- 4 years ago
- 28
- 0
Fully clothed, again, sexually satiated, feeling the closeness of the intimately shared experience, Stan and Vivian walked out of the stream bed, up the bank and regained the road.
Stan stared in disbelief. "I'll be damned! It looks like somebody's stolen your car!"
He was more surprised to hear her trilling laugh. He looked at her questioningly, "And, you're not worried?!"
"Not yet!" she smiled. "I think... that it's just Harry's cute way of letting us know that he knows... about us!"
"I hope to hell you're right... because I don't remember locking it up... when we left it here! It'd be a perfect setup for a car thief... and I feel kind of responsible..." he explained.
"Let's start worrying about it after we get back to my trailer... Okay?" She looked up at the sky. "It'll be dark pretty soon... so we'd better start walking!"
"I'm sure glad it's only about a half-mile!" he grinned. I don't think I could make it... if it were any farther!"
"Why... Stan, darling... you look pretty strong to me!"
"Well... I'm a little rusty... I guess!" he kidded. "I haven't had much fucking, lately... and you just worked my tail off!"
"Poor dear!" she commiserated. "All you need is a drink... and a little rest... before the fun thing of the evening really begins!"
"I'm afraid I don't follow you... ?"
"If my guess is right... that Harry's the one who took the car... then he saw us... and knows what we were doing!" Vivian explained. "... So... that means, he went after your wife... and if I know Harry... he's screwed her already. I wouldn't be surprised if we found them going at it... when we get back!"
"Christ! Do you really think that?"
"Yes I do... and there'll be nothing we can do except go in... and talk it over!"
"Talk about what?"
"About us... them... all of us... together..."
"You're way ahead of me, again!" He was exasperated.
"It could develop into a nice, swinging party... with all four of us!" she suggested.
"You're kidding! Lois'd never go for that!"
"Let's wait and see! Harry could have changed her mind... about a lot of things!"
"God... I don't know! I just don't know! It's kind of far- out..."
"It's going to be fun!" she assured him. "More fun than you've ever had before... believe me!"
After she had begged, tearfully, Harry had, finally, allowed Lois to get dressed, and he, himself, pulled on his pants and shirt. He was mixing fresh drinks, when Vivian came through the door of the trailer, followed by a sheepish looking Stan Brewster, who was more than a little uncertain about the whole thing. He didn't dare look at his wife, who sat, demurely, at the breakfast nook... and she, in turn, kept her gaze averted. The fact that she was there said it all... for both of them...
It was the Williams who carried it off. Vivian bustled over to Harry, patted him on the cheek and gave him a kiss, remarking, at the same time, "Harry... I brought Stan back with me! He was very good to me..."
Harry handed Stan Brewster a drink, then carried the other one to Lois. Handing it to her, he said, "You've got a rare gem of a woman here, Stan!... And, Vivian and I'd like to get to know both of you... even better than we do, now."
Going back to the built-in bar, he made two more drinks. Stan didn't know what to say. He took a large swallow of his drink and sat down opposite Lois.
Williams was going on, "Shall we drink to it... ?" He hoisted his glass up; Vivian, drink in hand, beside him smiled encouragingly at Stan.
Stan was perplexed. "If I understand this right... Vivian was suggesting that we... join you in..." He stopped, not quite able to articulate it, correctly.
"In a swinging party... ?" Harry queried, looking at his wife, Vivian.
"Yeah... swapping... or group sex... I guess you call it?" Stan said, "... In the long run... I guess it's sort of up to Lois..." He reached across the table and lifted her chin, forcing her to look him square in the face. "How about it, darling?"
He saw the scratches on her face and arms and knew that it was she who had crashed through the underbrush, on the bank, above them... while he had been driving his cock deep into Vivian's soft belly. His wife had seen them! She knew... just as he knew... or could guess accurately about what had happened in the Williams' trailer, a few minutes ago.
Lois' deep blue eyes were glistening with tears, as she looked into her husband's face. "Oh, Stan... !" she sobbed. "I didn't intend... f-for anything to h-happen... but it went on and on... a-and pretty soon... I-I couldn't help it! It j-just happened... !"
"Do you... want to do it... ?"
"You mean... stay here... and do it... some more... all four of us... ?"
"Yes... that's what Harry means!"
It was such a strange turn of events... so confusing to her and yet her coupling with Harry had been so, all-consuming... so satisfactory. Now, she realized that even their talk about it was working on her. She was becoming aroused, all over, again... just thinking about the possibilities...
"Y-yes Stan..." she trembled. "I'd like t-to do it!"
He leaned across the table and kissed his wife, soundly, on the lips; then picking up his drink, he said, "Okay, Harry... we'll drink to that!"
It was the beginning of an exciting evening for all four of them!
It was pitch dark. Peeper Martin made his way over to Mickey Blackum's sleeping bag. He could tell, instantly, that Terry occupied it with him. She was stretched out on top of the gang leader... and Peeper didn't have to exercise much imagination as to the activity going on inside.
"Mickey!" he hissed. "It's me... Peeper!"
"Yeah... what do you want?"
"I thought you'd like to know... about some of the things I saw, tonight..." Peeper offered.
"Like what?"
"Well... like the guy from the camper's been banging that black-haired broad you were hot for..." He stopped, waiting for Mickey's comment.
"That right?" Mickey said, rolling Terry from on top of him and leaning up on an elbow. "Tell me more!"
"... And the big guy, the black-haired broad's husband was banging the other guy's wife... now they're all over in the trailer together... and they're starting a party with all four! They're all bare-assed naked... already!"
"Is that other broad the blonde one... that was wearing the hot pants... ?" Mickey asked.
"Yeah... it is!"
The black-bearded leader smiled in the darkness. Damn! That's perfect! Both of them together... that cute blonde... and Vivian! His mind was working, making plans... considering the things he would like to do... would do... especially to Vivian Williams. He owed her some special treatment!
"You know, Peeper he said, grudgingly, sometimes, you come up with some pretty good ideas! Get the other guys and we'll have a council! Maybe... we'll have ourselves some fun, tonight!"
