Golden GuardChapter 7 free porn video

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Roberta And Paula

"I wonder how these people will react to your nudity, Roberta?" asked Paula. "I hope you don't collect another whipping just yet! A really satisfactory and aesthetically pleasing lashing needs to be done on a nice fresh back in my opinion! I know you don't get to watch, but I do and you should always try to think of others, darling! And, thanks mainly to you, I've seen quite enough to have a right to form a judgment in such matters!

You need at the very least, a couple of weeks to recover before the next one. Your scars are still fresh and weeping from the last. So let's hope they at least allow you time to heal before they punish you. Of course, you might be lucky this time! Doubt it, though! I think the store is over there!"

Paula and Roberta were in a small village looking for a nice swishy stick for Paula's backside. They needed one in order that Roberta might subject her to a fun caning. The couple were also hoping to purchase food for the continuing journey. Roberta decided that they must stay here for a while.

"I'll see if they have any work for me, Paula. From the look of the place, there seems a lot to be done around here and a pair of strong arms and shoulders will be useful. We'll buy your nice stick and ask to be introduced to the head man!"

Roberta was told the mayor was also the owner of the store. This dignitary, full of self importance, came out and looked angrily at Roberta. It was clear that if the Golden Guard hoped for a greater degree of tolerance for her nakedness than in the last village, she was in for a disappointment.

"What have we here? A shameless strumpet who thinks her great strength allows her to behave as she pleases! I see you have been whipped recently, my good woman! They gave you quite a going over! I can guess why! I suggest you complete your purchases and move on. We won't add to those wounds today - not while they are so fresh. We are not that cruel."

"Do you have work for me, Sir?" said Roberta in a placatory voice. "My friend and I are short of money and we have a very long journey ahead of us."

"I'm not so sure about your little friend but we certainly have plenty of hard work for you. You are obviously very strong and can start at once if you wish. But please! I beg you to put some clothes on! We are respectable folk around here. There is a very strong Ladies League for Truth and Decency around here and elections are due. I daren't let something as blatant as this pass. I must make an example of you."

"I have my reasons for refusing to wear clothes." said Roberta firmly, but politely. " I understand your feelings and those of the worthy citizenry and you may punish me as you see fit and I will accept whatever you decide and not resist. I am happy to pay the penalty for being naked, whatever it might be. But I will always be naked. My body is as a blazing beacon of truth never to be hid from people's eyes."
Paula blinked at this last remark! She had never seen it like that before! Roberta continued.

"What is the work I am to do? There are still a few hours of daylight! All I ask is that my friend be given shelter and rewarded when we finally leave. I will sleep wherever you wish as long as she is given food and comfortable lodgings."

Roberta was shown to a grove of trees. It consisted of about thirty in all. Some were big and with trunks that two or three people could stand around with arms outstretched. Others were hardly more than saplings.

"We want all these trees felled and the roots taken out. We intend to cultivate this area. The timber must be cut up into suitable lengths for our craftsmen to use. You have three weeks to complete this task. We have axes, saws and shovels. Digging out the roots will be the hardest part. If you complete the job on time your friend will be given twelve gold pieces, enough with care to last her for several months. Because you are a naked whore, you will receive nothing and you must promise that she will keep it all. We will regard you as her property. If she wishes to feed you on it, that is her affair, but the money is all hers and you are merely her slave as far as we are concerned. You must give your solemn word to us."

Roberta nodded her agreement. Paula looked after these financial things, such as they were, in any case. Roberta was a warrior, not a coin counter.

"What if I take longer than three weeks?"

"In that unhappy event, your friend here will get nothing. Not only that but you will be publicly branded as a whore. You will be branded with hot irons on each buttock and on your back. Do you agree or do you wish to go on your way?"

"I agree. The land will be cleared inside three weeks."

"Get to work! I see from the scars on your chest and stomach that you have already been branded! Or was that the Chief Torturer's work? Golden Guard Roberta!"

"If you know who I am, then you must also know that I was tortured last year. Tortured unjustly, I might add! Please believe me when I say that I am innocent of any wrongdoing, save that of having been wild and undisciplined for a while for which I was well punished many times. I am a loyal servant of the King and always will be!"

"You may be innocent but you have no right to be naked now that you are disgraced and suspended from the Golden Guard. I understand that you wish to stay unclothed but, if you persist, you must be punished for it. We will not attempt to force you to wear clothes, but we will enforce a severe chastisement before you are allowed o leave. I will make only one concession. Complete the work on time and your branding will be reduced to a whipping. "

He looked at the two girls' purchases. His eyes lighted on the swishy stick.

