TimeChapter 31 free porn video

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William again warned me about the general and so did many of the other researchers. There were dire warnings of what he was capable of doing. When Fitzsimmons came back he was hanging his head.

"You did it now, Alex. All you had to do was put up with a bit of his bullshit and we would have got through this. He wants nothing to do with your projects."

I said, "Don't feel bad for me. Will you get the patents filed as soon as possible?"

"This usually takes a while but I will see what I can do."

I continued to work at the lab. A delegation of phone company executives came to me, to see what I had made with their own eyes. They offered me a job at the lab and I did not even get angry. This was expected and I turned them down flat. I did go through some of my ideas of how I could assist their company tremendously. The maser was the main thing now but was of no use to them. It was intermittent in nature and I had not made a continuous beam that they required.

They asked me point blank what I had to do with the recent news of a polio vaccine.

"I made it with help from a lot of people."

One person said, "We put some people on reading the news articles. It seems the Connaught group only came when the testing was to be done."

"They also made the medium that was the key. I just put two and two together. They made a way to grow the virus without a living body, only living cells. Viruses have been killed the way I did for a long time."

"So you were the guiding hand that make the vaccine?"

"If I say yes, then everybody thinks that it is a class project and disregard it. If a scientist, with papers to prove it, claims responsibility for the discovery the world sits up and notices. The second method is the only way to save children's lives."

I left the subject and started on my computer ideas. The size and power were mentioned. Talk was cheap in this case and they would have to see some concrete results before they would spend lots of their money in developing this industry. The vacuum tube was something the Univac used and it broke down all the time. They brought me back to this point all the time, thinking the transistors would have similar problems.

They started to circle an idea and I asked, "Tell me what Bower was doing."

One man said, "He wanted us to get you out of here. I think he wants to deport you. His mutterings are that you have no legal guardian. I would not trust him in his present condition."

"I wouldn't trust him in his usual condition. I do have a way of getting him off your back and mine. I was told he is a pain in the neck even before I came."

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk to his boss for two or three minutes. Get President Truman to give me a call. I believe my discoveries are good enough for a few Nobel Prizes. Use that information quickly, or I will be forced to leave your country."

They all looked stunned at my request. I said, "It is not that hard. Just pick up the phone and talk to someone further up your chain of command. If necessary, get me an invitation to a party the President will be at. This is the start of a multibillion-dollar relationship. I have been carrying your company for a while. Now it is your turn to show some effort."

Two days later I got an invitation by a special courier at the security station because I was not using the hotel for many reasons. He was waiting for a reply as I read the message. Mr and Mrs Carlson would like me to come to a party. The card was gilt edged and I assumed the President would be there for it was just outside the capital.

It was short notice and in one day but I said, "I'll be there. Ask your employers to have some milk and cookies put out for me too."

He smiled at this and said, "Yes Sir, I most certainly will."

I had previously assumed that the meeting would use this avenue. It was more or less public and, because of my celebrity status among the people in the know, I would get to meet the people who could help me and vice versa. I went back upstairs and continued with my classes. The scientists had all gone back to school and there were a few stenographers in the back of the room making notes. The blackboard was photographed a few times when new data was put on it.

We were putting together a few books. Bell got their own data and agreed to coordinate the books getting published. This would be the first major way of educating people of what they would have to do to stay afloat in the coming years. With some serious arm-twisting I got some geared down as low as grade nine.

During a coffee break I phoned a good local tailor. A few days before he had to come to the Lab to measure me because I was not sure if I would not be snatched up off the streets. There was a strange car half a block away that might be the military, immigration, common spies, or possibly even a group of truant officers out for my destruction.

"It will be ready tomorrow afternoon, Mr Kramer."

"Thanks, Albert but the invitation is for tomorrow and just outside Washington. Your commander-in-chief will be talking to me. If I don't have a suit, I am sure President Truman will be interested in the reasons why. Have my suit ready and I will get you a note signed by him. If I twist his arm it may mention your name in his own handwriting."