Terry McCauley snuggled up close to him, again. They were both naked. "Mickey..." she crooned. "I'm all hot for you already! Will you fuck me... first?"
"Not tonight, Baby! I'm going to save it for those two broads in the trailer!" he growled. "Besides... don't forget... like I told you, before... there're two guys there, too! You can have some fun with them... if you've got to be fucked!"
There was one thing bothering her. "Okay, Mickey I understand... but you're not going to... to hurt those people are you... ?"
"God damn it... I told you not to interfere with me!" he growled. "I ought to clobber you... but I haven't got time!" He crawled out of the sleeping bag to stand naked in the night over her. "So get your ass... out of there and get some clothes on!"
"I don't want to go..." she whimpered, "if somebody's going to get hurt!"
"You're going!" he said with finality... "And, nobody'll get hurt if they're cooperative! I can't guarantee anything... if somebody tries to do something foolish!"
Reaching down, Mickey drew on his pants, as he saw the other three men approaching. Yes! Tonight's the night... for fun and games!
Even though Lois had said that she would join in a group sex party, there was a certain disparity between the saying... and the doing; however, under the expert guidance of Harry and Vivian Williams, she was coaxed out of her clothing, again. All four lay on the double bunk bed, finishing up the last of another of Harry's potent drinks, and as the alcohol began to take its effect, she began to respond, sexually to Stan, on the one side, Harry on the other, while below, Vivian ran her hands, tantalizingly, over her body, her fingers, feather-light, as she stimulated the soft, white flesh of her inner thighs and moved upward to the gently, pulsing furrow, where glowing hot coals of her desire were being fanned into flame, again. Stan was kissing her, deeply, his tongue searching the honeyed sweetness of her mouth; at the same time, Harry licked and sucked at a pink, distended nipple, his big hands cupping the full mound of a breast up to his avid mouth.
She felt the building arousal, sensations of such magnitude coursing through her, that she knew it would be only a matter of a few minutes until... she would be caught, helplessly, in the grip of her passion. Never before had she begun to respond so soon... but then three people were concentrating their attentions on her. God... oh, God... so many hands... and so many mouths! They'll drive me wild! It felt so good to her... and she wanted it... wanted them... especially, she wanted her husband, Stan! It was so nice to have him there... being a part of it. It gave her an extra feeling of confidence and security.
Outside, moving swiftly, silently, in the darkness, five figures ranged alongside the Williams' trailer, waiting while the leader stood at one of the curtained windows and surveyed the erotic tableau of the two couples on the big, built-in bunk bed. Looks like they're just getting started! The big guy... with the hair must be Williams... Vivian's husband! He's the one we'll have to be careful with... he could be dangerous!
He tried the door. It was open. Good! Less chance of a slip-up! Mickey opened the door and walked, boldly, into the trailer. He was followed closely by Buck Sloan and Bill Wunder. Peeper Martin remained outside, for the time being, as a lookout. Terry McCauley was with him.
Vivian saw them first. As she saw movement in her peripheral vision, she turned her head to glance toward the door. She gasped, "My God... it's Mickey!" Opening her mouth to scream, she suddenly found herself muzzled by his restraining hand, as Mickey reached her in two strides. She heard his voice from behind his black-bearded lips hiss at her, "Don't make one sound... if you don't want to get hurt."
She watched with horrified eyes, as the second man, smaller, ferret-like, clapped a hand over Lois' mouth as she struggled to sit up, from between the two men. She had heard Vivian's gasp... the swift movement of feet and realized that something was wrong.
"Son-of-a-bitch!" Harry Williams gritted, coming up with both fists balled, ready to fight. He subsided, instantly; he was looking into the barrel of a.38 caliber pistol, held in the rock- steady hand of Mickey Blackum.
Stan, likewise, had sensed the danger. He had begun to gather his body for a lunge at the smaller man, nearest him, who was holding his hand over Lois' mouth. "What the hell!" he shouted. The third man, leaned forward, his gun pointing at Stan's head. "Shut up! he warned. Stan saw a good-looking youth with pale, blue eyes and almost white hair. It was Bill Wunder. There was an absolute silence for a beat; then Harry Williams demanded, "What do you bums want?"
"We've just invited ourselves to your little party!" Mickey Blackum told them, an evil grin parting his bearded lips.
"Like hell!"
The gang leader looked at him, hard, his face set and grim. "We're here... already... and we've got the muscle and the hardware to make it go our way... but nobody'll get hurt... if you just play it cool! Don't do anything stupid... foolish... or heroic... understand... ?"
"You'll never get away with it!" Stan ground out at them!
"We'll see!" Mickey answered curtly. "Tie the guys up!"
Only then did he take his hand away from Vivian's mouth. She looked up at him through eyes miserable with fright.
"Mickey!" she whispered. "If it's me... you want... just take me! These other people... don't have anything to do with it!"
Buck Sloan released Lois, and while Bill Wunder stood guard, implacably, went to the door and said, "Right on! Mickey wants the guys tied up!"
Meanwhile, Mickey glared down at Vivian, his eyes mean, full of anger. "Baby... there's no more talk... just action, now!" He stepped back and ordered. "You two... move down to the other bed... at the front there!"
Stan and Harry clambered off the bed and moved, warily, to the front of the trailer, where Peeper and Terry waited for them with rolls of wide surgical tape in their hands. They had no choice to do otherwise. Both men were bareassed naked. They were faced with four armed men, who probably wouldn't hesitate to use the weapons they held in their hands. The odds weren't very good!
"On the bed!" Martin ordered.
The two husbands lay down on the bed. Quickly and efficiently, Peeper and Terry bound them, using the surgical tape. In a few moments, Stan and Harry lay, trussed, hand and foot... and for extra measure... tape was placed over their mouths, as well.
Mickey inspected the two immobilized men. "Good!" he spat and turned his attention to the two women huddled together on the bed. Lois was sobbing with fright, as she clung to Vivian, asking in a hoarse whisper, "A-Are they... going t-to d-do... what I-I think... ?"
"God!... I-I don't know! But... I'll try to get Mickey t- to leave you alone!"
