Horse Sexual Fantasies Motivates Tera
- 2 years ago
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The truth of the matter is that the little gift that I was given by Robert was a goodbye gift. I had totally forgotten that his Birthday was on the horizon and it was not until about two days before that I remembered. I had always been good at drawing so in my spare time I drew a few pictures for him as a present. Mr Rice was very kind in letting me take time off to get the job done.
I took Ruth's Ambition into a field and spent time making about six drawings of her from different angles. These I then rolled into a tube and gave to Robert on his birthday. The next day he left to join the air force. I never saw him again.
I often used that piece of wood as a stimulant when I was sad or lonely. It is amazing what the simplest of things can do for you and your life style. I still have the gift though I have not used it as it was intended for some years now. I keep it in a small jewel box by my bed and I often take it out just to hold it and remember.
It was about three days before Robert's birthday that he called Elaine and I to help him with the dogs. This was strange as he was usually able to take care of them on his own. The five dogs all lived in a pen round the back of one of the many sheds that dotted the land that we owned. It was a sheltered area of about a half acre run and kennels.
Seven of them though we only had five dogs. The two empty ones were kept just in case. Of course with the bitch having pups out of the corral, there were only four dogs to care fore at present. The pups and mum were still in the mares stables, and doing fine.
Elaine had been down to feed the dogs on many occasions but had had little else to do with them. I had never had anything to do with them except to pet them sometimes. Now it was our turn to learn all there was to know and in a matter of hours. When we arrived at the corral all the dogs crowded round to great us, and in the usual dog manner thrust their noses into the front or back of out jodhpurs. Robert received this from each dog in turn and it was quickly over for him, but Elaine and I had a prolonged examination as we were both new to the corral and had to be checked out thoroughly. It was quite embarrassing at first but it soon turned out to be a good joke and we all laughed about it.
Robert called us over to where we had to clean the food bowls and put down fresh water. As we went over we were still subjected to the nose thrusts as we walked, which was a little difficult to contend with, but as soon as the food came out we were left and the food became the centre of attention.
Robert showed us how to measure the food for each animal and in what order to feed them so as to keep within the pecking order of the pack.
I had had no idea that it could be so particular in its execution, but Robert assured us that it was the best way. He then showed us the washing facilities and explained the reason for washing the animals. It is pretty much the same reason that we wash, we get smelly if we don't.
The whole process is a bit like keeping thorough-bred horses. Washing and grooming, feeding and exercising.
Elaine and I decided to do the job together to begin with and then when we both were sure that we could control the animals and not forget any part of the chores we would take turns, day on, day off. This worked out very well for about a week but then Elaine started to ask if she could take my turn. Occasionally at first but it soon developed that she was doing the dogs every day and I was left with all the horses. I also noticed that she was taking longer as the days went by. More of this later.
In the mean time Robert's birthday got closer. I finished my drawings and we all started to speculate as to when Robert would receive his call up papers. As his birthday fell on a Tuesday I said that he would get the call up on a Thursday or Friday demanding his attendance on the Saturday. The others all said different things and in the end we were all wrong. He never got them as the day after his birthday he left and went to join the Air Force before he could be called up for one of the other services.
Apparently Robert had handed his notice in to Mr Rice a couple of weeks before and had been told to find someone to take his place. The problem was that, because of the war, there was no one to hand. So it ended up with Mr Rice doing the heavy work and we girls doing all the other less demanding tasks. We all just had to buckle down and do more work in the same amount of time. Every farm and country firm was in the same boat.
Working wives and mothers did not start to turn up for these jobs until about harvest time when the real work became necessary.
The day before his birthday Robert came round and told us that he would be leaving and that was why we had to learn the dog business. That explained everything, but he did not say that he would be leaving the day after next. That came from Mr Rice.
