Karmic Retribution
- 3 years ago
- 24
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This chapter is from Maddie's POV
As I drive down the road on this fine December morning, in the second hour of a ten hour trip I reflect on the changes to my life since last summer. I also have plenty of time to analyze the recurring dream that woke me this morning, and the past several mornings. It haunts me because my mother and grandmother claim we Murphy women have prophetic dreams.
The psychology class I had originally wanted to take had filled up within minutes on registration day. Many Psych majors were going to have to postpone their graduation for another semester. The Dean of Science therefore decided to offer a special summer course for those affected students. A course of seven hour classes, five days a week for six weeks figured to get us all the credit we needed to graduate on time. I was actually trying to graduate early and this kept me on that track.
During one class, we had a discussion on family dynamics and sibling rivalry, leading to a discussion of my family and our treatment of my younger brother Steve. I talked about how my parents loved me so much, and bought me whatever I wanted and Steve was pretty much taking up space. During this particular discussion there was a scuffle off to one side of the room. I looked over to see several guys forcing a football player out of the room. I wondered what had gotten them all worked up, but figured it didn't have anything to do with me so I paid no more attention to it.
The next day my professor asked to talk to me after class. When I got to her office, she was there with the football player from yesterday.
"Ms. Sheppard, please have a seat. This young man is Byron Childress. He is graduating as a junior and has been drafted into the NFL." Byron wouldn't look at me. He just sat there wringing his hands and staring at the floor. "Mr. Childress has a few things he would like to say to you, he had to take a day to calm down, and now feels he can speak evenly and not get emotional. Mr. Childress?"
He sat there for the longest time. He seemed to carry a weight greater than any he carried on the football field. When he finally spoke, his tone was low, soft and pleasant. "I envy you Ms. Sheppard. Not for your money. Not for your upbringing. Not for your material things that your daddy buys you." I felt slightly offended at that but wasn't going to show it.
"I am originally from a neighborhood in South Central Los Angeles. Believe me, most of the stories you hear about South Central are true. And you don't hear half of the things that happen. Most Los Angelinos don't hear of them, so don't take that as an affront. My momma gave birth to two boys, myself and my younger brother Clarence. She also had three daughters, Clarice, who's older than me and has three boys of her own, and Shantell and Mari."
"Moms worked three jobs, seven days a week to keep food on our table. She made us read the bible and no matter what, family disputes were settled before they were an hour old, or she'd know why. Clarice was always in charge. If one of us younger kids got into trouble, moms came down on her for not keepin' tabs on us. I'd rather slit my own throat than disappoint my momma or Clarice. When Clarice got pregnant and moved to her own place, I became the one in charge. It didn't make no difference if I had football or schoolwork or what, I had to care for the younger kids while moms worked."
"One Friday night while I was playing in a football game, Clarence went out and got mixed up with some gang members. He and several of his friends stopped these guys from messing with Shantell and her friend Juana. The next evening Clarence and his friends were gunned down as they walked to the church for bible study." He shook and tears were rolling down his face. "You don't know what it's like to face your momma, to tell her that you fucked up and allowed her child to die. If I could, I would trade places with Clarence in a heartbeat!" He looked up and locked me in his gaze, "You can't say that. You won't trade your Mercedes down a class to help your brother. Us older brothers and sister have to look out for our younger siblings damn it! Who else they got? Who else?"
I haven't lost Stevie yet, and damn it I'm not going to. I realized just how badly my brother has been treated by me and my parents. While my parents were never abusive to Steve, they barely acknowledged his existence. Most times it was like we were a family of three with a tag-along.
My dad would hand me money for just about anything I wanted. Steve borrowed $120 from him once when he was 12. He went and bought a used lawn mower and Weed eater from a small engine repair shop, along with a couple of gas cans and some gas. He left every morning as the sun was coming up and came home just after sundown, and at the end of two weeks gave dad $150. He kept mowing lawns every day until fall and winter hit. Then he bought a rake and snow shovel and continued to make money that way.
