Imogen: A Harry Potter TaleChapter 49 free porn video

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Imogen's hour glass chimed softly by her bed, the sound barely audible. Imogen heard it only because she was sleeping very lightly, and had gone to bed only an hour before. She rose, and moving to Hermione's bed, gently woke her friend. The two dressed in silence, undetected by Padma and the snoring Lavender Brown. Reasonably sure that they had not been heard by their two dormitory mates, Hermione and Imogen stepped softly down the stairs to the common room, their way dimly lit by the lumos - induced light from their wands.

Upon waking, Imogen's thoughts had immediately turned to the night's work, a thrill of anticipation running through her, a feeling which faded as she descended the stairs. Tonight if things went wrong, there would be no headmaster at the charge to rescue a Hogwart's student in difficulty. There would be no wizarding cavalry to suddenly appear over the top of the hill, scattering their enemies before them. Imogen and all the other students had been told that Dumbledore had suffered an accident of some kind and would be indisposed for an indefinite period. McGonagall, the acting headmistress and speaking to the assembled students after dinner that evening, assured the students that the headmaster would make a complete recovery. But as to when that would be, she and the healers could not hazard a guess. Without Dumbledore, Imogen felt as alone and as lost as she had when she first appeared at platform nine and three-quarters so many months earlier.

In the common room, Imogen and Hermione increased the luminosity of their wands and then inspected each other closely. Hermione was dressed in the Muggle clothing that she had worn on the Hogwart's train after the Christmas break, Imogen in jeans she'd picked up on a shopping trip to the Muggle village not far from the Burrow, along with the T-shirt and a sweater. Hermione nodded in approval at Imogen's thoroughly Muggle-like appearance. They each donned a jacket, and then checked their pockets. Imogen, like Hermione, had several small bottles filled with the Austrias potion, each individually wrapped in tissue to muffle any sound that could have been caused by glass tinkling on glass. They each carried small sums of Muggle and wizarding money.

In the boys' dormitory, Ron and Harry were making the same preparations as Hermione and Imogen, but with a less efficiency and more noise. After Ron bumped into his trunk for the third time, Neville stirred and then sat up.

"What are you doing up?" he asked Ron, rubbing his eyes and trying to see in the dim light supplied by Ron's wand.

"Just a bit of mischief," whispered Ron. "I'll tell you all about it when I get back." Fortunately Neville did not notice that Harry too was up and about, otherwise he might have asked more questions. Instead he only turned over his pillow, put down his head and promptly fell back asleep.

"If you're finished knocking everything over, maybe we can get going now," whispered Harry.

"You weren't exactly quiet yourself," retorted Ron as he led the way down the stairs.

It was only when Ron reached the common room that the seriousness of what he was doing began to sink in. A few hours earlier, it has all seemed like a bit of a lark, Harry's idea of sneaking out in the middle of the night to locate, retrieve and destroy another Horcrux. He and Harry had shared more than a few capers over the years, and this had seemed to Ron like just one more. The timing was a bit odd, though, now that Ron thought of it. Harry had not made mention of another horcrux mission after the destruction of the Ravenclaw diadem a few weeks previously. They'd all been busy with other things, such as trying to locate Draco on the Marauder's map, improving their dueling skills, and, on occasion, doing homework. Perhaps it was the news of Dumbledore's mishap that had suddenly galvanized Harry into action. Having the most powerful wizard on earth close at hand was, after all, an enormous safety net, and now that that net had been snatched away with no hint as to when it would return, perhaps this had inspired Harry to get to work on destroying another Horcrux. But it was also possible that Harry had intended all along that this week they'd go out on a mission. Harry had been anything but loquacious over the last few weeks, increasingly concerned about security, despite the unbreakable vow all of them had sworn at the start of the term. Thus Ron found himself with Harry, Imogen and Hermione, with only the common room door between him and expulsion, for there was no doubt that if he and the others were found wandering about Hogwarts in the middle of the night that the miserable Delores Umbridge would seize upon the opportunity to strike from the rolls four of her least favorite students.

"Is everybody ready?" asked Harry in an excited whisper as he pulled out his invisibility cloak. It had been agreed that the cloak would be used by the girls, for the boys had grown enough that that is was hard for both of them to fit easily underneath, at least not without slowing down their progress through the halls considerably. Once the girls were covered and quite invisible, Harry and Ron pulled small vials from their pockets, each of which contained a very small dose of Asturias potion. As he opened his bottle, Harry wondered again at Snape's decision to teach them the Asturias potion at the end of last term. He had heard from Neville that Snape claimed he always taught the Asturias potion to his fifth years, but Imogen said that nowhere in her perfect recollection of the 'books' was there any mention of the powerful invisibility-inducing liquid. Surely a potion of such efficacy would have been remarked upon in the fifth 'book' if, as Snape had claimed, it was a routine part of Potions class. Given Hermione's talent for research, Harry has asked her to see what she could find about the Potions curriculum over the last few years, and she had reported that as far as she could determine, the potion had never been taught at the school before. It was not part of the fifth year curriculum, nor the sixth nor even the seventh. It was an extremely difficult potion, highly dangerous and completely unsuitable for teenagers, for it was an open invitation for mischief when properly made, and lethal when not. Snape's decision to teach them the Asturias potion was a remarkable innovation on his part, and perhaps illegal as well. But Harry was grateful for the potion now as he downed the contents in one swallow and shimmered into almost total invisibility.

"Shoes off, everyone," said Harry. "We'll be able to move to the halls much more quietly without shoes on." Harry took off his own shoes, and from the rustling sounds from his invisible friends, he judged that they had done the same. He opened the portrait hall door and exited the common room, his friends in tow. They all made their way to the meeting place: the large mirror on the fourth floor. It was impossible for Harry and Ron to keep track of each other or the two girls, and so they each focused on keeping a measured, silent pace in the school's dark halls. In the weak torch light it would be easy to blunder in to a suit of armor or some other obstacle, so everyone stayed clear of the walls and walked down the middle of the hall. Hermione and Imogen, under Harry's invisibility cloak, made slower progress than the boys.

