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Present – Maria, Linus, Matt and Jim – At the cabin

The old Marines with the flame throwers do a hell of a job on the car and the ambulance blocking the gate. But we get the hell surprised out of us when the car catches on fire and some guy bails out of it. He's a stung up looking mess!

Linus gets on the CB and declares, "We need a medic! We have a man that's had the hell stung out of him."

We get three responses and one guy says, "Medic hell! I'm a doctor and will be right up."

With the bees taken care of Linus radios, "We need someone to tow the car and ambulance away from the gate."

Someone replies, "Hell, we've got a tow truck and will be right up."

They come up with the tow truck and I really begin to wonder what the hell we don't have. They begin to move the burning car and the messed up ambulance. I look at Linus as he says, "Maria, we've got a little problem."

I smile at him and ask, "What's wrong honey?"

He replies, "Well, I've commanded small teams before, but nothing this big. We have a full blown army here."

I get ready to reply, then I notice something flying toward us and ask, "Linus, what the hell is that?"

A younger guys runs up with a rifle, begins shooting at it and yells, "That's a motherfucking drone! We need to kill that fucker!"

His statement lights a fire under a few younger guys and the next thing you know the drone comes crashing to the ground as Linus commands, "I want that thing retrieved."

The guys jump the fence and head after the drone.

I feel sorry for Linus because he feels so much out of his element having to command this many people. Then we get a huge surprise when a car pulls up and he exits...

Present – Mira, Ira and Alexi – At the hospital

We are resting as comfortably at the hospital domicile as can be expected when a doctor enters and inquires, "Ms. Sedankina?"

Irinka and I simultaneously reply, "Yes Sir!"

He looks at us and reformulates his question, "Ms. Irina Sedankina?"

Ira replies, "Yes Sir!"

He educates us on her medical condition, "Well Miss, it's a good thing you came to the hospital. The rat which bit you was infected not only with rat bite fever, but also hepatitis A."

Ira confirms her medical history, "Doctor, I have had the vaccination for hepatitis A."

He further questions, "Was it in a different country than the US?"

She answers, "Yes Sir, it was in Kazakhstan."

He nods his head and provides an explanation, "Well, that probably explains the strange lab results."

Alexi questions, "Sir, what is the treatment for the rat bite fever you mentioned?"

The doctor states, "Well, if Ms. Sedankina isn't allergic to penicillin we will start her on injections immediately."

Irinka whines, "I am not allergic to penicillin but please do not inform me that injections will be applied to my derriere."

The doctor states, "Unfortunately, that's the best location for the injections. I will send the nurse in soon to begin the treatment."

The doctor exfiltrates the room while Ira fumes. I notate that Alexi is busy with a small gaming toy and question, "Alexi is that the Theft of Grand Autos game you mentioned?"

He replies, "Yes Mira it is Grand Theft Auto and I am attempting to determine why my attempt at breaching the front gate of Ms. Donaldson's compound failed."

Irinka questions, "Alexi, what is the Grand Theft of Autos game?"

I answer, "Alexi credits it with his superior skills at vehicular operation."

Alexi states, "It would benefit both of you to participate in this game."

We translocate adjacent to his medical support chaise and observe the game after several minutes. Upon close observation I question, "Did you just steal a vehicle while using a weapon?"

He laughs, "Yes that is why it's called Grand Theft Auto."

We continue to watch the police give pursuit which he skillfully avoids. Then he maneuvers down a different street and arrests forward motion in front of a woman. Ira questions with some concern, "Alexi, what are you doing?"

He states, "Watch this! Currency exchanges hands, they proceed into a hotel room and have a training session."

I complain, "Alexi! This is not a positive role model game for you to play."

Then he surprises us when he savagely attacks the prostitute, retrieves the money and hurries back to the car.

Ira states, "Yes Alexi! This game will corrupt your young mind."

Alexi laughs at our concern, "My sisters, I am capable of separating reality from this game."

I look at Irinka and declare, "My sister, we must attempt this game to see if Alexi is correct."

Ira replies, "Yes Mirinka, and with considerable haste of post."