When Steve was 13 he had some kind of flu that left him so weak he couldn't even leave is bed to use the bathroom. Neither mom nor dad would do anything to help him. He lay in his bed for five days straight. My father chastised him for peeing in his bed, and started calling him a bed wetter, even in front of other people. The only person who got him through it was Wendy from across the street. She would bring him soup and help him clean up and nursed him back to health. He loved her. I truly believe that if she hadn't been killed with her older brother on seven lakes road one winter night, four years ago, that Stevie and Wendy would be together still. They would have taken each other's virginity. He took her death very hard. Luckily he had some friends to help him through it.
One Christmas my dad's only sister, Aunt Karen asked my dad to allow her and my uncle to take Stevie to live with them. My dad refused and even quit speaking to her for a period of time. That was about the time that Stevie ceased interacting with the family.
When I described my brother as an annoying little jerk off, I was asked to give details as to why I felt that way. I couldn't give one, that wasn't dismissed as normal teenage behavior.
My professor asked me to meet her after class. "I have some big concerns about your brother's mental health." She told me. "The emotional isolation he's been subjected to can cause many issues. Does he have any self destructive habits? Drug abuse, alcohol abuse, anything like that?"
I didn't feel he drank any more, or less than any other teen I knew, but I shivered when I thought of his car that he never seemed to feel was fast enough.
After a few days of classroom discussions I decided I was going to make things right with my brother. One girl talked about her brother beating up a guy who hit her, well my brother is smaller than I am but it would be nice to feel that kind of love from him.
When I got home a week before the Fourth of July I tried to talk to him. He had become quite adept at avoiding me, and there were many places he could go that I didn't know about. I thought about all the times I harassed him to be more like me in school and to try harder to be like me and I understood why he avoided me so.
I had even started breaking my friends' habit of calling him down.
We were sunning one day and Steve was washing his car, which he did about every other day. My friend Amanda said, "I think the stain keeps checking me out. Maddie, can you deal with him please?"
"Get a life." I said, "He isn't harming anyone."
"His presence is harming to me." Said Charlotte.
Amanda huffed and I could swear I heard my friend Shelby tell Charlotte to "Shut the fuck up" and that she thought he was hot.
"What???" asked Charlotte.
"I think he's hot! OK? He looks like a cross between Sebastian Bach and David Coverdale," said Shelby defending her statement. "I've always thought he was hot, besides 'Manda, I've seen you scoping his junk."
Amanda looked redder in the face than usual, and seemed to be digging for a comeback, but the truth was written on her face. Even Charlotte seemed to reconsider her position a bit. I never realized my friends though my brother was anything other than annoying. As he walked across the yard to hang his chamois up to dry I caught myself, as well as my cohorts scoping him out. He walked back to his car, ignoring us as usual.
Shelby spent the night at my house that night. We were just talking when suddenly she asked me, "Do you ever think of Stevie as sexy?"
I had never though about it before, he was just Stevie. "He's my brother. I can't think he's sexy."
"When did you say he'd get up and piss?"
My brother had a knack for getting up to pee, no matter what time he went to bed, at 2:15 am every morning without fail. I couldn't figure out why she wanted to know so I told her, "In about ten minutes. Why?"
"I am going to make him want to fuck me here and now!"
I had no idea what she planned but I knew, for some reason I was jealous. I had no reason to be jealous since he is my brother. But it bothered me that she could want him, she could fuck him, she could marry him, and she could have his children. I couldn't, and it wasn't fair. For the first time in ages I wished he wasn't my brother for a reason other than he annoyed me.
"What about Eric? You know your fiancé."
"I've watched Stevie in the shower, Eric is no Stevie. Not even close! Your baby brother has a beautiful cock."
I was a bit shocked to find my friend had been peeping on my brother, and I was also getting perturbed with her calling him "Stevie." My aunt Karen is the only one who calls him that. I didn't really feel I had the right to call him that, so neither did she.
A few minutes later she looked at the clock and jumped up. "Ready or not Stevie..." With this she stripped buck naked and headed into the bathroom. I moved my self around so that I could see into the bathroom. I saw Shelby put one foot up on the toilet and start masturbating. "He's gonna shit himself when he sees that," I thought to my self.
She was really getting into it when I saw his shadow appear on the opposite wall. I wished I could see his face, but I knew he got an eyeful as he stood there for a minute before retreating to his bedroom. I snuck into the bathroom and Shelby stopped jillin'. We crept to his bedroom door and heard him pissing out of his window. He went back to his bed and started jacking off for all he was worth.
