Selena gomez Megan fox
- 3 years ago
- 68
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Joe slid his little sports coupe into the dorm parking lot and scanned the area for Selena. Just as he parked the car he saw 2 girls round the corner, one being Selena. Upon seeing Joe she ran in mid sentence to meet him. Without even having a chance to get out of the car her lips were on his, kissing him.
"Oooo I just had to get my lips on yours. God, I can't wait to hold you. Let me dash upstairs and I'll be right back." Selena said, barely taking time to breath.
She ran from the car and met her girlfriend again as they both went into the dorm together, with Selena chattering, probably about Joe.
When Joe saw her open the dorm door he alit from the car to greet her properly. With a few books and a small duffle and purse she ran to meet him again.
Joe had just been moving to her side of the car to open her door when her arms enveloped him.
This was a proper hug and kiss as she held her things, still in her hand, behind Joe's head as they probed tongues together in anticipation of loving each other later.
"Let's go, we have to beat the clock to get started. Dinner reservations are 7:30. We have time for this later." Joe said breaking the kiss.
"Can I tell you just one thing?" Selena asked, still holding his face close to hers.
"You make me feel like such a whole woman. I've always felt like a little kid here at Poly among the rest of the population. Now I feel like such a whole woman, a whole person; a woman, a person with a fire that burns inside me for you, my love. I wanted you to know that. Let's get going!" She said as she let Joe open her door and she got in.
Selena's excitement for being away from school and the pressures of studies was obvious by her never-ending litany of the things she wanted to do on her day off. Joe barely had a chance to get a word in by the time they got to her house.
"OK, it's 5:45. Our dinner reservation is at 7:30 and we can walk to the Arena from there for the 9:30 show. I will be back here in one hour. Can you do that?" Joe asked.
"It will be close, but I think I can make it. I have what I want to wear all planned out in my head and my Mom will help with my hair. You better have your cute butt back here in an hour or I'll come and get YOU!" she joked as she gave him a peck on the lips and dashed from the car.
Joe rushed the short distance to his house and got showered and changed. He finished his look for the evening with a blazer and tie, wanting to be sure he looked special. The rush was for a reason. He planned to get to Selena's 15 minutes early to meet her father. He wanted to get this out of the way, as it had been weighing heavily on him. It wasn't how Selena had wanted it, but she was putting it off, and now was the time for Joe.
At 6:30 Joe was at her door ringing her bell.
Scott Hanson answered the door already knowing who was calling.
"Ah, you must be Selena's father. My name is Joe Johnson, I'm here for her, and we're going to dinner and a concert." Joe said a bit nervously.
Scott Hanson extended his hand and shook Joe's and invited him in.
"Selena, your date is here." He yelled up the stairs.
A voice from a room off the upstairs landing yelled back.
"I KNOW! Someone's early." Came a peeved voice.
Scott turned to Joe and half smiled. Before he could say anything Joe spoke up.
"I came bit early to meet you so you would know who she was with, so you wouldn't have to worry. I'm really quite taken with your daughter, she's quite special."
"Special she is! She's said that she was seeing someone she also thought was special. I know that you haven't pressured her into being lax on her studies to see each other and I commend you for that. She says you had a similar experience."
"Yes, I did. I was pushed ahead 2 years and also went to PolyTech. As a matter of fact, the think tank she will be on Wall Street for is one I wanted for a long time. I envy her in that situation, but I know the tough time she is having right now. The first half semester of the third year is a grinder."
Scott wore the same half smile from before.
"I know you two haven't been seeing each other long, but your intentions are clear if I read the two of you right. She's elusive when I ask your age, but I can see you're at least 30. I also know you run your family's construction company and you are a Wall Street bird dog. So, I don't think you're a hound. Just be honest with her, and with me. She's still my little girl, no matter what."
"Don't worry Mr. Hanson I..." Joe started to say before he stopped and stared.
Selena was coming down the stairs in a long dress that hugged her curves; a wine colored affair with gold accents and buttons. Her hair was up with wispy locks falling at the sides.
Scott Hanson turned to see what had caught Joe's attention and he smiled.
"I guess I will never get used to how beautiful you are." Joe said to Selena. " I will be so proud to go anywhere with you knowing that every man who sees you will do a double take. You are that breathtaking."
