The Love Boat
- 3 years ago
- 22
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The next week I had many of the board of directors there to see what we had wrought. Some were in New Jersey to talk to the people there. They all had photographs and documents that they wanted to get sent over the wires.
More wiring was dedicated to our job and we had a regular Internet café in the making. I was even serving ice cappuccino while the wealthy men and a few women talked to the people on the other end of the line. These people were put up at my expense. When they left, I was very sure that my contract would get accepted even if they were going to quibble a bit.
The next week we had the military from both countries coming to see our product. The services the computer and the communications net could provide were altered to fit the military mind. They liked the idea of a ground-hugging missile and the advanced avionics I could provide for the various jet aircraft.
Some, belatedly, wanted to have all this classified but it was in the patent offices of many countries already. They did love 'Space Invaders' and a few other simple games but you could not get them to admit it. Documents were passed between here and Ottawa and between here and Washington for these tests. There was just as much saliva flowing as with the others who had come the week before. I was sure of some follow-up work and some contracts. Teletype was available but graphics were not possible. Our encryption was mentioned but I was sure that they did not understand the finer points of what I offered.
The week before the fair we had various companies there to see what we had and how they could incorporate our equipment into their products. They came up with so many ideas that I had to straighten them out at what the machine could do. They thought like the writers of the old mad-robot movies that were supposedly done with vacuum tube computers.
When those had left, I scheduled a news conference and I showed the press what we could do, with a special bent toward their profession. Word processing was mentioned with spell checkers and automatic formatting. Our word processor was on the same level as WordPad and the spellchecker was not ready yet.
Mathematics was stressed and compared to our calculator. Since we could print on the fax we had a clear record of all that was done. As with the other groups, I put in one of the formulas for finding 'PI'. The machine chugged away and in four minutes spit out a long continuous page of paper with PI to only sixty five thousand places of accuracy. I was sure they would try to check it out but I doubted if they would be done before the end of the century if doing it by hand.
They sent and received data from Bell Labs. A form was sent with signatures on it and it was returned with some checkmarks in the appropriate places. They could see the obvious advantages to businesses already. The fact that good quality photographs could be sent from a portable device hooked to a phone line from any place on earth made them sit up and pay attention.
The fair came around and this time it was more organized or the vendors knew what to really expect. Dad and grandpa made a killing on their food. Mom had left the mine in the care of others and was there to help, too.
Aron, Helen and Laura had a stall to sell the two games and they made a similar killing. By the way the cubes were selling, I knew that this time the cube might outsell the original. They had help in this venture. The people who manufactured the games for me were here selling so they could see just how well their efforts were valued.
Lass made another showing and the owners had her doing tricks but she was now jumping on her hind legs. Everybody could see that she was just like any other dog that was free of arthritis. Her pictures sold well, especially those of her during the operation.
The gold and the motor home had stayed home this time. The only things really new this year were our exhibits. Besides the microwave ovens and radios, we had our calculators securely mounted under heavy plastic. People could come up and find out answers to their mathematical questions. The computer, fax machine and the two combined did draw a lot of people. They had read about it in the newspaper and had come to see what they were like first hand. The only thing that would have really got them going, was a digital-to-analogue card that would talk to them in a mechanical voice.
There were, no doubt, foreign powers here, too. They would be here to find out about our inventions. With spies all over the place, I was sure that they already knew quite a bit about what I was doing.
There were at least three attempts to steal the calculators and one more for the computer and fax. I let the police handle it but I was sure some company or government put the men up to it.
Katherine McCormick got back to me the last day of the fair. She was very excited. "Mr Kramer, the formula you made works exceedingly well. I want to start full-scale tests. Are you agreeable?"
"That sounds good to me but I think in this situation, like with the vaccine, we should start with an American company. It will manufacture the pills and conduct the tests independent of Canada and the rest of the world."
"That is fine with me but why don't you just supply the contraceptive and we can test that?"
