Making My Mess With Tess
- 2 years ago
- 34
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Tokyo, in January, was fantastic. Tess was kept busy, but her schedule with TESLA wasn't unduly demanding, and we had time to see the city and, occasionally, to get away from Tokyo and visit other beautiful and historic places. It was a far more enjoyable foreign travel experience than any we'd had, during the season.
Tess played some golf, but it was mainly to socialize with the TESLA brass, and to continue her trial period with their equipment. I was pleased to hear her say that she was completely sold on its quality, and that she might well have chosen to use their clubs, even in the absence of any contractual obligation to do so.
We hadn't had much time, on our way to Japan, to stop and visit with Kim and Roland. They were living together now in Roland's home. Soon the tour schedule would interfere greatly with their time to be together. They were storing up the good times now, against that late-February day when the whole Tour grind would start all over again.
Tess didn't regard many of her TESLA obligations as work. The golf outings with the executives were fun. The commercials, produced by two different sets of crewmen and directors -- one Asian, one European -- were sometimes hard work, but Tess' natural affinity for cameras of all kinds was making it a big blast, as far as she was concerned.
I could tell that the professional production crews were in love with her. They liked her work. They liked her style and attitude. It didn't hurt that they were mostly men, and most men liked women built like my Tess.
I wondered if they pictured her, on Orient Beach, knees bent just a little, facing the camera, freshly shaved pudenda looking as smooth as a baby's bottom -- only a whole lot tastier.
Well, for Pete's sake! Of course they did. They were skilled professionals, but they were mostly guys, weren't they? I knew when they looked at her, that's what they were seeing.
More importantly, Tess knew, too, what they were seeing, and thinking. To a man, they treated her with the utmost deference and respect. But Tess could tell, all the same. She knew how men responded to her. Her older brother, and his boyhood chums, had been the first to teach her, a dozen years earlier.
Some women, knowing what Tess knew, would be disgusted. Appalled. Soured on the entire male sex forever.
Tess loved every minute of it! The availability of her nude photographs to the world at large had magnified the pleasure she derived from the responses she got on a daily basis from men everywhere. Interestingly, she became less concerned with impromptu displays of what I used to call "too much Tess".
She knew they'd seen her then; it wasn't necessary to show herself to them again, now.
Kim's amateur psychology hadn't put out Tess' fires -- not by any means -- but the fires had been stoked. They were smoldering now. They would flare up, a little, whenever a man's eyes fell on her, and Tess could see him, getting that look.
As husband and Nearest Man in a Pinch, I continued to reap the benefits of her smoldering libido.
Kim, these days, was mostly out of our life as a sex partner, but I was getting laid just as frequently as ever.
We got a call from Kim, three days before we were scheduled to head back to the U.S. We'd already been invited to visit them on the way home, and had accepted. But this call was special.
"Roland and I are getting married!" Kim said. "In February. In Hawaii -- ten days before the Hawaiian events. We're going to honeymoon there -- at Turtle Bay!"
Tess, of course, was filled with joy at the news. It wasn't exactly unexpected. Tess had known -- we both had known, for weeks -- that Roland was preparing to pop the question.
There wasn't much doubt about the answer, either.
I'd done some growing up, over the past months. Tess and I were closer than we'd ever been, and we'd been close, now, for more than a year and a half. I'd miss our threesomes with Kimmy, God knows. It had been good sex, but it was more than just good sex. It was special. The three of us, together, had been special. Kim and I, and our Wednesday nights together, had been special. She was going to be Roland's wife, and she was overjoyed at the prospect, but she knew, I think, that I loved her, too.
I was confident that the feeling was mutual. Maybe Roland had been to places inside Kim's body where no man had gone before -- boldly or otherwise -- but Kim and me? We'd been good together. Damned good! Nothing would ever change that.
We set aside three short days to be with them in Portland before continuing on home to Chapel Hill. Both women would soon have to get very serious about tournament preparation. I was going to caddy for Tess for at least one more full season on the tour.