"At least we don't have to worry about Mrs. Norris," whispered Hermione. "And we don't have to worry about Mr. Filch, either — he can't do us any harm now."

"Not unless someone in Toronto tries to send us a letter. It would probably get lost if Filch were handling it," replied Imogen in hushed but bemused tones. Hermione snickered, remembering the Muggle occupation the headmaster had found for Filch in the post office.

"Did you notice that Harry brought his dagger?" asked Hermione.

"Yes. It's become quite the talisman for him."

"Do you mean that literally?" asked Hermione. "Do you think it has any talismanic properties?"

"No," replied Imogen. "I was using 'talisman'' in the Muggle sense of the word, not the magical. Although come to think of it, maybe it really is a talisman. Wherever did you get it?"

"Just a Muggle flea market," said Hermione. It was only a replica of a movie prop, but Harry thought it had magical properties. She lived in mild fear that Harry would one day discover the truth and would be rather put out with her.

"Have you ever possessed a talisman or even held one in your hand?" asked Imogen. "I've done some reading about them, and they're rather interesting. For instance, did you know —"

They were interrupted by a harsh whisper.

"I could hear you girls from the other end of the hall," said Ron's exasperated voice, addressing them from the dark nothingness as they ascended the stairs to the third floor. "We've gone through so much trouble not to be spotted. Do you want to give it all away?"

The girls, conscious of their guilt, lapsed into total silence. Hermione was accustomed to having complete moral advantage over Ron, and was surprised at how irritated she felt to find their roles reversed. A memory suddenly popped into her head from a few weeks earlier, when, on their first Horcrux mission, she had publicly chastised Ron for being too loud in the Forbidden Forest, humiliating him in front of an entire group of students. To her credit, Hermione now blushed for shame at the recollection.

The two girls made the rest of the journey inside the school without further incident and soon arrived at the fourth floor, making their way to the mirror, behind which was a secret exit from the school. Once there, Hermione pulled out her wand and tapped the wall quietly three times: the agreed-upon signal that she and Imogen had arrived.

"We're all here now," said Harry.

"And none too soon. You're becoming visible," replied Ron.

"And so are you." Harry pulled out his wand and tapped the mirror, which obligingly tipped forward revealing an opening that led straight down into the depths of the school. "There's a ladder," said Harry. "Ron, you go first, followed by the girls. I'll go last so that I can close the entrance behind this."

Ron's head quickly disappearing down the illicit exit. He and Harry had talked about this secret passageway after Imogen had mentioned its existence over the holidays. It was supposed to have been blocked by a cave-in or a collapse, and Ron wondered when Harry had found the time to clear the blockage.

Once Ron was down, Hermione and Imogen emerged from under Harry' cloak, and Imogen went down next. After only a few rungs of the ladder, she found herself in utter darkness. She did not know how far down she had yet to descend, and she clutched each rung with a desperate grip, terrified of falling into the empty darkness below. After what seemed like forever, her right foot, groping for the next rung, suddenly made contact with a solid surface: the floor. She looked up, but saw nothing, she was surrounded by complete silence.


There was no answer.

"Ron?" she asked, more loudly this time and with a note of desperate urgency and even fear in her voice. After a long pause but before Imogen could give the alarm, Ron deigned to reply.


"You idiot Ron," said a relieved but angry Imogen. "This is no time for jokes."

"Sorry," said Ron. "I would have answered earlier, but I was distracted by a rat that I stepped on."

"You liar!" exclaimed Imogen. "You know I'm terrified of rats, just like you are of spiders. How would you like it if I started making giant spider jokes?"

"I wasn't joking," said Ron mildly, pulling out his wand and illuminating it. He directed Imogen's gaze the floor, and there Imogen saw the remains of a freshly killed rat, and near it a discarded package of some sweets. Attracted by the odor, the rat had been licking away at the remains of the package, unaware that a large human being was silently descending the ladder immediately above its head. Ron's final step off the ladder had instantly ended the creature's life.

"I wouldn't have minded so much if I'd been wearing my shoes," said Ron. "It's pretty disgusting having rat brains on your foot, believe me —"

"Oh, stop!" said Imogen, throwing her hands over her ears. Ron took her arm gently, and moved her way from the base of the ladder, clearing the way just in time for Hermione.

"Mind the dead rat," said Ron.

"I will, and I'll look out for the wounded hippogriff as well. Oh gross!" Hermione realized a little late that Ron had not been joking, and she minded exceedingly the unpleasant contact her foot experienced with the remains of the dead rodent. Harry reached the bottom of the ladder without stepping on the dead rat, much to Ron's disappointment.

Safe from detection, none of them needed to worry about being invisible, nor did they have to keep their voices down. They moved through the dark subterranean corridor at a brisk walk, the passage lit only by the light from their wands. It was hard to judge distance or time, but Imogen estimated they had been walking about five minutes when Harry called a halt. He peered closely at the wall, apparently looking at something. Evidently he found it, and tapped briskly at several bricks with his wand in a manner not unlike that used to gain access to Diagon Alley. The wall opened to reveal a small shelf, on which lay two brooms. Harry pulled out his broom and passed the other to Ron.

"I put these here a few hours ago because I did not want us having to carry any more than we needed to after lights out," explained Harry.

Hermione and Imogen were glad to see the brooms. Harry had not explained to them how they were to reach their destination once they were off school grounds, and not seeing any brooms in the common room, Imogen had assumed they would be riding a magical creature. The last thing Imogen wanted was a Thestral or Hippogriff ride hundreds of feet above the ground in freezing cold weather in the middle of the night.

