The World's First Futa - Futa's Wicked CampaignChapter 3: Futa’s First Wild Debate free porn video

April 17th, 2047
“So it’s the Saturday before the election,” Adelia said, the caramel-skinned talk show host who was interviewing me, “and you’re finally included in the final presidential debate.”
“Yep,” I said, shaking my head in disgust. “The Republicans and Democrats were both sweating. They felt the heat of my campaign. They didn’t want me out on stage, didn’t want to give me more of a platform, but they couldn’t go against public opinion.” I smiled. “It helped that CNN, hosting the debate, was also friendly to me. After all, that interview they had with me after my first time as a cheerleader saved their network from Fox News’s dominance in the ratings.”
Adelia smiled. “And what a wild debate it was. I think everyone in the audience can remember watching it.”
A great, whooping cry came from the audience followed by their thunderous applause. I shifted on the couch, smiling out at the shadowy women, and a few of my futa-daughters, who filled the stage. It was such a wondrous sound to hear. I drank it in, remembering all those campaign rallies leading up to that wonderful day where I stood proud before on stage with the two other candidates and debated my case to be president of the United States.
“You showed the world how your diplomacy would go,” Adelia said. “But what was it like for you up there on the stage with Senator Glory Olson and Senator Henry Millner?”
November 1st, 2036
I drew in a deep breath as I stood before the country, my podium so short. I didn’t have my usual one. No tight, young pussy wrapped about my cock to keep me distracted. Luckily, there were no women I’d never fucked close enough to distract me. I stood in the center of the stage, my Republican opponent, Senator Glory Olson, to my right and Senator Henry Millner, my Democratic opponent, on my left. I’d fucked Glory when we were both eighteen years and years ago. So she didn’t need to be bred now and could control herself around me.
Only one women that I knew was in the studio I hadn’t bred, and she was backstage somewhere. Though I had a feeling she would be keeping a close eye on the event, her pussy soaking wet as she thought about getting fucked by me.
My heart beat fast. My palms were sweaty. It was so different underneath the hot studio lights. There was no audience for this debate. I didn’t have my supports cheering me on. CNN wanted no distractions. I couldn’t use being a futa to my advantage.
Which sucked, because that was who I was. The world’s first futa. It would be how I ran the presidency, and how I united the world. I was the union of male and female passions, a fusion of opposites to form something new. Something better.
I was an example to the world.
Glory Olson shifted beside me. She had rosy cheeks and her eyes kept glancing at me. I vaguely remembered her from my college days. She attended the orgies I used to hold in the dorms, one of the girls I fucked again and again. I had a daughter with her named Gina who was working against me for her mother.
I couldn’t be mad that she sided with Glory and not me.
Glory was a beauty still, thirty-seven like me, her red hair pulled back into a bun, not as vibrant as I dimly recalled from those wild college orgies. Her green eyes were hard but she kept licking her lips as she glanced at me.
I winked back at her.
Henry Millner, my democratic opponent, was old and stodgy. He had white hair. He stood tall and commanding. He had a regal, presidential bearing about him. He was a smooth speaker who energized crowds of mostly men these days. My daughter, Rebecca, briefed me that he believed I would show the world that I was nothing more than an empty-headed bimbo with no real solutions. He expected a miracle to happen tonight.
Amelia McCreery moderated. The young reporter I fucked live on CNN eighteen years ago had matured into a delicious beauty, her youthfulness traded for that reserved poise a woman of experience, her body still fit and tight, her lips still kissable. Her black hair was pulled back in a bun, emphasizing her narrow, delicate features.
“Becky Woodward,” Amelia asked, “people say your only skill is having sex. How will you negotiate with foreign powers?”
“By bringing us together,” I answered with confidence, glancing at the camera and speaking straight to the American voters just the way my futa-daughter Leah advised. “I will unite with them and show them my passion and what they will gain by being America’s friend.”
“You’re going to fuck them?” Glory asked, the Republican arching a fiery eyebrow at me.
“Maybe,” I answered, giving her a smoky smile. My girl-dick throbbed as a flash of her teardrop-shaped breasts heaving over me as she rode my cock strobed through my mind.
“Even though most world leaders are men?” She pursed her smile. “I thought you were allergic to men’s cum.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t have fun with men,” I said. “There are plenty of husbands who didn’t mind me joining them in bed with their wives.”
