Serendipity - Version CharlieChapter 8 free porn video

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There are uncomfortable situations.

And then there are uncomfortable situations.

Hannah, for her part, simply turned around and left the room. With the suitcase still in hand.

We had stopped kissing, of course. Both our startled faces had turned toward the open door. Our hands were frozen in place.

“Shit!” whispered Caitlin, and she slid sideways as I stepped back.

She darted out the door, running after her mother.

I stood there. I mean, really, what do you do in that situation? Where do you go? What do you say?

My mind was tumbling. I felt like I should sit down before I fell down. But, eventually, I sort of wandered out of the door. I didn’t hear any screaming, so I didn’t know where they were. I remember being glad her dad was at work.

I found them in the living room, both standing, Hannah still holding the suitcase. I stood in the opening between the dining room and living room, uncertain whether to go further or not. I might have shifted from foot to foot. I have this vague memory of wondering what to do with my hands.

I also remember finding them by hearing their voices, but they weren’t loud, angry voices. When I appeared, it was just as Kat was saying, “Because I love him, Mom. I’ve loved him for years.”

“I knew that,” said Hannah. “But I didn’t think you loved him that much.” She glanced at me, and then back to her daughter. “Or like that.” She looked at me and back to Caitlin again. “Is that why you’ve wanted to go visit him every year?”

Caitlin shocked us both by laughing.

“Are you kidding? He’s been the perfect uncle and perfect gentleman the whole time. It took me all those years to break him down. If we hadn’t been in that tent I’d still be frustrated. But he couldn’t get away from me in the tent, and I finally got my way.”

Hannah’s cheeks flushed. She was clearly shocked by her daughter’s casual confession that she had more or less hunted me like some kind of game animal.

“I thought it was a crush,” she said, softly. I felt a brief flutter of pride as she proved I had been right when I predicted that’s what she’d think.

“It probably was, when I was twelve,” said Kat. “But every year, when I went back, it never seemed to be long enough, and his hugs were never tight enough, and even though he looked at me when I wore a bikini in his pool, he didn’t do anything except look. And that wasn’t enough. And these last couple of years, all I could think of was that I wanted to spend more and more time with him. I know I have to grow up and leave home and all that. Everybody has to do that. But I don’t ever want to grow up and leave him.”

“But you can’t do that ... with him,” moaned Hannah. “He’s your uncle!”

Caitlin seemed to draw herself up, to stand a bit taller. I saw her chin move into that position that I knew meant she was digging in her heels.

“I don’t care about that,” she said.

I had planned on staying the night. It wasn’t to be around Caitlin longer. If anything, sleeping in a different room than her would make it hard for me to even get sleep. I’d probably spend all night jerking off, wishing I was in bed with her.

No, the reason I had planned on staying the night was the same reason you would have stayed the night. I was going to spend some time with my sister, catching up on things. While my sexual desires aren’t in the mainstream, the rest of me is.

Now, I wasn’t so sure staying was a good idea.

All the things had been said that were likely to be said right away. I was quite sure the subject would be discussed more in the future. Quite likely for years. I knew Caitlin pretty well, and I knew how stubborn she could be. I also knew she got that from her mother.

“I should probably go,” I said. I know it sounds trite, but that was all I had.

Kat’s “No!” was said at the same time Hannah barked, “I don’t think so, you son of a bitch!”

That was when I remembered that, while Hannah had discussed things with her daughter, she hadn’t discussed them with me. I’d been more or less like a fly on the wall while they raged back and forth for the last hour.

You’ve heard the term “saved by the bell”? Well I was saved by a car door.

“Daddy’s home!” said Caitlin, in a hushed whisper that was somehow very loud. Suddenly she didn’t sound so confident.

“He cannot find out about this,” said Hannah, sounding just as worried. “Not yet.” She looked at me. “Everybody act normal,” she said.

I laughed. It was hysterical laughter, just my way of trying to deal with the tension of the situation, but that’s what happened. I had no control over it, and I couldn’t stop doing it, even when both Caitlin and Hannah started shushing me and touching me. By touching, I mean Kat touched my shoulder, and then Hannah poked me with a finger. Caitlin gripped my upper arm with that grip moms use on errant little boys, when they’re dragging them to wherever punishment will be dealt out. Both were scared, or worried or whatever it was, and both were flushed, and I just couldn’t stop laughing.

