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Present – Jens – In the tunnels

I've been busy as hell! After I made sure Maria or the twins and Alexi won't come back to the cabin, I purged the security system, reloaded the image in the virtual server and verified it is working correctly. Then I enabled the mobile phone bridge and Internet access.

Now I'm pissed as hell as I watch the video monitor from the meadow in front of the cabin. A swarm attacks and kills an elk while Jack comments, "Those have to be killer bees. Banzai and I ran into them once in South America and we were lucky to survive."

Masha concurs, "Yes, and I would estimate there are millions of them which will probably disrupt the entire ecology of Colorado."

Yeah the fuckers dropped balloons filled with Africanized honey bees! When the balloons popped the pissed off bees attacked anything and everything that moved. It didn't take long for the birds to flee the area, however the bigger wildlife can't move fast enough and a wholesale slaughter is going on. I pray like hell that Anastasia and Sharik are bedded down someplace safe.

I watch as swarms continue their attack and comment, "Well at least they are killing the last of the damn rats."

Masha questions, "What will the night time low temperature be tonight."

I check and reply, "I'm sure you know that they have been found in the Andes in South America, so it won't be cold enough to kill them tonight. However it will be cold enough to make them lethargic."

Masha states, "Yes Ms. Donaldson, of that fact I was aware however I hoped that we could purge and possibly close up the house to prevent their entry."

I switched the video feed to inside the cabin and the fuckers looked damn comfortable. I see something else that bothers the hell out of me, then a possible solution comes to mind...

Present – Jack – In the tunnels

Jens questions, "Are those fucking cockroaches in the cabin?"

Masha and I look at the video feed and I confirm, "Yeah I would say they are. Damn, that one is nearly as big as a palmetto bug."

She swears, "Those fuckers! Some of the balloons must have had cockroaches in them."

Masha adds, "Jack a palmetto bug is nothing but an armored, flying cockroach. We must not underestimate our adversary again. If they released cockroaches they will not be normal cockroaches."

I speculate, "Yeah I bet they are infected with some nasty shit."

Masha concurs and enumerates, "Yes that is a valid assumption since cockroaches have been known to harbor salmonella, cholera, typhoid, dysentery, hepatitis and some from South America have even contained traces of the HIV virus."

I add, "And there's no telling what shit they're picking up from the dead rats."

Jens declares, "I hate fucking cockroaches! I think I will crank up the air conditioning to max in the cabin perhaps that will drive them out."

I look at the video feed and wonder if we should just set the whole damn cabin on fire and start over again from scratch...

Present – Masha – In the tunnels

If this wasn't so vile, I would applaud the ingenuity of the attacks we faced. We had been trapped in the tunnels like rats in a cage ... I began to process the thought and what I realize severely concerns me. I announce, "Ms. Donaldson, I would like to call a group meeting."

Ms. Donaldson questions, "Masha, what's wrong?"

I state, "I am extremely uncomfortable with the current situation and it would be better if we could discuss it as a group."

We all meet in the large conference room and I begin, "I am concerned that the attacks have been directed in such a way as to force us into the tunnels. Ms. Donaldson who else has knowledge of the tunnel system."

She replies, "Well of course the contractor who built them. Why are you so concerned?"

I answer, "So far the drug lord has kept us on the defensive, but perhaps he has further plans on how to infiltrate the tunnels? We need to determine if there are any weaknesses in the design of the tunnels."

Ms. Donaldson begins to reply when something negative happens...

Present – Jens – In the tunnels

Dammit to hell and back, we've just had a hell of a power glitch. I order, "Wait a minute." I try to operate the terminal and it's behaving weirdly! I finally get the video feed of the outside power poles and the damn swarms are shorting out the transformers, but that shouldn't cause a power glitch, the generator should take over.

I try to access the terminal but it's slow as hell so I complain, "What the fuck is wrong with this damn security system."

The klaxon sounds again and Jack offers, "I'll beat the shit out of it again."

Todd signs, "Jennifer, it is not Jack this time but the security system is under attack."

I realize he's right and I question, "But how?" I am able to put the video feed on slow scan where it switches between all the cameras, it goes past one camera and I question, "Did you see that?"

Everyone draws around the terminal, we wait for the video feed to cycle again and Jack swears, "The mother's are shorting out the terminal I destroyed."

Yeah, Jack's right! The damn bees and filthy cockroaches are trying to stay warm on the electronics of the destroyed terminal and I can only assume they are doing the same on the terminal Todd destroyed.