The nurse walks into the room with an injection for Irinka and I taunt, "Drop your undergarments sister and flex at the waist."

Alexi becomes embarrassed and hastily excuses himself, "I need to visit the necessary room."

The nurse leaves after the proper application of the injection and I inquire with tears of marine reptile, "Irinka how is your derriere?"

Alexi walks out of the necessary room and states, "You do know you can use the word ass, do you not?"

Irinka and I both giggle and relate to him essentials of a certain mission we performed in Israel where the word ass became quite confusing. In the middle of this dialog the physician of genetics arrives in the room and inquires, "Ms. Sedankina?"

Irinka and I simultaneously reply, "Yes Sir?"

He clarifies his question, "Ms. Miranda Sedankina?"

I anxiously reply, "Yes doctor..."

Present – Masha – At the cabin

I am very impressed with Yasmeen's weapon training as we proceed down the passageway to the workshop door; it is exemplary. She is holding her AR at high ready position with her finger adjacent to the trigger. I question her, "Did Ben Blaine provide your weapons instruction?"

Yasmeen proudly replies, "Yes, my husband to be certainly did. He drilled his first wife Zarika and myself endlessly. However I confess that I really only killed three people. I do not like killing."

I cannot resist so I question, "Are you comfortable being the second wife?"

She smiles, "Yes Ms. Reynolds, it will be an honor to be the second wife. And when Zarika becomes too old to please Ben I will still be young and assume the primary pleasure role."

I consider bringing up the question of Ms. Donaldson but decide against it. We are at the doorway and I direct, "Yasmeen, you must not let anyone through this doorway unless they are friends. If they are not friends you must kill them without hesitation."

She wisely for her age questions, "Ms. Reynolds, how will I know if they are friendly?"

I think for a moment and reply, "So far the adversary has not used the computer system to access the house. So if the door is breached by force then you must react with devastating force."

She glances around and sagely suggests (due to Ben's training), "Perhaps it would be wise to use that table as a shield because if they breach the doorway I could be injured?"

I concur, "Yasmeen, that illustrates the wisdom provided by Ben's training."

We tip the table over down a side hallway, Yasmeen crouches behind it and I reiterate, "You must not lose concentration."

She assures, "Yes, protecting my future husband's assets is my primary concern. We have already lost the cabin so I will not daydream or sleep because we can not lose the tunnels."

I head back to the meeting room assured that Yasmeen is adequately, if incorrectly, motivated. There are many women who seem to have the motivation of capturing Ben Blaine in matrimonial bliss (or perhaps matrimonial strife) and unless the girls are very competent they will not achieve their ill planned desires.

Present – Jens – At the cabin

The alarm sounds again so I look at the system panel and discover it's the front gate. This is all we fucking need - a new attack! I switch the video feed to the front gate and can't fucking believe who the hell I see! And it looks like he brought a whole damn army since there are cars and semi's as far as I can see.

I decide I need to call a meeting so I announce over the PA, "Meeting in five minutes in the main conference room. Jack and Yasmeen, stay on post and I will come and inform you personally."

Present – Ben – Austin Texas

I've had a couple hits off the bottle and announce, "That's all for me tonight, I have work to do."

The janitor questions, "So where's the Austin Avenger going tonight?"

I demand, "What's this Austin Avenger crap?"

He tosses a paper to me and says, "That's what the news has named you."

I read the paper and while it paints a good picture of me, the Austin police are pissed at me and vow to bring me in. I look at the janitor and ask, "Just how good are the Austin police?"

He laughs and admits, "Shit! You know that better than me, they aren't worth shit. The problem is they have a hell bent for leather Texas Ranger here in Austin."

I brag, "I've had some run ins with the Rangers and unless they are really good they aren't going to catch me."

The janitor states, "This guy is like a Mounty - he always gets his man. Hey why don't you throw them a loop and take a night off?"

I blink, look at him and say, "Well then, what the hell can I do for grins?"

He smiled with his reply, "Well, you seem to like the blues, so there's this little blues club I like to attend. How about coming along and hearing us old boys play some blues."

I get excited and ask, "You think they'll let a young guy sit in?"

