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But seriously. My father is a drunk. He’s also a show off, especially when his poker buddies are around. I mean, it didn't bother me. Not really. Not for years. Sure, I used to be upset about his drinking and I used to get really upset about the gambling until he got control of the impulse. When I was 7 or so he started gambling with pennies and quarters rather than the larger sums of money he used to play with. I figured a playful pat on the rump here and there wasn’t such a bad price to pay for his relative control in the money department.

Maybe I’m being too easy on myself. Maybe I'm painting him as a bigger monster than he really is. The petting didn’t start out of nowhere, after all, but it did start small. When my body started to develop beyond the body of a child, around 12, he would call attention to it in front of his friends at the Saturday poker game at our house.

“Hey Johnny,” or Billy, or Tommy, or Shane, whoever the the card player sitting next to him was. He’d take a long pull on his beer and say, “Look at this.” He’d grab me around the waist and turn my backside to his neighbor. He would run his hand over my bottom and let it linger just a bit too long on the underside. “She’s gonna have a nice ass, huh?” Johnny--or whoever--would leer approvingly and I’d--of course--be mortified.

Well, I was embarrassed the first few times. Then, like anything else, I started to get used to it. After a while I would swat his hand away and tell him to keep his mits to himself. By then I was 14. When he saw my embarrassment was fading--cause I think that was the primary reason he was doing it--just to be an ass and embarrass me--he upped the ante. Instead of the lingering hand on my bottom he would call attention to my breasts. I was wearing typical clothing, nothing overly showy, but when I leaned over to fill one of his friends’ glasses he would reach out a hand and cup one of them. “In a couple of years,” he said nudging the guys next to him, “these are going to be fantastic. You know darling,” he would say, turning his attention to me as he ran a finger over my nipple. I felt my face flush crimson. I hadn’t been that embarrassed in a very long time, “I’m going to be very jealous when you bring home your first boyfriend.”

Yeah right. Like I would ever bring a guy home for him to meet. The last thing I wanted to do was be molested by my father in front of my boyfriend. How humiliating.

By 16 I was pretty even keel about all the middle aged guys patting my ass and “accidentally” grabbing my boobs every Saturday night. I was still grateful dad managed to keep the house no matter how many quarters he lost to his friends every weekend.

That’s not to say that the guys weren’t pushing it, especially when my father was out of the room. While he was there they would grab my ass or run a couple fingers up my thigh. A lot of shoulders to the boob, which, quite frankly, was kind of pathetic. Alright, all of it was pathetic, but I knew I was a distraction to these guys. My father lost less when I was there than when I wasn’t. Anyway, when my father left, to go to the bathroom or make a store run, the guys would get a little out of control. Once, when I was making a pitcher of margaritas in the kitchen, Johnny came up behind me and mashed me against the island with his hips. The way his hips cradled my ass was frightening. I could feel his penis hard against me. He reached under my shirt and put his meaty hands on my boobs, twisting my nipples between his fingers. With his other hand he reached under my skirt and pulled it up and my panties down in almost the same motion.

“God, Tina,” his breath was hot in my ear, “I’ve wanted to stick my cock in you for years. Well,” he said while audibly unzipping his jeans behind me, “I’m not going to have to wait any longer.”

“No,” I whispered. I was still a virgin and I was frightened because I couldn’t move without making a lot of noise. Noise would only draw the others attention to us, and as much as I distrusted Johnny, I didn't trust the rest of them much more. “No, Johnny, please. Don’t do this,” I begged.

“It’s better this way,” he said. I could feel him pulling his dick from his pants behind me. He started to rub his penis along my ass crack. “You wouldn’t have liked what I had planned. You wouldn’t have liked that at all. This is better. This is just you and me.” His fingers played with my nipple and lifted my shirt above my breasts. I was more naked than covered at this point. Everything that mattered was out in plain view for anybody walking by to see. I could hear the guys in the other room and I was worried because I didn’t want to be caught in this position, especially not by any of them, so I kept my voice low when I said,

“Dad’s going to be back any minute. He could catch you. You would never be let back here again.”

“Oh, I don’t care about that.” I felt him place his dick at my entrance and I felt him very gingerly enter me. Not all the way. Not even close. Just the very tip of his penis was inside me. “All I care about is fucking you. All I want is to stick my dick in you, fuck you silly, and then cum inside your lilly white pussy.” His breath was hot on my neck and his breath smelled like old beer.

“Charlie! It’s about damn time. What the hell took you so long?” I think it was Tommy calling to my father from the other room but with an old guy’s dick tickling at my entrance and a large hand on my breast, and my very compromising position bent over the island, I couldn’t be sure. I was just so happy to hear that my father was home that I almost laughed.

My boob fell free of his hot hand and a zipper quickly covered Johnny’s erection. I put myself back to rights just in time for my father to walk into the room with his bag of groceries. “A couple bowls of each of these on the table, please,” he said to me and patted my bottom in that lingering way of his. He made a contented noise at the back of his throat when he touched me there. “You would be in so much trouble if you weren’t my daughter,” he said, and winked at Johnny.

Johnny looked at me and said in his husky voice, “She might be in trouble anyway.” Charlie laughed as if he was kidding and I tried to smile as if nothing was wrong, but I knew from then on I would have to avoid being alone with Johnny.

