Incredible ChangesChapter 9 Hospital Candy Striping
- 4 years ago
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Author’s Disclaimer:
This is a work of fiction. I do work hard to ensure I keep most things close to the real world. To keep things from being boring, I like adding out-of-the-box twists here and there. This chapter and those who follow contain activities I know wouldn’t ever happen in the real world. My story is a work of fiction. I ask that you keep this in mind as you enjoy my attempts to add erotic spice to my stories.
And now back to the previously scheduled story
“Good,” the man said quietly. “The nurses have finished their rounds and will not return for at least two hours. We have a lot to discuss. You can call me Arthur. We will be spending blocks of time together while the doctors do every possible test to ensure they cover their butts from any malpractice lawsuits. I find it truly dreadful that medical professionals have to ensure their posteriors are covered first and place the care of their patients second.”
After making sure a nurse wasn’t coming into my room unexpectedly, he moved
I could see his face as we spoke.
“Few know that each bolt of lightning has a distinct energy signature. It is why lightning will look blue, white, or pink to most people. You have managed to beat the first lightning strike record for surviving a combination of thirteen proximity and direct lightning strikes. Those like us debated if it was many more times. You had dozens of very faint energy patterns just below those we could see,” Arthur explained. “You have the same look of surprise as all of the others I had spoken with who survived being struck by three or more bolts of lightning in quick succession. While thirteen is a lot, it is nothing compared to what you will find as you explore your youthful curiosity the first time you find yourself alone in a severe thunderstorm. All of those like us have engaged in this peculiar hobby from time to time. You will learn all about that later. I need to complete my evaluation before we run out of time tonight.”
For a few minutes, he talked to me to be sure that I didn’t have to worry about him molesting me.
Like I am worried about that anyway. I still have a catheter in.
What he did say next was very important. I had to swear to keep anything we did here to myself. I couldn’t tell anyone about it, or it could place my family in danger. People exist who try to capture those like us for scientific study, or worse. After I managed to croak out my agreement, he started.
“I am going to ask a series of questions about what you remember before the accident. A thumbs up or down will suffice unless I need more specific information,” Arthur told me, sounding all professional now like a doctor or teacher. “I need you to close your eyes now. Do you see anything you didn’t see before your accident or whenever your eyes are open?”
Uh, if I tell you I see colored lines, you going to put me through a lot of testing, aren’t you. Though why would he ask me the question so specifically if instead of one of the doctors? Didn’t he say people like us before too? He seems to talk like he survived being struck multiple times by lightning also.
I decided to trust him this once. I told him all about seeing all of these colored lines in the walls and squiggly lines with pulses of color I guessed were people. The majority of the energy paths I saw were horizontal or vertical ones going to light switches or outlets.
Instead of looking at me if I was crazy, he put his arm in front of me, still closed, eyes to ask if I saw the squiggly lines there too. When I nodded, he wondered if the flashes stayed in his arm, or did they appear to go up toward his brain. I used the notepad to describe how one group of orange squiggly lines remained in his arm. Green ones moved into his head.
“Impressive,” he said as I heard him writing something down in the notebook in front of him. “Now open your eyes and look for the light switch on the far wall. Once you locate, open, and close your eyes until you have identified the lines going into it. When you are sure you found the lines,
I will turn the switch on and off three times, slowly. Carefully observe the lines, but do not comment until I return to the side of your bed.”
When I had found the line going into the switch, he turned it on. The energy changed color slightly as it went up to where a light should be on the ceiling. Inside it, the lines changed color as they split off in two different directions. All of the energy traces above the light switch went away when he turned it out. Next, he did the same with the lamp beside my bed. It had the same color going up into the light switch until it went into the light bulb, and then the energy color changed. When he turned the switch off the color of the line from the outlet stayed at the switch. When the lamp was unplugged, the colored line inside it went away too. I did my best to write it all out on the notepad he gave me.
“Excellent work, David. You are doing wonderfully. Now that I have an idea of how you perceive energy to try to explain things a bit. The changes in color and hue relate to how the energy went up the hot wire, through the lights, and returned down the neutral wire. I want you to try to do something harder. It is a bit more advanced. Don’t get discouraged if you cannot do it on your first attempt,” he told me.
I was having some ice chips as he explained what he wanted. My task required me to try to nudge energy from the hot wire around the switch to go up into the light to turn it on. Arthur warned me to be careful and do it gently if I wanted any chance of moving to a room with a TV again. Doing it too aggressively would blow a circuit breaker, meaning no TV for a few more days.
