Kidnapped CoupleChapter 5 free porn video

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The outing with the Williams, Lois decided, had been quite pleasant, but she was disturbed. She tried to tell herself it was just imagination... But, Vivian Williams seemed to be almost too interested in Stan... almost like she was making a play for him!

Then, there was Harry, Vivian's husband. Why a couple of times I caught him looking at me like he was undressing me with his eyes! She felt flattered... that he was paying attention to her. But that look... ugh! It was vile! Like he wanted to... Lois didn't want to finish the thought to its conclusion... but she knew he was thinking about sex... with her as the sexual object. Her voyeuristic experience of the night before had been frightening, in a way; she had learned that... under the right circumstances, even she might change her mind, rearrange her attitudes and do something she'd be sorry for later... like wanting to have another man make love to her. She remembered with revulsion how she had reacted... what she had thought... If she could help it... nothing like that would ever really happen!

Driving the short distance back to their campsite, Harry and Vivian Williams had dropped them off at their camper... after Vivian had pleaded a sudden headache, which ended the day of sightseeing. She had accepted it. Maybe Stan'll take me out to dinner, anyway! It'd be nice... since we don't really go out often enough... She hoped it would put Stan in the mood... for later on... in bed...

As they entered their camper, waving goodbye, cheerily to the Williams, Lois asked, "Darling... can we still go out to dinner, tonight?"

"What... ? Dinner... ? Yeah... Okay... !" He roused himself from his reverie long enough to give his wife the answer she wanted. Christ! I'm one stupid son-of-a-bitch! She was practically offering it to me... on a silver platter... and I turned her down! There're ways, I suppose... to carry on an affair... I should have tried to find out more of what she had in mind... before I cut her off! Why, hell... a chance like that doesn't come along very often!... And is she built! She's got a body that doesn't stop! Nice big breasts... good hips... a nice, tight, round ass! Damn it! I could kick myself... for a crazy, stupid fool!

Then, Lois broke in on him, again. "I'm going to go take my shower, now while there's hardly anybody around!"

"Yeah... good idea! You go ahead..." he agreed. "I might do the same thing... a little later on!"

While Lois went, happily, about the camper getting her things ready, Stan decided to take another look at the engine of the truck... while away a little time with some tinkering, since there was very little he could do... as far as undoing the damage he had done to a developing relationship with Vivian Williams. Of course... maybe she was just playing around... being a teaser... but the way she talked she was serious about it... but the thing I can't figure out is the WHY of it? Why me... ? She didn't know me from Adam!

Stan went outside, walked to the front of the camper and opened the hood to the engine compartment. Idly, he looked inside, studying the engine, but not really seeing it. His mind was still racing... But, if I ever get another chance... like this I'll sure as hell take it! Sure! It'd be cheating on Lois... but damn it... more and more... there's nothing there for me! It's just not any fun! There's no charge! All

she'll do is lie there... telling me I can't do this or that! It's just a few kisses... hop on... and hop off, again! Christ... if she'd just let me play with her cunt... lick her clitoris... really get her ready for it... she'd have an orgasm every time! She seems to think anything but straight fucking is dirty... and I get good and tired, trying to convince her otherwise! Hell... I'm getting to the point where I don't care whether I fuck her or not! I just can't get as excited as I should! She's got such a great body... but she won't use it... for what it was designed for... for sex pleasure!

He heard Lois leave for the bath house. Maybe... I'll try, again, tonight... to get her to go the oral route... put some zing back into our sex life! Come to think about it... there hasn't been much of it, lately! He spotted a frayed wire leading to the headlights. Deciding that he ought to wrap it with some electrical tape, he went to the storage compartment in the side of the camper to get it.

