Hark The Comet Passes Again: The Wolf BiteChapter 4 free porn video

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With Cameron gone and Diane unable to come over, Gabe spent the whole of Sunday cooped up in his room. Margret was a bit worried about the smell and noises she heard coming from his room. But she kept her mouth shut and continued to bring her son food whenever he called for it. Leaving a tray outside his door. Gabe understood Cam’s desire to go, after what had happened the morning before. God Gabe thought, his tight boy cunt felt so good.

He was a bit sad perhaps that he couldn’t see Diane. Diane could only go on one date a week. Her parents could be extremely strict on her social life, limiting the teenager’s relationship. Its 2020, who controls their children this tightly these days? She too had felt wonderful when thy fucked in the park, but that was before. Gabe guessed that she would feel even better now. And he was so horny, all he could do was pleasure himself over and over.

When Monday morning rolled around, Gabe bounced out of bed over an hour before his alarm went off. School time. He didn’t care about his classes, but it was a good idea that get out of his room. Gabe felt wired, in need of run and a fuck. He was wound tight, electrified. He threw some clothes in his book bag, put on a pair of shorts and his running shoes, before bounding down the stairs. His packed bag seemed light as his budged with his books and clothes. Down in the kitchen, he quickly wolfed down a pile of the bacon and sausage his mom had cooked last night. The meat was cold, but still tasty and filling.

The half hour walk to school only took Gabe five minutes as he ran the whole way. But he hadn’t broken a sweat nor was he out of breathe. The school was still dark, but the doors were already open for any teacher wanting to start early. So Gabe made his way to the locker room to stash his stuff. As he walked down the long hallway that was central to the school layout, Gabe caught a scent of someone. He stopped mid stride and sniffed deeply. There was something very familiar. Hints of vanilla, and coffee. Maybe Chanel. All mixed together with a scent new to Gabriel. But whatever it was, it pulled at him, at his loins. His tight shorts budged obscenely as he followed the scent. Leading him straight to a familiar class room. Ms. Perez.

Isabella Perez liked to come in early. It was the perfect time to grade her student’s work and plan out her day. She also enjoyed the quiet time when she could be a little naughty and read some erotica without anyone interrupting her. Isabella had been indulging herself for a few minutes, getting more than a little turned on, when her classroom door slowly opened. Standing there in her door way was a one of her students, shirtless, and clearly aroused. But he must be stuffing his shorts, no way was that real.

“Senior Powell!”

“Oh Ms. Perez, it’s you!”

“This is my classroom, of course it’s me. What ... what are you doing here so early.”

“Mmm, well I was gonna go for a run, but I smelled ... I thought I heard something. Imagine my delight. I found you here.”

Isabella grew nervous. Maybe it was her interrupted excitement, but there was something different about Gabe. Normally such a shy well behaved young man, he spoke and moved in a way that stirred her inside. He seemed more, she couldn’t quiet word it correctly. More manly? No. More masculine? No. More primal? Maybe. More in control of himself. Yes. And it was hot, sexy even. Each step he took toward her appeared calculated and deliberate. As if he was a large cat, a lion or panther, slowly stalking its prey. His naked torso puffed and on display. His eyes almost completely black, and never moving off her. Making her feel small and exposed. Isabella didn’t know that the thin summer dress and lacy sweater did little to hide her large breasts nor her hard erect nipples.

“Gabriel, you ... you ... you shouldn’t be, be here.”

“Oh Ms. Perez, it’s okay, isn’t it. No one will mind. After all, don’t you like to help your students? Don’t you want to help your student? I am such a good student, aren’t I?”

“Yes, no, I mean yes you are a good student, but it’s too early.”

“Nonsense. It’s never too early to start your day off right. And I really want ... your help.”

“My, my help?”

“Oh yes Ms. Isabella, I have this large problem. Won’t you help? Please?”

Gabe leaning against her desk, pressing his swollen budge across the top of her desk. Knocking over her cup of coffee. Her dress was instantly soaked as the coffee splashed across her.

“Oh no, I’m so sorry. Quick let’s get you out of that wet mess.”