Buck Sloan leered at them. "Damn! Mickey can sure pick them!" he reached out to one of Vivian's full-mounded breasts, his fingers digging into her smooth, soft flesh, cruelly. "Christ! I can't wait to get my mouth on these!" he grunted.
"Drop it, Buck!" the bearded leader ordered. "The blonde's the one that gets it!"
The smaller man drew his hand back, as though he had touched a hot stove. He grinned, sheepishly, and turned his salacious, ferret-like eyes on Lois. "There's not much difference... I guess..." His hand caressed Lois' breasts; cupping one in his hand, his moistly warm lips encompassed a pink nipple, sucking up the aureole as well.
Lois shrank back and cried, "D-Don't... p-please... don't!?"
Vivian's grey eyes met Mickey's, defiantly, "Tell your goon to l-leave Lois alone! It's me you want isn't it?"
"Yeah but I'm saving you until last!" he grunted. "You're going to watch... while I show you what you missed! Then if I feel like it I might fuck you, too!"
Slowly, deliberately, he began to pull off his clothing. This was apparently a signal to the other three men, for they, too, began undressing.
Whispering, hurriedly, into Vivian's ear, Lois asked, "Do you know... him!"
"Yes... in a way..." Vivian whispered back.
"What's this a-all about... ?"
"It's a long story... I'll have to tell you... about it... later on!"
Mickey heard. He came to sit on the bed. Lois crawled away from him, into a far corner of the bunk. Watching her, amusedly, he said, "It's not such a long story! This bitch's a little cockteaser... and she picked the wrong guy! That's all!" Lois could only stare at his obscene nakedness...
Then, he stretched out on the bed, reached over and pulled Lois over to him. "So... your name's Lois? You're the one who was wearing those sexy hot pants! Come here! I'm going to fuck you!" he grunted. "But before I do... we're going to have some fun!" He encircled her body with a strong arm. "Meanwhile... Vivian, you little bitch... see if you can get my cock up with your mouth... and be God damned sure... you do it right!"
Buck was naked, now. His body was scrawny, but a bounteous nature had supplied him with a cock that was every bit a match for Harry Williams'. He climbed onto the bed and stretched out on the other side of Lois Brewster, plastering his body up against hers. His jack-staff erection was plastered up against the smooth taper of her thigh. She cringed with the contact, her eyes brimming with tears. Oh, God... not two of them... Of course, earlier, Harry had told her that part of the fun of swinging... was multiple copulation. She had considered it... had even consented to it, with her husband, Stan... and Harry... but with these men complete strangers... ? Dear God... !!
Blackum pulled her head over to his, his avid mouth finding her lips to kiss her. His full, black beard tickled her face. She tried to turn her head aside, but he held her hard and steady. "God damn it!" he hissed. "I'd hate to mark up your pretty face!" He captured her lips and snaked his tongue deep into her mouth to savor her moist, sweet mouth.
Meanwhile, Vivian knelt over Mickey's loins. She saw that his big cock was only partially erect. Without hesitation, she leaned over him and took the half-hardened shaft of his penis in her hand to skin back the heavy foreskin, her other hand going under him, to titillate his heavy scrotal sac. She was worried. It was not about herself. She was experienced enough to handle whatever came her way... But Lois... she's like a babe-in-the- woods! Damn! I hope she doesn't get hurt... !
Lowering her head, then, she took the head of Mickey's cock into her mouth, her tongue laving all around the growing corona, her lips tucked in over her teeth exerted pressure all the way around, as she began to hollow her cheeks in a sucking motion. She felt his prick pulsing to full erection in her mouth, and she began to bob her head, slowly, her lips slipping down further and further over him, until she was absorbing almost all of him into her mouth and throat.
Mickey shoved his hips up at her mouth, countering the slow rhythm she had set. He knew she would know how to do it, properly. Her mouth was smooth, moist warm... and practiced.
Bill Wunder watched Vivian for a moment, his cock throbbing to erection. He climbed onto the bed with the others, reminding himself that in a few moments... he'd make her do the same thing to him. Christ! It makes me hot just watching her... the way she's going after Mickey's big cock... but meanwhile... His eyes zeroed in on Lois' golden, hair-covered mound, seeing the curving swell of her hips, the tapering thighs framing the center of his interest. Training his eyes up farther, he saw her flat belly. Buck had one of her spiked-out nipples in his mouth, sucking noisily on it, while his other hand cupped up the other breast, the alabaster smoothness showing the marks of his cruel fingers. Mickey was kissing her, deeply, his mouth welded to hers, as he held her in his tight grip.
Lois, lying between the two men, being kissed by the bearded one called Mickey, suddenly remembered: Oh, God... he's the one I- I listened to... and watched... while he was... was fucking that young girl, Terry... on the sleeping bag! Vividly, she recalled her thoughts... her feelings; she had wanted to be that girl... wanted to lie under him... and take his cock deep into her seething cunt! Now... here he was... And he's going t-to... rape m-me!
She didn't want it! A person would think that in the face of her fear and terror, she would have been numbed... refusing to believe that it could happen... that his rape of her was a reality that would take place in a very few minutes; yet how was it... that there was a certain, sex-laden thrill keening through her body, the warm glow there in her belly, the definite sensation of moisture forming down there, between her legs... all indicating sexual arousal... in a woman who was about to be sexually assaulted... raped, fucked against her will?
... Then, Lois felt another pair of hands. They caressed her hips and thighs, gently, running massagingly over them, then rummaging in the triangle of her loins, the unseen fingers playing with the golden curls a moment or two before a finger squirmed down into the exposed crease, at the top of her cuntal slit, to find the sensitive shaft of her re-awakening clitoris. She was being held so tightly between Mickey and Buck that she couldn't see who it was that teased at her genitals.
Now, those hands lifted her knees up, flexing them, then her thighs were pried apart, firmly and she knew that the whole of her loins was exposed, nakedly, to that unseen, unknown man. God! Which one of them is it... ? Desperately, she tried to close her legs, again, but his greater strength held them apart. Her muscles trembled, painfully, as she played a serious tug-of-war with him. Finally, she could resist no longer. Her muscles relaxed and her thighs splayed open, widely... obscenely. She heard the man's sadistic chuckle of triumph. She fully expected to feel his body coming between her thighs, his erect penis entering her unwanting vagina to plunge into her without mercy... fucking her in mindless fury.