After that, we'd consider the future. We already agreed that, probably, I should go back to school, get the advanced degrees.
By the time I had a shot at being "Dr. Will Everett, PhD", it would be about the appointed time for me to also become "Daddy."
We were on the verge of buying a house we'd found in Chapel Hill. It was a good ways away from Henderson Manor, and didn't look anything at all like Tess' childhood home. It wasn't nearly as big or as fancy, but it wasn't a "starter home," either. It was 'way better than anything I had ever dreamed I would call "home."
When we got to Portland, we readily accepted, this time, Roland's offer of accommodations. We were full of news for them about Japan, and The Contract, and Tess' pending appearances -- everywhere -- on television as spokeswoman for TESLA.
"In one of the commercials," she told Kim, "this good-looking man -- he's a dead-ringer for George Clooney, I swear to God! -- this man on the golf course says to me, 'Hey!... We're both using TESLA clubs!'... and I smile at him -- really flirty, and hold up my driver, push it right out, both hands, in front of his face, so the guy has to kind-of pull back a little, you know?... Like he's shocked?... And my driver has, where the TESLA logo is supposed to be, a big 'TESS-LA" logo, instead!"
"Everybody's gonna want clubs that say 'TESS-LA'," Kim said, laughing.
"Well, they're not actually selling them that way," Tess said, "but they're really hitting people over the head with the 'Tess' thing, at every turn!"
"No racy stuff?" Kim asked me. "No commercials with Tess in that red bathing suit?"
"Nope. All 'PG, ' all the time," I said. "... These spots would have gotten a 'G' rating, for content, but you know, just having Tess appear at all runs it up to at least a 'PG.'"
"I'm surprised they didn't at least ask," Kim said, "for Tess to do something... sexy."
"I'd have done it, if they'd asked," Tess said.
"No shit?" said I.
"And you haven't had any trouble from TESLA... about Orient Beach?" Kim asked.
"I think they were happy about it," Tess said. "They never actually admitted it, in so many words, but I think they were."
"Interesting!" Kim said -- staring directly into my eyes as she said it.
Our second day in Portland, Roland was off working, and Tess was grabbing a nap out back in the sunroom.
It was just Kim and me. Together again.
"You two have gotta hurry out to Hawaii," she said. "We're getting married early in the week, a whole week before the Turtle Bay tournament."
"You going to be able to concentrate on golf again, so soon after?" I asked her.
"Maybe I'll miss the cut," she said, laughing. "What a tragedy! Two extra free days in the sack with Roland, at Turtle Bay Resort... Tough duty!"
"Two weddings in three months -- less than three months! We're busy people!" I said.
"When you're a pro golfer, you gotta do everything important in your life in the off-season," Kim said. "Listen, Will. Tess is going to be my Maid of Honor, just like I was, for her. If you'd like to bring the girls -- your sisters -- out to Hawaii for the wedding, they could be my bridesmaids. You think they'd like that? I might have one friend, from back home, at the wedding; she would be one, too."
"Right in the middle of the school year," I said, "but, hell yes, I think they'd sit still for a trip to Hawaii in February. Thanks for asking, Kimmy!"
"And, Will. My Dad -- he's not going to be able to come. My Mom will come, and one or both, maybe, of my brothers, but... not my Dad."
"That's tough, Kimmy."
"So -- I'd like you to give the bride away!" Kim said, suddenly cheerful again, "You could stand-in, for my step-dad... Who better?"
"Jeez, Kimmy. The symbolism would be pretty -- heavy, there, wouldn't it? I've always thought it was kind-of Freudian, anyway -- this business of fathers giving the bride away. But, me! Wow. What does Roland think of that idea?"
"Roland thinks it's great. Roland's not into Freud, the way you are, Will. He considers you a friend, and he knows I'm crazy about you. He thinks it's all good."
"Well then, I'll do it!" I said. "Kinda sad, though, in a way. I guess this means I'd be giving you away, for real. For good."