Selena blushed deeply and looked at her father for reaction. Mr. Hanson kept looking first at Selena, and then at Joe, trying to read their eyes and reactions. It was clear that the attraction and electricity between the two was palpable.
Joe walked from his position where he was talking to Mr. Hanson to the bottom step and extended his hand. Selena took it, smiled and kissed Joe right on the lips.
"You look quite handsome yourself, thank you.
Mom!! Come see how handsome my Joseph is!!" She yelled up the stairs.
Joe blushed himself as he saw the attractive Mrs. Hanson come to the top of the stairs and begin stepping down.
"Hello, I'm Betty Hanson and I'm so pleased to meet you, Joe." Selena's Mom said as she extended her hand.
Joe cordially extended his hand and then turned to Selena and offered his arm.
"We should go so we can park and be there for our table. It's been so nice to meet you both." Joe said as he whisked Selena to the door.
"Don't be too late!" They heard Scott Hanson holler as they went off the porch.
"Hurry Joe," Selena said. "My Mom is probably breaking the news to him right now that I won't be home till morning."
"Oh Great! So he might be on the porch with a shotgun before we get away?"
"No, that won't be necessary, he can grill you at breakfast."
"That was part of the deal with my Mom. If I stayed the night, I had to bring you back for breakfast so you could meet my Dad and he could get things out of his system. I guess I didn't mention that before. I know it's a surprise, but you showing up 15 minutes early was a surprise as well. IF I HAD KNOWN THAT, I wouldn't have agreed to the breakfast. So we're both guilty of a little deception."
Joe chuckled. "I don't think your Dad is the shotgun type, even if you stay the night and we show up together. He can assume we had sex, but he'll never know. But, he will know that you think I'm pretty special and old Dad is going to have to start sharing his daughter. Isn't that the point of the whole thing anyway?"
"In essence, yes. I won't hide and sneak around because that only causes distrust, and I don't want that." Selena agreed.
"OK then, enough about everyone else. The only 2 people in the world from here on in tonight are you and I. How's that?" Joe said emphatically.
Selena took his hand from the console and kissed it to express her assent.
She kissed it a second time and took the tip of his middle finger in her mouth and rolled her tongue over it. He looked at her as if to say something, and she just smiled back as suggestively as she could. The rest of the ride to the restaurant was quiet as they both fought off arousal; he with a thickening in his underwear, she with anticipatory juices leaking into hers.
Dinner could not have been better. It was a sexy night of wine, candlelight, and great food all topped off with homemade spumoni. Joe heard his watch beep for nine o'clock and he knew they should be going.
"We have just enough time to walk to the arena across the way. We can go in the VIP entrance and skip the crowds. Johnson Construction holds a VIP box and I was able to exchange it for these 2 seats. The box has 8 seats so they can make a nice profit."
The concert was everything they expected and more. Billy Joel was Billy Joel putting on a great show. As he came back on for his encore Selena nudged Joe, "Why don't we beat the throng and get a head start home. You know the encore will be Piano Man. Besides I really need to visit the powder room."
Joe took her up on the suggestion and scooted down the aisle while everyone stood clapping for the encore. Joe used an ID to get them through a VIP exit and into the arena offices and easy exit.
As they rode home through the city and into the suburbs Selena started humming a favorite Joel song and Joe add lyrics to it and then they traded verses back and forth. When Joe forgot a line they both laughed and Selena leaned over and put her head on his shoulder.
"Is it OK to tell you how much I want you now?" Selena asked.
Joe smiled and reached over and patted her hip.
"You don't seriously think there has been a moment that I haven't wanted you in the past 2 weeks, do you? We have the night to make each other happy, to make love. We're almost home." Joe said.
Selena sighed deeply knowing that the moment she had waited for all week was near.
True to his word, Joe's little roadster was in the garage in moments and he was getting her door. His arthritic knees were barking from all the walking and sitting of the evening, but it didn't seem to matter now.
They were on and off the elevator in moments and in the living room.
"Why don't you sit on he sofa and open the curtains. I'll get us an ice wine nightcap and we can look at the view of the city lights and talk before bed."
