Money!Chapter 41 free porn video

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I woke up with a head on each shoulder. I could see that it was daylight and that I wasn’t in a bed anywhere I was familiar with. I lay there waiting for yesterday’s memory to give me clue.

Okay, life came back to my brain and we were in Amsterdam, in a hotel owned by Chuck, Steve, and Dewey. I wondered what time it was here and what time our bodies might think it is. I was going to find out and found out soon because I had to get up to use the bathroom. I moved over the top of Fran to get out on that side of the bed because it was closest to the bathroom.

My sidekick reached up and pulled my face down to hers for a morning breath kiss. It was an innocent, sweet, kiss, and then she let me get by. I was letting it flow when I sensed someone near me and looked up and saw Janet leaning against the door jamb waiting for her turn. I finished, shook off, and backed away to watch her hurry to the commode, put the seat down, and then I heard her splash into the toilet. I washed my hands and went and found my watch. The time on it said seven fifteen, so it would be six hours later here. My phone said one fifteen. So we didn’t oversleep.

I heard the shower start and woke Fran up. She didn’t want to get up, but we needed to get moving. I told her, “You can put the seats down, get a pillow out, and sleep all the way home. Let’s get going because I’m hungry.”

I stepped into the shower with Janet, and was attacked by the platinum blonde. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged us together before we kissed with some intensity. Janet said, “Don’t get too excited so that you make me leak all the way back to the States.”

I looked at this beauty, and told her, “You’re so beautiful, smart, and determined. There’s nothing we can’t do between the two of us, actually all seven of us. The others pop into my head every time I think of just you and me together, and then we are really all together.”

Janet kissed me with watery eyes, and said, “I know. I have that same problem. I imagine us running off to some South Seas island and living an ideal life of just making love, but we keep finding the other girls there that we love. It’s inevitable that we’re all together wherever we live. And then there’s Fran. I think she fits in. Can we girls ask for her to be part of us?”

I had to close my eyes when I realized that the girls in my life were going to choose who was welcome in our family. Janet gave me a pubic bone bump, and said, “You’d better be on your good behavior because the girls are going after Andrea in a big way.”

I stepped back and told Janet, “I’m sure that we’re beating Chuck’s record for gathering women at a record rate. Are we crazy to be doing all this, or are we just a very huge loving group of people? You girls should be interviewing potential male applicants for the family.”

Janet stepped back from me and whacked my cock with her open hand. “Don’t even think it. You’re ours and we don’t want to share ourselves with others. Any beauties who join us will be yours and ours, but there will be no other men in our lives.”

I said, “Okay, but are you girls going to put iron panties on up at the hot tub when Steve and his women, or Chuck and his girls intimately visit us?”

“That’s different. Those are all our friends and they go home to their women and families. We get to show you off to special people like Mercy, Sue, and Kathy. I think even Mickey is getting curious. I’m going to bring Juanita into our bed when you’re taking a nap, and we’re going to ravage that beautiful mature Cuban.”

I laughed when Fran stepped into the huge shower. She smiled and kissed Janet while she was holding and stroking my willie. She said, “I’m going to get an itch scratched before the long flight back home if you haven’t taken everything from our man.” Janet prepped her and I probed the problem to make the itch go away. I held back thinking that Fran wouldn’t want to leak for the rest of the day.

Fran turned to me, and said, “Did you already get off a couple of times in here with this white-haired slut? I need some of that juice to calm all the parts. It’s like getting a lube job for your car.”

Janet spun Fran around so that I could enter her from the rear, and pulled my face to her for a kiss. She massaged my balls which caused me to almost instantly deluge Fran’s interior with my grease. Janet pulled Fran’s face to hers, kissed her, and said, “You’ve been lubed.”

I love these women.

We discovered that our clothes had been cleaned and my pants that had been slightly ripped at the knees looked new. The girls couldn’t believe how the snags and small tears had been repaired. The more we experienced in the hotel, the more we wanted to stay. We pulled our bags from the room and encountered the lady in the hallway. The lady asked, “I hope you didn’t leave anything for the maids. The hotel and all of the staff want to be part of the grateful public for your bravery and leadership. As a people, we Dutch are fairly passive and that keeps us from developing people of your quality. The fact that we can ask you to come and fix a problem is a wonderful thing.”