"Man this is hot," said Shelby. "I'm half tempted to go join him."
I lightly punched her in the arm, but I have to admit my pussy was getting wet just knowing what he was doing 10 feet away. We crept back to my bed and climbed in.
Shortly I felt Shelby's hand on my tit, which gave me cause to grab hers. Our lips met in a hot wet kiss. Our tongues sought each other out and our passion raged.
Neither one of us considered ourselves lesbian or even bi. But at times when we were both hornier than a goat we weren't afraid to take care of each other. She broke our kiss and took my nipple into her mouth and began licking and flicking it with her tongue. I reached down with one hand and began tweaking her clit, while my other thumb and forefinger rolled and pulled on her nipples. I felt her hand flick my clit, sending electric shockwaves through my body. I buried my mouth in her hair to stifle a squeal of delight and she snaked two fingers into my sopping wet snatch. Wave after wave of pleasure swept through my body as she worked her digits into my cunt. I pushed her off me and rotated around so that I could put my head between her perfect thighs.
As we got into 69 position her mouth locked onto my pussy and sucked me rapidly to orgasm. I clamped my mouth on her inner thigh to muffle my scream of pleasure. As soon as the waves abated I went to work on her cunny. I sucked her erect clit into my mouth and slid three fingers into her hole. She immediately started bucking her hips and I could feel her tunnel muscles clamping on my fingers. She in turn stuck her fingers into me and started pumping in rhythm with mine. I could tell she was getting close again, as was I. I pulled my slimy fingers out of her cunt and worked one up into her asshole. Her fingers double-timed it in my pussy as she came as hard as I had ever seen her cum. I came just from the sheer pleasure of making my best friend cum that way. We collapsed onto the bed and fell deep asleep.
As the summer wore on I discovered just how hard it is to corner my brother if he doesn't wish to see you. He went to Aunt Karen's for two weeks and then basically managed to avoid being home anytime I was for the rest of it. I left for school in early September without ever getting to talk to him at all.
I look out at the snow covered ground flying by, as I grow nearer to the man I love and want to take as my own. I wanted to be home three days ago. I had planned on hiding out with him for a couple of days before I went to see my parents.
Instead I spent one day in the infirmary and two more days resting in my dorm allowing a course of anti-biotics work on my strep throat.
I am even more nervous because as we have called each other over the past couple weeks, ha seems to be growing a distance between us. I haven't heard the longing in his voice, or felt like he is missing me as much as I am missing him. According to my psych books, he might feel abandoned again. One fantastic night might not be enough to win a heart that is used to being ignored and broken. He's not used to being loved, and therefore is waiting for the other shoe to drop. He might believe he can't be loved.
I stop for lunch in the early afternoon. As I eat I ponder the dreams. They all are the same. I am sucking my man's cock in front of a fire place. After he cums in my mouth I tell him to pound my ass. I gave my anal cherry to him when I was home for Thanksgiving. Every time as he is about to force his rock hard cock home, a parade of my friends come through making fun of him. They call him bed wetter and stain. I turn to tell him to ignore them and plow his sister's ass, and all I see is a 10 year old Steve, picking his nose and playing with his wiener. I freak out and yell "Grow up for fuck's sake! No wonder mom and dad hate you." As soon as the words leave my mouth I regret them and wish to undo what can't be undone. Next thing I know, people in black doctor and nurse uniforms are surrounding us, I am being comforted by faceless people and I feel a horrible sense of loss. I always awaken with a sob of sorrow in my throat.
I have discussed this dream with my professors on a few different occasions, leaving out or changing certain details of course, only to be told I am afraid of committing my heart to this man, when I describe him as a lover, or I fear losing a connection, when described as my brother.
I pay my bill, refill my gas tank, buy a bottle of water and hit the road once more. Realizing I am on the final road to home I think back to Thanksgiving.
I pulled into the driveway of my parents' home on Sunday night. I was happy to see that Stevie's car was in its parking spot. I wanted to go in and hug him and let him know things were going to be different between us from now on. I was greeted at the door my mom and dad. After a few pleasantries I took my things upstairs, and ran into my brother, whom was going down the stairs. "Steve. Do you have a few minutes to gab with your sis?"
