PrincessChapter 4 free porn video

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Author's note ... I was approximately half a paragraph from having this chapter ready to submit when the flash drive I was storing it on got wiped out. Since I am not working from an outline, I have to re-write the whole thing from scratch. This chapter is told from multiple points of view and has very little back tracking. I hope you enjoy and please vote ... SH

I would also like to give my thanks and my undying gratitude to my editor for her editing prowess, making this a much better tale ... SH

I walked out of the living room, naked as the day I was born. My brother's cum was running out of my well fucked pussy down my thighs. I eyed the stairs to my bedroom and decided I was too worn out to climb stairs, so we'd finish this night in our parent's room.

Steve followed me close behind, his large semi hard cock swinging back and forth. He suddenly seemed distant and tense, and seemed tired. I guess with him sleeping so little the past couple of days, tired was to be expected. He was being awakened by dreams that he couldn't remember upon waking. I was glad Heidi James would be back in town soon, because I felt Steve needed professional help.

Steve was glad to be rid of the Santa Claus mask that had concealed his identity while he fucked me on web cam to piss off my ex boyfriend Mark. Instead of pissing him off, the fucktard actually thanked me for allowing a guy to fuck me on cam. I told him to get lost and that we were going to do anal on the cam, but since he would like it we were going to my room to have the rest of our fun.

"How's my ass looking baby?" I asked Steve. I got no answer and turned to look at him. He looked off into space and appeared to be somewhere else. "Stevie!"

"Huh? What? I'm sorry I was zoning I guess."

"Are you OK baby? You seem lost."

"I'm fine Maddie, just spacey I guess."

"Are you ready to make me not be a liar? Are you ready to fuck my ass?"


I walked over to the bed and moved a pillow from the head to the middle of the king sized bed. I climbed up and lay on my tummy, leaving my ass in the air. I spread my legs open and waited. When a few minutes had passed I looked back over my shoulder to see Stevie staring off into the distance. "Are you ok baby?" I asked him.

"Huh? Oh yeah, just a bit tired I guess. I haven't been sleeping all that well."

"We don't have to play if you are tired sweetheart."

"No I am fine Maddie. I dream of fucking your ass."

Something was deeply bothering him. I wished that I had known him better growing up. I was beginning to despise my parents.

Stevie climbed up between my thighs and began caressing my ass. "MMM, baby I love when you touch me." He started rubbing his erect cock up and down my ass crack. I realized that I had left the KY in the living room and hoped Stevie wasn't going to try to enter me dry.

He reached down and slid his erect cock into my pussy and began stroking me slowly. Just as I was starting to get into it, I felt a cold dollop of KY hit my asshole. The sweet man had grabbed it after all. He used a finger to work the lube all over my small pucker and pushed some inside. Between the cock in my pussy and his finger working in my ass I came as hard as I ever had. I knew Stevie was fighting off his impending orgasm because he was making that "huffing" sound, but he pulled out of my pussy and held off for a moment.

"Oh baby. Are you ready to fuck my ass?"

"Almost babe."

He squirted KY into my ass crack and began to rub his cock in it. I was getting so turned on by his cock gliding through my crack. Finally I reached back with both hands and spread my ass open for him. He placed his purple helmet against my little brown knot and started to put pressure on it.

"Are you ready baby?"

"Oh Stevie, I'm so ready it hurts."

He grabbed my wrists and held them behind my back. We both knew that he couldn't hold me if I didn't want but I was somewhat turned on by the feeling of being under his control. He pushed and I bore down as if to poop. The head and an inch or two of his shaft was now embedded in my colon.

"Oomph, Oh fuck that thing is big."

"Do you want me to pull out?"

"Fuck no!! Just go slow baby."

He pressed another inch or so into my ass and held. My sphincter was relaxing much quicker than our first time so I told him to give me more. Soon he had half of his glorious dick up my ass.

"Oh fuck yeah baby! I love it!"

I pushed up just a bit as he pushed in and he had all but an inch of his cock in my ass. He started to slowly withdraw until the head was left inside then he pushed forward again. After a few strokes like this I felt his balls hit my pussy and I knew his cock was completely in my ass.

"Do it baby! Fuck my tight ass! Ughh."

At my encouragement he began sawing in and out of my tight asshole. He grabbed my hips and stepped up his assault on my ass. His balls kept slapping against my pussy, driving me closer and closer to orgasm. Stevie was pumping me for all he was worth and I was in heaven. I had enjoyed our first time in my ass a lot, but this time was over the top!

I could hear a keening, mewling sound filling the room. Just as I tried to figure out what it was, I realized it was me. I didn't seem capable of making rational sounds. Stevie was breathing hard and I could feel his cock starting to swell. At the same time I could feel the heat deep in my loins, signaling my impending orgasm. As it built and exploded through me, I felt Stevie's cock spew its white hot load deep into my bowels. We collapsed in a sweating heap, with Stevie kissing the back of my neck and rubbing me all over.

I know Stevie woke up around three again in a panic. I was so wiped out from all the sex, my pussy and anus were well past sore, a good sore, but sore none the less.

"Are you ok baby?" I asked groggily, "Come back to bed."

"I uh, I, I I just need some air." I thought it almost sounded like he was on the verge of tears. "Go back to sleep. I'll join you shortly."

He left the room. I tried to wait for him but I was exhausted and fell asleep. I dreamed of Stevie lost in a dark cavernous space. He ran around looking for help but none was to be found. An ominous dark presence seemed to suck all of the light out of everything. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't reach him to pull him to safety.

I awoke around nine and was in bed alone. Stevie's side was cold like he hadn't been in bed for a while. I got up and slipped into one of mom's robes and went to see if he was making breakfast. He wasn't in the kitchen or living room. I went upstairs and found no sign of him. His duffel bag and clothes were still in my room, as was his coat. I went back down and looked in the garage. His car wasn't there.

I pulled out my cell phone and dialed his number. I heard a sound coming from the living room. I went out to find his cell phone was on the table where he'd set it last night. I began to wonder if he'd just run out to get something, but I had a suspicion that he had fled.

