Neighborhood Gossip Gets Hers
- 3 years ago
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Once or twice, after her tears had dried, Karen thought that she dozed, but she doubted that she'd really slept. On the floor beside the bed, Satyr faithfully lay watching the open doorway into the hall with the keen eyes of a posted sentry. She smiled when she saw him there, his welcomed presence lessening the loneliness she might have felt. She swung her feet to the floor, sitting on the edge of the bed to reach down and pet him. Immediately, he arose, crowding affectionately against her legs, finally settling his big head contentedly in her lap.
"Have you been guarding me, baby?" she softly spoke in the voice which seemed to please him? "You're a real angel, sweetheart... and I guess it's just you and me for the rest of the evening," she resignedly added, stroking the soft crown of his furry head. "But I suppose it could be worse, couldn't it?"
He raised his head and before she realized his intentions, his warm, moist tongue quickly darted out to brush hotly against her lips. In a natural reaction, Karen drew her face back away, surprised, yet not repelled. In fact, the loving wet contact sent an unexpected sensation fluttering through her! For a long moment, she stared deeply into his wide brown eyes, taking his handsome head between her small hands. He had kissed her and he knew it! The devilish glimmer in his guileless eyes gave him away! Slowly, she leaned forward, holding his face warmly, then near breathless, she parted her moistened, lush lips with her slightly exposed, tiny pink tongue... ! Unhesitantly, his longer, thick one gently touched it in a fiery caress.
Karen couldn't move! Had a human lover implanted a passionate kiss on her mouth or embraced her excited tongue with his, she could never have felt it more intensively! Again he did it, until she realized that she was exchanging little fervent lingual caresses with him, and then he whimpered, the almost pleading sound shattering her unnatural world!
God almighty! What was she doing? She pushed him away, almost leaping to her feet to stare wide-eyed down into his never innocent, yet unguilty animal face. Again, he whined, as if sensing the heat he had easily rekindled within her dormant belly and loins.
"Oh, Satyr... Satyr... what am I going to do with you?" the re- impassioned, shaken wife whispered in self bewilderment. And she was not ashamed this time! That was the befuddling, unbelievable part! No, instead she was as hot as a firecracker ready to explode! Oohhh... what she needed was a drink, something to steady her before she lost her wits completely!
Looking at her watch, Karen saw that it was after six and that amazed her. She must have slept... yes, because at first, she'd felt considerably better, but now she wasn't so sure. Damn, why did Steve have to let her down tonight? She'd never needed him more... the evening they'd planned... their love party... ! He'd said he'd be quite late, too... and now was when she wanted him, not some eight or nine hours away! Oh damn! she tremorously swore to herself as she poured scotch over ice, forgetting the water...
Satyr watched her every trembling move, never straying too far from her side, his stimulated senses knowing from experience her want and need. The piquant aroma from the fluid heat of her human beauty filled his nostrils, just as he had tasted it from her mouth. But he was not used to the waiting, for his real mistress called him to her immediately at such times, as did all of the others in this new neighborhood. Still it was this, the waiting, which made him long all the more for her, and he could do nothing until she bade him.
She refused to sit down and he stalked her like her own shadow, sometimes, getting close enough to brush against her, but then she would quickly ease away. Many times, she refilled the glass and drank it empty. Her soft, warm body still quivered when he crowded against her. Again, and again, her melodious voice sang soft, sweet sounds down to him. The aura of her female sexual smell grew stronger and stronger, until he knew a throbbing in his powerful flanks. And then, at last, she sat and perched before her, resting his head in her lap, the hot, spicy fragrance from up between her warm, soft legs saturating his trained, animated instincts... !
"Oh, you mind-bending lover!" Karen hissed, stroking his great head cradled on the short skirt her revealed upper-thighs composed into a lap. He was more than just a magnificent dog! There was something elegantly human about his maleness! He'd enchanted her and he was well aware of it... knew that she hadn't dare sit down because he would do what he was doing at that very moment! His rounded animal eyes were filled with more than affection... rank lust gleamed there! "You want to make an animal out of me, don't you? You want this morning completed... and... and so do I, Satyr darling! I do... I can't help it... !"
Karen's brain swam from the Scotch she'd drunk. But the liquor had done nothing to ease the burning, sensual excitement within her. Nothing could do that, she wildly thought, except love, and her only lover lay his head devotedly in her lap! Oh God, she was absolutely aflame with desire... and she'd tried so hard! She was a total, seething wetness between her legs, and she knew that Satyr keenly sensed it! He was merely waiting... waiting... !