Just when I can't think of how it will get worse...

Present – Todd – In the tunnels

The power totally fails, the lights dim and then I assume a generator takes over because the lights return to full power. However I have a huge concern. I sign, "Jennifer, please inform me the generator is housed in its own building."

Jennifer replies, "No they are in metal enclosures outside."

Masha (being who she is) realizes what I am leading to and she cautions, "Ms. Donaldson, the bees will swarm the generator and soon disable it. Do you possibly have a contingency plan for this event?"

Present – Jens – In the tunnels

Hell no I don't have a fucking contingency plan for any of these events! Who in the hell would think we would be attacked by a killer bear, a killer cougar, rats and now killer bees and cockroaches!

I watch the video feed as it switches past the generator and realize Todd and Masha are correct, the bees have already begun to swarm on the generator.

I look at everyone and say, "Hell no I don't have a contingency plan for this and yes the generator and security system will fail. However this does not mean that we will be dead in the water. Masha you have command here, Jack and Todd follow me."

I run down the hallways fast enough so they can barely keep up. I enter the power distribution room and order, "Okay you two gurus need to figure out how to get the portable generator hooked up to the carbon dioxide scrubber. Make sure to vent its exhaust outside and if you can keep the security system up that would be a bonus."

They both start working and Jack asks, "What are you going to do?"

I gulp and reply, "Something I never dreamed I would have to do..."

Present – Masha – In the tunnels

I am observing the cameras when they all go dead, but the instant before they die I realize what Ms. Donaldson performed. It was a very wise and heroic act, I only hope it can save us...

Present – Ben – Austin Texas

I had a hell of a good breakfast, shot the shit with some great guys and even made it to practice early. My friend the janitor brings me a cup. I look at him and question, "You got anything stronger to put in this?"

He laughs and admits, "Yes, I heard you had a rough night. It's a shame about the old Donkey Kong play center but I guess you showed those women." He pulls out a flask, tops off my cup and smiles at me.

Things are going fine until the two bitches walk in – Margarita and Motita – the janitor takes one look at them and says, "Man, I don't know what you did to them but it had to be bad. By the way I always have an extra cot here."

He wisely leaves as they walk over and Margarita begins to complain, "Paverast..."

I glare at her and for once she shuts the fuck up. The damn little dog gets all huffy so I stare her down too!

I drink the rest of my laced coffee, head to the stage and have a hell of a practice! And hell no I don't sit by Margarita or the damn dog for lunch! I grab two plates full of food and head to find the janitor...

Present – Stacy and Samantha – Escaping from the vets

It's morning and Sam finally wakes up, looks over the edge of the tarp and questions, "I thought I was going to pull watch last night."

I'm tired as hell from being up all night, but remember to be kind (because of Ben) and explain, "Sam there's been a slight change in plans today. I have some friends coming soon to help us so I decided to let you sleep."

She stretches and remarks, "Wow, did I ever sleep well in this hammock you rigged up."

I reply, "Yeah, that was one more thing Ben taught me."

She slowly climbed down the tree and said, "Boy, do I need the bathroom."

I thought, join the club, you should try being preggers! I suggest, "I've been using the bush over there. Don't forget to take a pistol."

I hand her a pistol and she says, "Thanks Stacy, you're a real friend."

Wow Stacy is being so nice to me - she even let me sleep in. I finish my morning duties and offer, "I will make breakfast today."

Stacy smiles but says, "Sam, my team is bringing us breakfast."

I wonder what the hell she means, but then a bunch of vehicles drive up. I begin to worry it might be Frank and the Mossad but Stacy seems very relaxed. In fact, when she walks to the lead vehicle a man jumps out and states, "Ms. Summers, here are your weapons."

I watch as he hands her the golden rifle and her two pistols. I question, "I thought the News crew had those."

He smiles and says, "Had is the key word."

I continue, "But they are Mossad."

He laughs, "Yeah, so what!"

I am confused as I watch what transpires: They unload another horse, several pack animals and someone goes over to look at Ben's horse.

They begin to set up a tent, Stacy comes over, hands me my phone and says, "Sam you can keep this phone, however they will track you with it."

I question, "What are you going to do?"

She laughs, "I'm going to sleep. If I were you I would get used to your new horse."

I look at the man who seemed to be in command and he greets me, "My name is Bill and I am the head of security for Ms. Summers. Now let me introduce you to your new horse..."

