Their StoryChapter 2 free porn video

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She sat up, she remembered that after falling asleep she woken up enough to feel him move. She thought he was getting more comfortable, but now she realized he had been getting up. She looked around to make sure and his clothes were gone.

She sat up, pulling her legs up so that her knees were almost level with her face. She reached her arms around her knees and sat there stunned. Jimmy hadn't wanted to sleep with her. It could of course be that he thought the bed too small, even though they had slept together in small beds before, or it could be that he just hadn't been sure if he should sleep with her since their relationship was as it was. But as she thought about his reactions the night before, what he had said and hadn't said, she didn't think that was the reason. She hadn't noticed it at the time, but there had been moments she knew something wasn't right, that he hadn't done those little things he usually did to show his love for her. His reactions were more of someone who was just having sex for the evening, not those of someone making love to someone they cared for. He had made sure she was pleasured, but not in the same way he usually did.

She sat there for a moment thinking about how she hadn't been in this position on a bed since she was in junior high, but she felt like she was that age again. When things happened in her young life that disturbed her, she would sit in her bed with knees up and arms around her legs, thinking about the situation. Now it was the same, she wasn't sure what to do. She bit her lip, another habit from seventh grade, thinking about the ramifications of his reactions. She had felt that their sex session had clarified her emotions. She should not have said "no sex" during their separation, for it had been this session that had reminded her how much she missed his presence. She still loved him and wanted him after all. He seemed not to be feeling the same in return, that cute smile of his had never returned when it disappeared. It could be that he was just mad at her for suggesting the separation or maybe now that he had seen that he could get another woman interested in him he thought he didn't need her anymore.

As she thought about why she had come up with the idea to separate, she knew it hadn't been just because of the way she had been treating him. She wondered if she still loved him because of how she was treating him, and because of his increasing dependence on her. Would she yell at someone she loved? She knew that they had drifted apart in the past year. She spent more time at the office and he spent more time with his patients. Less and less, he had suggested going out to relax. In fact, it had been six months since the last time they had gone to a Karaoke bar. She realized she missed those singing sessions but he hadn't been insisting they go. He was spending more time working at the hospital. She had thought it was because he wanted to be there for his patients, but now she wondered it had been to get away from her. God, had she been that much of a bitch? That hurt to think he didn't want to be with her. She had screamed at him that one time about him using his balls but it had been the only time. They had been fighting again. It was one of the times she was wrong and knew it but didn't want to admit it. He had, as usual, given in excepting the blame. That had infuriated her. She had screamed at him not to give up so fast. To use his balls for something else then fucking her, he wasn't always at fault. She had seen the shock of betrayal look on his face. He was so shocked that he didn't even say as he normally would that he actually didn't use his balls to fuck her she could trust him he was a nurse and knew these things. But he had gotten her point. The look on his face had shocked her out of her anger, he had walked off before she could apologize. The next day she had apologized and the day after since he hadn't seemed to accept it.

Babs had been nice to him also, but she had also ignored him at times and taken him for granted. Even though she hadn't meant to, she had pretty much told him that she was too busy for him. Their sex life had dropped dramatically in the past eight months. They both had been too busy to instigate any sex.

She decided that she wanted him after all but in a totally unexpected turn around it was he who didn't want her. At first that shocked her for she was the one who was supposed to decide on their marriage continuing not him. She would just have to show him that he needed her and her love. Of course, that would not be easy but she was used to doing things that were not easy.

The next morning she went to his room, he was up and let her in.

Janet in a soft tone started with, "I'm feeling very relaxed this morning because of you. You pleasured me very well last night."

He smiled for a second then she continued, "Afterwards I realized I missed you doing that to me, and I missed you for those eight months, and even before that, when we were too busy to be with each other."

Again, she noticed the hard look that appeared on his face for a second as she said that she missed him doing that to her.

He said, "thank you. I'm more relaxed this morning too."

They talked more, but his body language and the curtness of some of his responses puzzled her. He had been relaxed when he invited her in, but then he tensed up when she said she had a good time the night before. Why had what she said made things worse? Could it be that he wanted to ask if she missed him that much, why did she want the separation? After chatting with Jimmy awhile longer, she left to go about the conference's business.

As she walked away, he said to himself, "I shouldn't have given in so easily last night. But when she kissed me, it was if all the built up passions from the last eight months surfaced and demanded attention. We are still married after all and she wanted it too. It had helped though, I do feel more relaxed this morning. Some of the emotions building up in me the last eight months must have been sexual arousal... I got to tell her what I'm feeling- what I have been feeling since I learned what she was up to most of those eight months."

The resort had a Karaoke night and Babs went to it, hoping Jimmy would be there, she had something she wanted to say in song. He was, so she joined in line with the other singers and sang a Country song dealing with Love lost and regained. As she was singing and following the words, she saw Jimmy get up and walk out. She faulted in her song leaving out two words but kept singing, hoping he was just going to the bathroom and would come back. He didn't. After she sat back down and thought about it, she couldn't understand why whenever she tried to reassure him of her love it seemed to backfire.

Two nights later, they had another planned meeting but this one was early and they ended it with dinner. This time there was no dancing or any further talking, he just walked her back to her room. Again kissing her on the cheek. As she opened her door and watched him walk away, she was puzzled and a little hurt by his seemingly curt response. It looked to her like he was in a hurry to get rid of her. Babs sat down on the love seat and wondered what was happening. He was not acting like she expected, like he acted before they separated. It was her choice to decide to go on with the marriage or not, he was supposed to love her and try to talk her into staying. That's how it's supposed to be when someone falls in love with you, their heart is yours for life. No matter what you do or say, that someone is supposed to love you regardless. He wasn't trying to talk her into staying though; in fact, nothing he did was anything like what she expected. They had cleared the air in a couple of areas during their discussions but he still wasn't doing what she had expected. Why was he acting like this? Why did everything she said to reassure him backfire so badly? Why was he relaxed one moment while talking to her, and tense as a bowstring the next?