"This isn't going to be an enjoyable broom ride," said Harry, "After all, we'll be several hundred feet above the ground in freezing cold weather in the middle of the night. But it beats walking, I suppose."

"And just where would we be walking, but for the broom ride?" asked Imogen.

"The shack that was, at one time, the residence of Marvolo Gaunt. According to what you told us, Imogen, we can expect to find a Horcurx placed there by Voldemort decades ago."

"Why this Horcrux?" asked Hermione.

"Only one reason," replied Harry as the four resumed their trek in the passage way. "Like the Ravenclaw diadem, this particular Horcrux is unguarded. It's the easiest one to go after. If we were to go after the Hufflepuff cup at Gringotts — which, by the way I think we should take last of all the Horcruxes but Nagini — we might ruin everything. Even if we destroy the Hufflepuff cup, this won't do us any good at all, if Voldemort finds out about it and then hides the other Horcruxes.

Imogen's voice rose in objection. "But Harry, you know from what I told you that we should be able to get into Gringott's and retrieve the cup. Hermione needs to disguise herself as Bellatrix Lestrange, and you use the imperious curse on any guards that appear uncooperative."

"Yes. I recall. But it's incredibly risky and I don't want to leave it to chance. I'd rather come up with some other plan. Besides, to disguise one of us as Bellatrix, we'd have to get to her first, as we need one of her hairs for the Polyjuice. Getting to Bellatrix might even more difficult than getting into Gringotts. So I think a new plan is called for. But here we are." They'd reached the end of the underground passageway, marked by a ladder.

"Upstairs is the cellar of the Three Broomsticks," explained Harry. "No talking or blundering about."

Harry gently opened the hidden door and poked his head through the opening. He listened, and hearing nothing but the silence, he lighted his wand to show him the way to the stairs. He whispered to Ron to follow him up, moving to the staircase to wait for his friends. One by one they emerged, Imogen coming up last and gently closing the door behind her.

Harry pulled out his Invisibility Cloak.

"You two wear this," he said, addressing Imogen and Hermione. "Stay close behind us and with your wands out. If there's any trouble, take care of it." Harry headed up the staircase and onto the main floor of the Three Broomsticks accompanied by his friends. A noisy, raucous place during business hours, the pub was silent as a sepulchre now, the only sound the occasional slight squeak of a floorboard. Moving with great care, it took the four of them a while to reach the front door. Harry tried the handle, and, as he expected, it was unlocked, the charm a simple one, guarding the door against unskilled intruders from the outside, but not from the inside. Evidently Hogsmeade was not a high crime district and the owner of the Three Broomsticks did not take security all that seriously. Now outside, the four students headed to a nearby dark alley between two buildings. Ron mounted his broom and waited for Hermione to join him. But instead, she pulled out her wand, pointed it at Ron and quietly muttered a charm.

"What's that for?" he asked.

"It's a kind of shield charm," Hermione replied, turning the wand on herself. "We're going to need something against the cold. It's already chilly enough, and it's going to be even worse once we're up high and moving."

She performed the same charm for Harry and Imogen and now they were ready to leave. Hermione got on Ron's broom behind him, and wrapped her arms around him. Imogen watched this closely, for she had very little experience with riding brooms. This was one aspect of wizarding life which unfortunately she had had no time to study while at school. She attempted the odd flight during the Christmas vacation at the Burrow, but she had no natural talent for it. Her short rides were characterized by jerky stops and starts, unexpected changes in direction and the constant risk of collision. Imogen got on Harry's broom, sitting behind him and wrapping her arms around Harry in imitation of Hermione. She envied the practiced ease with which Hermione had tossed her arms around Ron, wishing that she could feel the same level of comfort in doing so with Harry. Perhaps he detected her discomfort.

"You will have to hold on tighter, Imogen, if you don't want to get thrown off."

Harry kicked off the ground, the broom's tail down and nose pointed upwards into the night sky. Now Imogen needed no prompting to clutch tightly to Harry, terrified of falling off the back of the broom. Harry was not accustomed to carrying a passenger, and he observed his broom's performance closely. After all, his life and that of Imogen's might depend on his skill with a broom if they had to escape at the evening's end. The rate of climb was slower, and they were only a few hundred feet above the ground as Harry banked and headed south.

Imogen stared down at the distant Hogwarts grounds, the castle clearly distinguishable against the backdrop of pure white snow, the whole scene illuminated by a moon that was only one night short of being full, high in a cloudless sky. Imogen looked over her shoulder at the retreating village of Hogsmeade, only a few windows illuminated by candlelight and already very faint. Harry banked to the right, in plenty of time to manoeuvre around one of the low mountains surrounding the area. The broom's response was rather sluggish, for it was bearing the weight almost double that to which it was accustomed. Harry looked behind him to check on Ron's progress.

"Oy! You'll have to go faster than that if you're going to get there first!"

Harry whipped his head around at the source of Ron's voice, and saw his friend some distance ahead, almost the length of a Quidditch pitch.

"Hang on, Imogen," warned Harry. The girl clutched him even tighter as Harry's broom began to accelerate. Evidently Ron was doing the same, for it took Harry's rather superior broom some time before it pulled level with Ron's. Thereafter Harry slowed his rate of acceleration and the two brooms rose together in the night sky levelling off into thinner air at approximately five thousand feet.

Imogen looked to her left, wondering if she would be able to distinguish the distant blackness of the North Sea, but found that she could not. She looked down to her right, marvelling at the faint twinkle of distant towns, and the clear reflection of the moon on a river far below. She was grateful for the shielding charm Hermione had performed on her just before departure, for she was quite sure that at this height, at this time of the year and at this speed, she would have been close to freezing to death. The charm blunted the worst of the wind effect, and she found that she was able to converse with Harry without too much difficulty.