"Why have you bought this cane?"

"My friend likes to be caned on her bottom. It is for me to use on her, but only when she asks me to do it. I love her desperately and would never hurt her badly."

"We do not allow these carnal relations between women. If Paula wishes to avoid great punishment, she will keep away from you until you have finished your duties here. You will work as long as it is light and I have decided that you should spend the nights in a cellar, chained to the wall."

"But Paula will be treated well? That's all I ask. Do what you like to me. How will my whipping be delivered?. I see that I am not going to escape that, even if I am not to be branded with hot irons."

The Mayor looked at Roberta's raw and weeping wounds. He guessed that she had received them at the neighbouring town, whose recent difficulties with Lord Gerald he was aware of, as well as Roberta's assistance. Like Paula he thought their ingratitude somewhat of a disgrace. Not that he intended to deal any more gently with this defiant whore himself!

"I see that you have very recently been given about two hundred lashes, although mostly they were not laid on all that well. It was a very incompetent piece of work as I am sure you realise. We will tie you to the side of a barn and give you one hundred and fifty, well laid on so that you howl for mercy long before we have done with you."

Roberta reflected that the wretched mayor would be disappointed when she took her lashes in silence! But you can't please everyone! The mayor then promised that Paula would have comfortable lodgings. Roberta made to go and start work but the mayor told her to stop. He was full of bad news for our heroine this afternoon!

"I think you will have to wear something while you are with us. Two metal bands around your ankles and a long chain to link them together and stop you running away before your work is done. We don't want our strong slave absconding before we decide to free her! Let us go to the blacksmith's."

This was a new one for Roberta! Even during her trial and imprisonment she had not been treated like this. Her leg irons as a prisoner had been the sort that could be locked and unlocked. But these would be permanent, at least until they were cut away by the blacksmith. A strange excitement came over her as she realised that she was on the verge of a totally new experience in degradation and bondage!

Paula heard the sounds of hammering coming from the smithy and, like her Mistress, she was excited at the prospect of seeing a permanently shackled Roberta! Finally her friend was led out, with iron bands around both ankles and a chain linking them.

Her chain was long enough for Roberta to walk fairly easily, but her stride was less that its usual length and the heavy chain rattled and clanked as she made her way to the grove.

The first tree came crashing to the ground after a mere twenty minutes. Roberta was totally untrained as a woodsman but she was strong and a quick learner! She found herself hampered to some extent by not being able to get her feet far enough apart to get the best rhythm. And the iron hurt her legs. The metal had still been pretty hot when the blacksmith had not ungently fixed the shackles, making her fear for her legs being crushed as he hammered the rivets into place. Her legs would most likely bear the scars for ever. Roberta did not mind this. She collected scars and took great pride in the large number that she could sport on all parts of her body.

Roberta had not started on the trees until two hours before nightfall and she managed to fell a third of them, mostly the smaller ones, leaving the big ones for the next few days. The thought of the hard work that lay ahead did not frighten her. She was strong enough to complete this task with days to spare!

The cell they locked her in was deep below the prison building and stank from a mixture of the damp and the rotting corpses of dead rats and other filth. Her chain was fixed to the wall and she was left crouching on the floor with her supper, which made her feel sick to look at and smell, let alone eat. But she forced herself. She would need to keep her strength up if she were to get through the coming twenty one days!

They fed her in the morning after a poor night's sleep and led her to the grove. From time to time during the long hot and dusty day she would drink from the large jug of water they had given her. On the Hell Island she had been used to go for five hours at a time without drinking and this ready availability of liquid sustenance was a great blessing. She found herself working three times as hard as when she had been a convict labourer.

Roberta spent most of this first full day cutting up the trees she had felled yesterday into the kind of dimensions that would make them, good for firewood. It was the larger trees that would provide the building material. By the time they came to take back to her cell she had achieved all she had set herself to do. Roberta was well pleased at her progress. This was the first really hard work since her escape and it felt pretty good. Her body ached all over and she slept like a log that night.


"I'd like to look at my slave working, if that is alright with you, Mr Mayor" said Paula as she welcomed the Head of the Community into her comfortable cottage, lent to her for the duration. "I know she is rented out to you, but it pleases me to see her working hard and earning her keep - and my fortune!"