The message light on my phone was blinking. I looked and there were over 50 text messages from Mark. All of them said "Call Me ASAP!" There were a dozen voice mails as well. I listened to a couple of them, where Mark called me a tease and a whore. The last one said he was going to gang bang me with the football team.

"Gang bang me? We'll see who gets pounded bitch." I said as I called an old friend of mine who had connections on the football team. Byron Childress was more than happy to make a call or two and make sure Mark Grant would never lay a finger on me.

I showered and got dressed then sat around waiting to see if Stevie would return. A little after 1:00 his phone rang. I looked at and it was Shelby calling. I debated what I was going to tell her, and then figured the truth would be best.

"Hi Shel."

"Maddie? Why are you answering Stevie's phone?"

"He came to stay with me while our parents are in Cali. He's been here since Monday evening."

"How sweet of him. Can I talk to him hon?"

"I don't know where he went..." I proceeded to tell her about his nightmares and how he wasn't here this morning when I got up. She told me that she'd noticed his bad dreams as well and called her mother in and out me on speaker phone. I told them I would drive around a bit this afternoon looking for him.

"We'll be back home tomorrow around noon." Heidi said, "I'll try to help him after you locate him. Here is my suggestion..."

We formulated a plan, and then I went looking for my brother. I drove around to all of the places I knew he went. There was no sign of him at the music shop, nor was he at Mike's father's shop. As the sun was setting I went by his house and knocked on his door. His neighbor lady came out and asked who I was looking for.

"I'm looking for my brother Steve."

"He came home around four this morning and left again just after five dear. I haven't seen him all day."

A few times that night, I drove by his house, but I never saw any lights on. Around midnight I parked in front of his house to watch for him. I left at 2:00 a.m. and went straight home. I fell asleep by sheer exhaustion around three. I didn't like being in my parent's house all alone and desperately wished Stevie was there. I wondered how Shelby would take the news of Stevie and I sleeping together. I figured I'd talk to Heidi first and she'd know how to handle it.

Stevie had been faithful to her up until I told him of my idea of revenge on Mark. I felt fully responsible for him stepping out on Shelby and I would do what I could to see they didn't break up.

I woke up around noon to my phone ringing. It was Shelby telling me that they were home. She was saddened to hear I had found no trace of Stevie yet. I took a shower and dressed for the day.

I was just getting ready to leave when my cell rang. It was my mom.

"Hi dear, how is everything there? Is the house ok?"

"The house is fine mom. So am I. Stevie has had some sort of breakdown though and I am truly scared for him." I said as my emotions came pouring out.

"Well maybe if he'd lay off of the drugs he wouldn't have breakdowns." I could hear my father in the background saying he wasn't paying to bail the little fucker out of prison. I assumed that they were not around grandma or grandpa or Aunt Karen.

"Well don't worry your self over him mom. I'm sure he'll be just fine. I have to go meet Shelby now." I hung up and cried for a few minutes. How could they be so shitty towards him? I remember when he moved out how mom had called me and bitched that Steven had left and quit paying them rent. She felt he should pay them back for buying food for him all those years.

I guess now I understood why he stayed so far away from them. I locked the house and left for the day. I drove out to the James' home and steeled myself to fight for Stevie.

I just walked in the house, as all of us did at each other's homes. Shelby gave me a huge hug and told me she was heading up to take a shower. I walked into the den and saw Heidi.

"Can we talk mom?"

"Sure Maddie. What's on your mind baby?"

"Well, I kind of seduced my own brother."

I proceeded to tell her all about Steve and I getting together at Thanksgiving. I told her everything, including Mark's shit, and how we got him back. She appeared to mull over everything I said and finally she spoke.

"You and Steve have not had the typical childhoods. Usually parents teach their children that siblings aren't supposed to feel that way abut each other. You two didn't get that. Steve especially was neglected and attention starved, no matter what brave face he put on to hide his pain."

"You are both attractive hormone charged teens. You know you love him, and now he loves you. But since it is a new love, so to speak, you two have pair bonded differently than most siblings do, mainly because you never bonded as children."

"I know Steve needs a lot of therapy to get past these things. It might not hurt you to talk to someone as well."

"As for Shelby, I'll talk to her and help her to understand."

I told her that I felt I had to be the one who told her, since I was the one who instigated it. She wasn't sure about the idea, but relented and agreed.

I was still crying when Shelby came down from her shower.

"It'll be ok Maddie. I know we'll find him and then mom can help him."

I then broke down and told her everything. I left out details, like the fact we'd done anal, but I didn't omit any bouts of sex.

She broke down crying harder than I'd ever seen her cry before. "I guess our wedding is off then," she said as I started crying harder, the sobs threatening to rip my chest apart. "I can't be with someone I can't trust and I obviously can't trust him. And here I thought he loved me!"

Heidi took Shelby aside and talked to her for almost an hour as I sobbed away an hour in the den. Soon Heidi and Shelby came back in and Shelby hugged me tight and told me everything would be alright. Heidi had told her the things she'd told me and she understood that my parents' treatment of Stevie was a big factor in all of this.

"I just don't know if I can marry someone when I can't stand his parents." She almost laughed through her tears.

I got enough of a hold on myself to say, "I don't think you need to worry about that. I doubt he'll ever go to visit them much."

We all had a laugh and talked about how we were going to help Steve. Heidi made us a quick lunch, and then Shelby and I went out to see of we could find Steve. Heidi gave me a couple of powerful sedatives to slip to Stevie when we found him, to keep him there until she could come and help.

"Try not to let him drink too much with these." She said. "They are powerful enough to keep him asleep for at least eight dreamless hours."

We drove around most of the afternoon with no luck. At diner time we stopped at Desi's for tacos and ran into Don Reed. We told Don about Stevie and he agreed to keep an eye out, and that he'd call when he saw him. During dinner Charlotte called me, asking for Steve's phone number. When I asked why she wanted it, she replied that Amanda wanted to be his New Year's Eve date and if he was a good boy he'd get lucky. Shelby heard this and grabbed my phone.