I did a good job of it, too. It wasn’t until I was 17 that he finally had his way with me. Putting his “plan” into action, I suppose. I had no idea my virginity would be taken the was it was. There was no way I could have seen something like that coming. Well, maybe I could have. Maybe I was just naive. Maybe losing one’s virginity this way is more common than I ever would have believed. Maybe.

Well, I set out to tell this story, and I WILL tell it. But sometimes it’s still hard to think about. It all started on a Saturday poker night. I had avoided them like the plague for over a year and the only reason I was around for this one was because I knew Johnny wouldn’t be. He was supposed to be out of town on a business thing, I’m still not sure how I fell for that. He was a construction worker. He’d never been asked out of town before that I knew of.... You know what? I’m stalling. It doesn’t matter how stupid I was. What matters was, I thought he wasn’t going to be there and he was.

He showed up an hour late. It seemed that Charlie and I were the only two surprised by his presence but even that didn’t register until much, much later.

The night started like any other night. I grabbed drinks and refilled bowls and put up with a bunch of leering old guys grabbing my personal parts. I smiled and flirted and basically played the part I was meant to play.

“Charlie, you have to try one of these,” Johnny said and pushed a shot glass at my father. “You won’t need another drink the rest of the night.”

“What’s in it?” he asked.

“Just drink it. You’ll thank me later.” Of course, I was worried. My father, for all that he was the most touchy feely of them all, was the one thing standing between me and Johnny and I needed him sober. At least, sober-ish. Conscious. That’s all I was asking. Just stay conscious, Charlie, please.

I would live to regret that wish.

He downed the shot and hissed at the burn in his throat. He gave Johnny a thumbs up and then banged his fist twice on the table. “Woo! That’s the good stuff.” But he seemed okay. 10 minutes later he was still awake and playing cards and didn’t look like he was going to pass out anytime soon. And he was, amazingly, winning. He was up by almost 50 bucks. And when you’re talking quarters, it looked like a huge pot.

“Okay,” Tommy said. “Let’s up the ante a bit.” I saw him wink at Johnny and my palms started to sweat. "I need to win some of my money back," he joked.

“Hmm.” I said. “I don’t know if that’s the best idea. How are you feeling, Charlie?” I hoped he would see the panic in my eyes and back down from the challenge.

“But look at me, Tina! I’m doing great!” He motioned to his winnings. “It’s a hot streak. I’ve gotta ride it while it’s good!” Everything he said was too loud and his words were starting to show signs of slurring.

He grabbed me around the waist and sat me in his lap. “Daddy’ll do right by you, baby. I promise.” He kissed my shoulder and ran one of his hands idly over my right breast. He tweaked the nipple and said, “Deal me in, boys.” He pushed me off his lap and I watched the game unfold in horror. Dad was losing. He started losing slowly but soon he was in deep. I tried to talk him out of going on, but he just shook his head and said, “My luck’s bound to turn around, baby. I just have to patient.” Before long he was in very deep. He had lost everything. I mean EVERYthing. The house, the cars, all our savings....everything. I could only blame the mystery drink. I hadn’t seen my dad take such risks in almost 10 years. He’d been doing so well!

“You’ve got nothing else to put up, Charlie,” Johnny said.

“How ‘bout you guys give me a little credit. I’m good for it. You know me. I’m good for it.” It was like every gamblers cliche dropped from his tongue at once. I think he might have noticed it too because he stopped talking and looked down at his two hands in fists on the table. His eyes were red and his luck was gone. He looked broken.

I was pissed off. I couldn’t believe he’d done it. I was right here, too. Still there was nothing I could do to stop it. It really pissed me off.

“You know what Charlie?” Johnny said then. “You’re our friend. We don’t want to see you lose everything. I think I could settle for another kind of payment. How about you boys? Could we settle for something else?”

Three guys nodded their heads. Charlie smiled. A sick, hopeful smile that made me even angrier at the guys sitting around the table. He trusted them but I knew better. I knew what they wanted. At least, I thought I knew what they wanted. If I had had any idea, though.....

“You know how much we all admire Tina. I would never ask to fuck her myself, because how can a guy screw his friend’s daughter? It’s just not right. But I would like to see her fucked. I would like that a lot. Guys?” he asked, looking around the table.

“Yeah,” Tommy said. “I would settle for watching her get fucked.” Two others nodded their heads and made sounds of agreement.

Charlie finally started to claw his way out of his drunken fog. “What? No!” he shook his head. “What? How? Who?”

Tommy said, “I’d settle for watching you fuck her. Or pretend like you’re fucking her. Just take out your dick, touch it to her sweet little pussy and pretend fuck her.”

Pretend. I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe it wasn’t going to be as bad as I thought. I could see my father was thinking the same thing. “Would that be okay with you, Tina?” he asked me.

“Fine,” I said, folding my arms over my chest and glaring at the men sitting around the table. “For pretend.”

I saw Johnny smile out of the corner of his mouth. “For pretend,” he repeated. “Okay, lift up your skirt and take off your panties. Charlie, pull out your dick and rub it against her pussy.” And we did. It was very much like the position Johnny had me in a year earlier. But I was up against the kitchen table and there were 4 people watching. And it was my father’s penis who was almost inside me. He moved in short small movements trying not to get too deep, but, despite myself and to my humiliation, I was wet.