Is Arthur completely crazy? Then again, he does see the colored lines too.
I tried wishing the power into through the switch, imaging a mental hand trying to poke it through the switch, and even telling the energy where to go. Nothing worked. Arthur said when he does it that he imagines having one of the pointers that sportscasters use to draw on the TV to talk about football plays to show what someone should have done. I got very frustrated. Somehow I grabbed hard onto the energy coming from the outlet where the lamp plugged in. I saw a huge, fat line of colored energy pulled out of the outlet and coming toward my bed. A loud pop out in the hallway made me open my eyes right as the lights went out. The only energy I saw now was the squiggly lines of people and those in machines that had battery backup.
“You have a hell of a lot more patience than I during my first few attempts,” Arthur told me. “Unfortunately, when you became frustrated, you way overdid it. You appear to have done a bit more than just blowing a breaker. From the look of things, you blew the breakers for at least one of the main power feeds to the hospital. Once maintenance determines that there is no major issue, they will bring power back online from the generator while the power company comes to check and reset their breakers.”
When the power returned, Arthur worked with me until I finally pulled a line of electricity around the switch, through the bulb, and back down the neutral wire toward the outlet. I carefully ensured that I only plucked gently on the color line so that it didn’t get any stronger than the line stopped by the switch. When I had that down, he unplugged the lamp to have me try pulling the energy through the air into the bulb. It was harder, but soon I had the bedside lamp turned on with the energy flowing into the light. Whatever I was doing made the bulb use up all the power, so I didn’t need to figure out how to pull the power back out into the outlet.
That was a lot of work. I am exhausted.
“Whenever you don’t have someone in here tormenting you with some procedure, try to practice getting to the point where you can pull the power up into the light without having to think or focus on it. Remember.
It is critical that you only pull the minimal amount of power needed to light the bulb. Any more you will burn the bulb out or blow a breaker. If you get frustrated, take a break and try again later. The Romans didn’t build Rome in a day. It will not be long until you have a lot of free time,” Arthur said. “When you can make it bling on and off easily, move to the next level. Try to keep it on while sleeping. You will find that eventually, your subconscious can do that for you. Once mastered, I will see what I can do about getting you a room with a TV.”
He stopped talking as someone moved around outside my door. When they were gone, he told me that he suspected my subconscious was bored with the show my mother was watching at the time. One like us stayed close by to keep an eye on me. They saw me trying to interact with the TV. I pulled in a massive surge of power that burned up the TV before the breaker could blow.
He told me he would return in a few days and to get some rest.
Even when in a coma I still didn’t like the crappy soaps mom watch.
Having no TV is better than being forced to watch them while strapped into a hospital bed.
Each time I woke up, I practiced turned the lamp beside my bed on and off.
That got old quickly, so I started doing it to the other lights in my room.
Because of my light sensitivity, they had closed my curtains. I made sure I very carefully pulled in the amount of energy required to make the light come on.
If I didn’t have to keep watching out for the squiggly lines of people coming into my room or being in the hallway outside, I would have already figured out how to do it without needing to think about it!
Teaching myself how to make various kinds of light turn on taught me about how fluorescent lights seemed to work. The bulb in the lamp beside the bed got dimmer or brighter depending on the amount of energy I pushed into it.
In contrast, the fluorescent bulbs gave faint glow or flickered if I didn’t provide them with enough power to turn it on. Of or on, there was nothing in between for them. I had gotten so tired from practicing that I stopped looking for the squiggly lines of people moving around in the hallway. I turned off the light over my bed when she was coming into the room. Luckily she was distracted enough that she stepped back to hit the switch to turn it back on.
“I am glad you are finally awake enough for me to take your temperature orally. I didn’t like the other way we found to be the most accurate while you were in a coma.” the nurse told me as she took out an old glass thermometer, wiped it off with alcohol and then stuck it in my mouth.
I prefer this way a lot better too. It is bad enough that I have to wear a diaper.
While doing taking my stats, she quickly checked that I didn’t need a diaper change. I was asleep before she started to push her cart out of the room.
I was working on my fifth cup of the flavorless broth when a nurse came into my room, followed by a girl from my school. I right off that her name was Kelly. Kelly went to the left side of my bed to put her hand lightly on my arm. She idly caressed my arm as the nurse took away the empty broth cups.
When the nurse was left, Kelly spoke to me in the same voice she used when trying to flirt with boys at school.
