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Present – Glen – At the cabin

We no sooner take cover than the bastards start shooting at us – now that really pisses me off! I've had my damn fill of illegals running around in this country and raising hell. They have the high ground and are shooting the hell out of everything. I stand up and yell, "Do we have any fucking mortars?"

The man who offered the TSIFFTS com center for my FOB says, "General, please follow us inside your FOB, it's bulletproof and we can call in an airstrike."

Hell, I knew TSIFFTS had great resources but an airstrike? Now that was news! Linus yells, "Cover the General as he heads to the trailer."

We're almost there when I can't fucking believe what happens...

Present – Yasmeen – In the tunnels

I am standing watch like my future husband Ben taught me. I hear an unusual noise at the rear door for the tunnels and I duck behind the table just in time as something destroys the door! I wait and men start into the tunnels until I fire at them...

Present – Jens – In the tunnels

We decide when we see Daddy and the Marines getting attacked that we need to head for the workshop door and help Yasmeen, just in case. We're running down the hallway, when there's a hell of an explosion and the security system goes crazy. I yell, "Someone has breached the workshop door."

We begin to hear gunfire, both AR and AK so I know that Yasmeen is doing all she can to stop the intruders...

Present – Jack – In the tunnels

There's an explosion, the security system goes crazy and Todd signs, "Someone has forcibly breached the workshop door."

I say, "Fuck this generator shit! We need to join the fight."

I kill the generator, we grab our weapons and head toward the workshop door. I turn but Todd is now missing - now where the hell did he go?

Present – Todd – In the tunnels

Since everyone was headed to the workshop door, I figured it might be a good time to cover the door from the cabin. Yeah the cabin is on fire but that might not mean anything to these bastards. We have been one or more steps behind the drug lord's army the whole time and it was time that we eliminate any possibilities, no matter how farfetched they might seem.

I approach the door and I hear...

Present – Linus, Maria Matt and Jim – At the cabin

Glen is headed toward one of the TSIFFTS semi's when a rocket screams overhead and blows it to hell. It might be bullet proof but it sure wasn't rocket proof.

I swear, "What the hell was that and where did it come from?"

Maria points, "Follow the smoke trail, that was some sort of fucking anti-tank round."

I order, "We've got to do something about these bastards!"

Then I hear a familiar voice...

"Looks fancy thoo chaps coods use some help."

I look over and it's Hammer so I demand, "Where the hell did you come from?"

He answers, "Ah will teel thoo later, let's gang gie these bastards!"

The crazy Scot jumps up runs toward the drug lord's army and yells, "It's Hammer Time!"

It fires everyone up so we all abandon our cover and head toward the fuckers...

Present – Glen – At the cabin

I can't fucking believe it, an anti-tank round takes out one of the TSIFFTS semis! Then some crazy-assed Scotsman (who must think he's Rob Roy) charges toward the top of the hill yelling something about it being 'Hammer Time' and takes over half of my Marines with him.

I'm sure it's leading to their deaths but then I hear something that's music to my ears...

Present – Jens – In the tunnels

We reach the corridor headed to the workshop, I peek around the corner and see a crapload of men trying to get in as Yasmeen is giving them hell (yeah I'm shocked as hell about it too) and has them pinned down! If we live through this I might even give her a kiss (chaste of course).

I direct the rest of the team to stay in position as I scoot across the corridor to the other side. Then I signal and we all begin to open up a can of whoop ass on them. Jack joins the fray and now we're really kicking ass and taking names! Then I can't believe what happens...

Present – Todd – In the tunnels

I no sooner get set up where I can overlook the front entrance when I start to hear some noises at the door ... The only way the bastards could be at the front door was if they had specialized firefighter suits and were flooding them with water...

That gives me an idea...

Present – Jens – In the tunnels

Yeah, we're kicking ass and taking names when – son of a bitch! Something terrible happens

I look at Jack and yell, "Someone has opened the other tunnel door into the cabin."