"Sorry Princess," he said using the nickname he knew I abhorred, "I gotta run; Mike and two liters of vodka are waiting. Try me around the "second coming," I might have a free minute then." With that he headed down the stairs and out the door. I heard his car leave and heard my dad curse about the tire marks he left on the street.
I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, he wasn't going to warm up to me until I had made the first several moves. I was worried about his drinking and began to put my psych classes to work, formulating a plan to win my brothers love again.
I spent most of the night sleepless, waiting for him to come home. I fell asleep finally around 5 in the morning. I was awakened by his phone ringing sometime later. I heard him go downstairs and come up a few minutes later to vomit violently in the bathroom. I heard the shower come on and decided to go see if he was ok. I walked into the bathroom and saw blood in his puke. Horrified I turned to see Stevie in the shower. He was jacking his cock for all he was worth. I stood mesmerized and his hand pumped on his beautiful prick.
My pussy started tingling and I reached into my panties and began rubbing my clit. His hand began pumping at a furious pace and my diddling fingers matched it. Just as his cock launched his hot sticky jizm on the shower wall I was rocked by my own orgasm. I tried to not make a sound but a sigh escaped me. Fearing he had heard I ran into my room and dove into bed as fast as I could. As soon I heard him leave I immediately began masturbating.
I inserted my fingers into my smooth hairless pussy easily because I was so wet. All I could think of was my brother's rock hard 8 inch cock pounding into me as I pumped my fingers in and out of my hole. It didn't take me long at all to cum. About twenty minutes later, Shelby came by and we headed out for a day of catching up and shopping.
Later in the afternoon Shelby suggested we go by Charley's and see if Steve looked busy. If not we'd take him to lunch and both of us talk to him. I was uncomfortable having Shelby trying to get her talons into him, but I figured in the end I could end up where I wanted to be. Stevie was busy when we went by. I felt another jealous twinge when I saw him demonstrating an instrument to a hot looking soccer mom and her son. I also saw one of his students and his mother waiting for a lesson and could have sworn I saw her checking him out. Once I know Steve spotted us so we went to the Birchwood Mall.
On Tuesday my old boyfriend Tommy, better known as Diesel, came by to take me for a ride in his new car. He was quite proud of it and drove rather recklessly and tried to scare me. We picked up Shelby later on and he asked us if we could find out if Stevie's car is faster than his. He bragged of beating some guys who raced on the north end of town. He said that he wasn't going to race any of the guys at Johnny's unless he knew for sure that he'd win.
"None of those guys will race unless there's at least $500 on the line. I even hear your brother keeps $1000 on him just for such occasions."
We both said we'd try to find an opportunity to ride with him and see what his car was like. I had found receipts for things he bought for his car. I knew how much money he had invested in it and I was sure it would beat Tommy's new car in a heartbeat. Later Shelby and I both decided we'd tell him that Stevie's car wasn't all that fast just to see him race Stevie.
Wednesday evening I finally got my opportunity to talk to Steve, or so I thought. Charlotte knew of a party happening that night and we all decided we'd go. Steve was getting ready to go out when I asked him for a ride to Charlotte's house. I got in his car and immediately buckled my seat belt. He didn't get many opportunities to scare me and I knew he'd make the most of this. The car shook as he started it and back down the drive way. We got into the street and he floored it, making the car do a wheelie for quite a distance. He kept the stereo turned up so that conversation was impossible, but after the first wheelie he did drive quite sanely and got me to Charlotte's in one piece.
"Thanks bro!" I told him, and then on the spur of the moment I leaned across and kissed him on the cheek. It was hard not to laugh at his expression of wonderment. I went up the walk and into Charlotte's house. I didn't hear him leave, so I have no idea how long he sat there.
Shelby and Amanda showed up about ten minutes after I got there. Charlotte told us, "My brother's girlfriend Michelle is having a party tonight. He said it's cool if we come. So what do you guys think?"
We all said we thought it was a good idea and got in Charlotte's car and went to the party. There were about 100 people there when we got there, some I knew, some I had never met. We had been there about an hour when I saw Stevie and his friends hanging out with some of the younger people there. I saw him paying attention to a really attractive Asian girl. I felt an instant surge of jealousy, and Shelby started commenting about what a little whore she was and how Stevie shouldn't show interest in a skank like her. I knew Shelby liked him but I never knew she would act this way.