Just then, he heard a car crunch by on the park road, below the campsite. He looked up, recognized the car, instantly; it was the big Mercury station wagon they had been riding in earlier. Vivian Williams was driving... and she was alone! Stan made up his mind, right then! Hell! Maybe there was something he could do... after all! She's alone... and probably going down to the village! It's only about a mile... and I could walk down there... maybe get to talk to her... find out what she's thinking! Hell... I might be able to get something going with her... besides I need the exercise... and the walk'll do me some good!

Closing the hood of the truck, he went inside the camper, found a piece of paper and scribbled a note to Lois, telling her he had gone for a walk down to the village.

With a spring in his step and a blithe whistle on his lips, Stan set off at a fairly brisk pace. Damn... with a little luck...

It was an invigorating walk; he enjoyed the clear, smog free air that pumped in and out of his lungs as he hiked along. Arriving at the rustic village, he spotted the Williams' car in the parking lot... and in a very few minutes of poking around in the various stores and bars, he found Vivian. She was seated in a booth, at the rear of one of the bars... and she was with a black bearded, leather-clad motorcycle bum. Well... I'll be damned!

He sat on a stool at the bar and ordered a beer. He drank it, slowly, glancing covertly at them and came to the conclusion that it was her own damned business what she did... And, I don't have any business interfering... ! She sure must be desperate... trying to get her kicks with a character like that!

Stan had intended to drink only one beer, but he ordered a second and drank it as he watched Harry Williams' wife giving her rapt attention to the bearded gang leader, for of course, he had recognized him as the one who had passed them on the road, the day before, with a jeer and a flipping middle finger. Finishing off the second glass of beer, he left the bar. There's no point in sticking around here!

He stopped into-one of the rustic curio shops, bought some picture post cards and a scarf for Lois, feeling he should bring something back for her... if only to prove he had actually visited the village. Then, carrying his small package, he headed back toward their campsite, the camper... and his wife.

Strolling along the road, in no particular hurry, he enjoyed the scenery. He was, perhaps, only a quarter mile from the camp, when he glanced back over his shoulder to see the Williams' Mercury station wagon approaching, rapidly. As the car came close, he saw Vivian's tense, frightened face. Hell! Something's wrong! He waved his arms at her, vigorously and shouted, "Stop! Hey... Vivian! Stop! How about a ride?"

Oh, it's Stan! Thank God! She brought the car to a squealing stop, glancing back down the road and seeing only Stan Brewster dog-trotting up to her. She was still afraid that Mickey Blackum might be following... somewhere behind.

He was at the side of the car, now; Vivian looked up at him, her frightened grey eyes the only spot of color in her white, fearful face.

"What's wrong... Vivian?"

"Oh, S-Stan... I'm scared! It's M-Mickey Blackum! He... might be f -following me!"

"Why... ?" He looked back down the empty road.

"He... wanted to take me... up in the hills... s-somewhere on his motorcycle and..."

"... And, what... ? Fuck you... ?"

She looked down, her face flushing, slightly, "Yes..." she trembled.

"What in the hell did you pick him up for then?"

Her eyes questioned.

"I saw you... in the bar with him!" he explained. "He seems like a damned poor choice!"

Stan saw that she was shaking, violently, and knew she was in no condition to be driving. "Slide over!" he said, firmly. "I'll drive you the rest of the way!"

She obeyed, and Stan opened the door and got into the driver's seat.

"I was angry... I guess..." Vivian tried to explain. "I was mad at H-Harry... and mad at you... too... for... for..."

"... For turning you off... during lunch?"

"Hell... what did you want me to do... grab you and lay you right there... in the restaurant... ?" he asked, exaggerating.

"N-No but we could have been alone... tonight and..."

"We'd have been taking a chance of your husband catching us!" he reminded her.

"No... it would have been all right... with Harry!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean... h-he wouldn't do anything..." Stan looked at her, questioningly, not understanding, so she went on, "He does what he wants... and I do what I want!"

"So you tried to pick me up... ?"

