Husbands plan
- 2 years ago
- 33
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Wednesday afternoon, Natalie Jenkins boldly approached Stuart Brooks with her burning question. It was outside the classroom that she had spotted him, not the ideal place for discussing an inquiry of such a personal nature, so she agreed to his suggestion that they discuss it in the staff cabin. The voluptuous teacher felt a stab of apprehension about speaking to the camp Director alone in the deserted adult accommodations, especially after what had happened yesterday. But she had to know. She couldn't live another minute without knowing what was going to become of all those obscene snapshots the older man had taken of her.
"Really, dear, it's nothing," Stuart began by assuring her, once they were safely inside the cabin door. He sat down in one of the bean-bag pillows and propped his forearms on his knees as he waited for Natalie's response.
The black-haired woman was intensely conscious of Stuart's steely blue eyes roving up and down her barely concealed curves, and his frank appraisal annoyed her. Hadn't he seen enough of her in the perverted, humiliating acts he had perpetrated upon her?
"It sure as hell is something!" she contradicted hotly. "You've got a whole camera full of pictures of me, and I want to know why!"
"Calm down, my dear. There's no need to get angry. It's really quite simple and nothing for you to worry about..."
Natalie threw her hands up in despair and paced the bare floor of the pine-paneled living room. "Nothing for me to worry about?! Stuart, I'm a married woman. Married! And you think there's nothing to worry about?"
"You're not the first," the Camp Director said softly.
"Not the first what?" she countered suspiciously. The suggestiveness in his tone was frightening.
"Not the first married woman who's ever cheated on her husband," he replied simply, calmly.
The black-haired teacher's face reddened. Surely Stuart knew that she had been totally helpless and subjugated against her will during that enforced orgy yesterday afternoon. Didn't he? Surely he couldn't consider that freak accident as cheating on her husband. But in the back of her mind, Natalie was still conscious of that other time... that other indiscretion, with lovely Jason Powell. That was cheating on Mark, and she knew it in her conscience, whether the Camp Director knew or not.
"St-Stuart," she stammered. "I d-don't know what you're talking about... That... that... yesterday... That was a deliberate trick you pulled on me, and I won't be held responsible for that!"
. "Nobody's holding you responsible for anything, dear," the bachelor said quietly. "I don't see why you should get so upset."
"If you're not holding me responsible, then why did you take all those pictures?" Natalie challenged evenly.
"That's my business," the Director answered, but the young teacher caught instinctively the hint of uncertainty in his voice. The answer was a weak one, and she felt if she probed further, she could get to the real motive.
"And mine," she said quickly. "The pictures are of me, remember? And I know you didn't take them for photography class."
Stuart cocked his eyebrow in Natalie's direction. His face wore an expression that was purely speculative, as if he was mulling over the various possibilities in his mind. It was a long time before he spoke, and the teacher was becoming scared that maybe she had demanded to know too much.
Finally, the Camp Director inhaled deeply and sighed. "Well, Natalie," he said, "it seems that you're not going to give up. I want to remind you that I warned you not to ask..."
"Okay, okay," she replied impatiently, "just tell me!"
"I took the pictures on commission, you might say... for a client."
The young wife was beside herself with confusion. She waved her arms futilely in the air, as her mouth opened and closed as if she was trying to speak. When she did, her voice was choked and strained, "A client? Y-you mean someone is b-buying pictures of me? Who? Why? How did they know where to find me? God, Stuart, wh-what's going to happen to them?"
"Shh, not so fast," Stuart soothed. "No one's buying the pictures yet..."
"Yet?" Natalie's face suddenly twisted into a horrified expression of comprehension. "Are th-they for... blackmail?"
The Camp Director smiled indulgently at the woman's naive and innocent fear. "No, they're not for blackmail. I told you not to ask... It's a private arrangement between me and... a friend of mine. My friend has no intention of hurting you, Natalie..."
"God!" she cried out in sudden frenzy. "Who? Wwwhhhooo?!"
Natalie's face drained of all color and her body seemed to freeze in mid-step where she had been pacing the room. She pressed her lips together resolutely to stutter, "M-M-Mmm-?"
Stuart nodded. "Mark... He asked me to take the pictures..."