"If the substance is made in the United States, then there is less of a problem getting it approved. There is a lot of complications with cross border drug shipments, especially when your customs agents might take it into their minds that they do not want the substance in their country to corrupt young women. This could ruin a test that may have worked otherwise. If the drug is made in the United States, then I have a ready-made supplier when the drug passes."
"You are certain it will pass?"
"Of course I am. This is a fairly simple substance. I am currently working on more advanced varieties but they may take decades before they can come to market."
"What varieties are you talking about?"
I listed all the modern contraceptives of my time and what was in the works when I had come back. If they ever came about, they would not go on the market for at least ten more years.
"That is fascinating. I had no idea medical science had progressed that far."
I chuckled a bit and said, "It has not. It is what I think will work. I have to work very hard on a number of topics to see my way clear to even start to experiment. To change the topic a bit: do you believe the researchers would be interested in a lucrative job in manufacturing the oral contraceptive for my company?"
"I can ask, if you wish. Now that I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I want to race to it."
With the closing of the fair I was free for a short period of time. This I wanted to use to contact a publisher. Typists had made more copies of many more manuals I wanted printed, along with books on simple programming. The second book was aimed at the primary grades, because it would be best to catch the children young for this kind of thing. If I could ensure the security of the machines I would put a few in Aron's school.
Similar books would be printed in the United States and if we could come up with a swap deal, we would not have to pay any duties.
Instead, I got a call to go see some military types to discuss weapons.
I was invited to visit the famous building in Arlington County, Virginia, just outside Washington. I had been at the Pentagon so many times I had lost count. I was dressed to suit the occasion but it was still hot. I was given a visitor's tag after a phone call and escorted to General Locatelli's office. I waited while the secretary fiddled with a damaged typewriter. In only five minutes I was summoned into the office. I had never met this man before, so did not know what to expect. He offered me a seat and some water. I accepted both in the warm office.
The general took care of his body. He was close to six feet tall and weighed around two hundred pounds. His uniform was blue and the ribbons said that he had seen action in the war and not from riding a desk. He looked to be close to fifty years old and I thought him a bit young for his job and position.
"Hello, Mr Kramer. From the report I got about you I would think you were able to bend steel in your bare hands. I am glad you are normal-looking."
"Thank you, General. My Superman cape is currently out being cleaned, so you see the real me. What may I do to serve your country and perhaps the NATO?"
"You have made many brash statements in the last few months, or at least that is how some see it. The list of things you claim is so long that we don't really know where to start. Why don't you begin with what you think can be most easily accomplished."
"I can do some of that, General but I have not had time to do enough research to patent the ideas. I would find it extremely rude if you happened to tell others and the gossip got to a manufacturer who would patent my idea. I could talk about different weapons and when you see one you like we just go further into that, with your word that it doesn't leave this room. You realize that your word here is balanced against many millions of dollars that I could possibly make."
"Well, my word was never valued at quite so much but I freely give it."
"Ok, we start simple that should make me a few million in pocket change." The general smiled at this and I continued. "Would you call a guard in here with his side arm? I want no shells, just the gun itself."
I got a smile and he used the phone and a guard came in. He removed the shells from his weapon and turned it over to General Locatelli. The general handed the gun to me. "May we have a moment in private to do some secret weapons research?"
The guard left but was not happy to leave his weapon. I checked to see if there was a shell in the chamber then said, "You have to help here, General." I handed him the weapon. "Hold the weapon in front of you so I can work on it."
The general got up from behind his desk and held the gun pointed toward a concrete wall. I took out my laser pointer and then took some scotch tape from a handy dispenser. The laser was placed under the barrel of the gun and I secured it with only the tape this time.
"General you have heard of my lasers? Well, I made a small one that emits visible light. Laser light goes straight and does not spread much. There is a laser under your gun. Don't point it at your eyes, or at anybody else's eyes either."
"Ok," he said, "What do you want me to do?"
"Pretend you are in a dark and dangerous environment. You cannot see very well. There are many hostiles about." I turned the laser on and stood back. A small, red beam shot out and hit the wall. As the gun moved, so did the dot.