"Yes... b-but there's a reason!" She looked away, not wanting to tell him... yet; it was the wrong time. Looking back down the road, she saw nothing on it, and heaved a sigh of relief. Now, that she had Stan Brewster alone... she might be able to carry on... from where she had left off, at lunch, when he had rejected her advances. She would know, in just a little while whether or not he was interested. "Why don't you drive around, for a while... maybe we can find a nice... private spot someplace... where we can talk..." she suggested.

"O... Or... fuck... ?" His boldness in making the further suggestion amazed her. It had just come rolling out of his mouth.

"... Or... both!" Vivian told him, her heart leaping with excitement. Well! Maybe he's coming out of his shell... !

Stan put the car in drive and released the emergency brake. He drove quite slowly. The road led past the two camping spaces, but there was no way he could avoid passing them. He'd just have to chance being seen, either by Lois or Harry... but Harry-- according to Vivian--was no longer any problem.

Passing his campsite, he saw nothing of his wife, Lois. He sighed with relief, "Well... my wife didn't see us!"

Vivian smiled and slid across the seat close to him. Likewise, he passed the Williams' trailer. Harry was nowhere to be seen.

"We're in the clear... now!" Vivian said in a conspiratorial tone, snuggling close against his shoulder, her hand dropping, eagerly, to his lap to feel the heated bulge of his growing erection.

"This's where we left off at lunch!" he remarked.

"When you... so-so forcefully took my hand away... damn it!"

"Well... we don't have to go over that, again!" Stan told her, shifting his position, slightly, in the seat, and allowing his thighs to spread a little more. Hell... if she wants to play... I won't stop her, now!

She knew what to do.-His change of position was all the signal she needed. With deft, sure knowledge, she zipped down the fly of his pants, her hand squirming inside to find the hardening shaft of his cock. She brought it out into the cooling air of the late afternoon and gasped, involuntarily, as she saw and felt its far above average adequacy. He glanced down to see her tiny hand holding it. Her bold approach, the erotic change of having this strange woman diving into his pants like that, caused it to jerk, throbbingly, in her hand, and he thought: Christ! If Lois would only break loose with something like this... once in a while... it'd be a whole new ball game!

Vivian was ecstatic. Oh, it's going to be nice... after all! MMMmmmmmm! "Stan... darling... you surprised me! It's even bigger than I thought it was!"

"Yeah... ? Well I guess it's big enough... to get the job done!" He was flattered but felt he had to be self-effacing.

"I have to tell you this..." she breathed into his ear. "Do you know what I thought... when you took my hand off of it?"

"No... what... ?"

"I thought you might be gay... or something like that!"

"The hell you did!?" Stan snorted. "I'm far from that! Except for when I was a kid... experimenting around... you know just growing up... trying to find out what it was all about... I've never had any yen for that sort of thing... especially after I found out about girls... and cunts!"

"That's a relief!" she sighed. "I like my men... to be all man!"

"Well... can't you feel it there in your hand?"

"Oh, God, yes... and I can't wait to feel it shoved into my cunt!" Vivian murmured, leaning down across his lap, her lips coming down to kiss the blood-inflated head of his cock.

As her lips made moist contact with the red satin of the corona, Stan moaned with the intense pleasure of the sensations her mouth caused. Damn! She's really hot for it!... And I haven't felt so hot and bothered... for a good long time!

Harry Williams spent his time lounging in a folding camp chair, listening to a portable radio and drinking beer. He had just stepped inside the trailer for another cold can of brew, when he saw his station wagon coming up the road, but when he came back out a moment later, fully expecting to see his wife, Vivian getting out of the car, he was totally surprised. I'll be damned! She went right on by!

Looking up the road, he saw the big Mercury. There were two people inside. Vivian was the passenger... and the driver was a man. He shaded his eyes to look closer and recognized the driver as Stan Brewster. An instant grin of deep satisfaction creased his big face. Vivian came through after all... it looks like! Now... the fun begins!

He set the can of beer down on the table and hurried to the rear of the trailer. Opening the storage compartment he removed a folding bicycle, assembled it, went inside to get his binoculars and peddled, happily off in the direction his car had gone. There's one thing for sure... they can't go very far on this road!