Finally, Babs shook her head and decided that since it was early she would go out. It was too early for bed and maybe there might be someone to talk to, since she knew people there for the conference. Getting up she left her room, she had dinner already and was still dressed for an evening out, so she headed for the nightclub. Once there she looked around and quickly, saw a couple of their friends. But as she headed towards where they were seated, she glanced at the dance floor and was shocked by what she saw. Jimmy was out there dancing with Jenne, someone they both knew from the hospital. He had evidently changed from what he wore at dinner to a brighter, nicer outfit. He had never worn that one around her before but he looked good in it. Jenne was wearing a blouse, almost the same color combination as her husband's outfit, and a short wide skirt. It looked nice like what someone would wear... on a date. Oh no, her eyes widened and she almost put her hand to her mouth in shock at the implication hit her. Jimmy had wanted to get their talk over with as fast as possible because he had a date to go on.

She made it to their friends table and talked some, but she couldn't get her mind off of what Jimmy was doing. She wanted to leave but at the same time, wanted to wait to see what her husband would do. Eventually he and his date left. She followed at a distance she hoped would be enough to allow her to not be seen. They walked slowly to what must be her room, since it wasn't his. They stood and talked at the door, and then they kissed. One long kiss, Babs gasped silently but watched. They talked for few seconds more then the girl unlocked the door and both went in. Babs couldn't help the outburst as she let out a "Nooo!"

Her breath caught and she couldn't breathe for a moment. She said, "Please don't stay in there. Don't have sex with her!"

Babs stayed watching the door in shock. He wasn't supposed to do that! Not Jimmy. She kept watching and ten minutes later, he came back out. She sighed in relief; he had some papers in his hand so that obviously was why he had gone in there. It hadn't been enough time for sex. Even if he had just pulled down his pants and the girl had pulled up her skirt and bent over, Babs didn't think there had been time for them to fuck. Jimmy and his date talked, and it was obvious that she wanted him to stay. She even rubbed his crotch for a second, but he just shook his head and walked off. Babs was thankful for another reason that she and Jimmy had sex the other night. While he was probably horny again, it would not be as horny as he had been, which helped him to say no.

He took another way back to his room and she didn't have to worry about being seen, so she stayed there for a few minutes thinking more about what she had seen. If he was having problems with their relationship, why didn't he just say so instead of stringing her along? True he hadn't said he wanted them back together but he implied it, by meeting with her to talk about things and to discuss their relationship. As she thought about that, it hit her suddenly that they hadn't actually discussed their relationship all that much. They had reminisced about how they met and their wedding, but that wasn't current. Each had told the other what they had been up to lately but that wasn't about their relationship either. She sighed, wondering if he planned it that way or if he thought she didn't want to discuss it. Tomorrow she would have to confront him. He probably won't like it, but it needed to be talked out. He had to know that she did want him in her life and she needed to know what he wanted. So having decided on a course of action, she went back to her room and to bed.

The next morning she dressed in another outfit he liked and went to find him. They could talk during breakfast if need be, they could both skip eating. They could even skip the first meeting if they talked that long. He was already in a meeting so she since she had to wait she went to the meetings she was supposed to go to. All day long she kept missing him. She went to his room three times but either no one answered or his roommate said he was out. Just before dinner she went out again. After looking for him, she found him headed for the restaurant. As she neared him, she saw that he was talking on a cell phone. She wondered with whom and some instinct made her want to know real bad so she quietly walked up behind him close enough to hear him.

He was saying, "I missed you too."

A pause then, "Yeah I like your kisses too."

A longer pause again, then "No! I told you none of that now. In nine months we can date and maybe do that but not now."

Babs wondered, "Why they had to wait for nine months was Jimmy pregnant?" She mentally chuckled with that thought, but then froze as another implication hit her. "Jimmy and the person he was talking to could date in nine months? And maybe do something he wouldn't do now??!! That could only mean he was planning on not being married in nine months!" She didn't know how long a divorce took but that fit what he was saying.

Babs couldn't help it she let out a loud gasp, quickly followed by a softer "no!!!" She turned with tears in her eyes. She ran back to her room, fumbled with the key, finally getting it unlocked and into her room. She went straight to the bedroom and threw herself on the bed. Babs started crying, sobbing out loud. After a few minutes, Jimmy entered the room, in her hurry she had forgotten to lock her door and he had been able to enter after her. He had heard the gasp and had turned to hear the "no." As close as Babs was, he knew she had overheard him talking on the phone so after a quick goodbye and a promise to call later, he had hung up and headed for her room. He just stood there watching her for few moments. He reflected on the fact that he had never seen her cry like that, in all the years he had known her. She was always tough, always doing something to get what she wanted sometimes even without him.

Finally, he sat down on the edge of the bed, near her knees. She looked up at him, startled then surprised that it was only him. She hadn't noticed when he had come in.

He sat there for moment then said in a soft voice, "Now you know how I felt the night my dad died, and I wanted to talk to you but I couldn't get a hold of you."

She turned her head to face him, "Your dad died? When? I didn't know."

"It was on a Thursday almost four weeks ago. I called you half a dozen times that night."

"I never get one of those calls, nor any message."