"How fast do you think we're going?"

"Pretty fast, I would say," he replied. "At ground level this broom is good for about 150 miles per hour, and because we're up so high and the wind resistance is so low, I think I could do something close to that speed even though there's two of us on the broom. But I'm travelling a little under the maximum speed so that Ron can keep up on his broom. I would say we're doing about 140 miles per hour."

"How long will this take us?" she asked, hopeful that there journey would be short.

"About two hours."


The novelty of the high altitude broom ride was wearing off rather quicker than Imogen had expected. Her lack of enthusiasm at the prospect of a two hour night flight was conveyed both in her monosyllabic reply and in her tone. Harry laughed at Imogen's response, and extracting his wand from his pocket, silently cast a binding curse at Imogen's hands clutched around the front of his body. Instantly Imogen's wrists were joined by a tight, but not too tight rope. He glanced downwards, and then performed the same magic, causing her ankles to be tied together.

"What the hell are you doing?" shouted Imogen.

"There is not the slightest chance you'll fall off now," replied Harry. If you want, you can get a couple of hours' sleep before we get there."

Imogen thought this was a good idea, and resting her head on Harry's shoulder, soon nodded off.

Imogen woke, and upon waking immediately realized the reason. The broom was now pointed down — steeply down. They were in free-fall, and Imogen felt the vertigo of weightlessness for the first time, an unpleasant sensation that she hoped would end soon. And it did as Harry pulled up sharply, and then settled the broom down on a gentle slope near some woods, Ron and Hermione landing a short distance away. Harry quickly and silently uncharmed the bonds that had kept Imogen tied to him during the flight. She dismounted, stretching her limbs to get the ache out of them and rubbing her sore wrists. She looked about her in the darkness, marking that the moon had risen considerably during the ride, and now was almost directly overhead.

It was amazing what a difference to the climate a few hundred miles made, thought Imogen. There was not a trace of snow on the ground, whereas back at Hogwarts there had had nothing but snow for months. She turned at the sound of footsteps, and then heard Hermione's voice.

"Let me undo that shield charm," said Hermione. "I'll put it back on when it's time to leave."

With the charm lifted, Imogen now felt the chill of the night air, but to her way of thinking, this weather could be hardly be called winter at all, despite the fact it was mid-February. She wondered for the hundredth time against what unknown past she was measuring her present experience. Why did she expect winters to be long, cold and snow-bound? How had she known to build a snow shelter when she had been caught outdoors in the Forbidden Forest some weeks previously? Harry took her hand and directed her onwards, ending this line of internal enquiry.

"It's just over this hill," he said. The four of them marched as a group up the slope to the crest of the hill, their forms clearly distinguishable in the moonlight had anyone been watching.

And someone was.

When Harry had planned the mission to Gaunt's shack, he was anything but heedless of the dangers attendant to the enterprise. Marvolo Gaunt had been a nasty piece of work, and was descended from a long line of equally nasty wizards. Perhaps Marvolo's only saving grace was the fact that he was the product of too many generations of inbreeding, and thus lacked the intellectual capacity to vent to his mindless rage in an intelligent way. It was to this man's shack that Harry was going, and it was safe for Harry to assume that there could be some dangerous surprises waiting for them. There could be traps (both magical and otherwise) for the unwary, both in the shack and on the grounds. And these potential traps might be rather subtle. After all, it was not just Marvolo that might have been motivated to protect his property. His grandson was Voldemort himself, and Voldemort had chosen Gaunt's shack as the place to store a Horcrux: a fragment of Voldemort's soul, placed inside Gaunt's ring, a Slytherin heirloom. This object, so vile in the sight of Harry and his friends, was, to Voldemort, infinitely more holy than a reliquary, and it would be foolish for Harry to blunder into the shack expecting to encounter no difficulties. It was for this reason that Harry had brought with him three friends of proven reliability and fearlessness. Armed with his friends, his Invisibility Cloak and Imogen's knowledge of what was to happen in an unaltered future, Harry felt that he had done as much as he could do. One could plan only so much, leaving the rest to chance.

But chance was not with Harry and his friends this evening. Harry was unaware, nor could he have been aware, that the village near Gaunt's shack was not only home to Voldemort's father. It had another connection to the Dark Lord, in that it was the hometown to one of his most evil servants, the werewolf Fenrir Greyback.

Decades earlier, a pair of Muggles in town welcomed the birth of their third child, unaware that the boy was a wizard. Eleven years later, the letter of invitation had come from Hogwarts, and with it the explanation for the odd incidents that had surrounded their son almost from birth. A visit from Dumbledore himself calmed the apprehensive couple, and they had entrusted Fenrir into Dumbledore's care.

The boy had been raised by normal, loving parents and was marked by none of the psychosis common to Voldemort and his gang. But the wizarding world saw to it that the boy's development at Hogwarts went awry. Fenrir had always been a bit rebellious, and when some friends suggested an illicit trip to the Forbidden Forest to celebrate the end of final exams, the twelve-year-old Fenrir had thought this was a great idea. Less than an hour later he was back at the school, bleeding heavily from bites suffered in a savage attack in the forest. The combined magic of his young friends had been barely enough to ward off the attacker, the boys hustling Fenrir to the school as fast as they could. He was still in the infirmary and close to being discharged when, three days later, the light of a full moon streamed through the window, and for the first time the true nature of the attack upon him was revealed.

Dumbledore was not headmaster in those days but only the transfiguration master, and his protests that Fenrir Greyback must be allowed to stay at the school were overridden by the authorities. Fenrir's first year of the school was also his last, expelled for no fault of his own and over Dumbledore's clear warnings.