Worse, my father knew I was wet. He could feel my wet heat against his penis. He didn’t go firmly inside me but stayed shallow. Very shallow. Almost didn’t go in. And then the guys started talking. “Look at those titties,” Shane said and lifted my shirt up. “I’ve always loved your titties, Tina. For my money I’d like a little taste of them.” He undid the front clasp of my bra and my breasts burst forth for the world to see. Then his tongue lazily traced it’s way over my nipples and his soft suckling made me catch my breath and rear back slightly.

It was a very bad time to rear back because it was the moment my father was moving forward. He didn’t impale me entirely but he did move farther into my body. I tried to clamp down on my vagina to reset his point back to “very shallow” but his new point was a little deeper. And his hands on my hips, his penis at my pussy, and Shane’s mouth on my nipple made me moan. I cut it off and I tried to think of other things because I absolutely could not enjoy this. That would be beyond terrible. But it was hard to think of other things. Especially when Billy’s hand wound its way from the table to my pussy and started playing with my clit. His eyes were on my face. So were Johnny’s.

Without noticing what I was doing, I began rubbing back against Billy’s exploring fingers. Johnny got up and started moving around the table. I could hear my father’s breathing hitch behind me when I moved too vigorously against Billy’s hand. I didn’t want to make it too difficult for him to stop when the time came to stop, which I hoped was soon. But he still slid slightly deeper into me. My traitorous body welcomed him. I hated that it felt so good and I could feel myself starting to cry when he inched a bit further in. I thought he must be fucking me with about half his penis by then.

When I saw Johnny again he had a camera. A small video camera. Fuck, I thought. What was he doing now? But then he moved between me and my father and was filming Charlie’s dick entering my pussy over and over again. Then I saw Johnny’s hand reach out and slap my father’s bare ass. Charlie yelled out and pushed his whole dick inside me. He stayed there, still for a moment, and then groaned low in his throat, grabbed my hips and started fucking me. Really fucking me hard. My own father.

“Yes. God, Tina. You’re so tight. So fucking tight,” and he jackhammered his penis into me over and over and over again.

“Dad, no, stop. Please!” but it was futile. He kept pounding himself into me until he screamed, “YESSSS,” and blew his load inside me.

“You know,” Johnny said, as the camera took in my father’s last few climactic thrusts into my body, “I'm so glad I have this beautiful family moment on tape. I would hate for this to get out, though. I can’t think of many people who wouldn’t stick you in prison for the load you just left in your daughter, Charlie. Tsk tsk.” Dad was still holding my hips to his. “But...I’d be willing to keep this little tape to myself for a quickie with your daughter.”

My father pulled out of me with a plop. I could hear the shame in his voice as he reminded Johnny, “You said you just wanted to SEE her....” I don’t think he wanted to say the word ‘fucked’ but that’s what he meant. “Get your hands off her!” he yelled at Billy and Tommy and swatted them away from my boobs and pussy. I started to cover up but Johnny stilled my hands. “Not so fast, little girl. We’ve got your father fucking you on tape. We take this to...well, anyone... and you know he goes to prison. You want that? You want to see daddy go to prison for fucking his little girl? Do you want that on your conscience, Tina?”

I couldn’t bring myself to talk to him so I just shook my head no. “Then lay on the floor like a good girl. The four of us will fuck you and then you can have the tape and you’ll never have to hear from us again. Unless you want to.” He sneered at me.

“That’ll never happen.”

He cocked his head to the side and smiled crookedly. “We’ll see about that.”

He led me into the living room and had me lay on the floor. When I looked at him he had my panties held up to his nose. “You smell good. Clean and dirty at the same time.” Then he threw them down and kneeled on the floor in front of me. He undid his pants and pushed them down around his ankles. His penis was very large. It looked like a weapon he was going to use against me. Ignoring his raging hard on he pulled my shirt over my head and left my bra, open and hanging down on the floor at the sides of my body, where it was. Then he grabbed his dick in one hand and shoved it all the way into my body.

The sudden contact was a shock to me and the rough push was equally jolting so I tensed and started breathing harder. “I’m going to fuck your head up so badly you’ll never recover.” He slowly pulled out and shoved himself inside of me again. “You’ll never be able to come again without being raped. You'll think of me every time any guy sticks his dick in you.” He thrust himself into me again and again. It was hitting some odd place inside of me and an odd extra feeling was growing deep inside of me. It wasn’t like when I stuck my hand down there and forced myself to cum... it was deeper somehow. The original feeling was there, but there was more. Something deeper. Something that felt like it was going to be much bigger than anything i had ever produced on my own. Could this be the g-spot?

But I didn’t want it! I didn’t want to climax under Johnny of all people. While being raped! Well, blackmailed might be a better term for it. Johnny kept thrusting inside of me, staring into my eyes, as he gave instructions to the others. “Shane, fuck her face. This little girl’s going to need to learn how to give head someday. I don’t think we’ll get a better chance, do you?” He laughed.

“Nope. Perfect timing,” Shane said, undoing his pants. His penis was monstrous. Gigantic. I felt like gagging just looking at it, but before I could do more than groan in protest he was on his knees over my face. He pushed his penis against my lips. “Open up, Tina, baby. Open up for my big cock. C’mon, you don’t want daddy getting busted, do ya? Open up....” I opened my mouth. His thick cock sank deep into my throat and he did exactly as Johnny told him to. He fucked my face as if my mouth was a cunt. Hard and fast. He came in my mouth with the speed of a jackhammer--reminding me disturbingly of the last few minutes with my father--only slowing after the climax for the last few pumps into my face. His dick was so big I couldn't spit the cum out like I wanted to and I was forced to swallow it.