Isabella couldn’t speak. He was suddenly beside her, pulling the young teacher to her feet. Her dress falling off her instantly. She was almost naked in front of Gabe, her bare breasts pointed at his naked chest.

“Oh and look, that coffee splashed your panties wet too. Oh we must get them off you.”

Suddenly his face was pressed between her large pillowy bosoms as his hand lowered her wet panties. She was completely naked and helpless in front of this wild boy.

“Isabella, you naughty thing. That’s not coffee soaking your panties, is it?”

A flash of horror crossed her face as she grew hot and flush with her embarrassment. She may have been slightly aroused before he opened her door, but Gabriel Powell had caused the woman to soak herself with his behavior and his actions. Her cunt was on fire, dripping wet for him. She wanted to run from the room. But he caught her and pinned her to chalkboard. His lips meeting hers, the kiss hot and passionate. He was more than ten years her junior and it was the hottest kiss of her life. It was wrong, but he didn’t care. He just took her. And she allowed it.

Isabella felt him move a hand down her side. Lifting her leg in the air he buckled and she could feel him. His free cock pushed against her wet pussy. She couldn’t believe it. That budge was real. His felt so big, so hard as he tried to enter her. Isabella didn’t know if she could take him, but she did. He kissed her as hard as he pushed into her. A large pop and a flash of pain let Isabella know his swollen cock had breached her hungry pussy. She came, then moaned then cried as she was filled with more cock than she had ever seen.

She broke their kiss, as her head flew back. Her cries of passion flood the class room. She could feel his large raw cock deep inside her. The pleasure was too much, she cried out. But he only continued. Rutting and thrusting into her. His mouth moving lower, leaving dark marks down her neck and across her shoulder. Finding her heaving breasts, he attacked him. One hand squeezing them hard, while his mouth and tongue made love to her nipples. Licking them, biting them, pulling them, and chewing on them. Sobbing loudly, Isabella was one continual mess of orgasmic bliss.

Fully embedded inside his teacher, Gabe gave in to his pleasure and filled her. His hot thick seed blasting deep inside her fertile womb. She felt his load burn her inside and screamed out in pleasure. Her own orgasm peaking to new heights. She passed out for only a moment, her body going limp, pinned still to her chalkboard by his huge teen cock.

“No more, my love no more.”

Gabe slowly withdrew himself. His teacher wincing at the pleasure and pain of it. Her stretched pussy lips clung to his shaft, getting pulled. Her pussy unable to stand his assault, but unwilling to let go of his cock. He tried to sit her on her desk, then her chair. But finally had to settle for leaving her on the floor. A melted puddle of teacher. Cum still leaking from his cock spattered her worn out body, but surprisingly Isabella’s well fucked pussy didn’t leak a drop.

“No more, my love no more.”

“No more, my love no more.”

“No more, my love no more.”

Gabe stood above his teacher, his pet. Naked and still hard. He was unsure of what to do. He couldn’t just leave her there. But he shouldn’t stick around.

“Go, just go. Leave me. I’m fine.” She whispered.

Gabe grabbed his bag and shorts and left. Walking out of the classroom naked but for his sneakers. His hard cock still leaking jizz. Spraying it as he walked. In the locker room, he managed to squeeze his shorts back on, before heading out for a run.

Back in her classroom, Isabella Perez laid still, unable to move for nearly an hour. Her body just racked with pleasure. She had never known anyone to fuck like that. While she was able to move her limbs, Isabella pulled out her spare change of clothes. She was thankfully she kept a pair of pants and a few extra blouses in her cabinet. But she wished she had thought to have extra panties too. Not only were today’s pair soaked, they were in pieces. She would have to go commando. Afraid that she would only leak and soak her pants, Isabella decided to use a tampon to get her wet pussy under control. Even though she thought she felt Gabe cum inside her, she had seen his large cock spraying his load all over her. There had been a lot of cum to clean up. Isabella didn’t understand her mistake or her danger. His fertile seed was deep inside her now blocked up pussy. Where it would stay all day, catching root.

