Twice LuckyChapter 30 free porn video

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Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, Jake slept in. Melissa woke him up before she left for a visit to Orlando with her staff. One of the locations her team was showing her was the new Turner Furniture site. She did not know when she would be home but it would probably be late. She gave him a smoldering good-bye kiss and told him to be good and stay out of trouble until she got home. Awake and perky now, Jake did his morning routine before heading to the kitchen. He was the last one up. The rest of his family were already chowing down in the nook. He gave Helen a little kiss as she flipped French toast at the stove, grabbed a cup of coffee, and sat down. Everyone seemed to have plans today but him. He was even about to ask his sisters if they minded him tagging along with them when Erik Johansson unexpectedly called. Erik said everyone missed him and asked if he would like to come over to their house and hang out for a while. It sounded like a good idea to Jake, who had indeed been missing the Johanssons, so he agreed. Erik told Jake he would pick him up around ten-thirty.

Debbie and Angie split right after Charles left for work. Jake had asked Charles to try having a big after-Thanksgiving sale and a dubious but venturesome Charles had finally signed on to the idea. Maria showed up to collect Helen and check out a new mall in Orlando. The mall had some clothing stores that were supposed to be as trendy as New York. Maria was early so Jake kept her amused until Helen was ready. When Helen walked down the stairs, Jake and Maria were on the couch making out. Helen cleared her throat to get their attention. Maria blushed hotly as Helen laughed at her predicament. Maria’s clothes were in disarray so she went to the powder room to make herself presentable. Helen gave Jake a smoldering kiss and told him to be good and stay out of trouble, deja vu. The two women were on the road five minutes later.

Erik showed up right on time. After Jake hopped up into the cab, Erik took off. They had not gone a quarter mile when Erik started unloading on Jake.

“Jake, you are hurting my sister and it pisses me off,” Erik said.

“What are you talking about? She broke up with me,” Jake replied.

“I know all about that. She made a mistake and she admits it. She said she tried to tell you on the phone Tuesday but you just ignored her. I thought you were our friend, man, and not some asshole. We are going to my house and you are going to take care of this the right way, understand?”

Jake nodded glumly. He was not thrilled with this turn of events. Was he missing something? Erika was the one who broke it off with him to be with Erik. Now Erik was bitching him out for not being with Erika. Before he could sort out the faulty logic of the situation, Erik started talking again.

“Listen, Jake, I am going to be fine. I’m happier with myself than I’ve been in a while. My family was there for me, man, and so were you. I just can’t figure out why you blew us off like that. One day you were part of the family and it looked like you and Erika were going strong. The next you are with Melissa acting all in love. What gives?”

“Have you talked to Erika about all this?” Jake asked cautiously.

“Yeah, she was way off base. Maybe she should have talked to me first. I don’t know how she expected anything past a little all-in-the-family fun, for crying out loud. She’s my sister. She had this noble idea that she would sacrifice herself for my sake. I showed her I like girls too, but I still had other preferences.”

Jake was staring at Erik slack-jawed. Jesus, they must think I really am part of their family if Eric is sharing that he is bi, Jake thought. When and how did he get so comfortable with all that?

“Close your mouth, Turner, before a bug flies in it,” Erik laughed, “Chris Douglas and I have had a couple of long talks. He made me realize that I may be different, but I’m not a freak. He introduced me to some people in Orlando that were as normal as anyone I’ve ever met that feel the same way as I do. Now, back to Erika, what are you going to do?”

“I don’t have the foggiest idea.”

“Well you better think of something, brother, because she has been a big mean miserable bitch for the last few days and, unless you fix it, I’m moving in with you.”

Erik pulled in to the driveway but did not shut off his truck. Jake had his hand on the door handle and gave Erik a questioning look. Erik told him he was on his own and, as soon as Jake closed the door behind himself, Erik jammed the truck in reverse and split.

