Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 239: Exam Week's Monday free porn video

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Monday, June 13, 2005

I woke up two and a half hours later and got out of bed, missing the inconvenience of having to climb over a girl. I wouldn't be sleeping with Carol until our parents gave their consent, and Ava would presumably be sleeping at her home during exam week. It was going to feel unpleasantly strange sleeping with either Julia or no one, especially the latter option.

When I wake up between two girls, I now have a way of getting out of bed that doesn't involve any clambering, provided Julia was one of the girls: I could lift Julia up with NP and slide myself underneath her. I didn't think it'd work very well because the covers would prevent her getting high enough, and it'd probably wake her too, but it was amusing to think about. I couldn't help thinking that it was a pity my NP wasn't twice as forceful, then I would've been easily able to fly myself out of bed in a VERY cool way.

I walked downstairs for breakfast on my unexciting - compared to flying - feet, with due regard to the upgraded security system I'd been shown yesterday evening. With Vanessa's absence the fridge was nearly empty, but it could cope with a breakfast.

I'd talked to Sensei a couple of times from Seattle. He could've written his own article on External Ki Projection because he knew everything that needed to be included so other people could learn it, but he felt it was proper to wait for my contribution. I'd told him I'd type up the delayed notes when I got back home, so that was the first thing I did when I got back to the study. I was a simple job, being just a raw dump of most of my thoughts and rationalizations, with a little care required to make sure it only talked about ki abilities equivalent to Sensei's.

It took about twenty minutes, my typing speed fortunately not affected by having had all the fingers of one hand broken and in a cast, and my not having a finger poised to type an "e", "d" or "c". When I'd finished it, I put it on a memory stick to give to Sensei.

Doing the composition and typing had been easy, so while I'd been working on it most of my minds had been working on the wedding vows. There'd been several things we'd thought of and discarded. For example, we noticed there was no phrase about making the vows "in the presence of friends and family." There wasn't a reference to the other girl either, even though 3B's Julia knew there'd be two girls participating in the ceremony. I presumed the vows were intended by the authoring Julia to be a private commitment between a girl and me. 3A's Julia should prefer it that way too, so that's the way I left the existing vows, but I thought it was sufficiently important to add a fourth vow: "Fourth, I Vow to care for and love all of your wives and children to the best of my ability." I'd thought about including more actions, such "support", or "nurture", but decided that "care for and love" was sufficient as everything else should flow from those. Ideally "love" alone should be sufficient, but future new wives might need months to become "in love" with the existing wives - even Julia probably wouldn't be loving Carol in time for the ceremony - but they could "care and love" without being "in love". I wasn't trying to enforce love (a pointless attempt, if ever there was one), but to make clear that a multiplicity of wives was possible so committing to me wasn't a purely one-on-one thing, and that each wife had to do her honest best for everyone else. The new vow belonged in fourth place, as Julia would disagree strongly if I tried to promote it up the list.

The second change I did was to remove everything to do with "The Gift of Love", so my plan for the formal part of our ceremony now had just the four vows and nothing else. When the EKP notes were finished, I typed the vows and printed a copy to give to Julia.

Then, with considerable anticipation, I took full advantage of my very, very expensive study system. My first OSU exam was Calculus 251, so I started with that. On screen #1 I put the first lecture, with subsequent screens starting successive eighths of the total number of lectures through, rounding up slightly all the way so #8 would have fewer lectures than the others because he would be encountering some new material. We made #7 responsible for both being on active duty and maintaining the sight blob, as his reviewing had the most recent material so should take the least mental effort. Then we started reading though all the lectures to make sure we had everything down cold.

We were very impressed by the total amount of work we could power through, even though half of us missed not having the usefully larger 30" Dell screens. Before we'd upgraded this system, we'd googled to see if the Dell 30s existed in this dimension, but they didn't, so we'd just have to get used to the 24" screens.