I told the lady, “Please, let us reward all those who have made our stay special. We’re going to have breakfast and then fly home.”

The woman said for us to leave our luggage and equipment cases with her, and she would have a security bellman bring our luggage down.

I nodded to Fran and we left our precious equipment cases behind.

The State Department man had been called and he met us for breakfast downstairs. We had a light breakfast and he called for transport. Fran was becoming experienced with airport services, and had a dozen assorted subs delivered to the airplane, along with a bucket of ice and some replacement soft drinks.

I did the exterior checks while Janet spooled the APU up and got the electronics online. I shut the door, then made sure that the State Department passenger and Fran were buckled in.

Janet was in the left seat, so I figured I’d be second in command for the trip. She had me do the work of calling in an international flight plan that took us through UK and Northern Ireland airspace. No one bitched, so we were almost immediately moved to the front of the line and took off for home. We were wheels up at ten in the morning if we used Eastern Daylight Savings Time.

We were touching down at Andrews AFB six and half hours later. The State Department Agent was excited to be home. We shut down to be refueled and the Agent handed out some laminated identification cards that identified the three of us as Special Agents of the United States of America State Department. The Agent said, “I hope that we never need you again, but don’t bet on it. There always seems to be a need for someone who will lead us to overcome some evil people.”

What was almost hilarious was that the TSA people, followed by some bored ICE Agents, came to check and make sure that we didn’t bring any contraband back from the Netherlands. We took off for home once our logbooks were signed, and our passports were stamped. It was another hour and a half before we could put this baby to bed. We touched down at seven in the evening. I had been left seat from Andrews to home, but it didn’t make much difference. Janet and I worked together to do everything in the cockpit.

It was something special when we swiveled the aircraft in front of our hangar and began the shutdown. The three of us had faced something together, and had proven ourselves to each other and to the rest of the world. You will lose if you fuck with us.

We were making sure that the aircraft would be ready for tomorrow when a light blue Mercedes drove up to the aircraft. It was like a circus car with people coming out of it until there was a crowd around it. All our women, including Andrea, were there. Chuck and most of his women were there. Steve and all his women were there for us too. I did note several more cars behind the Mercedes.

I looked at them, and said, “This is something special. I don’t think that we deserve this kind of welcome.”

Steve said, “You don’t, but the world does. Do you know that you freed two hundred and thirty-two little girls? Do you know that you helped stop another forty one from being transported to that location for distribution? What you three did is very important to the entire world because you stopped the largest human slavery network on Earth.”

Chuck said, “I’m here because I saw the video of you three standing in the face of that mini cannon that was sending rounds at you while you took that helicopter apart. Seeing the three of you facing those kind of odds and not flinching while we could see rounds from the helicopter hitting all around you is amazing. I’m proud to be your supervisor.”

Wanda stepped up, and said, “I was worried about you, Chuck, because you were reluctant to take over for our Chuck number one. You kept surprising me, and then this with your backup and Janet, your flying partner, you three did some magic in a foreign country. You’re the one to take over.”

I held my hand up and said, “How about we go back to the patio, have some snacks, some drinks, and then we’ll all go to bed safe and sound in this good ole’ U.S. of A.”

There was applause and hollering in approval. This was amazing. I couldn’t put it together that we did so much to deserve this kind of welcoming.

We made it back to the patio and everyone was in a party mood. I noticed that there was a caterer cooking wings, with hotdogs staying warm. I was confused and asked Mercy, “What day is this anyway?”

Mercy grinned and told me, “Friday, but you’re all the party we need. I can’t tell you how proud we are of you three. Look around you, Chuck. Look at all the kids who are in the age range that you saved. Those kids could have been ours, Chuck. You faced death for us. You three were fearless in killing those men who were stealing children.”