Johnny, meanwhile was slowly fucking my pussy. I don’t think I ever thought of my vagina as a pussy before it got used so freely by my father and Johnny. Before that day it was a vagina. It was my “private place.” I never thought of it as a cunt or a pussy, or twat, or any of the other epithets I saw splashed on the walls of the girls restroom.

Shane finally pulled his dick out of my mouth and Billy took his place. His penis was smaller and more manageable. I was glad. I was also glad that I was no longer enjoying this experience. Johnny wasn’t going to be able to screw with my head as he thought. Maybe I would have a normal relationship someday after all.

Then, “Shane, I want her to come with a dick in her pussy and one in her mouth. Come lick her until she cums. Billy, gentle with her. Tommy, come suck on these sweet titties.” And while he said all this he was rhythmically thrusting inside of me. When Tommy and Shane put their lips and tongue on my most sensitive spots I started to squirm. I was starting to like it again. Suddenly Johnny’s dick inside me was hitting that sweet magic place at the same recurring moments that Shane’s tongue was flicking over my clit. They went slow and steady and the heat inside me was building so that I was happy to have Billy’s dick in my mouth. It was my only outlet for the feelings going through me. I sucked happily. I swirled my tongue around his dick. I made loud slurping noises and soft whimpers in the back of my throat.

Something huge was building. My body started to rock of its own accord. I had nothing to do with it. It was like breathing, a natural reaction that I didn’t think about. Billy moaned as I really started sucking hard and Johnny moaned as my pussy began clenching around his dick. I was moaning with abandon by this point. Billy finally shot his load down my throat.

I couldn’t think about that though. When Billy's dick left my mouth I was already experiencing a climax larger than anything I had yet created on my own. The noise that exploded from me was loud and my whole body rocked with the shock of my explosion. Johnny grabbed my breast and came then, too. He came deep inside my body and I just laid there with that middle aged man collapsed on top of me and Shane, Billy, Tommy, and my father sitting or standing around watching. I looked at them all. They had all cum in me. All of them, except Tommy. He still had a raging hard on. I was too tired to do any more. I couldn’t have another man cum inside me today.

But I guess I didn’t really have a say in it anyway. Tommy rollled me over on my stomach and picked my ass off the floor. He groaned and tried to push his dick into my asshole. “NO!” I screamed trying to scramble away from him but he just pulled me back.

“Yes,” he said. He brought his dick to my asshole and shoved the head in. “You’re ass is so tight. No, don’t fight. Relax. You might like it” He pulled it out and then shoved it in again, a little farther this time. “So tight!” he said and groaned again.

“No kidding!” I yelled, really in pain and not enjoying myself at all. “Who would EVER let anyone stick a dick up their ASS!” I reached behind me and tried to hit him with my backward balled up fist. He ignored me. My blows glanced off him like raindrops.

He pulled his dick out and pushed it back in, a bit farther. Then again and again until he was all the way in. “You would.” He groaned. “You would let someone stick their dick up your ass. You’ll let me fuck you in the ass to save your daddy, won’t you, Tina?” And he fucked me. He fucked me longer than all of them put together. They started to laugh and jeer and I saw my father’s dick start to twitch in anticipation and decided to hurry it along before Daddy started getting any more ideas. “Your wife let you fuck her in the ass, old man? You get off on having a young ass to pound into? Fuck me!” I screamed. “Fuck me! Don’t you want to cum in my ass?" I asked in my thoatiest voice. "Do you wish your wife was here to lick your prick clean when you pull it out of me? How do you think she’d like that? Licking my ass droppings off your dick?” and he grunted loudly and came in my asshole.

I had so much cum in me and on me that I felt truly disgusting. I felt like a whore. A virgin till I was 17 and I still felt like a damn whore.

I put myself together and kicked them all out of my house. I made sure to get the flip video camera from that asshole Johnny before he left. I looked at my dad when they left and I felt sick. He looked upset by the incident but he still had a hard on. I knew it would take me a long while before I forgave him for what happened that day. If ever.

Later that night I thought I might be able to forgive him after all. After I got into my pajamas and climbed into bed he came to my room. I listened to the bed creak as he sat beside me. “I’m really sorry about what happened today, Tina. If I could take it all back I would.”

I didn’t look at him. “I know you would. Don’t worry about it. It’s over now.” I looked away from him. When you came right down to it it wasn’t his fault. He was forced into the situation as much as I was.

“I’m sorry,” he said again and leaned down to kiss my forehead. He turned off the lamp beside the bed. He kissed my forehead again, lingering this time. Then he moved lower and kissed my lips. “I’m so sorry.”

“Stop it. It’s fine.” It wasn’t fine, but I wanted him to leave. His hand patted my shoulder and then moved down to my breast. “I”m so sorry,” he said again, and lifted the covers up to lay down beside me. I pushed against him but he was too strong. I couldn’t move him.

“Get out of my bed,” I said. I could hear the shame in his voice as he repeated, “I”m so sorry,” over and over again while holding both my hands captive above my head with one hand and with the other he hoisted my nightshirt up. He positioned himself above me and I tried to twist away from him but he was just too strong. He thrust his dick into my waiting pussy. “I’m so sorry,” he said again and fucked me. He apologized the whole time, but he fucked me anyway. I was shamed. But I came anyway.