It was only about a half-mile farther on that he found the station wagon pulled off the road. A high, steep slope to the right ruled out his quarry's going up there, so he searched to the left, in the stream bed. He spotted them with his binoculars. Stan and Vivian were just disappearing around a bend of the stream where they would be hidden from the road. Stan, Harry noted, was carrying a blanket. Well... they're going to do some serious fucking... I guess, from the looks of things! Got their arms around each other... and everything... just like a couple of kids... going off to tear off a piece of ass... behind the barn!

Putting his binoculars back in the case, he fished his car keys out of his pocket, got into his car and eased it carefully back into the road, hoping that the roar of the falls, unseen around the next bend, would cover the sound of the car's motor. He swung the car around in the road and drove down to where he had left the bicycle. Putting the homely looking but functional vehicle in the back of the station wagon he drove, rapidly, down the road to the camping area. It won't be long now! Lois Brewster's going to be surprised to see me!

Luckily, there were few tourists, who took the little side trip to these particular falls. There had been no cars on the road, which pleased Stan, and the spot he selected, in the stream bed, could not be seen from the road. Across the stream was an unbroken wilderness. It was perfect. He spread the blanket on the sand and reached for Harry's wife, to kiss her for the first time.

She came into his arms, easily, lifting her mouth to his. Their lips welded and tongues became busy, searching and savoring, while hands roamed, to find hollows, curves and hard muscle. After a few moments, she twisted her head aside and murmured, "Stan... darling... there's one thing I have to tell you... b- before it's too late!"

He released her and she sank down onto the blanket. Mystified, Stan sat down beside her, trying to take her into his arms, again. He was impatient. There had been too much talk, already, as far as he was concerned. Vivian shrugged his hands away. "No! Not yet! I'm serious... I have to tell you something... before we can go any further!"

Visions of several things clicked through his mind: Disease? Physical malformation? Menstruation? Pregnancy?... "Well... what the hell is it? Don't be so mysterious!"

"Do you remember... I told you... that Harry and I do our own things?" she asked.

"Yeah... you said Harry didn't mind..."

"... That's only part of it!" she explained. "There's a little catch... to it..."

Stan's face creased in a frown. "A little catch... eh? Like how much is it? Is that what you mean... you're peddling it?" He reached for his wallet in his back pocket.

Vivian stared at him, aghast. "Stan!" she gasped. "That's absolutely disgusting! I'm not talking about money!" With a quick movement, she gathered herself and sprang to her feet. "Besides... it's insulting... and I'm leaving... now!"

Quickly, he caught her hand, pulled her down to him and smothered her in his arms, his lips finding hers, again, to kiss her hard and meaningfully. After a moment or two, she relaxed and began kissing him back.

Then, when he broke the kiss, he growled, "I'm sorry... Vivian... I misunderstood... but if it isn't that... what in the hell is it?"

"I guess we're even... on the misunderstanding, now..." she smiled, somewhat sheepishly. "... But what I'm talking about is a trade... me for you and your wife, Lois... for Harry!"

It was Stan's turn to stare at her, disbelieving what he had heard. "Am I hearing you right... ?" he gulped. "Do you mean... you're doing this... with me... so that your husband'll get a crack at Lois?"


"My God... I don't know... she's so..."

"So... what, Stan... ?"

"Well, hell... I might as well tell you! She's such a hidebound, puritan type... that I-I... haven't been much interested, lately... in having sex with her!" he explained.

"Then... you wouldn't have any objections... ?"

"Hell yes... I would! She's still my wife... and I do love her!"

"... But you do want me... don't you?"

"Yes... but... I couldn't throw her to somebody else!"

"All you have to do is agree to let Harry operate his own way!"

"Give him a clear field... in other words... ?"

"That's the idea... and she can make up her own mind... Okay?"