But the Anderson women were troopers. They’d have made good thespians, because not only were they good actors, they also ascribed to “the show must go on” theory of things. When Phil walked in the front door I was still laughing. Hannah timed it perfectly so that, when Phil first saw us all standing there, she slapped me on the shoulder.

“That’s awful, Bob! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

“Well, look what the cat dragged in!” said Phil, grinning and setting down his briefcase. “Pray tell, what did you do that was so terrible?”

“He told the most awful blond joke!” said Hannah, sounding hurt.

“To two blonds?” Phil grinned. “You should know better than that, Bob.” He grinned even wider. “How many times did you have to explain it to them?”

Then he laughed, and that was somehow what it took for me to get control of my run away emotions.

“I have to hear this joke,” said Phil.

“It was stupid,” said Caitlin. “It was about a girl seeing sheep and asking the shepherd if she could have one then picking the sheep dog. No woman is that dumb.”

Phil lost his grin, and looked stern.

“Sir, you have offended my ladies. Their honor has been besmirched!”

The jaws of the three people in the room who weren’t named Phil dropped. Flushed faces suddenly got pale instead, as everybody in the room who wasn’t Phil assumed he had somehow, against all odds, found out that I really had besmirched the family honor. It wasn’t rational, but sometimes nervous people don’t think rationally.

“I challenge you to a duel, varlet!” said Phil, striking a pose. “Whoever can eat the most White Castle hamburgers gets the blonds!”

He grinned again. He also shifted his feet, as if to be prepared to run. The rush of relief was like electricity jolting my body, and I decided that I’d jump on Phil’s bandwagon. It beat trying to pretend there wasn’t an elephant in the room. True, Phil didn’t know about that elephant yet, but the longer we concentrated on other things, the longer it would be before his weekend was ruined.

“Quickly, to the Batmobile!” I said. “Missouri is far, and I am eager to begin the duel!”

“Missouri?” Hannah sounded confused.

“That’s where the closest White Castle I know is,” I said.

“What’s White Castle?” asked Caitlin, frowning.

“What? Your ladies know not of White Castle?” I said, sounding way too outraged. “Have you hidden them away in the dungeon lo, these many years?”

“Nay, varlet,” said Phil, who didn’t mind acting silly at all. It’s been my theory for years that real men both wear pink and are willing to act silly in the right circumstances. “‘Tis only that, as your wisdom has displayed, my humble cottage lies too far from the Camelot that is White Castle. I wished not to taunt them with the knowledge of such delights, only to have to inform them they were unavailable.”

“What’s White Castle?!” asked Caitlin, impatiently.

“White Castle is the abode of fine dining,” said Phil, dramatically, in a long, drawn out sigh. “Alas that they build them not, west of the Mississippi.”

“Missouri is west of the Mississippi,” said Hannah, dryly.

“You speak truly,” said Phil, with dignity. “Perhaps I painted with too large a brush stroke. Yet, I beg point out that it is barely west of the great river.”

“A magnificent river, agreed Hannah, “which has the primary purpose, in my view, of separating those of us who have a decent palate from that which would destroy it.” She shuddered, but I suspected it was deliberate, because it preceded, “White Castle! Ugh!”

“What?” Phil’s eyebrows rose impressively. “Are you saying you’ve actually eaten at one?”

“Sadly, I have,” said Hannah, smiling thinly.

Phil actually looked hurt. “You’ve had White Castle? I am shocked! How is it that my lady knows of White Castle, and yet has never spoken of it to her lord and master?”

“Your lady is from Chicago,” said Hannah. “Where White Castles dot the landscape, and where a boy named Jack took me to one on a date one time.”

“What’s this?” Phil apparently loved to role play, because he kept it going. “There exists competition for the affections of my woman?”

“I never went out with him again,” said Hannah, sweetly. “But if it’s White Castle my lord and master desires, I will hie forth instantly to Sam’s Club and purchase a case of the frozen ... delights.” She made a face that communicated flawlessly that “delights” was the farthest word from the truth.