He yells back, "How in the hell can you tell?"

I respond, "The air is being pulled from the workshop into the tunnels and there's only one way that could happen - that's if the front door was opened during a fire. You, Masha, Yasmeen, Liz and Bernie need to hold them off here while I run over to the front door."

Zarika offers, "Jennifer, I would like to come."

Mabel also offers, "You can count me in."

I yell, "Jack, you Liz and Bernie give us covering fire." And we take off toward the cabin door...

Present – Glen – At the cabin

I love the sound of a fully operational mini-gun in the morning! Yeah, it looks like the call went out and we have one badass AC-130 gunship spreading its lead curtain of death over the tops of the hills. I'm not sure who it is but they are damn sure welcome! I owe them someone more than a drink, I owe them a couple cases of bourbon – hell a whole damn barrel! Nothing survives the onslaught of an AC-130 gunship, not even the best Marines.

The fuckers fire a manpad at the AC-130 but it is targeted and destroyed before it gains much altitude. I order, "What the hell are the rest of you devil dogs doing hiding in the dirt, it's time to fight or die!"

The rest of us take off after the crazy Scotsman and the first part of my Marines...

Present – Jens – In the tunnels

I run like my ass is on fire toward the cabin entry door. Mabel drops behind but Zarika almost stays with me. We arrive and find Todd sitting in the corridor watching a pile of burning bodies; the stench of burnt flesh is overwhelming. I demand, "What the hell happened?"

He smiles and signs, "I used the terminal to turn off the water pumps that were providing the cooling water to the fire hoses. They were using the water to survive in the house."

I ask, "How did you know?"

He smiles and signs, "Because it's something I would have done."

I was thankful that for once one of us was ahead of the damn drug lord's army...

Present – Jack – In the tunnels

We kicked their asses back out of the tunnel and I was so proud of my wife and my boy Ivan. I yell, "Yasmeen, are you okay?" But I don't receive a response.

I look at Masha and order, "Cover me."

She interrupts, "Jack I have more medical training than you, Liz and Bernie. Cover me and Ivan as we are better suited to the mission." She scoops up our boy, we provide vicious cover fire as she runs and jumps over the table. What a hell of a wife I've married!

Then I hear Masha yell...

Present – Mira, Ira and Alexi – At the hospital

We attempt to leave, however Alexi and I are still handcuffed to the bed.

I query, "Irinka, when will we be released from our bondage?" I illustrate our dilemma with a rattle of the handcuffs.

Ira apologizes, "I am aggrieved Mira and Alexi I forgot you were detained. Please have patience for a moment."

She walks into the hallway, we hear a noise, then she returns and toss a key to each of us. I giggle and ask, "The policeman guarding us?"

She laughs, "They are taking a well-deserved nap."

The genetic doctor opens his foul mouth and demands, "Are you telling me you assaulted a police officer?"

Ira laughs, "No, I assaulted two police officers! Unless you are to receive the same treatment you will convey us to the fertility clinic haste of post and provide us with total access to the entire facility."

He argues, "But you cannot do that."

I smile at him and explain as to a child, "Doctor, we all possess diplomatic passports. Therefore, we can not be pursued for minor crimes in your country." Then I threaten, " ... and even if we were to terminate a person – perhaps someone like you for not assisting us – the worst punishment we would experience is that we might be deported."

He immediately adjusts his attitude and promises, "In that case you will receive all the cooperation I can provide."

Alexi and I liberate ourselves and I state, "Lead the way doctor..."

Present – Ben – Austin Texas

The janitor wakes me up, I feel a weight on my chest and look: It's the damn little dog that saved me from the mongrel hoard of fat cow women. I look at her and ask, "What the hell are you doing here?"

The little dog yawns and stretches as it awakens. Then the janitor puts his finger over his lips as a sign to shut the hell up and points at the floor. I look and see that Margarita is sleeping on the floor beside the cot. When the hell did they get here and what the hell does she want?