As soon as Joe sat down and handed her a cordial glass of ice wine she took a short sip and turned to Joe. He took her glass and set the two of them down and wrapped his arms around her as he drew her face to kiss her. The kiss was long and deep as his hands slid down to the curve of her ass. She moaned into his mouth as their tongues played and she moved a hand to his tie and loosened it, never losing his lips. Boldly she dropped a hand to his crotch and felt his penis, already growing. Joe would have ran a hand to her sex, but the long dress was going to mean he had to take it almost off to get at her there. Instead he worked the buttons on the back of her dress. Once they were undone to the middle of her back he broke the kiss and peeled the front of her dress down to reveal her breasts. He sighed and moaned at their beauty and the satisfaction they were his.
He reattached his lips to hers as he fondled her gently. As she moaned approval he felt her pull the tab on his zipper. Once down, she fished into the opening and carefully drew him out. He moaned the same satisfaction she did upon freeing her breasts. She stroked him up and down a few times and broke her kiss.
"Let's get this coat off you, your shoes and pants. Then I'll slip out of my dress." Selena said while running her hands inside his coat over his shoulders to push off the coat.
"Lay back and lift up, I'll get your pants." She whispered to Joe as he lay back and closed his eyes, lifting his ass to accommodate her taking his pants down.
Her hand reached for his cock again and stroked it as he still lay reveling in her touch.
He was about to push himself up to help her with her dress when he felt a warm mouth drop over the head of his cock.
"Oh Selena, Ohhhh Selena!" he groaned a he came to the realization that she was taking the whole head of his cock in her mouth and sucking it like a Tootsie Pop.
"Do you like that? I want to make you happy. It feels so smooth in my mouth." She said as she dropped her lips over it again. She moved her mouth up and down a little bit, but mostly sucked the whole head in her mouth and then let it out, with Joe groaning deeply.
Selena lay in bed listening to the purr of Joe's light snore. She felt empty and alone. Although Joe said her admission made no difference, they went to bed without making love or the usual affections. They both downed their wine and Joe took her hand and led her to the bedroom. She undid her robe and Joe took it and laid it across the foot of the bed. He patted her bare butt and she crawled into the bed with Joe following her. She played coy and rolled away from him hoping he would spoon...
Selena was happy that Joe's homecoming Friday was a forgetful day at Polytech. One class had been canceled altogether and another was cut short when a professor was called out by the birth of a grandchild. Classes had reached a review and study phase anyway so Selena went through the day on an auto-pilot of sorts, her little notes of the where and how to meet Joe at the airport etched in her mind. Joe was coming in on a government charter and not going through the public terminal. She was...
After a whirlwind few hours Selena sat alone in the home she and Joe now called ours. Joe had packed, ransacked their bags for his personal items, drove to her parents house, visited with them, and drove back to meet the van, and her Joe was off. Their goodbye was tearful, but Selena was determined to be more grownup about the situation so Joe could leave with a good mindset. Selena drove to her dorm and gathered all of her books and returned to the place she called home now. After setting...
The drone from a church organ on the radio cracked the silence of an early Sunday morning as Joe and Selena slept off a long night of rich food, wine and spirited love making. Selena rose up her nude body and reached over Joe to the radio to switch the station to an FM music station and then hit the snooze bar. Her breasts hung in his face as he opened his eyes. "God! I thought I was in church and then I open my eyes to these beauties, I was sure I was in heaven." He joked with his...
Joe and Selena had been asleep in each other's arms for about 45 minutes when Joe startled. "What was that!" He said quickly sitting up moving Selena from her perch on him. "Wha... what?" "Listen," Joe said intently before falling back onto the pillow. "Oh, its Lucy and Jer! God I was dreaming about some thing and... " "Those two, still going at it." Selena reminded him, "The company, the strange bed and everything must have been an inspiration for them. Lucy said they'd...
Joe woke Thursday morning in one of those dazes where you don't know where or what you are. The shades had been drawn, but light peeked in. He thought about a hotel room in Phoenix, but the sudden urge to pee changed his concentration to his penis and the night before came back to him in spades. He turned his head to see the sleeping Selena. "My God," he thought to himself. "This woman literally sexed me into submission last night. I've never seen a woman so possessed with sexual...