In the afternoon Mr Rice came round and told us to do as much of the next days work as possible today because there was to be a party for Robert as it was his birthday and he would be leaving the next day after that. But we were not to say anything to Robert as it was to be a surprise. We were stunned and shocked and set about a plan to have one last romp in the hay with our trusty human steed. It was Elaine's plan but I was not going to go against it if it was likely to be the last time I had him in a very long time. It seems as though Robert had been hatching this plan to leave and join up for several months so as not to end up in a force he did not want. The party was due to start at about two p.m. and would end about tea time. As it happened it went on to after six but that worked to our advantage.
Elaine and I worked furiously all the rest of that day until it was almost dark. Mr Rice came to tell us to stop work as it was getting late. As it was we had nearly finished every thing that we could. Of course we would still have the feeding, mucking out and exercising to do but that would not take too long.
Robert came in to get the feed ready for the next day and as we were both there to help, we jumped on him and demanded satisfaction. And got it.
We almost tore his clothes of his back trying to get our lover to serve us with his favours. When we were all naked Elaine took his legs and I took his head and we both rode at least around the block and back.
Robert seemed to be loving the attention that we were giving him and confessed afterwards that the one thing he would dearly miss from the stables was us girls sitting on his face and dick...
Once we had both had an orgasm we swapped ends and rode some more.
There was not a lot of finesse or cunning in our plot, that was supposed to come the next day, this was just a bonus to be taken advantage of.
We rode and swapped, rode and swapped, according to our orgasms and we only stopped because Robert himself eventually shot his load. Elaine was the recipient, but only by a few seconds. We had just swapped again and it was as she slid down onto his rod that he squirted into her. I felt a little cheated because I had missed it by mere seconds, but that was the way of the world.
We cleaned ourselves up and finished the chores, just making things tidy really, and then went home to bed. It was nearly midnight when I arrived home.
The following day passed very quickly and it was soon time for the party. It took a while for things to get going but Mr Rice took the bull by the horns and started the dancing. After that it did not seem that anything would stop the party. Everybody presented their presents to Robert who was overwhelmed by the generosity of all who attended. I felt a little sad after I had given my efforts to him because he did not seem to give them the attention that I thought they deserved. I know better now and I should not have worried any way. I was later told in a letter after Robert was killed that he had had the six pictures framed and hung in one of the rooms in the base where he was stationed. This lifted my heart no end after he died, to think that he had thought so much of my work. It made me so glad that he had felt proud enough of them to share them with the rest of his group. I do not know what happened to them after the end of the war. They were probably destroyed or some other person took a fancy to them and took them home. I like to think that they still hang on someone's walls but I rather think that they would have been thrown with the junk, at the end when all the offices were cleared out.
That night after the party when Elaine and I sprang our trap for Robert he told me that he thought that my present was the best of the lot. I believed him at the time but as the weeks went by I learned that he had probably said those things to make me feel better at his leaving. It is true that I cried at the parting and I ached for him for many weeks after he left. But of course I overcame the sorrow in the end.
The night when we said good by to Robert was not that good as far as sex was concerned. Both Elaine and I spent more time being consoled in his arms than we did trying to reach new heights of sexual ecstasy. But we spent a good three hours in his company mostly, naked and close, while we explored each others bodies. It was a tender loving evening rather than a hard passionate night.
The next day dawned sad. It seemed that all the folks that had known Robert regretted his leaving and they all had a good word for the lad that we all would miss. Even the dogs seemed to be less enthusiastic about things. They still greeted us with the nose up our crotches and they still wolfed down all the food we gave them but they other wise seemed to mill about more and with less purpose that they had shown previously.
Elaine and I settled quickly down to the new order of things now that we were a hand shorter than before. As I said previously Elaine started to take on the dogs completely by her self and I had more of the horses to do. That is not to say that I had everything to do for the horses, Elaine still helped with them but only after the dogs were done. It was maybe three to four weeks after Robert had left that I eventually went down to the kennels to see why Elaine was taking so long.
Long before I reached the place I could hear the noise of the dogs. It sounded like the hunt with the dogs yapping and howling. When I got to the gate I looked for Elaine but could not see her. I did not call for her, thinking that she was off somewhere on another errand. I was about to turn and leave when I spied her crawling out of one of the kennels.
