1993Chapter 2 Traveling with Megan
- 4 years ago
- 33
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It was Thursday evening. I'd come home after sitting for my last final of the quarter and crashed. A ringing telephone woke me. It was Megan, asking if she could come over. I told her that I would come after her.
I stumbled around in the dark, looking for my shoes and fell on the bag I'd packed to take with me the next day. What time was it? As I passed through the kitchen I read the clock on the stove: 6:04. Had I slept three hours?
Megan was standing next to the street, with two pieces of luggage at her feet. I got out of the car and opened the trunk.
"I'll need to take one of those in your apartment," she said when she saw me placing both pieces into the trunk.
"Which one?" I asked.
"I don't know," she said. I looked at her for the first time since I'd stopped the car. Even her ponytail, which was always perfectly aligned on the back of her head, looked tousled. "I guess I forgot," she said, apologetically.
"Not to worry," I said, tossing both pieces of luggage into the trunk, thinking that we would take both of them upstairs. "Is the house locked up securely?"
"I guess so," she said, looking back at the darkened house.
"Give me the key. I'll turn on a couple of nightlights and make sure the doors are locked."
Megan handed me the house key. "Should I get in the car?"
"Yes, get in. I'll be right out," I said, heading for the front door. Hadn't Charlie left instructions as to how to lock up the house? I turned the key in the front door and turned on a light so I could check for night lights. I made sure the back door was locked and turned night lights on in the kitchen and hallway leading to the bedrooms. Satisfied, I locked the front door and walked to my car. Megan was staring straight ahead.
"Have you had anything to eat?" I asked, feeling a bit hungry myself.
"I haven't had time. Big test tomorrow," she answered.
"Which course?" I asked as I pulled the car onto the street.
"Applied Business Theories."
"I took that one today. Which Ramsey do you have?"
"I have Irene, but I had him for Business Law and her for Economics," I said, already thinking that I wasn't going to be able to help her. Megan looked nervous, too. It wasn't like her to forget where she packed things she would need that night, or to go out of the house with her hair less than perfect.
The reason I knew I was not going to be able to help Megan was because it was common knowledge that Leonard Ramsey's perspective of the course was completely different from his wife's. Shirley had often laughed about the couple, saying that the only thing they had in common was the way they dressed. Both wore tweed jackets with leather patches on the sleeves. Irene was two inches taller than her husband and wore flat shoes to compensate for the difference in their height. They were seldom seen together.
Applied Business Theories was a required course for seniors majoring in Business. It encompassed applying required subjects from our previous three years to business practices. So far, we'd been reviewing what we had learned in Economics, Accounting, Marketing, Human Resources, Statistics, and Business Law. I'd found the first quarter boring, but Irene promised to make the coursework interesting in the second and third quarters. Irene's classes filled first; Leonard was said to be tougher. I recalled that Shirley had had Leonard.
"You could eat a sandwich, couldn't you?" I asked, as I carried both pieces of her luggage up the stairs.
"I guess, but don't go to any trouble for me."
I got her settled at the folding table and said that I was going out to fill my gas tank.
Megan begrudgingly spread her books on the table. From the way she was pondering where to begin, I got the impression the course material had her overwhelmed.
Filling my gas tank could wait until the next day. Knowing there was nothing in the refrigerator to make sandwiches, I went to the grocery store. When I got back, Megan looked as confused as when I had left. I knew that her school schedule was top heavy, and I suspected that the subject matter was not to her liking. I wondered if her father knew that his daughter didn't want to take over the family business. Her desire to please him was making her unhappy.
I quickly made two sandwiches and placed one of them in front of her, along with a glass of milk. She looked at me, sadly, trying to smile. "Thank you," she said, taking a small bite of the sandwich. "Hmmm, good!"
"Would you like to hear what was on the test I took today?"
She wrinkled her nose. "I've heard they teach the course differently."
"That's true. It's like they teach two different subjects. But there's got to be some overlap on the exam. Professor Irene Ramsey's exam consisted of fifty multiple choice questions about the subjects we've been reviewing. They were all mixed up so I'm not sure how many were based on Economics, Statistics, Accounting and so on. But the strange thing about this test was that there was a choice of three answers, plus a blank where you could fill in your own answer. I'll bet I used the blank on twenty-five of the questions."