Mercy hugged me physically and emotionally, as well as mentally. Sue came to me and enveloped me with her triple Zs hugging and kissing me. I had to experience hugs from Kathy, Juanita, and Mickey, and then every one of Chuck’s women. Brandy and Tiani told me, “We’re going on tour again soon, and I think you should be our travel person. We’ll figure out how to bring all your women with us, but we want you to know how important you are to us. Our Chuck would have been facing that helicopter firing all those bullets, but he couldn’t be there. You three did it and finished those crazies off. Plan on it, Chuck; plan on all Chuck’s women personally thanking you many times for being out in front instead of our Chuck.”

Tiani said, “This is so confusing. We have our Chuck and the other Chuck. There will be another one sneak in here if we don’t watch out, and we’ll all go nuts.” That brought a good laugh from everyone there.

Chuck, Lisa, Bonita, and Lizzy were on the area we considered a stage. Chuck motioned for me to come over to him, and had Lisa move over a little to let me sit next to him. The man was picking at some blues riffs with the microphone near his mouth, when he asked me, “What’s your favorite, Chuck? Do you have something you listen to when you want some peace in your heart?”

I told Chuck, “I like all your blues, especially Lisa’s and Bonita’s special riffs that emphasize the piece you’re playing. I do have something you recorded several places that I often listen to. It does give me some gentle strokes to calm me. It’s very emotional to me. Play ‘Summertime’.

Chuck’s guitar was piercing with the high notes. What was more piercing were Lisa’s SG, followed by Bonita’s guitar giving off the exact same piercing notes. The three then began playing one of the most moving renditions of that ballad with a wailing harmonica that I had ever heard. They came back around after the intro had been played and Chuck nudged me on one side and Lisa did me on the other. They both nodded toward the microphones. Tears were streaming down my face as I began singing, “Summertime, and the living is easy.”

I sang, they played and I kept crying. The emotion of the past forty-eight hours was more than I could hold. They played the theme through one more time when I finished singing, with each of them taking a few bars to shine. The end of that was pure silence. Everyone on the patio recognized how emotional I had become with the song. Bonita put her guitar on a stand and crawled up in my lap. She kissed me and whispered very sweet things in my ear. Lizzy did the same, and then it was Lisa’s turn. She said, “There is only one other person who shares your emotion with that song, and that’s my man. God, that was so beautiful. I hope Elmer has it all on tape.”

Chuck came over and hugged me. He said, “I have to teach you how to play guitar. Your emotion is what will bring some wonderful music to us.”

As I searched for a drink from the bar, Janet said to me, “You do have talents other than flying and leading amazing people.”

The emotion had been too high. Every one attending this Friday’s party was leaving for the peacefulness of home.

Sal and the mothers of my ladies came to me, and all said, “Thank you for not using our girls as your combat partners. I’m sure they would be good, but we want them all to come home.”

I was sitting with Bonita’s acoustic guitar that she called a Blues King. I had watched her, Chuck, and Lisa place their fingers on the strings on the neck when they played some amazing music.

My first attempt wasn’t that bad but by the time I had run through that five or six times it was sounding almost like Chuck or Bonita. Bonita came back and began showing me how to pick out more riffs. She was excited, I was excited, and Chuck and Lisa were excited when they came back.

Chuck said, “You have some natural talent. Come to the studio in the morning and see if you remember how to play what you just did. Wouldn’t it be something to have Chuck and Chuck playing with our Bonita and my Lisa? You’re going to have to practice night and day to become someone special for Bonita to play with if you do have some talent.”

I grinned since I had fantasized too often of being a part of Chuck’s musical family.

The women of my world overwhelmed me with kisses. We swarmed the bed to become a wild mass of loving friends who were intent to bring happiness to each other. I was able to make love to all my ladies, ending with Janet beneath me as I told her how much I loved her. We exploded together this one last time for the evening before passing out in each other’s arms.

There is a separation between reality and survivability when you wake up with the soft curves of women all around you. I got out of bed over the top of Janet, and went to the bathroom to relieve the pressure. It was just after five, and I had the thought of going for a run, but looking at the women sleeping peacefully, I knew that I should relax and get some extra rest. I slid back between Janet and Donna. Janet sort of pushed me to roll toward Donna to hug her, while Janet spooned to my back. I went right back to sleep.