I said, "We can make a small frame under a new gun and mount the laser in it, so it does not fall off. It will be sighted in, so the dot is where the bullet goes."
The general moved around the room moving the gun here and there visualizing what I asked him to see. In a moment he said, "How far will the beam go?"
"To the end of the universe. With a good lens mounted on the end, you should see the dot to a hundred yards on a dark night. As you can see it is visible in daylight. The fact that the beam is where the bullet will go will terrify many people. A soldier is under a lot of stress and the dot gives him an added advantage of hitting just what he is aiming for"
"I can see that already. Our special forces can use a weapon like this." The general handed the gun back and I turned the laser off. "That is a handy toy that a soldier can use. What else do you have?"
"Let's return the weapon before the soldier outside the door gets too upset."
When the soldier put his weapon back in order, he checked it for damage. I had used some Kleenex to remove any traces of glue. When the door closed I said, "I have had some ideas about polymerising some light-weight molecules. Six months ago I sent my research over to Joseph Cranz. We worked hard but mostly I talked over the phone lines with their chief chemist. We developed a lightweight fibre, which, when woven into a tight material, will be strong enough to stop small-arms fire."
"Go ahead with that, Mr Kramer. I am very interested in this product."
"Call me Alex. I can talk to Joseph Cranz and get some of these vests delivered. Everything I found has become my property and even the process got a patent applied to it."
I continued, "The material, for its weight, is many times stronger than steel but will of course be bulkier because of its low density. It is woven into coarse thread and woven into a heavy fabric. There are multiple layers used. For savings in weight, it is in the form of a vest. Other garments could be made but all must be in multiple layers. Bruising will be unavoidable and if the bullet strikes over a bone, there may be breakage. It is not perfect."
We discussed the properties but I was not in the least bit vague. I had read once about this material but had not made it before. Its manufacture had been some of the only real research I had seen done. I had, of course, worn a vest myself many times. Cutthroat business deals did not always see the use of a knife.
When we had been a few hours at talking about these two products and discussing only lightly the other statements, the General said, "We would like to know a lot more about what you think you can do for our missile defence. Do you think the laser you made will shoot down the Russian missiles?"
"Not from the ground to orbit, we can't. The energy we would need has to be a small atomic bomb. The energy from the blast works on the rods to focus intense beams of energy at a distant target. It will have to be stationed in space. When a missile comes within a thousand miles it will aim at it and then destroy the enemy missile before it can reach the ground."
The General said, "How is it aimed?"
"Signals from an onboard radar are interpreted on the ground, or you could use one of my computers to do it when suitably authorized."
"You can build one of these things?"
"Sure but I have to tell you that I never used it very many times on earth."
The general laughed and said, "I figured that. I am sure we would have noticed."
"General, you said, 'begin with what you think can be most easily accomplished'. I did do that and went on. I think I can get us into space a lot sooner than the Russians. I want civilian satellites that will send out radio, television and telephone calls."
"I can give for you a small, handheld device that lets you know within ten feet where you are, anywhere on the earth. I hear your soldiers getting lost in battle or on reconnaissance is a problem. If used with a missile, my Global Positioning System will take it to wherever you want, including a buried missile silo.
"My telephone will give a soldier in the field the capability to call his home, here to the Pentagon, or to his unit commander.
"With a very good telescope in one of my other satellites, I can send back pictures of a Russian missile site and even read the numbers off a Russian licence plate. All those require artificial satellites placed in orbit by me."
"Alex, those things you have mentioned before and they are unbelievable. They have been postulated but nobody can do them, yet. How are you going to do better than thousands of scientists and engineers?"
I explained, in principle, how each device would work and added a lot of encryption for the phones. Unlike CNN, I would allow more bandwidth with more phones, so good colour pictures could be sent from a camera through multiple telephone connections.
"What if the Russians or the Chinese start to jam your satellites?"