"We are well pleased with her work so far, Paula. In five days she has felled all the trees. The smaller ones have all been cut into logs for firewood and she is stripping the bark off the larger ones and sawing them into sections for the carpenters to work on in due course after they have been seasoned. In years to come the village will have several fine buildings as a result of your generosity and your slave's hard work... And you may go and inspect your property. But we would ask that you not keep her long from her work."

"Of course I will not hold up the work for more than a few minutes. I merely wish to see that you are maintaining my property in good condition. She may be strong but she needs feeding well. In that sense at least sense, she is as human as you and I!"

Paula didn't know what to think or feel of this new situation where her adored Mistress was being regarded as her Slave. On the whole she disliked the arrangement and felt bitterly for the wounded pride of the bravest of the brave. But there was an element of excitement at the idea!

Roberta was sawing the trunk of one of the larger trees into lengthwise sections. She was covered in sweat and dust. It was clear to Paula's eyes and, more distastefully, her nose that Roberta had not bathed for six days. She guessed that this unwashed state of affairs was destined to continue for over two weeks until the couple could continue their journey. Yuck!

"Making good progress, darling?" she asked.

Roberta started at the sound of that beloved voice which she had missed terribly this last few days. She continued sawing.

"I think I'm ahead of schedule, Paula. From tomorrow I will be digging out the roots. That will make the previous five days seem like a picnic, The hardest work is all ahead of me! I won't let you down, Paula! You'll get your ten gold pieces!"

"Our gold pieces, darling!"

"Yours, Mistress Paula! I made a promise to the worthy Mayor!"

"I don't want to be your mistress. I was happier in the old days when you were the King's trusted Guard and I was your plaything. I wish those times were back."

"They are gone for ever, Paula. You will never be my toy again and I don't wish it. You know yourself that you grow as a person all the time. It is thanks to you that I am here and not still slaving away on Hell Island."

Paula looked at her friend's toiling back and smoothly working muscles as she reduced the tree trunks to workable timber.

"It doesn't seem much of an improvement. You are still hard at work - work that is so far beneath you. And you still get unjustly flogged for no more than wearing the uniform of a Golden Guard. I don't seem to have been too much help so far!"

"Yes, you have, Paula. This is a million times better than that desolate piece of rock. I have the fresh air and the greenery of the countryside to enjoy and my muscles need this exercise. I am happy enough, Paula. During the day at least!"

"Is it terrible where you are chained up at night, Roberta? Tell me how it is. I command you!"

"It stinks. I am given foul tasting muck to eat. For the first few days my stomach revolted and I suffered from diarrhoea and vomiting. But my insides are used to it now. I hate having to sleep covered in my own filth, though and to be unwashed and foul smelling all the time. But I'm a Slave now."

"I will ask the Mayor to improve your conditions. I doubt that he will agree, the bastard! But I will do what I can. Keep up the good work, darling! The sooner you are finished the sooner we can get away from here - from this hateful place."

As Paula had feared, her request that Roberta be given a more sanitary place to spend the night was refused.

"A Slave should sleep in her own shit, Paula. Let her learn her place! It will be good for her in the long run to forget her proud past. She is the lowest of the low these days, Paula. And now to pleasanter matters! My wife and I would be glad if you would join us for dinner tonight. We are having a few friends around and they are all anxious to meet you and hear about life at Court."

"I was only a humble maid and later an auxiliary Golden guard. I was hardly in the King's inner circle. And I am on the run as well as Roberta. You could hand us both in and get a rich reward. But Roberta is innocent. The seer, Philippa, established her innocence. She examined her blood after it had been ritually shed and said it is the blood of a wild and wilful woman who is also loyal and true to her King!"

"I respect Philippa, Paula. And I admire you. So I shall not give you over to the King's men when they next visit these parts. Now forget your slave! Leave her to rot in the cells! Come to our house and have a good time. I have asked a couple of really nice young men whom I am sure you will like."

Paula very much doubted that she would like either of the two young men. Most of the men she had seen around here sucked! And there was only one man she would ever look at. And he was married and unattainable. No man in this village would be able to give her the riches and happiness promised by Philippa all those weeks ago. Paula was keen on getting to enjoy this good life and knew she would before too long.

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NOTE: There’s no sex here and calling it a romance tale is a stretch. More accurate, it’s about the end of one romance and the potential start of another. It’s the drama in between that I hope readers will find compelling. ***** Dan Kramer had been smitten with twenty-year old weightlifting star Lexie Mandel from the first time he saw her compete. No surprise, for he was one of many male strength athletes who admired her, as beautiful as she was strong and athletic, a five-foot seven,...