“The U.S. voters need a strong leader,” Henry Millner said, speaking in that deep, commanding baritone. “They need someone who will lead by example, not by being the trash you’d see on daytime television. A leader can’t be frivolous.”
I bristled, shooting a glare at the older man. “Frivolous? You think I’m frivolous.”
“What else would you call a woman who’s idea of a political campaign rally is deflowering a virgin on stage and breeding her?” He arched an eyebrow. “That’s as frivolous as a person can get.”
“There is nothing frivolous about my desire to change America!” I looked at the cameras. “I want to bring America and the World together like never before! I want peace and love, not war and hate.”
“And you’ll do it by being a slut?” Glory asked.
“You loved being my slut in college,” I shot at her. “Don’t you remember how you begged me to cum in your cunt? How you licked my cum out of every girl’s cunt or asshole you could find.”
“Becky, your time is up,” Amelia said. “Glory, a thirty second rebuttal to the accusation that you, too, are a slut.”
“Yes, I was your slut, Becky,” she said, speaking bold, with passion. She gazed at the camera. “What woman isn’t the first time they meet you? But I grew out of it. I’m not eighteen and writhing in an orgy. I had to grow up. I couldn’t just whore myself around the world. I had to raise the daughter you abandoned.”
A flush washed through me.
“And not just the daughter I had with you. I’ve been mentoring hundreds of the daughters you’ve mothered on women then forgot about them. While you were fucking your way across the entire world, I was helping to mold and shape these young futanari who had to grow up only seeing your antics on TV, never getting to know you in person.
“I even married one, and she’ll be America’s First Lady because you won’t ever see me conducting diplomacy on my back!”
“You forget, I do the fucking,” I said, giving her a venomous smile. “I won’t be on my back.”
“You are an utter disgrace to this country’s dignity!”
“That’s your time, Senator Olson.” Amelia glanced at Senator Millner. He stood dignified like he was above Glory and me, standing aloof while we wrestled in the mud. “Russia continues to be a thorn in the U.S.’s side. Senator Millner, how will you deal with them?”
“Sanctions will have to continue,” Senator Millner. “I voted for them when President Gutierrez asked for them, and I agree that we need to continue to take a hard line with Moscow. We can’t allow them to do the things they have in the past. We will have security and peace in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, not the rise of another Russian hegemony.”
“Because penalties work so well,” I said, staring at the cameras. “Every psychologist and behavioral sociologist will tell you that positive reinforcement is far more effective than negative. Dr. Skinner proved this nearly a hundred years ago. We need to stop dividing the world and instead unite it.
“I intend to make Russia our ally. To work with Moscow to bring about a better future for everyone.”
“By cucking the Russian president?” Glory asked, giving me a nasty look. “I’m sure Demyan Ignatov will love it if you fuck his wife right before him. You could join them in their bed in the Kremlin.”
“Indeed,” Henry said. “What man would welcome that perversity.”
“Oh, he would welcome it,” I said. I winked at Henry. “And so would you. Your wife is a fine woman.”
“There is no need to bring my wife into this!” he growled, true emotion flashing across his face. There was anger in there, but I could see something else. Fear. Not of me, but ... of himself. He shifted, his hands gripping the podium. Did he need to readjust himself.
I know I did. My cock was throbbing hard. Just thinking about cuckolding his wife, a gorgeous woman in her forties, had my futa-dick, pulsing in my panties. My pussy was growing wet. She could still have one more child. I could breed her.
A furtive movement caught my eyes. They flicked to the edge of the stage, the curtain leading to the back shifting. A smile grew on my lips, my dick aching even more. I drew in a deep breath, my blood screaming through my veins.
“Well,” Amelia said, clearing her throat. “Senator Olson, with Saudi Arabia making steps towards giving their women more rights, what will you do to see they gain even more?”
“By showing them how strong women are,” Glory said, voice ringing. “I’ll be the second woman president, and I won’t suffer for my predecessor’s flaws.” She kept her back straight. “I will earn the Arab countries’ respect.”
“I’ll just fuck the King of Saudi Arabia’s wives.” I smiled. “I’ve seen pics. They’re quite attractive. He’ll love it.”
“Fuck his wives,” Henry said, his voice strained. “That’s your solution?”
“Trust me,” I said. “We’ll get along when he sees me turn his wives into my sluts. And he’ll love me after I unleash them upon him. In my experience, even the most frigid wife is eager to love her husband once I’ve bred her. Once I’ve shown her all the joys her body has to offer. Hot, right?”