I woke up and found Nikki using me as a mattress Gin on one shoulder and Sheena on the other this time. Gin, Sheena, and Nikki were all kissing me awake. Gin said, “Get up, and have some breakfast. Chuck and Steve put breakfast together. You need to see some of the outfits all the girls are wearing.”

Janet and Fran were as catatonic as I was. We did have some sleep in Amsterdam, but the adrenaline drain from our activities must have been a lot more than I had thought.

I got up and took a sixty second shower, with Janet and Fran following me and not getting their hair wet. I had found a couple of products called “3 in 1” for men which combined shampoo, conditioner, and body wash in one liquid, and if I got wet all over this stuff would lather right up on my hair and I could then spread the lather all over my body with a few swipes. A quick rinse and I was done.

I put jeans, a T-shirt, and boots on, the way I enjoyed dressing, before going through the kitchen to get out to the patio. Chuck was standing in the open doorway area with an apron over his jeans and T-shirt. He had a big smile working as he was watching people eat. I went for a mug of coffee, and had it in my hand heading for the tables, when Tiny handed me a tall glass that I knew wasn’t plain tomato juice.

I sat at the table between Gin and Janet across from Sal. I scooped up a plate full of bacon, scrambled eggs, a biscuit covered with sausage gravy, and a small pile of fried potatoes. I grabbed a second biscuit before they were all gone. I had a drink of coffee, and hesitated to drink the explosive weekend morning treat because we could have a charter or one of my employers could call. I noticed that Janet was drinking from a tall glass like mine when someone came up behind me. Chuck massaged both my shoulders, and said, “Relax, you ain’t going anywhere today. You’re officially off the troop list for a few days. Your business is running smoothly, Kissa and Betty found another couple of girls to help run your office, Kissa hired a dozen more pilots for you, and CS&S charter and Tiny bought a couple more CJ4s. Everything out there is right with the world. Drink up so that you can get seconds. There’s a PX1 that should be landing soon that will bring us some fun.”

I wonder what or who that could be. I finished breakfast with butter and jelly on my spare biscuit, while sipping coffee and the tall drink. Looking around was mesmerizing because of the almost sheer gowns all the women were wearing. I was used to Ruth showing it all, but this morning had me checking out all the women, even my own who I had just seen naked.

Bonita came to me, and said, “Chuck told me to take you to the studio and work with you a little to see if you remembered what he taught you last night. Come on, I have a cart.”

Bonita wasn’t that much younger than me, but she was a beautiful replica of her tall mother. A difference was that her breasts weren’t long and droopy like Kathy’s, but were fairly full and bounced without a bra. Lizzy came with us to watch, and as she said, ‘to watch me squirm as Bonita pounded me with instruction’.

The very authoritative Bonita opened the instrument closet and selected an acoustic for me and one for herself. Lizzy grabbed one too and sat on a tall stool to the side of me. Bonita said, “First things first. I’ll teach you how to tune a guitar so that it sounds good when you play it.” I was taught how to use the tuner and tighten or loosen the strings until the tuner said the string was playing the right note.

Lizzy congratulated me on my ear while tuning my guitar. I didn’t think anything of it, but Lizzy said, “A lot of people can’t hear worth a shit and never get the tuning right. You’ll remain in key since you’re not tone deaf, instead of the group you’re singing with trying to sync with you.”

Bonita asked, “So what all did Chuck teach you last night?”

She had been there, and I’m sure the little music genius knew exactly what Chuck had gone over. I slid my fingers over the frets and strummed the simple chords I had been taught the night before that went with the piece that Chuck was having me sing.

Bonita grinned and said, “You remembered.”

Lizzy said, “He not only remembered, but he didn’t even look where his fingers were on the frets. How many have we ever seen do that?”

Bonita shook her head, and said, “I had to look at my fingers and hand for a month before I ever had the confidence to feel and play.”

“Okay, Chuck, let me teach you the chords and their progression. I always thought that this was fun because I could make it sound smooth and in perfect timing and key. Do it with us, Lizzy. Three of us together is how we did the Lucky Lady Blues Band.”

