Fools In LoveChapter 2 free porn video

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When it came to women Caleb Burkheim was a novice; a true babe in the woods, yeah he was about as inexperienced as a man could be. Sure he liked women; he liked them a lot, it was just that he could never seem to get his ducks in line. He was always on the wrong page; always looking to the left when he should have been looking to the right.

His most recent wave of calamities had started with Sandy. Sandy was a real looker; the cat’s meow, the proverbial rose amidst the thorns. In fact those were the very features that ended up being Cal’s undoing. Sandy was a talker, a gossip, a little conniver, and catty. She was always a source of pain for some poor gullible love struck fool. Like a flower with a prickly stem her modus operandi was always the same; find em, tease em, touch em, feel em, and forget em. Using just that technique she’d managed to work Cal over pretty good.

Sandy’s last little trick at the tavern was especially tacky. She’d taken up with a rich country club acquaintance, an acquaintance for whom she’d been putting out. She dumped Cal for a basketball game; leaving poor Cal hanging on like a fool, with egg on his face and a pointless gift in his hand. Sure Sandy took the gift, a necklace, but left her besotted victim to the cruel mercies of a Nuevo fashionable crowd who enjoyed watching others suffer.

To be honest, most of the country club crowd was a pretty decent sort. Most of the better ones seldom habituated the tavern. It was Sandy, and her ilk, who skulked around the haunts of the less affluent, places like the tavern, perpetually in search of innocents they could humiliate, and it was like Cal was wearing a sign, ‘please humiliate me’.

Yet Cal’s worse humiliation, occurred after he fled the tavern, for he ran smack into two of the rowdier sorts who’d borne a grudge against him for something about which he had almost nothing to do. Outside on the lot, accosted by two bikers, on the verge of being brutally beaten, Cal found himself the victim of another of his miss-identifications.

Several days earlier he’d thought he’d rescued another girl from these very bikers. As it turned out, his rescued damsel had been a sixth degree black belt; a real Chuck Norris. He’d rescued no one, and that night on the parking lot, to his chagrin, he found that out; for Maureen, his one-time damsel in distress, used her martial skills to rescue him!

So poor Cal wasn’t a fighter, he wasn’t a very good judge of women, and he certainly wasn’t much of a lover, but he was still a man. He had his pride. To be humbled and exposed to ridicule, not once, but twice by women was bad, but to have that discovery made in public, in front of dozens of other people was unbearable.

After the ‘show up’ by Maureen he really did flee. He jumped in his pick-up, an object that in itself was for many the mark of a rube, and drove off into oblivion. He found a private place and released his tensions with buckets of very unmanly tears. Then he went home, watched television all night, and tried to reassemble the ravaged shreds of his pride.

Let’s take a closer look at this misbegotten hero.

There were a lot things that Cal wasn’t, and to anyone in the neighborhood that hot August summer those shortcomings were all too apparent, but there was a lot more to Cal than simple naiveté, innocence, and blind trust. There was a fundamental decency about Cal, and, though well hidden, he had a powerful intelligence, that, occasionally, did well up and save the day.

Alone in his domicile, surrounded by the emblems of his true character, Cal put the pieces of his life back together. There in his darkened cell, in the early hours of the morning he assessed himself and his situation.

The first girl, Sandy, he realized, was little more than a gilded hobby horse; a mirage with the buttons, bells and whistles. She’d dazzled him with her artificiality and the superficial charm typical of the shallow and the emotionally frivolous, the irrelevant. Sandy was the shiny wind-up toy, the cheap masquerade doll; the frill one won while standing in the false evening light of a huckster’s stand at the carnival, only to find it to be a worthless piece of fool’s gold when examined in the clearer more sober light of the morning.

Cal wiped the scales from his eyes. His besotted infatuation with Sandy had been more his own imagination than her cupidity.

The second girl was different. Maureen was real. Sure she’d gotten him at pool, and yes she’d let him believe he’d rescued her, but she’d never made him any promises, never made any simpering dishonest comments. She’d wiped him up at pool, and then she even offered to do it again! Then again when he thought he’d rescued her she hadn’t pretended anything; she’d taken the supposed rescue as one of the few remaining rights of womanhood.

In Cal’s mind women had the right to expect to be defended, rescued by brave men, even if the man wasn’t all that tough. In fact, it had been with Maureen he’d made real plans, and had the occasion to have a real date. Maybe building a gazebo wasn’t talking about building a life together, but it had been real and tangible, a fungible investment of time and energy. He’d meant it when he said he’d build it, that he’d pay for it, and he’d said it not because he was trying to buy something, he wasn’t after anything. He said it he because really wanted to do it. He’d wanted to do it for her.

Cal had his good qualities. He was honest, loyal, reliable, trusting, not bad to look at, and, though few people knew it, he was pretty well off financially. Most of his resources were trapped in securities and other things that had little fluidity, but he had money, money up the ass. Cal was smart, a genius, and he’d used his genius at work to make money for others, and those investments had paid rich dividends for himself too. For Cal a few hundred dollars’ worth of wood and a few dozen hours of labor were a small price to pay if it benefited someone he liked. And he liked Maureen!