"Char, you better tell that fat butch bitch that I will slap the bejesus out of her if she steps on foot towards my fiancé!"

All I could do was laugh as I pictured what Char's face must look like at that moment. I knew Amanda wouldn't be pleased, but there wasn't much she could do about it. Even if Stevie hadn't been engaged to Shelby, he wouldn't have given Amanda the time of day. I got the phone back in time to hear how rude Char thought Shel was. I told her that Stevie had disappeared and she was just a bit worried, but also she didn't appreciate Amanda trying to horn in on her man.

After dinner we drove around some, still finding no sign of him. Around ten we parked in front of his house. We sat for a while and watched the street. One or two cars drove by in the first hour. I felt the need to tell Shelby something, so I let it fly.

"After we find him and your mom nurses him back to health, I will step out of your way. I won't ever put myself in position to hurt my brother or my best friend again."

"No. I don't think that's necessary." She said, "We've had our fun before, and we both love Stevie. As long as he is fine with it, I don't mind sharing with you Maddie. As long as I am his at the end of the day, I'll be fine."

"I envy you, you know?"

"Envy me? Why? You have brains, a killer body, you're great at sports, and could have just about any guy you want. Why would you envy me?"

"Because, when all is said and done, you can marry Steve. You and he can show your true feelings in public and not be scorned. You can have his children. All I could ever do is be a dirty secret, or we'd have to move far away where nobody knows us."

Shelby hugged me as I cried. "I really resent my parents right now." I said, "All the years of ignoring and neglecting the only brother I have, years I'll never get back. I was supposed to protect him and I have failed. I seduce him and damaged him by doing so."

"Mom will help you through all of this too Maddie. I just wish I'd had the guts to stand up to you, Char and Manda years ago. I have wanted your brother a lot longer than any of you know. I only wish that I had taken his virginity since he took mine."

I was socked. "WHAT?!" Shelby had dated quite a few guys in school, and had been engaged to Eric since her freshman year of college. "All the guys you dated, being engaged to Eric, and Stevie got your cherry a week ago?"

"I actually broke my hymen with a dildo my junior year. I've blown and rubbed off the guys I dated that I let get that far. Eric was the only one to eat me a few times, but Stevie was my first."

"He was first in my ass. Mark had tried but I gave it to him." Now it was Shelby's turn to be surprised.

"You let him put his 8 inch coke can in your ass? How did you ever manage that?"

"I won't lie, it hurt at first. But after a bit it felt really good, and Steve is a superb lover."

I don't know why, but a car pulling up to the curb a block away caught my attention. I watched for the driver to get out but didn't see one. I was about to remark on the car when a familiar song came on the radio.

Maybe in another life

I could find you there

Pulled away before your time

I can't deal it's so unfair

And it feels

And it feels like

Heaven's so far away

And it feels

Yeah it feels like

The world has grown cold

Now that you've gone away

"That's the song that Stevie is always playing." Shelby said. She pulled out her phone and used a song ID AP to find that the song was "Gone Away" by The Offspring.

"He played it a lot after Wendy died. If I had been a better sister I would have helped him come out of his depression. I know mom and dad never noticed, well except for dad telling him to quit moping and suck it up. Two days after she died! Once again, a time when Stevie needed someone and no one was there for him."

"So, who exactly was Wendy?"

"Wendy Pearlman lived just down the street from us. Wendy and Stevie were pretty much inseparable. I truly believe that they would have married and grown old together if she was still alive."

"Stevie had a nasty case of the flu one year. He was in bed for three days before anyone thought to check on him. Wendy was the one. She came over every day to feed him soup and crackers. She cleaned him up, she changed his bed, and between her and her mother, they had Stevie nursed back to health. I kept expecting Mrs. Pearlman to call DSS on my mom and dad, but she never did."

"One day Wendy and her brother David went skiing up at Mount Sugar. They were returning home that afternoon through the Seven Lakes region. A snowplow going the other way slid on a curve and veered into the east bound lane. The Honda Civic they were in didn't stand a chance."

"I think I remember hearing about that. How did Stevie take it?"

"He was depressed for the longest time. Of course mom and dad were no help. Dad kept calling him a cry baby, and mom would never comfort him. He spent three weeks pretty much in his room. He didn't eat much if at all and he barely slept. I could hear him crying at night. What did I do? Go comfort him? Reassure him that things would be ok? NO. I complained to dad that he was keeping me awake. Dad threatened to have him locked up if he didn't cut his weepy bullshit."

"Don Reed is Wendy's uncle. He and his wife Pam pretty much held Stevie together and I am grateful to them for that. But I failed him I can't fail him again."

An hour later it dawned on me that I had never seen anyone get out of the car I had seen park earlier. But it was possible that while Shelby and I gabbed they got out and I just missed it.

About three o'-clock we'd had enough and decided to leave. I drove to the end of the block and turned the corner to head home. As I turned, the headlights on the car I had been watching came on. I got about half a block and stopped in time to see Stevie's Nova go through the intersection behind us. He had sat there waiting for us to leave.

"That was him Maddie. Let's go get him."

"We should wait. He might just keep on driving if he thinks we're after him. I have a plan, but I need to check a few things out first."

I took her home and then went home and got mom's car. I parked where I could watch Mike's father's shop. A little after six, Stevie pulled up to the shop, went in and opened a bay door and pulled his car in and closed the door. As the door closed I saw a white van that looked like one that drove past us last night before Stevie parked to wait us out.

I went home and took a shower. I slept well, knowing that I had a long night again tonight. I was sure my plan would work; I just hoped Heidi could help him before it was too late.


"Oh you fucking stupid ass mother fucker!!!!! Couldn't wait another minute, could you? Impatient FUCK! Let's just get our tired ass home before she can turn around." I ranted to my self for my stupidity.

I knew I had fucked up as soon as I turned on my headlights. But truth be told I was so tired I was tempted to "roofie" myself just to get some sleep. I had spent part of yesterday in my office until Charley called and told me it was vacation time and to get my ass out and have fun. So I went to the shop and tried to sleep.