I played chords until my fingers hurt, and then began picking to notes Bonita was displaying. She kept teaching one more thing that she integrated into my learning. It was about three o’clock and my fingers felt like they were going to fall off. “This is fun, Chuck. You could learn to play a guitar if you want. You have a real talent. Chuck Johnson says that he wants your voice and we haven’t even had you sing. Play the chords and sing to us what you sang last night.” The two girls sat there listening and smiling while I sang to them.

Same as Money!
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Mothers Day Fantasy

Mrs. Johnson was the type of woman that any teenage boy with a pulse had a crush on. Enormous breasts and an inclination towards low cut tops and bikinis made Billy's house a popular hang out spot during the summers. He was lucky enough to live next door to them, and the discovery that he could see into their bedroom window from his, coupled with her frequently forgetting to close the blinds, had been the high point of his puberty. Now well past 18 he decided that today was the day that...

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Coaching From MomChapter 1

First of all, you may not even believe what I'm going to tell you. Well, in a way, I don't care. I know it's the truth and whether you believe it or not doesn't make any difference to me. All I can say is I know my mother and you don't. Looking back to when it happened, I was a real tease, I mean, boy-tease, cock-tease. When my boobs started to develop around ten, making little mounds with nice, pink nipples on top, I would stand countless hours in front of my full-length mirror looking...

2 years ago
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Serial Impregnator

The last bell of the day rang not long ago, but like a typical Friday for you- Dr. Jonathon Heiss- students quickly vanished as though by magic. You rose to erase the board- a little ritual that seems most fitting for the end of the last class of the week. The door of the lecture hall opened, and in walked two strikingly beautiful women, a mid 20's athletic redhead and an early 30's curvy Hispanic woman, both the finest business attire- their heels clicking along the lecture hall floor as they...

4 years ago
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ChangeDay Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 18

ChangeDay: Das erste Mal in Deutschland Teil 18 ___________________________________________ Diese Geschichte basiert auf dem "Changeday Universum" von BobH, welches bei zu finden ist. ____________________________________________________ Was bisher geschah: Ich Mirko, mein Kumpel Paul und seine Freundin Heike erlebten eine mysteri?se Transformation. Wir verwandelten uns in Miriam, Paula und Heiko. Medienberichten zu folge war ganze Welt umgewandelt worden und...

1 year ago
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Internet Se Pyaar Married Women 8211 Part 2

Hi Friends, I am Sahil, again back with my story Internet se Pyaar married women… Part 2 Pehli Story aapne padi aur acha response bhi mila. Mai ISS ki bahut sari stories padta rehta hu.. jisse mujhe bhi apni real life ka experience likhne ka moka mila … Ab mai aapko bataunga ki kaise maine Avantika (married women) ko us ek mulakat ke baad dobara uske ghar jake choda.. Avantika ke sath Hotel Ke kamre mai bitaye hue us din ko mai bool nahi paya.. aur jab use main Station chodne gaya to train...

1 year ago
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The Innocent Cuckold Part 2

It’s been a week since Beth’s and my adventure at the ABS. Should I call it an adventure? That makes it sound fun in some way. While it was exciting and life altering, I hesitate to call it fun. I honestly don’t know what came over me. I should have raged against the way my wife and her new friend treated me. There is no excuse for the cowardice I displayed in front of my lovely wife. I’m so ashamed with my behavior that I can hardly look at her now. But I felt as though I had no choice in the...

1 year ago
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My Loving Aunty

Here is a little background on my Aunt Lois. She has been married twice, both have failed. Her first because she is barren, meaning she can't bear children. Her second was because her husband was a complete asshole. Now not being able to have kids of her own, she always spoiled us kids. Mainly the boys though, she never did like the girls of our family. She is short, around 5'0 and weighs no mre than 115 lbs. That should tell you she has an extremely small build, her bust is a 34 B at...

3 years ago
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Bikini Beach Cheer Squad

Bikini Beach: Cheer Squad A young man enjoys being on the cheer squad, but it causes him a lot of social problems. A friend suggests that maybe, if he wants to continue as a cheerleader, Bikini Beach could help out. ********** Bikini Beach: Cheer Squad This story is copyright by the author. It is protected by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Will Harding closed his eyes and took a deep breath, visibly...