Stan tried to visualize his wife in another man's arms, being fucked by him. It was no use; the pictures wouldn't form in his mind, but he knew it would be an actuality... if he accepted the terms of Vivian's offer. It's a damned big decision!... And, I can't see Lois going along with it!

Vivian's hands were busy on him, again, as she used her fingers to outline the bulge of his hard cock inside his pants. "Well... lover... have you made up your mind?" she asked.

"Yeah!" he grunted. "Come here! I want to fuck you!"

"OOH, YES, Stan! I want you to... I want you to fuck me... hard! I want you to... tear me apart... with your big... hard cock!"

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KidnappedChapter 2 Promises Kept

I went into town the next day about midmorning to visit with some friends before sticking my nose into a hornets nest. I had known the local cops ever since grade school. They were good guys as well as competent officers. They also knew the work I did and were glad to see me when I walked into their downtown office. "Hey Amigo, How's married life?", Ricky couldn't help envying my redheaded wife and her redheaded cousin from out west. He knew they weren't really cousins, but accepted the...

2 years ago
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KidnappedChapter 4 The Dyke

I was eager to question the people on the list of suspects, but I wanted some background on each of them. I wanted to know them well enough to push their buttons. There had to be a flaw in someone's alibi if their van was involved in the kidnapping. Someone had to talk. Along with the names of the students who owned vans Ricky had also left their class schedules. He had highlighted the class they had been in at the time of the kidnapping. Two had been in the same math class while the third...

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Shannon awakened early to get her family ready for their daily lives. She slipped into her old worn and tattered terry cloth robe that once was a brilliant blue, today. It was just a badly faded blue shade. She slipped her house shoes onto her feet and stumbled to the restroom to wash the sleep from her eyes. ‘Another day of cooking, cleaning and fighting with Samantha.’ She said smiling while looking into the mirror and thinking of her holy terror three year old. Shannon quietly walked to...

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KidnappedChapter 3 A La Carte

I arrived at the ranch with great expectations. I found an empty house and a note. The girls had taken Chris and gone to console their friend Karen. It had been a long time since anything had really interested either of them. This kidnapping was the most excitement in their lives since the massacre in Lubbuck. Some people just thrive on choas and misfortune. It was to early for chores and to late for lunch so I sat on the couch and thought about recent events. I can do more sometimes by...

3 years ago
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Kidnapped during holiday

Finally, after a long flight they arrived at their holiday destination. Lisa had booked an all-in trip to this island at the beginning of the year. She is happy that their children, Paul and Astrid, still like to go with them. They are waiting in the beautiful entrance hall of the hotel to check in. The resort is indeed as beautiful as it is described in the travel guide: 2 giant swimming pools, 3 restaurants and bars and a private beach by the sea. Inside the hall it's nice and cool...

4 years ago
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Kidnapped chapter 1

Richie had been the youngest child and only son, normally you would expect him to have been spoiled by his mother and his older siblings, but an upbringing under female rule with no father and an aggressive bullying sister had made him grow into a nervous, shy, soft and submissive young man. That upbringing had left him with a dreadful yearning to wear female clothes which had been created by the evil programming of his dominant sister who had forced him into girls' clothes as he grew up....

3 years ago
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KidnappedChapter 5 The Snipe

Agent Webber sat on the bed propped against the headboard watching a pornmovie pulling on his pecker. He was depressed over his new assignment. He didn't think the outcome of the last case he had worked had been all his fault. There was just to much information coming in for anyone to check out all of it. A well organised terrorist attack involving mutiple hijackings and suicide bombers that was to strike a major U.S. city was beyond belief. Nobody would attempt such a thing. He felt he was...

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KidnappedChapter 6 The Hunted

It was midnight before Ricky and Dean arrived at his office. His cute, big chested dispatcher had been entertaining his only other Deputy and me for almost an hour. I asked him where Special Agent Webber had been lost when he showed up without him. "Agent Webber is searching an area North of town and will not be joining us tonight. I'll send someone for him when and if we need him." "It's strange you should mention North of town. That's where we need to be looking ourselves. I have a...