We were pleasantly surprised that #7 didn't lose center even once in the half-hour shift he had. Then active duty was assigned to #6 for half an hour (he had a failure), then #5, etc. We were keeping center more easily than we'd thought we would, presumably because the material was very familiar and well understood. We rotated the half-hourly active duty through all our minds, skipping #8 as he was thinking harder than the rest of us. We had five losses of center by the time we had to go wake up Julia, which was a very pleasing average rate of just over one per hour. By the time we'd finished studying, we'd totally finished Calculus and were getting into Algebra.

When Julia and I returned to the study, I gave her the vows' page. I explained, "Here are the vows. I won't bother explaining the rationales behind them and the wordings, such as leaving out 'in the presence of friends and family'. You're very smart about things like this, so I'm sure you'll work out most of my reasons easily.

-- "I've removed 'The Gift' because I want this document to just be the vows themselves. I'm perfectly happy with you and Carol making a personal statement at the time you make the vows, but it should be personal and not dictated to you by being on this page. If you want to make a statement, I suggest you cooperate to write one you can both recite together, because I want to emphasize your equality and I don't want to risk one of you feeling inferior because she thinks the other girl made a better statement. Having said that, please let Carol do most of the work developing your 'joint' statement if you do one. You can influence it, but please let her think it was mostly her work, because allowing her to contribute to the formal ceremony that way will go a long way toward convincing her that she's a full member of the marriage."

Julia was very happy with my ideas and impressed by me. I was impressed by me too, as I'd gotten rid of the tricky problem of having to compose The Gift by delegating it, and I'd done so in a way that made the delegate happy to have the new job. When 3B's Julia had written "The Gift", it had been her personal statement, but as I was supplying the script this time it truly was better to leave that off, and to let Julia and Carol compose their own. I'm not a genius, but occasionally I do something that seems very smart, from my decidedly average perspective.

Julia wanted to get to her studying, so we didn't discuss the vows any further. I got back into Algebra, continuing to read it between Julia's occasionally asking me questions about tricky bits in those subjects of hers that I could help her with. By breakfast time, I'd reread about half the Algebra lectures, so I'd easily knock it off tomorrow morning, in plenty of time for its exam on Thursday.

Ava had been driving Julia and my sisters to and from school recently. She turned up a few minutes early to catch up with me, and to pass on her parents' appreciation for my paying for their vacation (I'd mailed a check from Seattle). At times like that I could never resist worrying about what had happened in 3B-land: had Katie and Carson gone on their vacation or not? [[In most w-dimensions similar to 3B's, they had, usually after a delay of a couple of weeks. Mom and Dad had insisted on it, and on paying for it, as "It'd been Mark's wish that you go." There were variations - in some dimensions I didn't know the Wests, for example - but it was very rare for the parents not to insist on the West's trip, especially as it'd been Vanessa's idea in the first place.]]

I convoyed with Ava to my home to wish everyone "Good luck."

While there I also reminded Mom, "Don't forget to ask at your work whether you say 'Are you insane' annoyingly often." I wanted her to do that not only for the benefit it'd bring her, but because it'd also increase my credibility. My being able to make pretty lights didn't automatically entitle me to make serious life-affecting decisions about Carol. If this Mom gets the same feedback as 3B's Mom did, it should enhance her opinion of me in ways that'd be helpful.

Mom and Dad had thought of some more questions to ask me about my abilities. I put them off with, "We'll have a big discussion with Prof and Vanessa soon after they get back. It'd be better to save your questions for then, otherwise I'm going to be answering everything twice, and trotting back and forth with anyone's additional thoughts." My real reason was because I wanted a nice, long, impressive discussion with the four adults about my abilities, before we got to the "I want to have sex with Carol" part.

After some last hugs with my sisters, they headed off to school with Ava, while I headed to OSU via a bakery to stock up with a day's supply of food.

It's pretty damned easy to do exams when you've got eight minds on the job, all of which have effectively memorized all my notes and decent chunks of the textbooks. If the question had a right answer, then I almost certainly knew it. If the question was deliberately tricky, one of my minds was almost guaranteed to spot the trick. Even if the question was one of those 'creative' ones, I nearly always had too many ideas to be able to write about all of them, as each of the eight minds had ideas, plus a lot of extra ideas were created when we internally discussed the first ones. I mostly leapfrogged rapidly through the exams, except when held up by long answers that my pen was frantically writing for. My pen almost never stopped writing during all the exams because my minds always had answers ready.