“They have White Castle at Sam’s?” Phil was suddenly just Phil again.

“You should go shopping with me more often,” said Hannah. She curtsied, which looked silly, since she was wearing jeans and a T shirt. “But I know my lord and master has much better things to do than accompany his wench to the market place.”

“Hmmmm,” said Phil. “And a comely wench you are, my sweet.”

Then he was just Phil again. He shook my hand, and hugged Caitlin, and then his wife. I noticed he squeezed one of Hannah’s butt cheeks. She slapped his hand away, but didn’t make a big deal about it.

“You can tell me the joke later,” said Phil, conspiratorially. “And, since going to Sam’s to get White Castle and then cooking it would take too long, I’ll spring for dinner at some lesser place.”

“Smart man,” muttered Hannah.

“What, Dear?” asked Phil with a grin.

“I never went out with Jack again,” Hannah reminded him, firmly.

“Oh,” said Phil. “That.” He pulled her against him with one arm. “We wouldn’t want that outcome.”

There is an interesting dynamic that sometimes comes into play in a situation like the one I was in. Let’s use a similar kind of scenario to the one I was in: the surprise birthday party. Those who know about the secret often exhibit behavior that isn’t normal for them. They dart warning looks at each other. They carefully avoiding talking about certain things, and if the discussion gets too close to the issue, they change the subject, sometimes precipitously. Trying to keep the secret alters their normal behavior. And if the person the secret is being kept from is paying attention, that’s the kind of thing that commonly leads to the well-known question: “Okay ... what’s going on, here?”

Which brings us back to my situation. There were four people present in the house, two males and two females. Three of those people knew an explosive bit of information that was being kept from the fourth. Of those three, two had very different feelings about the secret than the third did. You could say that Kat and I were “used” to our new relationship, and were more comfortable when we thought about it. Hannah, of course, didn’t think about it like we did at all. She wasn’t used to the idea that her brother had spent the last three-odd days porking her daughter. She might never be used to that idea. And the half hour it took to get to the restaurant didn’t really give her time to process things.

The conversation along the way didn’t help her any.

“So!” said Phil, when he got us on the road. “What kind of mischief have the two of you been up to for the last month?”

Hannah made a strangled sort of coughing sound. She had, without thinking about it, gotten into her normal seat, in the front, with her husband. Caitlin and I had gotten in the back. Hannah’s head turned to look at us just as Kat’s hand reached to touch my leg. I’m sure Caitlin’s only intent, in that situation, was to communicate what she would think of as “the humorous component” of his question to me. I’m sure she wouldn’t have left her hand on my thigh, or grabbed my basket or anything like that.

But Hannah’s hand appeared between the two front seats and slapped at her daughter’s arm. Granted, she pulled it back immediately, blushing furiously as she recovered from something that was instinctive and unplanned on her part.

Caitlin, who could become a normal teenager with startling quickness, said, “Geez, Mom. Take it easy!”

“What?” asked Phil, turning his head. “What happened?”

“Nothing!” came Hannah’s strained voice. “I thought I saw a bee on Caitlin.”

“A bee?” All four windows began smoothly sliding down as Phil manipulated the buttons on his door handle.

“Okay, he’s gone,” said Kat, deciding to end that particular game.

The windows slid up again.

“Anybody get stung?” asked Phil.

“No,” said Kat. “We’re fine.”

“Okay. Good.” Phil continued down the street. “So, where were we? Did you have fun this summer? Did you try anything new?”

Hannah developed a sudden and avid interest in the yards we were passing on her side of the road.

“I had a wonderful time, Daddy,” said Caitlin. “We did all kinds of things.”

“Like what?” asked Phil, who is like most parents of teenagers who provide only minimal information about their lives. He wanted to know more. He wanted details. He wanted to enjoy what his child enjoyed, if only on a vicarious basis. “What did you do that you’d never done before?”

Hannah moaned, and coughed again. Her forehead landed on the window with a soft thud.

“You okay, honey?” asked Phil, looking over at his wife.

“I’m fine,” she croaked.

Phil looked over his shoulder at us, for some reason.

“What did you try that was new?” he asked, looking at his daughter.