He smiles, "Well that depends how good you are! We don't want no amateurs messing things up."

I say, "I'm still bringing my combat gear just in case."

He laughs, "Yeah, if you can't play worth shit you might need it to escape the wrath of the crowd. We're a pretty tough bunch!"

We leave and I think, yeah I'm going to play rings around all you old farts asses...

Present – Stacy and Samantha – On the road

Bill informs me in private, "Ben Blaine is currently in Austin, Texas."

I'm shocked and question, "How in the hell did you find out about this."

He laughs, "Well he isn't keeping too low a profile and with the aliases you gave us it was easy as hell to find him. He is currently going to perform with the Austin Opera as Eugene Onegin in the Russian opera by the same name."

This sounded funny so I query, "Are you certain of this?"

He pulls out some pictures and shows them to me: It's Ben on stage and my heart melts. Then he says, "He was living with some female Russian polecat but we now have him living with a janitor who is a friend of ours."

I ask, "How long will it take us to reach Austin by horse?"

Bill answers, "Too long. I would suggest that we take you and the horses to the outskirts of Austin and ride from there. By the way, what do you want done with Samantha?"

I look over at her, remember Ben's patience with me and say, "She's with me and I want her protected just like me. However I do want her cell phone blocked since I don't want the Mossad finding us through it."

Bill laughs, "Well, they are still licking their wounds from the encounter where we recovered your weapons."

That reminds me so I say, "Yes I forgot to thank you for that. Was anyone injured?"

He laughs, "Not on my team!"

I respond, "Bill, remind me to increase your pay - you've done a hell of a job. Now let's get loaded up and head to Austin."

I walk back towards Samantha, she notices the horses are being loaded into the trailer and questions, "Stacy what's going on?"

I pull the same trick on her that she likes to pull on me, "Samantha just how committed are you to being with me." I notice Bill is recording this conversation so I will ask him later to use the voice stress analyzer feature to see if she's lying.

She questions, "Stacy, I don't understand what you're asking."

I explain to her, "Listen, are you my friend, a reporter or Frank's wife?"

She stands up tall and says, "Stacy, I am a reporter who is also your friend and as far as my fucking husband goes, there's a difference between being a Frank and being a dick! And he crossed that line with me."

I ask one more question, "And your reports will be truthful and factual?"

She smiles and promises, "Hell yes they will! It's about time the world hears your side of the story."

I like the hell out of her answer and declare, "Well then, let's go!"

Present – Byron, Thom and Inga – It's raining hell on the drug lord

It seems like I wait fucking forever and finally Thom shows up. I demand, "Where the hell is the fifty cal ammo?"

He shakes his head, "Sorry old friend I couldn't find any. I was able to get these weapons and ammo. By the way it was hell getting up here."

I look at what he brought: They would work in a short range battle but they certainly weren't what I needed now. Hell, two thousand yards out of a 7.62x51? There was no way that was going to happen.

I sat down disgusted and Thom tried to cheer me up, "Well, can't we move closer?"

I hand him the binocs and order, "Glass the roof of the last building we were on."

I take the binocs from Byron, glass the roof we were on before and it's so covered with men they look like ants on an anthill. Fuck me, I really let him down! I lamely suggest, "Perhaps we can pick them off with these weapons and then move closer?"

Byron grumpily answers, "And perhaps fucking pigs can fly!"

Yeah, he's still pissed as hell and I don't know what to do. Just then Inga shows up and states, "I could use some help unloading the truck."

I question, "What truck?"

She says, "The one with all the ammo and the fifty caliber rifle."

Byron jumps up and declares, "Inga I could kiss you! Thom couldn't find anything."

Inga smiles, "Well, I ran into an old friend who used to deal arms and got lucky. I have five thousand rounds of ammo and two additional fifty caliber rifles."

Damn, Inga really came through where Thom dropped the ball! I looked and then ordered, "Okay, I want three thousand rounds of the ammo up here. Inga, you and Thom each take one thousand rounds." I point and order, "Thom, you setup on top of that building over there, you have fifteen minutes to get into place."