"This is a foolish mistake," wrote Dumbledore to the school's board of directors, appealing to them in an effort of reverse the headmaster's decision. "This young Ravenclaw has already acquired great skill with his wand. If he is permitted to continue at Hogwarts I will personally guarantee the safety of all students and staff. The boy will face special challenges, but nothing that cannot be overcome. But if the decision to expel him is upheld, what will we be unleashing on the world outside Hogwarts? Our students will be safe, but the rest of the world will not. Do you imagine that by taking away his wand from him now, that he will never find means to acquire another? You will answer that the Ministry will keep a close eye on him. Doubtless the Ministry will do its best, but not nearly as good a job as I would do inside the four walls at Hogwarts. Perhaps you will say that if the young Greyback breaks the law by using magic, that he will be arrested and placed in Azkaban. To this I answer, how much harm will he do before he is caught? And what will you do if you cannot catch him? Are we not foolish to pass laws against an outcast, and create prisons to put him in, when it is we who are creating the outcast in the first place? Why don't you leave him with me, even for a year, and then reconsider your decision?"

The letter did no good. Rather than attending to the common sense and humanity of Dumbledore's views, the superintendents in the Ministry preferred to rely on their laws, their regulations, their policies and procedures, their Aurors, and their courts with their writs, injunctions and prisons, all of which had turned out to be useless. The first wizard assigned to watch Greyback was found wandering outside the Ministry's secret entrance in London, quite unable to complete his mission, for the simple reason that Greyback had removed the man's eyes. A package came to the Ministry a few days later, a jar wrapped with a taunting note, inviting the healers at St. Mungo's to put the man's eyes back in if they could. The eyes were inside the jar. The investigators sent to find Greyback in the forest outside his village had been picked off one by one. Finally the Ministry had sent in its best Aurors, but by then Greyback had fled and had evaded capture ever since. And now, instead of a few werewolves here and there, the Ministry had to deal with far larger problem: the werewolves that Greyback was producing in unprecedented quantities, fresh scores of them every year.

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 61

That evening in the common room Harry and his friends lounged about in front of the fire, discussing recent events. Hermione, with her gift of almost perfect recall, narrated the story she alone had heard in its entirety from Draco's own lips. The Muffliato charm ensured that a group of third years seated in the far corner and working on a History essay would hear nothing. Ginny and Ron listened with rapt attention as the tale unfolded, the teens drinking the last of the butterbeers...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 64

Imogen picked up another plate from the table in the Burrow's kitchen, and began to wash it, her motions mechanical, her face fixed in an expression a calm she did not feel. Eleven had seated themselves for breakfast: the six remaining Weasley children, Mr. and Ms. Weasley, Harry, Hermione and Imogen. Breakfast had been sombre, with none of the usual raillery associated with the Weasley clan. Imogen finished washing the plate, and passed it to Hermione to dry. "I feel so totally out of...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 51

The dangers attendant on the Forbidden Forest had one advantage, for they made it an excellent place for a secret meeting, and no place inside the forest was better for a meeting than that section of the Forbidden Forest which itself was forbidden, the territory of the centaurs. The centaurs had taken much of the forest as theirs in ancient times, their territorial claims long accepted by the other inhabitants of the forest. These other creatures had no choice; quarrelling with the semi-human...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 20

"More toast anyone?" Like any parent, Molly Weasley enjoyed stuffing food into her children, and there were five of them having breakfast in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place. The presence of Hermione and Harry could not quite make up for the missing Charlie and Percy, but Mrs. Weasley was delighted to have them all the same. The kitchen would not accommodate everyone, and so breakfast that morning was in shifts, the last one being the Weasley family and the friends of their children. One...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 29

Imogen's return to Hogwarts after the Christmas holidays was in circumstances entirely different from her first trip to the school. Then, in September, she had been a confused and ignorant girl. Things were different now. Thanks to her hard work over the holiday (which had lasted a full three weeks) she was fully caught up in her chosen subjects, easily the equal of most Hogwarts' fifth years, and superior to many. This time on the train she brought with her no trunk, only her owl and her...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 2

A young girl stood still, her trunk on the ground next to her, an owl cage in one hand as she looked about in mystification, her face betraying her confusion. The girl's hair was as blond as blond could be, long tresses done up in twin pigtails that would have been suitable on a younger girl, but not on a young lady of about fifteen years of age or perhaps older, the muggle clothing she wore not designed in any way to hide her shapely figure. Her owl, Olwyna, screeched at the noise and...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 28

"Impedimentia!" shouted Ginny as Fred ran towards her. Her brother tripped and fell heavily. He was up in a second, but - "Stupify!" This knocked Fred unconscious, and it was a few seconds before he was able to rise to his hands and knees. Ginny raised her wand, but Harry called for her to stop. "Excellent, Ginny. Now what would you use if Fred was a death eater?" "The killing curse, of course," said Ginny. "Why do you keep repeating that? You must have told us a hundred...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 19

Outside in the hall, Professor McGonagall wasted no time. "I must leave Hogwarts shortly, and I did not have to time wait until you finished class to speak with you. I take it you noticed Hermione was not around this morning?" she asked. "Yes," replied Imogen. "She wasn't at breakfast and she's not in potions." "I can't tell you where she is, Imogen, but -" "Professor," said Imogen in a tone that a slightly annoyed teenager might use with her parents, "I know where Hermione...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 52

Rita Skeeter stepped out of Mr. Edgerton's office, having dropped off the most recent of her reports, setting out for her parole officer (for that, in effect, was Mr. Edgerton's function) the life she had led in the previous week. Absent from the report was any mention of her second visit to Nurmengard in the company of Harry and Sirius Black, for her activities outside of working hours were none of Edgerton's business. In any event, the biography (now close to completion) she was writing...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 25