"Professor Ramsey would never do anything like that, would he?" Megan asked. I saw that she was eating the second half of her sandwich.
"No, I'm sure he wouldn't copy anything from his wife's exam. He'll probably throw a disproportionate amount of Business Law at you."
"That's what I'm afraid of," she said, finishing the sandwich and taking a sip of milk.
"The multiple choice questions were followed by four essay questions. Let me see if I can remember the wording of the questions." I said.
I could see that Megan was concentrating on something in her notes and decided that she wasn't interested in Professor Irene's exam. I went to the kitchen, made another sandwich, and set half of it in front of her. She looked up from her notes and smiled.
How could I help her? I considered giving her my notebook, but reading my notes would just take up precious minutes and probably not be pertinent information anyway. I took the dishes into the kitchen and was washing them when I got the idea to make cookies. I found a box of cookie mix in the cabinet, turned the oven to preheat, read the directions, added milk to the mix and set the timer on the oven to shut off in twenty minutes.
While I was waiting for the cookies to bake, I went to my study and read Wanda's end-of-week report. She knew I would be on the road tomorrow. She was still touting the Omaha building as a viable addition to our inventory. Wanda documented her conclusions in such a way that they were easy to follow. Thinking of the way Laura had referred to her as the weird girl, I wished I had shown her some of the work Wanda turned out.
The oven timer buzzed, indicating the cookies were ready to remove from the oven. While I was waiting for them to cool, I poured two more glasses of milk.
"Hmmm!" Megan exclaimed when she saw the two cookies and the glass of milk.
"That's all you get because we're going for a run later," I said.
"I can't, Sammy," she said, gesturing to her work spread out on the table.
"I'll give you another hour," I said, retreating to my study. I busied myself with catching up on the weekly news magazines I subscribe to until ten PM. Megan had four textbooks open and was writing furiously in her notebook. She gave me the excuse that she didn't have her running shoes with her.
I didn't know if I believed her. She was going home after the wedding. Would she abstain from running for a week?
At eleven, I changed into my running outfit and went back to the living room, determined not to take no for an answer. "We'll go after your shoes and run from there, back to the center of town and then back to your house. Come on. It'll do both of us good."
Reluctantly, she got up and joined me at the back door where I helped her with her jacket.
"Do you always get your way?" she asked, sounding tired.
"Only when I'm convinced that my way is best."
We drove to the house she shared with Charlie and Debra. I took the key from her, unlocked the door, and followed her inside. While she went to her bedroom to change, I grabbed a towel from the bathroom.
"Bring your clothes with you. That way we won't have to come back inside," I yelled in the direction of her room.
"Do you always give orders? Is that why Charlie calls you the Commander?" she asked when she joined me.
"Only when I'm convinced that my way is best."
She giggled and followed me out to the car. I placed the towel and her clothes in the front seat and joined her, stretching. It was a cool clear night, dark with a cloud covered moon hanging low in the sky.
"I'm nervous about what Ramsey has in store for us," she said as we set out down the dark street.
"I know you are," I said.
"You do?"
"Don't worry. You'll do better than you imagine."
"Easy for you to say," she chided me.
We ran to the theatre and ran in place while Megan perused the coming attractions. "Look what's playing next week. I wish we were going to be here," she said.
Scent of a Woman was going to be shown; a movie Megan had expressed interest in seeing when we first saw the posters advertising it. She'd implied that if we were going to be here next week, we would see it together. I didn't know what to say.
She set a faster gait on the way back to the car. I didn't know it then, but she was in a hurry to get back to the books. I objected, telling her that it was late. "You can use the shower first. We'll get up early and you'll feel refreshed," I said.
Megan started to say something, but smiled and headed for the bathroom, refraining from making another remark about my orders. She wasn't in the bathroom long. "All yours," she said when she came out, dressed for bed and drying her hair with a towel. I didn't stay under the water long either. When I went into the bedroom I discovered that she had added a blanket to the bed. She was wearing the same T-shirt that had gotten me into trouble with Kelley.