That was it! Cal liked Maureen. He liked her when they argued over the plans for the gazebo. He liked her even more while he lay miserable on the floor of his home-made boat so she could watch the fireworks in comparative comfort, even if she did fall asleep anyway!

Sure he was a man. He liked her rich thick black velvety hair when it swirled around her pretty face in undisciplined wavy fronds. He liked her pert little nose, those shimmery liquid green eyes, and her two lush pendulous perfect pear-shaped boobs as they mischievously pressed the front of her blouse apart. He loved to look at those muscular well shaped thighs, and the long clean sweep of her neck. But he liked her crisp tongue, her sparkling bubbly lilting voice, her effervescent bouncy stride, and her crusty no nonsense dialogue even more. It wasn’t just her concupiscence that attracted him; it was her vivacity!

Yeah the two girls were a lot different. Sandy left him wanting something that proved to be cloying and cheap. Maureen left him with an insatiable craving, an unslakable thirst for the real thing.

When he heard the phone message from Maureen, the desperation in her voice, her bewilderment at the heaps of supplies, her appeal for help regarding the gazebo, he couldn’t deny her. To deny her would be to deny who he was, his character, his better self, and, albeit his less than wholesome pent up sexual desires.

Maureen needed his help. He had to help her, not just because it was the right and good thing to do, but because he wanted, no he needed her to need him. He’d fallen in love, that’s right, stupid, backward, dull, sexually ignorant Cal was in love; head over heels in love.

When he reached her parent’s she was in the back yard staring at the supplies Lowe’s had dropped off. She was still in her pajamas. They were cotton briefs, a child’s pajamas. She looked maybe, not much more than thirteen or fourteen in them, but a grown womanly kind of thirteen or fourteen. They were a two piece set, a skimpy little top that barely reached her waist. It buttoned up the front, small white plastic buttons. The very top buttons were unfastened, and a dainty ruffled peter-pan collar fit loosely, suggestively around her neck.

Of course she was in her night things so there was no bra underneath the top. Her boobs, large womanly boobs, were rising and falling with each breath, and she was breathing heavily because she’d been crying.

She must have heard him coming because she got up. The first thing he saw was the way her pajama panties were wedged in her vagina, her woman’s place. His eyes didn’t stray there long. Her face needed his attention. Because she’d been crying there were little rivulets of partially dried water that meandered down her cheeks. She’d neglected to wash her evening’s make up off, and the little trickling streams were highlighted by un-wiped mascara. That wasn’t what held his attention though. It was her lips; her red luscious heart shaped lips, right ruby, still partly reddened by last night’s luminous gloss, and partly smeared under her chin, that gorgeous little dimpled chin.

She needed a handkerchief. She needed a soft consoling voice. She needed a steady supportive arm. But most of all she needed to be kissed.

After some preliminary commentary about the wood and the supplies Cal set out on a campaign of affectionate reassurance. He took her in his arms, cupped her sweet head in his hands and assaulted her gorgeous mouth with his. They mumbled and whispered endearments or something; he heard her but the words didn’t register. All he could do, could think of was that beautiful sweet face, those delicious eyes, two adorable cheeks, her precious chin, and her succulent puckered up rosy red lips.

Her thick black hair wafted down and around her face. He took his hands and carefully swept it away. Cal couldn’t allow anything, not even something as luxuriant as her raven black tresses obscure the delicacies of her perfect face, her marvelous smile. It was during those moments Cal realized what hunger, starvation, really meant.

His hunger, his thirst, for this girl was an insatiable, unquenchable, need. If this was what love was, then he was truly a starving man, a drowning sailor. It frightened him. If this was love, then he was truly a lost soul, a slave, the thrall of the woman in his arms.

Maureen gently pushed him away, “Would you like to come inside?”

Cal looked down at her face. Her skin, a pinkish red shone with a dampened luster. The pupils of her eyes were so large they completely enshrouded her emerald corneas. Her face glowed. Her skin felt hot to the touch.

Her question had momentarily broken the spell. He thought maybe a cup of coffee before they started would be a god idea. Besides, she needed to put something else on. He answered, “Sure.”

Maureen almost floated as she led Cal across the back lawn. She hadn’t wanted a man this much in her life. In truth, she never thought of men that much anyway. She’d only been with two, one on the back seat of a car, and with the other when she’d been either drunk or drugged. She only remembered furtive groping hands, wincing pain, and the alcoholic stink of malodorous breath. No she wasn’t truly a virgin, but considering what she’d had; this morning could be her first real experience with what she believed was true love.

She glanced back at this man following her. He was an odd one. He was really quite handsome, but it was an awkward sort of handsome. She remembered watching some of those old black and white movies where the girl found some backwoodsman, or some ape man, a Tarzan. He’s all man, but in many ways not a man at all. That’s what Cal reminded her of.