I can never remember the dreams, but I know they are getting worse. I can't sleep more than half an hour at a time. I just have to make it until Monday when the Navy recruiter could sign me up and get my ass on a ship. So I hurried home and got into my house before she turned around and came back.

I drove through the driveway and parked in the garage and quickly got inside. I went straight to bed, but I only slept for maybe twenty minutes before I would wake feeling more afraid than I have ever felt. I gave up trying a little before six and decided to go back to hiding at the shop. I could nap and nobody would know I was there.

I got to the shop and open the bay door. As I was pulling my Nova inside I could have sworn I saw Dianne's car sitting just up the block. I closed the door and got into the back of the shop van and tried, in vain, to sleep. I looked outside a while later and the car I saw was gone. I tried all day long to sleep but failed.

Finally at 11:00 that night I decided to take the van and see if my house was being watched. Even as tired and hungry as I felt I knew I would have to polish off my vodka at home and probably make a dent in Mike's whiskey or tequila.

I cruised the van up the 'Vard and saw no one out, so I cruised by the house and went up and down the streets surrounding the house. Satisfied that I would be alone I went back to the shop and got my Nova. I half expected to find Maddie waiting for me when I got there but she wasn't around. I garaged my car and went to the front door. I opened it and stepped inside.

"Man you have to work on your awareness. Never even looked in the corner of the porch ... Asshole!!! We'd be fucked in a bad neighborhood." This is the thought that ran through my head as a hand covered my mouth and an arm went under my chin to restrain me. I didn't even have the energy to scream into the hand. Maybe they'd knock me out so I could sleep.

I was spun around into a loving hug from my own sister. There were tears in her eyes as she held me tightly to her. "Why did you run from me? What did I do baby?"

"It's not you. It's the dreams. They are becoming too much to handle."

"What do you dream about?"

"I can never remember. I just know I am afraid to go to sleep but I am so damn tired I can't see straight."

"Why run and hide? Why join the military? None of these help you with dreams."

"She doesn't want me around you or Shel. I was trying to lie low until the navy recruiter's office opens up Monday so I could join. I don't want to make you guys feel bad and make you feel you can't comfortably move on. If I stay I'd be a reminder to both of you and that would be painful to us all. But if I'm on a ship away from everybody, it'll give me peace and you and Shel can move on and be happy."

"Who is she?"

She? Had Maddie lost her mind? "What do you mean "she"?"

"You said "She." I just wanted to know who you meant. And I don't want you to go away. I've just discovered you and it hurts to know you want to go to sea. Shelby won't like it either. It'll be hard to plan a wedding with you gone."

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. "I don't deserve her. I had sex with you after I hooked up with her and not to mention Heather and Evelyn. She won't want to marry me after she finds out and I can't hide it from her. She deserves much better than..."

"Steven Sheppard, I think I'll decide who and what I deserve and I already know about you and Maddie. I want you and you alone." Shelby ran across the room and held me tight. I hugged her back and cried into her hair. "We're going to get you through this baby."

"Do you want to help him get cleaned up while I go get us some food, and maybe something to drink?" asked Maddie

"That sounds fine," said Shelby, "Are you gonna let everyone know we found him?"

"Who's everyone?" I asked.

"Don, Gary, Craig, my folks. They're all worried about you sweetheart."

Maddie left and Shelby took me into the bathroom. She stripped and we got into the shower. She started washing me and I started crying again. "You're gonna hate me, but I have to tell you about Maddie and I."

"I could never hate you baby. I know about you and Maddie. I was hurt and mad, but mom talked to me and made me understand several things. She'll help you too."

"Oh god. Your mom knows? Oh fuck she must think I am a sick pervert. She'll tell your dad and he'll forbid you and I being together. Why don't you two just let me join the Navy?"

She turned me to face her, and looked deep into my eyes and held my gaze. "Because, you silly oaf, if you are at sea we can't be together. And I don't want to be apart from you. Baby I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We're going to grow old and have babies, and grandbabies, we are going to have a great life sweetheart. I wouldn't want anyone else"

"I also had a threesome with Heather Boyd and Evelyn Hernandez."

"When did this happen?" She looked to be on the verge of tears.

"Tuesday, when I went to tutor Heather."

"Last Tuesday? Christmas Eve?"

"No, her parents were there last Tuesday. Then it must have been the Tuesday before."

She smiled and was visibly relieved. "We hooked up the next day babe. You didn't cheat by doing that. I know you're not a cheat Steve. You're mixed up, and we'll get you through that, but you aren't a cheater. I love you with every fiber of my being. I'm not going anywhere, and neither are you."

She helped me finish my shower and we went back into the front room just as Maddie came in with the food. The smell of Taco Bell permeated the house. I ate well and found I was hungrier than I had originally thought. I drank about half of my Mountain Dew and then topped my glass of with vodka. Maddie looked at me and shook her head.

"It might no be wise to drink too much as tired as you are baby."

"It'll take more alcohol than I have here to make me sleep. I know. I've tried."

I drank my glass as we talked. I think Shelby was filling us in on her Christmas in Chicago. I started feeling really out of it and was having problems staying awake. I knew it was more than the vodka. I'd been roofied. That was the last thought that went through my head as the room faded from view.


Stevie finally passed out and Shelby and I moved him down the stairs and put him in his bed. "We should have drugged him down here. He's heavy for a scrawny little guy."

Shelby laughed and stripped him down to his shorts and covered him up. "I'm beat, I know that much. Are you ready for bed?"

"Yeah. I think we ought to just sandwich him in and sleep here in case he has issues in the night."

"Ok. I hope he's going to be ok."

"He will be." I said. I went upstairs and made sure the house was locked up and threw the trash away. I went back down and saw that Shelby had already fallen asleep and was spooned into Stevie. I lay down on the other side of him and was soon asleep myself.

I woke around ten the next morning and went to get breakfast. There was a New York style deli a mile from Stevie's house and they had the best bagels. I went and got a variety of bagels and some different toppings. Stevie and Shelby were still asleep when I got back.