5 years ago
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KidnappedChapter 10 Dawn

I awoke to the sound of the morning songs of small birds. I had a vague memory of running with the pack. I felt rested, and at peace. I opened my eyes after listening to the sound of the river running nearby. I stretched and rose to feel the grass under my bare feet and found myself standing naked in an unfamiliar place. It didn't matter. I was alive and life was good. "Good morning." a voice said from the field above the river bank. I turned prepared to fight or flee. " The sheriff said...

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Kidnapped CoupleChapter 6

Thundering into the campsite on his motorcycle, Mickey Blackum killed the engine and rocked the vehicle onto its stand. He sat still in the saddle and stared around the circle of quiet faces. The three men sat, hunkered down on their heels, holding paper plates full of savory stew, from which they had been eating. Peeper Martin looked back at him, a half-insolent smile curling his lips. It was a knowing smile... and he would bide his time until the knowledge would work for him. Bill Wunder,...

1 year ago
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Amanda hurried through the heavily falling snow on the way to her dorm room from the library. She wondered to herself why she had forgotten to wear a warmer coat and shivered against the cold evening air while muttering, "Michigan in the winter, I must be nuts!!!" Being a blond blue eyed California girl it was a total surprise to her folks and friends when she chose to attend college 2000 miles from home in what could be described as less than ideal weather. The full ride scholarship to The...

Group Sex
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Kidnapped woman gives in

A shiver ran down my body, making me realise how cold I was. I could feel a draught against my skin, my nipples were achingly hard. In that moment I realised I was naked. I whimpered again. Who had done this to me? What were they now going to do to me? I ached to be able to protect my modesty, but with my arms bound to something on the ceiling I couldn't. Could I get out? I shook my arms back and forth, desperately trying to figure a way to release them. "Oh Jenny, do be still.." a deep...

3 years ago
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Kidnapped into Slavery Chapter 3

After a long uncomfortable flight, naked and lying in a cage, I am offloaded from the plane and put into a large delivery truck. I am taken for only a few miles from the airport where we landed but in the back of the truck I can see nothing. Finally, we arrive at what I assume to be my new home. The cage with me in it is taken off the truck and I see this humongous castle. Armed guards at every corner, up on roofs, everywhere! I am taken inside and placed in an area somewhat like the...

3 years ago
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Kidnapped into Slavery0

My name is Brandy. I was a very spoiled child. I was even worse as I turned 18 along with a credit card from my father that was unlimited. Every want, every need was just a card swipe away. I always wanted to turn heads, be the center of attention. At times I used my father's generous credit cards to obtain that. I woke up on a gorgeously warm summer day. I decided I needed a new bathing suit as well as anything else I might find. I took a shower, curled my long blonde hair and...

2 years ago
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Kidnapped into Slavery Chapter 2

After many days and nights of being raped, whipped and degraded in any possible way, I finally just gave in. Accepted what they did to me without crying, without complaining. I felt numb to the process. I am awaken by a young girl. She is gorgeous. I can see the same helpless feeling in her face that I feel in my own heart. A man accompanying her tells me I am to be made presentable. I am taken in shackles to a tub where the young girl bathes me all over. She shampoos my long...

4 years ago
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Kidnapped into Slavery1

I was walking alone on the beach at night just enjoying the sounds of the waves smashing against the shore. I took my shoes off and was walking in the water... the waves would rise and fall making my feet then my legs wet, enjoying the playfulness of the ocean. Suddenly I heard a sound behind me and when I turned everything went black... I woke up bound to a post, my arms aching because I was hanging from them, I was stripped just down to my bra and panties and I started to scream....

