Intergalactic Roller Coaster
- 2 years ago
- 23
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All I could see was the bore of the pistol pointed at my midsection. The barrel looked wide enough to drive a bus through, and it was pointed right at me. Then, with an odd moment of clinical detachment, I noticed the blood on his hand, red and fresh.
He jarred me out of my thoughts by jabbing me hard in the side with the pistol. "I said, 'Drive, ' dammit!"
With my hands shaking in fear, I started the car and put it into reverse. Somehow I managed to avoid hitting any other cars, though I wasn't sure how. As I started forward into the street, I caught a glimpse of another man running into the parking lot with his hand in his jacket. His eyes seemed to fill my rear view mirror, cold and without emotion. Like a snake's eyes. He peered into my soul, but not in the positive way Keven did. I promptly, and without any rational reasoning, decided he was even more dangerous than the gun-wielding manic beside me.
"Turn right," the man with the gun said, "and make it snappy if you want to live."
I was afraid I was already dead and I had no real choice. I pulled into the street and turned right.
"Please don't kill me," I whimpered, giving voice to my fears.
He turned to me as he heard the sharp fear in my voice, but otherwise ignored my plea. "Go straight ahead and turn toward the freeway," he said instead. "Get on the freeway, and head toward the city limits."
Shivering to myself in quiet terror, I complied. The man continued to stare at me, holding the gun steadily pointed towards me, even while he pulled his other hand out of his pocket and spent a minute fiddling with the seat controls, pushing the seat back. I knew I needed to find some way to get him out of my car, or at least find a way to get him to stop pointing the gun at me.
"You're bleeding," the doctor, the only calm part of me said. "I should take you to the hospital."
He chuckled mirthlessly. "People die in hospitals, lady. Just drive the fucking car."
"I'm a doctor. At least tell me what happened to you. Were you shot? I may be able to help."
"Yeah, I was shot, but I'll live. Trust me on this one, 'cause I've been shot worse before."
"Did Snake Eyes shoot you?" I asked as I pulled onto the freeway.
"Snake Eyes?" he asked, a frown on his face.
"The man who ran into the parking lot behind you."
My unwilling passenger began cursing and half turned in the seat to look behind us. "Sonuvabitch! He'll be behind me somewhere. That bastard never gives up." He looked back at me. "Get off the freeway."
"We just got on," I protested.
"Just get off the fucking freeway!" he shouted. "Do what I fucking tell you!" There was a hint of real fear in his voice. He must have been nervous, because he moved his seat even further back and grabbed my purse.
"Just take the money," I said. "Please. There should be enough in there for you to..."
"Shut up." He opened my wallet and took the cash. Then he stared at my license. "How the hell is it you can get a decent DMV picture, and mine looks like I just got outta bed?"
I didn't answer, completely bemused by the question, the kind a friend might ask, the kind that made the madman seem human. He closed my wallet after a moment and dropped my purse at his feet. Pulling off at the next exit, I stopped at the red light and looked over at him as I braked. He stared back challengingly. Looking past him, up the street to the right, I sucked in my breath and pointed past him. "Is that Snake Eyes?"
My captor twisted in the seat and his head darted as he searched for his pursuer. I slipped the car into park and quietly popped my door open. In a flash, I had the car turned off, the keys in my hand, and I was hauling ass around the panel van beside us. A shouted curse behind me made me tense up and expect excruciating pain between my shoulder blades, but there were no shots.
Directly on the other side of the van was my dream come true, a motorcycle cop staring at me like I'd lost my mind.
"A man with a gun is right behind me!" I shouted, running around the motorcycle. "Help me!"
The cop never hesitated. He stood the bike on it's stand and hopped off, pulling his gun just in time to confront my kidnapper as he belatedly came around the van. "Police! Drop the weapon!" he shouted.
A look of despair came over the bleeding man, but he brought his gun up anyway.
I screamed and turned my head, expecting to die. The crash of the gunshot almost made me wet myself. Though my ears rang, I felt no pain, so I opened my eyes in time to see the cop kicking the gun away from the fallen man and calling for backup. He then twisted the twice-shot man's hands behind him and cuffed him.