It was as though she’d found this huge hunk of raw marble, this great chunk of unrefined gold. It was her job to sculpt a masterpiece, take the gold and wind it into the finest jewelry. In the process she’d find the woman she knew was hiding inside herself. She remembered some of her college friends used to call her a dyke. She wasn’t a dyke at all; she liked men, she was more like a frozen body someone had found in the Klondike, she was a ‘Klondike’, a woman trapped in ice. She knew that didn’t make any sense, but it was a way of explaining how she sometimes felt. There was something missing, something missing in her, something she couldn’t get at or get out ... until now. Perhaps by making this sow’s ear into a silk purse, she’d stop being the scull and become her very own fairy princess.

She led him up the steps of the back porch to the house. They had to pass through the kitchen to get to her small bedroom in the back. As they started through the kitchen Cal sauntered over to the breakfast table and sat down.

Maureen looked at him in disbelief. What was he doing? Didn’t he know what she meant? She wasn’t inviting him in to eat. She was bringing him in for her! Now the idiot was sitting at the table staring at her like a moron. He really was a hunk of marble, or more accurately a heap of rocks, a real blockhead.

Cal offered, “You want me to make the coffee while you get dressed?”

Maureen fidgeted a little; she fiddled with one of the buttons on her pajama top, “No I’ll make it. You just sit there.”

Cal sat there enthralled while Maureen made coffee. She was just beautiful, absolutely the most perfect human being he’d even seen. He watched as she moved about the kitchen. She was so graceful. She took the empty pot to the sink and filled it with cold water. While the water filled the pot she was leaning forward, her breasts, big beautiful orbs nestled in their tight cocoon of cotton gently bounced back and forth, like they were struggling to escape the soft fabric. He wished he could go over and wrap his hands around them. He bet they were firm but delicate.

Maureen coasted back to the pot where she poured in the water. Her strong legs carried her so lithely. She had large, not big and bulky, but muscular thighs; they rippled as she walked, and the cheeks of her ass quivered as she filled the water in the pot.

Over to the refrigerator she went. She opened the door. Cal watched as a cool blast of air hit her nipples. They grew in size, then extruded like two tiny missiles. He wished he could pinch, no kiss each tender bud.

He wondered if he dare be brazen enough to approach her, to try to take advantage of her, to attempt to, how they say it, seduce her. He wanted to. He wished he had the courage. No, that wouldn’t be the gentlemanly thing to do. The time wasn’t ripe.

Maureen did everything she could to get him to do something. She did everything but pour water on her pajama blouse. Did she have to wipe an ice cube on her tits? What was it going to take to get this cretin to make a move? He really was a dither.

She thought back about what Sandy had said. Sandy had commented she thought the guy was a virgin. Maureen wondered. Was he a virgin? He had to be twenty-six, no twenty-seven years old. Nobody’s a virgin that long!

The coffee had perked. Maureen got two cups, and brought the pot and a hot plate over to the table. She sat down on the corner just away from Cal in order to give him a better view.

Maureen looked at him a little impatiently, “You really are raw aren’t you?”

Cal didn’t understand what she meant, “No I’m in pretty good shape. We can get a lot done this morning.”

She frowned, “That’s not what I meant.”

He gave her a bewildered look, “Then what? What are you talking about?”

“I mean you haven’t been with many girls have you?”

A little diffident at that he replied, “I’ve been with girls.”

She answered, “Yeah? How many?”

Cal poured himself some coffee. He spilled a lot of it on the table, “You have a napkin?”

“Over there.” Maureen pointed to the shelf next to him, but almost exactly beside where she was sitting.

Cal got up to get a napkin.

Maureen could see he had a boner; “You’re a virgin aren’t you?”

He dropped the napkins. In a panic he turned around, “No I’m not a virgin. What brought that up?”

Maureen pointed to his chair, “Sit down.”

He went back over, wiped up the spill and sat back down, “I don’t know why you’d say something like that?”

She flipped her right hand over, palm up she answered, “Oh come on.”

He was on the defensive, “Come on what? Do I have to come over there and rip your clothes off?”

She didn’t say anything.

He didn’t move.

She answered, “Well?”

He asked, “Well what?”

“You going to come over here and rip my clothes off?”

Cal didn’t know what to do, what to say. He was white as a sheet, His hands were soaking wet and shaking. His dick was as hard as a rock. If he moved he’d probably have a bad discharge right in his pants. He’d had wet dreams, but never when he was awake, and not around a girl, never right in front of a girl!

He was kind of scared, “You want me to tear your clothes off?” She was turning red. He could see she had this wet sheen all over her, and it wasn’t even hot. What was he supposed to do?

She asked, “You want to tear my clothes off?”

He was losing his poise. He couldn’t do that. That would be like; well it would be like rape. He couldn’t do that. He tried to laugh it off, “Oh come on Maureen.”

She answered, “You are a virgin aren’t you?”

That was the last straw. Was he a virgin? Even if he was, he wouldn’t admit it to her, “OK, I haven’t been with a lot of girls, but I’ve been with some.”

She crossed her arms, “No you haven’t.”

He watched her cross her arms. Her elbows and forearms were pushing her breasts way up. They were pushing right up against her pajama top. The buttons were pushing apart. Her nipples were sticking out; He had to get out of there!