I had 11th grade English in the afternoon, which caused me to scratch my head a few times. My 'favorite' question (using the word with the maximum possible sarcasm) was: "'Beauty without Truth is of little social relevance.' Discuss for 30%." What the fuck can you do with that! Especially when the 30% mark indicates it's worth nearly an hour's work. I resisted the temptation to answer, "Questions without Precision are of no educational relevance." Instead I made up some crap, because it was pretty obvious that they wanted crap; it was English after all. I had no choice but to make up crap, because it seems to me that the only things that have "social relevance" in mainstream America are money, sex and religion. Politics is a subset of money, and I have suspicions about religion not being as distinct from the other two as it should be. None of which have anything to do with truth, let alone "Truth", whatever the hell the capitalization means!

After the last exam, I drove to the jewelry store that 3B's Julia had one day casually pointed out as being the place she'd bought the rings. I told the guy there what I wanted. It was easier and less expensive than I imagined, but I'd been right in thinking that it'd take him a few days, so I ordered the rings now. Even if the parents refused, I'd need the rings sooner or later. Later might be when Carol turned eighteen, but it would come. I left my watch with him so he could get a female to match the colors EXACTLY, and he lent me a set of sizing rings so I could get Julia's and Carol's ring finger sizes.

Then I drove to the dojo to give Sensei the memory stick with the EKP document on it. He wasn't in a class, so after the usual "How are your injuries?" and the like, he was able to load it onto his office computer and give me the stick back.

He was impressed by how much I'd typed, which I dismissed as unimportant. Then he started talking about my checking the changes he'd make, so I interrupted him, "Don't bother getting me to check it, Sensei. Write whatever you want and then submit it. You understand the technique and you know what needs to be said and how to say it; whereas I've never read an Aikido magazine. Just get an extra copy of the magazine it gets printed in please, so I can give it to my mother. Mothers get all proud about things like that."

He verbally checked some of the things he was intending to put in the article, and they were all perfectly fine with me. I added, "You've been teaching Aikido for decades, and you certainly know how to present the information far better than I do. All I did was have the idea first, which doesn't make me suitable for writing the article. You understand the technique and its implications better than I do, so just write whatever you think best.

-- "One thing: it would amuse me if you titled the article 'Student's Ki Distribution' and gave the author's name as 'A Student'."

"I will do whatever you wish, but why those?"

I explained my joke to him, but he didn't see any humor in it. He's English.

I told him I hoped to have the casts off on Friday, so I'd be back at training the following Monday, and I'd send him a text message to let him know as soon as I did. I definitely didn't want the casts to stay on once we were officially on summer vacation, and I was very sure I'd be fully healed by Friday, so I was going to ask Dad to cut them off. The main uncertainty about that happening was whether Mom would refuse to let Dad do it. It was too soon to let the hospital X-ray me as they'd see that I'd healed too rapidly, so it was either Dad on Friday or another couple of weeks of hobbling around.

Because Sensei was teaching me the physical forms starting from the very beginning of the syllabus, we'd been doing them in very physical ways. That'd made it difficult for him to realize how strong my ki was. When we resumed training, I'll have about twenty times more ki than him, and we'll be training more like the advanced class - using less physical effort and more ki - so he'll be getting a substantial surprise. As he'd know anyway, I told him, "I haven't been able to do much else for the last three weeks, so I've been doing a lot of ki training. I think you'll find that my ki is noticeably stronger when we resume training."

Sensei's eyebrows rose with the surprise. He was a reserved English gentleman, so that was the equivalent of his running around yelling "Yahoo!" He said, "Your ki was already exceptionally strong, so our next class should be interesting."