Present – Byron, Thom and Inga – Reconnaissance, otherwise known as terrestrial foreplay for successful ground warfare

We make it to the beach, I look at Thom and Inga and order, "Well get your rears in gear and find me some damn ammo."

Inga questions, "Do we have any funds?"

I open Betsy's case, pull out my emergency stash of Krugerands, hand half to Thom, half to Inga and order, "Well what's the damn holdup?"

Thom questions, "Where are you going?"

I scan the horizon, locate the tallest building and state, "I'm going to be on the roof of that building. Now move it..."

Damn Byron is serious about this and I hope to hell he knows what he's doing. I take off, pull out my phone, try to call the cabin but still no one answers...

Byron has provided me with enough funds to not only purchase his ammo, I believe I can also come up with a surprise that he will like. Thom makes a call on his phone but doesn't get an answer so he calls someone else. He hangs up and says, "Damn, all hell is breaking loose in America again."

I question, "Please explain?"

Thom states, "I guess Jennifer and the cabin have been under constant attack for days now from this damn drug lord."

I grow concerned about Masha and know I must stop by an Internet café to contact her...

Present – Maria, Linus, Matt and Jim – At the cabin

I think we have set some sort of record for getting from Texas to Colorado. Not only that, we've gained a whole bunch more Marines in the process (I'm not even sure how many we have now!). Most of them said something like, 'You don't fuck with America's sweetheart and expect not to have your ass kicked.'

Linus orders, "Okay guys, let us take the lead to the cabin gate." Jim passes the semis, we take the lead and approach the gate. There's an ambulance and car blocking the gate and I question, "What the hell is wrong with that car?"

Jim stops suddenly which damn near causes a huge wreck and declares, "It's covered with fucking bees."

Linus adds, "No it's covered with fucking killer bees."

He gets on the CB and announces, "Okay guys, it looks like we have a huge swarm of killer bees to take care of. Anyone have any ideas?"

Someone answers back, "Well we have a few M2 flamethrowers that should take care of those damn bees."

In wonder I think, 'shit who the hell thought to bring flamethrowers'!

An old truck pulls up, a couple grizzled old Marines get out and begin laughing, "Hell, who'd a thought we'd ever get a chance to use these again."

The other one answers, "And to think you wanted to leave these at home."

They begin to get ready then Linus says, "Maria, look at the cabin."

I finally look at the cabin and ... Tears begin to roll down my face...

Present – Ira, Mira and Alexi – At the hospital

Ms. Donaldson calls and informs us to not come back from the hospital because the cabin is once again under attack however she does not supply any details. I cognate and wonder what sort of vile and disgusting weapon was currently launched against the cabin. It must have been even worse than the Rattus rattus invasion!

We request strategic placement in the same room to which the hospital complies. However, then the police come and place handcuffs on Mira and Alexi. I question, "Why did you perform that provocative action?"

The officer states, "Your sister assaulted one of the staff and we believe your brother stole an ambulance."

I predatorily grin at him and demand, "Do you make it a habit of restraining foreign citizens with diplomatic passports?"

He steadfastly replies, "I have my orders!"

I then threaten, "You have just created an international incident which may terminate your career."

I withdraw my phone and commence a call...

Present – Maria, Linus, Matt and Jim – At the cabin

I look at the cabin and begin to cry because ... I can't believe it, it's on fire! And I'm not talking about a little fire, the whole damn place (which I thought was supposed to be fireproof) is burning. I yell, "Linus, we're too damn late!"

Present – Ira, Mira and Alexi – At the hospital

We await the arrival of our ambassador to reverse this police misunderstanding. To occupy our time, we occulate the news on the television monitor. A report begins and as I look at Mira, I question, "My sister, is that not Ms. Donaldson's cabin which appears engulfed in an inferno."

Mira sits up and agrees, "Yes Irinka it is! I have great concern for Ms. Morgan's safety."

Alexi adds, "Perhaps they are all ensconced in the subterranean tunnels."

I sadly inform my sister, "Mirinka I was not able to relocate our equipment to the tunnels."

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“Hey, Emily and I are headed back to my place to keep the party going. You should come too, I think Emily is getting frisky.” Zoe proceeded to make pelvic thrusts at him. This wasn’t what he was expecting but he agreed it might be fun. They all piled into a cab headed to Zoe’s studio apartment. He was pretty sure that Emily was going to puke in the car but she made it the whole ten minute ride without an incident. Once they were up at Zoe’s place Emily got dumped on the couch and Zoe went to...