He quaffed down a big gulp of coffee, “Look maybe I’m not as experienced as you. No I’m no Don Juan.”

She was smiling at him.

He lost his cool, “Look, I’m out of here. Call me when you’re ready to start the gazebo.” He got up and started for the door.

Maureen got up and intercepted him before he got out of the kitchen. She leaned back against the storm door, hands folded behind her back, breasts heaving, “What makes you think I’m so damned experienced?”

He stopped. Standing maybe two feet in front of her, “Well I’ll bet you are. I bet you’ve been around. I bet you’ve been with a lot of guys. I bet you’ve even been with a guy, one of those guys at the country club this week!”

He was angry. She’d called him a virgin. She could see right through him! He was sorry he said what he did even before he finished saying it. He knew it wasn’t true, not even close to be being true. The look on her face gave it away. She hadn’t been with anybody. Hell, he knew that. Why did he say that? He’d really hurt her.

Maureen hadn’t expected anything like that. What, he thought she was some kind of whore, a strumpet, some little piglet who liked to sleep around?

Maureen backed away from the door. With her right hand she pushed it open. She kept her eyes glued to the floor. She didn’t say anything.

Cal didn’t look to the right or the left. He walked straight through the door. Like a zombie, like a stupid sleepwalker he walked down to his truck, opened the door, and climbed in. He put the key in the ignition, and turned it on.

Maureen let the storm door close quietly. He’d really hurt her. She walked back in the kitchen and started to hiccough back her tears. She looked around, decided to leave everything the way it was, and went back to her little bedroom. She fell on the bed and started to cry. She asked herself. Why did she put him on the spot like that? She knew right away he was a virgin. And why did he have to say the things he did. He was so cruel. Did he honestly believe the things he said? She was a good girl. She kept sobbing and weeping.

Outside, Cal turned his truck off. He sat there like the true asshole he was. Why did he say those mean things to her? She could read him like a book. She’d had him pegged that first night at the tavern. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t just drive off. He was sorry. She was a good girl. At least she’d been good to him, excepting for the pool hustle anyway.

Cal got back out of the truck and climbed back up on the porch. Though the storm door was closed, the main door was still open, and the top of the storm door had the screen, not glass, in.

He knocked very softly. Shit, what a coward, He called in through the door, “Maureen?”

There was no answer.

“Maureen” He called a little louder.

Still no answer.

He opened the screen door and stepped inside the kitchen. He hoped nobody would think he was breaking in. Shit that was stupid. What did he care whether people thought he was breaking in. He yelled a little louder, “Maureen?”

Maureen heard him through the door. She didn’t know what to do. She got up and sat on the side of the bed. She took the top of her pajamas and wiped her eyes, and walked back out to the kitchen.

She saw him in the kitchen. She could tell right away he was back to apologize, “Yes?”

He was still too stupid to move. Rooted to the floor in the middle of the kitchen he said, “You’re right.”

“About what?”

He almost broke down, “I’ve never been with anybody.” He sort of held up his hands, not out up, but up, “You’re right. I’m a virgin. Never had a girl, never even come close.”

Maureen was afraid to approach hm. He looked like he was ready to run away. She held the fingers of both her hands up over her mouth and nose. She didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or jump up and down. She stood very still and held up one hand. With that hand she held up two fingers, “I’m twenty-four years old, and this is how many; two in twenty-four years.”

Cal was mixed up, “Two what?”

Maureen should have known, “Two guys, asshole.”

Cal smiled. He was so relieved. This was great. They were still talking. What was greater they were talking about something no one ever talked about. Even better, the best! They were saying things that were ... that were just ... just never shared. Never shared except by ... well ... except by people who ... uh ... well; why couldn’t he get through it. How could he tell her what he wanted to say, when he couldn’t even get it right in his head.

Cal sat back down in the chair he’d been in just moments before, “I’m so confused, really fucked up.” He blushed, “I didn’t mean that, the word I mean.”

Maureen came over pulled the chair she’d been sitting on so it was beside his. She ignored the profanity. She sat down, and took his two hands, “What now?”

He held her hands in his. He was afraid he was going to say something or do something really stupid. He felt nervous, quivery all over, “Maureen you’re so perfect. Why would you ever be interested in somebody like me?”

She squeezed his hands together. She held his hands tightly. It was her turn to be confounded. What could she say that would sound sincere? Be what she wanted to convey. She squeezed his hands even tighter, “I’m not perfect. I’m kind of fat...”

He tried to interrupt, “You! You’re not...”

She put a hand on his mouth. She had an idea, “You look at me and see what you want. I know the real Maureen. That goes both ways. You only think of the worst in yourself, but there’ so much more. I said I only had sex with two boys, that didn’t mean I only dated two. Most guys are arrogant self-absorbed creeps. You’re not like that. You have no idea what I see when I look at you.”

She redirected, “Look you’re cute, kind of handsome. But you’re sweet, and you’re considerate. You have a funny, not ha, ha funny, but a special way about you. I mean I like being with you. You’re interesting, and you’re smart, and you’re fun. I see you and I feel like I want to cuddle. You have this solid but soft way about you.”