In the semi-privacy of her bedroom, the confused wife tried to sort things out in her mind. She knew that Stuart Brooks was hovering just outside the door in the hallway, but at least he wasn't in the room to see her slumping into the mattress of her bed. Mark! Her first reaction was that it was impossible. How could her own husband ever want to share her with anyone, if he really loved her? And even if he didn't mind sharing her, why would he want to see the lewd, incriminating evidence of color photographs? It just didn't make sense at all!
But the more she turned the idea over in her mind, the more Natalie became convinced that it was possible. Mark had been acting strangely ever since they had come up to Weatherly-Brooks Summer Camp for Boys. First it had been Jason Powell. Natalie remembered how her husband had deliberately asked her what she had thought of him, even though he was supposedly only picking up a book. And then there had been Mark's inexplicable cooperation in the obviously pre-planned little expedition yesterday. She would have expected that her loving husband would have flatly refused to let her go up into the hills with six boys and a camera-toting adult lecher... but Mark had not only gone along with the plan, he had actually encouraged it!
"Well, that damn bastard!" she whispered huskily.
"You okay, Natalie?" came Stuart's question from out in the hall.
The woman's face was smoldering with gathering anger. He actually planned it! Mark really deliberately planned it! And after telling me we were coming up here to save our marriage! The gall! Her reply to the Camp Director was dark and sultry.
"I'm fine, Stuart darling... just fine," she purred in a syrupy voice. "Come in and see for yourself."
"Hmph!" the bachelor remarked in surprise. When Natalie had fled the living room a few moments ago, she had seemed on the verge of tears, but the voice from the bedroom was anything but tearful. Never one to miss an opportunity, he gently pushed open the door and went into Natalie and Mark Jenkins' private sleeping quarters.
The woman's mind was still racing vengefully, but her face was now calm and peaceful. She was lying on her side in a provocative pose, her long bare legs crossed sensuously and her camp blouse unbuttoned almost to the waist.
"Really, Stu, I'm fine now," she whispered silkily. "I'm so glad you told me the truth... It makes everything so easy, now..."
The Camp Director was a little shaken by the sudden change in her attitude. He stood in the doorway, saying, "Natalie, I don't think you quite understand Mark didn't..."
She raised a slender hand to silence him. "I understand, Stu. Honestly, I do. And I'd like to give you a little token of my appreciation for telling me. She motioned him to come sit beside her on the bed.
The older man confusedly stumbled over to the double bed, standing stiffly at the head. Natalie smiled a bewitching, moist- lipped smile and grasped his clammy hand to bring him closer, and then she reached forward to clasp his fly zipper with the other hand. Her husband's friend started uncomfortably, but he didn't move away as the gorgeous, provocatively exposed young woman deftly removed his semi-hard penis from his shorts. She wrapped her slim hand around his huge masculinity and began to work it gently up and down, watching and feeling it grow gradually stiffer in her palm. Her eyes widened as the fat, red-fleshed head popped out from the thick foreskin as she manipulated his meaty cockshaft. As the Camp Director looked on incredulously, she pulled him even closer to the bed so that his thighs were resting against the edge of the mattress and his long excited cock was jutting proudly half-way across the pillow.
Natalie raised her pretty dark head. She slowly and tantalizingly opened her full red lips and let her tongue lap out teasingly in an obscene invitation to the man's now-pulsing cock. Stuart dared not move, for fear of startling the young woman and making her change her mind, but he could barely believe that this was the same woman who only ten minutes ago had professed to be the victim of a cruel gang-rape.
He didn't have long to wait, for Natalie inclined forward, opening her lips and immediately capturing the thick pole of flesh in her warm, saliva-moist mouth. She could feel the bulbous head sliding wetly along the full length of her tongue inside, the tiny droplets of seminal fluid seeping from it to fill the warm cavern of her mouth with its pungent salty taste.
Brooks began a slow undulation of his hips against the mattress, his thick cock slipping in and out of her mouth with a wet sluicing sound. His hands reached down tentatively to tangle in her hair, but as she responded thrillingly, he gripped the billowing black strands tightly and pulled them hard so her head thrust forward involuntarily. A cocky grin spread over his face as he looked down and saw his penis disappearing into his friend's wife's mouth, and it made him even prouder to know that she had insisted on it. He reached down to the front of her blouse and loosened it from her camp shorts, yanking it crudely off her shoulders so he could see the fleshy mounds of her breasts through the thin, diaphanous lace of her brassiere. His fingers kneaded her flesh hungrily as he watched his thick sword of flesh disappearing between her ovalled lips.