The burrow was every bit as wonderful as the books had described it, thought Imogen. She had been there for several days now, along the Weasley family, Hermione and Harry. Sirius too was staying with them, and every nook and cranny of the convoluted home had a bed, cot or mattress to accommodate a family member or guest. Imogen knew that everyone was 'supposed' to stay at Grimmauld Place, at least according to the books imbedded in her memory. But it was perfectly obvious to her why this...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 36

A few days previously Skeeter had been working away in the Ministry library. The library was huge: an enormous, flattened cylinder resting on its elliptical base, resembling the famous operating theatre at Padua, except built on a truly vast scale. The main room was easily a hundred yards in length and half as wide. The walls rose up and up to a ceiling that soared at a height no Muggle architect would consider, but which was trivial for the wizards who had designed the place. At intervals...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 59

On the wall above Dee's head was a framed photograph with a glass cover, and Draco used it to watch the two men as they worked their way towards the back of the restaurant, one of them making inquiries of the restaurant patrons, while the other stood back, one hand in his pocket, his gaze sweeping the restaurant repeatedly. Draco reached across the table. "I hope you won't mind if I borrow these for a minute," he said, removing Dee's glasses from her face and putting them on his own....

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 13

Friday morning, and like the rest of the students the Gryffindors got out of their beds, if not with eagerness then at least with less reluctance than usual, for it was the last school day of the week, and the following Saturday was the first Hogsmeade weekend of the term. Harry, Ron and Hermione looked forward to the Saturday with considerable anticipation. Harry was excited because they would all be meeting at the Hog's Head to recruit students to the Defence Against the Dark Arts club,...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 15

"Imogen! Why aren't you at Hogsmeade with your friends?" Professor Flitwick had heard noises in an unused classroom, and investigating, he had found Imogen working on some fourth-year charms that she had been having trouble mastering. Taken by surprise, she looked down at him, her hair a bit out of order as a result of her exertions. She had not troubled to put on her full uniform, and was wearing only a blouse and a skirt, her face flushed red with effort. Professor Flitwick was glad that...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 67

"You have received but few hints of your past, and they have been so subtle that I doubt you picked up on them. Do you recall your first visit to Grimmauld Place, and what the portrait of Mrs. Black screamed at you?" "Yes." There was a long pause; Imogen by her silence passed a test. "You really do take my instructions literally, don't you? How rare in a teenager. I give you permission to speak freely." "My recollection of things not in 'the books' is very far from perfect, but...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 33

"Malfoy's back!" The cry was taken up by others as the news quickly spread through the Great Hall. Ron stopped chewing, his open mouth gaping in astonishment as he saw Draco's tall, thin form make its way towards the Slytherin table. "Oh Ron, do close your mouth, please," said Hermione absently, watching as Malfoy headed towards his accustomed seat, greeting his friends noisily as he did so. A throng formed around him, through which Pansy struggled until she finally succeeding in...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 39

"I have to admit I have no idea what this is," said Hermione, staring at the odd arrangement of shelves before her. She and Imogen were in the boy's dormitory. The school's founders in their wisdom had protected the girls' sleeping quarters from the intrusion of any boy, but the boys' dormitory, in their view, was in need of no such protection, and so the two girls accompanied by Neville, Ron and Harry were able to climb the stairs to the fifth year boys' quarters and admire Imogen's...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 53

There was only the slightest pause after Ernie's announcement before many a hand reached for a wand, only to come up empty: Harry understood his friends very well, and had he not confiscated everyone's wand, Ernie would have been instantly subjected to multiple curses. Ernie was also fortunate that the small room was very overcrowded. Fred and George stumbled over each other as they rose. Ginny too attempted to get at Ernie, but in the commotion could not get past her brothers. Only Imogen,...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 44

"It's like he's disappeared!" explained Hermione. "I watched carefully during my shift, and I know Angelina and Ginny did the same. We just can't find any sign of Draco on the Marauder's map." Breakfast was still two hours away, and she was in Moaning Myrtle's second floor bathroom, along with Harry, Imogen, Angelina and the Weasley siblings. It was now a routine for them to meet every morning at this hour to discuss their efforts to follow Draco's movements on the Marauder's Map....

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 11

As Harry, Ron and Hermione made their way to Snape's potions class, Ron wondered if Hermione would carry her little joke too far. The night before the Gryffindor common room had witnessed the second annual Useless Spell contest, and Ron was still suffering under the effects of the curse Hermione had placed on him. Harry's offering for the contest was a charm that untied a person's shoelaces. But this was judged by Fred and George to have a practical use - it could be done not just to...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 32

It was now two weeks into the term. Harry and his Gryffindor friends headed out from the common room, on their way to their second Dueling Club meeting with Professor Flitwick. There they would be seeing a number of other students, most from Slytherin, the balance made up of those former members of Dumbledore's Army who had decided to stay with Harry when he'd terminated the DA. The last meeting of the defence against the dark arts club had been most unpleasant, for Harry had faced a...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 47

Shortly after lunch the students of Gryffindor and Slytherin houses eyed each other warily in the hall outside the door to Professor McGonnigal's transfiguration classroom. It was rare indeed for two houses to double up in any class but potions, but now and again it was necessary, either to make up for a holiday or some other quirk in the schedule. Draco leaned casually against the wall, flanked by Crabbe and Goyle. He stared straight ahead with an expression of studied indifference. Nearby...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 3

Professor McGonagall was not accustomed to being addressed in such fashion - especially not by a student. Everyone knew her reputation - 'tough but fair' was the usual description people used. To this could one could fairly add that Professor McGonagall was not to be trifled with; she was impatient of silly excuses and disliked intensely having her time wasted. But to be spoken to by a student in words that bordered on the peremptory - this was new. The professor stifled the immediate reply...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 58