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Lady in Red Book 2 The Rise of the WarriorChapter 21

For all of her strong words, Senator Chatham was extremely worried. Her daughter, along with twenty-two other girls, including the granddaughter of Vice President Pearson and the daughter of Representative Daniels, were missing. Their bus had simply disappeared. There was no plausible, acceptable explanation. All of the girls had cell phones, as would the bus driver, the security people, and the four chaperones. The fact that not one of them had placed a call since shortly after they left...

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Submisson Weeked Part I

Friday night, 7:30 p.m. ... She must go ... Isabella is not very happy as she prepares to go to William. The brown wavy haired submissive knows what awaits ... She looks in the mirror and wondered how a busty woman like her will be able to cross half of Paris subway, dressed like this. She must put on nothing else but a one-piece polo knit from natural wool which was far from hiding her forms. It was straight forward indecent ... With her tits in it, pressing to the wool it was really...

3 years ago
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Two Black men using me

So I was there, in that dirty motel room, in the hands of two huge black bastards who were now using and abusing my whole body.I had gone to the local bar to have some drinks; I was feeling alone at home and needed some relief. My loving hubby had been out of town during the last five days…And those two niggers had offered me to get Heaven in my hands.Now I was lying naked on my back onto that filthy bed and shivering from the first orgasm that had stolen Horse from me; just using his expert...

2 years ago
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My Fantasy

(Disclosure, I wrote this story under a previous user name. This is my property and I have submitted it to other sites)My latest fantasy involves my husband and I and a young college student. I imagine her to be around nineteen or twenty. A newbie that we could break in would be a plus. I imagine us being lucky enough to meet her in a bar slightly tipsy and look to be naughty. Being with a woman is new and exciting for her and she can’t wait to go home with us.We get her home and start...

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KellyChapter 17

Kelly’s quarters were in an apartment building. She was mildly surprised to see military guards on the building and very surprised to see two MPs at the door of the apartment assigned to her. They saluted and greeted her by name as she opened the door and went in followed by Katrina. The girls looked around and Kelly smiled. She muttered under her breath, “Those bums!” Katrina heard her. “What did you say, Kelly?” Kelly turned to her and smiled. “I just said, ‘Those bums!’ Supposedly, my...

1 year ago
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Domestic discipline part 2

I had every intention of leaving marks on her ass and then give her a thorough three hole fucking. But when I got her into the bedroom I realized that I was so turned on that I probably wouldn’t last long. So instead I undid my pants to let my cock free and said, “On your knees!” I think she was happy for the reprieve as she dropped to her knees and took greedily started sucking my hard cock. As I suspected it only took a few minutes before I felt myself starting to cum. I grabbed her by...

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French NieceChapter 3 New York Aug 28 2004

You couldn't mistake them for anything but what they were, rich French women deigning to allow the United States the pleasure of their company for a short while. And as they slowly walked towards me, every molecule in my body screamed 'danger', a warning I knew I couldn't heed. "Ah, Amelie, le voila," my sister intoned to her daughter, pointing at me. "Marie, Cat, what a pleasure," I said, rushing to meet them. There were no family hugs from these two, just a cheerless waving at my...

1 year ago
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Thunder and LighteningChapter 11

Jerry slowly eased the engine block back into the engine compartment of the Camaro. He was pleased with how easily the repairs had gone with Martin helping him. Crawling under the car, he tightened the motor mounts. The hard part of the repair was done. Next weekend, he would start working on putting the rest of the engine together. Crawling out from under the car, he looked up at Martin. With a grin, he said, “Since you and I both have tomorrow off, we’ll do your engine tomorrow if that’s...

2 years ago
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My 32YearOld Friend Pays Me A Visit Im 57

Went to dinner with a young friend of 32 from a few years back. He's one of those young college boys that I took to my bed as a teacher and taught him pretty much from the ground up how to make love versus just sticking his penis inside of a woman and pumping until he came.He had a lot to learn at the time but was willing and able. We spent about three months together about twice a week as I taught him the art of kissing and foreplay as well as the all important post coitus cuddle. That was a...