"Roll over and I'll give you a back rub," I offered.
"Are you going to massage my feet?" she teased as she rolled onto her tummy.
"This is not a massage. It's a back rub," I said, as I inserted my hand under her hair to start with her neck. Her hair was still damp. I went into the bathroom and when I returned, I had a fresh towel and a candle.
Megan was sitting up in the bed with the covers held up to her neck. She watched me light the candle. "You don't need to do that," she said when she saw me position myself behind her and begin drying her hair.
"I like feeling your hair," I said and she didn't object to the way I was rubbing her scalp.
"That feels good," she said.
"You smell good."
"I like the way you touch me. Rub harder."
When I was satisfied that her hair was dry, I put both hands on her shoulders and kneaded the muscles. She leaned back against my chest, so far that I had to keep pushing her forward. "That feels so nice. You have strong hands," she said when I moved my hands down to her shoulder blades.
I moved my hands down to the small of her back, pressing hard, making her bend forward. I was tempted to pull the T-shirt up so I could feel her bare skin, but quickly thought better of the idea.
"Do you want me to take off the T-shirt?" she asked.
"I don't think that would be a good idea."
"Sammy, it's just a back rub. You have a girl friend and I have a boy friend. A T-shirt is just a T-shirt."
"Okay, take it off and lie on your tummy."
Megan pulled the shirt off and was face down on the bed before I got a glimpse of her breasts. I watched a blush come to her face in the flickering light.
I got on my knees and started over at her neck, moving down to her shoulders. Her skin felt soft to the touch. I used the tips of my fingers and thumbs to lightly roll the flesh.
"Are you uncomfortable? You can sit on my butt if you want."
"Tell me if I get too heavy," I said, straddling her back with my legs and supporting most of my weight on my heels.
"This is the best massage I've ever had," Megan said, sounding sleepy.
I didn't correct her. I eased the pressure of my fingers until the contact between my fingers tips and her flesh was minimal. What a feat it would be if I could put her to sleep this way.
"Sammy?" Her voice was barely audible.
"Yes, Megan?" I whispered.
"Marcie's so funny."
"Yes, she is."
"She said we..."
I'd never seen anyone fall asleep in mid sentence before, but fatigue had obviously overtaken her will to stay awake. It took several minutes for me to move my weight off the bed without waking her. She looked peaceful in the candle light. What harm would it do to touch my lips to the small of her back? Would that be against the rules we had established? I decided it would.
Anyway, it was chilly in the room. I pulled the covers over her back. I found a flannel shirt and a pair of slippers before blowing out the candle.
Would Shirley have anything on Applied Business Theories? I searched her collection of diskettes and found one labeled Ramsey. Like me, she'd had Doctor Ramsey for Business Law. There were files on everything from teaching technique to a synopsis of every course the professor taught. I opened Applied Business Theories and found what I was looking for: first quarter exam. There was a note from Shirley, stating that these were the questions she remembered from the exam. There was even a disclaimer: 'The wording may not be exact and I may not have answered them correctly'.
A lump came to my throat as I read the questions and Shirley's answers. Had she left the diskettes, knowing that I would run across them, or had she intended to take them with her? I saw why Megan had been nervous. Professor Ramsey's questions were long and worded in such a way that his meaning could be construed in a variety of ways. Shirley's answers were equally obscure. She had covered all bases by providing two or more answers to the same question.
I printed the exam and went back to bed. Megan turned my way and mumbled something unintelligible. I put my arm around her and discovered that she'd put the T-shirt back on.
"What's this?" Megan asked the next morning when she saw the printout. She'd just come out of the bathroom, wearing the T-shirt. Her hair was brushed and her face looked scrubbed.
"It's a copy of Professor Ramsey's exam from a couple of years ago. A friend wrote it from memory after she'd taken the exam. The questions may be different today, but this will show you the style of wording he uses."
"Where did you get this? Are you sure it's from Ramsey?"
"Get dressed and come back."
