THE Harem Tales 4: We Gotta Get Outta This Place!Chapter 14: Mrs. McDonald Had A Farm free porn video

It was a very unusual pickup, the result of Dora’s analysis that many, many more children were needed to bridge the gap between ages at typical extractions and new births resulting from the after-extraction action. Maureen Smith McDonald was raising an impossible number of children, largely by herself. She had six of her own, ranging in age from fifteen down to five, in addition to her dead sister’s four - all under eight. Added to them were three preteens from her former husband’s family, and a barely fourteen-year old neighbor who showed up with her younger brother when her single father was extracted and refused to take either of them along.
They lived on a ranch near the projected advance of the Sa’arm, but the Swarm’s approach was not imminent. She received financial aid and was forced to depend upon it because she had too many children to be able to do any work beyond caring for them, even with the help of the teens and older children. All the stock had been sold except three milk cows, horses for each child old enough to care for one, and a flock of free-range chickens that provided eggs and the occasional dinner.
When Dora showed Maureen’s nurturing and sex scores to the family, they not only wanted her for the Harrad Colony, they wanted her for themselves. Michael, Katie, and Gingerbread transported down to make it happen, while Naomi, Vicky, Misty, and Victor remained on call to help care for or to herd youngsters as needed.
The trio arrived shortly after lunch, and though school was out, most of the children were gathered in the dining room, family room, or the kitchen working on lessons. There were multiple laptops, desktops, and tablets - clearly in use by competent minds. Maureen, herself, answered the door, and when Katie introduced herself and the other two and explained their purpose, she invited them into her study. She called, “Gretchen, you and Ingrid come too.” Maureen turned to them and explained, “My Ingrid and Gretchen Henderson are both over fourteen and need to be privy to any discussion of extraction by the Confederacy.”
The two teens almost tumbled into the room, poking each other and laughing, “What’s up, Mom?” asked the older, nicely rounded blonde. “Yeah, Mom?” from the shorter, younger blonde.
Maureen put her arms around the two girls, pulled them to her and introduced them to her three visitors, “Ingrid, here is my oldest. I was fifteen when she was born, and she just turned fifteen last month.” She laughed, “I was randy and anxious. And Gretchen was my neighbor’s girl - she’s mine now. Truth be told, I think she is my ex-husband’s, and Tom Henderson thought so, too. I think that’s why he refused to take her. He carried grudges.”
She smiled and hugged the two again, “They grew up close as sisters, so the sperm donor doesn’t much matter now - both the swinging Richards left us.”
“So, girls, these fine folks are from the Confed...” Clothes started flying before Maureen could finish, and two excited, naked teens were bouncing up and down on the balls of their feet in front of Michael. “Girls! Girls! Back off - now!”
“But Mom,” that was Ingrid, “We wanna go!”
“I know you do,” the older woman responded, “but there has to be a reason the Confederacy came to us, here and now. Don’t throw away our negotiating advantage.” She smiled, “So why now, and why me - us? And, which of you is asking?”
“All of us and more,” responded Rachel, “and we want you and all the kids. You have incredible parenting scores, and your sex scores are out of sight.”
“What are we, peanut butter?” pouted Ingrid. “My cherry needs popped. Give me a test drive - please.”
“Okay, girls,” interjected Maureen, “Talk and listen first, then maybe you can get a ride before we decide...” She turned to the trio, “I hope including the girls in this discussion wasn’t a mistake, but it’s looking like part of the deal is going to be a cherry-poppin’ orgy. I confess, that producing some sweat sounds very good to me, too. It’s just been too long.”
Michael and his ladies looked at each other, shrugged, and nodded. “So what is it that concerns you?” he asked.
“It isn’t really a lot,” Maureen temporized. “In addition to frequent, hot sex, more children, and not being abused by some ego crazed ape, we all want to go together - us, kids, pets - all of us. And we want to stay together. That’s pretty much it.”
Dora spoke privately, Michael was beginning to feel dizzy from the odors of hot pussy filling the room - and not just from Maureen and the two teens. He wasn’t exactly sure when he began to lose control of the interview, but he thought it might be when Ingrid squirmed her way between his legs, popped her right tittie between his lips, and plopped contentedly onto his left leg. It could have been when he noticed Gretchen unbuttoning Katie’s blouse and reaching in to stroke her breasts.