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Fools in LoveChapter 6

Maureen and her mother held each other, arms over shoulders, as they waved good bye to Cal. It had been a long day for both, but another event was still in store for the younger woman; an event she for which she was totally unprepared. Cal had asked Maureen to marry him the night before at the Olive Garden. Maureen had said yes but no too; she’d played a silly trick on him about being a virgin; saying she couldn’t marry him until he lost his cherry. He’d given it up to her later that very...

3 years ago
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Fools in LoveChapter 8

Cal had Maureen’s right hand in his left. He led her back to the bedroom. He wasn’t wearing anything. She was wearing the same cute little nightie she’d worn earlier. It just covered the very tops of her thighs, then it plunged low in the front giving him a scenic view of her large breasts. He wanted to make love some more; but he wanted to do other things too, he wanted to keep talking, he wanted to cuddle, he wanted to fondle those deliciously soft but firm orbs, he wanted to feel himself...

4 years ago
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Fools in LoveChapter 9

Cal helped Maureen into his grandfather’s car, and they sped off toward the hospital. Maureen used her cell phone to call the hospital and get confirmation about Jared. Yes he had been brought to the hospital. Yes he had dropped something big and heavy on his foot. Yes it was broken, and yes the hospital, owing to Jared’s advanced years intended to keep him overnight. Otherwise he was doing quite well. He was alert, feeling bearish, and angry with himself for being stupid. Maureen shared the...

4 years ago
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Fools in ParadiseChapter 2

I was mucking out the barn. Not a job I enjoyed, but necessary. Suzy had announced at breakfast that today was a cleanup day, and the division of labor, outside was mine. Inside was hers. She also made sure to clarify that the barn and specifically the stables were outdoors. I’d seen a movie once where the star said that he didn’t mind the fragrances of nature. He also didn’t have to clean those horse stalls. It was just after 13:00, and I was finishing up. I was looking forward to a short...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 4

The day before the film crew was to set out from Elk City, Suzy and I locked up the cabin, loaded up the stock, and headed down to Elk City. The plan was that we, Suzy, and I would keep an eye on how they behaved on the trail that first day. Then after setting up camp, we would introduce ourselves. The plan also included that we make a dramatic entrance, something boffo as they say in movies. I don’t know if that was necessary or not. I thought it was stupidly funny. We arrived at Elk City...

4 years ago
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Fools in ParadiseChapter 5

One of the things about so-called civilized folks, you know who I mean. The Broadway theater crowd, 3-piece suit lawyers, and society debutants. Put them into the primitive world, and they are clueless. They don’t see, don’t hear, don’t smell. Suzy and I got right up on their lunch resting spot and wasn’t seen by any of them. And I’m rather sorry to say, even John missed seeing me. He spotted Suzy and gave her a high sign. But he missed me. After lunch, they hit the trail again. I found it...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 6

Once Suzy and I had checked the camp and made the changes we thought were needed immediately, I introduced Suzy and myself. Then we started getting to know the others in our party. The older grey-haired gentleman was professor Walt Burroughs, Ph.D. from Idaho State University. He was a cryptozoologist and claimed to be the foremost expert in sasquatch research. He had written a dozen books and twice as many articles on the subject. He had also consulted on several tv documentaries about...

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Fools in ParadiseChapter 7

After what I had hoped was a suitably impressive command speech, I looked at each of the group. More to enforce my leadership than anything else. As I squatted down by the fire, I started Chuckling. “So, bigfoot, eh? What makes you boys think you can track, let alone catch Mr. Fuzzy?” As the apparent leader, professor Burroughs was the first to speak up. “Mr. Reynolds, if you’re going to tell me that you are a disbeliever, I expected that before I even contacted Mr. Wadsworth. Most people...

3 years ago
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Fooled into Bed with sister

There was very little traffic on the roads that Sunday morning, which was okay by me. I, my sister and her friend Melissa were on our way into the city proper.They often invited me to their outings, though perhaps the fact that I had a car was partly responsible for that. I really did enjoy their company though. Melissa was a fun, not to mention attractive, girl and my sister and I had always gotten along well."Aren't we there yet?" Melissa called out from the backseat."What are you, a k**?"...

2 years ago
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Fooling Around 101 Version AlphaChapter 3

Once I had agreed to give her “lessons”, then we had to figure out when to do that. It wasn’t like we needed a regular night to fool around. I figured I could pretty well show her the whole ball of wax in one twenty minute session. It was just a matter of getting those twenty minutes in circumstances where her squealing, which I was dedicated on producing, wouldn’t get me thrown in jail. The opportunity came without warning. Jill was baking cookies one night, and ran out of brown sugar. She...

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Fooling Around 101 Version BravoChapter 3

Now, you may think that, once this unorthodox arrangement had been worked out, I would have jumped in with both feet. After all, I had just been given access to titillating teenaged titties, and lush lips to lick, along with pretty, pouty pussy petting, and, for you English majors out there, all sorts of other opportunities for alliteration. But it's one thing to get involved with a woman in a natural way, on a date, or after spending some time together. It's completely another to say...