"The suit will be ready in a few hours, Mr Kramer."

"Thanks, Albert. Do you have the luggage I asked for?"

"Everything will be ready."

I gave my regrets to my students here at the lab. They would have to carry on alone for a few days. They got a few projects like the ones the boys at the Works got. This should keep them busy and out of trouble.

Food came from the cafeteria on the main floor to sustain us and especially me. I had a cot set up and this was my new domicile. My clothes even had to go out to be cleaned. This time, when a delivery truck left, it had an extra occupant.

I was let off at the tailor's back door. Within moments I was in the new suit. This time the tailor was even pickier about what he did. He was already sweating and I didn't think all of it was from the weather.

He put a few more pins in the cuffs and said, "Are you going to really see President Truman?"

"He accepted the invitation to the party. I will have to talk to him, if I am going to get a recommendation from him. Sometimes, people want the go to a party but last minute problems keep them away. It has happened to me many times."

With a few more pins he said, "Let me sew them Mr Kramer."

In two hours I was sitting on a DC3 climbing to gain altitude for the flight to Washington.

I thought back to all the times in my sixty-six years when I had done similar things. The list seemed endless and the people mainly boring but I did get to meet some interesting people. Now, I guess, I would start a game with myself trying to see whom I knew from my previous life.

In two and a half hours later I was signing into another hotel in Bethesda. The concierge was hesitant about giving a room to a thirteen year old. At least, in two days on October tenth I would be fourteen. The manager, again, had to come out and I was given a room. I would have to find a way around this, one day. Perhaps keep an adult nearby to hold my hand or something. The thought was intriguing, because it could be Helen, Laura or Natalie.

The hotel room did offer me a chance to nap for an hour. I knew there was not much time I could spend at the Labs so I burnt the candle at both ends. I was not even ashamed of making others act in a similar fashion. At least I rotated them, so they could get some sleep and a bit of home life.

By seven, I was ready and called downstairs for a taxi. By the time I got to the address, the party had been going on for almost an hour. There were guards at the gate who checked the invitation and, I think, turned their noses up at arriving in less than a limo.

The house was a large stone building of two stories with a turret like structure at one end. It looked like it could support a small observatory. The lot was about three acres or so but it was hard to see in the dark.

A doorman let me in without checking the invitation. He must have assumed I was safe because the gate crew already passed me. I said, "Hello, I am Alex Kramer."

"Very good, sir."

The noise was coming from down the hall and in a large room directly ahead of me. A servant came out of the room and saw me, then retreated. In a moment a good looking matronly woman in a long gown and wearing a fortune in diamonds came out. Behind her came a distinguished gentleman of sixty with gray hair and a very straight posture. There seemed to be about ten years between them in age and I had to assume he married her for her beauty.

The woman said in a vibrant voice, "Hello, you must be the famous Alex Kramer. My name is Angela."

She moved aside for her husband and he stuck out his hand and he said, "Hello, my name is Michael."

I shook the man's hand and said, "I am glad to meet you." I turned to the side a bit and took the woman's hand and, in a bit of old world customs, bent over and kissed it. "I am very glad to meet you too." The woman's eyes widened. I was positive this was done to her before, for it was very common at the turn of the century, even to the end of world war one. Since then it was the German and the English who mainly kept the custom alive.

Angela said in a sweet voice, "You certainly are a polite gentleman, Mr Kramer."

"Thank you. Please call me Alex. Both sets of parents drummed the basics into me. I have learned that it is basically good to follow that set of protocols unless it looks counter productive."

I was led into the large room but didn't find it crowded. There were perhaps twenty people in all and none who looked like they belonged to the Secret Service. I was introduced to a group of four and they explained a bit of their backgrounds because they knew I knew none of them.

Michael asked to start me talking, "I hear you doing great things for us at Bell."