Jake sucked it up and rang the doorbell. Erika opened the door, saw who it was, and nearly dislocated his arm pulling him inside. It was not the reception he expected. Erik had him prepared for something he would need a whip and chair to handle. Instead, Erika was kissing his face as if it were covered in chocolate. She dragged him into the kitchen where he received a warm reception from Helga as well. They sat and chatted about nothing for a few minutes until Erika took his hand again. She pulled him to his feet, telling Helga she was going to show Jake her room. Erika’s bedroom was definitely a girl’s lair, stuffed animals were everywhere. The furniture was white and the furnishings were pink. All that was missing was a Barbie collection. Erika told him to sit on the bed while she turned on some music. She cranked up the FM and Elton John was singing ‘Your Song’ when she sat next to him on the bed.

“Jake, I made a big mistake,” she said, “I made all these plans to help Erik, and it turns out that he didn’t need any help. Now I don’t need to help him, I’ve lost you, and it hurts.”

Erika was crying, a sight that was heart-wrenching to Jake. He took her hand, “You haven’t lost me, but our relationship has changed. I didn’t plan to drop you for Melissa, but when you broke up with me, she was there for me. She’s a great person and we have developed something very special. You and I can have something special, too. I just don’t know if things can be exactly the same as before, or if our new relationship is going to be enough to satisfy you.”

“I’ll take my chances, Jacob. As long as you have a small place for me in your life, who knows what could happen.”

“Who indeed?” Jake thought.

Aloud he said, “In that case, why don’t you get rid of those clothes and let me look at that gorgeous body I haven’t seen for a month.”

“Oh, yes, Jacob,” she said with a huge smile.

Erika unpretentiously started shedding her shorts and shirt. Her distinct aroma was starting to permeate the room as she slid her panties down those impossibly long legs. Jake noted that she had lost a few pounds since they parted. Her waist and hips were narrower. He commented on it as she reached back to unhook her industrial strength brassiere. She told him that she and Helga were on this new diet they read about in ‘Cosmo’ and they were also speed-walking every evening. She preened when he told her she looked great. Jake’s breath caught when she pulled the bra cups off her magnificent melons. Jake stood up, stripped, took her hand, and laid her on the bed. He kissed her and reached for her breast.

“Welcome home, Honey,” she said as he slid into her drenched pussy.

They spent an hour in her room getting reconnected and reacquainted. Jake had the idea that Erika could be the first woman he and Melissa shared. He remembered how Erika had responded to Debbie so he did not think she would be repulsed if Melissa hit on her. He tabled the unvoiced idea until he talked to Melissa. Erika told Jake that Helga would be in heaven now that he was back in the family fold. Helga wanted him again in the worst way but had restrained herself so as not to hurt Erika further. It was most excellent back being bare-back in Erika. Her slick, tight passage was marvelous. You just had to love her enthusiasm as she bucked and wailed through her climaxes. Relationship repaired, Jake showered and was talking to Helga in the kitchen when Sven came home. Erika was drying her hair in her room while she aired the room out. Sven greeted Jake like the prodigal son. He spent a pleasant rest of the morning and then lunch with the Johannsons. Erika drove him home at one. She dropped him off ten minutes before Helen and Maria arrived.

At Jake urging, they modeled the new things they bought. Jake especially enjoyed Maria’s new underwear. When Helen left the room, Maria told him she and Helen had bought identical sets and were wearing them tonight. She said she was not yet showing him the special set she bought just for him. He told her to wear it tomorrow if she could get away to meet him at Coach’s little apartment. She eagerly agreed and gave him a quick kiss before she ran upstairs.

After Maria left, Jake and Helen sat in the living room chatting. He had his arm companionably around her as they sat on the couch. She was excited about the upcoming night. She and Charles were taking Maria out on the town. The two temptresses planned to waylay Charles tonight. The phone interrupted their talk. It was Melissa saying that the group was staying in Orlando overnight then visiting a couple of additional sites in Kissimmee and Disney tomorrow. She told him she loved him and would miss him next to her that night. As soon as the phone was back on the cradle, Rebecca called with an invitation to dinner. Jake had a better idea and told her he would call her back. Helen did not balk at his suggestion he stay with friends tonight to give the adults some privacy. Debbie and Angie were having a sleepover with Marisa at the Thornton place so the grown ups could have the Turner house to themselves. Jake called Rebecca back and asked if he could stay the night in addition to dinner. She was thrilled with the idea and quickly said yes.