She stood up as soon as she was out and I noticed that she was not wearing her jodhpurs. She bent over to put them on, still unaware of my presence. She had been naked in there with one of the dogs, who came out a short while later while Elaine was still trying to slide into her cloths. This could only mean one thing. She had found a new partner to replace Robert. I left quickly to avoid a confrontation because I was sick that she could go to another lover so quickly. It was also because I had not found a new lover and though I still had Rum to take care of my needs. I had not yet figured out a way to overcome the problems that I had had before Robert came to my aid.
I had a good think about Elaine and about my problem and eventually decided that though I could not sort out my difficulties I could stop Elaine getting into bigger difficulties than she had at the moment.
That afternoon I went up to her as we were working together and spoke quite openly.
"You should check who is out side before you come out of the Kennel to put your clothes back on. You were lucky that it was me who saw you and not someone else. I shall say nothing and if you do not mind I may even join you as I can not get my new lover to do what I want." The colour that rushed to her cheeks was as deep as beetroot and I new that she felt very guilty about being caught. "Do not worry, Robert himself had a few strange ways about him as far as animals were concerned, you should ask Ruth's horse, though I do not think she will want to talk about it. Elaine flustered and half panicked spluttered at me. I felt myself blush as I said this. It implied that I did not have strange ways with animals which was certainly not true
"How, how do you expect me to get any information out of a dumb horse."
I broke into laughter and this seemed to break the panic that she was experiencing. "How do you know about that anyway? Who told you?"
"He had a certain way with animals, he showed me what he liked to do with Ruth's Ambition," I replied "I do not think she minded. He was too drunk to finish when he showed me and fell off the stool that he was standing on. After that I would help him keep his balance on some occasions. I assume you did the same sometimes."
Elaine stood looking at the ground.
"Well all this time and I thought that I was the only one who knew.
Every time I saw you two together I thought that he was having sex with you especially after I caught you at it. But I will bet that he was having it with a horse more than with you. Well that is a change for the better. You will not tell about what you saw this morning, will you?"
"No." I replied. "I am very glad that you are happy to use those dogs.
It means that they will be happy and I can have any eligible male that I find in the premises." I giggled at her and she started to chase me. I ran just for the fun of it. It made me feel so much better and I think that it did the same for Elaine. She changed her timing for having sex with the dogs to the evening which was much better for us both. I did join her eventually but not before I had solved my own problems. I really thought about asking Elaine to help me but it never came to it as I found a good way round the shortage of hands.
I had spent several evenings trying to lie on my front on a bale of straw, and reach back for Rum's penis in order to insert it in the right whole. It had either taken so long that Rum had gone limp by the time I reached him, or I just could not reach to direct him in the first place.
I tried several times lying on my back but I either found that Rum got in the way or that I was too uncomfortable to stay in the position for more than a few minutes.
I resorted to sketching pictures on scraps of paper to try and find a set up that would provide me with a god position and yet give me easy access to Rum. I eventually found a way by stacking three bales in a sort of "T" shaped pyramid so that my legs were supported and I could lie on my back and still reach that most important of sexual commodities.
The first time I tried it, it did not work too well as I had placed the top bale too far from Rum's hind quarters but with a little adjusting I got it right on about the fourth try. I had found that one other thing was required to make it all go smoothly and that was to teach Rum to side step on a word command. It did not take long and I spent several days practising him when I took him for exercise. Rum took to this new unaided sex like a duck to water.
The first time that I actually felt that we had got it right I had gone to see him quite late. He had been quite agitated of late, probably due to the many attempts at having sex that had ended up in failure.