I sit up (which is hard as hell because of the damn little dog), set her on the cot, begin to get up when the little dog starts barking like crazy!

Margarita wakes up, hugs my leg and declares, "PavErast! I know we offended you and I want to apologize to you. I will live with you wherever you live, even if I have to sleep next to your cot on the floor of this boiler room."

Hell, I'm a little hung over and feel like shit but I feel even worse now. The janitor states, "Pavel there's something else you need to take care of."

As he points, I follow his finger and - fuck! There's dog shit on the floor. I look at the damn little dog and complain, "What the fuck! Aren't you house broken."

The little damn dog gives me a sad look and crawls to the end of the cot. I state, "Well as a Marine I don't take any shit, but I sure as hell know what to do when shit happens." I shake my leg loose from Margarita, head over, grab some paper towels and clean up the fucking dog shit.

I look back, Margarita is still on the floor and pleads, "PavErast?"

The janitor glares at me and I make a fucking decision and announce, "I'm going to get my morning cups of coffee. I don't give a flying fuck at a rolling donut what you all decide because after tonight I'm out of here."

Yeah, I'm tired of all this bullshit and need to be on my own...

Present – Samantha and Stacy – On the road

The SUVs stop and I question, "What's going on?"

One of the men says, "Stacy wants to check the horses."

I bail out, see Stacy walk up and ask, "Are the horses okay?"

She gives me a funny smile and says, "Sam, we really need to talk."

We walk over to the side of the road, Stacy looks at me sadly and starts, "Samantha, I don't know how to make this any easier so I'm just going to tell you."

She pauses and I ask, "Stacy, did I do something wrong?"

She shakes her head and asks, "How old are you?"

I brag, "I just turned nineteen."

Stacy continues to shake her head, hands me a folder of papers and explains, "Sam, I hate to tell you this but the Mossad bunch you were with is a death squad looking for Ben. They were using you to provide the transportation."

I counter, "But Frank and I are married!"

Stacy looks me in the eyes and states, "Sam, you're his second wife. It's all there in this paperwork."

I ... I ... I can't believe it, but I open the documents and it's all right there for me to see! The fucking bastard! The love of his life didn't die in a bomb blast in Israel, he married the bitch and they had a hell of a lot nicer life than the bastard and I have had.

I begin to cry and confess something to Stacy...

Present – Thom, Byron and Inga – It's raining hell on the drug lord

How can anyone fire more than a couple of rounds in these son of a bitch shoulder cannons? I'm not close to firing my way through all my ammo, my shoulder is sore as hell and I've developed a nasty flinch. I'm not even sure where I'm hitting anymore but I don't care as all I want to do is end this damn torture!

Now this has been fun as hell! Old Betsy and I have ripped the damn drug lord a new one - hell some of his buildings look like they are made out of Swiss cheese. I keep checking on Inga and she has totally decimated the bastards that raped her. I guess it's true - hell hath no fury like that of a woman.

I hear a familiar whistle, I look and Thom is frantically pointing at something. I train my scope in the general direction and make out some trucks headed our way. No big problem, I range them and begin to fire.

Byron begins firing at vehicles headed this way and I realize the drug lord has finally figured out where we are. This makes me wonder so I pick up my rifle run to the other side of the roof and sure enough ... I resume my position and begin to take out the bastards trying to sneak up on our back side.

The report of Inga's rifle sounds different so I look and see she's firing in the opposite direction. I grab Betsy, run across the roof and see the bastards are trying to sneak up behind us so I join in the fun that Inga's having.

Shit Byron and Inga don't realize it, but if we don't get out of here soon, we're not going to be able to leave. I need to get their attention so I fire above Byron and hit part of the roof he's on. I about laugh my ass off because it scares the shit out of him! He sees me and flips me off. I give him the hand signals for retreat and watch as he reluctantly picks up his rifle and heads toward the stairwell. Now to get Inga's attention - I look but she's already gone. Shit! Am I the only one left on a roof? I don't like this one bit! I grab the rifle, the rest of the ammo and head for the stairwell. I'm almost there when the worst thing that could happen, happens...