The door to Madam Pomfrey's office opened, interrupting Draco's narrative before he got very far. Draco instantly closed his eyes and settled himself back on his bed. "Obviously Draco has more friends than I thought," Pomfrey said. "And I'm glad you're all being so quiet; I haven't heard hardly a sound since you came in. But really this is too much. Only one of you can stay." Turning to Hagrid, she added, "I mean only one student of course, Professor Hagrid. You're welcome to stay...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 8

"Imogen, there's something I really need to talk to you about. I didn't want to say anything, but I just have to. It's about - " Hermione paused, having difficulty coming to grips with what had to be said. But then she got some help. "Ron?" asked Imogen. "How did you know?" gasped Hermione, relieved that Imogen was willing to discuss the topic, yet annoyed that Imogen had even noticed Ron's attention. Imogen reminded Hermione of discussions they'd had over the last two weeks,...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 6

Imogen had no idea how to get to the Potions room, and so once she was inside the school, she looked about, hoping to spot a fifth year whom she knew to be in Potions. Ahead of her she saw the back of a tall boy with bright red hair - Ron. She fell in behind him at a short distance, and kept pace with him as he effortlessly made his way to the depths of the castle. While keeping an eye on him, Imogen looked around in the hope that she would memorize the way there. She had learned in the last...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 4

After the feast, the prefects of each house called for their first years to follow them, and to mind that they did not lose their way. "That's right," said Ron to the youngsters in his charge. "A few years back a couple of firsties didn't do as they were told and wandered off - never did find them, I don't think..." "Oh, knock it off, Ron!" said Hermione, exasperated. "It's scary enough for them as it is." She turned to address them. "Just follow me - everything will be just...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 5

The next morning was her first experience of the regular routine at Hogwarts. Up early to get ready and dressed, then off to breakfast at the Great Hall. She had slept only a few hours and was utterly exhausted, stumbling down the stairs with the rest of her house. But as she approached the Great Hall, her stomach began to growl. Barely had she taken her seat when a wonderful breakfast appeared on the table - like no other she had ever had. Fried tomatoes - she hadn't known that people fried...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 7

" ... and so that's what happened, professor. I didn't mean for things to turn out like they did, but it just happened." Having finished her rather lengthy story, Imogen lapsed into silence. There was only stillness in Dumbledore's office, as he and Professor McGonagall contemplated Imogen's detailed account of events inUmbridge's class. At McGonagall's bidding, Imogen had gone to see her after dinner, to let her know how her first day at Hogwarts had gone. The Gryffindor head of...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 7 part 1 of 2 Harrys Recovery

Introduction: Harry recovers at Shell Cottage (please read authors note at the end) This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, or have any affiliation with the author. Chapter 7 part 1 Hermione began to shake Harry as she tried to wake him from his exhaustion. What? No it cant be Ron, said Hermione hysterically as she shook Harrys arm vigorously. It was Ron, replied Harry as with a groan he sat up on the beach and felt sand-grains fall from his hair....

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 1

"You stupid, stupid Muggle." Vivian Jones had not been expecting to hear these words. Her day had started normally enough. She'd gotten up very early as usual, and headed out to work: a 40-minute commute on the 401 into Toronto. Almost always the first to arrive at work and the last to leave, the morning had been normal enough: she'd come in around seven a.m., and started right to work reviewing a request for a bid that had come in, a new condo to be built in the downtown core. She sent...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 41

"I'm getting too old for this," thought Professor McGonnigal. She was sitting at the head of a rather sparsely-populated professors' table in the Great Hall, assuming Dumbledore's place in the headmaster's absence. It was not that this task was not in any way taxing. But Dumbledore had ordered her to watch the school in his absence, and it was the waiting she found difficult. She would much rather have been in the depths of the forest than sitting at a table, listening to the chatter of...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 10

As the weeks passed, Imogen found she was able to work harder and more effectively as she gained experience. She resorted to the time-turner with increasing frequency, and her typical day was thirty hours long. She was beginning to truly believe that she would meet her self-imposed goal of catching up with her peers by the start of the second term. She'd kept the list of curses given her by Professor Flitwick, and had learned a few of them. Anyone challenging her to a duel now might get a...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 23

Christmas day, and dinner at 12 Grimmauld Place. Thanks to McGonagall's skill, although the external physical dimensions of the dining room had not increased an inch, it was now able to accommodate most of the Weasley family and friends along with numerous members of the Order. Arthur Weasley was not present, for the recent hearing had been a great strain upon him. His wounds had reopened, and he had been taken back to St. Mungo's. The healers had repeated their assurances that Mr. Weasley...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 65

"Thank you very much for coming; it means so much to all of us," said Arthur Weasley, shaking Dumbledore's hand. Dumbledore only nodded by way of reply. He was near the end of his strength, the visit to the Burrow being his fourth such call of the day. Ernie MacMillan's family had handled the news with tremendous calm and courage, but after that, things had been much more difficult. Dumbledore's visit to the mother of Marietta Edgecombe had been truly terrible. Mrs. Edgecombe was a widow...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 12

A few days later Olwyna was soaring above the forest, nearing the end of another journey to Surrey and back, bearing yet another letter from the unemployed wordsmith, Rita Skeeter. It was early in October, and the day a glorious sudden return to the warmth of the summer just passed. Olwyna was not more than an hour from her perch in the Hogwarts owlery, but she was very hungry, and had to break her journey for a quick snack. Dropping to tree level, she kept a close watch on a clearing...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 57

"How is he doing?" asked Hermione, closing the infirmary door quietly behind her. "No change so far," whispered Montague, drawing Hermione away from Draco's bed. "It looks like he's still out cold, but Pomfrey says we shouldn't talk around him, because you never know - maybe he can hear us. Mind you, he's hardly moved a muscle during my shift. At least his face has stopped twitching — Pomfrey says that's a good sign." "Madam Pomfrey, if you don't mind," said the healer,...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 63