3 years ago
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Licking Fucking My Elder Sister

Once I was traveling with my cousin sister Vanitha (Name Changed) in a train from Trichy to Chennai. She is 35 years old and just 1 year elder than me. She looks like actress Roja by look and had 36,30,38 size body. As there was no ticket in sleeper class, we managed in seating coach. As the time goes, the neighboring seat people thought that we are husband and wife and one lady in the next seat referred me to my sister as her husband and kept on talking. But, my sister did not object to that...

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Big Cock Sissy Slut

I have Todd, my wife's bull, to thank for helping me realize that I was into being humiliated by big cocks. It was one of the nights where he was fucking her and I was sitting in my chair and jerking off while watching them (some nights, we both fucked her). My wife said that she needed to stop for a minute so that she could go downstairs to get a drink of water. He sat on the bed stroking his big cock and I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't stop watching. He finally noticed and...

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Hockey Buddy and His Wife Part 7

I had not seen Pete or Katie in over a month because one or the other of us had been out of town or not well. I was looking forward to going to their house after the game. We were in the shower after the game and I was looking at Pete's little dick in the shower. “Are we on tonight?” I asked. “Absolutely.” Pete replied. I was starting to get semi-hard thinking about what might be ahead so I finished quickly and headed out from the hockey rink. I arrived at Pete and Katie's house before Pete....

1 year ago
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MC Stories, aka The Erotic Mind Control Stories Archive! As a porn expert, I love a well-constructed XXX website which features terabytes of video and image-based pornography that can keep even the horniest, loneliest people momentarily happy for life. I’ve seen some of the nastiest X-rated videos on the internet, which anyone can access and jack off to with just a few mouse clicks. However, when it comes to porn consumerism, there’s one demographic of horny porn connoisseurs that stands out...

Sex Stories Sites
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Second ChanceChapter 8

After leaving the President's study, I found Samantha waiting patiently for me in the secretary's anti-room. She looked upset, frustrated, or just plain exasperated, but what she didn't look, was happy. As I came through she grabbed her coat, and walked quickly out of the White House. Whatever it was, we weren't going to be talking about it in public. That was for sure. The flight back to the residence was quick and painless. With all the changes, I hadn't even begun to pay attention...

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Group Sex With Horny Neighbours

Rehana had just moved into her rnew house at Kailash Nagar after her marriage. Her husband Abdul was a manager in a bank and remained away for most part of the day. Her landlord was a nice man called Arun Mishra and his wife a very sexy lady called Aruna. Arun was at least six feet tall and his wife was a gorgeous looking woman. Aruna was a stunning beauty, with figure osf 36-24-36.Aruna had close cut hair liek a boy’s and she wore loose pajams at home. Her ample hips swayed sexily which turned...

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Hot HusbandChapter 5 Linda Returns

The house seemed empty without Louisa, but Wallace and I took advantage of the time alone to come together again as a couple, but I knew we had some decisions to make. I gathered my courage. “Wallace, we need to talk.” I think he nearly had a heart attack. “No, Wallace, nothing like that, I mean about Louisa.” “What about her?” he asked. Here goes nothing. “When she comes back, if you agree, I was thinking of asking her to join us in a more permanent relationship, maybe even move in...

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Romancing Shannon

Shannon opened the door as she got home from work. It had been a while since she had worked and it was her first day, but it had been a decent one. It was a little dim in the house, which was a surprise to her because she knew that Brian should be home, usually on the computer and the light would be on. But once she opened the door, she saw just exactly what was going on. There were candles lighting a path. A path that obviously she was meant to follow. As she set down her purse, she saw the...

2 years ago
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A Step Up

Intro: Greetings. The inspiration for this tale came to me while I was reading a LiveJournal celebrity blog recently. Judging by some comments I saw on there, I was not the only one who got such ideas from said blog. For the record, I had these ideas before I started reading the blog comments, though of course I still thank all those who helped my inspiration take form. I hope you will enjoy the results. Feedback is greatly desired and appreciated. Legal Stuff: -This story is mine, and may...

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my wife1

Lara and I had been married for just over a year when her best friend Terri left her husband. The two of them had two children, both quite young. They were stationed in Germany where he was a cook for the Air Force. Terri and Lara had been best friends for most of their lives and when Terri asked if she and the kids could come and stay with us for a while, we agreed. At first neither Lara or I was aware of what had caused their split, but we welcomed Terri and her two young kids into our...