"Ooooohhh..." she moaned aloud, once more pressing him back away and gaining her feet, though not too steadily. God, she should have eaten... but it was too late now; she wasn't hungry. One more drink and a bath... Yes, perhaps a bath would do it... had to, before she turned herself into something obscenely wanton... !
The huge German shepherd instinctively discerned his pretty blonde mistress' anxiety. He, too, was unsettled. Should he be pleased or thwarted? He followed her into the bedroom, sitting on his haunches with ears and eyes alert as she began to strip away her clothing. She had stopped looking or speaking the soft, pleasant sounds down at him. He watched her slowly make herself naked before him as if he did not exist, the soft whiteness of her human, female body finally exposed completely before him. The rounded, curved excitement of her caused him to pantingly wait with open jaws. He saw in her female beauty all of the hidden secrets he had come to know and enjoy with others, his trained eyes centering on the golden pubic ringlets partially hiding the thin heated little crevice he well-remembered from earlier up between her legs!
She turned and smiled at him. Something throbbed in the weight of his loins.
"I'm going to bathe now, darling. You can come in if you want," Karen heard herself, teasing him, as if she were definitely speaking and taunting a man lover. She sensed a tiny shudder ripple upward over her delightful feeling nakedness. God, she was already a bitch if the truth were known, she thought moving toward the bathroom...
Satyr sat beside the tub watching and Karen couldn't rid herself of the lewd, tingling little feeling that she was being voyeuristically observed by a man other than her husband. By the same token, she couldn't deny her own excitedly rising sensations of playing the exhibitionist! All through the ritual he avidly stared, and then, when she finally stepped out onto the mat, he began to lick her ankles and calves.
"Damn, what a seducer you are!" Karen softly intoned down at him, the Scotch generously warming as well as dulling her mind. Sensuality, born from hours past churned within her. She thought briefly of her Steve, last night, this morning, and then of Barbara's visit. Six times she'd cum! And Don's heavy-hung cock! Was that the way she'd put it? No... but that's what she'd implied! You know you're getting fucked! She'd said, Karen wildly remembered, her friend's use of the lewd words racing through her brain to incite additional sparks of mounting lust inside her. She thought of her own husband, Steve's, penis... so long, hard and thick... ! Was Don's really bigger... ?
Satyr backed away as she reached for things from bottles and spread them over her pleasingly curved, naked body. He watched her small hands massage the swollen mounds of her resilient white breasts, saw the tiny, pink nipples harden to her own touch and he wondered why she scented herself this way. He gazed levelly as she took more from the bottle and spread it over her soft naked belly... and then more, to applicate between her thighs over the patch of soft curls and downward to her legs...
"Well, darling... that's it! I can't kill anymore time," Karen heatedly breathed at the waiting animal she had been intentionally avoiding. The damn bath had done nothing for her! She was a raging inferno of unsatisfied desire inside and the dog knew it... smelled it! She could see it in his eyes... his eyes... ooohhh! "I-I'm frightened, Satyr... like a brand new bride! I'm scared, yet... oh darling... you've got to... got to... !"
The excited German shepherd knew what she meant and trotted out beside the bed to stand there. He had to wait... That was his training. He watched her parade nakedly from the bath, her rounded, white curves rippling enticingly to her graceful stride... and then, she lay down on the bed... and still, he anxiously waited for some gesture...
Karen wasn't certain but what she might lose her mind completely! She had never known an equal to the feverish sensations raging within the seething, fluid channel between her legs, upward into the very secret depths of her ovenlike belly. Her own short, panting breaths seemed unreal to her. She lay on her back with trembling thighs spread partially open, her finger-tips tracing upward over the satin-smoothness of her rib cage to the sensually swollen mounds of her full, tingling breasts. They found the tiny, hardened pink-nipples and narcissistically fondled them, while her eyes searched the burning ones of the dog waiting and whining beside the bed... !
Satyr felt the throbbing quiver of his enlivened, powerful loins at the torrid craving his naked mistress' eager eyes transmitted to him. His heart pounded in his broad chest at the sight of her long golden hair fanned out on the pillow beneath her beautiful head. Why did she make him wait? He could not understand this... !
"Now, lover... come up here to me!" Karen's voice tremblingly hissed. "Come up to your Karen and love her... !"
With an effortless leap, he was onto the bed, momentarily poised in a picturesque stance as he stared down at her. Karen's breath uncontrollably caught in her throat at the sight of him ardently surveying her exposed vulnerable nakedness. It wasn't too late! She frantically reasoned. She could stop him... order him off the bed... come to her senses! And then, he lowered his head to lick out with his hot, wet tongue over the white smooth flesh of her nervously quivering belly!