After a little while of watching her and my brother make out, we saw her go toward the bathroom. Charlotte and Amanda and I caught up with her outside of the bathroom. Charlotte walked up and told her that our friend had heard that she had been trying to hook up with her boyfriend while she was at college and if she wanted to not get her ass kicked she should leave before our friend got there. It must have worked, because we saw her make a bee line for the door and leave.
We walked around the party for a while longer talking to old friends and drinking. I looked and found my brother's crowd but he wasn't with them. For a moment I was afraid he had gone with the girl Charlotte had frightened off.
Around midnight we left the party and Charlotte drove me home. Stevie's car was not in the driveway so I hatched a plan. I went in and upstairs. I locked his bedroom door so that he would have to go through my bedroom and the bathroom to get to his room, then I went into my room and waited. A little after two in the morning I heard his car pull up the drive. I went into his room and waited just past the bathroom door.
As he came into the room I grabbed him from behind, around his neck and clamped a hand over his mouth to muffle the inevitable, albeit girlish scream. I drug him to the bed where I pull him to a sitting position and wrap my legs around him to hold him. I told him not to make a sound and removed my hand.
"I know mom and dad have rarely done right by you. I haven't done much better. But I need you to give me a chance." I told him, he began to answer, a loud profane answer I figured so I clamped my hand over his mouth again.
"I expect you to come to dinner with mom, dad, grandma and grandpa and myself tomorrow. I expect you to trust me for once in your life. Nod if you understand."
I felt his head nod. I released him and told him to go to bed, and went to my own room. I thought during dinner, I would stand up, hug Stevie, and tell the family that if they didn't start treating him better I would take him with me, far away from all of them.
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Love Stories"Flight Eight-ten is now boarding for Houston, Texas," the lady said over the intercom."That's me," I said to the guy sitting next to me. For the last hour we had been having a conversation, well, I was holding a conversation with him. He was having a conversation with my cleavage."Okay," he said as he sounded disappointed."If you join any of those sites, we will talk more," I said as I walked away.That was how the conversation got started. He thought he had seen me before and well, he...
InterracialMax Toto and his wife Angel met twenty years ago at a gentlemen’s club. Angel was the headline stripper and Max owned the joint. Angel looked much younger than she was and always filled the place. She made more money than any other stripper. She was wholesome looking. Most guys thought she was a virgin. She had a smoking hot figure and her tits were perfectly sized. She was a good C cup. She had a bare pussy which she covered with a jeweled thong. Angel knew how to work the stage. She’d walk...
Hi friends mera naam dev hai mein. Meine iss pe bhot sari stories upload ki hai. Or aaj mein ek or nayi story aap logo ke samne present karne jaa raha hun. Is story mein aap read karenge ki kaise meine meri mom ko fuck kiya vo bhi humare family relative ki marriage mein. Mein delhi mein rehata hun hun or 11th class mein study karta hun. Mein delhi mein apni mom k sath rehata hun. Humare ghar mein sirf mein or meri mom hi rehate hai. Meri sis pune mein rheti hai or vahi job karti hai or daddy to...
I met Shawn during my last year of high school and we quickly became friends even though it was his first year of high school. I would drive him home after school and hang out for a few hours before his mom and step-dad where due home from work. I remember the we went swimming after school. My jaw hit the floor when I saw what was hanging between his legs. He could see the look of surprise on my face and he helps ease that awkward moment. “I know, I know, I have a big dick for my age. People...
GayLynn was several years older than my mom. Nothing extraordinary about this woman, not a super model, not hot. Not bad looking though. I mean the only thing that caught my eye about her after years of living across the street from her was her huge nipples. I mean if she did not have a bra on I could see those puppies from a mile away. She was a big flirt."Hey Tommy, come in here I want to show you something." Lynn said. The neighbors had a new swimming pool installed and they invited half the...
After what I had hoped was a suitably impressive command speech, I looked at each of the group. More to enforce my leadership than anything else. As I squatted down by the fire, I started Chuckling. “So, bigfoot, eh? What makes you boys think you can track, let alone catch Mr. Fuzzy?” As the apparent leader, professor Burroughs was the first to speak up. “Mr. Reynolds, if you’re going to tell me that you are a disbeliever, I expected that before I even contacted Mr. Wadsworth. Most people...