Megan looked uncertain, but went to the bedroom. When she came back to the living room she looked adorable, wearing jeans, sneakers and a sweatshirt. She smiled when she saw the toast and orange juice I'd placed on her side of the table.
"Your friend did this from memory?" she asked, picking up the pages of questions and answers.
"You may not find these questions on today's exam, but going through these ten pages will prepare you for the wording he uses to try to confuse you. We'll give it an hour and if you think it's a waste of time you'll still have three hours to go back to your notes."
Megan's gaze was steady and I thought I saw moisture forming in her eyes. We read the questions, discussed the multiple answers Shirley had given and considered the way we might answer the same question.
At page six, Megan exclaimed, "I don't think there is a correct answer for any of these questions!"
"He wants you to think, but remember; he's a professor of law and will look for you to approach each question from a standpoint of the law first."
As we finished page ten, Megan looked at her watch. "I have to get ready for my execution," she said.
"Don't change a thing. You look ... exceptional ... to me."
"You say the nicest things," she said as she ran into the bedroom.
A few minutes later, she came out wearing the same jeans and sweatshirt, but had put some makeup on her face and her hair was bundled into the familiar ponytail. She looked at the table where she had been working.
As Paul lay there, he wondered how he found himself in this situation. Here he was, lying on his bed, next to his wife, Megan, at twenty five, the same age as Paul. Also on the bed was Mark, Megan's younger brother. All three were naked, the bedsheets ruffled, wet with sweat and sperm.How had this happened, Paul tried to understand.Today was Thursday. Last week Megan had received a phone call from her parents, asking if it would be ok for Mark to come and stay. He had got into a bit of trouble...
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Every day that week I tried to talk to Katie. She refused to speak to me. She usually walked away the second she saw me. I spent the week in a state of shock. The girl I loved hated me. Megan tried to talk to me a few times during the week. She told me I was so handsome. She said I was too good for Katie. I tried to ignore her since she was the cause of my grief. The following Monday night after scouts, I asked my best friend Rob Stevens if he would talk to Katie for me. He said, "Sure...
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Exhibitionism“Fine, I'll let you have it this time!” Emily jokingly said. Megan pulled down on the handle and the door clicked open. She looked back at Emily, she smiled, blew her a kiss, and shut the door behind her. Emily couldn't help but laugh as she half walked, half waddled over to the door. She pulled on the handle and swung the white wooden door open. Megan already began walking to the back of the bathroom towards the toilet. “Looks like I won,” Megan teased. “I'll get you next time,” said...
Megan By Paris Waterman It was a typical wedding. Two hundred or more guests, most from Sully's side. I learned that Shelly had a very small family and that only a few of her friends were making the trip from Philly to Jersey City. As best man, I was to be paired up with Tracy, the Maid of Honor. I wasn't getting laid there. She was engaged and her boyfriend was going to be there. Now I had banged Sully's kid sister Megan a couple years before, but between college and my baseball career it...
Love StoriesIntroduction: This is my second story. It is by no means true at all, but Mike is based on me and Megan is based on a girl I work with that I think the world of. I was just finishing up my typical 6am to 2pm shift at the local McDonalds that Ive worked at for over a year, when one of the managers introduced all of us to four new-hires. They looked to be typical 17 and 18 year olds just looking for a part time job, but one person in particular caught my eye. She had shoulder length reddish...
The next day I came in at 6 in the morning, same as always, and saw that girl sitting in the break room waiting for 6 o'clock and the start of her first day on the job. Since we still had 10 minutes to kill, I tried to get to know her a little bit. I found out that her name was Megan and she had moved here the week before. She used to live about an hour north of here with her foster parents, but decided to move in with her aunt. She was 16 years old, just a year younger than I was. ...
Sunday, July 4, 1993 Josh, Jeannie, Eddie and Celia were the first to arrive. They quickly changed into swimwear, and I introduced Megan. She took Jeannie and Celia inside to see Suzanne and Penelope, and I offered the guys a beer. An ancient Chevrolet backfired as it stopped in front of the house, and a young lady wearing a white miniskirt and apron got out. "What's that?" Josh asked. "She must be the server," I said, and Josh corrected me. "I was talking about the shit box. A...