4 years ago
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Fooling Around 101 Version BravoChapter 5

I said that nothing new happened over the next three months. What that means is that there was no escalation of our activities. She did not pull back from me or anything, but she was busy at school, and I had some projects that needed extra time to get done, so I spent a little less time at their house. I knew things were okay between us, because she still gave me long, passionate kisses in the hallway, or if we were in some part of the house alone. So I was pretty sure that, if getting my...

4 years ago
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Fooling Around 101 Version AlphaChapter 5

I thought I’d pull a fast one on Cindy, so I left a note on the kitchen table that I’d had to go out of town on a project and didn’t know when I’d be back, and for her to just go on to bed. Then, thinking I would outwit her, because she’d go get in my bed, I went to sleep in hers. I was awakened by a naked body sliding into bed with me. Until, upon finding that bed occupied, when she thought I was at work, she shrieked. Apparently my bed wasn’t as attractive if I wasn’t in it. I got her...

4 years ago
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Fooled into Bed with My Sster 3

Fooled into Bed with My S!ster #3"S-Stop, it's fine. Just shut up," Anna said, her voice urgent.‘Wait, what?’ I thought, picking up on what she'd said. ‘If it was a guy? Does she mean that she and Anna...’"Wait, what do you mean by that?" I asked."It's nothing! Let's not talk about it, please?" Anna begged."Was she waiting for you that night?" I insisted."Uh, yeah. Sorry if that's personal," Melissa said, looking at Anna. "Oh, fuck. I fucked up again, didn't I?"She looked even more ridden with...

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Fooled into Bed with My Sster 2

Fooled into Bed with My S!ster #2Near the end of the evening, as people were starting to leave, I stood in the kitchen talking to Matt and Rick once again. Us three, and some girl who was barely paying attention, were discussing basketball when Melissa came up to me."No way, man. Mudiay is definitely the first pick," Rick assured us, gesturing wildly."If you say so, I just think-""Hey, Sam," Melissa said, interrupting me. She wrapped her arms around my waist from behind, her globes mashing up...

3 years ago
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Fooling around with her sisters boyfriend

I guess I was a bit of a late bloomer; I didn't have my first orgasm until I was eighteen years old. I had never been particularly interested in boys and sex and all that. My family wasn't well off, and if I was going to get into a decent university (unlike my sister Valerie who was still living at home and going to community college), I would have to get really good grades. I had tried masturbating before. Everyone said there was nothing wrong with it, that it's totally natural, etc etc. It...

4 years ago
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Fooled Again

Fooled Again Synopsis: This Genie just can't help falling for the same trick every time. Tommy and Sarah help Jesse to realize her dream by once again calling upon the Genie. [-][+][-] On April Fool's Day, there were two friends sitting down to eat in a local cafe with a teen girl. When dinner was ordered, they began to talk. "Well, Jesse, what about you? You still getting the operation?" asked Sarah. 'Poor kid, she is where I was last year. Glad that Tommy and I switched...

3 years ago
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Fool Me Twice

George Santayana: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." I guess the modern equivalent of this would be the movie "Groundhog day," where poor Bill Murray continually lives out the same fucked up day over and over again. Then in the middle we have of course Scotty's famous line from Star Trek: "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. The elderly man behind the counter looked perplexed as I spoke to him. I'm sure by now you're wondering what the...

2 years ago
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Fooling April

"Dick want his little dolly back?" Jason taunted back at me holding the figurine just out of my reach. Curse him for being just a few inches taller than me. I jumped up for it, but he has quick reactions being a basketball player and threw the metal figure to his other hand. "Jase, come on!" I complained. "I don't fuck with your shit." "Damn right you don't or I'd beat the snot out of you," Jason taunted, still evading my hands to keep my mini. "JASON! RICHARD! Stop...

3 years ago
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So, in your drunken state you decide that you want me. Calling me in the early hours to deliver a slurred speech telling me what a fool you’ve been, and how much you miss me. Odd that it’s taken you nearly three months to come to this conclusion, since that day you dumped me. I listen to your transparent patter and the recycled charm offensive somewhat indifferently. I should be kicking you to the kerb and putting the phone down, but foolishly I yield and listen. You tell me you’ll be twenty...

2 years ago
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Fooling Around On Friday

It seems that all the most fun stuff happens on Friday. Maybe it is because about a third of the people take the day off and the rest of them are thinking about the weekend. Never mind thinking about fun things to do not related to work!Anyway, it was Friday afternoon, and my coworker Becky and I were looking out the window watching the few afternoon fitness freaks taking their afternoon walks, jogs, and runs. She was commenting on various gals that went by, revealing various items of gossip...

Office Sex
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Fooled into Bed with My Sster 4

Fooled into Bed with My S!ster #4"Oooh, oh, mmm... That feels so nice," Anna complimented, holding her friend's head up between her legs. Melissa let out a sexy, muffled moan at the praise.After some time I got her free and they stopped, letting Melissa relax and massage her wrists. Anna and me took up positions on either side of her. We all lay together for a while, warm bodies up against each other."So, is this going to be a regular thing?" I asked."Not if you're thinking of tying me up...