New Horizon I parked across the street from the house I formally called home. The exterior appeared unchanged after eleven months away. There was a time when I would pull up in this driveway and be filled with joy at the prospect of just being home with my family. Sometimes happiness is an illusion, as I so painfully discovered. As I sat there staring at 2200 Sycamore Drive, memories flooded my mind, I’d tried so hard to block out for nearly a year. When I left, I was resolute that I would...
CheatingBack in 2008, when I was about 22, I had the greatest year of my life. It all started when my aunt and I were texting each other. She, at the time was living in Florida, and I was living in Seattle. I hadn't seen her in years. It must have been about 13 years. I saw her last when my father took me down for thanksgiving. She and my grandmother loved cooking. They always made great food for thanksgiving, probably because they were from the south an I don't really have southern food often....
As Tamara made her way to her office, she couldn’t hide her good mood as she passed Billie at the desk. “Good morning, Billie,” she smiled as she walked straight into her office leaving Billie wondering. Billie was on the phone, but if she wasn’t she would’ve been all up in Tamara’s face getting details about Tamara’s weekend away in Atlanta. It was clear that something changed between Tamara and Kent, and obviously for the better. Billie was happy for her friend for taking the leap. “Speaking...
Love StoriesSnake 3 ? by: Beverly Taff Before the high priestess sent us to the USA she allowed the four of us to take some rest and recuperation. Cleo and Aspa immediately resumed their jungle nakedness thus allowing Sybil and I the luxury of free access to the air and clear vision of our surroundings. We had been rested from our missionary work because there was a particularly heavy workload required in our next task. The high priestess felt an urgency concerning the G7 group's conspicuous...
As you know, Andy is a kitten, which means she is chemically programmed to obey my commands. I could say to her, “On your back, bitch, and spread them,” and she would immediately comply, gladly giving me that which I desired. The programming would force her to obey. And, Andy’s own love for me, that unprogrammed part of her nature, reinforced the programming. I had trained myself not to give her direct orders in things sexual. It was more fun to suggest and let Andy respond as what she was,...
This is your friend KS back again as promised with another encounter with my on site German colleague. It was a typical Saturday morning when the phone rang. It was Elena, my best colleague. A month before I found myself locked in passionate embrace with her and I think I have discovered the wild sexual side of myself. Since then I had constantly been thinking of how wonderful it felt being that close with her, feeling her lips on mine, her body pressing into me. At first i had tried to push it...
I was about 21 and there was this gay guy who lived across the hall from my apartment.We were good friends.He was always jealous because I had more men friends than he did.He was always telling me to ask if any of my friends were bi.Unfortunately for him none were.We were in my apartment one night and he asked me if I owned any dildos or maybe a strap on.I looked at him strangely and said "why you want to borrow one." I was k**ding.He was not. He said he was so horny and needed a cock even a...
Sunday I know people go to church these days in tee shirts, jeans, everything but tank tops and hot pants, but that is not the way it is in our family. Daddy always wears a tie and either a conservative sports jacket or, more usually, a suit. Today it was his best suit, with a very distinguished necktie. Very "Regis Philbin," if you know what I mean. My brother, of course, was fully aware of the Uniform of the Day, so he was appropriately garbed as well in a very nice blazer and sharply...
"Pam any chance of a tea pal?" That's me Max; I'm lying in bed shouting down to the wife of 18 years. "Ok" That's Pam, blonde and petite with green- brown eyes, mother of two teenage sons who were at a school camp, when the boy's started going on holidays without us we learnt quickly to grab as much time with each other as possible, Pam works as an accountant in an office and has the week off, I work as a manager in retail also have the week off but I have promised to go in today to...
Let me first preface this story by saying that my wife and I have a wonderful sex life. She is every man’s dream partner. She has an incredible body for a woman of forty who will watch porn at a drop of a hat. She allows me to look at women on the internet and will occasionally join me in one of my many masturbating events, by either stroking my dick or lie next to me and masturbate to what I am. She is a dream come true always giving me more then I ever want. She is also a wonderful mother to...