"Well, that would remain to be seen, Will-ard," Kim said. "We're going to be together a lot, all year, on the tour. Seems to me we'll be seeing each other, a lot, for a long time to come."
"You still gonna stay with us, in the RV?"
"For the Eastern Swing? Hell yes! I wouldn't consider any other accommodations!" she said. "Course, if Roland came to visit, it would be pretty crowded, with the four of us, even in that big bed!"
I guess I might have turned a little pale, when she said that.
Kim noticed. That's because she probably had said it for that very reason. "I'm only kidding, Will. When Roland comes -- and he plans to, as frequently as possible -- we'll be making other arrangements."
"I knew that," I said.
"But, y'know, Will?... While you're at my wedding, giving things away, you might want to consider... giving my maid of honor away, too... Not for keeps, of course. Only temporarily. Maybe the night before the wedding? Or the second night, after? A special wedding gift for the happy couple."
"Something borrowed?" I said. I didn't feel shocked at Kim's suggestion. It was as if I'd been expecting it.
"That's right. Something loaned to the bride and groom -- for just one memorable evening."
"Wow. What a concept!"
"I know it would be a big step for you, Will. A big step. And, of course, Tess would have to consent to it, too... But I think she would -- don't you?"
"I think that, if Tess were confident that I was really down with the idea, she'd jump at the chance!" I said.
Kim giggled. "Roland's not the sort of chance that a girl wants to jump at, Will," she said. "It's best to just... ease into it, very slowly."
"You guarantee -- you absolutely guarantee -- that this wouldn't ruin Tess for me, for life? She's a big girl, Kimmy, but she's got just a little-girl pussy on her!"
"I know all about Tess' little pussy, Will -- remember?... And, yes, I absolutely, positively, guarantee you that she won't be ruined for life -- or even for the weekend. And I was thinking that, part of the time, while she's being my own special gift to Roland, I'd like to spend some quality time with you, Will -- just like old times... And I would expect you to show me a very good old time, too!"
"What about Roland? He was very deferential to me, when Tess and I were on our honeymoon. He never came near her. How's he going to feel about you -- being with me again?"
"It's not the same thing, Will. Roland knows we're old buds. He knows you have a special place."
I felt surprisingly sanguine about the prospect of loaning my bride of two months to Roland, the human Louisville Slugger. It really did feel, to me, like a gift. A very special gift for Kim and for Roland.
And for Tess, too. I wasn't unduly worried, anymore, about her reaction to the experience, afterward. I figured it would be memorable for her.
Something not to tell her grandchildren, someday.
I'd gained some confidence, in recent days. I figured, years into the future, that I'd be there at Tess' side, when she didn't tell the grandchildren.
I still had my little hang-ups, however. "Kim, we're not all four going to be together in the same bedroom, are we?"
She laughed. "No, Will. Not this trip. Maybe someday... But I'm thinking: adjoining bedrooms, where I can leave the two of them, and come to you. And I think we should instruct Roland to whisper to Tess -- at a very strategic moment, that the connecting door has just been opened, and that he thinks someone is there -- watching!"
"God, Kimmy! You should be afraid to pull a stunt like that! Tess may come on him so hard that she'll ruin poor Roland for life -- for you!"
She laughed. "I'm willing to chance it," Kim said.
Tess and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary last week. We're looking forward to Christmas, which, as always, we'll share with our families. This year it'll be Christmas Eve with my folks, my sister Kat and her new husband, and my old-maid sister, Ellie, who's now coming up on 21.
Very late on Christmas Eve, Tess and I will say goodbye and head for Chapel Hill, where Christmas Day will be celebrated with the Hendersons, Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Senior, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Junior.
Junior's wife of two years, Charlene, is very pregnant with their first child.
This would be the time of year when, normally, Tess would be gearing up for another season on the LPGA Tour -- her seventh. However, she'll be skipping virtually the entire schedule this year. She, too, is very pregnant -- also with her first child.
Both mothers-to-be plan on breast-feeding, and that is very good news for those youngsters, because, as God is my witness, they'll never go hungry -- either one of them. Four more-massive mammaries, I never expect to see in the same room!