5 years ago
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Fool Me Once Youre Out of Here Lies eventua

Lies eventually do catch up to you.Christy was every man's wet dream. At 5'9", she had long, jet-black hair, perfect 36C breasts, and legs that reached all the way to heaven. Her skin was flawless, with a slight olive tint, which made it look like it had never seen the sun. She was college educated, had a fantastic job, in sales with a large d**g company, and loved to watch basketball with me. My only problem with her was that she oozed sexuality, and was a huge flirt. I didn't care when it was...

2 years ago
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fooling around with married neighborshes

So I came back home for the summer and was looking for a little extra cash...My neighbor has two sons and a daughter, in 4th, 8th, and 10th grade....She was looking for someone to tutor them all in math and writing, and I offered to help out, and she was delighted to give me the position. 17 bucks an hour aint too bad and helping the k**s is really easy, so I jumped on the job.After my first pay check, my neighbor also offered free use of their pool:"Oh and please I know it's blistering hot...

5 years ago
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Fooling Around 101 Version BravoChapter 4

I didn't plan it, but Cindy graduated into upper division classes that night. After her third finger-induced orgasm that night, she rested long enough to explain that ever since she'd started masturbating (which happened one night after she sat on my lap when she was twelve or thirteen) she had experienced what she believed were orgasms. On the night of her first date, she found out they were only the precursors to orgasms. If you've ever masturbated, you know about that point just before...

4 years ago
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Fooling a Cat

With an audible "swoosh", the compressed air from the gun sent the grapple slicing across through the night sky. It reached its target with precision accuracy, planting itself deep into the brick wall. She attached the other end to a pipe, checking that the rope was taut. The shadowy figure gracefully slid down the fibers, never losing her balance. Upon reaching the building, she quickly launched herself onto the roof of the entrance. Five seconds later, the door sprang open and an armed...

3 years ago
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Fooling Around 1

I had talked with Ben for a few months, we were both into bondage, I was very submissive. He had a definite dominant streak in him, but was a bit low on confidence. We both had roommates, so it’d been impossible to get together, especially with my not being fully open about being bi yet. Well, now we had that chance, and having bought plenty of rope, I was ready for him to come over. Around two PM on Saturday there was a knock on the door, and I eagerly opened it. It was Ben. Though...

3 years ago
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Fooling Around on the Ferris Wheel

It’s a surprisingly warm night for fall, probably one of the last nice ones we’ll have until next spring.We’re out on a rare “date night,” rare because raising a rambunctious toddler doesn’t leave you much time (or money) to enjoy each other like we used to pre-baby. So we’re out strolling amongst families and kids at the last night of the state fair. The leaves are just beginning to change, pops of color catching the last rays of the sun as it sets behind picturesque blue, smoky mountains. A...

2 years ago
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Fooling around with the chairmans wife

Still at the boring club with this one.Having a club meant working for a committee who decides everything by vote, so really I had twelve bosses to keep happy and I never did. At one time or another one of them wanted rid of me because I'd upset them somehow. Luckily for me the majority liked me so was never in any threat of being fired. One bonus of having a committee was that if I was ever short staffed or the bar was overly busy, they had to help out. Some had done bar work before and if...

Oral Sex
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Fools Utopia Naomis Garden Party

The holiday parties were always fairly informal . Once the guests were pretty well settled in , clothing was optional . Naomi had learned through years of experience that she didn't want to be doing a lot of running back and forth . No sense in making a celebration into another job , she mused . Over the past 2 decades , the logistics were very well refined . The guests lacked for nothing , without having to be waited on . No details were overlooked and provisions were plentiful . Every need...

3 years ago
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Fools Utopia Naomis Garden Party

The holiday parties were always fairly informal . Once the guests were pretty well settled in , clothing was optional . Naomi had learned through years of experience that she didn't want to be doing a lot of running back and forth . No sense in making a celebration into another job , she mused . Over the past 2 decades , the logistics were very well refined . The guests lacked for nothing , without having to be waited on . No details were overlooked and provisions were plentiful . Every need...

2 years ago
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Fools Utopia Prestons New World

Preston hadn't expected this . Well , he had daydreamed about it and lusted for it , but not this soon . He was so close . His hips moved like they were one with Yolanda's mouth . Yolanda felt it , too . She inhaled deeply and gtabbed Preston's ass with both hands . Preston just let her have it . Resistance was futile . The first spurt felt like it would last forever . Yolanda sank carefully to the ground with Oreston on top of her , still flinching in her mouth . He felt Yolanda's hand on his...

2 years ago
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Fooling around on a hot summers day

So im an average guy with a kinky hobby...... i have a feminine curvy smooth body which looks fantastically good in womens clothing!On this particular hot summers day i was walking in my local beauty spot as usual i had my normal clothes on but underneath was black lace suspenders crothless panties with matching bra.... i walked past plenty of people and even had the odd short conversations about the usual shite and no one was any the wiser what i was wearing underneath my jeans and t shirt!!...