On Monday night, her last day of a long Founders Day weekend, Joe said his goodbyes just after 7 o'clock. Their lovemaking had been intense and fulfilling so that losing their last 12 hours originally planned was easier to cope with. Joe always pledged that her school was number one, so when she became worried about her presentation for Doc Stevens, Joe knew where her priorities had to be set. Dressed in a hooded jogging suit she drove into the dorm parking lot and saw Lucy's car...
It was early in the new Wednesday morning when Selena woke to the sound of Joe snoring loudly. He was on his back, exhausted. She rolled off the bed to satisfy the urge to pee. Once on her feet she knew she needed to freshen her mouth from its acrid taste, and her vagina, the lips stuck uncomfortably with her dried juices. The discomfort in her rear was slight, but it did make her aware that she had been thoroughly sodomized a few hours earlier. After using the sink, the pot and finally the...
The gentle ringing of the phone stirred Selena. She had set it on low ring, figuring she would rarely need the wake up call. "Hello thank you!" She said to the waker and hung up, then quickly sat up on the side of the bed afraid to fall asleep again. Once again the phone rang and she reached for it again. "Please don't hang up in my ear this time." She heard Joe say. "Oh my God, that was you! I'm so sorry my love." She said, embarrassed. "I just called Joseph and told him I...
Joe was up and out early Saturday morning with Union business to take care of at Johnson Construction as well as contracts to settle with lawyers for future business. The final transfer of stock to the employees was drawing closer and Joe was doing everything he could to make the transfer smooth. The last two years had been good ones for the company and Joe liked to think that the fact he had taken a bigger role in the operation was part of it. His share of the operation was negotiated to a...
A rustling on the bed began to rile Joe from his sleep at he washed he cobwebs from his mind. He became aware of Selena slipping in behind him on the bed to spoon him, reversing the position they fell asleep in. "Good morning," she whispered with a kiss to his cheek. "Good Morning yourself! Are we sorry for anything that happened last night?" "No, not for me anyway. There was a lot of sexual tension building and I think we lifted it. My reasoning may have seemed flawed, that a first...
Ross Curran and Selena Hanson both greeted Deneigh and entered the door into the Great Room. Ross quickly turned and questioned her. "Does Joe have any connections at Galaxy? Did you discuss it?" "Only briefly. I mentioned that I was debriefed by the FBI and had denied his knowledge. He was wracking his brain to see if he did know anyone at Galaxy and I told him to stop and shut up." She said with a little grin. "That was a good plan. If ANYTHING comes up later and you try to convince...
Miley thanked everybody for coming and waved goodbye as she made her way backstage as the Teen Choice Awards were ending. She headed to her dressing room and flopped down on the couch, thankful the show was over. A knock on the door a couple of minutes later startled her as her publicist popped her head in “Hey Miley, great show tonight” she said as Miley stood up. “Yea, it was pretty awesome” Miley said as she grabbed a bottle of water and took a drink, walking over to the door. “Somebody...
Selena's train pulled out of the station right on time at 6:36 allaying any worries she would miss her 9:30 start time at Wall Street Global. Her goodbye with Joe was still tearful, although they said goodbye so many times in the past half day. Once on the train she had the days Wall Street Journal and USA Today. Plus, she had Joe go over everything he had done the day before with hopes it might give her insight on anything discussed at WSG. She was still a bit nervous that she might miss...
The Monday after the Friday New Years should have been the beginning of a fitting countdown to Selena's last two weeks of winter break. Christmas had been her best ever, having her family Christmas at "her" house. When they got back from Manhattan after finishing her emergency fill-in for Charley Ford they decorated the house and got a big tree and all new ornaments. She and Joe cooked the whole meal for the 7 guests. There were her parents, her Aunt Judy and Uncle Mac with their daughter...
Selena's Sunday morning dream made her sleep serene. It was of the simple life she and Joe would share someday. It was idyllic in her sleep thought, as if floating on a cloud where making each other happy and enjoying their children were the only chores. What made it seem even more real was the gentle calling of her name as Joe tried to wake her. "Selena,... Selena? Essy, are you awake? I need some help." Joe whispered as he gentle rubbed her hip. Suddenly she startled. "What! Is...