3 years ago
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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 2 The Lady gets a Lady

Captain Harrow had a problem. The Lady was traveling very fast. He had used his dive planes to help him dive into the mist. He needed to change her lift ratio, slow her down and steer her all at the same time. To make it a little more interesting he was in the mist and couldn’t see the bow of his ship one hundred and forty feet in front of him. Since that wasn’t daunting enough let’s throw in the fact he had to do all of this without letting the pirates know where he was. He saw the eel on...

1 year ago
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Trucker Shares his wife

Truckers Wife This was a while back , I was was an owner operator of a commercial tractor-trailer rig. I least my outfit to a contractor to haul dry chemicals from a town called Trona in California’s Mojave desert. They would load the containers with these chemicals and I would haul them to Long Beach or San Pedro for shipment over seas. I usually worked Monday through Friday and occasionally would get a run on the weekends. When I did my wife Nela would go with me giving us time together. One...

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Derrick pt 1

I guess you could say that I've always been a very sexual person. I was about 13 when I lost my virginity for the first time. It was with a girl named Nicole. She was also 13, and shorter than me. She had red hair, freckles all over her face, small breasts that had been coming in for a while, and she was kind of chubby, but she had a beautiful ass that I used to stare at whenever she was turned around. We had been friends in the neighborhood since we were really little....

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Megan Sage The Largest Loan

Its been a rough couple of months for Megan. Shes been struggling to pay her rent and get her bills taken care of. Luckily, her friend referred her to a loan shark. His interest rates werent too crazy and he gave you three months. Megan figured with the extra boost she can get back on her feet and pay it off with days to spare. This wasnt the case. The shark shows up at her place a few days early, wondering why shes been avoiding him. Hes very calm about this, but Megan is getting spooked. She...

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Hunting the OrlanChapter 4

Well, it looked like I was stuck with the job of working on the wounded. The fact that I was about to suggest that myself was beside the point. I had been trapped, and I didn’t like that part of the situation. I was going to have to be more forceful in my orders if I didn’t want it to happen again. Fortunately, most of the injuries were simple bites or scratches that could be treated with first aid supplies from the replicator. In one case, there was a broken leg that required a more...

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One night Alone

Tony then picked up a controller and took a seat. Tony is 5'4", Brown hair, White, Brown eyes, and probably around 100 Ibs, a bit skinny. 14 years old. We played for about 20 minutes and his sister Kassy walked in. She was alright, not bad, but not hot. She was 13 years old, blonde hair, blue eyes, white, tanned, around 90 IBS, an alright body. Small tits, and an alright ass. She was 5'3". Following her was Brittany, she was a goddess, Long, dirty blonde hair, a perfect tan,...

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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 42 Jun 1944 Allies Land on Normandy on ldquoDrdquo Day

“How was it to be a prisoner of the Americans? Well, even those of us who believed that the Allies could be thrown out of France fell silent when we saw the way the Americans were organised, and the resources they had to work with. Their planes were constantly in the sky. Everything was mechanised, all supplies were carried by truck or train, with seemingly no concern over the amount of fuel used. If a jeep or a truck broke down, it was neglected rather than repaired, and a fresh one was...

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Blackmailed Preachers WifeChapter 14

One day after school, Perry took the teen to the bar. He slipped Carrie in the back door and took her to one of the private bedrooms. The fifteen-year-old high school sophomore was dressed in a cute little skirt and blouse that she had worn to school. She sat on the side of the bed very nervous, but she said nothing with Perry standing beside her. Then, came a knock on the door. “Come in,” Perry responded. Carrie looked up and saw an older, heavy-set man in his forties walk through the...

1 year ago
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Sex With My Exgf

Hello, indian sex stories reader, this story is about 2 years ago. My name is Prince(name changed), and I am 23 years old from Bangalore, I am basically from new Delhi, I have done my studies and I work in Bangalore. And I stay in the prime location of Bangalore where there are many north Indians. I love to enjoy with bhabhi, aunty, and mature girls. Let me come to the story, as I have said u my name and my GF name is Tina (name changed), we both studied in a very good college in Bangalore, and...