“Hey, David. Mom said you finally decided to wake up. I don’t even want to think about how much it would mess with my head if you never came out of your coma or died. A lot of kids at school said you were a complete dick on purpose and deserved what happened to you. I won’t even go into all the crazy things the overly religious kids said. I know that you wouldn’t do anything like that to us without a damn good reason. In my heart, I believe you felt that we were in bad trouble and did what you could to save us.
I’ve overheard a lot of adults talking. None question that if the lightning didn’t kill us outright, it would have burned us badly. The prissy popular girls went around saying it served you right for jerking the rope away. I won’t talk to any of them anymore when they call or text me,” Kelly told me as she stood there still touching my arm.
The nurse came back into the room saying, “I see your doctor changed the orders to only remove your catheter today now that you awoke from your coma. We have someone coming to help you get up walking around sometime today. You will need help taking care of your bathroom duties for a while still. Since you already know the drill, and you haven’t jerked it out yourself, why don’t we get this little bit of fun completed as quickly as possible?”
Before I even knew it, I was completely naked from the waist down.
Oh great. Without even giving me a chance to object to Kelly having a ringside seat to see my tiny little dick, she was getting the full show. So much for any chance of any girls coming around to see me after she tells them about my small dick.
No really. I mean it! My dick was no longer on the day I was hit by lightning than it was when I was ten. Pushing the ruler in a bit got me to an unimpressive three inches of hair hairless dick barely bigger around than a Sharpie. Here I was almost fourteen years old and about to go into high school with a little kid dick. If something didn’t kick in soon, I would be driving before I got any pubes.
At least my dick was shriveled up when she took a quick peek before turning back to look at my face as the nurse took the catheter out.
The nurse must have seen the look on my face because she said, “I apologize, David. I’ve gotten so used to Kelly taking care of you that I forgot this was her first visit after you came out of your coma. When you didn’t come out of the coma after a month, Kelly told me that she was going to do whatever it took to become a certified nursing assistant over the summer. She was in classes twelve hours a day to get her certification as quickly as possible. The law keeps her from being “fully” certified until
Kelly turned sixteen. The hospital administrators were so impressed with her drive that they are permitting her to help so long as she is under a nurse’s supervision. Kelly even petitioned the school board to be allowed to be here daily to assist you once you woke up. She will be studying while you are resting or whenever you are out of the room for tests. Your care is her primary responsibility when she is here. That includes helping you use the bathroom and bathing. She has seen, washed, and rubbed lotion on every inch of your body.”
The nurse emptied the urine back in the toilet, put it in the trash, washed my penis thoroughly, and then covered me back up.
Why did she give Kelly one of the urine specimen cups when she just emptied all the urine from the urine bag?
“You know what, David, I’m going to let Kelly fall on that grenade.
Doctor’s orders,” the nurse said when she saw my questioning look.
She did tell me Kelly was going to be helping me in the bathroom. It makes sense for her to get the pee specimen even if she is my age.
When I turned toward Kelly, I saw her blushing as she turned away from me.
She put the specimen cup on the bedside tables as she went to the foot of my bed to turn the manual crank that raised my bed a bit.
She began putting the bed rails down nearest the bathroom, and I said, “I don’t think I will need to pee for a little while, Kelly.”
“David, you aren’t exactly like you were when they brought you to the hospital. You have to see for yourself,” she said as she pulled back the covers and pointed down at my dick.
Holy crap! I have pubes now, and my balls got bigger!
She was still blushing when she said, “I saw you naked completely accident the first time. I walked in to ask mom something right as she was taking removing your catheter to change it out. Sorry about telling her I thought your penis was supposed to be a lot bigger. I didn’t understand how something that small could get inside me to make a baby. It wasn’t even as long as my fingers. I mean, I remembered a lot from the sexual education part of health class, and this wasn’t what they had shown us when talking about penises. Mom sat with me to explain that boys and girls develop when their bodies decide it is time, not how old they are. Many boys don’t start puberty until they were closer to thirteen. You were just a bit later starting than others, but still in the normal range. Over the summer, I was helping them bathe you after the nurse removed your catheter. You came all over the place. I had no idea how big of a mess it makes. One of the doctors pulled me aside to tell me it was normal for me to be curious about boys. We talked about me bathing you too. He said if I were cool bathing you myself, he would see what strings he could pull to let me do it unsupervised. You seemed to cum when anyone washed you after removing the catheter, so the doctor told me he had one condition. I had to collect a semen sample when you came and take it down to the lab for them to analyze.