"I am trying, Michael. I am not doing this just for your benefit. I am only doing this in a partnership arrangement. There are many things that I have worked on that need some tweaking to make them work better. If everything works out the way I envision, Bell will be getting a lot of new business and take it to places it hasn't even imagined."

Angela waited a few seconds and then took the bait. "What way is that?"

"Bell uses thousands of tons of copper on wires for calls. I can make the capacity jump many times on the same wires. It is also susceptible to an attack with atomic weapons. I have not been involved with the weapons production or privy to its effects but I believe it must free a tremendous amount of electrons and make a gigantic magnetic field. This would fry metallic lines. I have a transmission method that can take that kind of abuse and still work."

Three people said, "How?"

"I have just started working on it in my own labs at the moment. I do not want to talk about it before I get a patent on it for protection. I also want to make small radios that will fit comfortably in a shirt pocket or a purse and interface with the telephone lines. You are then free to talk to anybody, no matter where you are, or where they are."

This proved very interesting to them and we talked about this for quite a while. Some figured that Bell could do this on their own if necessary. Large hand-held radios had been used in WW II. They had even experimented with radio telephones in one city.

"They certainly can but they need something I call a microprocessor to function properly. In one year I will have a computer many times more powerful than a Univac. In a few more, it will fit within a simple watch."

They could not understand this. The men started to scoff and one started to leave. Perhaps he was a bit disgusted at what he thought was bull shit.

Michael said quickly, "How can you do this?"

"The devices I just patented use light and microwaves in a special way. I can focus them down so small that I can make grooves only one twelve-thousandths the width of a human hair. Those same devices can be used to cut precision parts of metal with hardly any heat distortion. I will need this technology to get into space before the Russians beat us."

One man said, "The Russians can't do that. They have lots of missiles but they can't get into space."

"You are right they can't, yet. Soon they will, though. Your politicians and military want to make the Russians like supermen but they are working under much less favourable conditions than we are. They are a nation of farmers with a few intellectuals. They will, though, focus those people they do have into weapons production and a quest for space soon."

The man that I thought was going to leave asked in an angry voice, "Why?"

"So they can put bombs three hundred miles over out heads. If a war comes, a radio signal goes out and the bombs are driven the short distance to Earth. You can't shot them down very well. Another way is to just launch them into orbit so high that our missiles can't reach them. Radio activity would spread over the entire country, even if the blasts were very high."

Now the people looked stricken at the thought of this happening. Their own government had played up the Russians so much to get more tax dollars that the public believed most of the propaganda. Besides driving the population paranoid, it did make it easy to make money pandering to this belief. This is just what I was going to do.

When the gasps were heard, more people came over to hear what was being spoken "It is not that bad. I have my laser. It is not that strong but it may be able to shoot down a missile in orbit from the earth. It does travel at the speed of light and can cut things."

Michael said, "The military should have that, Alex. If it can do what you said. I heard from Mr Fitzsimmons that you burnt through a board at almost twelve miles with just light."

"That was only a toy that took an afternoon to build. We made it from spare parts lying around and lots of very good help. It was all the effort that Bell Labs gave me that made the test possible."

"That was a toy? It could burn through a board at twelve miles. And works at the speed of light?" One man said incredulously.

"Basically, it was a toy. It was just thrown together. If I had a good base like I have at my lab, it would be much more stable but that is hard to do. I need a place that does not shake. A person walking across the floor makes the beam waver at that distance. At three to five hundred miles it would be even more difficult."

One person in the back wiggled forward and asked, "Are you any relation to the person mentioned that just claims to have found a cure for polio?"

"That was me I am afraid, along with a lot of very talented people. I just took two different pieces of data and put them together."

I heard gasps around. Angela said, "Did you invent the cure?"

"I didn't, Angela. A Toronto lab invented a nutrient that allows the virus to grow. We have known for years how to kill a virus in a bottle. The dead virus makes the human body fight it as if it were alive. Our own antibodies then know how to fight the virus, if it comes for real. If somebody has the virus, it is of no use. If the person is paralysed, I cannot help them. It is just a way to prevent people from dying or becoming crippled."