Part of me wanted to do nothing more than fall down and cry, but something bigger in me simply couldn't do that, wouldn't let the terrified part of me do that. So instead I walked shakily back to my car, opened the trunk and got out my first aid kit. I ignored the asshole honking his horn, resisting my sudden desire to throw a rock through his windshield. The panel van had pulled away, leaving me plenty of space as I set it beside the downed man.
"Stay away from him, Miss," the cop commanded me sharply.
"I'm a doctor," I said firmly. "I have to help him." Even as I said that, some small voice inside of me raged that the doctor in me so rigidly controlled who I was that I couldn't even react like a normal person would. For an instant, I was shocked motionless by this insight, but I ruthlessly shoved the thought away and went to work.
The cop muttered something at me that I didn't really hear and grabbed his radio mike to give the dispatcher more information. In the distance I could hear muted sirens getting louder.
I stared down at the man who had only moments before held my life in his hand. Now our roles were reversed. I knelt beside him and ripped his shirt open. He blinked at me, his eyes already losing focus. He was going into shock. "Hey!" I screamed at him, "Focus on me. Stay with me."
He smiled at me, though his teeth showed a hideous red. "I don't think so, Doc," he said, coughing up blood matching the rest pooling under him.
"Don't talk." One of the shots had hit him right in the chest, and it was bad. Unless the ambulance got here quickly, he was going to die. He was probably going to die anyway.
"Keep your head down, Doc, and don't talk to strangers," he said almost too quietly for me to hear. "Watch out for that bastard." As if satisfied that he had given me the wisdom of the earth, he gave me one more smile and closed his eyes.
By the time the paramedics arrived, despite everything I could do, he was dead.
The next little while was a three-ring circus. Cops swarmed the scene, and I found myself sitting in the back of a police car with a blanket around my shoulders, a cup of really bad coffee in my hands. A plainclothes detective stood beside the car asking me for every detail I could remember, starting with the moment the dead guy showed up in my car. I wiped my bloody hands with a handiwipe, futilely trying to remove the blood. Gloves made this type of thing so much less messy.
My voice sounded mechanical to my ears, almost monotone, as I answered the officer. I drank the coffee and tried to feel something, but all the emotion seemed to have bled out of me like the blood-soaked, sheet-draped body lying beside my car. With minimal curiosity, I watched a uniformed cop give the passenger seat a cursory look before moving my car out of the road.
"Don't you need to tow my car to search for evidence?" I asked the detective.
He shook his head. "If the officer had seen anything he'd have bagged it. The only other reason we'd need evidence now is to find the guy that took you hostage and charge him." With a brief glance at the body, he shrugged. "I don't think that'll be necessary now."
That made more sense than I expected, despite the many episodes of CSI I'd watched, and I drank more coffee while the detective ran me through the events again. I wondered how much longer it would take till Danny arrived. I'd called him to come get me as soon as I'd been allowed to. I knew I wasn't going to feel safe driving my car. I briefly wondered if I ever would again. For now, I'd simply get it towed home. I'd think about what to do later.
I didn't have to wonder long, because just then Danny stepped up to the car and pulled me out, crushing me with a bear hug. I felt his love and concern for me in that hug, and I tried to say something, but I suddenly couldn't speak as the dam of emotion tore loose, and it was all I could do to hold him and cry. He brushed his hand through my hair as I wept, telling me everything was okay. I remember saying "Thank you" to him and telling him "I'm sorry" over and over, although I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be sorry about.
When I finally ran down, I felt like a wrung-out dishrag. At a nod from the police detective, Danny led me over to where the police had moved my car. Parked next to it was the biggest Harley Davidson motorcycle I'd ever seen. It was nothing but black and chrome, and sitting on it was Keven Braddock.