I’ve done it each time the removed your catheter since that day. I don’t know why they want the samples. Now that you are awake, why don’t we see if you can do it for yourself? I would be embarrassed to have someone watch me get myself off for a medical test.”
Tough call. Kelly saw me squirt a bunch of times already. How can I turn down a handjob from a girl my age?
The nurse poked her head in the door to say that she was closing the door and putting a magnetic testing sign on the outside. She told Kelly to remember to take it down when she took the sample down to the nurse’s desk.
“I’m pretty sure I won’t get the job done before I tire out and you have to do it for me. If you are serious about helping collect the sample, I would like you to do it for me. I won’t tell anyone,” I said as the door closed.
“Even if I had a clue what to do, I don’t think I can return the favor even if you would let me touch you like that.”
Her smile lit up the room. Kelly helped me scoot over to make room for her getting up in bed with me. She had me hold the specimen cup in my right hand for her to move my left hand was on her right leg. Seeing her unsnap and unzip her shorts had me hard instantly. The transparent, slippery fluid started oozing out my piss slit when she pushed my hand down inside her panties. From practice, she placed the cap on my chest and moved my right hand to hold the container where she put it.
That was the fastest I ever remember squirting.
With my hand rubbing exploring her pubes, her cold fingers touching my dick made me squirt into the container. Once she milked out the last few drops, she capped it and put it on the bedside table.
If my memory is right, I’m not the only one who has grown since I last saw them. Did Kelly wear a bra the last time Kelly pulled her shirt up to show me her small tits? Wait? Where in the world were we that she could do that without us getting caught? It was too real to have been a dream.
The angle had my left arm falling asleep, so I pulled it out of her shorts to see if my brain was playing tricks on me. I pulled up her shirt to be sure. Right below the edge of her sports bra, I saw the pair of wavy lines she once told mas a birthmark. I had to look closely to see them. She shivered as I moved my right hand over to trace over them.
“I had no idea if you were ever ‘there’ in your head when I showed you my birthmark the day I pulled my shirt off in front of you. Except for my doctors and mom, you are the only other person in the world that knows it is there,” she said before kissing me on my cheek. “This will sound crazy, but I swear the day you lightning struck you, my boobs started growing. You know, we still have some time before they expect me to take them the sample. If I let you play with my butt, can I see if I can make you cum again? I love how your penis feels when you climax.”
Dang. It figures. Another wet dream. What girl is going to beg a guy to touch her while she jacks him off? No need to wake up from this dream before seeing if I squirt again.
It was almost funny when she unzipped her shorts all the way saying she wanted to be sure that it didn’t cause my hand to go to sleep. It always took longer to make me shoot again. She scooted up on the bed to where she was laying a bit on top of me now. That put my hand far enough down inside her shorts to be able to cup her whole butt cheek. __
Wait, did I touch her pussy a bit? Whatever I felt was very wet down there.
She liked wherever I was touching her because her fingers started jacking me off faster. When I told her I was getting close again, she gently pulled my hand out of her shorts and reached for the specimen jar. In less than a minute, she had me squirting into the container again.
“Wow! That is way better than any of the times I did it to myself,” I told her as she was rubbing her hand over my chest.
She moved enough to kiss me on the lips she whispered, “I agree. You made it happen for me when you were touching my butt and then when your fingers touched me between my butthole and vagina. I never got off by myself without having to rub my clitoris. I want to stay like this all day, but I have to hurry your sample to the nurse’s station. They must rush it to the lab before the sperm starts dying off.”
I was dozing off when the hospital pediatrician came in. I had never heard him talking in anything but his booming voice. It surprised me when he started speaking softly to me from beside my bed.
“I have some bad news, David. Kelly won’t be returning for some time. I had her had to carry your semen sample to the lab and then wait for the results. We needed to talk man to man. I hope you can keep from telling her
I was responsible for sending down to the lab,” he said softly. “Be it divine intervention, Karma, alien mind control, or anything the other crazy people say was responsible for your interacting with the darker side of
Mother Nature, the results are the same. Professional discussions between pediatricians brought to light that many of your peers from eighth grade have you as the start of their masturbation fantasies. Most are female, but there are some males and transgender kids too.
Before he could elaborate, or explain it on my level, a nurse poked her head in with an “urgent” matter.
The doctor putting in an order for a suppository seemed urgent to her.