"Ssssshhhit!" he exclaimed in ecstatic amazement. "You sure do know how to give head, baby." Natalie began to run her tongue wetly around and around the smooth rubbery flesh of his cockhead, as her mind poured over her husband's betrayal. At first, her sultry, seductive manipulations of Stuart Brooks' cock had been offered in vengeance, as a deliberate punishment for her husband's deceit. But now, strangely, the young teacher began to feel a new emotion -- the unmistakable arousal in her own loins. She began sucking to please, circling around the glans with her tongue and flicking teasingly with the tip at the tiny opening at the end. The sharp pungent taste and odor of the lubricating fluids seeping through from his rising excitement caused her mouth to salivate and her nostrils to flare out slightly. She reached out to cup the soft wrinkled sac of his testicles gently with one hand, grazing her long fingernails tantalizingly over the hairy flaccid flesh.
Stuart groaned and twisted above her as her head bobbed up and down slavishly over his thick shaft of male flesh. He watched with obscene delight as her rounded lips strained at his thick, rock-hard penis, sucking it as though it was a stick of peppermint candy being fed to a hungry little girl. On the bed, her hips were undulating slightly as she squirmed to wriggle out of her shorts. The Camp Director sucked in his breath and reached down to ease the waistband of the green short-shorts over her voluptuously curved hips and down the sculpted columns of her legs. He exhaled with an audible sigh as he saw that her warm, hair-lined cunt-lips were already throbbing wetly in time to his cock sliding in and out of her mouth.
Suddenly, he felt he had to have more. He pushed her lovely head away from his loins, his rampant cock pulling from her sucking mouth with a moist popping sound. Natalie's eyes fluttered open in surprise at his sudden withdrawal and she was momentarily afraid she had done something wrong. But his lewd, lustful grin told her that he was only seeking greater stimulation, and greater stimulation was something the young teacher was more than ready to give at this point. Fuck you, Mark, she swore mentally to her husband... You want to see me really cheat on you?!
To the muscular bachelor, the heavy-lidded brunette purred in a honey-soft voice, "Stu... let's do something exciting... I mean really exciting..."
Once again the light-haired Camp Director was taken aback by his friend's wife's sultriness, but this time his balls were aching insistently and he couldn't deny it. He lurched forward on the bed, kneeling on the edge of the mattress, his expression dark and excited. "All right... all right you hot little fucking bitch," he growled, "turn over!"
Natalie winced at the harshness of his command, but she told herself that this was what she wanted. She wanted to be fucked from behind, in lewd dog-fashion, just like the bitch her husband seemed to think she was. Slowly she rolled onto her stomach, her huge naked breasts squashing into the mattress and spreading out to the sides of her arm-pits. At the gentle but firm insistence of Stuart's fingertips, she raised her perfectly rounded white buttocks into the air, bending her knees slightly to support them.
The rough but careful stroke of the older man's calloused fingers over her smooth nether flesh sent tingles up her spine, but Natalie was resolute in her decision to go through with this perverted act. She braced herself with her hands at the sides of her body as she strove to wriggle her ass up even higher, in response to the bachelor's massaging.
The black-haired teacher wasn't prepared for what came next, however. She lurched forward almost into the natural wood headboard of the rustic bed as suddenly, the Camp Director slipped a finger between her buttocks, to probe momentarily at the tight, brown puckered hole of her cringing little anus.
"Mmm-hhhmmm, nice and tight," Stuart commented, as if to himself. "My old cock will really have a fantastic fuck in there..."
Natalie couldn't believe what he was suggesting. She whirled her head around to see if he was actually contemplating that horrible, forbidden act -- that sodomy, but her hair fell over her eyes and she was unable to discern the older man's expression. God, she thought inwardly, God, I hope I haven't gone too far... She had intended to get even with her husband, that's all -- she certainly hadn't planned on this.