When he saw us approaching, he stood up abruptly and walked to meet us. Stopping in front of us, he reached out, cupped my chin in his hand and looked into my eyes, reading my soul. Unlike Snake Eyes, his gaze didn't frighten me. I saw the worry and fear buried inside him, hidden from those around him that couldn't peer into him the way I could. In an instant, I felt a bond form between us that strummed like a plucked harp string. Then he pulled me from Danny's grasp and held me.
This morning, I would've been afraid to be in his arms, but now I somehow felt I was where I belonged, and I was only grateful. His beard rubbed against my cheek as he held me and he whispered in my ear, "You're safe now. It's over." He sounded so confident, so certain, that I believed him deep inside and sagged with relief. The scent of him comforted me in a way that I could never have described. He was manly - strong and protective all at once. The part of me that normally objected to being protected, or even feeling the need for protection, was pretty weak after the day's events, so I just luxuriated in the warmth and courage Keven provided.
He finally let me go enough to clap Danny on the shoulder. "Why don't you take Sandy's car home with you? I'll get her home and settled in."
Danny's eyes silently questioned me and I just nodded. I didn't have the strength to consider alternatives or to resist. "Okay, I'll do that, then," he agreed. "Holly and I will bring the car over tomorrow. Sandy, just stay home for now. We'll cover everything at work for a few days."
The flame-thrower inside me wanted to object, to tell Danny that wasn't necessary, but she couldn't get the energy to actually speak. I must really be wiped out I thought to myself. Nodding again, I let Keven lead me to his motorcycle.
As Keven put a helmet on me, I marveled at the relative lack of fear I had about riding the big bike. He put on his own helmet and climbed aboard. "Sit behind me and hold on around my waist," he instructed me. "Hold onto me as tight as you like."
I climbed on behind him and found the places to put my feet. Then, with a shiver, I slid my arms around his waist and pulled myself against him. The heat of this morning was dampened but not gone completely. His stomach was a hot slab of muscle under my hands. I closed my eyes and rested my chin on his shoulder as he started the bike.
The trip to my house was a blur. Although I pointed out turns as we came up on them, I felt as if I was in a trance. I was startled when the bike cruised into my driveway where I normally parked my Porsche. With unsteady legs, I climbed off and tried to figure out the helmet strap until he gently moved my hands and loosened it himself.
After Keven set the helmets on the seat of the bike, I started toward the front door. It seemed like it was a hundred miles away, and I was so tired that I stumbled over my own feet. I squealed like a child when he effortlessly picked me up in his arms and strode to the front door.
"You don't... ' I started.
"Shhh. You've had a rough day, so let me take care of you," he said in a voice more gentle than I'd expected.
With hardly a dip, he pulled my house key out of his pocket. I hadn't even thought about that when we started to my house. I was glad he'd gotten it somehow because I was really a wreck. He opened the door and held me so I could turn off the alarm. He closed the door and then took me right into the living room to set me on my feet.
"Can you make it to the bathroom on your own?" he asked in a concerned tone. "A hot shower would probably do you some good. Come back down when you're clean."
"Yes," I grouched, "I can take a shower by myself."
Keven quirked an eyebrow and smiled. "I asked if you could make it there, not if you needed someone to scrub your back. That would be getting a little ahead of ourselves, don't you think?"
I rolled my eyes and went up the stairs. I made it all the way up without falling back down the stairs, thank God. That would have been embarrassing. Stripping off the bloody clothes in the bathroom, I dumped them in a corner. I'd put them in the washer to soak and give them to Danny to take back to the office tomorrow. The cleaners we had were good at getting blood out.
The room quickly filled with steam as I let the hot water run all over my tired body. Keven had only been joking, but a part of me thought it would be nice to have him behind me, scrubbing my back. I'd lost patients before, back when I'd been a resident in the emergency room, so I knew the feelings. It was part of the human condition to want to reaffirm life after death, but instinctively I knew that was the wrong thing to do now. It might make things... Hell, I didn't know what it might make things.