The kid getting the suppository to make them poop wouldn’t mind waiting for the doctor to finish with his current patient.
He saw that I was clueless about what he said before being interrupted and dumbed it down for me as he explained, “Sorry. I speak more with parents than patients. I know a lot more about you than I expected existed. When you decided to ignore everyone around you, the girls weren’t ignoring you in return. After the accident, the grief counsellers descended on the school from wherever they are when not needed. What they found was above their level of training. The school board pushed for the county to require ever kid in middle school to talk with an army of psychology graduate students. In the first session they asked each student what they knew about you, how long each had known you, did any consider you a friend, what did the other kids say about you, and if they had any idea why you were taken away in an ambulance last spring. They only allotted five minutes for each student to find that was nowhere near enough for some students. A statistically high number of girls, a few boys, and most of the transgender students, at least those brave enough to admit it during the session, had a lot to say about you. When the graduate students discussed their data, they scheduled another discussion session for those who knew you better than anyone suspected. Their results were damn fascinating for anyone who studies adolescent psychology. The details will bore you to death, to I will summarize. You took fifth-grade sexual education. You know that girls typically start puberty a few years before boys. When the boys begin to sexually mature, most girls start practicing how to tease them with their bodies. It has happened between boys and girls in puberty since the damn of man. Surprise, David, you were the exception. You may have believed you were off hiding in places no one knew about and you were wrong. Girls followed you into your hiding place to show you their developing bodies.
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The next morning, after Edna and I had jacked and jilled each other off with our feet and she had left abruptly without saying even one word, I made it a point to watch for her in the hospital hallways. Eventually, around 10 o’clock, I saw her walking toward me. I stepped in front of her, stopped her and said, “Hi, My name is Phil, that’s short for Phillip. Do you remember being with me in the telephone alcove off of the hallway last evening?” Edna grinned, reached down with one hand and gently...
MatureWhen we were eight hours from Tau Ceti, Anu had everyone suit up in their Gore-Tex suits. He arranged our approach to Bangalore so we were shielded by Tau Ceti 4. We came up on Bangalore so we were on the opposite side of the moon from the hospital. Anu skillfully parked the Endeavor in synchronous orbit shielded by the moon. Day 1 Bangalore: Sushi, James, Marsha, and I launched the F-16s. As soon as we came out of the moon shadow, our bodies switched to wired WE mode. We were under WE...
Katherine Jackson, the sexy married wife, was worried that her neighbor suffered a medical episode a few weeks ago because of her. What if she had caused his condition? What if he told the medical staff about what he and Norman had done to her? Maybe his condition was caused by the accident? Would he back out of their deal and sue her? The sexy mother and wife desperately tried to clear her head as she tried to find employment but she was ashamed about what she had done to save her...
I am going to narrate an incident, which happened in the hospital when my mama was hospitalized. As the charge of special room was very high, we preferred to take a semi special room there is a partition in between the room and also curtains but the door is same. So that relative of the patient staying in night can stay in the other part of the room. If you put on the curtains you can stay privately. Uncle was admitted for having some problem with his k**ney and has to operate it. He was around...
Stephen lay with his back propped up against the pillows of his hospital bed. Although he was getting better at it, he was still struggling to work his laptop with his good arm in a cast. His whole right hand was suspended in a contraption holding the bones of his hand in place while they healed. It was still a little unsettling to look at the small cables penetrating through his skin on the back of his hand and going all the way though to his palms. He'd been helping his uncle put in a...
Stephen lay with his back propped up against the pillows of his hospital bed. Although he was getting better at it, he was still struggling to work his laptop with his good arm in a cast. His whole right hand was suspended in a contraption holding the bones of his hand in place while they healed. It was still a little unsettling to look at the small cables penetrating through his skin on the back of his hand and going all the way though to his palms. He'd been helping his uncle put in a new...
MasturbationCarol drew the curtain all the way around her bed. Stephen gazed at her with every step. She wheeled away the trolley table with Stephen's laptop on before she pulled on the latex gloves like she'd done a thousands times before. 'I'd really love some feedback on both new and old stories. Please leave comments to help guide my future writing. I know some of them are long but I'm really proud of them.' Stephen lay with his back propped up against the pillows of his hospital bed. Although he was...
MasturbationThe man had the odd feeling of being in two places at the same time. He was aware of the hospital room but he had the sensation of another place around him as well. The sound of grieving voices was telling him to go to the light and someone was speaking in a language he knew from his youth. The voice was telling him it was alright for him to go. ‘What light?’ ‘I don’t want to go anywhere.’ He thought to himself. But, it was hard for him to remember how long he had been in the hospital room....