Circling back to the school, Gabe checked the time. The twenty five mile cross country track normally took him about four and a half hours. Today while at a slow jog, the route only took him forty minutes. At least it felt like a slow jog. He paced, trying to decide. He was still full of energy. Braking out into a full sprint, Gabe moved with a speed he couldn’t dream of. A full second lap saw his time cut in half. Twenty minutes. And while only a light sweat, he could go faster. By the fourth lap he was down to fifteen minutes. He felt great, and ready for a few more laps. Sadly though, it was almost time for class. Time still for a nice hot shower.

Third period was normally when Gabe would first get to see Diane. But today he was waiting at her locker as soon as she got to school. Gabe noticed her the moment she turned the corner. She was wearing a simple combo of jeans and a yellow blouse. Her curly hair pulled back into a single pony tail. Gabe let out a loud whistle followed by a long deep growl. The whole hallway froze to look.

Diane looked up and saw Gabe standing there by her locker. The deep growl emanating from his throat made everyone stare. He quickly strode over to her, picking Diane up easily, spinning her around and planting a very deep, very public, and very hot kiss on her lips. Everyone watching gasped in shock. Gabriel Powell the shy wall flower, Mr. Normal, was making out in the hall way.

Diane’s feet were dangling as Gabe held her up in the air. His hands lifting her firm ass, squeezing it. Mauling it, thru her tight jeans. And she could feel his excitement digging into her. One hand moved up her back and instantly, her bra was open. With classmates and even some teachers watching, Gabe slid his hand around and cupped her breast. Surrounded by dozens of lookers, Gabe was openly playing with and twisting her nipple. His lips on her neck, and his cock pressing into her clit thru layers of clothing. Diane was so shocked she failed to notice her arousal until she was knocked over by her orgasm. Burying her face in his neck, Diane moaned, then cried, then whimpered as she came. Embarrassed by the publicness of it.

“Good morning babe. You are a sight for sore eyes.”

“Oh Gabe.” She whimpered.


He kissed her again. This time was still full of passion, but gentler. Her back was against her locker. Her feet finally on the ground.

“Mr. Powell! Ms. Nunley! Please! This is a school hallway, not your private bedroom.”

“Assistant Dean Burrow. What a pleasure to see you.”

“Gabriel ... what? Huh?”

With one arm still holding onto Diane, Gabe had cozied up next to the Assistant Dean. His other arm sliding around her waist. He let his hand rest on the older woman’s plump ass as he walked both ladies down the hall. Assistant Dean Ladonna Burrow was speechless.

“Mrs. Burrow, may I call you Ladonna. Now there’s no need to be upset. Or jealous.”

“Jealous! Now wait...”

“Jealous who said you were jealous. It’s perfectly normal to be turned on, watching two consenting adults show such a small amount of affection. Attention really, wouldn’t you say.”

“Gabriel, please.”

“Oh Ladonna, its alright. No need to be shy. So my hand is on your ass. It’s such a lovey ass you have. Diane, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Ahh, yea I guess. Oww! Yes, yes it’s a great ass Mrs. Burrow.”

“See Ladonna, everyone thinks so. Everyone agrees. You have a great ass.”

“Well I guess, but Gabe, you can’t, you shouldn’t grab women like this. It isn’t proper.”

“Maybe, but neither is cumming from getting spanked true.”

“True. What are you doing? Noooo.”

The assistant dean was shocked to find herself bent over her own desk. Her skirt raised up, exposing her plain white panties. While a teenage student spanked her hard but firm. His girlfriend watched, mouth a gape. Gabriel’s hand rained down on her butt over and over. The idea he put in her mind repeated over and over, louder and louder.

cumming from getting spanked

cumming from getting spanked

cumming from getting spanked

cumming from getting spanked

Tears were streaming down her face, soaking her shirt wet. Ladonna fought to hold herself together. But it was a battle she lost. She managed to stifle any noise with her hands as she came. It wasn’t a hard cum or a loud cum. She didn’t squirt. But she had an orgasm. Her first orgasm. Ever. Even after years of marriage and three children. She had never experienced an orgasm. She had long given in to the idea that some women just can’t. The she couldn’t. But here in her office, bent over her desk. Ladonna Burrow had her first orgasm from the spanking hand of an underage student.