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The Pharmacist

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 31 The Rescues and the Vaskat

Ken watched the Captains file out and head back to their own ships. Sitting in his chair, he smiled at Kala, and said, "I think your plan is going to work, at least the other Captains were excited about..." he said. He looked up as the doors open and Tammy walked in. "Hi, love, it's good to see you." Tammy walked in to the conference room and stopping as she saw the platinum haired woman sitting across from Ken. "Hello, Admiral, who's your friend?" 'Hello, sister, I am Kalaria,...

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Page SixChapter 27

Last seen: Chris Hardman, Jake Andrews, Luke Brown, and Dan Woods dressing up and getting ready to attend the Patricia Loyalton School for Girls' Class of 2005 graduation. They graduated the previous Friday as the Kingston School for Boys' Class of 2005. The boys all gathered at Dan's house, prepared to go, maybe cry, and watch their ladies, their princesses, their Pooh Bears, their honeys, their darlings graduate and finally join the world, as they had the Friday before. "Dude, their...

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All grown up part 2

I woke up the next morning early on saturday morning at 6am which is unusual because i norally sleep until about 11:30am on the weekends but i felt completely refreshed so got up anyway. I felt a bit horny but the one thing my girlfriend doesnt like is being woken up for no reason so i went into the living room and got a porno out and started jacking off. I heard someone using the shower which i assumed was my sister so i looked back at the porno for the next 5 - 10 minutes.The shower turned...

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Claudias Condition the HealingChapter 31

The next day, John’s mom, Rita, parked her car in his condo parking lot. She announced herself at the speaker and he buzzed her inside. She knocked at the door and his eyes grew wide at what she was wearing. “Wow Mom, you look fantastic!” He offered, closing the door. “You like it? I wore it just for you and Jackie. Your dad hasn’t even seen it on me,” she smiled, turning in a circle to model it for him. The light blue dress had a plunging neckline that easily revealed the inner halves of...

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A cute story about an attractive young woman teasing college students with her assets

It was an impulse. One of those whims that strike suddenly, leaving them helpless. They had to stop. They had to have ice cream! Double dip cones, hand made ice cream. Giggling like a couple of kids, they slid into the only available booth, one in the back corner of the store. “You’re getting all messy,” he said, watching the ice cream roll down the side of the cone onto her hand. “Maybe it’s too much for you to handle.” “Too much for me to...

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Hidden Heritage II The ScholarsChapter 21

“Quite a mess you created here.” Frode’s sense of humor wasn’t for everybody, but I knew that already, and didn’t mind a bit. I knew that he was also trying to distract me when one of the waitresses was cleaning and sewing the wound in my left hand. It hurt, but I didn’t mind the pain, since I felt that I had deserved it and much more. On the other hand, it reminded me that I was still alive while those men weren’t. Somewhere there, hidden, was also the thought that that wound and coming...

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Strange Schoolgirl

I was a senior in high school, actually this was earlier this year it is a true story. I went into the boys bathroom in school and there was a girl in there supposedly waiting for a friend. Don’t know why but I didn’t mind. She was a couple of years younger than me, at least 16 and was cute. Anyway I pulled out my cock and started peeing into the urinal and this girl just stood next to me and looked into the mirror on the opposite wall but I could tell she was trying to look at me. As I...

Straight Sex
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She Certainly Didnt Expect it to be Like This

It was the first time she had been away from home for a while. She hadn’t attended a work-related conference before and didn’t really know what to expect. Judging by the exterior of the hotel, it certainly did merit its outrageous expense. This was of no significance to her however, as her employer was footing the bill. Once inside her luxurious bedroom she took off her jacket and hung it up in the mirrored wardrobe. She then went to the bathroom, turned on the mixer tap and added the creme...