2 years ago
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Fooled Into Love by a Beautiful Transexual

A fictional, steamy love story about a Man’s first experience with a Shemale... a real take charge kinda girl!Maria Lopez was an absolutely stunning 23 yr old Puerto Rican Goddess. I remember the first time I laid eyes on her, bent over inside her hatchback Toyota, pulling out a hanging fern plant to carry inside the duplex. My duplex! This stunning little thang was going to be my new neighbor? Holy Crap!! Damn! Look at that ass! She wore tight jeans, knee high suede leather, high heeled boots,...

4 years ago
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Fooling around needs no translator

I was shopping one quiet Thursday afternoon some time ago (I was in my early 30's) and about to leave when I made a visit to the Men's Room. As I reached the entrance, there stood an attractive young Latina woman (early 20's) who was waiting outside the storeroom doorway. She was one of the "Environmental Service" workers hired by whichever department store I was in at the moment.She was humming and swaying to a tune inside her head as I looked to my left and noticed her. She was about 5' 3"...

3 years ago
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Fooled by a black man

It was a late saturday morning and i was half way through the 20 minute walk from my house to my local town centre. I had enjoyed the first peaceful ten minutes of the journey just taking in the pleasant scenery while strolling along. Suddenly from across the other side of the road i heard a man shouting so i turned to look and saw that he was trying to gain my attention. He shouted 'come here mate', slowly i crossed the road to his car window to see what he wanted. Hesitantly I asked 'can i...

2 years ago
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Fooling Around

(MF, cheat, oral)Mark is a fucking hunk! And I can't stand it that Sharon is squeezing him on an exclusive basis. Sharon is the drum major for the school band and I'll admit that she looks great in her little uniform, but I know that Mark could be mine if I went after him. After all I'm the most popular girl in the whole fucking school. Sharon looks like a mouse compared to me. The reason I'm pissed is that Mark was going with me prior to Sharon, and he wouldn't even be with her now if I hadn't...

3 years ago
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Shea's mom got remarried. Her new man was very handsome and he had a twenty year old son. When Shea's mom was not around the son tried to feel her tits or her pussy. He told her "I will let you see my cock if you let me see your pussy or feel your nice round tits. Now that we are a family we should play nice with each other. Come in my room and get naked with me." Shea laughed but followed him to his room. He locked his door and began to take his clothes off. When he was nude he told Shea "How...

3 years ago
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Fooled by twins

As I finished cooking dinner I anxiously awaited the arrival of my 18 year old girlfriend Kendra ( I'm 39 ). She was built quite well, a very sweet girl and she loves to please me in every way possible. As the clock whirred toward seven my cock actually started getting hard, just in anticipation of seeing her. The pasta was nearly done, chocolate torte in the refrigerator and an assortment of candles burning throughtout the place, the mood was certainly set. I heard the front door open and as I...

3 years ago
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Fooling Around on the Ferris Wheel

It’s a surprisingly warm night for fall, probably one of the last nice ones we'll have until next spring.We're out on a rare “date night;” rare because raising a rambunctious toddler doesn't leave you much time (or money) to enjoy each other like we used to pre-baby. So we're out strolling amongst families and kids at the last night of the state fair. The leaves are just beginning to change, pops of color catching the last rays of the sun as it sets behind picturesque blue, smoky mountains. A...

4 years ago
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Fooling Around

Phoenix AZ © 2002 Mark is a fucking hunk! And I can't stand it that Sharon is squeezing him on an exclusive basis. Sharon is the drum major for the school band and I'll admit that she looks great in her little uniform, but I know that Mark could be mine if I went after him. After all I'm the most popular girl in the whole fucking school. Sharon looks like a mouse compared to me. The reason I'm pissed is that Mark was going with me prior to Sharon, and he wouldn't even be with her...

4 years ago
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Fooling Around 101 Version AlphaChapter 4

By now you may have tumbled to the concept that trying to teach a vibrant, young woman about sex ... sort of has to involve ... well ... sex. But I was still delusional about that. I kept thinking I could mediate things ... slow things down ... control the situation. And, since in the weeks after that, all she did was get me alone to give me those toe-curling kisses every once in a while, I thought I was in control. True, those kisses now involved her rubbing her loins against mine while...

2 years ago
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Fooling Around 101 Version AlphaChapter 6

I woke up when the bed moved. I opened my eyes to see Cindy, naked, standing on her knees in bed beside me. She pushed hair out of her eyes. “The bed is wet!” she exclaimed. “I’ll change the sheets,” I mumbled. Guys always want to fix things, whenever a woman says something is out of kilter. “Stuff is leaking out of me!” she squealed, reaching between her legs. “Sorry,” I muttered. There wasn’t anything I could do about that. She leaned over and put one hand on my chest, her...

2 years ago
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Fool Me OnceChapter 3

Wednesday found Ryan waiting for Consuela and Belinda before he ordered breakfast. When they came through the door, Belinda shook free of her mother's hand and raced through the tables to him. Her last two steps included a little hop to launch herself into the air for him to catch her. "'Linda!" her mother scolded when she caught up. "You know you're not supposed to do that." "It's okay, Mommy," the four-year-old explained. "Mister Ryan catched me." That settled it as far as...

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