I get ready to order Inga and she says, "Byron, I know you want me over there." She points to the exact building I was thinking of and continues, "I've already dropped my rifle and ammo on the roof so I should be ready in five minutes."

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getting away with fucking my girlfriend

My girlfriend at the time new how use her fine-ass body, to get what she wanted from people. (Guys and girls) When ever she would get high on Coke or speed I would get her horny watching porn or get her to make out with her friends. Over the course of our relationship I took her from a modest small town chick to a full on; cum loving, Three-way fucking, pussy licking un-inhibited sex fiend.One night, I was chill’n with my best friend, smoking a few puddles in my apartment; playing Playstation...

3 years ago
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Drunk and Used

There were supposed to have been four of us – Ian Terry and Mike and myself. We had agreed that Ian should bring round the latest editions to his extensive collection of porn DVD’s and we would all chip in some booze. Unfortunately Terry and Mike had broken down on the way home from a football match, got pissed while waiting for the car to be repaired, and now couldn’t drive back and had called off. So it just left Ian and I to spend the night drinking, watching films and setting the world to...

2 years ago
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Discovering Melissas Dirty Little Secret

I am happy in my relationship with my new girlfriend, Melissa. We see each other often but still, have those moments of freedom or ‘free time’ as we like to call it. The sex is outstanding and she has a voracious appetite for fucking. She is kinky, perverted sometimes, and has proven that anything goes as far as sex is concerned, which is great. I would say we are like-minded in that respect.Our relationship is fairly new, and recently, I have been staying over at her flat a little longer than...

4 years ago
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Eine kleine rmische Orgie

Zwölf wohlhabende Männer Ende dreißig gründeten einen Verein, mit der Absicht, jeden Monat eine Party im Haus eines anderen Mitglieds zu veranstalten. Diesen Monat sollte die Party bei Cepheus sein. Cepheus 'Haus war ein typisch römisches Haus, ein zweistöckiges Ziegelrechteck, das mit Gipsstuck verziert war. Ein einziger Eingang führte durch ein Atrium zu einem Peristyl, einer Öffnung in der Mitte des Gebäudes, die von einem überdachten Gehweg umgeben war. Alle großen Räume hatten Türen zum...

3 years ago
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The Proof I Needed

I had always thought I’d grown up maybe a little bit too fast. I mean, I started wanting a Rolex Submariner back when my friends were still collecting Pokemon cards, I’d be staring at the shapely formfo my teacher, when girls were still considered to ‘Have Cooties’ by my peers. So when the day my mother told me I was too old for pocket money and ordered me to go find myself a Saturday job, I thought, ‘Well, screw you, bitch, I will!’ That day, I marched along the high street in my school...

2 years ago
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Time with Lizbet Part1

The firm sent me to Houston to work on a huge project; it involved energy, the government, foreign investors, and of course taxes and contracts. I was going to be working it for 6-9 months. My government Liaison/advisor was an attorney named Lizbet. She went by Liz, but after awhile I called her Lizzy. She was a South Texas girl, about 30, married with 3 that were 13, 11, and 5. She was a stunning beauty that looked identical to Chloe Amour. (If you don’t know who Chloe Amour is, do a...

2 years ago
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Blood from Pussy

Hi am Jack again with another real sex encounter with a virgin tribal maid during one of my postings. Hope my real sex encounters are being liked. This incident happened when I was 27 yrs and had got my first project site posting to an interior site at Asansol. I reported at the site and was put in a 3 bedroom bungalow by my office because it was a part of my perks. I shifted into my bungalow and it took me a few days to settle down and after that I was on normal course. After a few days I felt...

3 years ago
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camping with a giant

this is for trevor100aits his huge cock that is generating this story,i was camping by myself way out in the remote woods and it appeared like i was the only one around till some one else arived into the site next to mine ,as i was toiling with some gear i heard foot steps approaching and heard a man's voice behind me ,as i turned my breath was sucked out of me as there stood in front of me the tallest man i ever did see he had to be over nine feet tall ,he could see the excitement on my face...