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Golden Mile

Another sun-drenched day, but now the late afternoon sun’s turning fiery red as it sinks in the sky. Sticky, humid, my skin feels hot, grimy under my fingertips. Looking down at my bare arms in the last orange light of the setting sun, I’m amazed by how brown I’ve turned since the beginning of the week. The blended aroma of hot-dogs, candyfloss and the acrid electrical tang of the rides bathe me in weary contentment. Fifties’ rock’n’roll blares. ‘Dook … dook … dook of Earl. Da-da da da-da…’I...

3 years ago
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Golden Mom

Golden Mom CHAPTER ONE Peggy looked around carefully. She had to piss, piss badly, and the house was too far away. She was one of those women who, when they had to piss, had to piss immediately. When she had to hold it in, she became acutely uncomfortable, and much to her embarrassment, had pissed into her pants at certain times. She was in the vegetable garden, and it would have been easy to piss if she had been wearing a dress. But she was wearing jeans, tight jeans....

3 years ago
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Golden Shower

Jean came running to my room one day. This was not unusual everything seemed to get her excited. She was very hyper. " You have to come with me and see what I found." she said. I followed her thinking it was just another thing that Jean thought was exciting but didn't interest me.I followed her into Tom's room. She went to the closet and said " look at all this stuff he's been hiding in here." She a stack of magazines. Of course there was the Playboy and Penthouse magazines but there were also...

2 years ago
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Golden Mind Control Orb

It was a plain old ordinary day. Certainly not a day where you would expect to find something that would change your life. But while walking you tripped face first and landed on the floor. You didn't like tripping but at least you didn't hurt yourself. On the ground, you saw a shiny round object. Curious you picked it up. The moment you did you instantaneously knew all about it. You knew that it was called The Golden Mind Control Orb and that it gave you the power to manipulate...

4 years ago
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Golden Triangle

I hadn’t been at my new—and first—embassy posting for more than three days when the Vientiane chief of station called me into his office to give me an important assignment. “Yes, I can see how important the assignment is, Luther,” I said to the Agency’s head spy in Laos, “But why me? I mean I didn’t finish training at the Farm until three weeks ago, and I’m barely on the ground here and you’re already giving me a make or break assignment.” “Look around, Win,” Luther said in a slow drawl, as...

3 years ago
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Golden Eyes

Silence. Silence practically echoed through the alley. Then a sharp sound. A dog barked. There was the sound of padded footsteps. Then it all went quiet again. It was very black. She couldn't see anything. All she could do was hear. Hear the horrible silence. She hated it. She hated the silence, but it was slowly becoming common place for her after many sleepless days and nights. The only thing worse than the sounds were the smells. Rotten food. Garbage. Worms after it rained. Wet dog. All...

3 years ago
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Golden GuardChapter 9

THE STORY SO FAR Immediately after her escape from Hell Island, a feat none had previously though possible, Roberta and her loyal follower Paula had been captured by bandits. At the bandit lair, Roberta had been ritually flogged at the behest of the female sage, Philippa, in order to collect enough of her blood for the wise old woman to use in order to divine Roberta's guilt or innocence by mystic means. This oracle had pronounced the wronged Roberta an innocent woman. The pair then left...

3 years ago
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Golden Dragon a New BeginningChapter 4 Temptation

Dim footsteps echoed through his head. The plastic rope twined around his wrists stung like a thousand tiny bee stings. His mouth was dry, his head was pounding with the parched force of a nasty headache and his chest continued to burn poisonously. ‘He’s awake.’ An Arctic voice enveloped him in freezing air. Jun opened his eyes. A toothy grin greeted him, planted on the face of a reddish-brown man. His slanted eyes glinted in the musty light. Jun squirmed back into his chair. ‘What the...

4 years ago
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You are heading home from school, cutting across old man Peterson's fields as you always do when you look up in time to see the glowing meteorite plummet towards you. Then darkness swallows you. You wake in a seemingly strange room, but your wits soon recover and realize that you're in a hospital and fumble for the nurses call button. The nurse who answers your call is Cyndi, or so the ID badge over her 36CC breasts reads. "Oh my goodness you're awake!" "How long?" You ask, your voice sounding...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Golden Desire Ch 02

In the carriage, Henry couldn’t stop talking about what a fine and wealthy man Nicholas was. ‘Such a grand house and he did it all himself. Did you hear him say that he used to be quite poor? And look at him now. I don’t know much about art and furnishings but his seemed very tasteful. Don’t you think so, Vicky?’ Without waiting for her to reply, he continued, ‘He seems to like us, don’t you think? And my mind is certainly at ease as far as your welfare is concerned, what with him offering to...