"But you did it, Alex. Nobody else did."

"You are mistaken, Angela. First I had to have somebody who believed in me. In this case it was Joseph and Silva Cranz. I am fairly wealthy but I haven't got the money it takes for all the tests needed. How many people would think that a thirteen-year-old boy could do this? From what I have done, you should have come to the conclusion that I am fairly intelligent. One of the things I know is that if the medical profession or even lawmakers get their teeth into this, then the vaccine will never be accepted.

"People as individuals are intelligent. As a group, they are not very intelligent at all. All it takes is a single reporter to get his biassed information out. Somebody else will make the assumption that I have nothing worthwhile to offer and soon the rest will parrot that. The tests can come back great but the medical community will not accept them. We are going through an epidemic of polio now and untold numbers of children and young people will die or be forced to live in an iron lung for the rest of their lives because of one reporter's faulty reasoning."

Angela said, "That is not true. People are better than that?"

Michael held her arm and said, "He is right Angie. We work like a mob most of the time and this is one situation where, if it is not handled right, we will have untold suffering for the children."

A servant came over and whispered in Michael's ear. Michael looked up and said, "Our guest of honour is here."

The ring of people broke up and both Michael and Angela left to greet their newest guest. In a moment two very alert young men came into the room and looked it over. A subtle hand signal was given and then the President came in flanked by three other secret service types.

Nobody approached but our hosts brought the man around to each of the various groups. This time there was only one group and this one was still with me.

One man that was thinking about the bombs in orbit wanted to know more about huis country's state of readiness. I said, "Your countrymen are spending more time turning over rocks to find the very few people who embrace the Communist ideal. There are agents here but you are not looking for them, you are on a witch-hunt with political agendas. Doesn't it seem odd that the Democrats are being singled out in this purge? If you stand up for your country or asked others to do so, then you are branded a Communist sympathiser. If you do nothing and you are seen as a threat, you are still branded a Communist. Maybe you should stop acting like a flock of chickens headed for slaughter and do something about it."

"Like what?" the man asked. "Some of my friends were questioned and if you don't answer you are investigated yourself. You have to give names."

"The hypothetical reporter I mentioned earlier is not only the one who can damage me but has damaged your entire country. An old saying is that you get the government you deserve and it looks to me that you have no other leadership now but that of a mob."

The crowd parted behind me and I heard a voice say, "What is this about no leadership?"

I turned around and put out my hand. "Hello Mr President. I was just talking about American politics. It appears that it is running away like a wagon downhill without guidance. People on and off the wagon are getting run over and the wagon itself is in danger of crashing. It is too bad, in a way, that you are just an administrator of a very large bureaucracy that has simply dropped the steering mechanism."

"Are you saying I am not doing my job?"

"Your job, in my eyes, is to play the same role as the King of England. You do have some important duties but most of it is ceremonial in many ways. Your veto powers at least give you some teeth, no matter how short they are. Congress as a group is supposed to do the running of the country. They have let some irresponsible members take the bit into their teeth. They now run the country, not you. If you fight them, as others have done, then they simply say you are a Communist or sympathise with them. This sounds like mob thinking to me.

"You are now looking for a way of stopping this wagon, or at least steering it so it hurts the least amount of people but you have very little help doing anything. You are a victim of your own propaganda and this will not end until the Russians are defeated by your monetary policies. It is just too bad that at that time you will be running out of oil and have to take on the growing number of Arabic people who will use religion to fight you."

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The Party 2

The Party Janet L. Stickney The music started, and as I stood at the head of the aisle waiting, my sister's husband took my arm. "Ready?" Words failed me, but I managed to nod my head yes, even as I felt the sharp tightness of the corset holding me in. I watched as the Bridesmaids started walking down the aisle, one by one, escorted to the altar, until at last it was my turn. I looked around, saw the people waiting for me. The flowers in my gloved hand contrasted nicely...