As Jake pedaled his ten-speed towards Rebecca’s, he could not help thinking about the Mustang sitting idly in the Thorntons’ drive way. It was cold comfort that in about two months he would have his regular license and could drive by himself. He carried the bicycle up onto the Doanes’ porch and rang the bell. Rebecca let him in smiling brightly. He rolled the bike into the hall before sweeping her up in his arms. She was such a contrast to hold after Erika, Jake was afraid he would crush her. Rebecca was barely five feet and might weigh a hundred-five if she had a pocket full of rocks. She laughed like a little girl as he swirled her around. The laughing ceased as he found her lips.

That evening he sat between Rebecca and Katie, listening to classical music and talking. The sisters were beside themselves with excitement about the baby they were all making (actually had already made). Jake sat there and let their conversation roll over him, content with all the loving attention he was getting. At nine, they went upstairs. Jake took a shower while the women changed. The gentle loving mood carried over to the bedroom as they made love. He fell asleep sandwiched between them. A tiny little Doane snuggled up on each side, curled around him like satisfied apostrophes. So much for a day without any plan.

The next morning Jake happily pedaled home on his bike. What a night, what a morning! He just finished a hearty breakfast served to him by his little sweethearts wearing little nighties. Before that he had breakfast in bed, box lunch at the ‘Y’ times two. They sent him on his way with a reciprocal two-way blow job, passing his rod back and forth like a well coordinated relay team exchanging a baton. He was seriously going to think about moving to Utah, he decided. Jake arrived home at nine-thirty. He let himself into an eerily quiet house, walked up to his room, and found a note on his bed from Maria. She was canceling their date for today. She said she needed sleep. She wrote that she would make it up to him and would call later. Sleep sounded like a good idea, so he sacked out himself for a rare morning nap.

Jake woke up at noon, alone in his bed for the first time in a while. He brushed his teeth, splashed cold water on his face, and marched downstairs to rejoin the living. Charles was sitting in the nook reading the paper so Jake grabbed a mug of coffee and joined him. Dear old dad looked slightly enervated, somewhat the worse for wear but happy as a clam. Jake knew that look, he was wearing it himself. The old -- I got seriously laid last night but ain’t saying’ nothin’ -- look.

Jake sat down and they talked business for a while. Charles said that the Orlando store site had received a clearing permit and the lot would be cleared next week. The engineer from Thornton Development was having the slab poured three feet above the crown of Colonial Drive so they were bringing in at least three thousand yards of fill dirt. Site prep should take about ten days. They hoped to have the building permit by then. If all went even close to their schedule, they should be pouring concrete for the 40,000 square foot building before the end of the year. They should be open for business by the first of July. Tuesday, Charles was going to Tampa with the Thornton acquisition team to scout out a location for the third store.

Charles was exhilarated by the pace of expansion and envisioned four new stores opening in 1972. Their conversation was cut short when Helen waltzed in. She looked fresh and rested adding an exclamatition counter point to Charles’ slightly haggard appearance. Jake was dying to get the low-down on the evening but figured Maria would be his best source of information. When Helen joined them at the table, Jake told them of his plans for accelerated education. Helen was full of questions. Jake got the distinct feeling that she was not totally thrilled about him leaving high school for college at sixteen. She eased up some when he told her that he planned to live at home while attending Stetson. Charles said it was an ambitious plan and to be ready for it to not all fall in place for him. At four his sisters arrived. They had been with Maria dropping Tyler off at the airport. Angie was glum because Tyler would not be back until Christmas break.

Melissa came home at six. She excitedly told them about her trip. She gave Charles some Polaroids of the TFA Superstore site. Charles was thrilled with the progress they were making. He said he was going to visit the site when they started forming the slab. He wanted a photo opportunity for a ceremonial groundbreaking.

After a nice family dinner, Jake and Melissa excused themselves. Melissa practically dragged Jake upstairs. He had barely shut the door when she was all over him like a cheap suit. She told him how much she had missed him. She had a hard time going to sleep alone last night. It had been three days without sex for her, so she was hot and horny, ready to rock. Jake took care of her itch in spectacular fashion. Thirty minutes and a bunch of orgasms later she was laying on his chest when she asked about his weekend. He told her about Erik and Erika then slipped in his idea about Erika possibly being their first shared lover.