Raw power isn't the only issue. The first few times I do a technique, I can't use my ki even as efficiently as Sensei's much weaker ki, because he's had decades of practice in using it as well as possible. But my being able to 'see' my and his ki means I can VERY quickly copy him, and then learn how to improve on what he does, usually by being more precise, as that's difficult for him without being able to sense his ki's effects. After a few practices with each technique, I'll be more powerful AND more efficient than Sensei; and he'll be surprised and impressed.

There'd been a text message from Julia on my phone when I'd finished my last exam, telling me that Alexis, Lily and Pat would like to have a quick dinner with me tonight, with Ava and Carol invited too, so I headed home to give myself plenty of time to wash. I wasn't supposed to get the casts wet, but with my left leg and right hand in casts it was tricky to wash. It was a pity I couldn't ask Carol or even Donna to help me, but I wouldn't want Mom or Dad to come home to that.

I found Carol and Donna studying in their room. I asked them, "How did your exams go?"

They both made "Fine" noises. Carol was much more interested in eagerly asking, "I had a talk with Julia afterward. Can we talk about that in your room, so we don't disturb Donna?"

"Sure." I didn't have to worry about Carol's opinion of the vows, as excited happiness was all over her face.

As soon as we were in my room Carol pushed the door shut and put her arms around me, in a big and apparently never-ending hug.

It was unusually demonstrative of her, but perfectly fine with me. Still holding her I asked, "I take it that you approve of the vows?"

Carol answered, "I'm AMAZED by them. They're so extreme I'd think they were a joke, only I know you and Julia are totally serious. Mom's going to freak when she hears them, especially the part about my sacrificing my life to protect yours."

"Yeah, I know. I find that quite funny in one way. If we accused Mom of being sexist she'd get very indignant about denying it. If we had a ceremony in which I promised to sacrifice my life to protect yours or Julia's, Mom wouldn't think twice about it because that's what a guy is supposed to do, but making the girls promise that about me is going to rattle her cage. More important than Mom, are YOU willing to make vows like that?"

"I'll make ANY vows you want. Julia told me off for not taking them seriously enough, but I'll agree to anything to be able to live with you and Julia. She thinks I'm agreeing too quickly, but I don't care."

Nor, I must admit, did I. The current situation was mostly irrelevant anyway. My reasons were dishonest because it was the future Carol rather than the current one that I wanted as my wife. Carol's reasons were dishonest because whatever she thought her reasons were, they were mostly that she was reveling in the attention from me and Julia, and mostly because she respected us so much. In a couple of months she'd be strong enough not to crave respect. Only then would she and I start having honest reasons for being married, and her vows would start being true. On the topic of that dishonesty, Mom's and Dad's consents (fingers crossed) would be based on a dishonest belief about genetics, so there wasn't much Truthful "social relevance" in the Anderson household!

"Good girl. Is there a real reason you lured me into being alone with you, or is hugging a good enough reason?"

"Hugging is pretty good, but mostly I just wanted to tell you how happy I am. I can't understand why you want me when you can have so many better girls from ... Oww!" (I'd smacked her on the ass).

I said, "How dare you insult my good taste by implying I've chosen an inferior girl! You really do want to be put over my knees and spanked, don't you?"

"{Giggle}. That'd be fun. Shall we do that?"

"Yes, but not until after the exams. Try these sizing rings on your ring finger." I passed them over.


"Either because I'm going to buy you a wedding ring or a jet propelled elephant. Can you guess which?"

"Haha. What sort of ring?"

"Hopefully one the right size." I got her to find what that was, then I said, "Let's get you back to your studies before your mood gets too non-academic."

"Aww, spoilsport."

"Don't worry. You'll soon be having so much 'sport' you'll be walking funny." I probably shouldn't have said that, as it wasn't exactly going to help keep her mind on her studies.

"Oh." Carol was struggling to find what else to say, but I solved her problem by pushing her out of the room.

I pushed her all the way into her room so I could say, "Donna, I've got a few minutes spare. Do you want to goof around for a little while?" Mostly I asked because I was already feeling guilty that I'd be spending much more time with Carol than Donna in the future. Plus Donna can't study for long without needing to get up and burn some energy off.