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Pandoras box

Pandora?s box  Pandora?s box????????????????? An error of judgementAs the rope started to bite into my wrists I struggled to turn my body and pull my arms out from behind my back. My efforts had no effect, and my captor?s hold on my arms remained vice-like as the rope was wound around and between my wrists. I glanced at the mirrored door of the wardrobe to one side and saw myself, standing in only my bra and panties, while my hands were tied by another partially naked woman standing...

2 years ago
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She saw him from far, he stood tall among men, circumstances, and life in general. He had always done so. The years had chiseled his features, there were no wrinkles and his body seemed as lean and firm as ever. She looked at him, loving every cell in him, worshipping him from far. She was so pleased to see he was so beautiful as he had been the day she had met him.She followed him everywhere, unseen and unheard. He never noticed but then, he had stopped noticing her ages before. He had also...

Love Stories
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Stoner Lovers

With the roommates finally out of the apartment, she was free for the rest of the day. She turned on the stereo, closed her eyes, and let herself get lost in the beat and the pulse of the music. When she opened her eyes, she decided to go ahead and try her new bud out. She retrieved her grinder and other assorted paraphernalia from her hiding place in the closet. The knock on the door jumped her out of her preparations. It was Dominic, and made for a happy surprise. He wasn’t due back in...

3 years ago
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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Part 6

From Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter Six Brad Beth immediately begin working on some of the changes that she and Thomas had discussed during his visit. She went out and bought an organizer and notebooks. She downloaded all of her class syllabus and assignments onto her IPad-Old Beth had never read them, she just seemed to get by. Old Beth had never bothered to purchase the class books. New Beth purchased and downloaded all of her class books onto her kindle app on her...

2 years ago
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Ritual 3 Defending the ClanChapter 2

The next morning, I was just finishing breakfast when Jessica wandered in, looking radiant. She kissed Priya on the cheek, and whispered in her ear, then glanced at me significantly. I raised an eyebrow, but she didn't speak. Suspecting what she wanted, I pushed back from the table, and offered her my lap with a glance. Jessica settled down in my lap, and I put my arms around her. "It's too early for a pregnancy test," she told me, "But the ovulation test was positive this morning, so...

2 years ago
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wow omegle delirium whatever fits everyone

Επιλογή γλώσσας ▼18,703 strangers onlineYou're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!Question to discuss:How many penises does your ideal mate own?[/b]You: ????Stranger: um...You: i cant really get thatYou: i ll say 20Stranger: too littleStranger: 50You: i am raising my bid to 70Stranger: 90You: 100Stranger: 150You: oh i cant beat that u winYou: 150 1You: 150 2You: 150 3You: the ideal mate goes to stranger 2Stranger: yaayStranger: *feels proud*Stranger: in your face sucker I wonYou:...

3 years ago
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The PetChapter 5

Unexpected visitor David and Danielle were having a nice breakfast the next morning, discussing their training plans when they got buzzed from the intercom mounted to the front gate. "May I help you," David inquired? He looked into the video display and was taken aback at the sight of a four-wheel drive Sheriff's rig at his gate. "Yes, David, this is Sheriff Henderson. May I come up to the house?" "Most certainly, Sheriff." David then buzzed the gate open. He and Danielle looked...

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Bhabhi And Me Seduced Each Other For Lovely Night 8211 Ass Fucking 8211 Part 3

Hello friends, I am back with something more erotic and naughty. My name is Anay, I am from Pimpri, Pune. My last story was about how me and aunty fucked for the first time, and today I will tell you what we did the rest of night and later on. So, after I fucked her for 1st time, on her bed, with me under her, and she was riding me. I shaved her pussy, and we were resting and getting prepared for the rest of the night. I was full nude on the bed and she was roaming in her house doing some...

3 years ago
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The Babysitter Becomes a Slave Part 2Chapter 2 The Fuck Party

The next morning Michael managed to pass the word to three more friends to meet him at lunch. Ian was English, Ramon was a Latino from the U.S. and Jamal was Afro-American, there on a sports scholarship for soccer and basketball, but wore glasses and had the brains to be shunned by the other jocks. He therefore hung out with the nerds and was about to be glad he did. Michael was actually the last to arrive in the cafeteria and found the other four at a corner table. They normally sat off to...

1 year ago
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Film At Eleven

Film At Eleven By Cal Y. Pygia I'm a shemale. I'm also an exhibitionist. And a news hound. These interests, as I've learned, don't always go together--or maybe they do. Let me explain. Since becoming a woman in every detail but my genitals (which remain, as they always shall, defiantly masculine), I've delighted in "accidentally" exposing myself to men and women alike. It's much easier for a shemale to expose herself than it is for a guy, because society tolerates a great deal more...