Oh God... yes, yes, it was way too late! She never wanted him to stop! Again, she felt the delight of its curling, fiery length and she raised her head to watch him licking upward over the round, small basin of her belly! Higher and higher he came, until at last he was licking the smooth, sensitive undersides of her desire-swollen breasts, ever creeping upward over them to their little bursting nipples!
"Ooohhhh," she shamelessly moaned aloud to his fervid tonguing caresses wetly grazing the pink, erogenous tips again and again, sending maddening little spasms of lust whipping through her nakedly roused body!
Her feverish mind was a blank to everything but the captivating sensations his ardorous, licking tongue, brushing with a moistened heat over the firm young mounds of her sensuously heaving breasts, was creating inside her. She heard him whimper from deep in his animal throat, her impassioned gaze fixed on his seductive love-making. Then, his great brown eyes raised to meet hers, their candent glow level with her own. She waited, not speaking, not moving, only intensely breathing through parted, gasping lips, and he moved upward to lick them... !
The boiling animal blood fiercely rushed through Satyr's strong body as once more he tasted the delicate essence of her simmering heat on her lush lips and small, fiery tongue. With his own, he excitedly brushed the tiny, pink member receptively darting from her opened mouth... licking and loving its wet sweetness while faint mewling sounds purred from beyond it. He saw then that her eyes had closed as she lay there beneath his meaningful tongue, emotionally returning caress for caress, and instinctively he knew it was time... !
Abruptly, his intense lingual kisses stopped and Karen felt the bed give from his moving weight... She opened her eyes to see him positioning himself between her slightly spread legs, her breathing quickening as automatically, she spread them further for him! Lifting her head, her brain wildly spinning, the nakedly trembling young wife watched him poise his beautiful head above the obscenely offered intimacies between her full, flushed thighs! Fleeting memories from that very morning raced intoxicatingly through her lust-incited mind! She heard her own animalistic little whine when he slowly lowered to her, his hot breath taunting the sparse blonde-curls there! Then, his cool, wet nose brushed against the impulsive, flame-filled flesh of her inner thigh... and finally, the blood-heated lips of her desire- moistened pussy crevice! She heard him whimper as he sniffed, and she waited in nearly frantic passion, her legs opening wider still of their own volition!
Karen couldn't hold back the sudden expressive gasp when she felt his damp nose move lower between her thighs and brush wetly down against the tiny puckered ring of her sensitively exposed anus! She hadn't expected that! "Oh God!" she blurted, the moment his irresistible tongue splurted between her widely spread buttocks to wormingly lick up and down the smooth, fleshed split surrounding her snug little anal mouth, the tip suddenly burrowing into its tightly clasped, babyish lips!
How long that blissful titillation went on down between her thighs, Karen had no way of measuring; she'd lost track of time! Only that his rapturous animal tonguing never stopped was all that mattered! She felt his searing, wet lavings bringing him to the narrow pink crevice her clingingly pulsating cunt-lips hid. She shivered delectably as he drew its burning wetness upward over the full length of her pussy, from her tightly clenched little anus, tracingly along the thin hair-lined edges of her vaginal lips to the tiny, hotly tremoring bud of her concealed clitoris. Again he did it, this time his lengthy, fire-filled tongue spreading through her softly yielding cuntal flesh like a hot knife through butter! It didn't stop, but blissfully continued splaying wide the hotly welcoming flesh, at last lunging in an invading curl far up into the clutching heat of her deliriously craving vaginal mouth! She moaned, spasming with ecstasy beneath his oral loving, her liquor-hazed eyes lustfully feeding on the incredibly obscene spectacle they made!
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The following morning, Karen Smith was still too overwhelmed from the obscene thrill of her forbidden sexual coupling with her aunt's dog to feel any significant amount of shame or remorse over what she had done. Oh, admittedly, there had been several light twinges of both in the hours that followed. She wasn't quite that calloused yet, not to realize the unnaturalness or unlawfulness of their abnormal love-making, but the delectable pleasures her darling Satyr had raised and sated within...
Earlier that morning, Don had called to let Barbara know his luncheon date with Steve Smith was still on and that he intended to pour it to their neighbor, along with the martinis, just the way they had rehashed it the night before. Not that the voluptuous, onyx-eyed brunette ever felt the need for an aphrodisiac, but the way Don had painted mental images of what it would be like for her with Steve had certainly reacted on her as one. God, she'd gone wild, and so had he, neither of them able...