"I know, you were out screwing around on a date. Having fun while breaking your promise to me when I badly needed to talk to you."

She easily heard the pain and anger in his voice.

She said, "Nooo," in a half wail, "I never broke my promise to you, I never cheated!"

"I know you went out on dates with quite a few men."

"Yes I did that, but I never had sex with any of them. Not any type of sex, not intercourse, not anal, not even oral sex. None. "

There was a pause then she added, "I did sort of have hand sex with a couple of the guys when I felt their shafts through their pants, I... I did give one guy a climax but it was with my hand. Two felt me through my shorts and sucked on a nipple for a minute but I put a stop to it and that's when I stopped dating. I was not out on a date four weeks ago. I had stopped them by then. I... I realized that if I continued going out like that, I would end up breaking my promise to you about the sex and about getting romantically involved with some guy. I never broke that promise or my wedding vows."

"Except you did date other men and kissed them while married to me."

"Yes, I did but I never had sex with them nor did I get romantic with any. The night you tried calling I was out, but it was with a girlfriend not a date. We just wanted to relax and to have some fun... We did do some dancing and I danced with a couple guys but that's all. I didn't even kiss any of them. I got a little drunk and that might be one reason that, uh, I didn't get your messages but there was no sex with any of the guys."

"I think I believe you, but you still weren't there when I needed you."

A fresh tear came down her cheek and she said, "I swear if I had known about your dad's death, I would have called back even if it was two hours before I needed to get up or if I was completely drunk. I know how important he was to you and I would have called no matter what."

"I believe that you would have called if you had known, but you didn't."

She heard the pain and bitterness in his voice and looked at him in surprise and alarm. Fear for their relationship caused the alarm.

She said, "I'm sorry... I... I don't know what to say."

Babs turned back and started quietly sobbing thinking about all the mistakes she made, starting with wanting to separate. A week or at most a month would have been better even if she had been selfish enough to want the separation.

Jimmy was feeling some confusion also. Even through his anger and bitterness at what she had done - the separation, the dating and not calling him back the night his dad had died, he felt a desire to comfort her. He believed her when she said that she hadn't really had sex with any of the guys after all. And it did make a difference, some of his anger and hurt had melted away, but at the same time, she still had dated other guys while they were married. And he had put up with a lot just before the separation. He thought, "From what some of our friends had described to me, she had broken not only her wedding vows but the promise she had made before she had left." He still felt she had broken her vows but not as badly as he had thought. Then there was the fact that even though they had written letters a couple times a week and one phone call each week, she had never said anything about how her decision was coming along or that she missed him. It had surprised him that she had said that as many times as she had, while they were having sex the other night. At the time, Jimmy had thought she was lying. He had wondered, "How she could miss having sex with me so much, when she was getting laid by others." At one point, he had almost let her have it verbally, but just didn't have the courage to say what he was feeling. Plus that hadn't been the time for that type of confrontation.

Now he looked at her lying on the bed crying. Her skirt was hiked up almost far enough to see her panties. She looked so pretty, he always thought that he had lucked out by marrying some one that was as good looking as Babs. He still wasn't sure what had attracted her to him when other better looking guys had been after her.

He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't realize at first, when he placed his hand on her leg. He just slid it back and forth gently caressing her. The first time they had made love had been so wonderful he could barely stand it. When she took off her top exposing her breasts to him, he thanked his lucky stars or God that someone that pretty and arousing had come into his life. When she wiggled her top and asked if he liked what he saw all he could do was stare and nod. She then had said to, "come and get them then!" It was all he could do to keep himself from running to her to grab her breasts, to feel them under his hands, to suck, bite, and lick them but he had managed not to react too animalistic. He had done all of it later, with soft bites, long licks and soft sucks. She had groaned her approval. Later when they were all finished, she had expressed her gratitude for his ability to make love. It had been wonderful she had said more than once. That had felt good to his ego. By then he knew she just didn't say things, she meant any compliments she gave out.

His hand slid up further feeling the softness of her skin as he continued reminiscing. It had been wonderful to feel her back, as he hugged her when she was completely naked. Even her back felt so erotic and when he first lowered his hands to her butt, he almost came. Later he did cum, more than once and it was great both times. She had come at least there times so he knew he had pleased her.

He looked at her in his mind's eye, seeing her naked that night, she was still so pretty and sexy. He hand slipped upward even more. He had to touch her this time. He felt his hand touch her skirt, but he kept it moving gently sliding under the hem. He luxuriated in the feel of the material on the top of his hand and the feel of her skin under his hand. He was starting to get a hardon, not only from the feeling but from knowing where his hand was going to end up.

She had of course felt his hand on her leg but hadn't thought anything of it. Even when he had caressed her inner thigh with his fingers, she ignored it. She didn't notice when his hand slid up her leg and under her hem though. It wasn't until his hand was half way to her waist when it stopped for moment to caress her upper thigh that she became aware that his touch meant something more than just comfort. She turned her head to stare at him through tear-filled eyes almost incredulous.

He didn't notice her look and just continued to slide his hand up her leg, after the short stop to enjoy the feeling of her upper thigh under his hand. It was something that always thrilled him. He sighed silently though as he thought about the future. That didn't stop him from moving his hand the rest of the way. Finally, he felt her panties. They seemed to be the usual type, he had wondered if she was wearing her skimpy ones under that shorter skirt. He had also wondered if she had worn that outfit for him, or for guys in general. It didn't matter at the moment because he was the one who would get her right now.