**Max and Megan might be a story you remember. You may be wondering why it’s showing back up as a new story. I was not fond of the first version. I wrote for what people wanted, not what I wanted. One night, I decided to take it down and polish it up to what I could be proud of. It is a bit different than the original, but in my opinion much, much better…Enjoy! ** It was late in the afternoon when Megan decided to look over her college report. It was due the next week, but she wasn’t going to...
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Megan was a gorgeous girl, 18 years old, 5'10", 128lbs, long wavy blonde hair that cascaded all the way down to her firm, little ass, big brown eyes, hourglass waist and perfectly perky breasts. She was the envy of every girl in her high school and the fantasy of every male that drawed a breath within a 50 mile radius. She was the only c***d of Evelyn and Rick. So, needless to say, Megan was a very spoiled girl and used to getting anything she wanted. But there was only one thing in this world...
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The date and time had been set; we were about to humiliate Megan in a way shed never been before. It would serve her right for all the times we had to wait for her to swim before going out.Her weekly swim at the local pool was coming to an end, and we were hiding in every other changing stall for when she got there. She waltzed in from the showers wearing her two piece bikini; zebra printed and hardly covering her phenomenal body. She approached the lockers first, taking her clothes and towel...
Megan, 44 yrs old, pear shaped white bbw with a thing for big black d!ck I soon discovered. She worked as route coordinator for the local school districts bus routes. I drove to make extra income. Me and Megan started out with the usual small chat, good laughs from time to time and the occasional dirty joke. She was real cool people and never once snarled at such a joke, in fact she initiated by jokingly accusing me of staring at another female drivers ass every chance i could get and calling...
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IncestMegan and I are the best of friends, and god is she gorgeous. She has light brown hair that falls at her shoulders perfectly and bright green eyes that would make anyone stare. Sure, we would make out for guys at parties if they wanted us to, we'd grope each other and tease guys while we kissed and sometimes we'd get pretty into it. We’re so close that it didn't bother us, but Megan made it clear she would never go further than that with a girl. I usually agreed, but sometimes when she changed...
BisexualMegan-Where do I start, she was my ex-wifes cousin, stood at 5-7 was slim and petite shoulder length blonde hair and was naturally beautiful. We always got along quite well don’t know if it was because I never acted my age or that the sexual attraction between the two of us was explosive! It all came to fruition during the holiday season and that part of her family would come visit from the cold up north. There trip started out as normal and I was looking forward to seeing her she was always...
Megan was eighteen when we first met, with long dark hair, brown eyes, a beautiful smile, and a perfect figure. All in all, she was hot as hell. Unbelievably, she never had a fixed boyfriend (or girlfriend), which always baffled me as I would have expected to see people queuing up for her, but she was quite a shy girl really – especially with me.She was a hard-working, studious type of girl who was also at university during the time I knew her, and has since gone on to do well in her chosen...
Straight SexMy eyes were closed. I leaned back in the black leather swivel chair and thought about how soft and warm this kid's mouth was. Maybe I shouldn't call her a kid; I think she's eighteen. Whatever she is, she's the girl next door, the one with the very hot mama. She's been working for us as a receptionist ever since she started to work full time. Her basic job description is to suck my cock whenever my secretary is out at the main office, and she does that job excellently. I'd give her a...
We originally met online and over a few years had got to know each other quite well . We would swap emails and text messages, both comfortable in each other’s cyber company. We’d even occasionally swap the odd photo, sometimes suggestive and naughty and other times just of things that we knew would be of interest to the other. We both agreed it would be fun to meet up even if it was just for a chat over coffee. We had not gone as far as having cyber sex. Somehow we decided early on that it...
Straight SexWe originally met online and over a few years had got to know each other quite well . We would swap emails and text messages, both comfortable in each other’s cyber company. We’d even occasionally swap the odd photo, sometimes suggestive and naughty and other times just of things that we knew would be of interest to the other. We both agreed it would be fun to meet up even if it was just for a chat over coffee. We had not gone as far as having cyber sex.Somehow we decided early on that it...