"I think your wars will all be small ones. Your government is not really too pissed off at the Russians, you just want an excuse to keep a good military and get paid. If jamming occurred, you just send a missile to the jamming device. Failing that, I would make a maser uplink. This, like the radio, goes directly to the satellite but it cannot be intercepted."
Locatelli sat in his chair and closed his eyes with his fingers touching almost like in prayer. "To be honest Mr Kramer, I don't know enough about what you are now talking about. Will you talk to a group of experts about what you mentioned and others?"
"That is acceptable but I want to limit the discussion to one thing at a time. I want people capable of making decisions, too. Getting a roomful of engineers saying they love my ideas does not get me contracts. I expect to become very wealthy by serving the military of your nation. Your word that you gave me restricts what you can say to this group. If you are enthusiastic, you may mention my small laser. The laser is patented but not for the use I showed you. To explain my other ideas I need to experiment more and then protect my ideas by laws. I want to educate the world but not at the expense of people stealing my ideas."
"I see your problem, Mr Kramer. What can you suggest that would get around this conundrum?"
"I can see an easy way. I talk to a few people like you. They sign a secrecy agreement with me. They will get a clause that if I am doing something contrary to the interests of your country, the contract will be void. If those people think I am not full of shit, they will pay for a lab of my choice, where I want it but it will be in the United States. The government will pay the entire range of bills and give me money to pay for a hundred or so researchers. They will retain ownership of the land and equipment. I get free and clear protection for my ideas. They get the use of my inventions along with me."
The General said, "That means a lot of trust on both sides. I can see lawmakers and other important men asking for details of the men you might get. I can't see the men remaining secret."
"Let's see that we get to the first step. I have a few friends who may keep any future employees on the right side of their contract."
The meeting was to be in two days, so I took the chance and phoned the Secretary of State. It was hard to get through but he called back in an hour and a half. After a few pleasantries, I said that I was in town pandering my wares to the military and would like to talk to President Truman, if he had a moment. Twenty minutes later I was talking to another voice I knew.
"Hello, Sir, I am close by trying to prostitute my knowledge to the military for a few shekels. I have a sample of a new teaching aid here. If you can give me ten minutes, I think I can get you to do something for your government and for me that will be mutually beneficial."
"I am always intrigued by you, Alex. Stay by the phone and I will get my secretary to phone you back with a time."
"That sounds good. If I have to work for you, do I get to call you 'boss'?"
"Not in front of others, Alex."
That night at nine thirty I was invited to see the President and his family. They were now living across from the White House while it was being renovated. This building was called the Blair House and would serve for a few more months. The Secret Service agent was dismissed. While we had our talk, I was introduced to Elizabeth, better known as Bess.
Harry Truman said, "Bess wanted to see you and I had to do what she says or there will be no peace. It is a shame that our daughter Margaret is not home tonight."
I shook the woman's hand and said, "I am very glad to meet you, too. It must be hard to put up with the boss sometimes."
In a very nice voice she said quietly, "It is but women have to work with what we have. Oh and thank you for the recipes. Your device scandalized the chef here, as did it being used by non-chefs. The hand-made recipe book was right there, too. I sent your mother and the other ladies a card of thanks."
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Hello all, I am Akash. I am 30 years old married man. I am again back with another incident which happened with me recently. I have a chiseled body and 6 inches dick. Let’s start with the story. As I work in an MNC so there were a lot of girls too. Almost 40% of my team were girls. So there were many hot and sexy girls around me. Most of the girls used to dress in a very sexy manner. No one used to wear revealing dresses. But most of the sexy girls knew what type of dresses they should wear to...
Transition to Vikki, part five (reworked)Chapters one through eight of original story, completely rewritten (final draft). Story continues from chapter nine as My transition to Vikki.Continuing the story of Steve, Gina and Valerie's sexual adventures after his first encounter. This is the next reworked chapter in the story. Altered, edited and amended to remove typos, grammar errors and story cock ups. This follows the previous parts one to four amended editions.As I've seen from other people's...