A New Style of Education by Karen Page It might help to read A Bundle of Joy before this chapter. Part 36 - Late afternoon, Thursday 15th December Our small family were all back together. After the welcome home in the wet winter evening, we'd eventually made our way to our year room. The Americans from year D had disappeared, leaving just the ten of us. I would have to thank Melissa later. "So, what was it like to be back at home?" asked Emma. "Strange. It wasn't just...
Hello friends, aap sabhi ko meri shubh kaamnaye. Aapke mail mile mujhe, behad khushi hui. Thanks sabko. Chaliye aaj ka episode padhte hai. Jo bhi ye episode pahli baar pad rahe ho unse kahunga ki aap ise padne se pahle season 1 padhle. Jisse apko saari kahaniyo ki jad se pata chale. Jo bhi mujhe mail mein messages aur apni sujhaaw dena chahte ho, ye raha mera mail id . PART 14: Ab Khel Me Shamil “Bhawna Bhabhi” Narrated by Shobha Pichle baar aaplogo ne padha ki kiss tarah se Naveen ne mujhe...
So Id just put the k**s to bed, my partner was in the shower and i was thinking about all the dirty things i wanted to do to her, when she came out of the bathroom wearing her frumpy period pj's.Dissapointed i headed to the bathroom to shower.So I rubbed 1 out, shaved, trimmed my pubes and took a shower, the process took 35-40mins. took my clothes to wash and headed down the hall towards our bedroom when i heard a familliar buzzing sound.As i entered the bedroom i was greeted by the sexeist...
Jake Abernathy closed his eyes, inhaled sharply, and came. Wave after wave of pleasure surged through him. He tried to hold on to it as long as he could, but finally he had to slump forward, temporarily spent. The girl, his wife's friend Marilyn, smiled and touched his nose. "You sure know how to show a girl a good time." "Glad you liked it," he said thickly. He'd felt her come just moments before he did, and that had set him off. He glanced at the couple to his left. Beth, his wife,...
In the fall of 2014 when I was on a flight back to Los Angeles after my first job as a Film Director for a quite small indie sci-fi project I received a phone call from a fellow director, asking me to step in for him to for LACMA + Film Gala Premiere in Los Angeles a while he continued to film in Europe. Since I was basically going there myself anyway due to our post-productions offices are in Los Angeles as wellI said I'd do it. So instead of going to the post-production offices immediately I...
I stood beside her as she read. I had my hands on her desk and was watching the way her glasses had slipped to the end of her nose. I didn’t move when her hand slid up my thigh under my skirt. “Oh,” she said absently, “this is good, very good.” I had no idea if she was referring to the text or to the state of my cunt as her finger stroked lightly between my lips. ~~~ Paula has been a good friend for many years. During most of those years, she was in a long-term relationship with Megan but it...
LesbianMy sister was a very pretty girl, she took after our Mom, who was at the age of 42, down right defied the laws of gravity, but I’ll get back to that later, for now I want to explain more about my sister. She was a petite girl, only about 5 feet tall, I often joked about her height to her. She was in very good shape as she was a cheerleader, and often went to the gym. She has very pretty blue eyes, blond hair, and a lightly tanned skin. Her body caused more than just a few jaws to drop, she...
My Father In Law - Part FourAfter making love this morning Doug told me today was going to be a very special day. First he took me shopping.He took me to a shop that has all very sexy & erotic clothing & shoes. When I asked him if there was anything special he wanted to see me in he said yes. He told me they had a sexy little bride’s outfit he would love to see me in. I smiled and said OK lets try it on. The skirt was short and came a little below my butt, the top very nicely showed off...
Hey, I guess I can start by introducing myself. That’s always a good place to start. My name is amilyn. But you can just call me amy; Everyone does. I Have dark red hair, I guess you can say its almost the color of the perfect apple. Im usually a pale white but tanning does wonders. I have a tiny waist and a huge ass (or so I’ve been told) and to top it all off, I pack a D36 bra to capacity. Yup, I turn heads and turn men in to boys. I love playing men like they’re toys, its so fun....
We had met on-line a couple months ago, after exchanging e-mails at first, then just lately phone numbers and after a few conversations, Gail and I decided it was time to meet. I was extremely nervous, as this would be my first meeting with someone that I had met through an on-line dating service. We met at a bar that I sometimes go to for happy hour, which was also convenient for her. Well, we had a blast. All the correspondence really paid off. Turns out we were both nervous but that...