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I am in love with my daughter. No, not the “I am a carrying parent” version of it. We are a couple, since let me think, about six, seven years. We live together. Behave like every other couple. I am the old fart, she is young and gorgeous. It isn’t something to be proud of. You cannot tell anyone what you really are. So, how did it came to that forbidden relationship? Was it my dream to hammer my dick into my little girl? Never. But it is what I do. And I admit it, I like doing it. I like...

3 years ago
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Goodbye Melissa

I approached the counter and asked the clerk if there were any messages for me and he checked the box for room 305, took out a slip of paper and handed it to me. As I was reading it two men who had been sitting in the lobby when I walked in got up and headed for me. I read the note. It simply asked me to call Detective Howard Miller and gave me a phone number. The two men walked up, one to either side of me, and the one on my right asked me if I was Frank Thomas. "Yes?" He flashed a badge...

4 years ago
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Countermove Ch 03

Summary so far: Day 1- Onyx vs. Tyger: Onyx loses her first match ever and pays the price. Day 2- Onyx vs. Jewel: Onyx defeats Jewel to remain in the tournament. ********** Day 3 We were three days into the tournament and my problems were growing. I had lost for the first time ever- to Tyger, who turned out to have the same powers of mental persuasion I have- and been forced to shave my pussy and paint my fingernails and toenails bimbo red. I had come back the following evening to defeat...

1 year ago
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I Wanted It Gay

I have always wanted to try this. And here I am actually and finally experiencing it.His cock was wet with a mixture of pre-cum, lubricant and my own saliva. What I loved most about his cock was the big head. How it swells as I suck on it. How it gets wet with crystal drops of his salty, tasty pre-cum.I'm sitting on my knees, with my arms stretched to support my weight. I must look like a Japanese geisha waiting to serve her master. The view of my (well lubed) round ass right next to his hard...

3 years ago
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Celebration for new year with chut chudai

Again here to make ur cock & pussies wet… 1st of all thanks for all sexy females, aunties & girls jinhone meri pahli story padhke mujhe bohot mails likhe aur mere sath sex karne ki kamna jatai. Mere pahle story mai maine aapko batayaa ki maine kaise ek indian ladki ko america. Mai choda tha.. Tabhi to mujhe bohot maza aaya tha.. Mai ab bhi us ladki ko miss karta hu. Aaj mai aapke liye ek recent story leke aaya hu.. Jo ki 31st night ki hai. 31st night mai hamesha apne group ke sath celebrate...

3 years ago
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The PresenceChapter 14

That same morning as Jill was leaving and Kathy came in the door. “Beth, do you have to go anywhere this morning?” “No not really, is there something you wanted to talk about?” Beth handed her a cup of coffee and sat opposite the table from her. “Well, I was just wondering, you know the rumors about the lake, island and ... this house.” “Oh? And you want to know if they are true and if we have experienced any of them, like this place being haunted?” She smiled as she said this. “Eh ......

3 years ago
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Belgaum Beauty

Hi,friends this is Rahul,I am a great fan of ISS and used to read lots of stories from this site and that has inspired me to share my experience with you people and I’m going to narrate you and incident in my life that made me to lose my virginity to my aunt and then a wonderful sex pleasure with her daughter,it happened just few months ago.I am 21yrs old and I’m a smart looking guy with an average built,height 5’4” and whitish in color.I never had any sexual feelings for my aunt before seeing...

4 years ago
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My Girls IIThe End Of Cycles The Beginning Of KnowledgeChapter 14

I had never had a more wonderful night than that first night with Megan. Well, outside of the whole 'restore the memories' part. It surpassed every night I had ever had in my life, with Victoria, Elizabeth, anyone. It scared me, as I knew I could never surpass that night again in my whole life. It was not possible. It was all downhill from there; wonderful as life would be with Megan, it could never surpass that night. Of course, being a woman, Megan showed me how wrong I was. Over, and...

2 years ago
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DoceoChapter 8 Strengthening the Bond

The next morning Emily still wasn't feeling well and we spent most of the day in bed watching selections from the resort's collection of movies-on-demand. As Emily cuddled next to me, I could feel the sexual tension building. Aside from an occasional lingering touch and a little extra pampering, I doubt Emily noticed I was slowly building up her arousal. Her mildly queasy stomach and swollen arm were very distracting. One of the recommendations for stingray stings is to soak them in hot...

3 years ago
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Beach House

This is my first attempt at weaving a true story with a little fiction. I had fun writing it. I hope you have fun reading it…AnnaIt was a terribly cold frigid night. Our house sits on the sand cliffs overlooking Lake Michigan. We were smart enough to give ourselves space for erosion. Yet still be close to the water. Our deck has a set of stairs that leads down to our beach area. Richard and Joshua wanted to spend the night in the beach house.While it is fortified for winter nights with a gas...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 4 Chapter 6 Hot Mage Menage1

Book Four: Song's Passion Chapter Six: Hot Mage Menage By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Acolyte Sophia – Lor-Khev, The Magery of Thosi Jathibiyya's hands grasped my naked hips, swaying them from side-to-side. Her breasts pressed into my back, her nipples hard points that caressed my skin. My body moved under Jathibiyya's direction. Chaun's music wasn't playing right now, but my body still boiled from the lust of his song even after the...