Charlene's due around the first of February, and Tess? Even sooner. If the doctors are on target, Tess will produce the family's first grandchild right around the time the new President is inaugurated on January 20.
About the same time that the furor died down after the scandalous ten-page magazine spread featuring the LPGA's hottest new rookie, the Association made it official, designating Tess as Rookie of the Year.
Just one year later -- my final season as Tess' full-time caddy -- she was the Tour's leading money winner and was named Player of the Year.
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Twenty-five-year old Tess Holloway was lying completely still. Tony, her soon to be ex-boyfriend, was humping away in his characteristically self-absorbed manner. He was an impatient and inconsiderate lover who believed that her sexual gratification was entirely her own responsibility. Tess knew it would be over soon. She could hardly wait. They had been together for five months now. Tess could no longer remember exactly why she was attracted to him in the first place. It was probably just his...
Tess had just turned 20. As a sophomore at the local university she planned on getting her masters in elementary education. Tess has long honey blonde hair, big flashing blue eyes and a set of 36C's that sit high on her chest. She is 5'9, with a tiny waist, and long sexy legs. Tess is a beauty in any man's eyes. With her tight little ass tucked inside her jeans, Tess is the type of girl who can make any man's head turn. Tess likes that. Oh yes. Sweet little Tess loves attention. John...
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John teases the wet opening of my pussy from behind, sliding the tip of his cock up and down as my tongue continues to plunge into Tess. Sasha, near by strips until her perfect body is exposed and she crawls onto the many choices she has, but she reaches for Tess's face, pull shed up and presses their lips together.Tess moans into the kiss, just as John finally pushes forward, his massive cock spearing me from behind. I fell my face pressing harder to Tess' ass as he pushes into...
John teases the wet opening of my pussy from behind, sliding the tip of his cock up and down as my tongue continues to plunge into Tess. Sasha, near by strips until her perfect body is exposed and she crawls onto the many choices she has, but she reaches for Tess's face, pull shed up and presses their lips together.Tess moans into the kiss, just as John finally pushes forward, his massive cock spearing me from behind. I fell my face pressing harder to Tess' ass as he pushes into...
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After another excellent breakfast at the Manor, we retrieved the RV, hooked up the Scion, and, with the RV Park manager's permission, left my rusty Chevy inside his fence -- parked closely behind a concrete-block outbuilding. We'd gotten a nice early start, and it felt good to be back on the road. Kim and Tess lazed around the dining room table, far enough away from me that their conversation (which included a lot of giggling) couldn't be heard by me. My guess was that Roy, Jr., Tess'...
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When the final threesome teed off early Sunday afternoon, there was a nice crowd of club members and Bloomfield locals making up the gallery. Maybe Tiger Woods had more fans watching him play, but for these young women, the numbers were pretty impressive. One of the three who had started the day at six under for the tournament, a tall, thin, timid-looking young woman named Sarah Montgomery, apparently was suffering severe stage fright. For her, the first hole was a nightmare. She finished...
The pro-am tournament ran into some difficulty with rainy weather, but they got in most of the scheduled competition, and both Tess and Kim reported that they'd enjoyed the experience. "Sometimes," Kim told us back at the RV, "the amateur women will invite us back, after the event, to their homes." "For dinner?" I asked. "Yes. For dinner. Sometimes, they will offer a place to stay, for the night, or for the time the player is in the town." "Like us, here, with you," I...
We'd made good time on Sunday and our drive to New Hampshire would take us very close to New York City. Tess asked Kim if she wanted to go into the city, and spend half a day there, and perhaps the night, as well. "What would we have time to do?" Kim wanted to know. "A good dinner," Tess said. "A good hotel," I said. "We could see a play." "Or a ballgame." "But then we would arrive at the tournament very late on Tuesday, correct?" Kim said. "True," I said. "We'd have...