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The New Girl

Author's note: This story is a work of fan fiction, inspired by Shy's story "The Secret Stash." It is not intended as a sequel to the original, but rather, where I fantasized the story going from the point that it ended. I wrote to Shy about posting this story and she gave her OK as long as I made it clear that this is not a sequel, but a tribute. I hope you enjoy it! SMSapphire "The New Girl" By Sissy Maid Sapphire I couldn't believe what was happening to me! The clothes I had...

2 years ago
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A Hot Trampoline Fuck with My Cousin Erica

A few years ago, when I was only 14, I was in my room playing videogames. It was Thanksgiving day at around 10 in the morning. My grandparents had just gotten to my house, I shared my greetings, then went back upstairs to my room while they talked about who knows what. About a half hour later, my aunt arrived with my cousin. Erica (My cousin) was and still is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She's about 5 foot 7, a few inches shorter than me. She has dark blonde...

3 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 45 The Rain of Blood

"As the jeweller returned to the apartment, he cast around him a scrutinizing glance--but there was nothing to excite suspicion, if it did not exist, or to confirm it, if it were already awakened. Caderousse's hands still grasped the gold and bank-notes, and La Carconte called up her sweetest smiles while welcoming the reappearance of their guest. 'Well, well, ' said the jeweller, 'you seem, my good friends, to have had some fears respecting the accuracy of your money, by counting it...

3 years ago
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College Dorm Room

College Dorm RoomBy: Londebaaz Chohan It was undoubtedly very hot but it did not matter if the temperature was high or not outside, Tariq had the habit of taking all his clothes off, including his underwear when he was in his dorm room. For one year, he had no roommate but this was a double room and with more students coming, Jeered was his new roommate. Jeered, being new did not understand what to do but it was fun to look at a young, naked college boy. It only took 4 nights and now after...

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Celestial MattersThe Way Things Are

~Hey doo doo, hey dee dee, gather round and listen to me. When the sun comes up you've no reason to cry, the demons all run, from that orb in the sky. But before the night, be safe in your home, and invite no strangers in if you are alone.~ Forgotten Children's Rhyme -Devnik- I had only had the pleasure of being impaled once before. And that was on a battle field during the Crusades, when a warrior priest named Daniel Fleeting ran me through with a sword blessed by Pope Urban. Needless...

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Whatever It TakesChapter 13

Things couldn't have gone much better, those first few weeks Josie and I were together in the Twin Cities. I had been afraid my having lined up those two part-time jobs would irritate her, because they tended to eat up what little time I had that wasn't spent with learning to pitch. But Josie didn't react that way at all. Instead, she promptly found herself a very nice gig on a local radio talk show. The show was produced by another female ex-jock and sports nut, Angie Erickson. Angie...

2 years ago
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Sweets For the Sweet

Being Payday I went to the Mars BarFor a Valentines drink, perhaps a Bud. Instead of staying home, fiercely pounding my pud. Then I spotted her with ass wide as a car As a chubby chaser I loved her girth With a manly nod and smile that was fakeI bought her a jumbo chocolate milkshake My dick was smoldering like fiery scorched earthAt my booth she said she was a sex worker With the right man she could be quite randy But instead of cash she accepted only candy I quickly agreed to the terms of...

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The Amulet

People who experience a mysterious event sometimes feel the need for a rational explanation.  They seek to explain the unexplainable, and put it safely within a box of reality.  Perhaps, they’ll suggest, what you experienced was just a delusion, nothing more than mental musings.  But what if an otherworldly explanation is actually the truth? Modern people don’t believe in magic or spirits.  I know, as I used to be one of those people.  Used to be.I have to start with the fact that I’m a little...

3 years ago
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The Cuckoos Progeny08 Hashinrsquo Out all lsquode Details

“No, what I says,” Eli said, “is despite me patois, I grasp details and weave together different info to filter undiscovered truths.” “Excuse me, but who are all these people?” Everyone turned, not having heard the door open, to discover a heavyset woman with curly reddish hair. She wore glasses, a polka-dot dress and had a series of whimsical tattoos. “Hey, hun! I gots ‘tum people for you ‘ta meet.” “I’m pleased to meet ya’ll, but let me set these bags down first.” Betty and Delilah...

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