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Roleplay on skype

This is a roleplay I had with a girl over Skype, I thought it was hot enough to share it. It stops a bit abruptly because she fell asleep before we could finish. Warning: i****t themed.Eliza Rei: I mean, I couldn't trust my devious little sister just like that, right ;)?Paprika: .. true. :xEliza Rei: Now, what should we do with lying little sisters?Paprika: .. nothing. :(Eliza Rei: But then how are you going to learn how to be a good sister to your bigger sister?Paprika: .. I.. I don't...

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Marcus the Black Man Breeder

This Black Man is just as powerful as the common Black Man with only one exception. This Black Man wants to breed white women. He wants your fertile pussy. His power is to breed with any and all white females that are fertile. This passage will tell the tale of how he lures women with his eyes. He controls them with the tone of his voice. Women can not resist. This Black Man can not be stopped. He will not stop. His power is to breed with his black baby making cum. A long long time ago at the...

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1 Deflowering Ann

Her father had missed her birthday again being out of the country on something to do with his work and she knew he wouldn't be home for another month, if then. He did call to wish her a happy birthday but as soon as he had told her that asked for Debbie so Ann barely knew he had called. She hated his job because he was always gone for months at a time. She knew as a diplomat it was what he did but not having him around meant Debbie was in charge and she treated her like she was her little...

4 years ago
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Third Time Is the Charm

Edited by Barney R. Messed with by me. All errors are mine. Author’s note: All references to INS (as it was called in the seventies) are from my experience with a Chilean girlfriend I had in college. Also I have changed the military experiences because the first rendition was not time correct. What ‘they’ say about the third time being the charm certainly applied to me. Before I go too far, let me introduce myself. I am Calbert (after mom’s dad) Randal Emerson, (Cal) I am 52 years old,...

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Isla Diego

ISLA DIEGO This is a work of fiction and resembles nobody, no where and no how. It is a modern morality tale concerning the travails of straying from the Chinese Merchant Marine's proscribed shipping lanes, not to mention the party line. This story can also be viewed as the precursor to my story "Late Spring in Omaha". Ensign Chao Ling looked out over the flying bridge railing, observing the small swell on the otherwise flat sea. He was doubting that he would ever see China...

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Extending the FamilyChapter 6 Paul

If I'm honest, the shock of discovering that the condom I'd used when I fucked Danni had burst was short-lived. It's true I didn't feel it burst, and I would really have stopped and pulled out if I had. My sensible, twenty-first century, brain would have insisted that it'd be quite wrong for me to make a baby in my sister. And there would be hell to pay, I was sure, when my parents found out she was pregnant. But quite quickly, my modern-day fears and concerns were over-ridden by my...

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Male teenlsquos affair with his friendrsquos dad

The very next day after I had had my first “Gay” sexual experience, came the second wonderful chance. Jon’s dad had given me the best orgasm of my young life, then, out of pure lust and desire, I licked and sucked his thick, hairy cock and balls til he came and I hungrily licked him clean. (the story, “Male teen sucks his friends dad”)That morning, I nervously roamed my friend Jon’s house, hoping to get a moment alone with his dad again. I was staying there for the week and after my first time...

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Right Or Wrong Part 2

Hi, Thanks for your overwhelming response to my previous story. Many demanded photos, sorry it is confidential. That day after the first session, following morning I went to work. But Nila wants me to get back early as she wants me to accompany her for shopping. So, I managed to complete the work soon and returned by 4 pm itself. Luckily I completed two days of work in one day itself. It means next day am free but I didn’t say this to her.I reached her home a then we went to a mall for...