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"Anything on the tube?" Tess asked. "Nothing but re-runs and reality shows," I said. One of my evolving duties was to study the local paper and to know the prime-time network and HBO TV schedules, including what was new and what was just a re-run. I'd usually be asked about it every weekday by Tess, in the late afternoon. Tess refused to watch any of the so-called "reality" television shows, considering them all to be rip-offs inflicted on the public by network executives too cheap...
Tess' opening round Friday was just so-so. She finished the day one over and found herself back in the pack. One of the Tour's several talented Korean women was tearing up the Beaver Meadow course, and when we went back to the RV that night, Tess was a discouraging six strokes behind the leader, with a crowd of competitors ahead of her. The bus was hot inside because we didn't leave the air on all day while we were gone; but the atmosphere inside was frigid all the same. Kim had shot...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
I slipped naked into the bed spooning behind an equally naked Lana. She stirred just a little when my hard cock pressed against her firm ass. The bed was in the master bedroom of Tess and Ben’s apartment. Lana had slept there the night whilst Ben and Tess were at my parents home - Ben dead drunk in the spare room, and Tess sharing my bed in carnal union with me. I had taken Tess home early in the morning, leaving Ben to continue to sleep off his alcoholic bender from the previous...
I applied the liniment liberally to the left side of her lower back, following her instructions, and Tess emitted a couple of encouraging sighs tending to suggest that it was helping. "Shouldn't it be applied a little lower as well?" I asked. It was clear to her I was talking about the area below the beltline of her Bermuda shorts. "Maybe a little bit lower," Tess agreed. "But don't go more than three or four inches farther down from my -- from my waistline." She loosened the...
I stayed awake on purpose, enjoying my unexpected and totally pleasurable access to the buck-naked body of this large, sexy, wonderful young woman. As big and intimidating as Tess' body was, there didn't seem to be an ounce of fat on her anywhere. I could have stayed there indefinitely. Well, I did stay there. I stayed flush against Tess' warm back and butt and my erect cock stayed nestled right there where either one of us, with the least bit of initiative, could have put it to excellent...
Turning the key in the lock, I think something feels slightly off, like when you walk down the block but can’t shake the feeling that someone is paying you way too much attention. I look around, up and down the hallway and see everything seemingly normal. Shaking my head, I take the key out and give the door a shove with my foot, quickly enter and lock up behind me. I am a city girl after all. My shoulder aches from carrying my laptop and handbag, so I set them down on the kitchen counter...
It had been a big party to celebrate the 25th wedding anniversary of my mum and dad. Family and friends had gathered at our place to celebrate, and it was after midnight when the last of the guests has departed. Ben, my older brother, had overindulged with the alcohol, and was passed out dead drunk in the spare bedroom. Tess, his wife, couldn’t drive because she had lost her license due to a few too many speeding offenses. Tess has called her mum Lana and was happy that her baby was well...
Tess took the holiday and the following day off with her family, and I hung with mine over in Raleigh, but early on the morning of the 6th, I met with her back at the same old stand -- her parents' country club in Chapel Hill. She played all day. Thirty-six holes -- 18 on each of the two courses -- plus two hours of practice, chipping and putting, and a short stint pulverizing golf balls on the club's driving range. Exhausted, we both showered at the club and drove -- in our separate cars...
Morgantown, West Virginia is not that far south of the Pennsylvania state line and it was an unchallenging two-day run from New Hampshire. I concentrated on driving the RV and Tess kept her distance, puttering around in the interior. We never had done that much talking while I was doing highway driving, and we both listened to NPR a lot, so the silences didn't seem all that unusual. Except when we stopped for the night. The RV park had a coin laundry, and I pointed it out to Tess. "Maybe...
Tess' tee time was pretty early -- 9:12 a.m., but many groupings had teed off earlier, and there were many more to come. The field at the CIGNA tournament seemed bigger, and the first-tee craziness more unnerving, than it had been at the Hammond tournament. Maybe it was because I was so much more invested in Tess' success than I had been. In Hammond, I'd been her caddie, her driver, and her newfound friend. Now, our friendship, if that's what it was, had become more intimate by light...