2 years ago
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Along the FinkeChapter 5

Gordy Weena led the three of us out of the bank and to a place a few doors down; we went in and took a table. Weena smiled, and then said she'd get some drinks and came back with three bottles of lemonade. "Charlie, do you know what's happened?" She asked as she sat the drinks on the table. "Pretty much," he replied. He took a drink, and then continued on, "From what I can tell, he left money for me to make sure that the cattle would be taken care of." "That's right, Charlie. Now...

4 years ago
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And Other Duties As Required Ch 14

Author's Forward: Hello everybody! As promised, this one is heavy on the TG aspects and a good deal more pornographic than my last tale! It's also quite a bit longer. This posting represents the first of three parts. If you don't want to wait 6-8 weeks to find out what happens next, part two is already available at patreon.com/razmagurk ! If you want to vote for what I write next, the current poll (which will continue until part 2 of Other Duties gets posted here) can be found...

1 year ago
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Author: magic manu ഞാന്‍ മനു. കൊല്ലം സ്വദേശി. 24 വയസ്സ്. 7 ഇഞ്ച് നീളവും 3 ഇഞ്ച്‌ കനവും ഉള്ള ഒരു സാധനം കാലിന്റെ ഇടയില്‍ ഉണ്ട് എന്നതിന്റെ അഹങ്കാരം ഒന്നും ഇല്ലാതെ നടക്കുന്ന ഒരു പാവം. ഇനി ഏതെന്കിലും മലയാളി ചേച്ചിമാര്ക്കോ ആന്റിറമാര്ക്കോു എന്നെ കൊണ്ട് വല്ല സഹായവും ആവശ്യമുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ മെയില്‍ ചെയ്യാന്‍ മറന്ക്കണ്ട. എന്റെ മെയില്‍ വിലാസം ഇനി കഥയിലേക്ക് വരാം. കുറച്ചു നാള്‍ മുന്പ്m എനിക്കുണ്ടായ ഒരു അനുഭവം ആണ് ഞാന്‍ ഇവിടെ വിവരിക്കുന്നത്. എന്റെ ഒരു അകന്ന relative എന്റെ വീട്ടിന്റെ അടുത്ത് കുറച്ചു സ്ഥലം...

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E110 Subject B Tuesday night

Emma is so enjoying Donald’s finger attention to her.  She always has, but today, him trying to redeem himself with her it seems he is paying extra close attention to making sure he does perfectly hit each wonder spot. She ponders if this is how he did it the first time with Subject A to get her to appreciate her desires.  And when he looks up at her and asks if he could please pleasure his mistress with his tongue, Emma knows she is in for an extraordinary experience.And it is.  Donald spreads...

Love Stories
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The Jade Box Part 9

Amy was just coming out of the girl's bathroom the next morning at school when she saw him for the first time since the night of the play. Steven Ellis was standing there, as if he was waiting for her, with a huge grin on his face. Amy felt a mixture of emotions, none of which she liked the feeling of, a mixture of rage and impotence. She wanted to beat the crap out of him but she knew that she was too small and, as ashamed as she was to admit it, scared to confront him. Just...

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A Husband For Mom

Yes it’s true I went to his apartment that night with thoughts in my head that couldn’t be called ‘nice’. I wanted to get back at him for what he’d done to me months before. Do you know what it is to think about something day after day for months? Well I was going to do him one better…even if he was my son.That night was the most…I don’t even know what word to use. My most recent lover in a long line had just left me…it would be a joke if the cliché didn’t happen to me…forty-year-old...

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Aftermath Confessions Chapter 1 of 7 The Prelude

This is a follow up to a previously published story called The Unexpected Threesome. Please be forewarned, while there is no bisexuality in this chapter, there are references to the bisexual (MFM) threesome which took place in the previous story. If the mere mention of bisexuality between men offends you, please don’t read. Also, if you’d be interested in seeing an illustrated version, just drop me a line at ____________________________ Aftermath Confessions: Chapter 1 – The Prelude I woke...