Recently, I visited a friend in the hospital. As I walked through the hallways, I was overcome by the fond memories I had experienced while training there many years earlier. This is the story of Nancy, my preceptor. Your ratings and comments are greatly appreciated. I was training at a local hospital to become a medical technologist in the late 1980’s. I had decided to enter he medical field because: one; I needed a job that paid better than my current one, and two; I actually enjoyed the...
MasturbationHello all, myself Niranjan with my second story. Thanks for the good feedback on my previous story of . About myself, I’m Niranjan (aka Niru) from Bangalore, 22 years old, with a 5’11 tall stature. I have an ok build but athletic, quite good looking and cute. Let’s start off. One fine morning my eyes started to hurt whenever I used to blink. It was red and swollen a little. So my mom insisted me to go to the nearby hospital for a check-up. I got ready wore my sunglasses (so that no one gets...
Hi ISS readers. This is Gaurav with a story from my diary. It was the year 2011 and I had joined a new company in Vapi, Gujarat. I used to come to Mumbai to my home every Saturday-Sunday. In September 2011, one of my uncles felt sick. We used to go to visit him at the hospital in Kalyan. After a few days, he started recovering. Me and uncle’s son used to stay in the hospital at night to look after him. It was my 3rd day at the hospital. It was kind of boring to stay in the hospital where all...
AUTHOR’S NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: This story is total fiction. The characters do not exist nor are they meant to portray anyone who does or ever did. The story is ADULT in nature. That means its porn boys and girls and therefore not meant to be read by persons under the age of at least 18 years. In fact, 20 would be better. If you don’t fall into this category, GO AWAY! NOW! Go read Dick, Jane and Sally and leave the adult stories to ADULTS! One more thing, if you don’t like descriptions...
Straight SexThe door barged open and before I could react, like a drill sergeant, she barked out, “Visiting hours are over… time to leave.” I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights as I stood pressed against the safety rail of Maggie’s hospital bed pants puddled around my ankles and a very thick and swollen penis pushed through the rail opening so that Maggie could get her mouth to it. Six days earlier Maggie had entered the hospital for back surgery. Though the...
After I saw the Endeavor launch, I went and scrubbed for surgery. I chose Dr Crosby as my assistant and Dr. James as my anesthesiologist. Marsha had Dr. Gertz as her assistant and Dr. Smith as her anesthesiologist. We started on our first two patients. We performed surgery on six patients today. We switched our doctors around to give them all the most experience. After the surgeries I had the doctors all meet with me for a debriefing. I was pleased for many reasons. The doctors were all very...
Donna: In the grim black and white ruins of Donna's world, there remained a window of hope. One magic portal back to the land of colors and living creatures, but blocking the door like a lineman on a pro football team was Darlene's husband Bill. Rational thought had died for Donna when she got Darlene's clipped voice mail in her hotel room. "Steve's had a massive heart-attack, they don't think he'll make it, DON'T come to the hospital, but you might want to start getting the legal...
I called Cicely to pass on what I had found out about Master PC's influence over the Dragons and the progress being made to counter the issue. Afterwards, I decided to pay a visit to Russ in the hospital. Knowing that the speed Dragon had attacked only because he wasn't in control of himself, I felt even more responsible for his condition. Meg, however, pointed out a problem. "Steven is at the hospital watching over him. He's not going to let you get near him Lord Setton." "Then...
It was Violet Parr's 18th birthday, and she had no intention of letting her day be a boring, work filled drag. Instead she came up with the most scandalous plan for making her 18th the most remember-able. At least to superhero standards. You see, Violet wasn't part of a normal family; as much as she had dreamt, she was part of a family of superheros. Her father was the famously strong Mr. Incredible, her mother was Elasta Girl, and her two brothers were Dash and Jack-Jack. They were all endowed...
Introduction: The following chapter of this story is not intended to be erotic. If you have not read the previous chapters to this story you will likely not understand this chapter at all so please read the others first. I wrote this chapter as a necessary part of this story. The story will continue with further chapters and those will again be erotic but with the subject matter of this chapter it was not fitting. Thanks for your understanding. I didnt sleep very much that night. No sooner then...