“You just cant ‘fuck world leaders’ wives and think that they will at all respect you or our country,” Henry said, his cheeks red. He clutched his podium now, his knuckles going absolutely white.
“See, this is why it’s is a mistake to vote for Becky Woodward,” Glory said. “She has no self-control. All she wants to do is have sex. That’s all that her mind thinks about. She’ll just be screwing interns in the oval office while the world burns around her.”
“Yeah, I will have a lot of sex,” I said. “And so what?”
“So what?” Glory bristled. “If you when, you’ll represent America.”
“The America I represent is all about love and coming together.” I gazed out at the cameras. “No jealousy or bitter recriminations. Just the joy of two more more people, or nations, coming together and sharing something amazing. Something wondrous and primal, something every human being craves to do.
“Naked, in the bedroom or even out in public, we’re all equal. We’re all beautiful in our own way. And we all bring something fun and naughty to the orgy.”
“Orgy!” spluttered Henry. “This is how low our country has sunk! It’s insane to let this harlot run for president!”
“Are you slut-shamming me?” I asked. “Isn’t that more of the Republican’s shtick?”
He clamped his mouth shut.
“No, you can be a slut all you want,” Glory said. “I am glad you are, because you gave me my daughter and my wife, but that doesn’t make you fit to run the country. You just can’t treat the world like it’s your personal bordello and think that will unite everyone. That you won’t offend people. You will embarrass this country!”
“Sure it’ll work.” My frustration boiled over me. The curtain shifted again. “I’ll show you how my foreign policy will work. I won’t waste time on any BS. I’m going to act to bring about world peace. I’m going to show the world that it’s changed. That something new has arrived, and it is wondrous. It is the next step in our species evolution.”
I marched away from the podium.
“What are you doing, Becky?” Amelia said. “We are just getting started. There’s forty minutes left.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” I said. The curtain shook again. I smiled as I reached it and ripped it open.
Mrs. Gretchen Millner stood on the other side, a tall and elegant MILF. She had the bearing of a first lady, aged into the graceful beauty of a woman at the peak of her maturity, her body trim and curvy beneath her salmon-colored skirt and blazer. She wore her blonde hair pinned up, leaving her smooth cheeks and swan’s neck exposed. Color burned across her face, her green eyes sparkling with lust.
I seized her arm and pulled her out. She didn’t resist.
“See, Henry, this is what I’ll do,” I said, leading his wife over to him.
He stood there gaping at me, his face twisting with conflicting emotions. His podium shook as he trembled. He swallowed as his wife’s heels clicked on the smooth, black flooring of the stage behind me.
“This is how I’m going to bring people together. How I’ll negotiate with world leaders.” I grinned at Henry. “You’re my political enemy, and yet me and you are about to negotiate and get something wonderful out of it.”
He let out a strangled sound while his wife trembled beside me, her perfume filling my nose.
“You want me to fuck your wife, don’t you, Senator Millner?”
“Of course not,” he spluttered.
“See,” Glory said. “This is what I mean, America. Is this who you want leading our country?” “It is,” I said. My eyes stared at him. “Now, Senator Millner, don’t lie. You’ve thought about it for years. You’ve wondered what it would be like to witness me fucking your wife.”
“Of course not,” he groaned.
I glanced at Gretchen. “Is that true?”
She swallowed, shuddering. “We’ve ... we’ve ... I’m his wife, Becky. Just ... just fuck me. Don’t make me say this.”
I smiled.
“Senator Millner, your wife hasn’t gone through menopause, right?”
He let out a groan.
“No, no, she’s still flowering,” I said. “I can smell her fertility bleeding through her clothing.” I breathed in, the faint musk of a woman’s pussy, mixing with my own hot cunt, filled my nose. A wonderful, spicy musk. “You knew if I met her, I’d fuck her. Breed her. And yet you brought your wife here.”
“I ... I thought...” He groaned. “That you ... wouldn’t ... because she’s...”
“Don’t lie,” I said. “You’re so hard right now. You want to watch me breed your wife. That’s why you brought her here. You were aching for it. To finally witness that fantasy that you’ve had. You ache to watch the world’s first futa fuck her hard. None of my daughters would do. It has to be me.”
He only groaned.
I glanced at his wife, squirming beside me, her green eyes glassy with desire. “Why don’t you go unzip your husband’s pants and pull out his cock. Let’s find out if he’s turned on right now.”