Horses, as can any animal, do not like to think they are going to get something nice only to find it is not true. They start to think that you are teasing them and then they get cross. Each time that I had failed to get Rum into me I had had to spend time soothing him and very often I had found that the only way to quiet him was to suck it out of him. This was fine in that it calmed him down but it meant that every time I went back for another try, he would get even more excited and start to prance about. This required time to soothe him before I could start, and then I had to do the same again afterwards. I was so glad once I got it worked out. So was Rum. Anyway I digress.
As I said, it was quite late and most of the days activities were over.
I had been told to go home and so I had sneaked into the stables to try and refine my new technique. Mr Rice had lowered the bales for the next day and when he had gone, I arranged them in an order that would serve for the night, and for the following days work, if I should not get a chance to be with Rum that night.
I slid the three bales into position next to Rum and then I covered them with my smelly blanket. It was getting rather high now and I knew that I would have to wash it soon. Rum watched my every move. He was calm this evening as though he knew it would all work out and tonight was the night. Once this was done I turned out my tiny light. All lights had to be small and hooded so as to prevent anyone seeing them in the dark.
This was to hide all land marks from 'Jerry' who had started flying over to bomb London.
I stripped off and hung my cloths over the side of the stall. Then I went to Rum and stroked him and soothed him. He knew what was coming and soon had a formidable erection. When I got to that part of his body I was careful to stoke him without digging my fingers into him. It could have been so easy to jab him in the dark. Everything had to be done by touch and feel as the light from outside was hardly worth mentioning. I reached back behind his penis and cupped his balls. They were quite big and seemed to be tight for some reason. As I stroked them they loosened up and descended into my hand. I then had a notion to do some thing I had never done before. I leaned toward him and bypassing his penis I kissed his sack. His balls were warm and heavy and I had the impression that they were like apples hanging on a tree in the warm sunshine. I continued to kiss and then lick the bag that held them teasing the skin with my tongue lips and teeth. Rum seemed to twitch at each contact.
His penis continued to grow. It hung down past my head and by my shoulder. As it stiffened it started to press against my breast reaching down to my stomach. After ten minutes or more of sucking on those lovely velvety apples I realised that the pressure on my breast was a call for attention else where. I could always come back to that wonderful sack of fruit.
I did not just let go of the balls that had entertained me so far, I continued to fondle them with one hand for a short while as I searched for the thick rod that was next to me. I did not have to look far of course but I did want to get hold of it in the right way, so that I could put it to my lips one handed. I managed to find a position where I could direct the end of the shaft to my mouth but I was so far away from Rum's balls by then that I had to give up on the scrotum fondling.
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Lynne reined in her horse at the barn and dismounted. She stroked his neck. "We're gonna have a ball," she said, opening up the barn. She led him inside and closed the door. "A real ball." Blazer bobbed his head, his mane swishing. He snorted, then nuzzled his mouth against the crook of Lynne's neck. "You just relax," she purred. She stepped back and looked at Abdul locked in his stall. "You'll get your turn tomorrow." She swooned, thinking excitedly about the plan she had come...
Janice looked at her daughter, a hot lewd smile on her flushed face. "I'm ready now," she said. "I've been ready since your father split." Lynne stroked Blazer's head. "You better take care of him first," she said. "He got horny as hell eating your pussy." "I don't care," Janice drooled. "As long as it's a cock." She flicked the tip of her tongue anxiously across her lips. "Get on the bench, Mommy," Lynne said. "I think you'll enjoy it more." Janice could only smile...
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The next day Robert seemed very nervous of me and I had to go and comfort him and let him know that everything was all right. I slipped my hand into his and whispered in his ear that I loved him and thanked him for the wonderful evening. He blushed beetroot red so I told him that a repeat performance was in order when he had the time, and then I left him to carry on with my work. I did not leave him in any doubt about my availability and I smiled at him every chance I got in the hope he would...
"Damn!" Janice rolled onto her ass once more, one arm draped over her face. It was going to be a long, long night. Chad had made her cum violently, with a passion she hadn't known for a long, long time. But now, as she lay naked on her bed, the sheets having been kicked off long ago, the brunette thought once more about looking for the dog. It was nearly midnight. Her sister wasn't home yet. That dance must have been quite an affair. Janice laughed a little bitterly, again imagining the...