Cathy and I were fast asleep when Helen arrived with our breakfast. Yawning and rubbing my eyes, I reflected on how our daily routine had changed since Helen had arrived in our house. In the old days - the period before Helen seemed to belong into some prior existence, and meeting her had been the start of a new era - in the old days, most of our lovemaking took place in bed, at night. Sometimes it would go on into the small hours of the morning, and we would be tired for the rest of the...
I haven't been with many women, I am not even old enough to drink yet so I still got time! I have been with a few different girls & have had a few nice experiences with each of them, sorry no visuals for any of them. Only my most recent ex: here's a little info on the girls I was with & some of the experiences I've had so far.Name - AgeRaceHair Color - TypeEye ColorAge I was when I was with themWhat I did with themBest experienceAmanda -...
It was a nice day out, my wife and I hanging out, preparing for company. My wife Rachel, sexy and extremely turned on that her friend was coming too see her. I remember heading out to the store so I could pick Terry up, leaving Rachel at home alone for a brief amount of time. Her mind daydreaming as too what was going to happen to her once we arrived back at the house. Her pretty panties were already dripping wet when I left, so I could just imagine how much wetter she would be once we walked...
Copyright© 1991-2003 "There was an Old Man of the Mountain, Who frigged himself into a fountain, Fifteen times had he spent, Still he wasn't content, He simply got tired of the counting." -The Pearl No. 3 Joey walked ahead of me through the dark corridor of an old brick building. The smell of piss, puke and sweat was very pervasive. We passed a stocky thick-set oriental at the metal doors to a shady corridor, but since then we had passed only one drunk passed out on the...
January 1805 Returning to Portsmouth, Tony found his ship almost ready for sailing. Lt. Fortescue had done a splendid job, and Tony told him so. The sailing orders had arrived, too, and Tony knew now that they had five more days in port. He gave his First Lieutenant leave for those five days and took over himself. The orders called for Clyde to escort five Navy transports destined for Lord Nelson’s Mediterranean Fleet off Toulon. The ships carried much needed provisions, ammunition, and...
Dear Mom and Dad: Well, by now you'll have been notified long ago, but this message will confirm it: your little girls were picked up a month ago. Just like you told us to do, we both went to try to get a sponsor. Tiffany's sponsor is some guy with a 7.4 CAP score. She's with her best friend Katie and some couple with two kids about eight and ten. My sponsor is Gerry, a really nice guy with a 6.8 CAP score who is going to be doing Technical Analysis of the Swarm's stuff. My sister...
“But am I still sexy?” she murmurs. As if to research the answer to that question, he breaks her gaze and scans her body from head to toe. Matted black hair, questioning blue eyes, parted full lips, long sinewy neck, velvet shoulders, sloping breasts, ridged ribs, pulsing tummy, … “My, my, my,” he murmurs, transfixed at first good sight of the blackest, widest and deepest patch of pubic hair he’s ever seen. “Oh my god,” he exclaims. She gasps, self conscious now, and moves her hand to barely...
FetishNeither Consuela nor Katrina had as much time as they wanted with Joe once they arrived in Tokyo. Because Essie and Liang met him there. Liang timed a project where she met a dissident in Hong Kong for when Joe would also be in the Orient. The three continued to Hong Kong together. Rachel had scheduled one show, albeit in a huge concert hall and with a sold out audience, for four days in. Ginny and her group had three shows at three Universities. Only the last would Joe see. Rachel also...
Sandy had gone off for the day for a walk with her friend. Now, to be honest, I have always had the hots for her friend but never had the opportunity to do anything about it. Sandy is 70 and her friends about 65. Both are very good for age (as the saying goes). Both Sandy and Mags fuck like rabbits! I now this cos Sandy has told me while we were fucking once that Mags and she describe their times with relative husbands and finger each other on some of their long walks (for fun).When she goes...
You arrive into the darkened theatre on your own. You've told your husband about this movie he would never go to see, so you booked your ticket and off you went in a nice summery dress. You find your seat as do others and the trailers play. You barely give them a glance, as you keep looking at the people coming in - especially lone men. Your heartbeat is thudding in your chest, and your panties start misting through, with excitement, anticipation, perhaps a little doubt. At last you see a man...
