress , whom I address lovingly as GoddessBernadette ( She likes the… Hello I would like to start with a bit about myself , my name is Elana and I am a collared slave to my Mistress , whom I address lovingly as GoddessBernadette ( She likes the form of address as a single word ) or sometimes simply Goddess. I have been collared to Her for a few weeks now and have never felt so happy ....

4 years ago
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The Tides of WarChapter 32

The next morning David opened the rifle cases that Martin had brought and gazed at the workmanship of each rifle. Their balance was amazing coming up to his shoulder like an extension of his body. The deep lustre of the figured mahogany furniture with its chequered pistol grip and cheek rest made each weapon a thing of beauty. David had a gun cabinet already made; his .303 was in it along with the Winchester. He fitted in each rifle and put the ammunition in the drawers below, along with the...

3 years ago
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Walk Of Shame 2

Walk of Shame By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Chapter Two If being dressed in a slutty Camo crop top and daisy duke shorts with red stilettos wasn't enough to send the message of a slut, his updated look would help seal the deal. Holly had taken his disheveled, long auburn tinted brunette hair and replaced the dark red rinse with a much bolder raspberry red color. It was still quite long, spanning half way down his back but instead of it sitting flat, it was lifted,...

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Sex With Stranger In Goa

Hi, this is Phantom from Goa… I am very secretive so that’s why the name phantom. I am going to tell you the sexual encounter I had with a mature lady from Delhi who was traveling with her husband on a flight. If any comments then please email me on I first saw the lady when she was check in inn her baggage coming to Goa at the Delhi airport. I was in Delhi for my family friends wedding. I was just behind them while they were in the line. I over heard them fighting over something which the...

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Wine Women are best when they are old

Hi, hello and welcome back dear readers to the scribbling world of JJ. To keep ourselves from the boredom of lesbian stories we are on the brim of a classic mature relationship story. This incident took place in my life when I was 30 years old & till today I am yet to experience the kind of wild sex that I had experienced in my life. Her name is Chaaya and I happened meet to meet her at a fitness center in Anna Nagar where I went to have a work out. A memorable fucking experience that I would...

2 years ago
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Erectile Dysfunction

Without fail, fall break at North Eastland College always signaled a shift in the atmosphere of campus. The vast majority of students abandoned their dorms for the comfort of their parents' houses. The rest ended up at Maxwell Hudson's nightly parties. Kevin Brantford was no exception. He found college to be beyond tedious, and his boring-as-fuck business classes were the bane of his existence. Max's parties were the chance to do the two things that made college tolerable: get hammered...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 122 New Marshal in Town

During the time Gwen drove, and when she didn't try to film for TV, I tried to decide on my next move. Actually I tried to decide what my next move might be under several different scenarios. We were most likely going to stay out of jail on this one. What else we did was up in the air. I was determined to make the Atwood bothers pay for my pain, as well as their past sins. When we pulled into the yard, I saw the Georgia State Police car, complete with it's driver, sitting at the end of the...

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The Flat Tire

This was really only our second date. There had been a luncheon meeting to discuss whether my small export firm could represent her company’s line of fiberglass products in an overseas market. The second meeting the following evening over dinner was to finalize the agreement. Since we got along so well, I asked her out on a formal dinner date the next night. In the two earlier meetings she had met me at the restaurants. On the first true date I picked her up at her house. When I arrived she...

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The Lesbian Debt Chapter 36 Documenting Her Degradation

DOCUMENTING HER DEGRADATION Much of Laura's free time now was spent being photographed by Daniel. He had created a website for her called "Laura The Fake Lesbian" at, and he had her record a video intro for it. In the intro, she was topless, with her brother's sperm visible on her tits and face. She spoke in a giggly, breathless bimbo voice, and said, "Hi, I'm Laura! I pretend to be a lesbian to make boys jealous, and I love the taste of my girlfriends'...

4 years ago
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The Chinaman

The Chinaman by Callie Messenger "What is it?" "It's what you wanted. The recipient will become addicted to sperm. Perfect for you to get your blow jobs, no?" The old chinaman had a grin on his face. "It's what I wanted. What's it made of?" "Oh, ginseng, ginger root, eye of newt, androstenone, the usual." He shrugged his shoulders. "How long do the effects last?" "Ah, it's very strong. Depends on the recipients willpower, you know, to break the...

2 years ago
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My cousin

My cousin, the Amateur Genealogist It all started about ten years ago when my cousin Bronwen took early retirement. She found the commute into central London rather trying after she broke her ankle tripping off the commuter train. Her work was a longish walk from Waterloo Station and she found that difficult too. After about six months moping about the house, she decided that she wanted to do something with her spare time, and her husband Frank took her to an Open Day at a local...