2 years ago
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Kidnapped at first Pt 1

I began to wake up. I felt like my head had been hit by a train. I began to focus and I realise my hands are restrained behind my head and I'm on a table bed. I'm completely naked. I'm in some type of exam room. I tried to move my arms and legs and could not budge. I noticed what was in the room. There were shaving supplies on a cart which was next to some metal stirups. I noticed in one corner there was an enema machine. I suddenly heard the door open and in walks the woman. She is...

3 years ago
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Kidnapped With Friends

This time at the beach, as usual, Jessie, Steph and Megan are renewing their tans while I'm in the water. I swim for a while. There are plenty of other swimmers to hang out with in the water. After a while, I decide to go check on my friends. Staring at their abandoned towels, I start to think about where they could have gone off to. I notice another shadow approaching mine on the sand. Expecting my friends, I turn and begin to ask "Where'd you three-". My question is cut short...

2 years ago
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Kidnapped and Horse Raped

Sandra walked through the party a heavy sigh of boredom escaped from her lips. It was late at night and the evening breeze was cool on her skin. She stood outside in the yard of the manor house, a glass of champagne in her hand as she watched the [SPAM] of people chatted and walked around the large courtyard. The imposing manor house dark against the horizon spotted with lit windows. She wondered how long it would be before her friend got bored and finally agreed to leave this place. It...

4 years ago
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Kidnapped Sex Slaves0

Michael watched as Sara and Becky squirmed on the floor. They were his latest victims. His occupation was a slaver. While little knew of it or even believed it existed in the United States, it was more common than most believed. In fact, this was the first week of training for a new slaver, Steve by Michael. Michael became a slaver almost ten years ago. He was personally responsible for capturing and training over one hundred slaves. It takes about four weeks to train a slave once captured....

4 years ago
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kidnapped and enslaved pt one

She knew she was eyecatching, her long, brown hair held up in a messed up bun. Her face was nice, with high cheek bones and luscious lips. She had a nice, sexy figure with 40D breasts and long shapely legs. The humidity had her clothes sticking to her. She teased the guys at work, wearing clothes that were not appropriate for work. A sheer, almost see through blouse clung to her tits, and a black skirt that barely covered her ass clung to her ass like a glove. She knew the guys at work would do...

4 years ago
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Kidnapped Sex Slaves1

Michael watched as Sara and Becky squirmed on the floor. They were his latest victims. His occupation was a slaver. While little knew of it or even believed it existed in the United States, it was more common than most believed. In fact, this was the first week of training for a new slaver, Steve by Michael. Michael became a slaver almost ten years ago. He was personally responsible for capturing and training over one hundred slaves. It takes about four weeks to train a slave once captured....

3 years ago
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kidnapped and enslaved pt one

Introduction: teasing bitch learns her lesson Wendy walked slowly down the narrowly lit hallway of her office building, her heels clacking on the freshly waxed floor. Her damn boss had made her work late again. Did the bastard think she didnt have a life of her own? She knew he just enjoyed torturing her to no end. Now shed have to walk home to her condo since her car was in for a servicing. Her skirt swished around her thighs as she walked out the glass doors of the brightly lit building....

4 years ago
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Kidnapped tortured and raped 1

His laughter rang throughout the dimly lit room in a menacing, villianous tone. He stood at the side of a bed, wearing nothing but a twisted smile on his face, belt in hand. The bed was filthy. Dried blood stains, cum stains, piss and dirt covered the linens. It had been well used, for purposes that most never even dreamed of. The sickest nightmares couldnt compare to this mans reality. Wake up, little girl, he cooed, nudging the sleeping figure on the bed with a large, calloused hand. She had...

3 years ago
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Kidnapped With Friends

Introduction: If you squick easily, my stories arent for you. Consider yourself warned. When my friends and I go to the beach, if theyre tanning, Ill usually spend my time swimming. Id love to tan with them, but my skin just doesnt cook right in the sun, getting burnt too easily. Ive tried lying there with sunblock and chatting with them, but then I just get jealous that they can tan and I cant. Itd be nice to be able to tan, not just for that cooked look, but also because its the closest thing...