She felt his hands move away to be replaced suddenly by his lips, kissing her smooth oval buttocks and biting them with sharp little nips. She felt him draw them apart with his thumbs and lick the hot, slightly sweating crevice between them and she moaned in humiliation as he pulled and stretched at her asshole, straining at the tight rubbery ring the way the teenager had yesterday.
Natalie tried to clench her buttocks tightly together but the pressure of his thumbs inserted into the moist furrow was too much. No, she groaned inwardly... It can't be... he wouldn't do it... But the friend of her husband continued to stretch her asscheeks until she could feel the cool air rushing into the hot interior between her legs. Suddenly she felt obscenely naked with the unmarried lecher hovering over her tiny brown wrinkled hole, but she knew that she had asked for it.
There was a pressure against her ankles and the young wife didn't resist as she felt Stuart prying her legs apart. He crawled up on his knees between her full thighs and spread the cheeks of her ass far apart. His probing finger poked experimentally at her asshole and she jerked automatically from the sudden discomfort.
"It's okay, baby, relax," he chided softly. "Haven't you ever been fucked in the ass before?" He thought of her calm and studious husband Mark, and chuckled to himself. No, he answered his own question mentally. But he did have a couple of shots of Jason Powell's finger up her ass from yesterday, up on the secluded hillside.
Natalie gasped, then moved her legs apart until they were almost at right angles to her body, her calves and ankles dangling over the edges of the quilt-covered mattress. It felt as if her body was about to split apart as she felt the tip of his finger at the entrance to her naked exposed rectum. She clenched the tiny elastic ring desperately in a futile attempt to stop the brutal forbidden penetration that she knew was coming. Stuart probed for a moment at the outer edges of the puckering brown circle, then shoved forward with a grunt, sinking his finger jerkily up to the first knuckle in the warm, velvety passage.
Natalie jerked forward from the unexpected digging and Brooks thrust again, impaling his long middle finger even deeper into her asshole. Grunts of protest escaped from her lips as he drilled deeper and deeper, expanding the tightness of her rectum until she thought she was going to explode internally.
"Aaauuuunnh," she moaned softly into the headboard. "St- Stuart, I th-think I... don't want..."
"Relax, Natalie," he cut in. "Try to make your ass relax... I'm going to show you something that'll make you cum like a skyrocket..." Hell, he added to himself, you're such a hot little number you'd get off on practically anything! He began to move his finger around up inside the smooth rubbery walls of her tightly clenching back passage, to prepare it for the greater entry that was to come.
A flicker of surprise passed over Natalie's face as she consciously followed the older man's instructions and the pain began to fade to be replaced by a strangely enjoyable sensation. She relaxed and experimentally wriggled her hips back against it, until suddenly she felt the extra pressure of another finger ramming unexpectedly alongside the first. It hurt this time, and she buried her face in her arms to muffle the tiny squeal that escaped her lips.
. "Stuart, really, I..." she began chokingly, "I don't th- think I can do this." Apprehensive tears of humiliation welled up under her eyelids as she realized that it was she alone who was to blame for what the Camp Director was doing. She had invited it deliberately, and now there was no way out. He was screwing both fingers into her mercilessly, digging viciously to expand the tiny puckered hole so that his massively erected cock would fit inside.
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Last Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun. I spoke to them online before I arrived here and they seemed really keen and also rather experienced.Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife...
Friday night came along, I met them at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos were exchanged beforehand and they looked like their photos. I told them I was bi and they said that the husband is 'open minded'. After just one drink we were getting along fine and the wife asked if maybe we should head back to their place for another drink. It sounded good to me as I was getting a hardon in my jeans and black speedo already. Their house was only a 5 minute walk from the bar. When we walked...
Last Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun and told me what site they used when looking for naughty fun. Once I found them, we spoke online for a week or two and they seemed experienced, knew what they wanted and I fit the bill of what they wanted.We arranged a date.Our date night came along and we met at a bar in town after dinner. Lots of photos had been exchanged online beforehand and they looked like their...
This experience happened to me a few years ago and it ended up being a couple that I got to 'join' about once a month over a six-month period. They were pretty hardcore swingers and I think I learnt some good skills (particularly from the husband on pleasuring women).This is what I wrote at the time just after the first time we met.Last Friday night I had a threesome with a couple that I met online. A friend of mine recommended this couple as good fun. I spoke to them online before I arrived...