I was in high school, and i was about to go on the school trip to germany.I was really excited to go and enjoy my week off, until i found out one previously unmentioned fact in the trip meeting, that we would be sharing rooms with two other boys.I had recently started masturbating about guys, and was desperate to feel the thrill of giving another guy head, so desperate i had spent the last two weeks in my room every evening, sucking on the rounded back handle of a hairbrush whilst my dick grew...
I drove to a park near her place, and she rode her bike down. She was very cute. about 5'7'', maybe 110 at the time, prolly more like 100lbs. curly dark hair to her shoulders, the cutes eyes in the world. She was definatly gorgeous. Her long legs were not tanned, but it didnt matter. We sat and talked, flirting for a lil while, and the next thing I knew she was sitting on my lap in my lil truck. We started kissing, and she was flashing her perky bcups at me, enjoying...
I now knew enough to get into serious trouble on the dance floor. The carriage pulled up, and I was shooed out the back and told to 'Go practice or something' by Miss Lori. So I followed her instructions and practiced. I was encouraged not to come back in, and they even went so far as to bring me food and drink and a book. Anything, really, to keep me occupied, the household went all-out to get her ready for tonight. Chandra came back looking dirty and tired, so I shooed her off to wash up...
So walking in I suddenly realize that this would be the day I was sure to meet a celebrity, but also some assholes that just hung around these places. As I approached the bar I notice a young women in the corner who I instantly recognized. It was Megan Fox. She seemed to be in a little bit of distress. She was being hassled by five guys even though she had on a wig and contacts that changed her eye color. So I went up to the bar and ordered two shots of patron. After receiving the shots I took...
Present Day As the silver-gray Lincoln Town Car pulled to the curb, Toby smiled and let his hands off the lawn mower handle. The ‘dead man’ switch kicked off and the mower shut down. He waited for the occupants of the car to climb out before yelling into the house. “Hey! Mom! Uncle Bullethead and the twins just showed up!” Inside the house Andrew laughed and Jessica yelled back a warning “Toby!” A thunder of feet in the foyer announced they were both coming to the front door. Toby’s mother...
“Do you want to kiss me?” Megan asked me, standing between the volleyball pit and the swings with her right hand on her cocked hip. Her long straight brown hair hung loosely, framing her face. Her hazel eyes swirled like clouds before a storm. She wore a black one piece swimsuit, ultrashort cutoff Jean shorts and sandals. My family took a vacation every year to Minnesota for two weeks. This year, Meg's family joined us during the second. I knew Meg most of my life, and was attracted to her...
I've just spent the night with Ann - a very sexy married mother in her early forties. I was a virgin until yesterday - until Ann greeted me at the door naked. She led me to her bedroom where I enjoyed my very first fuck - a fuck that blew my mind and one that caused Ann to pass out. Whilst Ann was out to it, her 24 yr old daughter Megan took over and furthered my sex education for the next couple of hours. Ann did wake up not long after Megan and I started to fuck - she left us alone, but not...
My first story begins with Val, the story of how he lost his virginity. Believe it or not, but this is what he said... There were three Megans: Megan M., Megan H., and Megan W., Each a different personality, clique and look. Megan M. was a tall, slender, attractive girl; she had a light brown hair that went to just below her shoulders and light brown eyes. She was very athletic, Varsity Soccer and Volleyball. She was a shy girl who had the kindest of voices. She was the kind of girl...
[This is my sequel to Bigtrain's excellent story "From Girlfriend to Sex Slave", picking up from the ending of my branch. You should probably read that story first. You can find it here: https://chyoa.com/story/From-Girlfriend-to-Sex-slave.6582] It was Friday, near quitting time at the office, and I couldn’t be happier. I’d been slacking pretty hard at work the past couple of weeks, given everything that happened with Megan. I started to pack up my things and shut my computer down when Josh...
Group SexMegan and I are the best of friends, and god is she gorgeous. She has light brown hair that falls at her shoulders perfectly and bright green eyes that would make anyone stare. Sure, we would make out for guys at parties if they wanted us to, we’d grope each other and tease guys while we kissed and sometimes we’d get pretty into it. We’re so close that it didn’t bother us, but Megan made it clear she would never go further than that with a girl. I usually agreed, but sometimes when she changed...