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Any street whore was glad to finally get a job in Lady Jane's house in Vegas. It was a well known and busy house. A lot of married men visited Vegas and came to the Lady's house. They could get any type of sex they wanted with any type of girl. When the men walked in and paid the money they were taken to the parlor where the girls were there in skimpy revealing clothes. He could choose white, black, Asian, Indian, or Latin. The girls were pretty and very sexy and naughty and ready to be very...

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drunken susan at the porn cinema

It was a friday night and i had told susan that we were going to london for the weekend, supposably to watch a show, at least that is what i told susan.we were staying in a hotel not far off the euston road. the evening started with a very nice meal in the hotel restaurant. needless to say i made sure thar susan had plenty of wine.Susan was wearing a very nice dress and i must admit she did look very sexy.but once i had got her drunk i took her back to our hotel room and made her put on the...

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Doing Favors for the Black Foremen

I was an out of work, 48 year old marketing representative. A friend of mine named Bill, who just happens to be black and the owner of an electrical supply company, gave me a job in his warehouse in Detroit. I needed to get some income to support my family and no jobs were available in my profession. Many of the other men resented me getting the job, especially since I had never worked in a warehouse and hadn’t paid my dues so to speak. I was constantly being teased by some of the men. This...

4 years ago
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Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 03

‘I thought you might like a more comfortable place to sleep,’ Beth chuckled into her sister’s mind. ‘Burnt out flares are so uncomfortable to lie on…’ Béla looked down between her legs. They were still healing. She realized she must have passed out and sat down directly onto the incendiary device while it burned itself out. She hoped she healed quickly because all that fresh, new flesh was already tingling and begging for attention. Deep burns were the hardest wounds to heal because it...

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Sex With Pune Bhabhi

Hi friends mera naam chirag hai mai pune ka rehne wala hu meri age 25 hai height 5.8 m fair and my dick size is 6 or 7 inches.Ab mai apni story start karta hu mai market yard pe rehta hu maine thodi din pehele he taljai tekdi pe walking ko jana chalu kiya mai roz subha 6.30 ko wahape jata ek week baad maine ek aunty ko bhi roz aate hue notice kiya aunty thodi moti aur age 40 42 ke karib hoga vo roz akele he aati thi roz dekh dekh ke smile kar kar ke hamri pehchan jaise hue ek din mai running...

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Community Three SigmaChapter 26

Dan Granger’s turn: There was a pop song a few years back, some bimbo with more production than music abilities, that said, “Oops! I did it again!” And me, being an engineer, I have a little plaque on the wall of my office that says insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. So naturally, after Nikki miscarried on our first pregnancy, we did it again. She’s pregnant and I’m going nuts trying to take care of her and that’s driving her nuts because...

1 year ago
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If you’re looking for a Hot Porn File, you’ve got a few options. You could try your luck with the free tubes, or ask around among your deviate friends or the virgins over at Reddit. There are sex forums you could search, porn blogs you could peruse, or you could risk a nasty virus infection over on one of the torrent sites. Your old buddy ThePornDude is always a big help when you’re trying to beat off to something specific, but I think you already know that otherwise, you wouldn’t be...

Free Porn Download Sites
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Sins of A Father Part 2

Dean: After I began my secret affair with my daughter it was like I was a new man. I decided to join a gym, I was fitter than I had been in my entire life, I was doing better at work, and despite that I was still married to my bitch of a wife Janet, I was happier than I had been in years. Sarah was the best at giving head. She knew just how to move her little mouth around the head of my cock as she rubbed her hands on the shaft. Sometimes she even played with my balls. After a few...

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Parisian Surprise Part Seven

This is the seventh and final part of “Parisian Surprise”, written with Alphamagus. While it can be read on its own, we feel it will be better enjoyed if you read the preceding segments. Robert and Juliana have been having an exceptional time in the City of Light and love. There have been new experiences, like playing the game of submission and dominance, sex in public places as well as in private, and given that it is Paris, lots of wonderful food and wine. Their week will soon be over, but...