Somehow between the time I left and the time I got back they had rolled into each other and were locked in a lover's embrace. I felt a bit sad, because they looked like they belonged together. Stevie occasionally whimpered or cried out in his sleep, and I knew the only thing keeping him asleep were the sedatives I slipped in his drink last night.

Same as Princess
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Courtney looked at Kayla Bradford and Sam Prescott after their sexual excursion that afternoon. Courtney gave them a slight smirk as they were walking to their next class. “What?" Kayla said to Courtney.“Oh, nothing. You just look so cute together,” Courtney said.“Shut up!" Kayla said, playfully hitting her.“No, no. Let Courtney talk.”She giggled.“Hey, I won’t tell. If, Mr. Prescott, you do one thing for me...”Sam and Kayla looked at each other simultaneously.“Not that! Well, kinda. I want to...

4 years ago
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Horny And Dirty Sex With A Foreigner In Delhi

Hi dear readers. Thank you for your response to my previous stories. I am Samir, from Delhi, a doctor by profession but romantic hot and horny by nature. I love sex a lot and have hundreds of fantasies to make them true. I am here to share my sexperience with you and hope you will like it. Comments suggestions and friend requests are more than welcome on my mail. Coming to the story, it happened way back in 2014 when I was in a party in Hauz Khas with my friends. I happen to catch a glimpse of...

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Sandy The Cheerleader Visits

All afternoon I sold candy in my neighborhood. I had a great day and made five hundred dollars in profits. I couldn’t believe so many people bought the candy. I guess when you put a very developed eighteen-year-old in a revealing cheering uniform people get horny and want to buy candy. A few of my neighbors asked to see me cheer and then bought a whole case of candy. Some of the neighbors asked if they could videotape me doing my cheers. I told them they could. I think they just liked seeing...

4 years ago
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Caleb JacksonChapter 16

Caleb had now successfully established himself outside the coach, so he was a force to be reckoned with, the attackers just didn't know it yet. As far as Caleb knew, there were 7 attackers left, so he had to be careful not to be ambushed, himself, in a moment of inattention. It occurred to Caleb that the sudden silencing of one of the attacking guns might be noticed, so it seemed prudent to switch back to using the pistol in his hunt. Caleb had noticed, from the sound of the guns, that the...

1 year ago
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Adventures of Wendy

Adventures of WendyPart I: The HookIt was a sundrenched Thursday in southern California. A somewhat uneventful week was slowly but surely grinding to its end. As I was expecting my husband’s return from his job in the Texas oil fields on Friday, I was feeling miserable this week, simply because I didn’t get to enjoy some young cock. My usual boy toys were all unreachable. Some were out of town, some had found girlfriends and were trying to be Romeo (how lame is that), while some others were...

3 years ago
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Cathy and my Sister chapter 3

It cost me another dress for our visit to my sister's house, but the prospect of seeing her and Cathy together made it very worthwhile as I thought she looked absolutely stunning in it.Completely backless, it stopped just above the swellings of her buttocks and at the front, it plunged almost to her navel, leaving most of her lovely big breasts free of any restraint, she wore hold up stockings and nothing else beneath it, she literally oozed sex and teased me unmercifully as we enjoyed a drink...

2 years ago
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Being Assisted by the Hardest

Philip was there, kneeling between his "daughter" Ellie's thighs and her mother was holding her arms back over her head. She and Philip had arranged for Ellie to be brought around that afternoon and here they were now at the point of mounting for Philip to not only deflower Ellie's virgin pussy but hopefully for him to fuck her, ejaculate into her never before fucked pussy and knock her up with her first baby. It had become a family tradition that Granddad Philip got to mate with all the...

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It is now late Sunday night and the weekend is over and what a weekend it had been. I had meet Kelli a few months ago and she had warned me that she has been working on a project that was really bazaar and had asked if I would consider helping her if she needed any help. Kelli is a very beautiful girl somewhat into the western style.. jeans, boots, etc.. she is also a stout built woman.. 5'4" around 135 pounds.. long black hair that reaches her hips, oh yes and her age is around 25. Though we...

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Cuckold Love

Cuckold Love A simple fantasy inspired by a Cuckold Couple that I know........ To say that she is a Beauty is an understatement. A mature “eye catcher, head turner”, who has no idea that she is as appealing as others see her to be. She has been girl, woman, wife and mother. Respectable, Normal, Classy and endured everything a woman encounters, being female. She hasn't any thoughts of being better than or above anyone, her smile radiates a welcome and her eyes flash with...

3 years ago
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A Son A Soldier And A Lover 8211 Part 2

David couldn’t believe his eyes as he reread his Mom’s email for the second time. She seems to have changed her persona. The ‘spare no details’ part made sure that she wanted him to talk more openly and naughtily. He made sure to reply with as much openness and vulgarity as he can. He knew that a few more spicy emails from his end would make his Mom fall for him. Looking at the photos, he immediately knew that his Mom had put in some extra effort to show off her cleavage. She should have used a...

2 years ago
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Catching my Wife Part 14

I offered my beautiful wife my arm as we turned and headed for the door. My car was just outside so it was a short walk which was very good, since my wife’s heels were so tall! I opened her door and smiled as she turned and slide into the passenger seat, making sure to provide me with a very sexy view inside her trench coat, thus revealing that she was still without panties. I closed her door and hurried around to my side. As I climbed into the driver’s seat, my wife had strategically lifted...

2 years ago
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Too Much LoveChapter 55

It wasn’t in Emily’s nature to be overly reflective about her life, but as Nick’s jet ascended into the sky above Paris, she found herself thinking back on how much her life had changed in the last two months. For years before she met Nick, she’d worked very hard to maintain something close to stasis in her life. As long as Clive didn’t throw her out or start hanging around more often, as long as she worked enough to have some spending money, as long as people didn’t ask too many questions...