"{Giggle}, how can you goof off with a broken leg?"

"I bet I can still beat the pants off you at basketball, even though I'll have a crutch."


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Physical exam with my Stepbrother

During the first week of August, Paul said he needed to have a sportsphysical so he could join the wrestling team. He said he was going to bookan appointment with Dr Banks for Friday morning and wanted to know if I wasavailable to take him to the appointment. There were two cars in thedriveway so the fact that he was asking me to take him must mean that hewanted me to go to the exam with him. I said "sure, I'll take you". Theappointment was for 9:30 am and we got there about 9:15. The nurse...

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Mother Watches Her Sons Punishment Exam

The patient's mother, Miss Smith, phoned me to set up her son's examination. The boy had just turned 12. She felt he required a special exam session due to what she had seen him doing with another boy of his own age. She had came home from work early one day to find her son and the boy "playing doctor" in his bedroom. She explained how she watched as her son played the role of the patient, the other boy having him lie on the bed in just his briefs as he sat beside him and proceeded to peel...

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My exam at clinic

My pelvic exam is broken up into three parts because each part is so different. The first part of it is my rectal exam & radiology studies of my lower colon. The second part is my bladder exam & x-rays of my bladder. The last part is my vaginal exam & ultrasound. I was told to give myself an enema before I came so I would be clean for the rectal exam. When I first got there, the nurse led me into a room with a special table called a proctology table. he told me to take off all my...

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Jeans doc exam

So my wife goes in for her annual gyno exam with a doctor she has had for over 15 years , he is recently divorced and a decent looking Asian about 55 years old. During her previous exam a year earlier, the doctor told her he had felt a very small cyst on the upper inside of her pelvis and that it was probably nothing but he wanted to take a note on it to make sure it wasn't going to grow. The doctor began the exam as he always did asking her questions about her health and he mentioned that...

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Daughters exam

I am a physician assistant at a busy walk-in medical center. My duties include everything from minor first aid to doing complete exams on the patients. There are four physician assistants, four physicians and eight nurses who work rotating shifts twenty-four hours a day. We all get along well, and we help to take care of medical problems in each other's family, this since we are the only medical facility within fifty miles, that being the reason we are so busy. My spouse and I have been married...

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father exam step daughter

I am a physician assistant at a busy walk-in medical center. My duties include everything from minor first aid to doing complete exams on the patients. There are four physician assistants, four physicians and eight nurses who work rotating shifts twenty-four hours a day. We all get along well, and we help to take care of medical problems in each other's family, this since we are the only medical facility within fifty miles, that being the reason we are so busy. My spouse and I have been married...

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US Army Recruit Medical Exam

Private O'Neil, had been in the army for just weeks. Her time at Aberdeen proving ground was far different than anyone had said. She was having a bad time at the moment. O'Neil was 5' 6" quite big and stocky. She had a chest of 38DD. Short cropped auburn hair. She was very fit having been brought up on her uncles farm near Dayton Ohio. She had no problem with the training as she was very strong anyhow. All she'd known was the farm and local school, her knowledge of the ways of the world...

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Time for another physical exam

I had recently completed and appointment with a new doctor just to meet him and discuss my health. After arriving and sitting in the waiting room for about 15 minutes, I was called in to be seen. A cute, young female nurse attended to me by weighing me and taking me to a room to wait for the doctor. In the room, she took my vitals and blood pressure. After finishing, she said the doctor would be in shortly. I thanked her, she said "you're very welcome", and she left, closing the door behind...

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healt exam

My wife i 42 years old and still extremely sexy. She has dirty blonde hair, an athletic body, and a great ass. She loves to show it off too. In fact, we both get incredibly turned on when she exhibits herself in public. She has left the curtain slightly open while trying on clothes at an H&M so that any customer passing by could get a peak. One guy passed by the curtain four times trying to act like he wasn't snooping. She once wore a thong bikini bottom to a beach to the great satisfaction...