2 years ago
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Bangalore Maid Saritha8230

Widow maid Saritha. Hello, People, It’s me, Buddy, Once again…… Back with the first true sex story of my life….!!! How I accidentally got my maid Saritha got laid with me for money…..!!!!!!!!!!! Any single women in Bangalore can contact me at ….. About Me: I’m 27 years old and 6 feet height with huge physic. I’m settled in Bangalore since 2014 after I got married against the will of my parents. I’m working in a reputed BPO with little salary but huge incentives. We had our first baby and my...

3 years ago
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Beginning Of A New Chapter IX

Hello readers, I am sharing a series of my life incidents with my cousin with you all. In the last part, you read how Deepti and I were having a good time and were caught by Ankita. To our surprise, instead of being angry, she also joined and we had an awesome threesome. Now continuing on this part. The next morning I woke up with a morning boner, though nothing new but today my dick refused to calm down. The visuals from last night were in front of my eyes. Although, spending one of my best...

4 years ago
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Midnight Sex Buddy

I have always liked camping as a family. I remember going many places as a kid and have been anxious to share that experience with my own family. This summer my wife and I decided we would pack the tent and kids and head out to see some sites. Being that our kids are aged six and eight, we thought it would be a good time to see how they would be without the TV and computer. We headed out early Saturday morning with the car packed. For the first hour the kids did well. Even with three stops...

2 years ago
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Indian WinterChapter 12

Jake really didn't want to get up and face Sharmila. He felt foolish after last night, and the silliness. Things were moving into kinky directions and he was not sure what to make of it all. He, Mary and Sharmila had all but made out together with her listening to them teasing her through the wall. Mary was way ahead of him in sexual experience, but she'd been patient and understanding. He'd learned a few things from porno videos, but, he discovered, gave him a distorted view. In those...

2 years ago
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This incident took place over a decade ago. I received a letter from my friend Raju insisting that I visit him. He further added that I would not be disappointed. I did not understand what he meant. Raju was my fellow student while we were studying for our undergraduate degree. We had come to know each other well but our association was cut short as Raju left college to join the armed forces. Raju was handsome and intelligent. He did well in the forces and reached a high rank at a young age....

3 years ago
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Rodeo Roundup

I was raised on a 1200 acre ranch where my dad and older brother raises and breeds horses. Our part time hobby is competing in rodeos. My dad only watches anymore. My brother competes in team roping and I barrel race. I met this guy about a year ago at a rodeo in Wyoming. We have been friends, meeting each other about 4 times a year at rodeos. That's the only time we see each other. He lives in another state so we keep in touch through social media.Last spring my family and I went to Huston...

3 years ago
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128. SARAH AND THE SILVER MASTER 5So surprisingly I heard nothing for a couple of days then a message brief but to the point it said; Toms gone away to his meetings today and for the first time in our marriage we didn’t have a farewell screw... God I am so randy... the stitches are not infected I`m glad to say thanks to the spray I think. Will be with you on Friday evening can`t waitSarah It was a long week, I had my fair share of fruit cakes and it was a joy to walk the dogs, my headmistress...

2 years ago
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Turning Point Ch 10

Mary has return home and she and Robert had a great sex filled evening. Mary has informed Robert of her sister and brother-in-law’s visit. Robert is nervous and excited about the addition of new people to their sexual play. ******** I was up early Friday morning. I was almost through with my morning work when Dad left for work. I knew he was pissed about something, he was spinning the tires in his truck when he pulled out to the drive. I had finished feeding the beef cattle and...

2 years ago
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Pirates and Other Nice PeopleChapter 12

"Oh God yes" I knew it" Cassie said softly, "She's been looking at her mum all night, oh fuck Chris isn't that the horniest sight you've ever seen?" Sally was fast losing control of herself as Jane's tongue delved into the sweet, wet, moisture of her daughter's pretty little cunt, "She's going to let her bladder go in a minute" she whispered as she clung to me, "She's got that look on her face, believe me Chris, I know that look" She did let it go, somewhat uncertainly, but...

2 years ago
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How Did This Happen Shaynes Story

Just to make this clear, so there's no confusion, I wanted to try something a little different and decided to write from the female perspective. I hope everyone enjoys this story and please leave me feedback. It's greatly appreciated! *How did it come to this? I asked myself as I rolled over to take a better look at the stranger that occupied my bed. He was a good looking guy, so I felt better about the situation. Then I realized who it was - John, the guy who took me to the lake. Feeling...