I know this sounds like Phil was akin to a dog with a bone, worrying off every scrap of meat. But all he was doing was trying to have a conversation with his daughter, and possibly his brother-in-law, about what they’d done over the last month. His life had been the boring, normal routine. He wanted to hear about something else.

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Serendipity Version CharlieChapter 7

We lay there for ten minutes after we finished having amazing sex, just breathing. Then she got up and put on the same clothes. "I hope dinner didn't burn," she said, worried. "It was worth it if it did," I said. "Thank you, Sir," she dimpled. "Let's eat, and then I want to go swimming again." "That reminds me," I said. "I need to tell you what I told them about us." "You told them about us?" she asked, arching an eyebrow. "I had to tell them something. You were like a...

4 years ago
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Serendipity Version CharlieChapter 9

Hannah was saved from more trauma by the arrival of the food. We got to meet Robin in the process, since she helped bring it all to our table. Robin was no hag either. Her white outfit hid her body, and her chef's hat hid her hair, but her face suggested the same fine genes as those Julie had inherited. She had my order in one hand, and eyes that were greener than any I had seen before pinned me in my seat. "You would be the virgin, Bob, from Oklahoma, yes? You look like a veal kind of...

2 years ago
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Serendipity Version CharlieChapter 10

Caitlin wasn't up when breakfast was served the next morning. "Served" is the wrong word, really. I slept late too, but when my body woke up "late" I was in California instead of back home, and I woke up just in time for breakfast in California. When I wandered into the kitchen, Hannah and Phil were just sitting down, and invited me to join them. I got a cup of coffee and a banana from the counter and sat down. Phil was reading the paper and commenting to no one in particular about...

4 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 2

It took two more days. Her friends seemed to get over it sooner than she did. By that, I mean that the next day they were right back at the house, trooping in without knocking, like they lived there. Of course it wasn't their pussies that I'd gawked at, so I suppose that wasn't surprising. The afternoon of the second day, Emma had to leave early for some kind of family get together, and Ashley left with her, saying her parents were going out to dinner that night and she had to babysit....

2 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 3

"So ... what do we do next?" I asked. Having basically given my niece permission to make an official pervert of me, I also wanted to make sure she had the full opportunity of controlling both me and events in general. She looked thoughtful, and I realized that, while she'd had a "plan" for the night, it wasn't nearly as well fleshed out as it could have been. Having been young myself once, and knowing how little confidence most young people have, it's quite possible that she didn't...

2 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 4

It was clear to me. It would have been just as clear to that disinterested observer I mentioned earlier. Juvenile or not, my almost-but-not-quite eighteen-year-old niece knew exactly what she wanted. Or at least what she thought she wanted. Things get muddy when you bring ethics into it, so I didn't. I decided, completely arbitrarily, that she was a big girl now and she was capable on both a cerebral and emotional level of making this decision for herself. Besides, I had a stiff prick and...

4 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 5

For all the rationalizing I had been doing, it became clear to me very quickly (when I was invited to bring the camera) that I am a pervert, plain and simple. How do I know? It’s simple. Not once did I exert any effort towards trying to talk myself out of going in there. I could have left the house and driven around for a month, cooling down. But I didn’t do that. What I did do was get the camera and report for duty as a photographer in roughly three minutes. Nor did I wait in the bedroom....

4 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 6

As you can imagine, our relationship had completely changed. And in a period of only twenty-four hours. Prior to this, we had each kind of done our own thing for most of the day, spending maybe two or three hours actually interacting with each other. More than once, in the past, I'd wondered why she wanted to come to my house for what she called her "vacation", because a lot of the time she just lay on her bed reading, or watched TV or went for runs or whatever. Now, of course, I knew...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 7

It was two days before the front door opened and the now two musketeers came in just like always. I was at the computer, working. I'd neglected work for the last week. I thought I had a pretty good excuse, but still, I needed to catch things up. When I heard them come in I got up and went to the door of my office. "Hey," I said in greeting. "What's up?" "Swimming," said Ashley. "Ahhh," I said. "Have fun." "Can we use Kat's room to change?" "Sure," I said. "Come swim...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 8

I think I gave a sigh of relief when school started, and my days were no longer interrupted by girls who wanted to get naked with me. Plus the weather got cool, and with the wind that's constant in Oklahoma, it felt even cooler. Everybody started wearing clothing that covered them up, including Emma and Ashley. I had about a month of relief until they showed up one night asking if they could do homework at my house, because there were too many distractions at their own homes. What they...