Back around 1969 I had medical problems and was sent to a military hospital (which I won't name) for treatment. While there I engaged in some hijinks with the wife of a member of the military who had been sent on assignment for several months at a remote duty station. After all these years since then I cannot recall her name because at my age my memory is even shorter than my pecker. I will just call her Edna for the purpose of relating our sexual activities together. Edna was from South...
Masturbation“David, you were so incredibly cool when dealing with our spoiled little princess the other day. Ok, you were cool with everyone else too,” the therapist starts out saying. “I would like to see if you would be willing to allow us to impose on your good nature a bit to see if we can provide her some needed motivation to work harder at recovering her strength and balance. You, know, the old carrot and stick?” She had to stop talking until some patients went to their therapy rooms. Looking...
I was sexually excited but rather nervous about my ‘appointment’ last Sunday. Getting dressed up in the stockings and undies my doctor friend had bought me, and packing up my nightie and yet more undies in an overnight bag, got me really excited, but as the taxi got nearer and nearer to the hospital I guess my initial courage – the result of not having had sex for over a week – started to fail. None of the clinics were operating, and the hospital corridor where my friend’s office was situated...
Recently I had cause to go into hospital - a chest infection, which turned into Pneumonia. As there were no spare beds in the breathing ward, I was put next door in the ENT ward. On the third day in hospital, the antibiotics had done their stuff and I was feeling 100% better, but had another five days until my intravenous antibiotic was removed and I could go home.My bed was in a room of four, and luckily I had the bed by the window. The other three beds all had women in them. There was talk of...
CheatingRecently I had cause to go into hospital - a chest infection, which turned into Pneumonia. As there were no spare beds in the breathing ward, I was put next door in the ENT ward. On the third day in hospital, the antibiotics had done their stuff and I was feeling 100% better, but had another five days until my intravenous antibiotic was removed and I could go home.My bed was in a room of four, and luckily I had the bed by the window. The other three beds all had women in them. There was talk of...
CheatingWife Does The Black Hospital JanitorI Was married to Kathy for many years and never found out about her 'dark side?. To me, she was just another prudish wife, doing all the normal things. Church, helping people, just a nice wife. Our sex life wasn't always the best. Now I know why. Been divorced a few years now and I found out about her black lovers one day when I went over to her place to help her out with some needed fixes at her house. Happened to run into one of her black overs as he was...
Hi guys, thanks a lot for feed back . Please comment again if you like my this part which I am pretty sure. Dirty nasty comments are always welcome.Story ke taraf atee hai .Mere or sunil ke affair ko 6 months se zeyada ho chukka tha mere life abb pahle se bht badal chuki thee abb mai aik bht he modern or bold women thee mere dressing mera attitude sub kuch sunil ke waja se bht hot or bold ho chukka tha an of course mere or sunil ka sex unlimited had tak barh chukka tha abb jub tak hum 1dafa sex...
Pichle hafte mere cousin ka accident ho gyea tha.Uske parents usko hospital le gye vo kafi serious tha mujhe uncle ki call ayi vo mujhe bole aap hospital me aa jao.Uska dhyan rkhne ke lea maine sham ki train li aur pahunch gyea. Accident bahut major tha he was in emergency dr. Boli operation krvana padega knee tut gyea tha mera uncle roo rha tha har taraf matam shea hua tha relative or friends aa rhe tha sabhi patients ke.Ma patient ke ps baitha hua tha mujhe bahut tensn ho rhi thi ma upset...
Hi I am new to this iss and a regular reader of it and now let me tell you about my own sex experience with you people. I am Kumar 30 male from Hosur Tamil Nadu with a normal figure with little fat and i work as a duty doctor in a hospital and going to narrate how enjoyed a nurse in my hospital. She was a new staff (Veni) to our hospital and she was in her teen age just entered as a fresher. Veni had a slim body with a good curvy structure and nice boobs and a perfect ass both correct in size...
Hi to all ISS readers and I’m Sachin from Mumbai name changed due to security. I am of 21 and story is of my friend Snehal she is also 21 and I’m a regular readers of ISS and big fan of it. Yeh meri pehli story hai kisi galati ke liye mafi chahata hu. Main abhi seedha story pe ata hu yeh kuch lagabagh 8-9 mahine pahle ki bat jab mai Mumbai me study kar raha tha main roz jab bhi bored hota ta tha aisehi ek din Maine dekha ki muze ek ladki ki friend request hai to maine turant receive kar li....