"Hello? Daddy?" "Selena! Is there something wrong?" Scott Hanson asked in a worried tone, knowing it odd she call him at work, and from New York City. "That's what I want to ask you, if there's anything wrong." She said back inquisitively. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I spoke with Mommy last night and I'm so psychologist, but I can tell something is wrong. She sounds very depressed. I got real bad vibes from her Daddy. Do you notice anything when you talk to her?" She...
As 7 o'clock rolled around Joe and Selena strolled to the cul-de-sac at the front of the resort to see Pam and Dionn on a bench waiting in tight embrace. When they saw Joe and Selena they stood and smiled and came to them hugging and shaking hands. "This has been a fun week and we're glad we had a chance to meet another couple as much in love as we are. Let's go out and celebrate each others happiness." Joe announced. "Let the Jamaican rum flow!" Dionn said with a laugh as they began...
The buzz of the alarm startled Joe from his sleep and he quickly hit the snooze and lay back next to Selena. He looked over at her and she looked so sweet and innocent he could not resist propping up on an elbow to stare at the young beauty. After a few moments he leaned and kissed her cheek and then her lips in hopes of waking her. As she began to stir, he leaned and whispered in her ear, "... and the handsome prince kissed Sleeping Beauty to wake her from her deep sleep." Selena smiled...
The new school week became a blur to Selena before she could focus. Lucy's car broke down Monday afternoon and she had to work a night shift. Not knowing if she would need her car she was hesitant to let Lucy borrow hers but volunteered to drive her to and from work. It was the least she could do after all the rides and car loans Lucy had given her. Between school, practice, games and Jeromy, Lucy was pulled to the limit. On Wednesday when Selena finished class at 2:00 she planned to drive...
The ride home from New York City was almost surreal for the couple. Their love had reached a height even they had no idea was possible. They spoke little on the way but glances to each other that caught their eyes were 1000 word soliloquies. Despite Joe's years of relationships he was as much the babe in the woods that Selena was at this level of adoration. With the wind blowing above their heads in the top down roadster the ride was a series of deep sighs. Until they turned up the street to...
Introduction: Wall have Selena fantacies, right? Heres a story about a sister who role plays Selena for her young sister. Lana carefully brushed her shoulder length curly, dark hair and put on a bit of pink lip gloss then pulled on her pink tank over her bare little tities. She loved how hard her puffy nipples looked under the thin material. She looked at the pink thong. She couldnt resist. She ran a finger down her pouty cunt lips so the material slipped inside. She trembled slightly and let...
Joe Johnson's little roadster pulled to the front of Ben Bensons and the parking valet rushed to escort them out of the car and into the warm waiting area. Joe explained they had reservations and their third party was likely already inside. Soon they were being escorted to a booth in the back under a wooden fish sculpture. It was "Joe's table" at Bensons. It was also "the table" of many regular patrons much more famous to Joe, but it was early enough that he was able to get it. There...
As the last months and weeks of Selena Hanson's college education wore down life's horizons seemed to get brighter each day. Her beloved Joseph was now a full functioning male who could father the children they so much wanted, and his "bad" knee was now his good knee and much of the aches and pains he felt in the past were gone. He managed the pain in his left knee and back much easier without the constant undercurrent of grinding pain in his right. Dr. Payne's procedure seemed to fix...
Selena had her brief and laptop packed and ready to go 30 minutes before the three o'clock meeting that would end with her charging from the building to head upstate. She had just sat to review the trading screen when a knock came to her door. Ross Curran opened the door before she could respond to his knock. "Ms. Hanson, sorry to spring this on you but we weren't forewarned either. The FBI would like to speak with you about the phone call from Doctor Gaiters this morning. They are here...
The ordeal of interviewing a house-sitter or coming up with a referenced short term lessee for her house had taken much more time than Shelley had wanted to spend and at 8 o'clock on Thursday night when the last reference of a possible lessee fell through she decided to give up any ideas of either for the time being. She had hoped to be lying underneath Slim in a pool of sweat by this time and she was no more close to that than she was to making sure her house was secure. As much as she...