Gabe let the woman weep. He didn’t know it was her first, but he knew she came. He took Diane by the hand and pulled her away. Pausing at the door, he turned to Diane, still a gape with shock.



“Diane, look at me. I want you. I need you. Not here, but now.”

“Ahh, yea babe. Anywhere you want. You know I’m yours.”

“So then, it’s settled. You’re mine.”


“Yes. You’re my girl. My girlfriend.”

“Oh Gabe baby yes.”

“Good, then its settled. But oh. Don’t be so rigid.”


“And we are going on a date tomorrow.”

Diane was left in a wonderful daze. After they left Mrs. Burrow’s office she was still stunned by his decision to be officially a couple. She didn’t resist as Gabe pulled her into an empty room. One of the choir or band rooms used for practice after school ended. Good thing the room had some noise damping foam coating the walls. Diane had been laid out on the floor, her clothes removed so fast she was dizzy. When her eyes focused, Gabe was naked on all four. Crawling towards her. His body low and near the ground, but still Diane’s eyes went right to his thick cock aimed for her.

“Gabe, wait. What happened to you?”

“Don’t you like it?”

“I ... I do, but I don’t understand. I’m scared for you babe.”

“It’s alright, I’m alright.”

“But I...”

“Something happened, and I’m better now. More me.”

“So strong, so confidante. So sexy!”

“So big?”

“Yes you’re huge! Will it hurt?”

“Yes. Should I stop?”

“Never, would you? Could you?”

“You. You’re mine!”

“Then take me!”


“But ... what happened to you?”

“I was bite. I think it was a werewolf.”

“A were...”

Diane’s words were interrupted by a loud scream of pleasure. Her scream poured out of her as Gabe moved in. His lips locking onto her wet excited clit. His tongue seemingly long, licking, probing, wiggling inside her. His face was buried in her pussy until she came hard again, squirt her love juice all over his face. Gabe just lapped it all up. He licked and kissed and bite her poor pussy for an hour. When the bell rang ending first period, he finally let up, moving north. Her tender tits, heaving and lovely, were attacked. Receiving a worse treatment than her poor clit. They were pinched, pulled, twisted, slapped and bite.

Diane was sobbing and begging for more. Her boyfriend abandoned her titties and raised up just an inch. Propping himself up on his arms, Gabe looked down at Diane. Her body covered in bites and hickeys and some light bruising. She was quaking with pleasure. Diane looked up at her lover, his eyes burning with need and arousal. She reached up to touch his face with both hands, trying to pull him down for a kiss. He shifted his hips and Diane howled. His whole cock slid deep inside her. As his swollen balls hit her ass Diane came for the second time. He didn’t waste a moment and began rutting and thrusting himself into her open cunt. Her juices sprayed everywhere.

When the fourth period began, Diane had at least four or five massive orgasms and dozens of tiny ones. Gabe had filled or covered her multiple times. They laid on the wet floor, Diane weeping and shaking. She had never been fucked so well. She didn’t know that sex could even be like that.

“Ga ... Gabe?”


“Do you love me?”

“Of course Diane. You’re my girl.”

“But will you be satisfied with just me?”

“Oh babe, no. But that doesn’t matter. You’re my girl. Now and always.”


“Don’t ask surprised. You saw what happened with Burrow. And I told you about Cam sucking me off. I haven’t had a chance to tell you about Saturday when he came over and I fucked his tight ass. But there you go. There will be others, but you will always be number one. My girl. My girlfriend and prime bitch.”

“And what about me. Can I fuck other guys?”

“What am I not enough?

“I’m serious.”

“If you want to. A onetime fuck, go for it. If you want something more, tell me, and we’ll discuss it.”

“And if you don’t like the person?”

“The person? Not the guy? Kinky! If I say no, then no. And if you say you don’t want me fucking someone, then tell me.”

“I think I can live with that.”

“Good. Now we should get cleaned up. It’s almost lunch time, and I’m starving.”

It was about an hour after he got home when Cameron unexpectedly video messaged him. Excited Gabe opened the window without thinking. He had been staring at the ceiling thinking about the events of the last few days. He was constantly full of energy and horny. Fresh out of the shower, he was mindlessly stroking himself when his computer pinged. This of course meant that not only was Gabe still naked in bed, but had dry cum covering him.