Mommy, mommy what am I doing in a hospital By Princess Pantyboy Me, Kelly 9-year old boy Beth 17-year-old big sister Miley 5 -year-old little sister Authors note: I hope everyone is enjoying my newest story I put a few paragraphs from the end of Part 2 to make it an easier read. Hope you enjoy my story! Hugs Princess I look over at Miley smiling at me in her baby car seat, but I don't want to get in trouble, especially before we get home. I...
I was sexually excited but rather nervous about my "appointment" last Sunday. Getting dressed up in the stockings and undies my doctor friend had bought me, and packing up my nightie and yet more undies in an overnight bag, got me really excited, but as the taxi got nearer and nearer to the hospital I guess my initial courage - the result of not having had sex for over a week - started to fail. None of the clinics were operating, and the hospital corridor where my friend's office was situated...
This episode happened during my college days. One of my friends was not well and had been admitted in a small nursing home. We friends had gone to the hospital to see he directly from college, when we went there his drips was going on and he had fever, his mom was sitting besides him. While we were sitting there and talking his mom told that his father and elder brother are both out-of-town hence she will be staying back at the hospital for the night. I felt bad for aunty so I volunteered for...
We are all suffering in some way from the Pandemic and being on lockdown is never fun. I have been isolated with my family and while I love them, the experience has been less than ideal. Beyond the general getting on each other’s nerves, being together so much has really cut into my sex life. Even just with my husband and not expanding out with friends it has been difficult to find the privacy, in a full house, to get a really good fuck in. My husband has continued to work outside the home and...
Hi this is Raju and am 22 years old.My dad is a buisnessman and he is 49 old and my mom is doctor,gynaecologist and fertility special and she is a famous doctor in our place.My mom name is Velamma she is 38 years old.She is a tupical South Indian women.She is so fair like milk white.Her long hair which extends upto her ass and her blue eyes and pink lips are so sexy to watch.Her huge round breasts are like ripen watermelons and her sexy waist and fatty ass cheeks giggles when she walks...
“That must be it,” Adela murmured as she paused to look at the twisted cross hanging loose from a concrete wall spider-webbed with vine-filled cracks. The young ranger was tall and slender, with an ample chest and long blonde hair that she wore pulled back in a ponytail. She wore a pair of loose-fitting black leather pants designed to survive several days of traveling, and a brief halter that provided just enough modesty in the sweltering southern heat. Her only equipment was the sword slung...
The drive to the hospital was uneventful and easy enough. Tim’s mother, Juanita, parked the family SUV in a General’s parking spot, right outside the front entrance to the emergency room. Tim’s father, Raymond, who was standing just inside the ER doors, knew from the frantic sound of his wife’s voice on the phone that she would not obey the parking rules and would take the first available space she found. Raymond quickly reached the SUV before Juanita could turn off the engine. He stuck his...
Sunday: Sushi woke us all. It was 0900. Oh it felt so good to sleep in. Sally and Waush Shaua were given permission to hunt. Sushi and I rode to my folk's home. Mom took one look at me and started to cry. She asked, "How long do we have?" "Mom we have a lifetime. We leave for Bangalore on Friday. It's my plan to be back in September. Besides we are cats, and you know we have nine lives." She boxed my ears for that. Sushi stole the show and asked, "Do you want to listen to your...
Hospital Erotic Menstrual Encounter(MF, rom, romantic, erotic menstrual play, hospital setting){the following is a memoir of a completely true eroticencounter that happened to me several years ago, astold in an email to a close female friend who shares mymenstrual sex interests}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hi Suzy,I really enjoyed chatting with you last night, hopeyou enjoyed chatting with me as well. It's so nice tohave a "biological female" friend (i.e., a nice lady who isone in RL and isn't a guy...
Now coming to the story, My brother was in an accident, he had multiple broken bones and he had to be hospitalized for two months. Now someone from the family stayed at the hospital incase he needed something, i used to stay every night. We werent allowed to stay with the patient but I would sleep in the waiting room. Now it was mostly just me there, no one actually was in the waiting room in the night. I used to sleep on a couch there. Now outside the waiting room there was a desk where a...
HOSPITALITY By Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] Police corruption in post-colonial Kenya is a fact of life. Transparency International, a watchdog organization, ranks Kenya as the 11th most corrupt nation in the world. The average city dweller in Kenya pays 16 bribes per month. In 2007 an English family was enslaved by a corrupt and depraved Police Inspector. PART 1: Kate & HarryThey were always shaking someone down and making them pay. They operated out of the Langata...