Lynne lugged out all of Blazer's jizz, then pulled away. She sat back on her haunches and looked at her mother. "I wanna get fucked," she said. "You ready to have your ass fucked?" Janice smiled. "I've been begging for it for three days," Lynne gasped. "Of course I'm ready." She quivered, her head spinning. At last she was going to have her ass reamed. Janice brought Abdul to the center of the barn. "Blazer had your cherry, now Abdul can have your virgin ass." Lynne moaned,...
We were out together, that late spring morning - she and I - lazily riding across the long grassland. Here the age-old, green road skirted the lower reaches of the escarpment. In a little while, it would wend its way gently upwards.Those ancients, the ones from several thousand years ago, knew a thing or two when they trekked this way and drove their animals before them. The old Drovers Way, the path we trod so lightly, was well-worn, making its way towards the next small river ford where they...
TrueAmy woke up around dusk, based on the amount of light coming through her bedroom window. She'd fallen asleep, her new horse-cock still hard and inside her best friend, Lucy.Lucy was awake, watching Amy sleep, and apparently enjoying the cock that was still inside her and hard again. Lucy was bouncing slowly and gently on Amy's cock and smiled when she noticed her friend had awoken."Good evening, sleeping Beauty," Lucy said, in a slightly strained voice. She couldn't keep her pleasure out of her...
© November 2001 We were out together, that late spring morning - she and I - lazily riding across the long grassland. Here the age-old, green road skirted the lower reaches of the escarpment. In a little while it would wend its way gently upwards. Those ancients, the ones from several thousand years ago, knew a thing or two when they trekked this way and drove their animals before them. The old Drovers Way, the path we trod so lightly, was well-worn, making its way towards the next small...
Christmas came and went and everybody had a good time. It was into the second week of January that the next event in my tale occurred. Rum had started to expose himself again soon after New Year and I soon became troubled by his behaviour. It seemed that whenever I saw him his penis was hanging down almost touching the floor and a thin clear liquid seemed to always be dripping from the end. I eventually asked Elaine about it but she swept the matter aside saying that he was just feeling...
Lynne climbed off Blazer and led him into the barn. Her mother was only seconds behind her. "Looks like you're the dirty whore," Lynne giggled. She pulled off Blazer's saddle and began rubbing him down with a thick brush. "I think you're the whore," Janice said. She had Abdul's saddle off. "Who broke your cherry?" She brushed the panting white stallion. Lynne giggled. "Strip off your clothes and I'll tell you," she said. Janice smiled at her daughter. "I hope he's got a big...
The guitar hummed, in a strange offbeat rhythm that danced in time with the locusts. The sound, different from all the Christmas Music, was soothing on a cold night by the fire. An old man plucked at the guitar strings, in a slow taffy of movement that stretched each note around his fingertips and then rose into the air. You could almost taste the notes hovering in the cool breeze. As he began to play, everyone would get quiet, so quiet that all you heard was his guitar and the distant locusts...
"Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Penelope splashed some more cold water on her face and rubbed her hands over those blood shot eyes. She let out a tearful sigh before repeating the lie once more. "Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." By this point in her life, Penelope would have preferred the sticks ands tones. Although she still looked young, Penelope was a 23 years old college undergrad. Why was she so late in her education?...
InterracialA few days after going to the club with Lucy and Scarlet, Amy was on her lunch break at work, thinking deeply. A lot of things that had happened or been said that night had stuck in her head and it had been bugging her since. Everything she was thinking about was to do with her relationship with Lucy and Scarlet.She'd been thinking about something since even before the club: marriage. She loved Lucy and believed that Lucy lover her too. She was, however, wondering if, were she to ask Lucy to...