I found myself shaking and my knees buckle as the weight of the whole ordeal began to overtake me. I was very glad my shower had a built-in seat or I would've ended up on the floor. Suddenly, I was a jumble of nerves and emotions. Even though I had seen my share of death and dying, I had never really had my own mortality shoved so clearly into my face like this, and it frightened me deeply.
Sitting on the seat, I held my knees and sobbed softly. Part of me, the doctor, knew these moments were normal reactions to trauma and would come and go, but it was more intense than I'd expected. I knew that I would be a better doctor when I saw it in patients I would have in the future. Danny contracted with a counselor, a psychiatrist, and I could already see a coming confrontation about me going to see her. Danny and Holly insisting and me resisting. Three guesses how that would come out. That brought the first real smile to my face that night, knowing I had their love and friendship to support me. I could still feel Danny's hug from earlier. Then there was Keven... Ohmigod, Keven... He was still downstairs!
I turned off the water and dried off with one of my big, fluffy towels, then went into my bedroom. Panties, shorts and an oversized tee shirt made me as presentable as I felt like being. Now, I needed to go downstairs and see what he had been doing in my absence. It had been years since I'd had a man wandering around my house, and I felt the burning desire to see what he was up to.
Padding quietly down the stairs, I let my senses stretch out, searching for him. The scent of something cooking led me into the kitchen and I stopped in the doorway, slack-jawed. His back to me, Keven was flipping what looked like shrimp in a sizzling skillet, just like you see on the cooking shows. He could paint and cook?
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Coming out as gay, lesbian bisexual or transgendered is a process that for many, is experienced in stages of change. While there are different models and theories about coming out, the six-step process (The Model of Homosexuality Identity Formation) was created by psychological theorist Vivienne Cass in 1979 and is still an accepted model for understanding the experience. While many will not experience these steps in a linear course, the following steps capture essential components of the...
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Hello All ISS readers, I’ve always been a fan of this site and I’ve been admiring those people who share their wonderful experiences here! As I was thinking thus, finally my opportunity came through as well. God has his own ways of creating opportunities for each person and make it exciting too! I’m no exception in this. Let me share a wonderful experience of mine that came through recently. To introduce myself to you, I’m Dr. Shriram, recently completed my Ph.D. from Europe. During my Ph.D....
Hi. This is Akshay, from Chennai. This is my first story in ISS. Valuable feedback is really appreciated. I have always wanted to share this story but never mustered enough courage or time to do it. This happened around 2 months back. I work in a small office of about 10. Our office did have an equal population of male and female candidates. I am just an average guy who always fantasized about getting lucky with some hot girl. But I knew that was never going to happen. But maybe the universe...
Hello guys mera name JK hai.Meri age 30 hai,lamba aur average looking guys hu aur lakdiyo aur aurat ko pyar karke satisfied karne mein mahir hun aur aap mujhe JK ke name se mujhe bula sakte hai.mera email id hai.Mein apko is kahani mein bataunga ki kaise meine apni sali ko emotional blackmail karke choda. Meri sali ka name dipti hai aur age 35 hai. bahut hi cute aur good looking hai. Hum dono bohut thak chuke the,isiliye dono so gaye sath mei! 3ghante tak dono aise he soe rahe,bister ka...
hello guys mera name jk hai.Meri age 30 hai,lamba aur average looking guys hu aur lakdiyo aur aurat ko pyar karke satisfied karne mein mahir hun aur aap mujhe jk ke name se mujhe bula sakte hai.Mera email id hai.Mein apko is kahani mein bataunga ki kaise meine apni sali ko emotional blackmail karke choda. Meri sali ka name dipti hai aur age 35 hai. Bahut hi cute aur good looking hai. Meine jab pehli baar dekha tha tab se use chodna chahata tha per kaise yeh sochta tha per ek din mein himmat...
Hi friends, I am from small city bhavnagar in gujarat I am a gujarati but I will pen down my experience in English and Hindi so all can readers can read I am married and 34 yrs while my Bhabhi is 2 years elder then me, this happened before 3 years my Bhabhi first cousin’s wife named shenaz lives next to our house. Shenaz have 2 children’s but still she has maintained her body well, 36-34-36. I had a eye on her since long time but was waiting for perfect time. As we were living closely...