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Always on GuardChapter 4

The conversation was kept to a minimum during dinner. Jorgarn had expected a long table where one would have to shout to be heard. He was surprised that the sitting area was rather cozy. He was further surprised to learn he was to be seated directly beside Princess Denae. He hoped he wouldn't make a fool out of himself. Lady Eslada and life in Longview were the main topics of conversation during the main course. Jorgarn was exceedingly uncomfortable when the discussion turned to him when...

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Tea For Two Families part 7

Part Seven Beth tried to focus on the numbers swimming before her. She thought the trip commitment numbers looked good through the end of the year, but without comparable numbers from the prior year, she couldn't be sure. The report was something else to have revised, if the data were available. The job description was also swimming into focus: someone who could make the computer hum, revising and composing brochures as well as communicate Cumberland Tours' needs with Brenda Tynedale...

4 years ago
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The VisitorChapter 4

When I woke a few hours later, I could feel not only that the wet spot was still there but that it had gotten larger. I don't think Beth had moved a muscle. She was still lying on top of me, sound asleep. Unfortunately I had to pee and the fact that her hip was pushing on my bladder wasn't helping. I managed to roll her over so I was on top and I got off her and headed to the bathroom. As I opened the lid to pee, I noticed the dried blood around my crotch area. Before I could finish, Beth...

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Vacation at the BeachChapter 11

There were questions, but it didn’t get all wild and noisy. It actually took a while for it to sink in that the world had been turned on its head. I know that might sound odd. I mean the world had already turned on its head, several times in fact. It had turned over when we crossed that line and entered incest-land. It had turned on its head again when we were arrested. It had kept rolling when the sting happened and Dad (and then Mom) found out just how much we’d been doing. You know those...

1 year ago
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The Lady in Blue Ch 11

Chapter Eleven: On the case Ted’s point of view Hawk was pretty upset when she saw the guy standing by the car looking like he had just seen a two headed goat. She rushed out and grabbed him by the shirt and slammed him against the car. ‘This is not what it looks like,’ Hawk said. Wide eyed, he nodded. ‘What do you think it looks like, Hawk? And, um, you have a hair stuck in your teeth. It’s not blonde, Sugar.’ Hawk let him go and slapped a hand across her mouth as though that would make...

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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 26 The Emergency Drill

Despite the physical toll Vivian took on Matt earlier in the day, he managed to make Carla and Sue, and even Laura happy before drifting off to sleep to the sounds of the rest of the women enjoying each other--and enjoying making Vivian practice. Carla and Sue made her lick his cum out of them. Vivian woke with a start when Matt crawled out of bed in the morning. He could see that it took her a couple of seconds to remember where she was, and she looked at him warily when she remembered....

2 years ago
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My Hot Sexy Bhabhi With The Driver 8211 Part 4

Day 5 In the morning I called them as aunty was calling bhabhi. She wore a dupatta and opened the door. Bhabhi said she will come soon. The door was a bit open. She took the phone and texted the driver but no response first. She called and told him to come online. Bhabhi- Hi, how was your night? Driver- I missed you. I was assuming your husband seducing you. Bhabhi sat in front of the mirror and removed the dupatta. She was wearing a pink silk nighty. It was not transparent but the shape of her...

1 year ago
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A Week to Remember

I'd known Cherise since she was a little girl and had always enjoyed having her over. She was now a grown woman at twenty-five. That cute little carrot top girl with all the freckles turned into one gorgeous redhead. Mature and sure of herself, Cherise graduated with a degree in physical therapy and had started her own practice in town. She and my stepdaughter, Susan had their share of falling outs over the years, but they always made up. They traded boyfriends once or twice in high school,...

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Used in the park

This is a trues story about me. I was at a huge party deep in the woods and there had to be 200 k**s there from different schools. We were all having fun and I was showing my goods to everyone. Then there was a group of people about 10 of them 3 girls 7 boys that disliked me and they told me to take everything off. So I did and they started to grope me the girls would kiss me, so I thought they liked me all of a sudden. I went with it, then 4 guys grabbed me and carried me into a big van while...

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