“Hey Cam.”

“Hey Gabe, holy shit!”

“Oh fuck, heh. Well it’s not like you haven’t seen this before.”

“Still fuck babe. I wanted to see what you needed. But what the hell man?”

“I got a little carried thinking about the last few days.”

“A little? Fuck boy, I can’t wait to see what a lot is.”

“Well, you never did tell me what happened.

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The Wolf At Her Door

Daria Sitting alone in her cabin high in the Rocky Mountains Daria gazed at the dancing flames in her fireplace.She was absently stroking the fur of her favorite cat, Leo, and wishing she were not alone on tonight of all nights, Christmas Eve. Oh, she knew it was her own doing that had caused it - well hers and the fate of genetics… It really was not her fault that she had inherited her father’s empathic abilities and her mother’s healing talents. Making her the odd witch out, her dual nature...

3 years ago
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Coyote and the Wolf part 1 foreword

“Coyote and the Wolf” part 1In a large clearing of a forest, sets a small lake, surrounded by large rocks. Below one of these rocks, a Coyote cleans the last of his catch. “These should do for a few days, if I can find some nuts and berries in the forest” He said to himself. Coyote found this lake after running through most of the night before. Running from the disastrous battle the day before. To avoid capture, he headed west into the forest to stay hidden from the enemy. He hoped to head...

3 years ago
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Night Wolf Ch 03

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Translations: Nénáasêstse: Come here He’kotoo’êstse: Be quiet Hámêstoo’e: Sit down (plural, spoke to more than one person) Méseestse: Eat Tâhéovešêstse: Go to sleep (or Get some sleep)...

2 years ago
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Wolf cage

The time I got on the phone I was asked the normal questions of getting hired for any other job. But though it all went my way and I was accepted. I was told to come in first thing at 8 o'clock to see what needs to be done each day. The night passed and I woke up early to take a shower. Thoughts came through my mind of the sexy female wolfs that live there. I've always had a thing for animals, though I never had the chance with anything. As I stand in the shower I was getting hard the...

4 years ago
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Of Wolf and Man

Once upon a time there was a young maiden that seemed to come straight from a storybook. Long, flowing brown hair that seemed to float about her head and shoulder and always catch the glint of sunlight with it’s shine. Her eyes the most beautiful shade of green, and deep enough to easily get lost in. Her skin was smooth and soft and the envy of all the girls. This young maiden’s body seemed to nearly be taken from a young boys dreams, so slim and shapely was it. And then, beyond the mere...

2 years ago
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The Wolf Inside

Jack stood at the edge of the cliff over looking the town below. A wolf walked up and stood next to him. He reached over and scratched the beautiful animal behind her ear. Ruka and this pack are his family now since he had left humanity behind. Thanks to his government he was cursed for life. A life of being a werewolf. He hated humanity, but his pack he loved. Luka came up to his other side and shoved his muzzle under Jacks other hand. “Are we jealous ol boy?” He laughed as he scratched Luka’s...

3 years ago
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Black WolfChapter 3

As any sensible man would do, Black Wolf returned to his village by a circuitous route which would confuse anyone trying to follow him. As a result, it was nearly dark by the time he reached his home. Oh, no! The place was a mass of charred remains! The ashes were cold, so Black Wolf knew that the attack had to have come early in the day, possibly within an hour of when he had left to start his hunt. Black Wolf cast around looking for signs that someone had survived the attack. This had to...

3 years ago
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Night Wolf Ch 04

Disclaimer: I have tried to make sure my historical information is correct and I’d like to think I haven’t offended any Native Americans peoples with the telling of this tale. I am 1/8th Cherokee and am proud of that heritage. I’m not trying to show any Native Americans in a bad light… that is not my intention. Author’s Note: The English-Cheyenne word translations come from the Cheyenne Language Web Site, one that I’ve found extremely helpful for the telling of this tale. Translations: ...