Dear Audience, thank you for joining me on my journey beyond the astral plane. I -- Er, wait. That's... not... hold on... Pst. Hey! Is it loaded, yet? Don't forget to restock. 'Member, restock! Ahem. Okay great. Dear Audience. Thank you for joining me on this voyage into the final frontier. Where we will explore strange new worlds. Seek out new life and new civilizatio-- No, no, no, that's not it either! Damn it, Virginia, right line please! Right line! Yes, the one under Masterful Intro! Above...
Angel Wings Marketing Associates was a full service branding agency known for having its finger on the millennial pulse. The open-office sea of desks sported a haphazard frenetic spattering of color, fashion, and electronica. Hipsters mingled with basic girls and quirky fun youths who had a voice and a message to sell. Hungry eager young women and some fashionable men brought their visions for talking to their generations and the next one coming up. Even the CEO, herself only twenty nine and...
Emily woke in the morning, mildly hungover and caked in filth. Still, she was grateful to be up before her date had. She scrubbed off with his hand towel in the bathroom, dressed in her clothes from the day before, and ran out bright and early. With enough hustle, she could make it to Kyle’s place, change, and maybe get to work on time-ish. Kyle had been at home just finishing breakfast when she walked in. “Hey, whoa, just getting in?” “Yeah, Kyle.” “Some night out, then huh?” “Yup,” she...
Sleep came eventually despite her mind flickering back to all sorts of raunchy images and thoughts. Muddled and nonsensical, she found herself in a variety of strange situations. In one scene she was riding a horse, but the saddle was a man lying down, so she had to mount him cowgirl style ride and ride him in a race for her life. In another scene she was being chased by mini panda bears wearing nutcracker uniforms wielding dildos. They kept catching her, but then she’d jerk one off and...
“So that’s the part of the story you all know. The three of you fucked Emily. Good times. So, hey guys, how about a post mortem: What did you think of her? Honestly.” Nelson shrugged and took a swig, “She wasn’t half bad.” Adriel looked around to some of the scantily clad ladies then back to Preston. “Right, of course, mixed company, we’re all gentlemen here,” Preston clapped his hands, “Ladies, please give us the room!” The women left, their perfect bodies, a parade of flesh that two men...
Emily woke up in the morning with the queer unfamiliar sensation of not being in the right place. She stat up with a start, pulling the sheet to cover her chest, only to remember that she had nothing to cover. For the second morning in a row, she was Preston-Emily. She swung by the master bedroom to see her body, still at respite. She looked so peaceful lying there, a swell in Emily’s heart made her want to go and hug herself. But that was not herself. It was her body, but it was inhabited...
“Can I be the one to kill him?” Katerina’s eyes glinted with malicious joy. “What?” Preston-Emily’s voice cracked in shock, but on this ordinary Monday, none of the other assembled women seemed all that shocked. Katerina looked around as if she’d just announced the sky was blue on a clear day and was not believed, “Oh come on, that’s what we’re here to talk about right? That’s why the big all hands meeting.” She was wearing jeans and a long sleeve athletic shirt that she’d picked up today....
The first thing Emily became aware of was a pounding in her head, the second was flashing sunlight, the third was that she was moving. Tentatively, she pried one eye open. She was in a car, but not her limo. Emily gasped, the events of the previous night flashing to her mind. Instantly she checked her body to see if she was still him. “Good morning, my sweet,” Katerina’s voice. Relief flooded her and her masculine voice groaned, “What happened last night.” “A fuck up. We almost lost...
The Anything Controller By Zedd I bought the little box in an old antique store down the street from where I live and brought it home to check it out. "Cool!" I exclaimed as I opened it up and found a small controller, very much like a game-boy inside. I picked it up and noticed that, except for the size, it wasn't really much like a game-boy after all. I noticed several small controls and levers, each having a small window next to them, and an enter pad at the...