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Making Her Nipples Itch

Treat a hooker to lunch There's a curiousss fellow who has decided his reputation is not worth much and has agreed to associate himself with me, in spite of my dastardly character. He is a wordsmith of the first tier. I am proud to have him edit my stories, he makes them flow more smoothly and read more understandably. I do want to say that I tinker with my stories even after his final edit, so whatever anomalies you may find are probably mine. Thanks Curiousss. I saw a new ad for...

1 year ago
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Mami Ke Saath Car Mein Highway Pe Maze 8211 Part 2

Main Vijay hu Nashik city se. Meri mami aur mere bich jo hua iski kahani hai ye. Main kuch karne ki soch hi raha tha ki tab mami ne bola ki gaadi us speed breaker pe bohut uchli. Ab unki peeth dukh rahi hai. Toh maine gaadi side mein rukai. Waha aas paas kuch bhi nahi tha, khet bhi nahi aur log bhi nahi. Maine kaha mami se ki, “Dikhao main thoda upar se niche tak pith ko daba deta hu. maine ek massage center mein dekha hai waise karta hu.” Mami boli: Wah tu massage center bhi jata hai? Maine...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Carrie Vacation

Carrie knelt on the floor, her head thrown back, her eyes closed and her hands clutching at her bare breasts. As she rocked back and forth, the huge dildo between her legs slid in and out of her wet, open hole. Each time it slipped into her, her mouth would open and she would let out a small cry of pleasure. Carries small stature contrasted the huge size of the phallus she was plunging into herself. It was at least two and a half inches across and over twelve inches long, with a realistic...

2 years ago
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The Loanshark

So I went to Gino. Gino handled the numbers racket in our neighborhood; friendly little Gino, a nice guy, always a smile on his face, always paid up when you hit the weekly ticket. I figured $10,000 would be enough. Gino was more than friendly. He even asked me if it was enough, and offered to lend me more. I didn’t much pay attention to the interest he was going to charge, because I was going to pay it back within a week or two, and put the profits back into more stock. I could quadruple my...

2 years ago
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the sissie maker

''Please please mike you said you would never tell anyone please dont do it im so shy''''Cindy you are my girl dont worry , you are going to be just fine''i could not get over the idea other would see me in my disney Elsa pijama, a pijama daddy had a hearth shapped hole braided just for me last xmass before making me into his sissy secret girl, infront of sissy training porn , making me watch and accept i was his little girlall because i was found watching his bbc move for me in his sweatpants...

4 years ago
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Home Sweet Homeland

"Elisabeth, can you come into my office at once, please?" Elisabeth Manning looked up from her computer screen, surprised at the somber tone in Willard Aldredge's voice. He was usually a pretty unemotional sort of a boss, the kind of steady going and rather dull bureaucrat to be found in any government department in Washington. Then again, Elisabeth would have had to use much the same words to describe her own life; steady and dull. But something or someone had obviously got Willard fired...

3 years ago
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The two more embarrassing moments for females and males. In both, you're exposed to other people. In the first one [ENF] your tits and pussy are exposed to the onlookers, that check your whole body or they just have the time to take photos of you naked, and if they're men, probably they got a erection. In the second case, is worse, because the female onlookers just compare your below average dick to dicks that they seen and probably they will give you the sph sign, and then, they will take...

1 year ago
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Best Friends Forever 2

I went through the day looking at mom, she looking at me. She wore a short lose skirt, bare legs and a tee-shirt that revealed no brassiere beneath. Whenever she was near, and she frequently found some reason to do so, she touched me - innocently to the naked eye perhaps, but lingering touches, eyelashes flashing, nipples hard. Anything, anytime and even any hole she had said. I felt cursed - knew this was wrong but hated how my body trembled when she touched me. I had truly...

3 years ago
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A Stitch In TimeChapter 8

Ex Libris Salvatio. Do you like that? I made it up. I have no idea whether it's actually Latin, but it is my new motto. From books, salvation. Or more accurately in my case, from the library, salvation. A lot of people find solace in the library; heck, I'd found some pretty good solace in the library myself the day after Christmas. But salvation? That was a lot harder. Since Monday was a day off, for the students anyway, I decided to return the three library books I'd checked out, all of...

3 years ago
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Note to reader: This story has a slow build, so if you are looking for a quickie you want to read another and come back later. Thanks. September 1975, Denver Daniel had a big decision to make. And he had to make it soon. He was sitting in a lecture hall, lost in a daydream while waiting for the professor to arrive so class could begin. Daniel was beginning his sophomore year as an engineering major, and the fall semester was only three days old. His dilemma, and the big decision that was...

2 years ago
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Mother and Daughter delighting the masturbating n

In the great scheme of things, we all like to offer something for others to admire and comment on. We need to be noticed and bask in the glow of their praises, in something we did to please, as I did the day our neighbor masturbated behind his semi closed curtains, exposing himself to me when I looked, and smiled.As you can imagine it is yet another encounter, carefully documented in my online, password protected, dairy of a schoolgirl growing up.It was on a Saturday morning and I was assigned...

4 years ago
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My Student In Bhubaneswar Is A Princess

Do please inform me if you liked this story at Her name is Mousumi and she was my student in college. She was a nice student and was a good student too, but somehow she became a victim of sexual harassment by one f her seniors due to whom she became pregnant and it was then that I had helped her get rid of the problem and after that our bond strengthened. She came to my room everyday and will talk for hours and will always behave as if she is possessive of me. She would demand things from me...