4 years ago
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Golden Desire Ch 05

They still continued to see each other every day as she wasn’t ready to become a full fledged card dealer yet. She practiced with Nicholas at his home every afternoon, always careful to avoid anything even slightly romantic. After a week, late one afternoon, he finally deemed her ready. ‘Are you sure?’ she asked nervously. ‘Yes, I’ll put you on first thing in the morning. It’s not very busy then.’ ‘Alright,’ she said nervously. Hesitating he said, ‘There is one other thing that needs to be...

2 years ago
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Golden hills

Golden Hills was a town that seemed like it came out of nowhere. All of a sudden it was climbing the list of the greatest places to live in, causing many women to try and come here hoping to carve out their own perfect "little lives"... Literally. Little do they know that the town has it's own magical ways of making this come about, by babifing every woman that joins the community.

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Golden Girl

Chapter 1: Arrival and ArousalDuring the summer of her 18th birthday in Iowa's July heat, Leanna moved in wither her grandmother (my age-ish), my neighbor. She was always dressed in skimpy outfits and giggled when she taunted me with her hot, sexy body; big, firm tits she always loved to show off. They were almost too big for her slender teenage frame. Her ass was full and muscular, legs that wouldn't quit. When she wore her skimpiest short shorts the seam rode up between her pussy lips,...

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golden shower newbie

I have had a fascination with the sight and sound of women peeing for as I can remember. Aside from some innocent but intriguing incidents with neighborhood girls along the way, my first genuinely erotic experience along these lines happened (albeit voyeuristically) when I had just turned eighteen. That summer, my parents and I travelled to a larger family gathering held at a lake about three hours from home. We were an 'in-law' group to the main family, so to speak, and I actually knew very...

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Golden Punishment 01

“What a terrible day,” Linda babbled on her cell phone as she walked up the sidewalk to her house, “I mean it’s not like I didn’t study for the test and I still only get a B.”She fumbled in her purse for the key to the house.“I know it’s a B but you don’t understand my parents. If I don’t get an A I get punished,” she slid the key into the door and slowly slid it open.“Alright I have to go. I’m home,” she clicked off the phone.“Mommy? I’m home,” she called out but didn’t hear any response.She...

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Golden Mom chapter 5

Peggy floated about the house. The changes in her, and in Johnny, were pleasantly surprising. As young as he was, she couldn't get over how willing and eager he was to do thingsmany grown men would not do, or even think of doing. She was surprised ather herself too. She found it intensely exciting to piss, especially with her son close by. This thing about pissing didn't bother her, nor did it bother her son. She was no longer hesitant to let her son see her naked, see her cunt and ass and...

4 years ago
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Johnny caught her hand before she moved away. "Where are you going, Mom?" "Oh, honey," she said. "I'm just going to the bathroom. I'm not leaving the house." She felt good that her son wanted her to stay with him, in his presence.Her husband had never reached for her like this. She squeezed his hand, and tried to pull free. But Johnny held tightly, a white moustache of milkon his upper lip. She pressed her thighs tight as the urge to piss grew. "Honey," she murmured, "I've got to go. I...

3 years ago
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Golden Mom CHAPTER 2

Peggy came from the bathroom wrapped in a towel. And saw her son sitting on her bed. He was sitting in the middle of her bed. His cock and balls werestill hanging from his shorts, his legs crossed. Johnny looked up at his mother, his eyes seeing her long, slender thighs,the way the towel was tucked just over her swelling tits. The flap of the towel did not quite close near her left hip, and he stared at the creamy naked flesh. Peggy stood in the doorway of her bathroom, staring at her son....

3 years ago
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Golden Chains in Sherazad

Golden Chains in Sherazad   This one is completely the work of my depraved imagination. (With some inspiration from Jade Dragon and Eucher).? I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  I really wanted to revel in Queen Kailya?s humiliation so it required a fairly lengthy introduction. I mention nasty things like rape etc but for tags, (M/F, cons, fantasy, oral, inter)  Secondly this is an adult story, if you are younger than eighteen DO NOT READ!!!  If you liked it drop me an...