He maneuvered his hand so that his fingers were between her legs, he lightly brushed those wonderful second set of lips. He wanted to touch them to feel them now, but he also wanted to tease her to make sure she was eager for the finish. He played the tips of his fingers back and forth for a few seconds before pressing harder. He gasped as he felt the long skinny bumps that were her mons.

She was still wondering, "How he could be doing that now?!" She probably would have shut her legs on his hand, but she was too deep in her thinking about how he could be excited right now. Of course he always did like her butt, she always had thought that might be one of the things that first attracted him to her. The first couple of times they had met and talked she had been wearing shorts that were a little tight. It happened to be the same pair of shorts each time. That reminded her of some of the good times they had. Starting with their honeymoon. It was wonderful to be able to spend time with him, for him to be her husband. Everything had gone so well, not only the sex, but just being with him 24 hours a day. Being introduced as his wife. There had been two or three glitches but they just seemed to fit together so well. There had been other good times too, with one big one being recently. She hadn't thought of that time together when she had decided to separate from him for a time.

Suddenly a good feeling shot through her emotions as his fingers traced her mons. She almost jumped from what to her was a sudden thrill. Jimmy's hand was now resting on the crack of her butt with his fingers in-between her legs. He was using those fingers to stroke her in a way he knew she liked. Every few strokes he pressed harder and after a minute or so, he was pressing the material of her panties into her slit. It was both uncomfortable and good at the same time. She still could say stop but it felt too good, and it was something he hadn't done for months, almost a year. He suddenly stopped and she groaned in disappointment, but he was just sliding his hand down the curve of her butt then pushed two fingers under the leg band of her panties. She sighed in anticipation, knowing where those fingers were going. Within a few short seconds, she was proven right as he touched her bare pussy lips. He just stroked his fingertips up and down. She squirmed and moaned. Tears were still in her eyes but her mind was more on what she was feeling.

Jimmy tried to reach under her to get to her clit, but she didn't lift herself to allow him. He went back to stroking her, from her anus to just before her clit. He slipped a fingertip into the slit as he slid his fingers up and forth. As he went by her anus, he pushed in slightly. The increasing wetness of her pussy provided enough lubrication for his finger. He kept going deeper an deeper with each stroke. Eventually he had the finger in up to the first knuckle. She still tried to debate whether or not this was the time for that, but her mind was increasingly taken up by the feelings he was producing. She loved him and loved it when he took it slow like this. She liked things now! But he had taught her that going slow not only increased her euphoria but also produced more feelings than going fast did. It also allowed her to enjoy the build up. Finally, she made up her mind, when he suddenly stuck those two fingers into her slit. They could only go in part way but he rubbed the inside walls of her pussy quickly. She suddenly turned over. He barely had time to pull his hand out and he looked at her funny like he couldn't believe Babs was stopping it. However, she was not putting a stop to it, once on her back she pulled her skirt up and pushed down her panties. Once they were off, she laid back down on her stomach, with her legs apart.

He grinned and reached under her skirt again. He caressed her butt, including in-between the crack. She groaned and soon he was touching her slit again. He slowly stroked her again for a minute or so, then slowly pushed two fingers in going in all the way. His fingers curled and he began to stroke her G-spot. She did jump that time. After another two minutes he moved and flipped her skirt up, then dove between her legs and started licking her just below her butt. From her anus and to the end of her slit with each swipe of his tongue.

After three minutes and a few seconds, she said in a soft voice, "Ghha Hnnn, Please stop."

He sat back wondering why she was stopping him again, but she flipped over onto her back then pulled her skirt all the way up exposing everything to him. Babs next touched her clit, rubbing it slightly. Jimmy then understood that, she wanted him to lick her clit. He bent back down and nibbled on the small nub. She jerked in pleasure and moaned as he licked it. Then he started licking from her anus to the top of her clit in long slow swipes. Soon she bucked against him and he grabbed the clit with his teeth, and chewed on it gently. She almost screamed out her pleasure. He continued to chew, lick, and suck her through two climaxes. He did it slowly and gently, at one point, she begged him to do it harder and faster but he ignored her. Later she wanted to give back to him, but when she sat up and reached for him he softly batted her hand away, and then pushed her back down. In-between the first and second one orgasm she undid her blouse and he reached up while still licking, and pushed up her bra exposing her breasts. She always thought that was a little uncomfortable, but when she was turned on she didn't care. He licked and sucked at the same time he tweaked both of her nipples. Tweaking wasn't as good as sucking on them, but she liked it when she was extremely aroused as she was then.

Soon after the second orgasm, he stopped and moved up her body, positioning himself just right so that his hard shaft went into her very wet slit with one movement of his hips. She gasped out a moan as he went in, Babs hadn't known he had taken off his pants; it must have been during the two or three very short periods of time when he had stopped for a few seconds. Now though she didn't care if he had ripped off his pants she wanted him where he was, inside her. After a few strokes, she joined him by humping against him on his in stroke but he still went slow. In and out, in and out slowly.

She even told him to go faster, but he just said through gritted teeth, "Not today."

She watched him for a moment through her euphoria as he grimaced and gritted his teeth, obviously forcing himself to go gently. Her climax kept building and building. Soon reaching her peak as she panted and gasped out moans.

A second later Babs let out a louder "Yes Now Ogod yes... GrrrhhhaaaNNNNN AAAn!" as she went over the edge.