It didn't happen like that; instead, she felt those hands move upward on the cringing, soft flesh of her inner thighs, until they were on either side of her sparsely hair-ringed cunt... Then, very plainly, she felt his thumbs slowly, tantalizingly, spread apart the gently pulsating lips of her pussy.
At the other end of the trailer, securely trussed up and lying helplessly on the other bunk bed, Stan could only watch, with mounting fury, as the three men mauled and stimulated his wife. He could hear and see, but he was effectively gagged by the wide tape across his mouth. God damn bastards! They'd better not hurt her... !... But, what could he do? There were four men... all armed, not counting the smooth-faced boy, with the light, blue eyes, who had not displayed a weapon. Desperately, his eyes searched the trailer for something... anything that might be a help to him, either for escape... or as a weapon. There was nothing. His eyes came back to the other bed. The big, bearded man was kissing Lois, while the smaller one licked and sucked at her breasts. Below, the good-looking man seemed to be getting ready to mount her. He was spreading her thighs apart, and his long, thin cock stood out from his loins, throbbingly. Then, as Stan watched, Bill Wunder lowered his head, between her trembling thighs... and Stan knew what he was going to do. Damn! He's going to mouth-fuck her! Christ... I've never done that to her, myself! She's never even let me try... but tonight... before these goons broke in on us... I think she would have gone for it... !
The fourth man, he noticed, had stayed near the door, but now, he, too, began to strip his clothing off. The young boy was still fully clothed. When Peeper Martin was finally standing there, naked, he looked toward the tableau on the bed and saw that there was no place for him, there, yet, remembering Mickey's admonition that the black-haired bitch, who was kneeling over the leader's loins with his big cock in her mouth, was not to be touched by any of the gang, he turned to Terry and said, "Get it up for me... Terry!" He reached down to grasp and lift his slowly hardening cock by the shaft, as without hesitation, the small, pixie-like boy knelt before him and took his prick into his mouth.
It was only a foot from Stan's face. He watched with revulsion, as tiny hands reached under to titillate the big man's balls, the equally, tiny mouth beginning to absorb more and more of the rapidly growing cock. Damn fag! Pretty Boy! Christ! It's disgusting!
After a few moments, Peeper began to move his hips backward and forward, to drive more of his fully erect cock deep into the boy's mouth and throat; then, suddenly, he withdrew it and growled. "That's enough! Now... why don't you have your fun with these guys... while I'm busy with that blonde bitch!"
Stan was appalled. Tied up as he and Harry were... they would be helpless! This young faggot could do anything with them he wanted! For the first time since the motorcycle gang had invaded the trailer, he felt a slamming fear in his guts. There's no telling what the little fag'll do! He considered the possibilities: He could force us to suck him off... fuck him in the ass... or... he might want to shove his prick up our assholes! Christ! It was a grim picture he conjured... and he didn't like it at all!
He watched as Peeper walked to the other end of the trailer and crawled up on the bed. There was a general shifting of people, then... but he wasn't able to watch it all.
His attention was drawn, fully, to the small, leather-clad figure, who sat down on the bed next to him... and whose small hand reached out to his now flaccid prick, "Mickey said... if I wanted to... I could make it with you two..." The voice was high, musical... almost like a woman's voice, but Stan tried to roll his hips away, strangled noises coming from his mouth through the gag.
"Oh... you can't talk!" Those tiny hands reached up to remove the tape from his mouth.
"Now... what do you want to say... ?"
"Keep your hands off of me you damned faggot!" Stan grunted.
A trilling laugh tinkled from those too-pretty lips. "That's funny... almost too funny for words!"
... Then, Stan watched in amazement, as Terry removed her jacket and tossed it aside. Next her boy's shirt was slowly unbuttoned to reveal a pair of the loveliest woman's breasts he had ever seen. They were small, firm, pouting upward, and the nipples, small, berry-like were hardening into tiny cones of sensitive flesh. Whipping off the shirt, she was nude from the waist up.
"Does that look like I could be a gay one... ?" she asked, challengingly.
Stan stared at the beauty before him and gasped, "God... I wouldn't have believed it! You're beautiful"
"... And, all the rest of me matches!" she told him with a smile. "Now do you want me to touch you... or not?"
Below, unbidden, his big cock was throbbing to erection. "It sure as hell puts things in a different light... but it's going to be hard for me... to do anything for you... tied up like this..." he suggested.
"I-I couldn't let you go!" she explained. "Mickey won't allow me to!"
Then, she reached over to remove the tape from Harry's mouth. As soon as he was stripped of the gag, he said, "Baby... if you let us go... I can guarantee you the best fuck you've ever had!"
"I-I can't do it... so don't ask me, again!"
Terry removed her jeans, boots, socks and panties. She was completely nude, as she crawled up on the bed with Stan and Harry. She went on, "... But, don't worry... we'll all have a good time!" Her eyes swept down to gaze at the two big cocks spearing up, fully hardened... and ready. "I know I'll be satisfied... you've both got cocks that don't stop!"
With studied casualness, she knee walked over and straddled Stan's face, then leaning forward and to the side, she grasped Harry's outsize cock, her tiny hand not able to encircle its girth; at the same time, she lowered her loins down over Stan's face. "First... we'll do a little cock-sucking... and cunt- licking!" she instructed.
Stan looked up into the tender, moist furrow above him, and just as soon as she dropped her loins down into range, his tongue shot out to bury itself in the liquid depths of her pulsingly needful young cunt. An unbidden moan of desire escaped his lips, as he savored the pungent tang of her viscously bedewed vagina. Yes! Things had certainly changed in just a few moments. His only wish was that his hands could be free; it would really be fun, then...
As Terry's lips came down over his cock's head, throbbing lustily with desire, Harry muttered, "Suck it... good, Terry Baby! Suck it good!" His hips thrust up at her... and she began to bob her head, expertly, over him. Damn! This's something! Imagine... me, Harry Williams... being raped by a little slip of a girl!