3 years ago
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Joannas First Gynecological ExamThe Sequel

Author: Powerone Title: Joanna's First Gynecological Exam-The Sequel Summary: Joanna has never had a gynecological exam and that fact is whatDr. Michael is betting on. He intends to humiliate and abuse her lovely bodywith the help of his colleagues. This is the sequel to the first story. Keywords: M+/F, anal, oral, bd, humil, enem Copyright 2004 by Powerone. Author may be contacted at [email protected] Joanna's First Gynecological Exam-The Sequel Dr. Michael led Joanna to the ominous...

1 year ago
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Joannas First Gynecological Exam

Dr. Michael readied the new exam room for its first patient of the day. He’d had the room specially equipped to take advantage of the females he specifically chose from the young, inexperienced students who received medical examinations at no charge. In exchange for this free service they would allow medical students to be present during the exams. Or these females would think the men present at their exams were medical students. Dr. Michael never let actual medical students take part; instead...

3 years ago
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 8 Exam at the hospital

When I came out of the bathroom Elizabeth asked me how I was doing and I told her I was doing okay. She asked how my ribs were feeling and I told her they still hurt. She invited me to go downstairs to sit out on their back porch and have some lemonade and get my mind off of things and I thought that to be a good idea. She got the lemonade and her dog was outside playing and it was nice to watch him chase a ball as she threw it and it helped me get my mind off of things. I built up my...

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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 8 Exam at the hospital

Introduction: The following chapter of this story is not intended to be erotic. If you have not read the previous chapters to this story you will likely not understand this chapter at all so please read the others first. I wrote this chapter as a necessary part of this story. The story will continue with further chapters and those will again be erotic but with the subject matter of this chapter it was not fitting. Thanks for your understanding. I didnt sleep very much that night. No sooner then...

4 years ago
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Fun In The Exam Room

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net This is an incident happened when I was writing an English exam in the 12th class. I had studied well and prepared for the exam so well that I was confident that I will score at least 80 marks but little did I know what was going to happen. As I entered the exam hall, I found out that I was given the last seat in the row and no one was there in my seat. As usual two teachers came in, one of them was a fat one and then another...

3 years ago
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The Uneventful Couple Event 3 Getting Prepared for an Exam

Bruno was dumbfounded. He was walking out from his annual medical check-up with the company doctor. She was a woman in her early forties, brunette and slightly overweight, resembling his wife Julie when she was the same age. In the last four years, he had met her six times and felt at ease with her no-nonsense attitude about global health care. This time, however, he was holding in his hand a prescription for a preventive medical procedure imposed by the company's insurer. Every corporate...

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Joannas First Exam

He checked the chart of the next patient, Joanna, a nineteen-year-old university student from Stratford, Ontario. Many university students visited his clinic, which was exactly why he located it close to campus. He didn’t practice medicine for the money; he had more then he could ever spend. He simply enjoyed female flesh. And, the younger, the better. He preferred young, inexperienced girls who could be easily controlled by an authoritative person, such as a doctor. He had never met...

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Physical Exam Gone South Part 2

As I sat in the waiting room, I began to think of what was about to happen. Would she have a change of heart? Would I get in there and she tell me that we can't do that again...she got caught up in the moment last time? Or, would I get in there and she take charge and fuck my brains out? The latter thought took presidence, and my cock began to grow in my pants. About 10 minutes after I sat down, a nurse came and called me back. As I approached her to follow her back, she seemed to also...

1 year ago
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My Unversity Physical Exam

Hi Everyone! My name is Mary, and I am a junior at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro! UNCG does not require students to get a physical exam for college, but my parents my senior year of high school forced me to get one anyway! lol They said it would be a good time to have my first OBGYN visit.... Boy was it scary!!!! ahhh THIS IS A TRUE STORY; THIS REALLY DID HAPPEN TO ME.... My mother had called her OBGYN and set me up an appointment to get a full OBGYN physical at the university...