He leans over my ear and whispers: ‘Are you going to obey me, or am I going to have to hurt you?’ His blue eyes glimmer in the twilit room. I am gagged and roped. I know I’m sitting down, but I can’t move her arms or legs. ‘Do you want me to untie you?’ He asks. I nod instantly. ‘Then you will not try to run, because, for one, you would get nowhere, and second, I will punish you.’ I slightly nod again. He suddenly removes the tape that was gagging...
"So, Will, tell us about yourself," Roy Senior said to me, handing me a fresh cold one. "Well, sir. I just graduated from UNC. I met Tess just recently, while caddying at your club, and that's how we got together." "Yeah, well, Tess has told me that much. I mean, tell me about your plans. The stuff you're interested in. Your family. What's your father do?" "He works for the Coca-Cola Company." "Really? In Atlanta?" "No, no. He's right near by, in the Raleigh area. He...
When Tess eventually came back from her forced march in the woods, she was dry-eyed and more-or-less normal looking. We all three lazed around for the rest of the afternoon and evening. I wasn't feeling communicative so I broke out a novel I'd been neglecting and used it as an excuse not to engage in conversation. There was a pall over the proceedings, and I'm sure Kim noticed that something was amiss. But she didn't say anything. After dinner I needed a shower. I first considered...
No surprises. That had to be either Tess on the phone, or the National Security Agency. "Yeah?" "Can you come back here?" It wasn't the NSA. "To the RV?" "Yeah." I looked at the clock. "Something wrong?" "I'm alone here," she said. "What happened?" "He's gone. Hal. He's gone back to Virginia." "It's the middle of the night." "I know." "You'll need the car. You'll need a ride to the tournament. Don't worry. I'll be there to pick you up, first thing in...
Tess: A suit you grow into Andrew examined himself in the mirror. As short and scrawny as he always was. He looked to nurse Joyouse nervously; she smiled back reassuringly. "Don't worry you meet the physical requirements." Andrew smiled sheepishly. "Sorry if I'm fretting just really need this job." The nurse smiled. "Hard time finding work?" Trying not to seem desperate Andrew nodded. "Any work is hard to find these days." The nurse marked something on her clipboard and then...
Female superior was shockingly good, although Tess' massive body straddling me, with those breasts within easy reach of both my hands, was not exactly a formula that encouraged a 60-minute-man performance. Her strength and athleticism were as evident in bed as they were off the tee on those long par fives. But I soon dropped her breasts and instead grabbed her ass in both hands, trying to be sure I stayed inside her while she fucked me silly. We never did get to missionary or doggie that...
Our three-person accommodations at the Jomtien Beach Hotel in Thailand ran us 16,000 Thai Baht a night. Pretty impressive, even when converted to American dollars (in the neighborhood of 500 of those suckers), but the hotel was first-class-plus, and the suite -- on a high floor in the gorgeous tall structure, with views of the sea from two directions -- would have been worth it, I thought, even if the rent were coming directly out of my pay. Kim was paying her full 1/3 share these days, and...
Roland's presence didn't interfere with Kim's golf game -- if anything, he was a good-luck charm for her. She finished the first two rounds at a combined six-under par 138, and was tied for the lead. It was a three-day tournament -- Friday through Sunday -- so everything would depend on Sunday's final round. Tess did less well, but made the cut Saturday at one over par. On Sunday, however, Tess' back went out on the fourth hole and she was forced to withdraw. I took her back to the...
Tess bought my lunch at Applebee's and I was expecting to join her afterward to complete the front nine on Course One, but instead she just drove me back to the Club, gave me my fee plus a $20 tip, thanked me for the 27-hole workout, and made a date for another round late Wednesday afternoon. She was there on Wednesday, again playing alone and again playing solid golf on the difficult second course. She said she would be back on Saturday and Sunday mornings, and asked if I was going to be...