Jimmy kept up his pace as she moaned her way through the climax, and even as she relaxed. Almost immediately, she was groaning again, since he was still thrusting, his cock rubbing against the walls of her cunt, which was still aroused and ready for more pleasure. Soon though his head went back and groaned through gritted teeth, as he forced himself to keep the same slow speed. He started panting with a "NNNA" on each second pant. Babs watched him grimace with growing pleasure taking her pleasure higher with his. Finally, he couldn't help it and pushed in hard and deep. A second later, he let out a "GrrraahhhhHHNNNA" as she felt a new wetness inside her. He withdrew a bit and jammed it in again, as he screamed an "HHHNNNAAaaa". There was a third jam and a third Groan as she felt the wetness grow. His head stayed up and back as he quickened his thrusts for almost half a minute. Then his head slumped forward but he still fucked in and out for five more thrusts.

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by BrettJ © 2011 Teagan and Tanya had been very upset that a few hours after her initial call, their Gran had called and cancelled her dinner plans. Tracey explained to her daughters that her mother had a good reason, a special “surprise” but the girls were let down. Tracey knew she had to do something to cheer them up, so she went to her toy closet and got out her favorite toy. “Teagan sweetie, put this on,” Tracey grinned. “You’re going to fuck your sister with this while Mommy...

3 years ago
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Their First Meeting0

A Novel By: S. Stevenson This is a reproduction of the first story I have ever written. It was written especial for the woman that has inspired the character of Angel. I hope you enjoy it. As always, I encourage you to vote and I invite your comments. So please take the time and let me know what you like and dislike. Thank You, S.S. ***** Seated in her foyer waiting, with all the patients that Angel’s nerves would allow her to muster, for her daughter to take her to the airport. ...

4 years ago
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Their first foursome

Their first foursome…The conversation flowed as easily as the drinks, as they all got to know each other and feel comfortable together.They had met at the bar of the hotel – two married couples out for a nice night, except whilst all four were married, not one of them was married to the other! Sophie and Al, Mark and Alisa - four married individuals all out to have some fun on the side. Nothing serious, all just to enjoy everything that their bodies could… after all, life’s short – have an...

2 years ago
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Their Own Thoughts

Copyright© 2003 There once was an Arpanet freak, Who better response-time did seek. He searched coast to coast, For a reliable host, Whose logger took less than a week. "Man, your insatiable!" Bill laughed and patted the curly head of hair that moved above his lap. "Shove a battery up my ass and I keep going and going and going!" Both buddies laughed at their own crude humour. Cray sat down next to his best friend and looked down at the expert blow job that his peer was...

1 year ago
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Their First Night Out

“You’re not even going to take them off?” She asked. “Fine. Use me. Treat me like your whore, but I won’t like it.” She knew what his cock looked like, but she still wanted to see it, to feel it grow hard in her hand, but most of all she wanted to suck it and hear him gasp when her teeth gently passed over the tip, but Jason wasn’t having any of it. He wanted her, and he wanted her now "What if we see someone we know?" she asked Jason. "Then they're sinners just like us," he said. ...

First Time
2 years ago
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Their Fair Pageant

It had been Kelly’s idea to visit the fair. She’d been chasing Ben all summer and his band had got a booking to play the beer tent, doing their covers set for the drunks. She was desperate to go, having spent the summer trying to catch his eye every Friday night across the bar at the Fox, but he’d not shown more than a passing interest, no matter how overt she’d been with her flirting.In her head, this was going to be her big moment, when he’d gaze out across the trestle tables and sea of red...

2 years ago
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Their Unusual Mommy

by BrettJ © 2011 The Golden sisters, Tanya and Teagan, were thrilled when the taxi pulled up to their mother’s luxurious new condominium. It was going to be wonderful to live with Mommy again, the past 3 years they had missed her very much. Not that living with their grandmother was awful; the 52-year old woman was a lot of fun and doted on the girls. But her home was small and there wasn’t a lot for a 15 and 16-year old to do. Their mom’s community had more people their age and mom,...

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Their First Meeting1

His son’s hockey schedule would soon take him to the metropolis, nearby to where she lived. From there it would only be about a 30 minute drive to finally meet. He at age 45 and she in her 30s were old enough to know what they were missing in their lives. They had no intentions of leaving their spouses, they loved them, but the sex....oh the sex... was frustrating at best. For her, she was married to a selfish lover. Not having felt a climax from love making in months, and even those...

3 years ago
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Their First Time

"Goddamn Super Bowl Sunday... It always put a damper on business. Aw, well, at least I can catch up on my trashy romance novels," A certain blonde haired woman said to herself. She sat alone in front of a simple wooden counter; looking out over a small waiting room with a single slot machine, a few benches and an old television that played the 'biggest game of the year'. Cheryl still thumbed through her simple paperback, licking her nail painted thumb before shifting another page. She...

4 years ago
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Their New MotherPart 1

Betty was cleaning her father's room when she knocked the picture off the side table. She was horrified. The picture was of her mother and Betty was afraid that she had ruined the only remaining memento of her. She knelt and gathered the broken glass and found that the frame had come apart at the corner. She carefully lifted out the photograph and the backing papers to set them aside while she cleared up the mess. After putting the broken shards in the dustbin Betty finished straightening...

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Their Little Sister

I've written before, as Ann O'Nonymous, and after reading some of the stories posted here, I thought I'd try my hand again. My own comment would be: Try another hobby. This, I guess, is possibly a one-off. This is a work of fantasy - all people and situations depicted are fictional, with no basis in reality. Permission is given to post this disaster-in-the-making on any free site. Their Little Sister by Ann O'Nonymous After...

4 years ago
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Their StoryChapter 3

It must have been louder than she thought for the guy next to her stirred, then turned his head quickly toward her. "Are you Okay?" he asked with sleepy concern in his voice. Without looking at him, she nodded not trusting her voice. He turned back. Her eyes widened, she knew that voice. Suddenly it all came back in a flash. She had gone out with a "new" employee. She made another noise, this one a snort. Her husband looked back over his shoulder and asked, "Is something the...