Melissa was intrigued. Erika was certainly attractive enough in a big-blonde sexy way. She told Jake that, if the situation were right, she could go for the idea; but she wanted it to be spontaneous, nothing set up or contrived. Jake said he would figure out a way for them to be together and see what happened. Jake went on to tell her about staying with the Doanes and why. Then we described what he knew of the Charles and Helen and Maria activities. The idea of her aunt and his parents re-aroused her. She got him hard and sat on his dick while they speculated together about what went on. The speculation ended when Melissa shifted into full cowgirl bull riding mode, yeehaw.

Monday morning, school started off normally enough. Mrs. Greer was dressed in one of Jake’s favorite outfits. She knew she was eye candy as she casually flaunted her charms. Her breasts were definitely getting bigger, the only outward sigh of her pregnancy. Jake was reminiscing about the finer qualities of Vickie’s ass when a student office worker came for him. He wondered what was up this time as he trudged towards Skinner’s office. He was surprised to see that Melissa was there also. She did not have a clue as to what was going on. They had been cooling their heels for about five minutes when Diane Philips arrived with a sheaf of papers and flashed them a smile. Maybe it was not something bad after all. She motioned them to follow her, knocked on Skinner’s door, and walked in with Jake and Melissa in tow. Skinner frowned when he saw the Turner boy standing in front of him.

A beaming Ms. Phillips said, “The SAT results are in. Jacob and Melissa are our high scorers. I think these scores will impress you.”

Skinner frowned as he studied the scores. He cut his narrowed eyes toward Diane, “Ms. Phillips, have these scores been posted?”

“No, Sir, you are the second person to see them.”

Skinner nodded and continued, “These scores are too high and too close together. I suspect they are the result of some sort of cheating. A 1590 and a 1580 -- that’s too much of a coincidence for my liking. Hold their results until I notify Educational Test Services about my suspicions, Ms. Phillips.”

He turned to face a stunned Jake and Melissa, “As for you two, I expect that you are in serious trouble when I confirm you cheated. Why don’t you make it easy for all of us and tell me how you did it?”

Before either of the teens could say anything, Diane Phillips jumped in. In an icy voice she said, “I do not believe I would go any further with any accusations, Mr. Skinner. If you want them retested, I will make the arrangements. Every academic indicator we have shows them to be fully capable of achieving those scores.”

“You do that, Ms. Phillips. I am as equally certain that they cheated. From what I know of Mr. Turner, cheating would not be out of character. As for Miss Thornton, she is obviously his dupe and co-conspirator. You may all leave now. I have a call to make to ETS.”

Jake was pissed. he jumped up to say something, but Melissa put a restraining hand on his arm. “Mr. Skinner, we will be back when the results are verified. We will be expecting an apology, a public apology if you push your idiotic theory beyond this room. In the meantime, I’m sure that our parents will be visiting you to find out what all is involved in the retesting,” Melissa said haughtily.

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Marina lay back on her bed and tossed an extra pillow under her legs with a sigh.  They say that Christmas is the happiest season, but working at customer service in a retail store made it impossible to see the joy in it all; there were too many screaming kids and too many people pretending to care about others while trying to spend as little as possible on gifts.  It had been a long day at work dealing with so many angry customers and her feet and back were throbbing from standing all day. At...

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Twice In A Lifetime Ch 01

Author’s note: Unlike my previous stories, this is a true story – about a night in my life I will be lucky if I never forget. Enjoy! I was a senior in High School and just recently 18 years old, on concert choir trip. Now, I’d first taken choir years before when I was in middle school for an easy grade, and I’d stuck with it all those years for three reasons, first, it was an easy grade after all, second, it was fun most of the time, and third, there was a six to one ratio of girls to guys, and...

3 years ago
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Twice my age and horny

You know, they sl**p in separate bedrooms. Mike and I are never going to be like that. I just don’t want you to be shocked. Mike told me they’ve only ever been with each other. Can you imagine?! I listened to my best friend since c***dhood ramble as we drove to her in-laws vacation home. I was single again and spending a 2 weeks holiday with her at her husbands f****y vacation home in Hatteras. We arrived and I hugged her hubby, Mike. Then shook hands with her mother-in-law Amy, and her...