CheatingMy mother, a slender blonde who was about to turn thirty-three, was working the front desk of a hotel. She was narrow across both hips and chest, and I guess it’s fair to say that I got my own unimpressive physique for a boy more from her genetics than from my father. We had never had a lot of money, and truth be told it didn’t help that my thieving father had leeched money from my gullible mother and left her in debt. Anyways, with him out of our lives, we were to get our own place once Mom...
I slept in. I was up pretty late the night before. Evidently, Mom had slept in too. Nothing much happened on Sunday so I won’t bore you with the details. Except for one incident. Mom wandered into the kitchen while I was still eating the breakfast I had made for myself, a rather poor affair compared to the fare Mom usually provided on weekends. Dad was outside working in the yard. Mom shuffled straight to the coffee pot where she managed to pour herself a mug. She spilled a little and,...
II: Nevermore (Monday) Anna woke to the tone of her alarm clock. She groaned, nuzzling her face into her pillow. Sighing deeply, she squirmed over to the edge of the bed. With precision born of long practice, she reached out to press first the alarm toggle button, then the voice trigger. ‘The time is six twen-ty five a.m..’ the stilted electronic voice read off the time. Freeing herself from the bedsheets, she stood, stretched, yawned. She padded over to the laundry bin beside the bathroom...
I’ve been talking to an extremely horny friend of mine recently, and aside from a couple of incessantly hot phone calls and banter, he has encouraged me hugely to be more communicative on here. Mostly he has inspired me to continue writing blogs due to the bizarre and somewhat scary situation we find ourselves in currently. I would love to think that I am doing something positive to lift the spirits (and delicious cocks) of the guys that read what I post and have posted in the past. Therefore...
5:00 PM EDT trailing bikes on a canyon trail (28 minutes to Path closing) "How are we doing Mark?" Kara called out to her husband. "We'll be able to start riding again as soon as we clear this next rise. We can then bike right to the Grotto, maybe a twenty minute ride. I'll think we'll make it with five minutes to spare." "My God... Never a dull moment... It's getting so dark out. I hope the rain holds off..." The weather was on everyone's mind as they began the final leg of...
Kerberos-Demon of the pit. Aikaterine-Pure. Akeldame-Feild of blood. Adelphose-of the same womb. Beniamon-son of the right hand and Demogorgon-Grim demon. Hecate is the mother of all witches. I chose these names to correspond with the character's personalities and such. And Cyprus is one of the acclaimed birthplaces of Aphrodite. I did my homework. Enjoy" Originally posted on my account of the same name on '...' thoughts. Chapter 5 *Part 13* Kerberos' (The...
* I am Jess. Based on a true story *Renting a cabin by the lake was amazing. I needed a restful summer. Entering the cabin I fell in love with it. The charm of the old 1800 style . Falling asleap to the sound of a thunderstorm. I stared, feeling a presence glaze at me. As if airy, she stood. Spellbound, stroking my vagina. Feeling this ghost like presence on me stroking me softly..I I felt my breast squeezed.and kissed in warmth. ‘ silence’ she moaned. As a brush like kiss slide...
It was freezing. Heidi had put her old fashioned oil heater on full power but still she shivered beneath the duvet. It was Monday morning, 5am. Dragging herself out of bed, she stripped and showered, before getting ready for work, her flat eerily silent. Eating a banana, she picked up her bag, put on her winter coat and locked the door behind her. It was barely September, yet the sky was dark as she walked out of the apartment block and down to Leon’s house. A promise was a promise. The house...
I’ve been drawn to older women all my life and none more so than grandmothers. They stir and stimulate me in ways I can’t really explain. EdithEdith was the widowed grandmother of my flat mate’s girlfriend. I was 19 and Edith was 62 at the time. She’d been a semi-pro dancer in her younger days, was still as fit as a fiddle and had a body many women in their fifties, even their forties would love to own. Events conspired for us to be alone at her house and we spent most of the afternoon in bed...