“I ... I...” Gretchen swallowed.
I winked at her.
“Yes, Becky,” she moaned, her lusts consuming her. She was in heat, hyper-ovulation kicking in. The signs were obvious.
It was taking all my self-control not to rip off her clothing and fuck her right now.
She moved to her husband, almost floating the few steps to him. He groaned, not fighting his wife as she unzipped him. Her hand reached in, fumbling around, then produce a cock, an average length for a guy. She gripped it, staring at me.
“That is one hard cock,” I said.
“Yeah,” Amelia groaned.
“A-are you going to let her ruin the debate?” asked Henry.
“Oh, I’m okay with this,” Glory said. “Let the world see that you’re a cuck and how out of control Becky is. She can’t even make it through a debate without breeding someone. Is an hour just too long for your dick to stay dry?”
I had faith in the voters. They would see how much better this style of negotiations were then the old way.
“Gretchen, do you ever suck your husband’s cock?” I asked.
“No,” she said, her voice throaty. “I can suck your cock, though.” Her eyes flicked down to my dick bulging my skirt. “I’ll do it. Right now.”
“I’m sure you will,” I said. “Does your husband ever ask you to suck his cock?”
“He used to,” she said. “I always thought it was nasty. I never would. Guys used to call me a tease. I just ... I thought it’s nasty, but you ... Oh, Lord, Becky, I would suck all the cum out of your dick right now.”
Her husband groaned, staring at me with the same hunger.
“But I want you to suck his cock,” I said. “He’s been a loving husband. Doesn’t he deserve that treat? Give your husband a hummer. Be that good wife you always claim to be.”
“But ... but...”
“Don’t worry,” I told her. “I’ll take care of your pussy.”
“You have to stop this,” groaned Henry, sounding so desperate and yet so torn. “Amelia, please.” “You know you want this, Senator,” Amelia said. “Beside she’s Becky Woodward? Who can stop her? You gave it a good try, but ... she’s about to cuckold you while the entire country watches.”
Streamed live over the internet to the world. I didn’t say that out loud, but I knew it.
“She’s not about to cuck him,” Glory said. “She’s already done it.”
“Mmm, I have,” I said, drawing up my skirt.
Gretchen fell to her knees before her husband. She grabbed his cock, stroking it, loving it. I shuddered as she nuzzled her lips against it. She glanced at me out of the corner of her eye as her mouth engulfed her husband’s cock.
He groaned as she sucked.
He shuddered while her mouth bobbed up and down his dick. She whimpered, loving his cock the way he deserved. I never wanted to steal anyone’s wife. I wished to have that special bond with someone. I never wanted to ruin it for anyone else.
As Gretchen made those sloppy sounds, I pushed down my sky-blue panties. They slid off my rump. The waistband caught the tip of my cock. For a minute, it bent backward. Then it sprang out and slapped into my belly, flicking precum up my blouse.
“Jesus,” Henry said, staring at my cock while his wife gave him her first sloppy blowjob.
“I know,” I said.
I fell to my knees behind Gretchen. I lifted his wife’s hips, her ass firm beneath the salmon-colored skirt. I drew it up her thighs, stroking her silk-smooth skin. She moaned about her husband’s cock as I uncovered her ass.
“Mmm, what a sexy pair of underwear,” I purred, staring at the gray panties. It was made of a mesh lace, allowing hints of her butt-cheeks to peek through the gaps in the pattern. “Did you wear those for me?”
Gretchen groaned about her husband’s cock while wiggling her hips.
“Yeah, you did,” I purred. I glanced up at Henry, standing tall while pleasure crossed his mouth. “Your wife was eager to cuckold you tonight.”
“I guess ... she was,” he groaned, his chest rising and falling.
“Yes, show him what a wussy beta male he is,” Glory said, gloating as she watched.
I had plans for her, too.
I hooked the waistband of Gretchen’s panties and drew them off her ass. She kept herself toned and in shape. Her rump was delicious. I kept pulling down her panties, exposing more and more of the snowy rump before me. I shuddered as the MILF’s trimmed, blonde bush came into view. A hunger rippled through me. My mouth salivated.
Juices clung to the silky strands. The swollen lips of her labia peeked through the curls. The woman was wet and eager for this. She craved it. Needed it. She yearned to be devoured. And I couldn’t wait to feast on her. I would lick and lap. I would flutter my tongue through her folds and give her such rapture. She would howl at the top of her lungs.

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