2 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 9

Some of you no doubt believe our relationship was doomed to failure, either because of the age difference, or because society would hound me for what some would consider molesting my niece, or maybe because you're convinced she would be seduced by some young stud. But the thing that worried me the most with our relationship was that her parents weren't aware of it. Oh, my sister knew her daughter liked me a lot. She might even have suspected Caitlin had a schoolgirl crush on her Uncle Bob....

3 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaEpilogue

It should have taken two years to design and build the structure Caitlin and I drew the plans for, for the new company, as yet un-named, that would come into existence. But two things sped that process up. The first was that the funding was already there, and contractors could be told to begin work as soon as possible. The second was that, until that structure was completed, all of us were crammed in what had seemed like a fairly large house, before Kat and I got married. Now, with four...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 3

There had been a shocked silence as I suggested something much more interesting than had already happened might be in store for them. "What do you mean?" Ashley asked, warily. "Shut up and get your pretty little ass over here," I ordered. Don't ask me why I took that path. I just did. Maybe my subconscious mind thought a little domination was what they were used to in a male, and what they would respond to. I wasn't thinking about that consciously, exactly. I just reacted to the...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 4

When Caitlin declined my offer to teach her to jerk me off, that seemed to end the festivities for the day. The girls got out and went into the house to do whatever it was that they did after swimming. Usually, in this situation, they ran, and were yelling as they did so. Their quiet walk convinced me they were all thinking about what had happened. I wished I could somehow hear into Kat's room. That was a conversation that I would have bet serious money would be most interesting. Sometimes...

2 years ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 5

It was late when I finally finished for the day. I'd gotten a lot done and I was happy with the progress. The meeting had gone well and I had just incorporated all of the changes into the design of the project. I had told them it would take a week, so now I would have plenty of time to review it and make sure all the i's were dotted and the t's crossed. As I was leaving the office, I was confronted with three girls. "We want to do a midnight swim," said Caitlin. "Will you come with...

3 years ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 6

The girls had retired to Kat's room. There was something said about Ashley needing to clean up, but I think that was a convenient excuse. She could have just jumped in the pool. And Emma's sigh of "I need to lie down for a little bit," didn't quite ring true. If anything, she'd already gotten her strength back, with a little extra thrown in. She was bright and bubbly and happy which, I have to admit, made me feel a lot better. Rather, I think they just wanted to discuss what had...

4 years ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 7

When I woke up the next morning, I immediately knew something was terribly wrong. That's because Caitlin was still in bed with me. I felt a little like I had a hangover, even though I hadn't had a drop to drink. There had been more orgasms for Kat, and another for me as she sucked on my prong. The last thing I remembered was being in a fond embrace, kissing her over and over. And now, here we were. Obviously we'd drifted off, lying in each other's arms. Caitlin would soon wake up and...

4 years ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 8

I knew Caitlin would want to sleep with me again that night. I should say I expected her to want to do that. And when she came to my room, naked, I felt compelled to do something about it. "Sweetheart, you have no idea how good it makes me feel that you want to do these things with me and sleep in my bed, but that is a very bad idea tonight." "Because you want more," she said. I was astonished. For someone so young, she was very astute. "Yes," I said. "I understand," she said....

4 years ago
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Serendipity Version BravoChapter 9

We had two more hours to settle down before the other two musketeers showed up. Even so, the change that had taken place was so big, or fundamental or whatever, that they sensed a difference almost right away. At least when it came to Kat. The girls stopped to give me a quick hug and kiss and then, apparently sensing nothing from me, went into the kitchen where Kat was making chocolate chip cookies. "What happened to you?" I heard Ashley ask. I went to stand in the doorway and...