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Neetu Ki Chudai

“By God, ye tum itne zor se chodte ho, mujhe pata nahi tha. Aaj raat tere saath chudwane me mujhe bahut anand aaya. Agar ye raat nahi aati, to shayad kuch miss kar jati thi.” (“My god, I never thought you can be such a terrific lover. I’m so happy that we screwed last night. If this night wouldn’t come in my life, I may have missed something.”) “Zindagi me kabhi kisi aurat ko itne maze se nahi choda hai. Shayad is liye kyunki tum ek gair mard ke saath sona chahti thi.” (“I’ve never given a...

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Ghostly The first

Hide and seek Champion I always had the ability I guess. I just never really noticed it. When I was younger I would hide in the worst hiding spot ever, and I would never get found. When my parents were angry with me, one of my sisters or my brother, I would hide in my closet. They would look for me there, look right at me, and never see me. Once on the school playground in grade school I had been playing dodge ball, and none of the other kids could hit me. They swore I was popping around the...

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The Stepmother

I loved this story and wanted to share it, the writer is "horrorotica" here is a link to the main story: http://www.literotica.com/s/the-stepmotherAs eighteen-year-old Dale Barrett travelled home by train, he felt excited about seeing his stepmom for the first time since spring break. Nervous energy made his heartbeat fast, his stomach feel funny, and his fingers tingle. The reason he felt so nervous about coming home is that his stepmother had told him that she knew about his little secret.She...

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Erin and Annekes Corruption

NOTE: This is a work of fiction. All characters appearing herein are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All persons appearing in this story are eighteen years of age or older.My Danish girlfriend, Anneke, has the sweetest pale puffy nipples I've ever tasted. It so happened that I was licking them this particular Saturday night, while both our parents were out at a show. I'm Erin. Anneke moved to the US with her at the beginning of my last...

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What Are You Thinking

Friday night was a Technicolor blur, a hot and dirty frenzied fuck that spilled hungrily over into Saturday morning. She had met him at the motel door with a lopsided smile and a rodeo hug and a long sloppy wet kiss that lasted only until he had time to lift her and turn and throw her at his feet. He fell on top of her and closed the door with a clumsy kick. They fucked ravenously on the hardwood floor, trying to kiss as they fucked but unable to meet each other’s mouths in the feverish...

Straight Sex
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He lived across the street

this is a 2 part perspective story, so just keep that in mind. Joey: It was the summer right before high school and i was so glad it was my last year with that stupid babysitter jackie. She was fat and lazy and I never liked her. I told my mom about her and she said shed put an ad out for another sitter but until then i was stuck with her. During the day it was pretty boring. But on occasion there was some action going on across the court. I lived in this town home community where my house...

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Anjali my darling

Hi I’m a regular reader of ISS from New Delhi and after reading so many stories got an idea to write down my experience also. I m writing my original experience with a virgin girl who was working in my C.A’s office in Darya Ganj New Delhi two year back in 2005. Her name was Anjali. She was very good looking and having a nice and attractive body. Her boob’s size was 36D, 22 yrs of age and 5’2″ in height. Let me tell you about myself also I m 5’10”, having good physique, my dick size is 6.5″. She...

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Double Date

A few months ago a friend of mine Julie wants me to double date with her and a guy she was interested in. Basically she wanted me to be his friends date for the evening. Seeing as how I was dating someone else I reluctantly agreed after she begged me too. I really wasn’t into the idea of it, but I dressed up none the less. I put on a denim skirt and white blouse on over the top of a pair of matching red lace bra and panties. Everything fit my 5’3” 115lbs frame quite nicely. I have a set of...