3 years ago
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Golden days of my life

I am a 28 year old married person. This is a real incident has happened almost 2 years back when i was working for a multinational bank in mumbai. I am a very shy and reserved kind of person. A young girl (sonal) the age of 21-22 years has joined my dept as a trainee. She is freash graduate and come for 6 months training. She is extremly beautiful, perfect figure, 5.6 inch height, whitish color, slim and nice, firm round boobs and lovely ass. She is damn sexy. I think every male wanted to have...

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Golden moment

There was a girl named Sheila, who gave me the golden moment of life, which are unforgettable. At that time I was studying 10th and she was doing her graduation. She was elder to me and was living in the house next of our house at any time. I was also free to go in her house at any time. I was also free to play with her. It was a hot summer day (noon); I and she were playing ludo, after some time I felt in a sleepy mood. She insisted me to sleep in her room. I did not oppose it and agreed with...

4 years ago
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Golden MomChapter 3

Johnny caught her hand before she moved away. "Where are you going, Mom?" "Oh, honey," she said. "I'm just going to the bathroom. I'm not leaving the house." She felt good that her son wanted her to stay with him, in his presence. Her husband had never reached for her like this. She squeezed his hand, and tried to pull free. But Johnny held tightly, a white mustache of milk on his upper lip. She pressed her thighs tight as the urge to piss grew. "Honey," she murmured, "I've...

3 years ago
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Golden GuardChapter 13 A Surprise For Roberta

As the blindfold was taken off, Roberta was somewhat surprised to see herself back in the clearing where she had been twice whipped, firstly when Celestine and Amy had alternately attacked her back from both sides and secondly by Celestine alone. The shame of her reaction to that second whipping still haunted her. She had received seventy lashes and wept and screamed for mercy after each of them She, Roberta the bravest of the brave had grovelled and pleaded for mercy. Even seventy long...

3 years ago
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Golden Dragon a New BeginningChapter 5 Shame

Jean slowly approached the tunnel, hidden away in the construction site. The dust of the shattered clay man twinkled in the asphalt, sparkling with lights of oncoming traffic. What were these clay men doing? She squinted. They weren’t building anything. They were guarding. Something? Someone? Hidden in the shadows, she could see more clay men scurrying into the tunnel, with greater intensity. Her eyes narrowed, focusing on their faces. Dry as a rock. No sweat in the New York heat. Stone...

1 year ago
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Golden Rolls

In my effort to keep a distance from others, I ended up walking down one particular aisle with conspicuously bare shelves. Only a few lonely rolls of paper towels remained. I made my way to the back of the store, where double doors with two small oval windows stood between the meat and dairy cases. There, I stopped and sent a text.“I’m here.”There was no reply, but a minute later, I saw a face appear in one of those oval windows. I opened my jacket and saw the excitement in his eyes. I waited...

2 years ago
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Golden Chains in Sherazad Chapter 1

This one is completely the work of my depraved imagination. (With some inspiration from Jade Dragon and Eucher). I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I really wanted to revel in Queen Kailya’s humiliation so it required a fairly lengthy introduction. I mention nasty things like rape etc but for tags, (M/F, cons, fantasy, oral, inter) Secondly this is an adult story, if you are younger than eighteen please DO NOT READ!!! If you liked it, drop me an email...

3 years ago
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Golden Oldie Rising

John and I married in 1946. At first, we lived with his parents but then rented a small flat in town. John was caring and highly enlightened for the time. We were partners in every way. He allowed me to continue working after we married. This option may seem obvious nowadays, but back then it was anathema.Although views were changing, the bar on the employment of married women was still in general practice. Legally, wives were the property of their husbands and expected to be homemakers and...

2 years ago
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Golden Desire Ch 03

Over the next week she saw Nicholas a few times, once more at his home and a few times in the lobby of the hotel. On one of those occasions, he asked her, ‘Have you actually been outside on the street yet?’ ‘No,’ she replied firmly. ‘I am not going out there.’ At his surprised expression, she confessed, ‘Quite frankly, what I’ve seen of those streets scares me. I would be too frightened to out there alone.’ ‘I could escort you,’ he offered. ‘Is there anywhere you would like to go?’ ‘I’m not...

4 years ago
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Golden Horseshoe

Dave Dave sat in traffic on the usual backlog for a Friday afternoon. His body glistened with the humid temperatures, while his mind traveled much faster then the first gear he was currently stuck in. He was preoccupied with his plans for the weekend, It was only 5 weeks since that night he had met her on the internet. He had never felt such an attachment to someone that was a virtual companion. And after just a few weeks of correspondence, and a failed prior engagement with Her and Ed, that...

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