4 years ago
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Twice as Nice

About ten Christmases ago, Lemar McCants had been shopping for gifts with his early tween daughter. On the list was his wife, his parents, and one of the middle school aged girl’s classmates. He remembered the conversation.“Dad,” Maryam beamed as she selected what appeared to be a tiny white rag doll with pink hair and a pink cat in the same box. “This is what I want to get Neville.”“Are you sure,” the man frowned. “How about we get him something like a LEGO set or something.”“Dad,” she...

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Twice In One Day

[For Robert...!]I was just getting up when my phone buzzed on the nightstand next to the bed. I glanced and saw that I had a text. It was early, so I was surprised that anyone would be texting me at that hour, but when I saw who it was, my heart started beating faster. It was from Robert!'Would like to drop by soon! Is that possible?!''Drop by' was code, of course, and I understood it perfectly; so I replied: 'OF COURSE! When?!''Half an hour?!!!' Was his reply. My answer was an emphatic,...

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Twice the fun on new years eve

My twin nieces have kept my balls drained for a few years now, and nobody knows about it. Ever since I passed out one New Year's eve and woke up to find Deanie and Debbie jacking me off into a glass of champagne, they've enjoyed the "fruit of my loins," so to speak. I'm about ten years older than the twins and we get along well together. We have many common interests, which is why no one, including their folks, think it's strange that we spend so much time together.But it's what we do with one...

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Twice Foreplay And Then Had It All

Hi guys…My name is Anmol and i am from bangalore working in a MNC. My height is 5′ 8” and my tool is 7′. Let me start with my story which happened in third year of the college. Her name was Sneha and we started liking each other when in second year. In third year we were good friends and shared every thing. Jus after the exams we both planned for a movie. As it was very old movie and a lot of tickets were available so we took two wall side corner tickets in the top most row of the theatre. At...

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Twice In A Lifetime Ch 01

Author's note: Unlike my previous stories, this is a true story - about a night in my life I will be lucky if I never forget. Enjoy!I was a senior in High School and just recently 18 years old, on concert choir trip. Now, I'd first taken choir years before when I was in middle school for an easy grade, and I'd stuck with it all those years for three reasons; first, it was an easy grade after all, second, it was fun most of the time, and third, there was a six to one ratio of girls to guys, and...

Group Sex
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Twice In One Day

I was thirteen and like most teenagers I suffered from raging hormones and a deep desire to get laid although I had no idea how to actually go about getting a girl into bed. One significant roadblock to this goal was that I was extremely shy and up to this time I hadn't even dated a girl. My total sexual education came from my friends and one of my dad's old Playboy's and my only accomplishment to date was abusing my cock — why... because try as I might I hadn't ever had a orgasm! Oh I got...

3 years ago
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Twiceraped Preachers Wife

Debbie Bingham stood in front of the mirror, naked, knowing she would not be interrupted by anything, least of all by her husband, whom she knew would be gone for hours. He would be gone ministering to his "flock," to the regular people he always ministered to during the week—visiting the sick, the infirm, the ones whom he felt needed his support. Debbie felt somewhat guilty, but not that much. She felt that it was a small sin at the most to view herself totally naked in the mirror. And in...

2 years ago
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Twice As Much

Well, I didn't know I was in love at the time, but the first time I was in love, I was sixteen. You get to know someone, and watch her struggle, when all the odds are against her, and all you really can do is to stand by and offer support, and then you discover it. When it hurts you more than it hurts her, when she's smiling and laughing, and all you want to do is cry, that's when you realize you love her. I was sixteen, and had just gotten my license. I'd had the Learner's Permit for...