4 years ago
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My Annual Exam

Unlike most men, I look forward to my annual prostate exam because living in a sexless marriage, it’s the closest thing I have to sex with another human being.  My doctor of thirty-plus years apparently sees things differently because the last couple of years, he simply asked me if I was having any issues urinating or if I found myself getting up frequently at night to pee. In hindsight, I should have said, “yes,” because I’m sure he would have slipped on the glove and probed away but my...

Gay Male
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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 12 Medical exam follow up

“Okay Tori, I understand you’re upset about Scott breaking up but you cant just stay in bed forever. Now get yourself cleaned up and I expect to see you down for lunch,” she said. I could tell she meant business so I waited on her to step out of my room and finally got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower. After getting out of the shower I decided to try to call Scott. I dialed his number but just got his voicemail. I decided to leave him a message, “Scott, this is...

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Physical Exam Gone South Part 1

So, I made the appointment, and went. I got called (finally) to go back in the room. The nurse proceeded to do her thing, blood pressure, temperature, etc. She soon told me that the doctor would be back soon. My doctor and I have always had a good relationship. When I’ve been there, I’ve always joked around with her, and made her laugh. The joking often veered into the sexual realm, which made her laugh even more, and occasionally blush. She never joked back sexually to maintain...

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My downward spiral to a becoming a slut Chapter 12 Medical exam follow up

Introduction: This is the next chapter in the series This is the next chapter of the continuing story of Tori the freshman whos life has changed so much since meeting her boyfriend the senior varsity starting quarterback. Now after he broke up with her see how her story continues to change and get more complicated. Be aware that this story is long and continues important pieces to previous chapters in the story. If you have not yet read those chapters you will likely not enjoy the story please...

2 years ago
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Exam Time Fun

Hi guys my name is suhas(name change) pehle mai apko apne barey me batana chahata hu basically mai akola se hu aur phil hal mai mumbai job search kar rha hu aur thoda apne barey me bata deta hu height 5″7′ well built gym jata hu aur yoga bhi kr leta aur abhi phil hal as a yoga trainer kaam kr rha hu part time. To jyada bor na krte huye direct story pe ata hu ye story abhi ek mahine pehle ki hai jab mai apna rrb ka exam dene gya tha waise to mai hamesha ful tayar hok jata hu exam dene exam ka...

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The Panty Accord of 2010Chapter 15 The Final Exam

Emily barges in Tommy’s room without so much of applying a courtesy knock. Walking right in, she sees Tommy at his desk studying and doing his homework like her good little slave. “Good, I see you’re doing your homework. By the way, how are those grades coming?” She asks. Tommy was a little perturbed, ever since they made this agreement, Emily thought she had the right to walk into his room whenever she wanted to, which considering the agreement, he guessed she did. But it was still...

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The Sexual Exam Act

Beginning in 2117, the government realized that women were not well prepared for sexual encounters when entering adulthood. In order to make sure that women would be able to perform sexually from the age of 18, the government passed the Sexual Exam Act. The Sexual Exam Act required all women between the ages of 18 and 45 to get sexually examined each time they visited a doctor, as long as it would not harm their long term health. The goal of this requirement was to give women experience and to...

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Digital Prostate Exam ndash Really ndash Followup Visit

This story is a work of fiction, it NEVER happened. This is chapter two so if you have not read chapter one you should start there ( This series began when I read a story here on XH about a woman going to her gynecologist and ending up in a sexual event. The story has since been deleted so there is no way to send you there. Many men, me included, have no clue what goes on in a woman’s exam but many of us wonder if the doctor may...

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Physical Exam Gone South Part 3

Seven days had passed, and it was time for my next visit with Dr. Comstock…..Kelli. I walked into the building, and up to the receptionist. I didn’t say a word before she looked at me, smiled, and said, I’ll let the doctor know you’re here. What??!!?? Ok, this was getting a little bizarre. Did Dr. Comstock tell her staff that I was her weekly sex buddy? This made me very uncomfortable, especially since my wife saw Dr. Comstock also…..fairly regularly for her diabetes. While I wasn’t...