2 years ago
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A True History Book TwoChapter 9

The four of us went into the Clinic. Jennifer went up to the desk to check in, with me behind her, while Chuck took Toby over to some chairs, to wait. The receptionist looked up at us. “Can I help you?” “Yes. Jennifer Patrick, I have an appointment today with Doctor Beeson.” “Okay, is your information still the same from your last visit?” “Uh, no. Home address is now 6105 East Illinois Avenue, still Hutchinson, 67501.” She gave her our basic home phone number, not the unlisted one. “I’m...

3 years ago
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I Dont Pick Up Guys At Bars

I entered the darkened room, uncertain as to what to expect. I could hear the sound of a low bass beat from the apartment above, but other than that there was no other noise. I hesitated for a few moments, and turned around to exit through the very door I had entered through only seconds before. “Wait,” came the voice through the darkness. “Why are you leaving?” I stopped, and tried to catch my breath before answering. “I’m not sure I should have come here at all.” I hated that my voice...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 10 Second Delegation Meeting

The two black Dodge Ram Chargers were not as hesitant about driving into the ranch yard as they had been on the previous visit. Once again, Sean had warning of the impending arrival of the little caravan from his feathered friends. The 'family' was arrayed on the ranch house porch awaiting the Delegation. David was included in this meeting to screen for possible Nightmare intruders. He was anxious for the meeting to be concluded though. Ava had called the night before to give them flight...

3 years ago
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Becca sighed softly, school had just ended for her and as usual she headed home to unwind. Upon reaching her house, she let herself in and immediately swept upstairs. Throwing herself onto her small bed, she stretched tiredly, the school day having taken its toll on her petite frame. She rolled over and began undressing, settling down for a nap. Her perky breasts bounced as her shirt lifted up and over, prominently displayed behind a modest white bra. She struggled as she removed her jeans,...

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Below and Above A Fable of LustIncubus

I stepped out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror staring at my body. Well... I stared at my dick mostly. The rest of me was worth more than a cursory glance as evidenced by the way women looked at me now, but the jutting edifice between my legs commanded attention. I changed since L's entrance into my life months before. The changes happened so slowly that I barely noticed them at first; L's sexual appetite made for a distraction that did not let me pay attention to details....

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Stepford Meat Swap

Story: #47 Copyright ©2010 Written: October 02 2010 A story By: KaosAngel Proofed by: KaosAngel Please send any comments about this story to ([email protected]) ********************************************************* ~~!! NOTE !!~~ This story is bassed on a fictional town within the game Second Life called Stepford, I would like to thank Ariana RoeCastle, Emilie Muggins & Jerrol Jarvinen of Stepford for thier approval of this...

3 years ago
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The Camp Out PT 3

A couple of hours later, Dustin comes bustin into my tent. “Jeez Dustin---don't you see I'm fuckin here”, I let out in a loud whisper. “Oh sorry Matthew—fuck it's just Kelso. Here Matthew—taste this dick”. I open my mouth as I continued the onslaught I was giving to Kelso's ass, and Dustin crams his still half hard dick into me. I come off after a couple of seconds. “Damm Dustin—that dick is nasty”. Dustin lets out a light chuckle, “Ya—told you Id have that bois shit on my dick—I busted...

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A Hot Summers Day Part 1

Wendy leaned back on the bed and raising her arms casually overhead, extended her long and lithe body into a luxurious cat like stretch, pulling her knees to her chest, letting out a satisfied moan of delight at how good it felt. A refreshing breeze came through the open window of her third-floor apartment, making the sheers dance. It felt cool as it sailed across the moist skin of her breasts, glistening in both hers and her lover's perspiration. Her pussy rejoiced in a satisfying gentle burn,...

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And Who Is in My Bed

I waved my key fob across the lock and heard the electronics unlock the door. The green light on the lock confirmed it was open. I grabbed the handle, opened the door and went in. I let the door close and then locked it again. "What a long day.", I sighed as I leaned on the wall so I wouldn't fall over while taking off my shoes. "Damn midnights. Good thing I only have to do them another couple of days." I work for a large courier company and I got unlucky enough to pull a midnight shunt...

4 years ago
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young pool girls

Okay this is how it all started... It was a hot august evening and once getting out of the pool Idecided to call my best friend, Kristine, and ask her to spend theweekend with me. Still in my bikini i walked over to the phone and dialher up. Shortly after hanging up the phone with her i hear a knock on thefront door. I opened it and there was Kristine, wearing only her boardshorts and light blue bikini top. Looking her up and down slowly Iinnocently smiled and welcomed her in. We gave...

2 years ago
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Africa Slave QueenChapter 5

The ride in the presidential helicopter was the first freedom she had felt in over two months. High above the Butta River following it south the large green bird rattled and hummed intensely. Inside the rear cabin Rachel sat in a flowing red dress flanked by two of Mobana's notorious elite troops. She was not bound or restrained in any way instead allowed to sit prim with knees together on the hard vibrating seat. She could just see out of the window; the sea of jungle green below turning...

1 year ago
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Memorial Daze

Signing to Sherry ‘I’m not lying. Joe and his friend held me down in the basement and raped me!” Tears in my eyes as the look of disbelief on the face of my so called best friend tells me she doesn’t believe my story.As if she can’t help but see the bruises all over my arms, the dried cum on and between my thighs or the torn night gown I was wearing when I went to bed. “Okay say I believe you, just how did they find you alone, in the basement dressed only in a nightgown?” How indeed!...

2 years ago
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Campus Life

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental." This is my second year of college. I spent my freshman year at a local community college near home but I've decided I wanted to enjoy the Greek life and try my hand at university. It's only been a week since I transferred and I can already tell this is a whole...

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My cdhood Friend

It was one of those hot summer muggy days when a c***dhood friend of mine came to visit me. As he entered my home, he started to complain about his wife. G said that she just wasn't as horny as she once was and that their sex life had dwindled from everyday to 1-2 times every month. I could see the frustration in his face as he looked at me. We talked alot about his wife and then we began to chat about things we'd done years ago and laughed at them. G asked me then if I had any porn mags or...