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My Hot Experience With A Foreigner

Hi iss readers. this is my first story to iss. So i may be a little rusty. Let me introduce myself. Im a serving army officer. Rank of captain. I belong to chennai but roam around the whole country due to my postings and hence meet a lot a women. I have a very attractive face and personality and a military body. So any women interested for a casual fling without exchanging names (especially from chennai and bangalore) please mail me at Here goes my story. This hapenned 3 months ago. i was...

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Felicity Ch 29

Chapter 29: The Ugly Woman I was on the walking trail around my condo complex when a turn suddenly put me across the path of a seriously ugly woman. She was a tall, pale, with longish blonde hair that had not seen a brush in a while. She looked as disheveled as anyone I had ever seen. Her gym shorts and her sleeveless t-shirt were of clashing colors and too big for her. She was not wearing make up so her lips and eyebrows blended with her skin in a strangely blank Carnival mask kind of way. ...

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Magic Ink VI the Final OConnellChapter 12

I was awakened from a sound sleep some time later that night by the sound of someone attempting to get through my wards which rang like a bell from the attack. Robert sat up beside me at the noise, and the lights had come on when we moved. "What was that?" he demanded sleepily. "That was probably the owner wanting access to his hideaway," I told him. "We've been discovered." "Can he get in here?" he asked in a worried voice. "Not if that's the best that he can do," I assured...

4 years ago
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My Slutty Experience

Hello everyone! I’m Bhavna here to tell you the last experience of mine as a slut. It was more like others but very different in same way. I had to write this one as it’s a goodbye to you all too as I have no more experiences to share and don’t want any as I am a beloved wife of a very nice man. I am his by now forever. This one was when I left my school and went to another city for a few weeks. It was a new city for me where no-one knew about my slut phrase. I had to go to shop once and that’s...

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It all starts in a tavern

In the land of Gran, in the Kingdom of Silras, in a small village of Varnak, we enter a bar known as the Shady Tickler. We do not dwell on the name of such a bar, as such an origin story would be lewd and unworthy of our time. Instead, we focus on the inhabitants of this shady bar out in the middle of nowhere. No no, not the halfling fucking the elven prostitute in the corner. No, the dragonborn putting the bard into the mating press is to far. No, we focus on a dwarf sitting in the middle of...

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MommyBlowsBest Rachael Cavalli No Means Yes

While his father is in the shower, Brad enters the kitchen and starts groping his busty stepmom Rachael Cavali. Rachael doesn’t want to get caught and is resisting at first but she finally admits that her no actually means yes. The stunning milf then goes down on her knees and starts performing a deep and sloppy blowjob. Swallowing Brad’s whole cock right to the back of her throat and drooling all over his shaft. This luscious stepmom surely does not have any gag reflex. She takes...

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My stepsisters 3

Introduction: It may be short but ill have another one in maybe four days I would at this time like to revoke the last 2 paragraphs of my previous story and replace it with this one and the following story. Although that is how the story ends I real life I would like to start a fictional version as you all know so this is what Im replacing it with. Your cunt is so much tighter than your sisters. I exclaim in wonderment Some women have tighter pussies than others. She says shrugging OK Ill...

3 years ago
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CHAPTER 6: PROMOTIONS“Ladies, how are you each doing this morning?” It was 9:00 and Jacob had just arrived to the office. As he walked briskly past their desks, he asked them to come to his office. They sat in guest chairs opposite him across his desk as properly as possible in very short, tight skirts and blouses unbuttoned just below the nipples. As had become common for the office, they didn’t have underwear on, though some days that was all they wore for the day.“Good, sir,” they both...

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Amazing Threesome 8211 Part II

Hello thanks for your huge response given by you’ll and we want something to mention that kindly teenage boys and girls we are not interested to shares emails with you’ll so do not send us nude pictures or videos. We welcome genuine couples of India to share their views and other naughty sharing. Couples had asked did it working I will say Yes! It is spice in sex life. I started to get wetness and horny feelings whenever I recollect those hot memories. Thanks to couples who told their hidden...

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