Lying there, between the two virile men, a third one down below, using his hands to pull apart the cringing petals of her moistly throbbing cunt, Lois was terror-stricken, as she felt the wash of warm air over her exposed flesh. Oh, he's going t-to... use his mouth on m-me!
She felt her cheeks flame at the thought. She had never allowed Stan to do it to her... but now... she could do nothing to stop it! It was going to happen... and she didn't even know who it was!
Suddenly, then, the moist warmth of his tongue was there. She felt it go right into her vaginal orifice. His tongue was actually inside her, now! Oh, God, no! She tried to screw her hips down into the mattress to escape that vile act... but it was no use. His long, agile oral member plunged in and out of her, then moved in tantalizing circles just inside her cuntal opening. The glowing warmth of her arousal was suddenly fanned into roaring flames, as intense sexual sensations keened, excitingly, in her belly. She moaned, helplessly, up into Mickey's avid mouth... and she suddenly, realized that she wasn't trying to back away from that hot, probing tongue in her cunt. She was undulating her hips up to that mouth that tantalized so tormentingly, there below, in her sensate love flesh.
Kidnapped chapter 2 I didn't hesitate for a second, I sat down and started to type, my cock straining at the cage locked on it, but horny as I was, I didn't even consider removing it. I wrote a quick introduction and then my email pinged. "if you want to please me, you will type it on your knees. I want every photo, every video and do not leave a single thing out of your report. I WILL KNOW!!!!!" it read. I don't know why I felt I had to do exactly what I was told, but...
Inside, I was tense. In knots. Repeatedly, I'd come to the brink of orgasm and then failed. The harder I was fucked, the more frustrating it was for me. This affair was turning out like all the others. "Fuck me harder, harder!" I forced myself to beg, even though the phallic jackhammer splitting my thighs was already killing me. Despite my suffering, I was not yet ready to give up my quest for an orgasm. Through the agony, I wanted to come so bad I could taste it. To emphasize my...
Kidnapped Sissy Chapter 2 After Pervis raped me, I cried myself to sleep, wondering if I'll ever get away from him, and that crazy girlfriend of his. The next morning, I was awakened by Olivia. Olivia: Well, ready for your first day as a sissy maid? Jenny: ULP! Olivia: All you gotta do is do as we say. If I want you for something, I'll call you. If Master Pervis wants you, he'll call you. Jenny: He raped me. Olivia: I thought you enjoyed it, dear. I thought you enjoyed...
Kidnapped by Danielle P (if you want to help me continue this story, send an email to [email protected]) One hot day in March, Dan was walking down the street downtown he was wandering around trying to pass the time before his appointment at the barber. His 6' 165 pound frame was very well toned for an eighteen-year- old high school senior and he decided to show it off by taking off his shirt which left him with just a wife-beater, when suddenly two men grabbed him and...
Kidnapped Chapter 3 By Kyle I tried my best to comfort the soul of my wounded son that night. He was so afraid of me and the almost everything else. His old bedroom had to be brightly lit for him, I couldn't embrace or even touch him. What had happened to him for those five long years to traumatize him this much? I tried to lay a motherly comforting hand on his back and he cried in terror. I laid by my child and comforted him as best that I could. We had a long day tomorrow. I...
A few weeks ago, I was returning to my car at the mall. Before I knew what was happening, a windowless van pulled up beside me, some men jumped out, grabbed me, put a rag over my mouth and nose that knocked me out within seconds, and pulled me into the van. My next recollection was regaining consciousness and wondering what the hell was going on. I could hear voices so I kept quiet as I assessed my situation. I was laying on my side with my hands tightly secured behind me. My legs were tied...
Kidnapped I remember being normal. I was a young man in my 20's living in my parent's house struggling to get by. I was online more than I probably should have, but it was an escape from the harsh reality of my life. I didn't feel fulfilled or like a success, I felt like a failure on many different levels. I worked part time to pay my 'rent' to my parents. I wanted something to happen. I, unfortunately, got my wish in the way I least expected. We lived in a suburban neighborhood, an...
Kidnapped By debbislut Chapter 1 Another night, another masturbation session, even as a transsexual in a relationship though we didn't live together, each evening had me finding more and more extremes to masturbate to, oh I had meets, with guys, other tgirls, with women and couples but mostly I would find more and more extremes to get myself off, finding different websites different chatrooms and different extreme fetishes. Enforced nonconsensual slavery, permanent chastity,...
PART ONE?H?H..Hi.? Sudhir stammered, standing before Priya in front of her house. He bowed down his head slightly and joined his hands, but kept his eyes raised so he could still see her incredibly beautiful face. There was no training oneself for a moment like this. What should one say when they see the Goddess? What is the appropriate greeting? Sudhir had spent hours staring into his mirror, puffing up his chest and saying with a bold voice- ?Good afternoon, your highness!? and ?I am here to...
I startled awake to the sound of thunder. Or, at least, what I thought was thunder. I sat up but there was no storm outside my window, the storm was in my bedroom, looking back at me, in the shape multiple shadowy figures in black clothes and green tinted goggles. I didn’t notice the shattered remains of my bedroom door or the handful of other figures in the hallway, not yet. Everyone froze, like I wasn’t supposed to be awake, even after breaking in with no thoughts of subtlety. I was too...
Fantasy***** Disclaimer: This story is one of my darker ones, with strong non-consent themes. It's also just a fantasy, and the acts in this story I do not condone or support in real life. That's why this is just a fantasy! Now that that's out of the way, I hope you enjoy…***** ***** Kidnapped Models - A Story Inspired by Gary Roberts Artwork ~CHAPTER 1~ Stacey and Bianca walked side by side along the beautiful white sand beach. The sunset cast the horizon in a fuchsia, peach-gold ribbon that...
Kidnapped By Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I hope some of you enjoy this and I am working on another piece with a current working title, "A Yankee in the Bronx." But it will be awhile before I publish. Thanks, [email protected] "I'm a cunt Sir." The words come out of my mouth and echo harshly against the cement block walls. "Whose cunt are you bitch?" my black captor says with a grimace. His...