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Equal SharesChapter 34

On the way home Stan had dropped into an off-licence and bought some Dom Perignon. Now the ladies were sat in his living room with champagne flutes in their hands, glasses that Stan was filling. After filling his own glass, Stan once again lifted his own. "To us." He said, simply, and the three drank a toast to their new relationship with one another. Once they'd drunk the glasses down, Stan refilled them and then sat back. "Now, that's better. We can talk without having to lower our...

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Recollections From A DiaryChapter 6 A Hunk a Hoke a Burnin Love

We turned off Collins onto Ocean Drive and I got my first look at the infamous South Beach. The first glimpse of the Art Deco buildings stunned me. Julie told me there was more of this type architecture along Ocean Drive than anywhere else in the world and that historic preservation thrives in South Beach. There were cantilevered eyebrow ledges jutting out over windows, and terrazzo patterns outlining hotel lobby floors. Streamlined corners and porthole windows seem as if they'd make more...

3 years ago
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Owning a Dominant Bitch re post

By: Rebelman Chapter 1 My first three year of high school could have been better. I was a pudgy boy and only five foot nine inches with a pimply face. My confidence was low so it didn’t take much to bring out my shyness and that is what made my first year horrible. Although I was on the football team, I didn’t get to play much. The coach, an ex-NFL lineman, told me I had natural strength and ability but I just couldn’t come out of my shell. To make matters worse, the Johnson twins had...

4 years ago
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Oral Sex In The Cinemas

Hey folks, I am Vaibhav from Raipur, Chhattisgarh. I am 23 years old and pursuing my college studies. I study in a private university. I have been reading stories here since I was in 12th standard. And today I thought to pen down my own experience. Coming to the story, her name is Shikha(name changed). She is from different university and we met through a mutual friend. In the first meeting I liked her and asked for her number. She refused to give but didn’t loose hope and ran behind her all...

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The unbelievable massage

Hi readers this is long time we met in this site I am busy with my Rain forest I want to create it my ever coming classic so the time take to finish please wait for that classic but I will come any time you want my story like this type of classic. Read a different taste themed story and write to me. My name is Roger and during the mid nineteen seventies, I went to college in a large Midwestern city. In that era, massage parlors flourished in that city and I was a frequent visitor. Between...

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Tales of the eKids Ch 03

Tales of the eKids: E-man Loves Emmy © 2004 by Andrew Wiggin Part 6 Elle Adkins lay with her eyes closed, her face grimaced as if in pain. Her fingers were slowly caressing her small round breasts as she worked her pink nipples in time with Eamon Turner’s tongue. She was alone in her bedroom. A few meters away in an adjoining bedroom Emma Adkins and Eamon Turner were making love. Eamon was deep in Emma, and Elle felt every inch of his length, every centimeter of his breadth, every ridge on...

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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 04

My continued thanks to SoCalOvid for his tireless work editing my stories. With this chapter especially… If you haven’t done so, please read the previous chapters first. Again, open your mind and unlock your heart! Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 4 **** Even before Lynn could leave, Sam quickly excused herself and headed to the bathroom. She closed the door and quickly pulled off her jeans to expose her rapidly moistening pussy to the cool air. Sam trembled with forbidden excitement. She didn’t...

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Chudai Bhai Ke Dosto Ke Sath 8211 Part 2

Mein lagatar pagalo ki tarah bari bari se lund chose jaa rhi thi aur neeche wala banda jiske muh par mein apni choot dalkar baithi thi wo lagatar meri choot chat rha tha aur apni jeebh meri choot me idhar udhar ghumane laga jisse mein masti se tarapne lagi. Mein aur masti me aa gai aur zor zor se lund chosne lagi . Sare lund ekdam chip chip krne lage aur mera muh bhi pura geela ho chuka tha. Par mein puri masti me lund chus rhi thi. Ab unsab ke lund pure ful kar tight ho chuke the aur meri...

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Her First Affair IV

Her First Affair IV irishmik60 We’d now been having this affair for three weeks. We’d yet gone to dinner, dancing, anything but meeting and fucking. We’d just left Marty’s house in separate cars, then parked hers and drove on. Thinking I was on the way to some other place to fuck right away Marty was surprised when I pulled into the restaurant parking lot. Since it was but mid day, I figured we still could do with something to eat, besides each other. After about 90 minutes and a tasty lunch,...

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Shadow and LightChapter 3

Living Room, Parker Residence, Immediately Following Everyone stood around, the bag of gems on the table glittered in the sunlight but all Liz could do was to stand there dumbstruck. If this was her people’s idea of a marriage proposal then she wanted as little to do with it as possible. She looked at the man before her, the one who made the proposition, and felt ... off. Liz could sense that Patrick was dangerous and that he could care less for her. All he wanted was whatever came with her...

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Teenage Anal Virgins

Joking aside, I remember being a horny young guy; experimenting, fooling around, feeling guilty, not sure if I was weird and hoping I wouldn't be caught. It would have been so much easier if I had someone to guide me and tell me that my feelings were completely normal. Luckily for Dan and Tim, they have me to point them in the right direction. As the guys were leaving my house after our first sexual lesson, I told them that instead of risking getting caught or in real trouble risking...

1 year ago
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WeFuckBlackGirls Anne Amari Third Appearance

When Tony brings his new girlfriend from college, Amari, over to visit his house he definately did not expect this to happen. While inside doing some classwork Tony’s father gets home and starts flirting with Amari. Seems the elder gentlemen has a sweet tooth for dark chocolate. Especially some as enticing as Amari. Later Tony’s father joins the young couple as they watch a movie on the couch. While his son starts making out with his new girlfriend the father can’t help but...

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Back Again

Ainsley woke up on the couch to a knock on the door and blinked as fear chilled her veins for a few moments. She glanced around the apartment rapidly, trying to see what time it was until she remembered her phone. The knock grew louder when she realized it was midnight and Ainsley stood up slowly. She leaned up to peek through the hole in the door, frowning when she saw Connor standing there. Ainsley took a deep breath and smoothed out her yoga pants and hair heavily with one hand. “What are...