Neville leaned against a wall in Borgin and Burkes, flipping through a book of rare curses. The descriptions were in Old English, dating from Chaucer's time, and the calligraphy was so ornate as to render the text incomprehensible. But the illustrations were clear enough. Positively gruesome. Neville turned the book sideways to look at a painting of a man who had been turned inside out. Unseen by Neville, Old Borgin bowed his customer out of the shop, and then dropping the obsequious manner...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleEpilogue

The end of fifth year was cheerful, but anti-climatic. Imogen was sure she had performed well on her final exams, not at the level of her friend Hermione, to be sure, but she was confident that she'd obtained O.W.L.s in all her chosen subjects. At the end of term feast, Gryffindor easily won the house cup, Dumbledore awarding one hundred points for each Death Eater that a student had killed in the final battle at the Ministry. The thousand points Gryffindor gained thereby made its victory...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 37

The cell was not as Harry had imagined it would be. He had expected a dark, nasty place: damp and smelly as well, with unpleasant insects crawling about. But the room would have been bright had the day not been so overcast, for the cell had large windows on three sides, giving a view of the sky and sea when the clouds permitted. The furniture was sparse: a bed, a small desk and chair along with a bookshelf was all the room contained. A gaunt, aged man sat cross-legged in a far corner,...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 30

"A very unusual specimen, I must say," said Bathsheda Babbling, running a pencil lead back and forth over a piece of fine parchment, the etching on the blade of Harry's knife gradually appearing. "Where did you get this weapon? The script is unlike any I've ever seen." The Ancient Runes professor prided herself on her knowledge of the languages of magical folk, ancient and modern, and was delighted to find something with which she was completely unfamiliar. "A Christmas gift," said...

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Harry Potter and sisters Black Part 1

I first Read this story 3 days ago here on this page but it was not completed, so my OCD kicked in and i looked for the rest. So i am in no way a writer and this is not my story, however i though it would be nice to post it here for those like me who go crazy with unfinished workl can sleep easy. I hope you all enjoy it as much as i did.Thanks you OldWolf who is the first person i see post it and from what i can see is the original writer.Harry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his...

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Harry Potter and sisters Black Part 2

Harry can feel himself smile reassuringly, "How can I help?"Cho's heart skips a beat as she sees Harry's smile, one so loving, so compassionate, so unlike the bastard who had made her publicly humiliate herself. "I was wondering if you would mind me not sleeping with you tonight."Harry chuckles and says, "Tonks talk got through huh?"Surprisingly, Cho doesn't take offence at Harry's laughter nor his question. "To a degree, at the minimum it got me thinking. I need to process this more...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 22

A quorum for a sitting of the Wizengamot was a mere seventeen of its members. When the prosecution of death eaters had been at its peak, often double that number had been present. But today, the day before Christmas, the hearing chamber was full, all fifty-one members in attendance and the packed chamber giving a sense of importance and urgency to the proceedings. The only other occasion in the last ten years on which the chamber had been full was the prosecution of Harry Potter a few months...

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Imogen a Harry Potter taleChapter 24

Only the day after her sentence started and just prior to the end of the year, Rita Skeeter submitted the first of her reports to the Ministry, as required by the terms of her release. When Dumbledore had proposed this as a part of Skeeter's sentence, he believed that the Wizengamot would think it hard punishment indeed to compel Skeeter to catalogue her humiliation on a regular basis. As usual, Dumbledore had judged correctly, for many of the members believed that Skeeter's reports would...

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New Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 7 part 1 of 2 Harrys Recovery

Chapter 7 part 1 Hermione began to shake Harry as she tried to wake him from his exhaustion. ‘What? No it can’t be Ron,’ said Hermione hysterically as she shook Harry’s arm vigorously. ‘It was Ron,’ replied Harry as with a groan he sat up on the beach and felt sand-grains fall from his hair. ‘You must have been mistaken Harry,’ said Hermione shakily, her eyes wide in a manic shock. ‘It was Ron,’ repeated Harry weakly. ‘But..,’ ‘Hermione,’ said Harry more forcefully, cutting Hermione...

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Harry Potter Loves You Part 9

Part 9 and there was Three Harry woke feeling his wives, wives I have two wives, he smiled, laying next him, his eyes closed. Hermione snuggled up to him, her leg over his, Ginny on his other side pressing into him, their heads on his chest and shoulder, their breasts against him, he could feel their breaths on his skin, their heart beats, Hermiones wetness on his thigh, Ginnys hand gently holding his erect manhood. He laid there thinking of how his life had turned around it the last years. ...

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Harry Potter Gets Charmed

This is a fanfic of 'Charmed' and Harry Potter, the characters are owned by their respective owners. Harry Potter gets 'Charmed' By Eric Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were trapped in Snape's Office after hours. Snape was at the door blocking their escape! "I know you're in there, Potter!" he said happily, gloating. "At last I have you red handed, Mr. Perfect Porter! This time not even Dumbledore will keep me from punishing you all!" He started to open the...

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Future Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 A New Beginning

Chapter 1 *2 months later* ‘Happy Birthday, Harry!’ cheered the occupants of the dining table in the Weasley household, as they all raised their goblets in celebration of Harry’s 18th birthday. ‘Thank-you everybody,’ replied a beaming Harry as he looked around at the various people around the table. Every member of the Weasley family was sat smiling back at him, except for Ron who was still away on his self-imposed exile. ‘Well open up your presents then Harry dear,’ said Mrs Weasley...

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Future Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 The Beginning

Chapter 1 *2 months later* ‘Happy Birthday, Harry!’ came the cheer from around the dining table in the Weasley household as they all raised their goblets in celebration of Harry’s 18th birthday. ‘Thank-you everybody,’ replied a beaming Harry as he looked around the table. Every member of the Weasley family was sat smiling back at him, except for Ron who was still away on his self-imposed exile. ‘Well open...

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