Kidnapped Porn Slave It all started 2 years ago. I was 22 and had no job, not too many friends and very little money. I had only had a couple of girlfriends over the years, and so I was pretty horny most of the time, that is how I got into the situation I'm in now... My name is Staci... I mean, Cory. I keep doing that. I "was" a quiet guy with scruffy brown hair, kinda tall, and a little bit over weight... now, well. I'll get to that. I was staying at a couple different friends...
Kidnapped Porn Slave :part 2 I woke to my body feeling strange... something was covering my eyes, my mouth was stretched open, my nipples were tingling, and my ass was... full? Oh my god! where am I, what happened? "Oh my little slave, I bet your head is filled with all kinds of questions," I heard a familiar voice "MmmmmmmmMMhhhmmmmmmm!!!" I shouted into my gag, I was cold all over, naked no doubt, but there was more to it... All of a sudden my vision was flooded with...
By the third morning the changes to Richie's now smooth soft body were even more noticeable, his bottom felt somehow fuller, his chest, chest! He had breasts now, real breasts, there was no trying to deny it, no man boob excuse, these were very real and totally inescapable. His nipples too were completely obvious, swollen thick and erect, sticking out like little thumbs begging to be touched and played with again. The only trouble was, he knew as he lay there trembling on the bed, that...
Kidnapped Sissy Chapter 1 Ashley and I were walking home from our date of dinner and dancing. We then decided to race each other home, so we raced down the last block. Not looking where I was going, I ran into someone's parked van, which was idling. Before I lost consciousness, I saw 2 figures with rope, and duct tape. Meanwhile, Ashley made it to the front door of our house, and noticed a van passing by, and spotted me in the rear. Ashley: OJ? GASP OJ!!!!! Ashley ran as fast...
Kidnapped! I was my first time SCUBA diving, other than my open water certification. My best friend Robert and I had taken a SCUBA diving class in college, and we decided to spend spring break down in Mexico, diving around Cozumel. We didn't have a lot of money, but we found a discount dive operator that would take us out for a full week of diving around the area for only a few hundred dollars. It sounded too good to be true, which is probably why we didn't question why the operator...
Kidnapped, Circumcised and Chaste Adam is a straight, twenty nine year old slim, toned and successful man who enjoys a luxury lifestyle after working for 7 years for an extremely wealthy solicitors firm. He enjoys nightclubs, partying and drinking and has little responsibilities.Adam was walking home from work like any other day. When he was just about to turn into his home street, a white van pulled up beside him. Two masked men jumped out and grabbed him, covering his mouth so he...
Kidnapped and Ponygirl TrainedBy SarahKnock Knock Knock. Sarah squirmed as she heard the knocking on her apartment door. She had assumed that the man she had been talking to for over 3 years on the net was just joking about being around the corner, but now she wasn’t so sure. She scampered to slip on her bikini, and then she cracked open the door. ?Hello Sarah. Are you ready for your inspection?? Sarah blushed as she let the man into her apartment. She closed and locked...
KIDNAPPED Chapter One Three o’clock in the morning, Northbound I-75’s virtually barren as Jodi drives back to Ohio from a Florida vacation. Alone, having driven for a few hours, taken a half of a valium, she’s now somewhere in southern Georgia, feeling just a little groggy. Dark, a misty drizzle patters across the windshield, just enough to occasionally flip the wipers on. The white lane markers pass by in a rhythmic pattern, flashing under the headlights. Leaning, reaching across...
KIDNAPPED DEBUTANTE By R.B. Thibo © 2004 ======================================== I reserve all rights to this story or any part of it. It may be placein the public area of any web site as long the site does not in any way charge for it. And it is not modified in any way without my written permission. ********NOTICE******* Please be warned. The following story contains severe bondage, tortureand sexual assault. It is purely fiction and strictly for fantasy purposes.Any resemblance to any...
Ian counted off the steps after Sergio strutted off onto the runway on the annual House of Spelling children’s fashion show in Rome before, keeping an eye on Sergio’s butt, he too walked out onto the raised walkway. The fourteen-year-old model minced his way to the top of the T to murmurs of approval and delight from the audience and the clicking of the cameras and moved out to the left arm, waiting for Sergio to do his turn at the end of the right arm and walk back, with Ian following in...
Tony Nash at 23 was the new Sports Master, at Langworth Girls Private Grammar School a fee paying private school on the outskirts of Ealing near London. It catered for the twelve to seventeen daughters of very rich people who wanted and expected the best for their offspring. Tony was single, young, athletic, and good looking, or so the majority of the girls thought. The Headmistress had not wanted to appoint him for that reason, knowing full well the chaos that could be brought about by a young...
I went into town the next day about midmorning to visit with some friends before sticking my nose into a hornets nest. I had known the local cops ever since grade school. They were good guys as well as competent officers. They also knew the work I did and were glad to see me when I walked into their downtown office. "Hey Amigo, How's married life?", Ricky couldn't help envying my redheaded wife and her redheaded cousin from out west. He knew they weren't really cousins, but accepted the...
I was eager to question the people on the list of suspects, but I wanted some background on each of them. I wanted to know them well enough to push their buttons. There had to be a flaw in someone's alibi if their van was involved in the kidnapping. Someone had to talk. Along with the names of the students who owned vans Ricky had also left their class schedules. He had highlighted the class they had been in at the time of the kidnapping. Two had been in the same math class while the third...
Shannon awakened early to get her family ready for their daily lives. She slipped into her old worn and tattered terry cloth robe that once was a brilliant blue, today. It was just a badly faded blue shade. She slipped her house shoes onto her feet and stumbled to the restroom to wash the sleep from her eyes. ‘Another day of cooking, cleaning and fighting with Samantha.’ She said smiling while looking into the mirror and thinking of her holy terror three year old. Shannon quietly walked to...