Everyone was coming in carrying multiple bags. My Mom spotted me heading toward them in the kitchen and said, "No, Ral. Out." I stopped and doubled back automatically. My conditioning to do just what she said all during my childhood had kicked in and I kowtowed to her will. A second later, I was mad. How could I just give in to what she wanted? I didn't have to do what she said any more. I was an adult and if she couldn't accept that then she would have to just put up with it. I turned...
Dosto yeh jo kahani mai aapko batane jaa reha hu yeh mere ek dost ki hia jiska naam mahesh patil aur woh ek road contractor hai uski shaadi hui hai aur usse do ladke hai dono school jaate hai contractor hone ke wjah se woh bahar gaav jaata tha 10-10 din bahar rehta tha ,woh jis bldg me rehta tha ussi bldg me mai rehta tha mai 4th floor pe aur woh 3rd floor pe ,jab bhi hum milte the to pyar bhare jokes aur masti waale chutkule saath me peete bhi the,uske ghar me hall me ek lekage chalu hua...
By : Pri16179 Hi, am Priyanka. I’m doing Mba in Bangalore this happened 1 year ago. It was a very bad experience for me. I was emotionally shattered. I went to a therapist for 4 months now. He said I should get it out from me and tell it to others to feel lighter and grow stronger. So here I am telling my story. It started in 2010 Feb, when I started dating Vivek. He was my classmate. We had worked together on projects and assignments so we were close. He asked me out and I found him nice and...
November 21, 1982, West Monroe, Ohio Jocelyn was visibly rocked back by my vehemence, or, more likely, my cursing in English. I was reasonably sure she’d never heard me do that before because I couldn’t remember ever cursing in front of her in English before. My usual way, using Russian words, wouldn’t have had the desired effect. I could only hope that the shock value would jar her out from whatever state she was in. “Well, I see you’ve learned a few new words at Taft. I guess it hasn’t...
I looked out my window. A thunderstorm was rolling in, the withered late-autumn corn bristling in unison. The last gasp of Summer, was about to be overtaken, and the freeze of winter would coop me up in this two-story prison for the the next season. Don't get me wrong; I do enjoy the passage of seasons. From the radiance of summer to the sterility of winter, it adds a predictable spice to life. People in the South do yearn for snow, after all. But in this rural outpost, two miles out from...
Mind ControlChris had a big smile on his face as he drove home from work. It was Sunday and the first day of his three day break. He was thinking of his sweetie, Trina who was at home waiting for him. She had sent him a sexy photo of herself in the bathtub covered in suds with the caption, "all of this is for you". The thought of her body made his nature rise. He was ready to ride those rollercoaster curves of hers and he couldn't wait to get home. He shook off that thought and laughed to himself. He had...
Author’s note: The fireworks show HG talks about is in reference to a 4th of July flash I wrote for the Hot Flashes page, and can be found there. If it’s too much trouble to sort through, drop me an e-mail and I would be happy to send it to you. This story is the intellectual property of Frustrated, not to be duplicated, copied, or reproduced without the author’s express permission. Please e-mail me at the address in my profile with all complaints, comments, criticism, and naughty...
I always wanted to write a story that happened in my life but was too lazy to type. This is my first story. Please share your feedback to and also feel free to contact me. I am a 29 yr old smart Tamil guy living in us now. This is a real incident that happened when I was in Bangalore in 2013. I used to login to chat rooms to find females. One fine day, I chatted with amulya (name changed) and in a short time she asked me if I would like to be her boyfriend to which I agreed. She is basically...
I am Sunil from Mumbai. I am 28 yr old and married. This incident happened last Sunday. Mere dost Rakesh ki shaadi around 3 saal pehle hui. They are a very nice couple. Anita achi ladki h. Chanchal si, natkhat si. Rakesh and myself were like brothers so even Anita was a good friend. After 2 years of their marriage, that is last year, they planned for a child. However, it wasn’t working properly. They were not able to get results. Dhire dhire unke bich tensions hone lge. Rakesh depressed rehne...