3 years ago
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Rhythm and the Blue Line Ch 01

Author’s Note: Yes, here’s a hockey romance. I know it’s been a long (long long long) time since I posted something other than a stand alone. Writing time has been hard to come by this year, unfortunately. I do hope you enjoy this. Votes and feedback always appreciated. Thanks to MugsyB, annanova, and LettersfromTatyana for beta reading and encouragement, as well as my chief beta reader J. Also thanks to Estragon for the copy editing. Hope you enjoy! =============================== ‘I gotta...

3 years ago
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Cross Dressing to go to Girls School

As a boy I was slim and in some ways feminine looking. For example it used to annoy me when I went into a shop with the hood of my coat up because of the weather to be addressed as “hen” rather than “son” – these being terms used in the Glasgow area back then. I went to a co-educational school and had a great time with the girls I met there, all the way from my first day in “primary one” to the sixth form. I did have a fling with one of the PE teachers there brought on by too much to drink...

1 year ago
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The Curse of Womanhood

1. What was I doing there? Was I really that stupid? If Steve hadn't asked me to be there, I wouldn't be, so, it was his fault, right? Gah... This was the first time in the history of history that two guys were breaking into a house to rectify a panty raid. Steve was tasked, by his sister, to break into Dean Garnet's house and steal back all the panties that Dean and his buddies had taken, which included Stephanie's (Stephanie being Steve's twin sister) and my own sister's (whose...

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The Serendipity of Freedom Part 7 A Womans Work Is

Author's note: Please feel free to post this story to any free site, as long as the following conditions are met. It shall not be posted to any site charging a fee for reading it, either direct or indirect (avs), the story remains fully intact, and the original author shall be credited in entirety. This story contains harsh language and scenes of a frank sexual nature and is not suitable for younger readers. Also if you are offended by Transgendered, Gay, and...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 220 Producer

Literary Criticism was only a one semester course, so my new class schedule put Public Oral Communication in that time slot. I couldn't believe I was going to be in yet another speech class, but it was a degree requirement. My record in giving speeches according to the rules of public speaking was uneven. Still, you would think I'd get some credit for doing a half-hour demonstration every week on television. But, no. And I was missing my second class. Instead, Rhonda had a death grip on...

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Bi foursome

We had a bi black couple Samantha and Ben over last night. She is about 4'5 200 lbs huge tits very dark skin hairy pussy. He is about 6'1 220 lbs light skin 8 in cock thick. We talked and had some drinks and flirted. After a few drinks me and his wife went to the bed room while my wife and him made out on the couch, we made out and felt each other for a while she was so wet I had 2 fingers in her while she stroked my cock n sucked my tounge. I moved to her tits nod sucked on her big nipples,...

2 years ago
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Priscilla Queen of Cats Pt 01

PART ONE: The Wish It was one of those cold, windy days where the sky was threatening rain, there was nothing good on TV, and you just weren’t in the mood for going anywhere or doing anything. So I decided to clean the house – as you do. And I decided to blackmail my housemates into helping me – as you do. Lenny and Belinda were a little reluctant, but my threat to withhold my semi-famous Cointreau Pancakes – an essential part of every nutritious breakfast – provoked action. We started in the...

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The Aftermath of War

Gradually over the next few weeks tensions eased a bit, the fraternization rules were relaxed and Germany became a much better place.The rubble clearing still went on though, it had to, the building work was moving on quicker than most of us had anticipated.I'd met Eva's younger brother Manfred and I'd managed to get him a job on our building gang as a tea boy and general labourer, he still did a bit of black market wheeling and dealing, but mostly he was kept busy working and he was getting a...

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Night of the Voyeur

Ugh, the house was so hot today, I couldn’t stand it. My mom was gone and I still had to finish cleaning the house. My name is Samantha, but everyone calls me Sammi. This summer just turned out to be horrible and even at night like this, the heat was unbearable. I was finishing up the dishes when I turned around and groaned at the fact that I still had to sweep and mop the kitchen, as well as vacuum the entire living room. This was not a good day to have this much work to do. I sighed as I...

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My first Hot Wife experience

     My husband and I have been in the swing lifestyle now for about seven years. We are very much in love and have an amazing sex life.  I was a little reluctant to do anything of this sort in the beginning because we always said that we'd play together.  I have always preferred a couples swap, threesomes or group play to the one on one.  My husband (Drew) has always talked about how hot it would be for me to go find some guy and have a wild night alone with him.  My name is Amy.  I'm 40 years...

3 years ago
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The Catalyst RebornChapter 58 Deeper Connections

Charlie POV: I was happy with the way the Directors were handling our encounter with the Russians. They never had any intentions of just destroying both submarines and possibly killing their crews. Also, Director Logan does desperately want to change the culture of the CIA from the way I viewed it after Dad told us about his experiences with it when we were just little kids. Neither Bob nor I remember anything before living here in Illinois. Our operation, ‘Let’s Goose Gorbachev’, went...

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Tommy gets his slave

Tommy was starting to get nervous as pulled into the auction house parking lot. He checked to make sure he remembered his check book and I.D. He had been looking forward to this day for some time and now that it was here he was jubilant. He practically ran into the auction house and was immediately met by reception. After checking in he entered the large crowd surrounding the auction block. The first few slaves displayed did not interest Tommy. They were male and had obviously been owned...