Love Stories
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Jack and JillChapter 91

You have to have warm dinner rolls with lots of butter when you eat beef stew. If it's not the law, it should be. We'd stopped at Vons and picked up a tube of the things. I tossed them to Mary when we walked into the house. Sara look kind of wary when she saw the Tupperware. "What is it?" "It's beef stew." "It's not going to be like yesterday's, is it?" "Nah. This smelled pretty good. And Jill made sure she didn't screw up." "All right, then." Jill emptied the stew into...

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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 5 Mrs Fatima Cassies Surprising Delight

Chapter Five: Mrs. Fatima & Cassie's Surprising Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Mrs. Fatima Samara Water dripped off my body as I stretched my back, my large, dusky breasts thrusting before me. My toes flexed in the soft sand of the riverbank on the autumn side of the Year's Divide. I smiled as Cassie, my young ally, swam the last few feet and reached the bank, crawling out on her knees. She breathed heavily, her red hair plastered to her face and shoulders, her round, barely...

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Teacher Ki Punishment Part I

Teacher ne di punishment The prologue (part I) Adult 18+ content [Yeh ghatna/Kahaani puri tarah se kalpaniya hai . Kisi bhi tarah ki jeewan kaal ke haadse se koi sambandh nahi, aur yadi hai bhi toh, wo kewal sah ghatna ka parinaam hai The following content is an art of imaginaton/fictional … any kind of resemblence with real life is just a fact of co-incidence]   Hello everyone…main ek college mein M.Sc. (psychology) ka student hu. Ek baar ki baath hai jb humaare teacher ne hum sabko assignment...

1 year ago
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Guy MargoChapter 6 Margots Dream

Margo was deep in slumber; her recent activities churned in a washing machine of dreaming. I stare through my office widow into the bright sunshine and let out a sigh. The tedium of winter through this Credit Crisis had been endless. It was lonely enough with my husband away but with my son away too, life had become awfully boring. With Guy finishing soon at college I was eager for his return ... But my cosy sentiments fade as into my line of vision appear a pair of mongrels; rudely mating...

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well mrs campbell what can we do now

waking up in a stange bed is not something im use to.the sun cracking the curtains is a pleasant surprise.fortunately i never (i know people say that)get a i fully open my eyes mrs campbells is there beside me.i peel back the duvet to reveal her golden brown suntanned body.what a night we had and now as my cock was rising i recalled the events of the previous point rushing to waken her,it was sunday and no work.well at least none that i would be paid for.(lol)and anyway...

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The Pact Episode 1 The Elegant Solution Chapter 36

Upstairs, Candace's diligence was bearing fruit. "Awright," Damian gasped tensely, "I'm close! Take it deep, or take it in your mouth, but don't spill any!" Candace bobbed deeply two more times, then backed off until she was holding Damian's swollen glans only, working her tongue around it to keep him going -- but it wasn't enough. "Keep moving!" Damian grunted. "Gimme some face!" Candace rode up and down his shaft, not going for full penetration, but keeping the stimulation...

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IT watches Always0

Part 1 By AllFurredUp So, there I was falling at hundreds of feet a minute, my hands sweating my eyes watering and my mouth wide open wanting to scream for my life but nothing coming out of it. I was about to hit the concrete wall that is the Atlantic Ocean and probably die. But we need to start at the beginning of my Story. My name is not important but for ethical reasons let’s just call me Lyle, I’m a single average guy that lives in the city alone, no friends, family, siblings, or...

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Family PortraitChapter 27

Karen and I have always assumed that our Mom and Dad were going to find out the truth. Either by walking in and finding us together, or from someone who knows. It just seemed inevitable, and no matter how careful we proved. Though when the end came and the relationship between my sister and I was brought to light, the actual betrayer was someone I never would have expected. Of course there were many who knew by then, but all of them had good reasons not to tell, and even a few had dark...

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Belle brings back a girl

Lucy was lazing around in the living room when she heard Belle drunkenly try to scrape the key in the front door's lock. She heard giggling - a second voice. A woman's. Lucy put her tattered copy of Asimov's Second Foundation down on the coffee table and owled the door with interest, her nylon legs sprawled across the arm of the sofa. Lucy and Belle were both avid readers. Between them they made their way through perhaps 8 to 12 books a month. More, when they had no university deadlines or...

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Strip Poker

These kind of things always start out as fun, but sometimes, they take an interesting turn. My poker night a few weeks ago was just such an event.It was the usual cast of characters: myself, my girlfriend Robin, her sister Kristi, David and his girlfriend Brandi, but a new girl was joining us. She was new to the area and had just met Brandi at work and was invited to join us. Thankfully, she agreed – Jessica had dark hair and dark brown eyes to match. She was about 5’7” and maybe 130...

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I was so careful

I was so careful to cover my tracks. On my iMac I used Safari as my default browser, and it was Safari I had on my dock. But I had also hidden away a Chrome browser, not sticking to the dock. I activated stealth mode. On my Chrome I had open stories from Lush, pictures and even small videos from xhamster, pages with information on swinging. Stuff I did not want my wife to know that I read and watched. I never quite relaxed, listened for steps moving in the direction of my den, ready with...

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My new stepsister Episode 4 making clothes

Hi, my name is Timothy, my new step-mum and her bossy daughter Molly have now been living at our house for 6 months and Molly's mum's Sybian parties were proving a great success with her girlfriends all over the county. Becki's big sister Faye brought the Sybian back after her loan month, and said she could barely walk most days. She works in a fashion shop, so brought a selection of gorgeous silky fabric and underwear for Molly, Becki and Gemma to play in. Faye announced that the party tonight...

4 years ago
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The first day to school part 1

The first day to school, where I really do not feel like after that wonderful weeks on vacation in Rome. I really reluctantly went to school and then I had to also introduce my self to all the new people. Phew! I pulled me nothing and looked around to find. Place a free Back I saw an empty seat and I walked past the other students back to the table at the back of the room, where I then took place. I looked a bit around me and saw people chatting with each other, it was mainly girls I saw...

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