I arrived at the ranch with great expectations. I found an empty house and a note. The girls had taken Chris and gone to console their friend Karen. It had been a long time since anything had really interested either of them. This kidnapping was the most excitement in their lives since the massacre in Lubbuck. Some people just thrive on choas and misfortune. It was to early for chores and to late for lunch so I sat on the couch and thought about recent events. I can do more sometimes by...
Finally, after a long flight they arrived at their holiday destination. Lisa had booked an all-in trip to this island at the beginning of the year. She is happy that their children, Paul and Astrid, still like to go with them. They are waiting in the beautiful entrance hall of the hotel to check in. The resort is indeed as beautiful as it is described in the travel guide: 2 giant swimming pools, 3 restaurants and bars and a private beach by the sea. Inside the hall it's nice and cool...
Richie had been the youngest child and only son, normally you would expect him to have been spoiled by his mother and his older siblings, but an upbringing under female rule with no father and an aggressive bullying sister had made him grow into a nervous, shy, soft and submissive young man. That upbringing had left him with a dreadful yearning to wear female clothes which had been created by the evil programming of his dominant sister who had forced him into girls' clothes as he grew up....
Agent Webber sat on the bed propped against the headboard watching a pornmovie pulling on his pecker. He was depressed over his new assignment. He didn't think the outcome of the last case he had worked had been all his fault. There was just to much information coming in for anyone to check out all of it. A well organised terrorist attack involving mutiple hijackings and suicide bombers that was to strike a major U.S. city was beyond belief. Nobody would attempt such a thing. He felt he was...
It was midnight before Ricky and Dean arrived at his office. His cute, big chested dispatcher had been entertaining his only other Deputy and me for almost an hour. I asked him where Special Agent Webber had been lost when he showed up without him. "Agent Webber is searching an area North of town and will not be joining us tonight. I'll send someone for him when and if we need him." "It's strange you should mention North of town. That's where we need to be looking ourselves. I have a...
I awoke to the sound of the morning songs of small birds. I had a vague memory of running with the pack. I felt rested, and at peace. I opened my eyes after listening to the sound of the river running nearby. I stretched and rose to feel the grass under my bare feet and found myself standing naked in an unfamiliar place. It didn't matter. I was alive and life was good. "Good morning." a voice said from the field above the river bank. I turned prepared to fight or flee. " The sheriff said...
Thundering into the campsite on his motorcycle, Mickey Blackum killed the engine and rocked the vehicle onto its stand. He sat still in the saddle and stared around the circle of quiet faces. The three men sat, hunkered down on their heels, holding paper plates full of savory stew, from which they had been eating. Peeper Martin looked back at him, a half-insolent smile curling his lips. It was a knowing smile... and he would bide his time until the knowledge would work for him. Bill Wunder,...
Amanda hurried through the heavily falling snow on the way to her dorm room from the library. She wondered to herself why she had forgotten to wear a warmer coat and shivered against the cold evening air while muttering, "Michigan in the winter, I must be nuts!!!" Being a blond blue eyed California girl it was a total surprise to her folks and friends when she chose to attend college 2000 miles from home in what could be described as less than ideal weather. The full ride scholarship to The...
Group SexA shiver ran down my body, making me realise how cold I was. I could feel a draught against my skin, my nipples were achingly hard. In that moment I realised I was naked. I whimpered again. Who had done this to me? What were they now going to do to me? I ached to be able to protect my modesty, but with my arms bound to something on the ceiling I couldn't. Could I get out? I shook my arms back and forth, desperately trying to figure a way to release them. "Oh Jenny, do be still.." a deep...
After a long uncomfortable flight, naked and lying in a cage, I am offloaded from the plane and put into a large delivery truck. I am taken for only a few miles from the airport where we landed but in the back of the truck I can see nothing. Finally, we arrive at what I assume to be my new home. The cage with me in it is taken off the truck and I see this humongous castle. Armed guards at every corner, up on roofs, everywhere! I am taken inside and placed in an area somewhat like the...
My name is Brandy. I was a very spoiled child. I was even worse as I turned 18 along with a credit card from my father that was unlimited. Every want, every need was just a card swipe away. I always wanted to turn heads, be the center of attention. At times I used my father's generous credit cards to obtain that. I woke up on a gorgeously warm summer day. I decided I needed a new bathing suit as well as anything else I might find. I took a shower, curled my long blonde hair and...
After many days and nights of being raped, whipped and degraded in any possible way, I finally just gave in. Accepted what they did to me without crying, without complaining. I felt numb to the process. I am awaken by a young girl. She is gorgeous. I can see the same helpless feeling in her face that I feel in my own heart. A man accompanying her tells me I am to be made presentable. I am taken in shackles to a tub where the young girl bathes me all over. She shampoos my long...
I was walking alone on the beach at night just enjoying the sounds of the waves smashing against the shore. I took my shoes off and was walking in the water... the waves would rise and fall making my feet then my legs wet, enjoying the playfulness of the ocean. Suddenly I heard a sound behind me and when I turned everything went black... I woke up bound to a post, my arms aching because I was hanging from them, I was stripped just down to my bra and panties and I started to scream....
I began to wake up. I felt like my head had been hit by a train. I began to focus and I realise my hands are restrained behind my head and I'm on a table bed. I'm completely naked. I'm in some type of exam room. I tried to move my arms and legs and could not budge. I noticed what was in the room. There were shaving supplies on a cart which was next to some metal stirups. I noticed in one corner there was an enema machine. I suddenly heard the door open and in walks the woman. She is...
This time at the beach, as usual, Jessie, Steph and Megan are renewing their tans while I'm in the water. I swim for a while. There are plenty of other swimmers to hang out with in the water. After a while, I decide to go check on my friends. Staring at their abandoned towels, I start to think about where they could have gone off to. I notice another shadow approaching mine on the sand. Expecting my friends, I turn and begin to ask "Where'd you three-". My question is cut short...
Sandra walked through the party a heavy sigh of boredom escaped from her lips. It was late at night and the evening breeze was cool on her skin. She stood outside in the yard of the manor house, a glass of champagne in her hand as she watched the [SPAM] of people chatted and walked around the large courtyard. The imposing manor house dark against the horizon spotted with lit windows. She wondered how long it would be before her friend got bored and finally agreed to leave this place. It...