1 year ago
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Relief in Rugby

It was one of those warm but blustery spring Saturdays when linen-white clouds go scudding across the sky, the skylarks spill their song over the countryside and the sun continues to smile his warmth over the fields. Not wanting to waste such a nice day indoors you’d decided to drive to a local beauty-spot and take a quiet stroll amongst Nature. Having watched the squirrels in the forest, skirted round the lovers in the bushes and looped around the outside of the lake you decided to take a...

4 years ago
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The Devils Pact Ghost of Paris InterludeChapter 3 The Tattoo Artist

Friday, September 20th, 2013 – Rex Irvine – Paris, Texas "Fuck, Rex, another beaut," grinned bucktooth Hal as he looked at the black mamba I just tattooed coiled around his skinny arm. He was a greasy piece of shit, but his credit card always cleared, and he was in her every few weeks getting another tat to add to his collection. I glanced at the clock. Almost 9 PM. Another slow night. But as it dragged on, more drunks would wander in looking to get "tattooed up." It sucked for my...

4 years ago
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Fucked and Bred in Front of His Wife

It was a Friday night and I hadn’t gotten fucked or fed any cock in awhile so I took to my go to website for a hookup. After about a half hour I get a message from an older male saying his wife wants to watch him dominate another guy, he looked about 6’2, had grey hair, hairy chest, no facial hair, heavy build, a big thick 7.5” cut cock and he had a thing for younger guys like me and I love being dominated by a big older bear, however have never been fucked or fed a cock in front of a girl...

3 years ago
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My grateful niece

Way back, it must have been about 20 years ago, my niece had just gotten a divorce and her first born was like 2 or something, my niece was 23 or so. She was moving into a very small, one bedroom apartment and I went over to give a hand, move furniture, clean up stuff. We had been had this, a large part of our family and I, when I cam to realize that we really didn't have a lot of money and in fact was missing what I considered essentials when you have a baby. So I asked my sister, her mom, if...

1 year ago
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FamilySinners Jewelz Blu Getting Off After My StepBrother Caught Me

Zac walks in on what looks like his step-sister, Jewelz, stealing money from his wallet. When he demands that she explain what she’s doing in his room, she stutters, then claims that she just likes to smell his clothes. He smiles and says, well, if you like my smell so much, why haven’t you tried to fuck me. She does want to fuck him. It just feels wrong because they are related by marriage. He smiles, grips her neck, and kisses her. Then he stands her up and throws her on the bed....

1 year ago
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Wifes First Black Cock

I stood behind her; one hand fondled her large breasts made voluptuous by the half-cup bra and pinched the hard nipples while the other slipped easily in and out of her wet pussy and onto her clit. My wife had always looked good in heels and the stilettos she wore made her just a little taller than me. My fingers traced along her black stocking tops, along the garter straps, back across the little mound of silky, blonde hair and back into her pussy. She had just turned sixty but still had a...

2 years ago
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Shopping Encounter

Saturday morning, I am standing in the express line of our friendly neighborhood department store with my jug of milk. Ahead of me, I see a woman who cannot count. The express line is for one-to-twelve items and her cart has thirty items at least. The guy behind me has a pair of three foot tall Halloween lawn decorations. I gesture to the woman with the full cart and whisper to him, "Some people can't count.” He chuckles. "Yeah, she has no consideration for others, obviously. Since it's soon to...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Experince Certificate K Through Chud Gay

By : Aaryan Hi friend’s mai apka apna Aaryan kafi time se maine koi story nhi likhi due to my busy schedule maine last story tab likhi thi jab mai apni engg ki padhayi kar rha tha ab to maine apni study bhi puri kar li hai or or MNC mai job karta hu. Himachal pardesh mai kher yhe sab chodo apne asli mudhe pe aate hai! Agar koi Galati ho to mujhe maaf karna or comments ho to mail karna meri mail id hai Story yaha se shuru hoti hai mai MNC k hydro project mai kaam karta hu as a Astt Manager...

3 years ago
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Ginaacutes Gyno Club in Amsterdam 0

Internet is so fast. Soon the news reached Europe and a second club got erected in Amsterdam. No wonder, with its name as the lesbian capital of Eurasia! ;-)PDirect relatives of the founder eagerly proposed the first member. We were pleasantly surprised. Look how she looks: tall and slender. Blonde, but smart. Beaufiful face. Blue eyes. Broad smile.Build like an athlete. Her breasts are hardly more than her erect nipples.Both our eldest niece and the girlfriend of her father agreed: together...

4 years ago
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Ass or Mouth Wife wanted to Watch Gay

Alicia and I had been enjoying a quiet evening at home in our apartment when there was a knock at the door. We live in a secure building so we assumed it was one of our neighbors. She answered the door and four well built men pushed their way into the apartment. We were led to the bedroom and that's when their intentions became clear."Get on your knees bitch," he said loudly and I quickly obeyed. I am a big guy, 6'3" 225lbs, and I ain't a bitch but there were four of them and only one of me. My...

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Dare Dorm

DareDorm! Oh, to be in college again. To go to all the parties, experiment with all the drugs, and hook up with all the girls. If I could do it all over again, I definitely would. The only thing I would do differently? I would probably fuck more college sluts. Campuses are crawling with sexy young sluts, in some cases rather literally as weekly binge drinking is something of a required rite of passage for all students.For many, college is the first experience of unbridled freedom. You’re...

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