Hi, my name is Jeff, and I've been married to my sexy little wife, Tanya, for 5 years. We've been using nasty talk and shared fantasies to spice up our love life almost from the beginning of our relationship. One thing that got us both particularly hot was for me to ask her, during sex, if she'd like to have two cocks at once. I'd say something like, "I'd like to see you sucking someone else's cock while I'm fucking you from behind," and she'd usually reply, "I'd love you to see me...
We were just two guys traveling down the highway. Then... Smack. An accident. Everything went black. Suddenly, my eyes opened. Haziness. "Estuardo, where are you?" I shouted. At least I thought I was shouting it. I heard it in my head but it came out of my mouth as... a horse's whinny? As my eyes came into focus, I realized I was standing on all fours. "I'm a horse?!" Again, stated internally, but emerging as a whinnny. Suddenly, I was surprised by an incredible weight...
Having found out that Claire and Molly were cunt-suckers and dog fuckers, Brenda had not hesitated at all. She rode the stallion right up to the back of the converted farmhouse, slid down from its back and hitched it to the porch railing. She went up the steps and entered the house without bothering to knock or announce her presence. She went down the hall and looked into the living room... and smiled delightedly at what she saw. Claire and Molly were both kneeling over a huge mastiff,...
The next day, after a restless night trying to ease the frustration I was feeling, I went about my business as usual but all the time attempting to form a plan to achieve my aim. By the end of the day I had what I thought would be a workable idea but of course proof of the pudding is in the eating and only attempting it would tell. At about seven thirty I found myself in the company of Rum again. I was ready to try my idea but I found one or two problems in my way. Again it was quite late in...
I was not nearly as saw the next day as I had been after my first mating with Rum. Indeed I hardly felt any discomfort at all except around the opening to my vagina. My pussy lips were thick and swollen when I rose from my bed but that was gone by the evening. However my poor breasts were very saw and red from the straw sticking into them as Rum rocked me back and forth. I had lots of red marks on them and on my chest and shoulders where the straw had come into contact with my skin. The...
Janice stood, her tits bouncing. "I can't wait any longer," she moaned. "I gotta get fucked." "I was wondering why you were waiting so long," Lynne sighed. She pushed herself away from the table and stood. "Let's go." "The wait made me cream," Janice explained as they hurried outside. "My cunt's dripping so much I'm squashing." With her tits bouncing and her ass jiggling, Lynne ran across the yard to the barn. She threw open the doors. "Hurry, Mommy." Janice rushed...
Two days had passed since Linda's first fuck and Janice's bout with the horse. Both women chatted continually together, but purposely kept their conversations to business or small talk. Their aunt would be coming out of the hospital soon. Janice was already making plans to go home, and Linda was thinking about how she could continue to see Hank without making her aunt suspicious. On the third day, a little after five, when Janice was strolling outside, Hank crept into the house and found...
The next day I felt a little apprehensive about seeing Robert, but as it turned out he had been sent out on an errand and would not be back until evening. Elaine and I worked side by side cleaning the stalls after turning out the horses into the field. She was pleasant company and I listened to what she said with half an ear as she chatted on about things, the most of which I can not remember. Eventually she stopped and asked me what was on my mind. I tried to shrug it off saying that I had...
The next day, Luke arrived early at the stable and began hitching up the horses. He'd done it so often that he was able to let his thoughts wander, and they wandered to Emma. What would she say, he wondered. What would he tell her about himself? He'd been distracted ever since he'd proposed they talk, and hadn't slept well. Writing had been an exercise in futility. None of it had been helped by the phone call he'd made. As he did every month or so, he'd called home. His mother had answered, but...
Love StoriesHorses in the City © 2010 All rights reserved Prologue "Emma, what are you talking about?" Lila Hutchins stared at her sister, unable to comprehend what she'd just heard. They were at a Christmas party but Lila barely registered the lights, the decorations, or the songs. Emma's words had blocked everything else out. "Just what I said, Lila. I don't think it will work with the two of us. It's just not . . . ." Emma put her hands together, back to back. "Just not meshing." Her brown eyes were...