3 years ago
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Their World Part 1

I knelt by the empty bed, hypnotized by the flame. It's only Friday, I sighed. Another long weekend lies ahead. Just outside the bedroom, nuzzled up on the couch watching TV, oblivious to my sorrow, was my precious wife Monica and her boyfriend Randy. Randy. Oh, how I hated him. But I feared him even more. Randy has been in the picture from the very beginning. Monica has been seeing him all along, but I thought that she might end the affair once we got married. I thought...

4 years ago
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Their Yorkshire Holiday

Their Yorkshire HolidayJohn [email protected] mail came via a profile entry that I had on one of the many swinging sites and was a blunt invitation to have sex with the sender’s wife when having a short break in Yorkshire from Aberdeenshire. His profile was short, very recently added and with an accompanying picture of a quite elderly man “seeking an uncomplicated sexual contact with a woman”, not mentioning his wife other than an inference that their relationship was sexually...

2 years ago
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Their Summer With Amie

It was the beginning of summer break. Shawn and Sara were excited about their trip to stay with their older sister, Amie for a few weeks. Shawn and Sara were 16-year-old twins, and had just finished their sophomore year of high school. Amie was a 24-year-old fitness instructor and amateur model. The twins had not seen their older sister since she had left home a year earlier to start her modeling career in San Diego.The airport did not seem crowded as they kissed their parents goodbye at the...

3 years ago
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Their New MotherPart 2

There followed a time of complete confusion. Betty shook Billy awake and climbed over him and ran from the room. Her ears roared and she could barely breathe. She found a dress to pull on and quickly brushed her hair but collapsed on her bed. She was too afraid to move. Eventually the roaring went away and in the quietness she could hear almost normal things around her. There was no yelling or angry voices. Just quiet conversation and people moving about. After what seemed like hours there...

3 years ago
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Their Stories Final Chapter

The Final Chapter Bobby took the plunge. Do you want somebody to make you feel good? Uh-huh, Lynette said, looking him in the eyes. That feels good what youre doin on my leg. Would you like me to make you feel good, Lynette? he asked, almost in a whisper. Yeah, she said, also hoarsely. Will you promise not to tell anybody? I promise, she said. I wont tell nobody. Not even Stacey. With that, his hand moved into her crotch and touched her cotton panties. To his surprise and pleasure,...

4 years ago
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Their Little Secret

Introduction: Twins Nick and Katie had always been close…maybe too close Kate and Nick had always been close. Literally always, they were even together in the womb. Theyd been inseparable best friends since they were born. Katie and Nick did everything together. They were on the same baseball teams, they were in all the same classes, they did their homework together, they were even applying to the same colleges. They couldnt go to two different schools…they couldnt be apart. At seventeen years...

3 years ago
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Their playthings Chapter 1

"Hey, the bag's gone again?" Lynn said. Holly ignored her. Lynn raised her eyebrows and watched as Holly numbly rose from her seat, put the water-pen in her pocket and walked out the back door. Lynn and they followed Holly, and then they saw Holly turn the corner and go to the men's toilet. Holly hesitated, but she had her homework and food in her bag, so she had to take everything out. She tried to resist, but the school gave her a serious demerit, and if she did so again, she would be...

4 years ago
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Their First Meeting

A blind date had been arranged by mutual acquaintances between sixty-year-old divorcee Ellen Hawkins and Harold Dawson who was aged fifty-eight and also divorced.Ellen was lonely and was just looking forward to some male company and for her sex was not heavily on the agenda.Despite not seeing sex as important she took great care in her preparation for her meeting with Harold and intended to dress as sexily as she felt a sixty-year-old could without looking like a tart.She studied her naked body...

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Their Little Secret1

At seventeen years old, one might think they'd grown sick of each other or even had the normal sibling rivalry but they were still as close as ever. They definitely resembled each other, both tall and slim with dark brown hair and brown eyes. They were both attractive, they had good genes from their parents. Katie was developing into a very attractive woman, her breasts were getting larger and her hips wider. Nick couldn't really help but notice his sister wasn't looking much like a kid...

2 years ago
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Their First Time

My friend Mary and I had decided to go for walk thru the woods-maybe a mile or so from our neighbor hood back to a secluded swimming hole where we were hoping to skinny dip and catch some sun. It was a very nice summer day. We are both in our late thirties and in good shape but we are not in our twenties any more. When we got to the swimming hole there were about ten boys already there swimming. We thought that since we had walked that far we might as well sit by the water and get some sun on...

4 years ago
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Their Brother the Maid

Luke was in his room, looking at the porn images on the computer, trousers round his knees and cock out, wanking gently, trying to make it last. He wondered what sixteen-year-old boys did for porn before the internet. He was getting to the point where he would soon shoot his load when the door to his room flew open and his sisters were stood there.Big Sis had her smartphone in her hand and had clearly caught him either in a photo or worse still on a video clip. He sat blushing furiously, as...

2 years ago
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Their First Time

My friend Mary and I had decided to go for walk thru the woods-maybe a mile or so from our neighbor hood back to a secluded swimming hole where we were hoping to skinny dip and catch some sun. It was a very nice summer day. We are both in our late thirties and in good shape but we are not in our twenties any more. When we got to the swimming hole there were about ten boys already there swimming. We thought that since we had walked that far we might as well sit by the water and get some sun on...