2 years ago
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My Wife Fucks a Stranger

My fantasy has always been to watch my wife fuck another man,I have mentioned it many times when we have both been having sex, my wife has never really jumped at at the chance and my feelings were she was happy to use it as a fantasy, but that would be it, but over the years she has soften to the idea, and she has admitted that it would turn her on to have someone watch her having sex, especially if it was me.A couple of months ago we where invited to an all day party in our local pub, being...

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Circle Family

The following is a tg story entitled circle:family. Altough the story is in the same universe as the other circle stories, (circle:politics and others to come), it is not a continuation of another story. It simply shares some of the characters; and some of the same events are told from different characters' perspectives. I intended for each story in this series to tell an indenpendent short story, and the series together to form a circle, to tell a bigger story. All the stories...

1 year ago
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Slutty Lawyers in a Mans World

Slutty Lawyers in a Man's World * Introduction to a Man’s World In the year 20XX, a strain of virus devastates half of the population and changes human genomes forever. The fertility rate drops in half. The female population outnumbers men by a factor of three. At birth, female babies outnumber male babies by a factor of five. On the other hand, the emerging male population is a perfect specimen of good-looks and virility. To recover the world population, drastic measures are implemented....

2 years ago
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Mom fantasy from a friend

Oh honey, I wanted to send this note to you because I've found myself thinking about what happened last Friday night when I came home from work. Your dad had just moved out a few weeks earlier. We hadn't had sex for months prior to his leaving. As I said, I was just getting in after spending a happy hour at week's end with some co-workers. I was a little high when I came in. You were just out of the shower and telling me about your plans for the weekend. I listened to what you were saying, but...

3 years ago
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The Cookie Man and the Sad Girl

To you who are sleeping on the train, unknown, untamed, unclaimed, untouched but by the pain that lingered on your sleeping lips as you sit by the window and the rain, to you I write these words so you may suffer them, as I have suffered your sad beauty. While you sleep alone, I dream awake... When the walls of our train have vanished and we have been abandoned in this green valley in the rain, you will find comfort in my presence. Below the chain of hills to the east is a small wooden cottage...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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Witches Toil

Beth’s leaving plummeted me back into the depths of teenage depression, leading me down a long, dark tunnel at which end no light could be seen. Not only had I lost the girl who had become my best friend, but I’d also lost my love. Together, we had shared the most special thing, we’d shared the loss of our virginity. No joy was there for me in the dawning of the new millennium, no sparkle in those celebratory fireworks that punctuated the end of 1999.  Some solace was to be found in the...

2 years ago
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Garwyli 04

Three’s a crowd Briallen was waiting in her car for her sister to arrive home, the news that she had for her was bursting to get out. She had her portfolio with her and was about to reveal a secret. As Glynda pulled up she was out of the car. ‘Hi, Bri, what’re you doing here? I was going to phone you later on, I’ve decided something.’ Bri hurried over. ‘I’ve got three thousand in my bag.’ ‘How? Where? Did you get that?’ ‘From the photographs, I went over for a shoot today, Waunarlwydd...

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Skinny Dipping

It's a scorching hot summer day. You've heard that the temperature has even broken several records. Everybody has to cope with the heat somehow, and just hanging out where you are, dry and clothed, is not going to cut it at all. You have to do something about it. Your natural next thought is to go take a swim; some cool water might just be refreshing enough to save you from your misery. Now, you just might be one of the brave few who would even dare to do so in the nude, exposed entirely to the...

4 years ago
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BloodstoneChapter 5

The creature that came through the brush brought a smile to Luria's lips. She stood, tall and strong, as it came toward her, the ground under her feet shook from its massive weight. He stopped just inches from her, his long but supple trunk coming out to caress her face gently. "You know what I wish," she said softly, her eyes meeting the beady brown ones of the elephant. It squealed in answer, wrapping its trunk around her waist and lifting her easily. Graeme stepped forward, his blue...

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