Love StoriesWhen she had explained being too overwhelmed by stress to retain anything she was studying for an upcoming Calculus exam, her friend Emma's eyes had lit up, She had been so enthusiastic about telling her to be at Arthur Hall at eight that he had scampered away before Linn even had the chance to ask why. Why did she tell me to come here of all places Linn thought to herself as she carefully padded barefoot across the campus lawn. Arthur Hall rarely had classes during the day, let alone...
Prologue ‘Emma, what are you talking about?’ Lila Hutchins stared at her sister, unable to comprehend what she’d just heard. They were at a Christmas party but Lila barely registered the lights, the decorations, or the songs. Emma’s words had blocked everything else out. ‘Just what I said, Lila. I don’t think it will work with the two of us. It’s just not…’ Emma put her hands together, back to back. ‘Just not meshing.’ Her brown eyes were bright and she was fidgeting. ‘Not meshing?’ Anger...
Prologue "Emma, what are you talking about?" Lila Hutchins stared at her sister, unable to comprehend what she'd just heard. They were at a Christmas party but Lila barely registered the lights, the decorations, or the songs. Emma's words had blocked everything else out. "Just what I said, Lila. I don't think it will work with the two of us. It's just not..." Emma put her hands together, back to back. "Just not meshing." Her brown eyes were bright and she was fidgeting. "Not...
It was before the war spread south to Georgia. It was a time when Atlanta was still beautiful and the home of many of the Confederacy’s finest gentlemen. It was then that Leasa Edwards, daughter of Colonel Everett Clyborn Edwards, was the most sought after beauty south of the Mason-Dixon Line.Heiress to one of the largest plantations in Georgia—‘Tara’—Leasa Edwards was both wealthy and lovely. This stately, young woman caught the eye of all and any fine, young, southern gentleman in her...
It had been nearly a year since Amy, Lucy and Scarlet had begun living together for their college studies. In that time, they'd all grown closer together. They effectively had a secret, three-way relationship going.Amy had, the year before, grown the large cock of a horse by a freak accident at a lab on a field trip with college. She had told her best friend and classmate, Lucy, who had immediately started thinking of uses for it. It had scared Amy, at firsts, but soon after they started, she...
Claire scowled when she saw Mike Rowley's pick-up truck parked in her driveway. What did he want? Well, she knew what he wanted, but what did he expect to get? Claire knew that she shouldn't have flirted with the man, that she had been a terrible cock-teaser, but that didn't give him the right to come around looking for pussy, did it? She set her jaw, determined to be firm and distant with the horny fellow. She marched into the house. She stopped dead in her tracks, with a gasp. Mike was...
"What are we gonna do this afternoon?" Sandy asked for the tenth time as she finished her lunch. Natalie laughed. "I'm gonna fuck Stormy," she said as she pushed her self away from the table. "I'm tired of being cherry." "You're kiddin'," Sandy gasped. "No, I'm not," she said. "I was thinking about it when you were sucking Stormy's cock." "Whewww!" Sandy shook her head, her hand going directly to her crotch. "His cock is too big," she said, clawing her pussy through...
"Mom." Natalie exclaimed as she spotted her mother. "Oh, shit," Sandy gasped as she sat up. Her face flushed red and she closed her legs and covered her tits with her hands. Helen's smoldering eyes darted from one naked girl to the other. "What have you two been up to?" she said, trying to keep the lust out of her voice. A nervous smile cracked Natalie's frightened face. "Nothin', Mom," she said, her voice quaking with fear. "We were just playing around." She mentally crossed...
Blazer, Lynne's black stallion, tossed his head and snorted. He pranced over to his naked mistress lying on the blanket and lowered his head. His nostrils flared as the heady scent of her pussy burned into his brain. He sniffed, his rubbery lips mouthing the white creamy flesh of Lynne's ass cheek. Lynne stirred and sighed as if she were dreaming. She moved her hips as the inside of her cunt began to pulse. She sighed again, then quivered. Blazer slapped out his tongue and swiped it...