4 years ago
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Their Holiday Bonus

As she drove to work that morning, she reflected on how her life had changed since she had gone to work for her Master. Before that they had a day in the week where He used to visit her home and spend the whole day devoted to their mutual pleasure, but over the last 2 years these had nigh on disappeared, as their relationship evolved into a more 24/7 working/playing lifestyle. She had forgotten what her stomach felt like as she drove to meet her Master, could she still take a whole day at His...

1 year ago
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Their Little Bbc Slut

What can I say? We where just flirting a bit and next thing I know I have a penis in my mouth... Sive was in college and was staying in a apartment owned by two men. They were both in their late 20s, muscular and black. She was in the apartment with two months and after back and forth flirting, things got wild...Sive was on the sofa and the time was 8pm and she heard the door open, James and Tobi came in "hello. how was college today?" Asked James as he hung up his coat. "Good, my lecturer was...

3 years ago
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Their Dark Needs

Serena attached the leash back onto Emmy’s collar and paraded her through the group of platinum members. Emmy was groped and pinched by both men and women as she was walked to John’s private office.It was humiliating, but worth the price, she reminded herself. If she wanted to continue her relationship with Alexander, she needed to satisfy his wife’s dark needs occasionally as well. The fact that Serena wanted to take her to John’s office was somewhat of a surprise to Emmy. After the experience...

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Their Slut

"Wow there, Kiara! We haven't even gotten to the house yet and you're already horny?" Finn said smiling looking at us through the rear view mirror. I blushed and laughed. I had never been to their house before. They all shared a house and since they're all loaded, I heard it was pretty big. I had a big house too, but I doubt it would compare to what I was about to see. We pulled into a circle driveway. "This is where the magic is gonna happen!" Matthew laughed and...

3 years ago
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Their Older Sister Was Fine

Their Older Sister Was Fine I took an early retirement due to the economy and besides they offered me an early buy out so I took it. It was interesting with the unions twenty and out clause so I was retired with full pay and still only thirty-eight years old. I had never been married but I had a few live in girlfriends over the years. In fact my latest girlfriend decided to take a powder when I retired instead of letting me fuck her twenty-four seven. The bitch! Anyway the next...

2 years ago
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Their Slut

Introduction: Please give me negative/positive feed back! Enjoy. ,) It was Friday night at 7:30 when Maxs car drove up to my house. I was dressed in the sexiest lingerie I could find at Victorias Secret, a red lace bra, red lace panties, red lace long socks and a sheer cover up. I walked up to the Escalade and sat on Maxs lap. I could feel that there was already a huge bulge in his pants, so I rubbed my ass up against it as he started to make out with me and pinching my nipples. Wow there,...

3 years ago
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Their First Adult Book Store Part 2

Joe and Albert emerged into the first hallway of the arcade.They both felt as though they'd been transported to a strange land.It was very dark. The air was filled with smoke. Noises were all around. Loud sounds of sex from the videos, as well as live sounds like, 'suck it' and 'oh yeah' and lot's of moaning and grunting. Many odors were mixed together. The smoke (different kinds), the sweat .... the pungent stench of cum. There were several men standing around the hallway. Some of them were...

4 years ago
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Their First Adult Book Store Part 1

After the Concert, Joe and Albert stopped at a bar for a few drinks. Fabulous Korean Babe bartender. It was their first time in San Francisco. They were from the small town of Clopton, and at age 21 they hadn't gotten far from home before. They were having a great time flirting with the beautiful Korean woman. At 1:45 am, the bartender called last call and they had one more for the road.As Joe and Albert headed up the street, looking for a cab to take to their motel, Albert spotted the 24 HR...

1 year ago
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Their Waxed Pussies

Note : This story is completely fictional! It was a normal friday afternoon James was walking home from college just thinking about what lie ahead for the weekend. As he opened his front door he saw his mum in nothing but a , it wasnt the first time so he didnt take any notice except for the fact that his 8 incher was growing in his trousers. Just as he turned around from closing the door his mum saw the buldge in his trousers, she knew that she was an attractive woman but hadnt thought that...

3 years ago
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Their First Night

Shannon has always wanted to fuck her younger brother Christopher, who was four years younger than her. Ever since they were teens, she always wanted to know what it was like to fuck her brother. She saw the way he looked at her at times. Often she caught him peaking at her in the shower or when she was changing in her bedroom. She doesn't know why she never stopped him, but it made her feel sexy to know that she was so hot that she could make her own brother want her. Maybe it was because it...

3 years ago
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Their Valentine Surprises

She had been flying for many hours and awake even longer. The overnight British Airways flight from Tampa to London Gatwick, then a commuter flight to his city. For a matter of four days she had conducted an intense, online relationship with a married British businessman. She was, in fact, his online mistress, arising each morning at 3 a.m. to cyber him (and herself) to orgasm. A mere nudge on her IM screen would bring her running to the computer at any time of day like one of Pavlov’s dogs—and...

2 years ago
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Their StoriesChapter 6 Alines Story

I awakened to bright sunlight streaming into this strange bedroom. I turned around to see whether there was someone beside me and the bed was empty. I felt this strange lasitude throughout my body and my mind went back to what must have been last night. I remember being carried in here and being undressed and falling asleep. My mind took me back to the beginning of the evening because everything in between struck me as being a fantasy, a dream. I had put on that costume of Rita's and when I...

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Their date

It had been a little more than a year since they had last seen each other but a few words was all it had taken for them to re-connect and make plans to meet up again tonight.A 'date', a simple word that did nothing to convey the making up for lost time that was planned but they both knew what they wanted, what they both needed without anymore than that, apart from a simple instruction from him setting expectations for the night to come.“I want you dressed in something naughty, and heels”, he...