When they got into the car for the short jaunt home Selena kept her eyes forward and asked. "You're not pissed, are you?" "No, not really," Joe answered, "But, you could have started World War 3 there. Why in hell did you go and do it NOW. We could have waited until we were a year together or something? You were lucky, I'll tell you that. I'm very tempted to give you that red bottom you talked about." "You better not! I've been a spoiled little girl all my life and you're...
As Spring Break time began to roll around Selena began to feel Joe out to see if they could go away together. She knew he rarely rested from his investment games and keeping his finger on the pulse of Johnson Construction. If there was anything about him she wanted to change, it was that. As obsessed as she was with hard work, she was still young enough to realize the need to recreate. She was hard pressed to remember a day she had spent with him where work didn't enter the equation. If this...
Selena had stayed with Joe more than an hour past normal visiting hours Wednesday night. It was a great time for them just communicating and solidifying their bond. She spoke about all of the things she and Dr. Payne talked about, except the TeeFix. The doctor thought it was the most likely scenario, but didn't want Joe to bank on it and then be disappointed. They went over how they would handle his recovery, no matter which way the surgery went so that it would not interfere with her school...
Alexis was so kind, sweet, cute, and smart, she put her tiny feet in a pair of pink, flip-flops and quietly tiptoed past her Mother's room where she was asleep and snuck out. Her older sister Meg had come home for a visit and was already in her own room. She got on the city bus which drove her to just 20 minutes a stop near Lana’s place. "Do you think I'm more of a Selena, or a Miranda?" Lana asked, thoughtfully answering a questionnaire in a teen magazine. Alexis, whose head was...
The sound of the news on the clock radio filled the room where the lovers slept at 6:30, waking Selena first. She rolled over to look for Joe just as he lifted his head to check and see if she were awake. "I'll make coffee and you get dressed, OK?" Joe said as he pecked her on the lips and got up. He went to the kitchen and put a pre-measured packet into the coffee maker and took a bottle of spring water from the fridge and poured it in as he did every morning. He switched the brewer on...
Sunday dinner was just being cleaned from the table as Selena prepared coffee and Betty Hanson was cutting the apple pie she had made for Joe. Joe was due for another vicodin, but he wanted to skip them until bedtime when he could take 2 and go right out. He wasn't in a lot of pain, just a dull ache when he tried to move the leg. He knew in bed, in his sleep, these movements would wake him for sure, so he wanted to be above that threshold. But he had "business" he wanted to take care of...
Wall Street Global was in a small office building, a converted brownstone. They held the entire bottom floor with 6 good size offices and a long narrow conference room. When Selena went in the receptionist seemed relieved to see her, as it was probably the only appointment for the day. "I hope they didn't bring you in today just to greet me." Selena asked her. "Well, we work on Sundays, just not this early. We usually come in from 4 until 8 at night to summarize overseas trading since...
The morning air made her feel jubilant as she walked in almost a march against the cold breeze that froze her face. She felt like every eye on the street was on her and they were saying "there she is, that girl who's in love more than any woman ever. There she is. I wish I was her." Although she was always content in her relationship with Joe, there were always lagging doubts because many of the women who had wanted him were still close. Whether it was the ring, or the way the ring made...
Joe did just what she asked and pulled up to her house at 10:50 and beeped two short toots on the horn and her front door swung open and she ran out. She swung the door open and told him to pull away quickly. They got to the end of the block and Selena asked him to find a place to stop and talk as soon as he could. Turning from the development he pulled into the lot of a failed strip mall turned to office suite plaza. Besides a hello and how was your day they had little time to say anything...
After their Friday night of wings, pizza, beer, and good friends talking Selena and Joe retired to their bedroom to continue their previous love making before retiring. Together they prepared for bed in the bathroom brushing and flossing teeth, washing their face and hands, and then stripping off their comfy house clothes. They slipped into the bed together and began necking like a couple of high-school kids. When they broke Selena played in Joes chest hair while resting her head in the crook...
Waking Wednesday morning the last thing Selena wanted to do was go to work, but she figured it might be the only way she could pass the time until Joe came back up from his tests. She had already informed Ross Curran that she would be leaving early. He, in turn, informed her that if she were there as a full time member, as she would be after July, this would not be a serious enough situation to lose a member over in peak trading times. She knew she was required to always be fully informed as...