3 years ago
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Forgiveness Is Best Served WarmChapter 5

My P.I. filled me in on Jack Nixon, 40, years old, occupation: tax lawyer, all around ladies man and trouble maker. Married and divorced three times. Accused of sexual harassment of clients. Purportedly responsible for three divorces (four if you count mine) and three unwanted pregnancies. He has been arrested twice for domestic violence and suspected of some unsolved rapes. I’ve been trying to call Melinda but she’s not answering. When after three days, she hadn’t called back, I called her...

4 years ago
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Ariadne and the Tales of Heroes Erotic VersionChapter 17 The Temple of Guicang

It had been hours as Xuanwu told them that they were now in the province. She held up her hand and closed her eyes. She used her senses to try to guide her movements. Sárkány was still holding Daiyu in her arms and lap that was still asleep. The cloud carpet was slowing down as the tortoise felt around. She used her arm to try to sense where the magical disturbance was coming from. “I do feel something ... it is very faint,” Xuanwu said quietly. “It is coming northeast of here.” Her hand...

1 year ago
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Grandma Amazing at 70 Final Chapter

CHRISTMAS On Christmas eve we cuddled to enjoy a X'mas movie. It was close to midnight so I was prepared to get ready for bed when Grandma said, 'Santa brought a surprise Christmas gift to this smart young man for being good all year to his granny.' This sounded like the good old days but I noticed her foxy smile looking at my crotch. I kissed her cheek. 'Thank you Santa, you are all I need.' She turned, our lips touched and massaged each other. 'Take me to the bathroom to get your...

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Tommy Series Part one Chapter 2

Copyright 2000 - 2004 by TomCup.com, All rights reserved. This is a fictional story involving youth/youth and adult/youth sexual relationships. If this type of material offends you, please do not read any further. This material is intended for mature adult audiences. Names, characters, locations and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely...

4 years ago
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Prey and Predator 3

Prey and Predator, 3 By: Malissa Madison I felt him long before he made his presence known. I was standing in the Airport terminal waiting for Lady Lissa. I didn't try to find out how he knew where I was, I'd gone by and rented a Lincoln Aviator. I was sure that I would need the room with my girls and with my Vampire Momma, 'Lady Lissa' and my Vampire sisters, Calista and Felicity. My own girls were excited to meet them. As each group of passengers stepped...

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Second ChanceChapter 32

The next day was more of the same. We had stayed away from the casino for two nights, after our excitement, and then discovering Regina, spending that time on the yacht, settling her down and trying to make her feel ... wanted. The pain of being abandoned only got worse when the first of our investigators got back with the news that Regina's mother jetted off to L.A. to attend a rock and roll awards show, where she was photographed naked, taking on all comers, in a crowded hotel suite. We...

2 years ago
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The Trade OffChapter 5

I decided we would set the table in the dining room for our first meal together. I laid things out as I would for a guest so I took two candlesticks with long candles on them and placed them in the centre of the table. I decided to celebrate with champagne which I had placed in the fridge before going up to join Lucy in the bedroom. When I was finished I used the dimmer switch to lower the lights and then lit the candles. As I perused the place I was pleased that I had created the romantic...

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The Marketplace

The Marketplace The woman known only by the number on the door of her cement cell awoke in the early morning when her cell door was unlocked and creaked open.  The attendant in his usual brusque manner brought in a wash basin filled with warm water and soap plus a razor.  He informed her to shave and wash, that there was to be an auction at the market later in the day. The news of the auction later in the day stopped her in her place and she sat down on the side of her cot and contemplated the...

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Superhot Girl And Tinder Fairytale In Bangalore

Hey guys, I am Rahul and it’s been a while since I have posted a story here. I am 23 years of age; fair, and carry an athletic physique. A northerner residing in Bangalore, I am 5’9” tall and endowed with a dick 6.5” in length and 3” in girth. You can read my previous stories Since my last encounter with Ameesha during my graduation, we got back together and we were in a relationship happily for 18 months. Although we parted ways on an extremely good note, life without Ameesha was difficult....

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