1 year ago
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my exam at base clinic

entering the room doctor had me disrobe no gown said normal for military clinic exami am on the examining table i have all my cloths off with me completely naked . the doctor comes in and asks me to lay on the table and scoot down to the end and put my feet in the stirrups. he ask me to spread my legs as far as i can then he push's legs back to were knees are by shoulders and butt pointing up towards ceiling with my ass and pussy wide open. He then left room for a min and had three new doctors...

4 years ago
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My sissy exam fantasy this one is fiction

OK. I'm not a Dr. But I know a guy who connects me to a local private 'members only' sex club. I told him about your 'situation' and he said he's got just the thing. Turns out the local (gay) sex club caters to all kinds of fetishes; and it has a simulated medical examination room. So I txt you with the address; time; and directions for you to show up in panties and stockings, short mini skirt, halter top and fuck-me hooker boots.I will be your Dr; and the exam will see if we can determine the...

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Civil Serivces Exam With Bhabhi Neha Part 8211 1

Thanks for the lot of response from my previous story. Frankly, I opened my emails after whole one year. So I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. Saw and read all those thousands of emails which came to me till now. I was overwhelmed. I know that you had requested me to write more a long time ago. After seeing all those mails of appreciation I would be mad not to write more of my personal incidents. Please keep writing to me on my email id Your emails keep me going on for more...

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Sissy Bitch gets an Exam

Nicole knew the minute he walked into the office that this guy was going to be an asshole, and of course, he was here to see Dr. Jackson. She watched him sit down in the waiting room. His posture indicating that he thought he was someone important. She rolled her eyes. Dr. J was just gonna love him. She checked his chart, noting that he was here for a physical exam. “Let’s get this over,” she said, under her breath. After making sure the exam room was ready, she called his name, and then led...

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Cheating Karte Pakdi Gayi Exam Mein 8211 Part II

Pehle Part 1 padhlijiyega …. Behosh ho gayi thi .. uske baad jab hos aya to apne aap ko maine bistar par paya … Jiju wahan sofe pe bathkar mujhe ho ghoor rahe the … Main uthkar bistar par baithi .. jaise hi bathi tabhi mujhe ehsaas hua ki main to poori nangi hoon … mere badan pe ek bhi kpda nahin hai …. bra aur panty bhi nahin .. meri reaction dekh jiju muskura rahe the … Mane apne boobs ke oopar haath rakh liya aur tangon ko ek taraf kar diya … jiju muskurate hue bole … “Tu to poori raat...

1 year ago
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My final First year Exam

After my first study session with Caitlyn for our first final exams of first year we manage to get through the next 3 study sessions without fucking each other. Although we didn't fuck each other again yet we did exchanged a few passionate kisses and felt each others bodies on a number of occasions. It was a Thursday morning and I made my way to Caitlyn's house rather early as our final exam was at 1pm that day. My girlfriend Jessica finished her last exam of the year the day before and her and...

4 years ago
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The Girl Scout 14 Exam HELL

Previous: The Girl Scout-1; The Girl Scout-2 Daddy; The Girl Scout -3 The Tool Man; The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed ; The Girl Scout -5 Die Bitch Die; Girl Scout 6 -Cum Faced The Girl Scout-7 HOGTied; The Girl Scout -8 Getting to Know You; The Girl Scout -9 Sleeping Beauty; The Girl Scout – 10 Work It Good The Girl Scout -11 Lights Out Bitch; The Girl Scout-12 Doctor Rosen The Girl Scout -13 Papa and Grand Daughter Doc took his cock out or her pussy and the fingers out of her...

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Donnas gyno exam

Donna rolled over in bed, her alarm rudely awakening her from sleep. Having just turned 18, Donna's mother had advised her to schedule an appointment with her physician for a complete exam. Wanting to get the appointment over with as quickly as possible, Donna had accepted the first appointment the receptionist offered, at 7 a.m.Running her fingers up and down her toned stomach, Donna cursed herself for making such an early appointment. Donna's hands squeezed her sort of large but firm breasts,...

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