My wife, Toni and I were out drinking one night in San Diego. Atthe time we were both in our early 30s. Toni was 5'6" 200lbs, long blndehair, 44DD tits, and kept her pussy shaved bald. We staggered out of one barand headed up the street to another when we past an adult theater. Toni grabbed my arm and said, "Come on, lets go in. I want you tofuck me in there." I was happy to go along, so I paid the man and we entered the darktheater. I held her hand as we stayed in the back of the theater to...
Character Summary: John high school graduate and son of vice chairman Alexander. His mother died at childbirth and it has been him and his father for sixteen years until he met Beth. John hated her immediately. John is smart and manipulative when he wants to be. He is clever and lucky as well as handsome. Main character: name Beth/degrading names. Age 35. Height 5'5. Build physically fit. Hair blonde. Eyes blue. Skin Caucasian. Bust DD. Public hair bushy for now. Character Summary:...
Tammy is shy, innocent, and very naive about men and sex, she is 25 single petite woman. She fidgeted with her short dress, clearing her throat uneasily as she sat at the bar. Men were staring at her, and honestly she didn't blame them. The dress was sent to her by a mysterious annomyous admirer and is ridiculously short and the sharp, lethal looking stilettos made her look hot and very sexy. She didn't look like a cheap hooker, or even a more expensive hooker, she looked like a dainty...
Let me tell you a little more about my Didi. Her name is Bipasha Didi. She is in her late thirties with a fair skin color. Bipasha Didi is short with a womanly body, big soft boobs and a big round ass that sticks out like two footballs from under her shalwar. I love looking at Bipasha Didi’s round ass when it jiggles when she is working in the house, and when she bends over to pick up something from the floor. I live with my Didi’s family because I go to college in their city so I get to see...
IncestSister’s kisses for my birthday“What are you going to gift me on my eighteenth birthday Shilpa,” I asked my sister Shilpa who was 25 now and married 2 years back to Anil. Since Anil’s job mostly touring on office work, Shilpa forced our parents and admitted me to nearby school and I was staying with the couple."I'd really like to give you something extra special for your 18th birthday, my loving brother," said elder sister, as we stood in the kitchen in the early evening, "but I don't know what...
Having just gotten home from a swim, I throw my wet gear down and go for a lie down on the bed. Within 10 minutes I'm out cold, laying on the bed stripped to my boxers.You get home and find my wet gear on the floor, anger starts to build, you remove the towel and wrap it up to make a long wet rope. Walking into the bed room you see me laid out on the bed, completely asleep. Seeing me lay there your anger turns to desire and an idea begins to brew.You strip down to nothing but your heels whilst...
The commission I have a unique job. First of all, I am my own boss. I procure and sell very special items to the richest men in the world. They are quite particular on who they deal with and I am even more particular on who I deal with. What I sell is illegal in most countries, even the ones I deal in. But I have never been bothered by the authorities as my clients are so upper crust and powerful that no one messes with them and by association, me. What I deal with is slaves. Not like...
My name is Bethanny. I’m 29 years old and I have brown shoulder length hair, about 5’6′, slim with a tight little 38D – 24 -36 body. I workout at the local gym a lot to keep in top shape – and to show off my body to all the hunks that go there as well! I’m probably most proud of my tits though, aside from being enormous on their own, they have thick dark nipples and when excited they stick out at least 1′ and are as round as the end of your little finger. Through the years there have been many...
It was nine at night and someone knocked on the door and when I checked, it was one of the known faces I always adored much, she was my student in college Anu. She was a perfect blossom with the perfect body I like, 30-24-34 and wheat complexion. I preferred such girls because I always imagined putting their tiny boobs in my mouth and suck them hard. Few days remained for their final exams and she happened to visit me for clearing her doubts regarding some questions she found difficult to...
It might have been my socialization, or diet, or early toilet training. Or maybe I am just a complete asshole. Whatever!!! But I have been a loner my entire life – and that’s just fine with me. Since I live in my head. And things are always a lot more interesting up there. Needless to say, I hated school. Every second that I spent chained to the golden mean was agonizing. And since I was a nerd I didn’t have any actual friends. Instead, I spent most of my time playing video games with a...