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Their first time

"Damn you!" I shouted, "You are not going to spoil this holiday for me just because you cannot do what you want to!" I grabbed my cardigan and handbag and stormed out, slamming the front door behind me. I'd had enough of him for one morning. My husband, Philip had health problems which meant that sometimes he did not have the strength to walk far due to his extreme fatigue and difficulty in breathing and, as a result, he also had mood swings when the weariness got the better of him. Today was...

4 years ago
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Their Suffering

They had been together for about two years now.They had great sex and even delved into a little BDSM every now and then.They had spoken about their need to be spanked;they both wanted to know how it felt to be beaten together,they agreed it was time to find out and Oliver new how they could go about realising their fantasy.Oliver spoke to Natasha and it was agreed that they would go to the Monastery near where they lived and ask to see the Abbot. Natasha had heard that the Abbot there had...

2 years ago
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Their Little Stut

I didn't plan on this night getting as wild as it did, especially since the party was at a farm and held by a typically middle- class married couple. It was a fairy tale theme fancy dress party. I decided to go as Little Red Riding Hood, and wore a 50’s style dress with red roses on it with a big red petticoat underneath. This style of dress not only complemented my curves but showed off the right amount of cleavage. I also wore a little red hooded cape and bright red high heels. I thought I...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Their First Lesbian Experience

Charlie and Sylvia were on a girlie weekend away to Amsterdam. They had been friends together since they'd met on a university trip in New York. That had been several years ago. Since then life had taken it's toll on Charlie. Sylvia was very supportive of her friend and decided that it was time for them both to just have some quality time together. Charlene had married a man, who, despite being very sweet and supportive was absolutely crap in bed. She sometimes doubted whether he actually...

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Their First Adult Book Store Part 4

Albert actually falls asleep for a few seconds, before Gary opens the door to his booth. "Hey stud, thought ya might like some company over here."Gary's cock is big and hard and right in Albert's face.Albert's first thought is, 'I'm bigger than that'. He looks at Gary's face with its countenance of anxious, lustful anticipation. "Hey stud, to you too." Albert takes hold of Gary's dick. He starts to stoke it a little. "Wow, that is a nice dick you got there, Gary." Albert rubs up and down on...

4 years ago
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Their New Toy chpt1

Sharon Cayle walked in to her kitchen to see her favorite sight.Her husband John was cooking as he always did on the weekends.Wearingjust his favorite dark blue apron , chef's hat and a black jock strap.Every man should cook like this on the weekends she thought to least mine does. Her husband was average height about 5'10'' dark hair , blue eyes witha lean swimmers build. His looks were average but John always had a smile on his face. " What are you looking at? " he asked as...

2 years ago
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Their First Night

The next morning is a Friday. And as I prepare for my class day, I feel someone putting their arms around my waist. "Hey, sweetie!", says Kacey. "Hey, sexy!", I say as I turn to see my lover there. We kiss on the lips in front of some of the students. "Listen, I told Mom what happened last night. And she wants to know when you can stay over at my house." "Well, I got the night off", she says. "Awesome, I did, too!", I say. "Ooooh! What would you like to do tonight?", Kacey...

3 years ago
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Their Forbidden Love Ch 02

I looked up at the stars feeling Jonathan squeeze my hand a little. ‘Hey, where are you?’ he asked me, making me sigh. Even though the hood of the car was cold below the material of my skirt I laid there thinking. ‘Why don’t you ever talk about your father?’ I wondered what triggered that conversation. But it was true. Aside from telling him that my father died when I was seven I didn’t say much about it. Honestly I haven’t thought about my father in a long time and that thought pained me. It...

2 years ago
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Their day

Tum wakes up even earlier than usual, bright-eyed.  She has waited a long time for this day. Desire aches in her limbs and holds like firm hands her bare thighs now resting on the cool bed sheet. What would Phong be doing now this early?  Perhaps showering, cool water glistening down the muscles of this back, over his skinny bum and thin legs. As usual Tum’s fingers go straight to their groove between her legs. This has become their way of waking up, and going to sleep for that matter. It’s...

3 years ago
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Their night

Xan and Mitchell were best friends, and everyone knew it.There was a party in Vegas at the Bellagio hotel, everyone was havingA great time, yet Xan looked discouraged and sat in the corner in the suiteHallway and she was staying at the hotel herself. Mitchell came and asked,"You okay?", "I don't know," replied Xan with an enchanting smile towards Mitchell. Even though Mitchell was in a closed boring relationship, he saw Xan was a knockout in her silky gold dress with her nipples poking through...

2 years ago
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Their First Adult Book Store Part 5

Albert looks up at Gary with a wicked smile, he takes the hard cock into his mouth about halfway.Gary moans as Albert’s soft, moist tongue slides along his big dick.After a minute of slurping on Gary’s cock, Albert says “Your cock is delicious Gary”.“Thanks buddy.” Gary has heard that many times before, but with this newbie it really means something to him.Albert sucks the big dick, taking it a bit deeper every few slurps.In and out, he tries to do it like Gary sucked him and begins gently...

2 years ago
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Their slave

I woke up tied to a tree by my wrists on my tiptoes as it was getting light out. It was already quite warm and I was sweating. My large tits(42DD) were dripping sweat and covered with welts, brusies, scratches and bite marks as was my flat stomach, my thighs and hips, calves and feet. My ass felt like it was on fire. I was filthy, covered in dirt and grime all over my body. It slowly started to cum back to me what had happened last nite. I tatsed cum on my lips and my face felt all sticky and...

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