4 years ago
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Serendipity I

Perhaps it was serendipity, two people in the right place at the right time for everything to fall into place. On this warm summer day, John had a lot of time on his hands to kill, and nothing really essential to do with it. So he went into his local town without a plan. On a whim, he decided to buy some new jeans. Not that he actually needed them but fancied a change, and this would fill in the empty interval between lunch and the evening. He did a little window-shopping, and quickly...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The following is a happy little story; I guess it has to be considered 'R' since it has a TG aspect. A happily married couple have sex *blush*, but it isn't explicitly described, and body parts are mentioned *double blush*. My heartfelt thanks goes to the real Teddi Sue for translating my English into Standard English, and her friendship. Thanks to Brandy Dewinter for her story 'Reasonable' - this story is a twist on the best. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 6

Saturday, 17th April, At anchor off Lindisfarne Island. Normally, I'm easily woken. Especially when my bed-partner leaves it, but I woke to the smell of coffee and when I opened my eyes, saw the mug was held out to me by a naked and smiling Grace. "There's a sight for sore eyes. You keep thinking of different ways of making waking up worthwhile," I smiled. "I hope you're planning on coming back to bed while I drink this," as I hunched up the bed, leaned back on a pillow and took the...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 15

We didn't get a flat calm in the Irish Sea, what we got was almost worse; light, cyclonic winds, fickle in direction and strength. So the last thirty miles or so, we stowed the sails and carried on under power. It was, however, late afternoon before we had topped off with diesel and drinking water, were berthed in one of the fifteen metre berths and had checked in with the marina office. We made a bee-line for the showers before sorting out our supper, over which we discussed our stay in...

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JP led a dull and boring life. Nothing exciting ever happened to him. At 26, he managed to scrap past college and worked a 9 – 5 in a cubicle at a non-descript building. Sometimes he felt his life was like Neo in the Matrix before Neo swallowed the pill. Fortunately the dress code was casual and JP could wear comfortable clothes. His boss left him alone as long as he got his work done. He didn’t see anybody and only interacted with his computer screen. JP enjoyed working out to keep...

2 years ago
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Serendipity Sex

Does fate exist? Can something really happen by coincidence? Well, my name is Emma and I don’t think I’d ever given much thought to the issue until one wintry night in Edinburgh, when a potentially problematical mistake led to something rather special. These days, as a result, I do believe in fate and that everything happens for a reason. Let me tell you what happened... ~~~~~It was snowing a little as my taxi drew up outside my hotel. I paid the driver and dragged my suitcase into reception,...

1 year ago
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One day, I was at Tunbridge station and due to very thickfog, all the trains were running really late and way off schedule and so my connecting train to Canterbury West was running at least an hour or so late, and as it was a real pea-souper (like in the old black and white films) I made my way into an already packed out canteen. In those days, one could smoke inside the station canteens and the cigarette smoke hung thickly in the air and all I wanted was a good old cup of tea and a British...

4 years ago
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Serendipity Part I

You know my friends used to say I was a real bad ass in high school. Probably cause of all the times I used to fight any one who crossed me or cause of the way I’d always smart off to the teachers. I tell you that so you can get a better understanding of the story I’m bout to tell you. It was my Senior Year. And I was flunkin’ only one class (surprisingly). It was English. Ms. Hannah was the teacher. And man, she was a blonde bomb shell. She musta stood at least 5 foot 9. She was 36 years...

2 years ago
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Serendipity Take Me Like Your Coffee 9

If you think the Megabus is bad, you should try taking the bus from Oaxaca into Chiapas, south-east Mexico. Twelve hours of trying not to vomit in the blistering oppressive heat. When the shaking and rolling finally stopped, I staggered away from the road and lay in the undergrowth for a while, enjoying the stillness.According to the map I still had to trek down into the valley where I would be met by my hosts, so I shouldered my rucksack and started off down the rocky path. The landscape was...

2 years ago
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It was his birthday, but not even the sunshine of a beautiful day could cheer Pete up. Thirty-three years old and still single, he was re-evaluating his life choices, and mourning opportunities that he had sadly let slip by. Of all his failures, he knew that nothing was worse than losing his high school sweetheart. She was tall and slim, a delicate beauty with blue eyes, brown hair and a smile that would melt even the coldest of hearts. Tara was his first love, and the pain and regret he...

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