3 years ago
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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 26

During the third week of January 1976, the Turners returned to Hawaii for vacation. This time they flew directly to Hilo International Airport. Once again, Kepa Kekoa met them at the airport, this time as a friend and business partner. Kepa helped them gather their baggage and led them out to a sparking clean white passenger van. ‘Hokulii Inn - The Lovers Paradise’ was painted on the side of the van, as was an artistic rendering of Kilauea Volcano. Kepa and Jake yakked as Kepa drove the...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 27

A conflicted Jake sat looking out the window of the Yankee’s chartered Boeing 727. He was bursting with excitement at the prospect of pitching in the Major Leagues, but he was already missing his family. The prospect of spending the first night in almost six months not snuggled up with his wife was a bummer. He was also going to seriously miss his son, Leslie, and Nina. Baby Jacob had graduated to toddler Jacob just last week by taking a few shaky steps for his dada. Leslie and Nina’s good...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 28

Jake was sitting out by the ranch’s swimming pool a couple of days after their return from the Big Apple, he was enjoying the early autumn evening. The French doors from the master suite opened and Nina and Leslie trooped out of the house to join him. It was Friday, so Nina was there for the weekend. The teens sat down at the table on either side of him. “Jake, why are you mad at my mom?” Nina asked. “What makes you think I’m mad at her? I love your mom, she’s terrific,” Jake...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 30

Jake questioned Cindy for a half hour about the Tremonts, their friends, and their mansion. Cindy could not tell him a lot. Beyond a few names of the people at the party and some personal observations about Alfred and Michelle, she did not have much to offer. Melissa and Trish had a huddled conversation of their own while Jake was questioning Cindy. Cindy’s status in the family had changed abruptly as a result of her revelations and obvious need for recovery. Melissa no longer saw the...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 32

The evening after Debbie had brought the Nguyen sisters to see him, Jake took his tentative plan for drawing the Tremonts out of Chicago and ran it by a brain trust of Trish, Leslie, Cindy, Erika, and Melissa. Debriefing Wendy and Mindy had reinforced his notion that the miserly Tremonts might fall for his scheme. Jake had remembered a scam the FBI would use to collect wanted people, all variations involved winning a fake contest. His idea was to lure the Tremonts to the big island of Hawaii...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 34

Erika Johansson brought the Lear Jet 24-D in for a textbook-perfect landing on runway 83E at Daytona International Airport. At the 5400 foot marker, she pulled off the runway onto the north taxiway and then onto the apron in front of the main Erika Air hanger. As Erika swung the jet so that the passenger door faced the hanger, Jake saw the cure for his feelings of melancholy. Standing in the opening created by the rolled-back hanger doors were his wife and children. Jake helped Debbie lower...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 3

Jake and Nina had an intense private conversation after her announcement about moving. Nina explained her motivation in full detail. She was initially hesitant to tell Jake about her ultimate plan for her brother. However, once she did, Jake was behind her one hundred percent. She told him she did not know if she would be much help to him in changing the world but she was sure going to try to change a slice of it for the better. Jake helped her refine her plan, convincing her that part of it...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 5

Jake was stepping out of his car, after class on the Monday that Nina and Erika left, when Louisa galloped up on the stallion. Melissa had insisted the stallion be named Jet, Jakes initials. Jake was slightly embarrassed that the stallion was named after him and Ramón was naming the mares after the women in his life. Louisa sat astride Jet, bareback, her strong thighs hugging the stallion’s sides. She was a vision in jeans, white blouse, and cowboy boots. “I want to be with you tonight,...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 6

Back in Palmdale, things were not nearly as exciting as they were in Boston. Jake and Melissa went to school and enjoyed the occasional evening with Louisa. Neither Jake nor Melissa could believe the sexual appetite of their new bed-fellow. She was not as frantic in her lovemaking as Tigger, but her slower pace gave her more staying power. Louisa never left the big bed until both her lovers were thoroughly spent. Jake tried to get Louisa together with the twins - to spread the passion around...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 8

Nina and Erika spent the night at the Murphys’ house on December nineteenth. The morning of the twentieth dawned dismal and gray. A major snowstorm was marching relentlessly eastward and was predicted to blanket Boston in a foot of snow during the overnight hours. Nina called the airport at seven. She was told that normal flight operations were ongoing. Heartened by the news, they all waited anxiously for their ride to the airport to arrive. Jennie was the only Murphy not going. She was...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 9