Satyr had not been pleased to see his mistress, Karen. She had come to take him back to the rope, he felt certain, punish him for running away, and he did not intend for that to happen. He had leaped down from the huge bed and chosen a corner of the room from where he could watch her as well as the pretty Barbara who had just brought him a new form of pleasure. His throbbing loins and flanks still quivered from the wild force of his animal ejaculation up into her warm, wet mouth which had...
Satyr had quickly found Karen, watching her and the man called Don holding onto each other. They didn't see him because he had remained in the shadows of the hallway... and then, he had heard her softly cooing in the tone she used with him, an unknown feeling of envy tensing his muscles. She had forgotten about him, just as had the pretty Barbara, but he had not forgotten her, nor the way she had tied him with the rope. A sadness, as well as bitterness filled his powerful body... but then...
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She MalesMost neighborhoods do not have a high concentration of swingers, but down here.... We are lucky. But with my little girl having just turned 18, could I really continue living that way....?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bob is a perverted neighbor that I have known since we moved into the subdivision 20 years. My bride and I were introduced to swinging by him and the hot tub on the back porch has had as many as eight naked people in it as a time, thanks to Bob. Then my wife died brain cancer...
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Barbara looked out the kitchen window and smiled. Bradley Junior and his best friend Joey took turns jumping their skateboards over a plastic milk case. Both eleven year olds had the bruises and bumps of dedicated skateboarders. She smiled and looked up at the clock over the window. The minute hand touched the four on the clock face and the phone rang. “Hello?” “Barbara, this is Linda.” “Yes I know.” “What? How could you know? Are you psychic?” “No, not quite. However it is...
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It was a regular hot summer day and there was nothing that John was looking forward to more than staying over at his best friend Jack's house for a few days during his vacation. Even though they were best friends there was something that John couldn't deny. Jack's mom, Jane, was the definition of a Milf and he had always wanted to fuck her silly. Even his sister, Joan as well. They were both two of the most beautiful women he had seen, and with this trip he might finally be able to do something...
MILF"8..9...10!" I said. And then I dropped the weights to the ground. "Woh check out Mrs. Jones," Tommy said wide eyed. I turned around to see our math teacher Mrs. Jones stepping onto the treadmill. She turned it on and started running. Her short dark hair was spiked up, her large breasts were bouncing up and down struggling to get out of her top and her ass jiggled a little in her spandex as she ran. I'd give anything to see what's underneath that gym outfit. I thought. "What a milf!" exclaimed...
MILFJason Fladger sits at home just before lunch time, browsing through his favorite 'erotic' websites and getting hornier by the minute. He is 31 years and recently unemployed, so he finds he has a lot of time on his hands to surf and jerk. Most days that is enough to get by, but today he has a serious craving for pussy. Jason's new wife, Leanna, works for the local university. She has a mostly Latin ethnicity, with a little African mixed in. She is very short, only 4'11", with wide hips and a...
Being a 22 year old bachelor had it's perks. John Doe could afford all of the fancy gadgets he craved, plasma tv, video ipod, a new computer... He landed a hot job at a local fortune 500 company as a software developer, and ever since he's had more cash than he's known what to do with. The morning alarm went off, and with heavy eyelids he hit snooze. His hand reached under the blankets at the huge morning wood that greeted him this morning. He lazily stroked the shaft of his cock, as nasty...
This is a work of fiction intended for entertainment only. None of this ever happened but damn, wouldn’t it have been great?“She’s a fucking nympho Larry,” Keith said when I told my friend about mowing the neighbors lawn. “My brother has a friend that knows this guy that says she loves to fuck and doesn’t care which hole she takes your load in.”I looked at Keith in disbelief. Guys were always talking about classmates and not always in a kind way. But whenever the story included two to three...
Turning this way and that way while looking at myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but purr in satisfaction at just how feminine I was turning out to be. Seriously, had I never seen myself before this moment I had no doubt that I would mistake that smiling reflection as belonging to a sexy young female instead of the girly young man that I actually was. True, the skimpy little short shorts I was wearing helped create this illusion, but not by a whole lot. My soft, narrow frame and fair facial...
Mark never knew what hit him until it was way too late. Before he knew it his jeans were around his ankles and his rapidly growing cock was engulfed in my needy mouth. Mark was still looking at the nubile girl laying naked and sweaty on Pauls bed while his un*****e fucktoy was slobbering his now completely erect dick. "Who....who is that? OMG that feels fucking good, fuck Chris, suck my cock". I was now bobbing on a rock hard 7" thick adult cock, the salty flavor of his precum beginning to fill...
The first two parts of this story were well received and told the story of something akin to a BD blind date that was suddenly ended when the women discovered they were related to the men! Part 3 told of the Father and daughter who had some issues to work through. This story tells how the older woman and her step-son worked out their situation.If you are interested in exploring this taboo subject, settle in and enjoy!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Elise pulled on her sports bra and her pink and...