SwingersYe 100% such hai aur first time main apni real story nahi real incident bata raha hoon, my name kumar from jalandhar, meri ek facebook id hai jo main adult kamo ke liye use karta hoon, ek din maine uspe search kar raha tha to ek admi ka number diya tha ki main jalandhar ghoomne a raha hoon, agar koi guy hai jo jo lund choos sake to contact me Maine us number pe call kiya aur ye mera first time meeting thee to maine thoda darr bhi raha tha lekin maine himmat karke uske bataye hotel main gea, aur...
Hello everyone. My name is Mona Mohsin and this is my fourth story. MY HUSBAND PLAN was my first story. Now I will come towards the story. After what my husband planned and then my friend planned I was quite depressed. I had left my job and was just looking after my home. I wanted to get pregnant and we tried a lot but still I was not getting pregnant. We went to doctor. The test report suggested that my husband’s sperm count r to less to get a lady pregnant. Doctor said it is curable and gave...
I am a huge fan of ISS, specially wife sharing/ girlfriend sharing stories. I am 25 yr old in relationship (6 years). My girlfriend had few sex experiences before me still do chat sex / phone sex with strangers. I too have phone sex and physical sex with swinger couples, wives whose husbands are open minded and love to watch.Me and my girlfriend share every detail of our experience with each other. This is our style of foreplay and we have very hot sex every-time.Most of the time me and my...
Husband, Wife And Concubine"There!? the wife gave her best smile to her husband as she adjusted the tie again. ?Now you are perfect.?The husband laughed heartily and agreed. ?True, now I am perfect!? His arms wrapped around his wife and he pulled her close. He gave her a kiss on the lips. When their lips parted, the wife sighed dramatically, drawing yet more laughter from her husband. If nothing else, the wife was a woman who knows how to make her husband a happy man.?Have a good day today.?...
Hello readers, this is Pragya from Mumbai. I am 38 years old and my stats are 34-30-32. Today I am going to narrate the story of my first extramarital affair where my husband’s boss fucked me like a maniac! This incident happened almost 15 years back when I was still a young lady. I was born and brought up in a small town in Tamilnadu called Srirangam. My parents, like any other conservative parents, got me married, right after college. My life was that of a quintessential housewife and my...
Husband wants his wife to be like her divorced friend.Loving WivesJen walked into her bedroom, her face still flushed from the conversation at lunch. Her pussy throbbed. She didn't normally masturbate in the middle of the day, but she needed relief, and the k**s would be at the sitter's for a few more hours. She lay on the bed and pulled up her skirt. She touched herself. Her panties were so wet. She slipped her hand inside her panties and rubbed herself, her eyes closed, remembering what Tina...
Eine weitere Story aus der Feder meines Freundes - dies mal aus der anderen Perspektive des Cuckoldings. Ebenfalls frei erfunden und auf Englisch.---So the thing is that I actually never really cared much for other men. I was happy in the relationship I was in so I never understood the concept of cheating. So I never did. Having a history of checking my husbands browser history, looking for the porn he'd watched however, I stumbled across something called cuckold porn. The strange thing was...
I’ve been married to my husband nearly three years now, I’m 28 and he is 45, I was probably the cause of his marriage break up with being his secretary. He has a son and daughter 17 and 15 from his first marriage, which we often see, and I get along fine with.Four months back my husband suffered a stroke; he was paralysed from the waist down and needs a lot of help all the time. Jake my stepson came and stopped with us to help look after his father. Jake is used to having girls stop over at his...
I had only been out of college for a few years. I invested some money from my parents and started a small company. I had a small construction business that painted lines in parking lots and on different road ways through out the state. I had two small crews with about a dozen employees. I had just bought a small trailer as my office. It had a small waiting area in the front of the trailer with a small reception desk. There was a small bathroom. I constructed a nice size office for myself. It...
I had only been out of college for a few years. I invested some money from my parents and started a small company. I had a small construction business that painted lines in parking lots and on different road ways through out the state. I had two small crews with about a dozen employees. I had just bought a small trailer as my office. It had a small waiting area in the front of the trailer with a small reception desk. There was a small bathroom. I constructed a nice size office for myself. It...