3 years ago
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Black WolfChapter 2

At the moment, Black Wolf was intent on keeping his head down. That accursed White Eyes was too good with his repeating rifle to take a chance. When was he going to have to reload? It seemed as if the man had been shooting forever. There it was! The click of an empty gun! Now it was his chance. Black Wolf dropped his bow and drew his knife even as he was running at maximum speed toward the White man. Black Wolf knew that he only had moments before the rifle would be reloaded and shooting at...

3 years ago
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Black WolfChapter 4

When the celebration had quieted down and the women had all had a chance to kick and spit on the two bodies, Black Wolf called Snake and Morning Mist to one side to discuss what they should do. Morning Mist was the woman most looked up to in the village, so Black Wolf figured that she could make decisions for the rest of the women. He was smart enough to know that it would be impossible to get that many women to agree on anything in less than a week, and they did not have that much time to...

3 years ago
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Black WolfChapter 5

The rest of the Apaches opened up as soon as they heard Black Wolf's shot. The majority of Apaches were not very good shots, since they had neither the proper instruction nor the ammunition for adequate practice. However, when the range was this short, under 20 yards, almost anybody could hit his target if he shot enough bullets at it. The Spencer carbine held 7 rounds, which was enough for even the least accurate of the attacking Apaches to hit his man at this range. No soldier escaped,...

2 years ago
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Coyote and the Wolf part 4

“Coyote and the Wolf” Part 4 It was still quite dark when Lucious returned to the camp. As he approached, he noticed the fire was getting low. Unconcerned by the thought, he hollered toward the camp “Hay, one of you idiots bring a torch over here!” He stopped for a moment as the ox continued on. “Alright you stupid shits, one of you get over here with a torch on the double!” Stepping aside to avoid the cart following the ox, he roared once again “Off your asses NOW, or there will be...

1 year ago
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Coyote and the Wolf part3

“Coyote and the Wolf” Part 3 Ku'o was awakened by the loud ruckus the morning birds were making. Rolling over slightly to check on Lupo, he found nothing but sheets.“Swell, here I am aching for a little morning relief, and that wolf decides to take off early.” he thought to himself. Ku'o didn't stay angry long, as he had grown quite fond of the wolf, not to mention the scent of him drove him mad. Looking down at the throbbing erection between his legs, he said “Well little...

1 year ago
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Fairytale Adventures Ch5 BIG Bad Wolf

Red smiled at Kristen as the Wolf advanced on her, "Good afternoon darling... I have to get to Grandma's house you know, but the Big Bad Wolf here would like some of your time. It was a good fuck!"Kristen gasped as Red pulled the cape that had been covering her away, she wanted to scramble away and run as Red skipped down the path away from her, leaving her with the Wolf, but she couldn't. Then she screamed as the Wolf nosed between her legs. "STOP IT!" she shrieked, "I'M NOT INTO...

3 years ago
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The Wolf Next Door Chapter 3

    A scrapping sounds called my attention from the night goddess floating in the sky. It sounded like metal being dragged across the concrete. With a shiver of dread, I looked around for the noise. Nothing, except for the dancing of the lights as they glittered in patterns. Looking around, I began to walk down the road, looking for an answer as to what was going on.     After walking a few feet it became apparent something was following me. The sound of the scraping was back, but now I...

1 year ago
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Coyote and the Wolf part 5

Coyote and the WolfPart 5 The evening sky began to brighten as the sun started to rise in the east. The night creatures, finishing their activities, scurried home to their borrows to hide from the light of the sun. In the inn, on the second floor, the two canines slept peacefully in each others arms. Both were erect again from the pleasant dreams each were having. The sounds of song birds stirring awake, began to filter in through the window. Ku'o, his head nestled on the big wolf's...

2 years ago
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Wolf Mountain Found Gurl

Wolf Mountain, Found Gurl By: Melody Anne Layla Pearson hadn't seen home in years, not since that summer day at thirteen when she was taken away to the private school. Or rather when Lyle had been banished because he wasn't what his father expected of his son. They called it a private school, in reality it was a mental hospital where rich parents sent their children when they didn't want to deal with their problems. The Wilder Institute had...