Michael watched as Sara and Becky squirmed on the floor. They were his latest victims. His occupation was a slaver. While little knew of it or even believed it existed in the United States, it was more common than most believed. In fact, this was the first week of training for a new slaver, Steve by Michael. Michael became a slaver almost ten years ago. He was personally responsible for capturing and training over one hundred slaves. It takes about four weeks to train a slave once captured....
She knew she was eyecatching, her long, brown hair held up in a messed up bun. Her face was nice, with high cheek bones and luscious lips. She had a nice, sexy figure with 40D breasts and long shapely legs. The humidity had her clothes sticking to her. She teased the guys at work, wearing clothes that were not appropriate for work. A sheer, almost see through blouse clung to her tits, and a black skirt that barely covered her ass clung to her ass like a glove. She knew the guys at work would do...
Michael watched as Sara and Becky squirmed on the floor. They were his latest victims. His occupation was a slaver. While little knew of it or even believed it existed in the United States, it was more common than most believed. In fact, this was the first week of training for a new slaver, Steve by Michael. Michael became a slaver almost ten years ago. He was personally responsible for capturing and training over one hundred slaves. It takes about four weeks to train a slave once captured....
Introduction: teasing bitch learns her lesson Wendy walked slowly down the narrowly lit hallway of her office building, her heels clacking on the freshly waxed floor. Her damn boss had made her work late again. Did the bastard think she didnt have a life of her own? She knew he just enjoyed torturing her to no end. Now shed have to walk home to her condo since her car was in for a servicing. Her skirt swished around her thighs as she walked out the glass doors of the brightly lit building....
His laughter rang throughout the dimly lit room in a menacing, villianous tone. He stood at the side of a bed, wearing nothing but a twisted smile on his face, belt in hand. The bed was filthy. Dried blood stains, cum stains, piss and dirt covered the linens. It had been well used, for purposes that most never even dreamed of. The sickest nightmares couldnt compare to this mans reality. Wake up, little girl, he cooed, nudging the sleeping figure on the bed with a large, calloused hand. She had...
Introduction: If you squick easily, my stories arent for you. Consider yourself warned. When my friends and I go to the beach, if theyre tanning, Ill usually spend my time swimming. Id love to tan with them, but my skin just doesnt cook right in the sun, getting burnt too easily. Ive tried lying there with sunblock and chatting with them, but then I just get jealous that they can tan and I cant. Itd be nice to be able to tan, not just for that cooked look, but also because its the closest thing...
Look. There she is. Ari Lefiri. An 18 year old girl with black hair. And A-Cup boobs... I've been watching her and she prays for bigger ones. Says they'll give her popularity and she'll finally be able to be the cheer captain. I'll give her the thing she wants so much. But good things come with bad things!~ So I went into her house during the night and carefully took her out of bed so she wouldn't wake up. If she woke up, this entire plan would go wrong. But she was a decently heavy sleeper, so...
Waking up, all Julie could see was darkness. She tried to get up but she found she was tied up to the corner of the dark room. As a breeze swept over her, she realized that she was naked. She tried to remember how she got there.
You wake up and your feeling cold. You soon realize why... your almost completely naked apart from thin lace bra and panties. You look around and see your in a plain white padded room. There are no doors or windows...
BDSM*Beeep, Beep* went the alarm on your watch letting you know it was just about time to go . You take one last look at the room you had carefully prepared for today and saw all was ready. All the furniture was bolted to the ground save for a couple a chairs. You check to make sure the keypad on the inside of the room door was functioning. Leaving the door open you head upstairs out of the basement room and hit the A/C to bring to room to 80 degrees. Picking up your keys you head out to the...
Cynthia was at the supermarket, shopping for the week. She had just left taken her manditory 2 week vacation and planned to be a bit of a hermit over that time. She went up and down the aisles. She walks down the vegetable aisle and picked up a long cucumber. She looked at it and dirty thoughts go through her mind. While looking at it, a smirk forms on her face. As she goes to put it down, she notices that a man is watching her. She turned bright red when she realizes that he may have seen her...
BDSMMaeve stared at the little notches on the side of the bunk bed, and ran her finger over the lacerated wood. ‘So that’s day five?’ She asked. ‘Minimum.’ Kim said. She was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall. Her knees pulled up to her chest as if she was hugging her own legs. The long brown hair was hanging in front of her best friends face in greasy peaks. ‘But how did we end up here?’ Maeve asked. She frowned and tried to think back. She had some vague memories...
Allen woke up his head was spinning, the ringing in his ears was deafening. What the hell happen he thought, Where am I? All Allen could remember was being at home watching Pawn stars and then a load crash then black silence. Allen tried to look around but it was total darkness. The creaking of an old metal door filled the room Allen turned to see who or what it was but had to turn away because the light flooding the room was to bright Allen scurried into the nearest corner. A big...
Elwyn quietly opened the first door on the upper landing, if Richie had been awake it would have been like a horrific drama seeing them, but he was dead asleep from the powerful sleeping draught when the three entered the room, Alfred's doctors bag seeming suddenly more menacing now. Elwyn slowly pulled down the duvet, quietly revealing the young man's body, the pink bra and sheer panties that he was wearing, evidence to support his story. Diana's eyes were gleaming brightly now, as...
He sat there on the floor sobbing quietly to himself. Why was this happening, why was this man doing this to him? Every attempt to understand a reason why was leaving him feeling more and more confused and upset. He felt totally dirty, degraded, debased and in abject misery. He shouldn't have given in, he shouldn't have let that horrible man do what he had done, how could he have done something disgusting like that? The thought made him feel sick, yet as his tears eased he noticed...
After a torrid few hours of sexual madness Richie finally dropped off to sleep in his exhaustion, sleep a blissful escape from the ongoing and deepening terror of his imprisonment. When he awoke again it was quite early in the morning, his wakening moments punctured with that reawakening sexual demand of his body. Forcing himself not to succumb and touch his hungry erogenous body he sat up in bed trying to focus his mind, his breasts seemed bigger still today, heavily bouncing as...