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Fucking at work

Let me start off by saying this a 100% true storyI was working at a hotel about 5 years ago. The wife and I had just seperated and I was having a bit of a rough time with it. Well one of the house keepers starting getting more and more flirty. She was probaly a good 15 -20 yrs older than myself. And seemed to be constantly calling me to the rooms she was working in to repair one thing or another. We would playfully flirt and and talk but thats all I took it for (to be honest I was more...

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Office Lust

I am a 28 year old male working for a medium size corporation in Long Island. I have a 27 year old girlfriend that would knock the socks off any man. Mandy is five seven, has blonde hair and blue eyes and B cups. We get along great and she worships me, when I want it, she never says no. In our office, there are a few young attractive women and a lot of women in the 35 to 45 age range. All or most of them are married and have families. But this one lady, Jenny is about 40, oriental, very...

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Crazy Doctors office visit

A few years ago I was at the doctors office sitting in the waiting area. A very sexy middle age woman, probably around 45-50, was sitting across from me. She was wearing a short skirt with black pantyhose and 4-5 inch high heels. I tried not to make it obvious, but I could not take my eyes of her sexy legs. I have always had a fetish for pantyhose, since I can remember. I happened to glance up and she was looking at me smiling. I smiled back and nervously looked back down at my magazine. I...

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LoveHerFeet Jasmin Luv Vanna Bardot Besties With Fresh Pedis

Dear fans, I’ve shot this scene as an experiment based on a lot of requests to shoot a POV (point of view) foot fetish scene. This is how it looks like in first person view to have hot foot sex with Vanna and Jazmin! Hope you’ll enjoy it! And please let me know what you think. Should I add some POV scenes like this to Loveherfeet in the future or not so much? Cheers, Andrew The best thing about coming home early is having a beautiful woman like Jazmin Luv to cuddle with you. The beautiful...

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White CaptiveChapter 2

The interior of the shack was even more shabby than the outside. Susan tried to hold back for a moment at the doorway, as Duke disappeared inside and lit an old-fashioned kerosene lamp, then returned to pull her in. The interior of the weather beaten shack was even more shabby than the outside and a bit cold. "Build a fire, Stitch," Duke commanded to the sulking form that was last to enter. "And don't burn the god damn place up." "I-I-I kin build a-a-as good a f-f-fire as y-y-you...

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Teaching my daughter to be a bimbo part three

Part three,Hi there X hamsters. I hope you are enjoying my stories about how I am training my daughter to be a bimbo.The next couple of days there were practicalities to look after and I wanted to establish a routine for us.But first of all I needed to make my mark on Cindy. I booked into the local tattoo parlour and we both went down there the very next morning. I knew exactly what I wanted, but did ask Cindy if she wanted to know. Being the perfect bimbo she just looked at me and said "I want...

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The Hawk and The ChipmunkChapter 44

When their ‘true confessions’ meeting was over Ken opened the door to the Suburban, and Hawk and Maria followed him out of the vehicle. The three walked under the covered entrance-way into the lobby of the Inn where Uncle Tony and three young men greeted them warmly. “Maria! Hawk! Thanks again for choosing our humble establishment. Your guests all arrived safely last night, and we’ve encouraged everyone to sleep late this morning. The meeting room has been prepared as we discussed, and the...

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Samanthas Awakening

Samantha was in the shower, furiously masturbating instead of getting ready for school. All through High School, she had been an excellent student, great grades and while not the most popular, had a good circle of friends. Sex had never been a priority in her life, until she had turned 18 six months ago. She had been a very late bloomer, and only now the boys were looking at her with new interest. She had grown another 6 inches in the last year, redistributing the baby fat over the same frame....

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Felicity Ch 55

Chapter 55: Ivy I was alone walking in a clothing optional beach on a Mediterranean island. I am not an exhibitionist but I had always wanted to walk around naked in public. Although I now had a slight beer belly I still had a swimmers body and a cock slightly above average size so I was comfortable from the start. I was somewhat disappointed that most women were middle aged or older and accompanied by their husbands until I noted a couple fucking in the sand to an audience. I joined the...

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Family SecretChapter 3

Vicky wasn't at all surprised that her mother didn't come down for breakfast. Even to welcome her home after a month at Aunt Pat's. Florence's headaches were famous. Sometimes she used them for weeks on end. Sister Abby had learned the ploy as well. She'd gotten out of going to meet the plane with Jim by pretending some complicated migraine. Vicky knew because Jim had told her himself. She and Jim were old friends, fellow miscreants of the McNarey Estate. Though the chauffeur was quite a...

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Rhianons first gang bang

Rhianon was dirty, passionate, absolutely sexy and loved having men cum on her chest. One night when giving her grey haired co-worker a blow job she started thinking about him, their part-black co-worker and her boyfriend all cumming on her tits at the same time. She went into autopilot on the old guy and started massaging his balls while swirling her tongue around the tip of his throbbing boner. He was half grunting, half moaning because he hadn't felt anything that good since he slept with...

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