Hi mera naam nisha {badla hua naam}hain.main mumbai me rehane wali hu.kuch dini se maine ISS ki storie padane lagi, muje bhi aise lagane laga ki kyu na main bhi apana expirieance aap logo ke sath share karu. isliye himmat jutake main ye kahani batane ja rahi hu aap ko. aapko pasand aati hain ye kahani to pls mere is id pe muje email kariye mere age 25 hain. 2saal pehale mere shadi hue. shadi se pehale mera koi b/f nahin tha na maine kabhi kisi se sex kiya tha.shadi ke baad maine pehali baar...
By: Maha143 Hi mera name maha hai or mai Lahore ki rehne wali hoo colour fair size 32-26-31 buhat slim or sexy hoo 1 month sy story perdh rahi hoo socha ajj apni life ki kuch hakikat ap logo sy share karo meri age 22 year hai or mere husband ki age 23 hai hum dono ny love marrige ki hai woh bhi bhaag k to gher mai khali mai or mere husband hi hote hai mere husband ko sex ka buhat shuk hai or gandi gandi baton ka kehte hai k chodne sy pehle mujhe sy gandi gandi batain karo. To mai unse gandi...
I wasn't feeling over confident but, as what I was about to do was for my husband, I did my best to conceal my doubts and apprehension. I mean, it's not every day that you are about to be fucked by a stranger while your husband watches. Well, it's not for me. I was definitely nervous.The time had arrived and, as requested, I had dressed in high heels, silky hold up stockings and a small g-string with tie sides. Otherwise I was naked except for a dash of my favourite perfume.I was waiting in one...
I wasn't feeling over confident but, as what I was about to do was for my husband, I did my best to conceal my doubts and apprehension. I mean, it's not every day that you are about to be fucked by a stranger while your husband watches. Well, it's not for me. I was definitely nervous.The time had arrived and, as requested, I had dressed in high heels, silky hold up stockings and a small g-string with tie sides. Otherwise I was naked except for a dash of my favourite perfume.I was waiting in one...
Husband hiding. Some of the Dogging adventures that we have participated in we did not tell anyone who my husband was, he was anonymous just one of the guys that showed up. Those are some of the most exciting dogging adventures we have because the guys do not know my husband is watching and participating. My husband say’s the guys treat me different, nastier and sexually...
My husband frequently goes out drinking and that's okay with me as he never stays out too late. Recently he said he wanted me to go with him and we could dance at least since I don't drink very much. When we got to this new club he found I saw a lot of black men inside. I said something to my husband and he said "well they know good music and how to dance. Come on hon let's have a drink." I was okay with this and we found a table near the dance floor. He had me wearing a micro mini skirt and a...
This is a real story based on my personal experience faced nearly 4 four months back during a holiday trip to Puri along with my husband. First let me introduce myself. I am Minati Mohanty. My nick name is mini by which my family members and friends address me. I work at a private firm, in Bhubaneswar, where i stay along with my husband Bikash Mohanty. I am 32 years old and my husband is of 36 years. We are married for nearly 5 years. I usually read a lot of porn stories and watch porn videos...
It was Friday and I was just finishing up at the office. As I was about ready to leave the office my husband Jon called me and asked if it was OK to bring a friend home for dinner. It was kind of odd as he had never really done that before. We’d had friends over but usually we would discuss it ahead of time and make plans together. This was different. I asked who the friend was and Jon just said it was someone from work. I thought I knew all his work friends. Not quite sure what was...
HUSBAND OR ANNOYING BRAT? by Throne The wife and husband were standing in the living room of their two- bedroom, suburban home. It was a typical domestic scene but with a twist. "I swear, Gigi," said the wife, "you're turning into a total brat." "Zelda, couldn't you..." There was a hint of pleading in the husband's tone. "...couldn't you go back to calling me Georgie?" "How can I use your old male name with the way you have yourself looking? I mean, with your full head of...
Once again thanks to all my sweet readers who have proved to be lovers of love stories. My last story “Friend’s Wife Smita” (Link : ) is admire by many readers. My stories are adding new friends to my email list. New persons start sending me emails, praising stories. The story “MIL in Daughter’s Shoe” (Link : ) is still attracting new readers to read the story and write emails appreciating MIL’s Love. Here is a new love story between cousin BIL and SIL....