Selena and Joe were assimilating to life in the constant hubbub of the city. Selena flourished in her job now that her personal life had been cast into a matrix where she was completely comfortable. Living at The Four Seasons was nice, but it was never "home" as life there contained no real structure. She always felt she had to be "on" and although living in it's high luxury, she at times still craved the days at school where class, eat, study, sleep, class, eat, study, sleep, put her...
Study, study, study, was the word of the day for Selena as she kept classes current and attended all the review forums she could. Any spare time she had was spent at the library doing research. She had so many irons in the study fire she surprised herself at the pace she was keeping. However, there was one overriding factor in all of her schoolwork, she could not keep her mind off of Joe. As she thought of her future from one day to the next 10,0000, Joe was part of every one. She longed to...
Selena stepped off the elevator with a little trepidation, realizing she was alone in a mans house. Although he had given her no indication that she should worry or he would hit on her, she had seen and heard some traces of his reputation. "Have a seat in the living room, I'll fire up the TV. If you need to use the facilities, it's the first door on the left in the hall beside the elevator. Please make yourself at home. I'm going to check my phone and telex for messages." Joe said as he...
"Selena! SELENA!! For Gods sake wake up!" Lucy said as she shook her friend. SELENA! Joe's on the phone!" Selena must have been in deep dream sleep, as she never heard the phone ring. Usually the phone was on her stand, but with Joe away and Lucy expecting a call she had it. It was 1:30 in the morning. Selena sat up startled barely knowing whom she was let alone where she was. "What? Mom? Huh? What?" she said as she sat up wide-eyed in Lucy's bed light. "God! I thought you were...
Shelley McLelligott punched in the private work number of her friend Selena Hanson as her fingers trembled. Back in Manhattan Selena saw her private line light up as a soft tone played to distinguish the tone from inside lines. "This is Selena." She answered knowing only a few personal and business contacts had the number. "Hi Selena, its Shelley, do you have a sec, or are you tied up?" "What's up Shell, you sound distressed." "Today is the day Slim and I are supposed to figure if...
The weeks of the lovers Summer of Love seemed to whistle by. From the moment Selena finished her last exam she melted into the cozy confines of co-habitant living. After a few weeks it seemed that had always lived together with life going on like a well-rehearsed symphony. Most days were spent with mornings devoted to the business of investments and sharing household chores. Many of the afternoons were packed lunches and off to local parks and beaches for picnics, and sometimes the rest of...
Going back to school for the final week before the one month break was easier than usual for Selena. She finished the full rough on her thesis and would submit it to Doc Stevens before the break. He didn't take such an interest in all of his students, but Selena and her situation with WSG totally piqued his interest, not to mention the fact that he was gleaning things from her introspection and thought process. He knew she was a special student and one of the few he would put in his own...
When the tour group got to Monument Park they each broke off from the lined group and checked out their favorite plaques and monuments. Joe sidled up to Shelley. "Fancy meeting you here." "You don't hate me do you?" "No, of course not. I was disappointed, but knew I had to understand." "It hurt me too, you know. I loved you like crazy, but things were just... that's it, "Just"..." "You look different; something is not quite the same." Joe inquired. "I had a jaw reduction....
Lucy rolled fitfully on the bed, uncomfortable from the warmth of the sun coming through the casements along the eastern facing bedroom wall. She threw off the covers and sighed happy to feel the cool air on her naked body. She looked over to see Selena, but she was gone. Rolling over to her stomach and reaching to the floor on the side of the bed she found her sleep shirt that she had shucked last night and sat up to put it on. Just as she lay back again she heard the padding of feet in the...
For the first time in either of their recent memories, their sex life seemed to slow down once Selena got back to class. She let her studies consume her as she strived for her prize with a burning fervor. After one month of classes she had slept at home in Joe's bed but 6 times. There were 2 late night trips for stress breakers in that time, but Friday nights were not guarantees and neither were Sundays. Joe understood how she felt about her studies and felt only slightly neglected. Their...
The final days of Selena's 3-week internship were bittersweet for her. While the internship turned out to be little more than an audition for both parties involved, she truly did not want to leave and felt she was ready step right in. However in the last few days there were situations that cropped up where she, for the first time in her stay, felt clueless. Ross Curran pointed out privately where he felt she needed work and polishing, and at the final meeting and evaluation with the entire...