1 year ago
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I Was a Teenage Weird WolfChapter 10

I got a message from our cousins in Canada about a boy they were worried about. Apparently, his mother couldn’t sexually take care of both the boy and his dad. The dad was a herd spirit and couldn’t keep the wolf spirit teenager in line. The boy was getting aggressive with his sisters, and the mom was a Beta, so even though she was a wolf, she couldn’t enforce discipline on a male with Alpha potential. Mattie and I drove up to the village in Canada and met with the elders and the parents. It...

2 years ago
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Coyote and the Wolf part 7

Coyote and the Wolf part 7 Lobo sat in the wagon, blind to all that surrounded him. Time had lost all meaning to him since the day he watched the inn go up in flames. Taking with it, the leopard Snow and his lover Ku'o. Having lost all hope, he refused all food or drink, preferring instead to abandon existence. Even when food or water was forced down his throat, his body would reject it soon after. The wagon had stopped, reaching it's destination, but it barely registered in Lobo's...

2 years ago
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A young woman raped by wolf

The air was sweet with the smell of wild flowers. The mountains were shimmering as the sun peaked, revealing its beauty and warmth. Ariel loved this place, she had came here most of her life with her family. Today though she was content to be there all by herself. The entire week she fantasized about being in this ravishing place but fantasy was no longer needed, she was finally here. The brilliant scenery was a sharp contrast to the roach infested, smogged covered, positively crowded city...

3 years ago
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I Was a Teenage Weird WolfChapter 5

I was back selling tires and batteries at Sears. I signed up for a class on how to work for H&R Block during Tax Season. They liked my Math SAT score being over 700, and that I was enrolled in a college accounting program, so they put me on the list. In my Accounting 101 class I thought I recognized a guy from Y-Camp. After class I intercepted him and asked, “Is your name Paul Turnipseed?” “Ya, you are George Big Brain or something like that, right?” He said. “Something like that,” I...

3 years ago
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The Dread Wolf

You were right to be angry. I hope, in time, you will understand. Very slowly, I open my garnet eyes. Waking up is getting more and more difficult these days, and not only because I’m getting older. I was in my thirties when I sealed the breach in the sky, and even then the careless, pain-free days of youth had been long gone. Now, some fifteen years later, they are even farther past, an I’m paying for my part in the war against Corypheus. I was the Inquisitor, once. Now, I’m simply Ellena...

1 year ago
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For The Love of the Wolf King

My name is Annabelle Watts, and I had moved from a house in West Hampshire to North Yorkshire, England, and decided to go to a boot fair where people were selling all of their old stuff that they didn't want anymore. I was a single woman in her early thirties, five years since my divorce from my ex-husband. I pulled my white Volkswagen up to the curb and switched off the engine and stepped out of the car and looked at all of the antiques people were selling. Nothing in particular caught my eye...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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wolf of the mountain 2

“Adonis there you are come on” she said moving back down the path grabbing his hand and pulling him along “What’s wrong “Adonis Asked “bandits, raiders, what” “Nothing like that, and put that away” Lilith said eyeing his blade She stopped at the mouth of a cave “come on out you are safe now, come along you can’t live in there forever “ Adonis stood there wondering who his wife was talking to then he saw as two girls came out of the cave they were foxes, both were young and...

3 years ago
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Desire of the White Wolf

Leslie Amberton closed up her New Orleans-based plus-size lingerie store, Lush Pleasure, for the night. She had gone through a very tough day. Her self-centered, narcisstic boyfriend Brad had a fight while at work and then was dumped her by way of a text message on her cell phone, saying she was bad for his up-and-coming celebrity image. Brad's an aspiring actor/model trying to get himself discovered. She knew he was wrong for her, because he had been trying to change her appearance and all...

4 years ago
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A woman and her wolf alone

At the base of a large berm out in the middle of the open expanse of bare tundra, smoke and bright red cinders floated up into the cold snowing night air. Bedding down the sled dogs Pani returned to the shelter with Amaruq following her at her side, the seal-oil lanterns lit and the small fire having already warmed the interior of her hut, the arched whale bone ceiling, the thick loam walls, the light flickering and the cracks and pops of the fire the only sounds inside the well protected...