Megan By Paris Waterman It was a typical wedding. Two hundred or more guests, most from Sully’s side. I learned that Shelly had a very small family and that only a few of her friends were making the trip from Philly to Jersey City. As best man, I was to be paired up with Tracy, the Maid of Honor. I wasn’t getting laid there. She was engaged and her boyfriend was going to be there. Now I had banged Sully’s kid sister Megan a couple years before, but between college and my baseball career it...
Megan draws me further in her web, leaning back on the incline weight bench, her slim, tight legs spreading wide for me. My new secretary nimbly whips into this move with the prowess of a stripper, with wiggling pussy, her feet pointing slightly inward. She lifts up her orange tank-top and shakes her big DD-cup tits at me. Tits that she used to bring this married man’s destruction. Tits that made me get an immediate erection at first sight at her job interview, two weeks previously. Tits she...
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYYGGGGOOOOSSSSHHHHH!!!" she screamed out. "Don't stop please, keep fucking that tight pussy harder!" I sped up inside her wet dripping goldmine. I loved fucking her from behind. "You like that fat black dick in your pussy?" I yelled as I smacked her ass. "Yes!! Yes! I love it! Please f*ck this tight asian pussy!" I loved the sound of that. It made me want to ram her into the wall. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. "Ughhhh, so good!" she yelled. I twisted...
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYYGGGGOOOOSSSSHHHHH!!!" she screamed out. "Don't stop please, keep fucking that tight pussy harder!" I sped up inside her wet dripping goldmine. I loved fucking her from behind. "You like that fat black dick in your pussy?" I yelled as I smacked her ass. "Yes!! Yes! I love it! Please f*ck this tight asian pussy!" I loved the sound of that. It made me want to ram her into the wall. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. "Ughhhh, so good!" she yelled. I twisted...
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYYGGGGOOOOSSSSHHHHH!!!" she screamed out. "Don't stop please, keep fucking that tight pussy harder!" I sped up inside her wet dripping goldmine. I loved fucking her from behind. "You like that fat black dick in your pussy?" I yelled as I smacked her ass. "Yes!! Yes! I love it! Please f*ck this tight asian pussy!" I loved the sound of that. It made me want to ram her into the wall. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. "Ughhhh, so good!" she yelled. I twisted...
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMYYYYYGGGGOOOOSSSSHHHHH!!!" she screamed out. "Don't stop please, keep fucking that tight pussy harder!" I sped up inside her wet dripping goldmine. I loved fucking her from behind. "You like that fat black dick in your pussy?" I yelled as I smacked her ass. "Yes!! Yes! I love it! Please f*ck this tight asian pussy!" I loved the sound of that. It made me want to ram her into the wall. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. "Ughhhh, so good!" she yelled. I twisted...
“I’m sending Megan across to your hotel. She will hand you the property deeds once confirmation of funds transfer has been obtained” explained my lawyer. I was purchasing a new condo, and looking forward to moving out of this hotel room. About 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Opening the door I was very surprised. Standing there was Aria, or at least the young lady that I knew by that name - the young lady that I had encountered at the Red Door massage parlor about two years...
Hello Friends, I would like to thank each and every one for your emails about my previous stories. I used to write all my stories in Telugu. This time I would like to write my story in English as it will reach many people. To the friends who don’t know me well, let me introduce my self. My name is Vamshi. I am from Hyderabad. I am working in Chennai and I used to travel between Hyderabad and Chennai a lot. This is the story of a stranger whom I met while traveling once and how we became...
Traveling the highways to different gigs, gives time for a lot of flashing. I especially like going into rest areas, waysides, and truck stops where the men get so close. Let me ask? What would you do if you seen a hot petite girl totally exposing her bare pussy, big cunt lips hanging down, juice dripping from her cunt. Would you just look or would you lose control and grope her? Well, that's the decision you would have to make if you seen me flashing. My name is Kathy, I'm a nineteen year old...