We had been in and out of Phoenix so much during the past month that it felt as if we ought to register to vote. Now, the week leading up to the Safeway International had finally arrived. But Tess and Kim were in for a horrific double-shocker. Superstition Mountain was a 72-hole event, but, for both my girls, it was 36 holes -- and out. They both missed the cut! It wasn't particularly close. More time, preparation, and well-spaced practice rounds had been played at Superstition Mountain...
On a golf tournament's final day, the leaders go out last. By the time we reached the first tee, word had spread that Donna Fregosi, a three-year pro who'd barely held onto her tour card the previous year, was burning up the course on the tenth hole. Fregosi had started the day well back, seven strokes behind Kim and Tess. Now she was only two behind and looking good for another bird on the tenth. Karrie Webb spoke quietly to Tess and Kim as they waited to be introduced by the event...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Saturday night was surprisingly low-key. Tess and Kim wanted to eat in, but we all had spent a lot of physical and emotional energy during the long day of play, so we ended up putting away seven Lean Cuisines between the three of us. There was no sex. Nobody felt like having sex. Well, I did, but I could tell, right away, that neither of the women did, so, naturally, I just tried to stay out of the way. We knew that the final group's start time on Sunday would be after noon. It was too...
Saturday night was low-key and comfortable in the RV. We all sprawled around the big front room, each of us at ease, doing whatever felt right to us as individuals. Kim suggested a game of chess, and we played two, but, as always, she beat me so quickly, and with such consummate ease, that we both soon lost interest. I buried my nose, thereafter, in a book, while Tess was surfing the 'Net. Kim read the "Fri-Sat-Sun" edition of USA Today, which, at that point in time, was already 36 hours...
By the time I got the door open and all three of us, plus beach equipment, piled into the RV, we were all giggling uncontrollably. "You knew that suit couldn't be worn in the water!" I said. "What are you talking about?" Tess said. "I wore it in the water, and it was fine!" "I've seen windows that hid more than that thing!" I told her. "I could tell that you had a partial shave," Kim said. "That's pretty transparent." "It's kind-of a novelty item," Tess admitted. "I...
As the weather guys say, "Warm air is coming up from the Gulf of Mexico, and we will be experiencing increasingly warmer temperatures and high humidity over the next few days." Or, as we caddy-types would say it, "Holy Christ! It's like a fucking sauna out here!" That's what Day Three was like. It maybe wasn't so awful for the groupings that went out early, although the humidity was a bear, right from dawn on. But when Tess' next-to-last threesome hit off the first tee, it was after...
Being hooked up with Tess was as stimulating to the senses as being an astronaut, or maybe a movie stuntman. Our little romance had been torrid throughout the last half of the previous year's Futures Golf Tour, where Tess had tried -- with considerable success -- to make her mark as a rookie pro golfer, despite only having been on the tour for a little more than half a season. We were living together, in her bus-sized luxury RV, whenever we were on the road, and the intimacy hadn't seemed...
Tess and I eventually dropped the subject of Sex with Kim. It was, after all, the wee hours of the morning on Day Three of the Qualifying Tournament. It was cut day. The chances of Tess missing the cut were slim and none. She was, in fact, in a great position to actually take away prize money from this tournament. To my surprise, it turned out that cash was awarded to the top finishers in Q-School. I thought getting the LPGA card would be prize enough (and I'm sure the competitors felt the...
Tess, it turned out, had the course record for the Women's Open at St. Andrews. Of course, this was the first year in which the championship had been staged on the Old Course, so all it really meant was that Tess was low scorer for opening day. We were assured, however, by several somewhat excited officials of the facility, that it also was the low women's score for any competitive round in the history of the course. It made all the papers in the British Isles, and I imagine that it was...
We left in the RV for New Rochelle, New York on Saturday, July 19. It was a medium-sized city on the Connecticut side of Long Island Sound, and a part of the megalopolis that was Greater New York. We still hadn't fulfilled the ambition we all had of showing Kim The City. But we didn't come up early to get that accomplished. It would have to wait. Wait for the off-season, when tensions were low. Getting close to a big event, my girls weren't comfortable unless they were either resting, to...