Michael forced himself to concentrate, turned his head, grabbed the two presented titties, and pinched the two protruding nipples. He was rewarded by the screech of a young woman catapulted into her first male-stimulated orgasm.
Turning his attention back to Katie, he saw Gretchen astride Katie’s leg, rubbing her pussy back and forth, riding for all she was worth. Katie was sucking one of Gretchen’s breasts. Grunts and moans were increasing from their direction as well. From outside the closed door, he heard a pair of giggles.
“All my kids are highly sexed,” explained Maureen, “it’s all I can do to keep the tweens out of each other’s britches. Those giggles are probably my Junie and Harry Henderson listening at the door. They’re always at it if they think they can get away with it. Pretty harmless.”
Michael took a deep breath, continued palming the two lovely breasts, and silently willed Rachel to take over the interview.
Rachel, recognizing his plea, began explaining the colony’s rules of behavior for sponsors and concubines. She watched Maureen’s eyes widen as she elaborated on their family’s relationship. “I see you and yours joining our family, but not as wives, even if you become sponsors. If that happens, I think you will be more like Billie and Birdie with an affiliated group of your own, but still a member of the clan. Right now, you would be concubines, technically, slaves of the clan. We call our really privileged concubines ‘companions.’ Maureen, recognizing a good deal when she heard one, was letting herself become more turned on. She had persuaded herself to maintain control while she extracted the most she could through negotiating, but she could feel her arousal building. She too was affected by the pheromones wafting, but she held on. “What about our pets?” she asked, “The kids are really attached - and caring for them has helped keep them occupied and develop responsibility.”
“We already have two cats, so yours should be okay,” Rachel responded, “but there are no dogs. Tell me about yours.” She was becoming distracted by the activities of her sponsor-spouses, and by the growing wet spot visible between Maureen’s legs. Usually, her amorous attractions were confined to her spouses, but this situation, with its sights, smells, and sounds -- added to by the involvement of her spouses - was beginning to get to her.
“Well, Cynthia Louise Human is about three fourths border collie and about a quarter mixed golden from the Henderson’s farm. More than human sex had been going back and forth between our houses. She thinks she’s people and is smart, good at herding - kids and animals - and does well indoors. Gets a little hyper sometimes.”
Rachel cracked up. “Cindy Lou Who, really?! Don’t tell me, I know - the retriever’s name is Grinch!” and she held her stomach laughing. Okay, You’re all coming. I can’t pass this up. Not a chance!” She giggled then asked, I don’t suppose the Grinch is available?”
“Matter of fact, he’s been hanging around. Nobody at the Henderson’s to feed him, so we do,” replied Maureen, glancing over at the two couples. “Say, can we table some of this discussion and give me some relief? I’m burning up!”
Rachel followed her look and saw Michael holding his teen upside down licking her plump pussy, and Katie was laid back naked, with Gretchen scissoring her legs and madly humping to rub their pussies together. Rachel had never before seen this type of play, and she was nearly overcome with the suddenly increased heat between her own legs. Opening her blouse, she reached for Maureen and they rushed together. After a few frenzied kisses, this last pair was on the floor, pussy to pussy in a passionate imitation of the other tribbing couple. Rachel and Maureen were fast working up to their first major cum when they heard the gasp as Michael penetrated Ingrid’s wet vagina, taking the last vestiges of her hymen. The path to Ingrid’s next orgasm was short and wet, and she peaked with a much louder vocalization than from Michael’s breast play.
Katie looked over with lust in her eyes. “Michael, Gretchen’s ready. It’s time to swap.” She cuddled the moaning teen to her, kissed her passionately, turned her in Michael’s direction, and held out her open arms to summon Ingrid.
The two teens rose and gave each other a major kiss as they passed in route to their new lovers. Ingrid patted Gretchen’s butt and told her, “O M G you are going to love this,” as Gretchen looked with a little hesitation at the red-tinged moisture at the junction of her friend’s thighs.

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