Helen had hosted the Thorntons, Murphys, and Johanssons at the Turner home for Christmas Eve. Jake had a wonderful time. It was easy to be happy surrounded by people as good as these were. They attended midnight Mass together then parted ways at the church steps, full of the spirit of the occasion. Christmas morning was more of the same as Melissa and Jake sat by the tree passing gifts to his newly extended family. At ten, the Diazes dropped in bringing gifts and homemade cookies. Jake...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 10

Jake stood on the tarmac, waving both arms in wide goodbye sweeps as the small jet taxied out to the runway. Damn, he was going to miss every single passenger on that plane. He was happy though, that they would all be moving back to Palmdale within the next few months. Jake watched until the plane took off, and then walked through the hanger back to his car. While in the hanger, Jake recalled a conversation he had had with Erika when she told him how much she enjoyed flying in the copilot’s...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 11

Jake should have known something was up Saturday night when Melissa wanted to go out. On weekends, Muffy was usually a stay-at-home gal because of her hectic school and work schedules. Jake took her for Italian food, a cuisine that Senoras Lopez and Martinez were having problems mastering. Melissa swore that Jake had a cast iron stomach the way he ladled the hot sauce on everything he ate. The senoras thought he was the next best thing to Elvis because of the way he ate. Senora Lopez told...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 13

Trouble in paradise snuck up on Jake from the most unlikely of directions. It all started, innocently enough, with an invitation to a birthday party. The day classes started back up at Stetson Jake received an invitation in the mail for Cindy Sorenson’s eighteenth birthday party. The party was being held on Thursday, September twentieth -- he could do that. The fly in the ointment was the location. The party was being held in New York City. Jake showed the invitation to Melissa. “You aren’t...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 14

Trish told Jake her Patricia story in some detail. She had indeed been a model. When she was eight, she experienced what her doctors called precocious puberty. She started growing at an alarming rate. She was five-three at the age of nine, five-eight at twelve. Her exotic looks and long lean body landed her modeling assignments by the time she was thirteen. She was highly in demand until she turned fifteen and reached real puberty. She dieted and exercised and still she grew. She went from...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 16

Thanksgiving morning found Jake awake at his usual six o’clock. He loved waking up in the morning with his women. These days he never knew what precise position he would find them all in. Trish and Melissa had jointly decided that he could not sleep in the middle any more because he always got up first and had to crawl over somebody. Melissa worked it so that she was usually in the middle and in puppy heaven every night, with a warm body on either side of her. Jake quietly got out of bed. He...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 18

Tiny Johnson, Jake’s gambling buddy and the owner of Tiny’s Gun Rack, called Jake the second week of February to ask if Jake had any hunches about the upcoming Daytona 500. Tiny was interested in taking some action from the NASCAR crowd and figured that his lucky charm might help him get even richer. This was definitely Tiny’s year as Jake clearly remembered the unusual 1974 Daytona 500. Jake remembered the race because NASCAR had trimmed the race’s distance to 450 miles to save fuel during...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 19

Jake looked at the twins as they sat proudly topless on the couch. Trish must have planned this. ‘God bless her,’ he thought. Jake moved to the couch and sat between them. They were a pair of beauties each sporting a pair of beauties. The twins snuggled up against him as he draped his arms around their shoulders. Hope and Faith were sixteen now and, for all intent and purposes, all grown up. Jake made small talk with them as they sat comfortably on the couch. It was a bitter-sweet time for...

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 21

Jake relaxed into the buttery-soft leather seat as the Pan American Airlines Boeing 747 cleared the tarmac at the end of the Los Angeles International runway. Muffy was leaning against him looking out the window, her eyes shining with excitement. Across the aisle Trish and Leslie were quietly talking. It was a five and a half hour flight from LA to Hawaii. With the time difference, they would land in Honolulu at four-thirty. Jake was looking forward to spending a week and a half goofing off....

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Twice Lucky II Time for a ChangeChapter 25

The Turners arrived back in Palmdale at noon on October the tenth. The flight had been easy and everyone was in good spirits when they arrived at their ranch. Jake mentioned to Melissa that he felt a tug towards Keelmira but was glad to be back home. She wholeheartedly agreed. “It will be good to be back in our own bed, plus, I need to get back to work. It will be so good, Baby, to have you here every night when I get home,” she said. “I could always go to work with you, Muffy. There must...

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