2 years ago
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Look. There she is. Ari Lefiri. An 18 year old girl with black hair. And A-Cup boobs... I've been watching her and she prays for bigger ones. Says they'll give her popularity and she'll finally be able to be the cheer captain. I'll give her the thing she wants so much. But good things come with bad things!~ So I went into her house during the night and carefully took her out of bed so she wouldn't wake up. If she woke up, this entire plan would go wrong. But she was a decently heavy sleeper, so...

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Waking up, all Julie could see was darkness. She tried to get up but she found she was tied up to the corner of the dark room. As a breeze swept over her, she realized that she was naked. She tried to remember how she got there.

5 years ago
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You wake up and your feeling cold. You soon realize why... your almost completely naked apart from thin lace bra and panties. You look around and see your in a plain white padded room. There are no doors or windows...

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*Beeep, Beep* went the alarm on your watch letting you know it was just about time to go . You take one last look at the room you had carefully prepared for today and saw all was ready. All the furniture was bolted to the ground save for a couple a chairs. You check to make sure the keypad on the inside of the room door was functioning. Leaving the door open you head upstairs out of the basement room and hit the A/C to bring to room to 80 degrees. Picking up your keys you head out to the...

4 years ago
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Kidnapped Slave

Cynthia was at the supermarket, shopping for the week. She had just left taken her manditory 2 week vacation and planned to be a bit of a hermit over that time. She went up and down the aisles. She walks down the vegetable aisle and picked up a long cucumber. She looked at it and dirty thoughts go through her mind. While looking at it, a smirk forms on her face. As she goes to put it down, she notices that a man is watching her. She turned bright red when she realizes that he may have seen her...

2 years ago
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Kidnapped For A Game Show

Maeve stared at the little notches on the side of the bunk bed, and ran her finger over the lacerated wood. ‘So that’s day five?’ She asked. ‘Minimum.’ Kim said. She was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall. Her knees pulled up to her chest as if she was hugging her own legs. The long brown hair was hanging in front of her best friends face in greasy peaks. ‘But how did we end up here?’ Maeve asked. She frowned and tried to think back. She had some vague memories...

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Allen woke up his head was spinning, the ringing in his ears was deafening. What the hell happen he thought, Where am I? All Allen could remember was being at home watching Pawn stars and then a load crash then black silence. Allen tried to look around but it was total darkness. The creaking of an old metal door filled the room Allen turned to see who or what it was but had to turn away because the light flooding the room was to bright Allen scurried into the nearest corner. A big...

4 years ago
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Kidnapped Chapter 2

Elwyn quietly opened the first door on the upper landing, if Richie had been awake it would have been like a horrific drama seeing them, but he was dead asleep from the powerful sleeping draught when the three entered the room, Alfred's doctors bag seeming suddenly more menacing now. Elwyn slowly pulled down the duvet, quietly revealing the young man's body, the pink bra and sheer panties that he was wearing, evidence to support his story. Diana's eyes were gleaming brightly now, as...

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Kidnapped chapter 3

He sat there on the floor sobbing quietly to himself. Why was this happening, why was this man doing this to him? Every attempt to understand a reason why was leaving him feeling more and more confused and upset. He felt totally dirty, degraded, debased and in abject misery. He shouldn't have given in, he shouldn't have let that horrible man do what he had done, how could he have done something disgusting like that? The thought made him feel sick, yet as his tears eased he noticed...

4 years ago
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Kidnapped Chapter 5

After a torrid few hours of sexual madness Richie finally dropped off to sleep in his exhaustion, sleep a blissful escape from the ongoing and deepening terror of his imprisonment. When he awoke again it was quite early in the morning, his wakening moments punctured with that reawakening sexual demand of his body. Forcing himself not to succumb and touch his hungry erogenous body he sat up in bed trying to focus his mind, his breasts seemed bigger still today, heavily bouncing as...

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