ExhibitionismI am a traveling man. I sell all sorts of products for the company that I work for. I am on the road quite a bit, and I have to set up displays at various conventions, in a lot a major cities. I pulled into the parking lot of a hotel in a small Oklahoma City a while back, traveling between Oklahoma City and Dallas. It was about five in the afternoon and although I needed to be in Dallas the next morning to set up for a convention, I needed some rest. stepped into the hotel front door, the...
OccupationsEarlier That Evening Jacob Culverin came out of his house and walked out onto his porch. He stood at the rail and gazed out smiling at what he saw. The house wasn’t even a house any longer, but was more of an estate or manor, and certainly not the one-room cabin it had been when he first arrived twenty years before. He knew that the crazy preacher in Springwater thought Jacob had sold his soul to Satan. If he only knew the truth... Summer 1794 When Jacob had arrived in Springwater, he had...
It was early Sunday evening and we were sitting at the dinner table, my husband William, my 15-year-old son John and me. My name is Rosa and I'll turn 39 next month. We had just finished dinner when the subject of my next business trip came up in the conversation. I am currently the vice president of new business development at a major healthcare company and as such responsible for sales to hospitals in the eastern third of the country. The company I work for develops and manages new...
Bryan and I made it to Albuquerque two days before my dad passed away peacefully. We remained for the funeral and the family gatherings that followed. Those days remain a blur in my memory. Clearly, between my father's passing, the funeral and the family interactions, there were no opportunities for Bryan and me to be intimate; not that I wanted to be intimate under these circumstances. The slight respite gave me some time to search my soul about the events of the past week without a...
TabooI often reminisce of the days when my job required travel and meeting a lot of interesting people. I was much younger and good looking then and I guess I was born with a talent for not only selling, but for persuasion. I had charm, a silver tongue, and a high level of lust for women. I had a lot of success in both selling my product and in getting the ladies to melt. In my hands. My desires for sowing my oats and my sweet talking talents were a perfect blend for the 7-8 year tour that still...
HI, I am Ayan from pakistan Hyderabad meri Age 27 year hai or mein good looking hon. Aj mein ap ko apni real story btane jarha hon. Mien marketing mien hon jis ki wajha say mujhy daily traveling karni parti hai. Ek dafa mujhy ek city say dosre city jana tha takreban 400 kilo meter ki traveling karni thi, garmio ky din thay maie nay apni seat book karwadi A.C Ven mien or mujhy sab say last wali seat mili window k sath wali mujhy us waqt gussa aya ky last wali seat de di mujhy . lekin jab gari...
Read previous parts to understand why we were traveling to Bangalore. Narrated by David. It was a pretty busy morning. Everyone was rushing to bathe and pack things. We were planning to leave by afternoon. Most of the things were sent via shipment service. Still, there was a lot of luggage. I had already packed my stuff. Speaking of yesterday, I still couldn’t believe what I saw. The image of my sexy aunt getting fucked hard was carved into my mind. Her perfect body and those huge tits were...
IncestI got back in and punched in the date and pressed GO. I started walking to the football field at the high school both my sister and I graduated from. It was about ten blocks from the Time Machine. Such a beautiful day as the crowd filled the stands. I found a place to stand out of the way as the events started. I remembered that I had a big test that day that my college professor wouldn’t let me reschedule, so this will be a real treat for me. The speakers had the usual things to say, as...
Traveling in one desert is much like traveling in another, you always need water. Each desert though has its own dangers to be aware of. I was only a half day away from Amgree when I saw the large rocks. I had put my assassin’s bow together earlier and slowed the drama to look at the rocks closely. At the base of the rocks were the bleached bones of animals. When the creature came out it was large. It had six legs and two pincher like arms. It held a wicked looking tail up behind it that...
She was flaky, dangerous, and irresistible.From the moment he saw her at the lunch, he knew three things: she'd fuck him; the sex would be incredible; and he might regret it.He escaped lunch safely, and then the email arrived. All that he needed to do was hit the delete key.Instead, he replied. Great to hear from you. Sure, coffee, why not?They met. She had the free spirit that sucked middle-aged men in, despite the danger. The peasant blouse, the unadorned hands, the tight waist and slim hips....