A Fairytale of New York by Circe The full moon was low in the cloudless evening sky as the horse and carriage meandered through Central Park. Far away, yellow cabs honked their horns and festive music was piped out onto bustling streets. Here, the only sounds were the clip clop of horses' hooves and the sound of snow turning into slush underneath the faded red wheels of the carriage. The driver of the carriage glanced back at his passengers, under the pretense of checking a corner...
I am just a messenger, so my name is not important. It is the message that counts. The basis for this started many years ago in the later nineteenth century and comes from a leather-bound journal that I found in my late grandparents’ things. How it got to them I cannot tell. The journal was written by a man named Joshua. The last name is unreadable. I have read it several times and worked with the changes in the English language since it was written so am presenting its contents to you in the...
This Story is made with characters that are all explicitly 18 years old or older, if you like this story or want to suggest anything please do leave a comment on it giving your feedback, I hope you enjoy it as this is my first story. On the Continent of Magic, Peongi, there is a small and cheerful village named Mellmen nestled in a valley, everyone knows each other and people walk about with smiles on their faces, even on the quietest days beautiful music drifts through the air like a cloud,...
FantasyMy black SUV pulled up at our house and I tried my hardest to be fairly quiet as I walked into the door. Usually she is the first thing I see when I come home but she was not in sight. The house was somewhat quiet though. I walked from room to room checking on her when I got to the closed door of our bedroom. My heart skipped a beat as I was now listening to strange sounds. Sounds her and I usually make when we are behind closed doors together. I paused before opening the door to listen,...
The lake was still and inviting. The only light in the sky was the moon. I waded through the water feeling the sand and rocks below my feet. I turned around checking to see if anyone was around and then slipped off my shorts. Now nude, I moved further into the lake into deeper waters until I was chest deep. I moved my hands through the water causing tiny waves. Then I took my hands and drew water over my shoulders and face.My hands rubbed across my body. It was tight and fit, but not too...
Gay MaleIntroduction: It was about time the useless piece of shit got to know his place in the house, it wasnt it his wifes bed anymore thats for sure. Your wife & daughter are whores&hellip,&hellip,&hellip, watch! A little re-cap If you bothered to read the last installment of Family of sluts , slags & whores then youll be well aware that Alice is now well on the way to being as much of a whore as her mother Fiona. But more importantly you may have picked up on where the series is heading. ...
Final part of the Story....Things continued pretty much the same as described before for a while. I would go round to hers and she would usually be in lingerie and I would wank myself watching her and cum on her quite often on her face and in her mouth she absolutely loved the feel of my spunk on her. She kept her fanny bald for me as she knew I liked it like that and most times she would use a vibrator or dildo on herself and always made herself cum. After a couple of months of this there was...
Cold fire was still burning inside me, when late that night I was brought out from my basement dungeon. I silently dressed in the pants given to me, and was brought to the yard. It was surprisingly brightly lit. Carl had left soon after his show, but the guard who had brought Ana was there. And so was 'el jefe', the local big man. So, this was it. The end. No revenge for me. Once again the good guys finish last, while the bad guys will get everything. My grim thoughts were interrupted when...
It was the day after Thanksgiving, 2007, and I am a tried and true associate of one of the largest retail chains in the business. Some call this day “Black Friday”, we call it “Blitz” among ourselves, because it is reminiscent of the Blitzkrieg of generations before us. I woke early and arrived at the store at 4:00 AM as requested by my store manager, then proceeded to familiarize myself with the specials and where in the hell they were in the store to be able to better guide the...
Straight SexI was hitchhiking north towards Santa Cruz, to visit some friends. It was late at night, I was standing under a street lamp along the highway, and I realized I wouldn't get there anytime soon. I'd begun to think about where to spend the night...would it be another night sleeping under a bridge? After 20 minutes or so, a BMW pulled over, and I jumped in. He said he wasn't going far, but I wasn't about to turn down a ride!At this point I'd had some experience with gays I'd met while hitchhiking....