Parts 1 and 2 had me, pops with Lindsey my young offspring. Elise and Tim had their own situation. Now Lindsey comes home and we have to work things out.. and in the process we both get worked up!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It was 3:00 a.m. when I heard the car pull into the driveway. I was lying on the couch wondering just how bad things could be. Elise had jumped up off of Tim, taken a swing at Bob and then burst into tears and run for the stairs. Lindsey had stood there for only...
This is totally fictional, but some elements are true. You figure out how much is true however nothing i*****l ever occurred. When i was younger, i lived in a mobile home park with my parents. I only had one friend, paul. We got high together, had the same taste in music, looked at the same hot girls, blah blah blah. We were constantly on the prowl for weed and pussy without much luck either way. It was such a bitch having money in my pocket, and not being able to find weed. At one point we...
So about a week after I left the moms gaping and cum covered, I came home from work to find Hayleigh and her friends sun tanning in the back yard. I popped my head out the door and said hi to all the girls. They said hi back and Hayleigh said "glad ya made it home!" I asked if they were doing ok and having fun, they said yes and Mindy said she was starting to get hungry. All the girls agreed, and I asked what they wanted. "Burgers!" Is all I heard. I told them ok, and that they needed to make...
The food on the grill was almost done. As I sat chatting with the moms, I learned that every Friday they and a few other moms would all get together and have a game night. Each time would be at a different house and it was really more of a " let's get drunk and blow off steam" than play a game kinda thing. It was a chance to let it all go and as Rachel started giggling out of nowhere, she said " Amber, you remember that one night when you got so plastered you tried to make out with Krystal? "...
Hi, I hope you like the second part. I would love that the ladies also to comment and give feedback on my real incidents on So, the next day morning, as usual, Mom and Dad had left for hospitals. I was about to reach aunty’s house with my clothes to take a bath. She told me that uncle is still at home and he is leaving the office late. So she requested that if I could take a bath at my place itself and go to school. I acknowledged and was about to leave. She held my hand on the gate, slowly...
Hi, this is Raj, continuing the real incidents. Thank you, readers, for your feedback on the first part of the sequel. Your suggestions and feedback are welcome to The next day, still with the same guilt and unable to face aunty, I was getting ready to go to school. Every day, before this incident, I would come out and wish aunty by waving hand. But on that day, I was unable to do that. Later I came out of the house for rushing to school, and she was waiting for me. As I was about to leave,...
Hey, guys, I am Surya basically from Hyderabad and this is my first sex story on this site. I am doing my bachelor’s degree in one of the finest universities in Bengaluru. Age 19.I’ve been in a serious relationship with a girl from my school.For about 8 years.We broke up about 3 months ago. Let me describe myself. I am an average looking guy with a sexy smile.Dark and handsome.Though I don’t have well shaped and athletic body, I am not lean or fat. After my breakup with my ex, I’ve suffered a...
Hi everyone, this is Yash from Bangalore. Doing final year And I don’t want to give buildups. Let’s get started to the story without wasting your time and my time. Basically this session happened with me and my neighbourhood aunt **** who is married plumpy and sexy has huge loads on every part where man has to be enjoyed in a woman. We both were tenant to the same building. I am that kinda guy who feels shy to see the classmates and just imagine me seeing a aunt it’s a biggest...
I was in my final year of high school. I was on the cheerleader squad and getting ready for college. I was just under five foot tall and did not weigh a hundred pounds. I had long black hair and big blue eyes. My mom and granny had always told me to be nice to men and they will reward you. Always be nice to men and give them what they want and they will treat you right. I went over to my friends house one day, we were out of school and I had nothing to do. Her granddad opened the door and...
I very well know that neighbor’s kitchen window is face to face with our guest room window from where all activities in there are quite easily visible.There is a 10 feet corridor as scavenging lane in between.After I was admitted in college we have converted the guest room to my study room and I used to stay in there. Our neighbor is substantially rich.They have big cars..Every day their entire family visit club or hotel and return by around 11.30 pm at night.Their bed room window is at an...
Hey guys and girls, this is my first story.. Please adjust some words… Myself rd I am from a small city in raigad.. Lets focus on story….. One day I was coming from college that days I am doing diploma in last year.. It is time about 7 at evening. I am living in complex like box shape there are about 12 houses in front of each other that day I saw Swathi ( two children’s mom ) fighting with a rat which entered her house. she was trying to either kill or get it out.. Suddenly I went there to...