3 years ago
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My new Mate A were wolf

The taking of a new mate (Werewolf)My profession is a big game hunter and guide. I’m slim built, stand a little over 6 foot tall, wavy sandy hair and I’m told easy on the eyes. My dad was a guide and tracker, teaching me how to track just about anything that roams this earth, as well as the skills and personality to spin a good tale, while on a safari with a group of men or women seeking adventure. Many of my hunts include females and I cannot tell you how many times I have ended up in one of...

2 years ago
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Season of the Wolf Pt 02

Novella 2: On the Hunt Chapter 1 The sky is gunmetal gray and the ocean turbid and violent. The wind is relentless and tears at my hair. Cold drops of rain splatter against my cheeks. I walk across swirling sands tossed by the storm and contemplate my next move. People who don’t know better think southern California is sunny and warm three hundred and sixty five days a year. It isn’t. Sometimes, it’s cold, damn cold, and today is one of those days. That’s ok. I don’t mind the weather. The...

3 years ago
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A Wolf goes hunting Part 5

Also, if you liked my story, please up-vote it. If you didn't like it, go ahead and vote but leave a comment as to why. Everyone could use constructive criticism. If the only reason you didn't like my story is because you are jealous, don't vote, just move on. If the reason you didn't like my story was because of the subject matter, why did you even read it in the first place? It is tagged properly, if you didn't read the tags, that's on you, not me. Chapter 5 WHERE THE FUCK HAD...

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Prudence@Wolf Prudence Harper kept telling herself that she wanted nothing to do with this big Wolf, of all the curious and unrespectable names! She fidgeted at the table while he was gone. Then, seeing that he did not return immediately, she helped herself to the curried meats and ate ravenously. She was glad he was gone, glad that the door was closed between them, cutting him off from her naughty, disobedient body. But, oh God, she had to admit as the food made her feel more content, he sure...

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I Was a Teenage Weird WolfChapter 12

Mattie had spoken prophetically, I was as busy as a prize dog breeding show bitches, just to take care of Mattie and Sasha. Since they were both pregnant, a spike in sexual need was to be expected, but my bitches needed me more than expected, almost constantly, so that I didn’t get any work done. We had to bring in two Beta males from other clans to make up for the work I usually do. All the other females were happy because each of them got fucked more often, as a result of extra teenage...

1 year ago
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The Wolf Next Door Chapter 5

Chapter 5 I awoke with a stretch across soft moss feeling refreshed. A weird feeling I thought being that I had never really slept out door before. Dana nuzzled up to my neck with what sounded like a contented sigh. Couldn’t help the smile that broke across my face thinking of the night before. The Shewolf  had gotten her satisfaction. With a sigh, I opened my eyes and took a deep breath. The smell of sex still hung in the air, mixed with the earthy scent of the forest. I shifted on my...

2 years ago
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Harkness Rules

Just like every other kid I knew, I took my CAP test on the day I turned fourteen. I hadn't had any idea of how well I'd do on it, and I was very curious to see my results. I scored a 5.8. It looked like I'd be staying on Earth, to provide a snack or two for the 'dickheads' who were expected to arrive here within a few short years. I was disappointed with my score. Who wouldn't be? The next morning, at school, I'd been forced, mostly thru peer pressure, to show my CAP card to everyone...

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The Wolf Knight and the Hellcat

The towers were all burning, their thick walls of stone. Burning and crumbling. Strong and proud battlements, subtle and delicate spires, they were all perishing. Below them the city of Maurur was dying as well in smoke and fire. The dwellings of the people those towers had been erected to protect. I admit there were tears in my eyes as everything I had thought so powerful, so eternal, so beyond the reach of others, was reduced to nothing more than a huge bonfire obscuring the morning sun with...

1 year ago
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Seek The Wolf in Thyself

Wolferick felt the change begin. As before, it started with a pulling sensation in his mind as it grew to the predatory mind of the beast. Then came the pressure in his bone, much like when pulling out a tooth, as they warped and contorted into the time perfected frame of the wolf. His mouth itched, his ears itched, and his skin crawled as vicious teeth grew and fine tuned ears morphed and ultra sensitive fur sprouted all over his changing body.The change was over in minutes, and with it...

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