Their beach was not crowed that Wednesday, a day the Concierge had said would be a big day for tours and sightseeing. Joe and Selena had yet to go beyond Negril but had planned a couple open bus tours of the island for Thursday morning and an all day trip that included dinner in Little Bay on Friday. After the mornings open heart talk they both felt a burden lifted from their minds. Not that they doubted each other's love, but both were afraid to express their commitment fully. Now, there...
The days had grown to only a few before the lovers left on a vacation alone for the first time. Joe made the arrangements to fly into New York City on Saturday afternoon before her meeting with Wall Street Global. He planned on showing her a bit of New York that night and after her interview, if time allowed. He worried her by telling her that she should tell the group whom she was dating and planned to marry, and what he did. He wanted to be sure there was no conflicts involved with her...
Selena went to the first class and as the students came in saw that it was about thirty students consisting of about eighteen young men and twelve young women. Once everyone was seated the attractive young teacher introduced Selena. Selena stood up to start speaking and all of the males stared at the young star. She was dressed in black flat shoes , black thigh high silk stockings , a sheer white sik blouse and unfortunately that morning running late did not put on panties or a bra after...
Justin had just back from a meeting, and his wife Selena was passed out on the couch. "Baby, you said you would watch Emma and Jacob." - Justin "I'm sorry. I've just been so tired and stressed lately." - Selena "Emma! Jacob! ,come here!" - Justin "Yes daddy?" - Emma " You guys are going to go spend the night at Aunt Samantha's house. - Justin "Yay! she makes great cookies!" - Jacob "You guys better start packing. She'll be here to pick you up in an hour." - Justin [After the kids leave]...
Adult HumorSelen Johnson just turned 18 two weeks before she left for nice tits 34d and the prettiest round ass that a girl could ask for. She only had one boyfriend and but unfortunately he broke up with her right before they left for college. He was going to a different school and didn't want to a long distance relationship. So her going off to school was bittersweet because she was still dealing with the breakup. She arrived at her dorm to check in. The girl at the front desk gave her her key and...
LesbianLucy began to open the door on her ride from the Four Seasons and the driver scolded her. "Please Miss, wait for me." He said as he jumped out and got her door for her. The Lenox doorman came right out as he saw the Towne Car arrive and held the door for her. "Any bags madam?" He asked as she shook her head and went inside. She enjoyed the pampered feeling of the car and being treated as someone special. As she opened the door to their room she heard the TV and knew Jeromy was back in...
The afternoon flew by for Lucy and Selena, and maybe quite the same for Jeromy and Joe, but they did it a little more leisurely. If either of hem had any plans for the day they were scuttled when the garage door opener failed as they went to leave. They spent the rest of the morning fixing that without having to leave the house for parts or anything. With Jeremy's help they were able to open a sealed motor package that wasn't intended for serviced, just thrown away, and then found the...
The lovers awoke on Friday as the days bright sunlight began to fill the room. It would be their last full day in Jamaica and they had no specific plans. They gazed dreamily at each other for more than a few moments in a love hangover before rising to shower together. The wet, warm, skin to skin proximity led to more lovemaking as Joe took her from behind while she bent holding the grab bar. Not wanting to fill her with cum to run from her half the morning, he pulled out as he neared orgasm....
The annoying beep of an alarm woke Joe from his sleep. It took him a few moments to put the events of the night before together in his head as Selena began to raise her head. The two were still cuddled together, much like they had fallen asleep. Selena turned to her back and looked at the ceiling, causing Joe to move back a bit. "I really did this last night, didn't I?" Selena said, half smiling, half raising an eyebrow to herself. Joe didn't answer her. "It only goes to show you...
one day as selena is walking around town she bumps into megan fox at a book store,the start talking and sudenly megan suductivly kisses selena on the mouth and you can tell she likes it because she hasn't pulled back,as they stop megan asks if selena would want to come over to her house & selena says yeah be there in 10 min. 10 minutes later selena rings the door bell then megan opens the door and says i was just in the shower and asks if selena would like to take a shower,selena says okay...