A Lesbian Love Story... Of SortsChapter 5: Le Chateau Club (a Lesbian Bar) free porn video

I slept in past lunch, before slowly getting up for the day. I read the newspaper, called my mom, and finished the new Steve Martin novel "An Object of Beauty", which by the way is a riveting novel about the art world in America in the 1990s.
Around three, I called Gwen. "Hi Darling," I cheerfully opened with.
"Hi," she responded, reluctance lingering in her tone.
"So, do you want to go out for supper and an early movie before heading to the club?"
"Sure," she said, after a slight pause, "Do we really have to go to Le Chateau though?"
"Yes," I said adamantly, "You have never been there and I think you should see and learn a bit of my lifestyle. I am a lesbian now and I don't see that changing."
"Sorry," she immediately said, "I didn't realize it was so important to you. Of course, we will go. But, I get to pick the movie."
"Fine," I said, feigning disappointment, "I was so hoping we would go and see Harry Potter part whatever it is."
"Funny, ' she laughed and said, "I was thinking that action movie with Angelina Jolie."
"OK, she's hot, I'd do her," I said continually pushing the envelope just a tad.
"She is hot, I might too," she surprised me back.
I laughed and said, "I'll pick you up at five."
I then went and decided what to wear for tonight. It took forever as I wanted to look powerful, seductive and sexy. I finally decided on the stockings I had bought at the shop from Emma, a black dress that was sexy but classy, stopping just below the knee, but sexy enough to showcase my all my curves; matching black leather boots with a flashy three inch heel that went just below the knee. The dress, backless, did not allow for a bra, but I did have on a black thong.
I grabbed both the little eggs and a small vibe and dropped it in my purse, just in case. I did my make-up, and checked myself in the mirror; I looked pretty darn hot and headed over to pick up Gwen.
I arrived early and knocked on her door. Scruffy, her adorable little poodle, yapped at the door until Gwen opened it. She clearly did not want to look underdressed, as instead of the conservative, slightly sexy red dress I had suggested, she had on an amazing gold dress, a gown really, with matching four inch heels and beige pantyhose or stockings. Her hair was up and she had never looked this delicious. It really took all my will power not to just rape her right then. Instead I decided to flirt with her, "Wow, you look good enough to eat?"
"Julia," she said all giddy, she had been drinking already, I concluded.
"No seriously," I said, "If you were not getting married in a couple of months, I would be all over you."
She blushed and I waited for what seemed like an eternity for her to respond, when she didn't, I finished, "But you are, so I guess I will have to devour someone else tonight." I looked at my watch and declared, "We should get going, we don't want to be late at McGiny's or they just give away your table."
We headed out and as I drove I noticed that her nails were done, something she seldom did. The rose red shined in contrast to the gold. "I see you did your nails gorgeous, what is the occasion?"
She looked at me and said with a surprisingly confident tone, "I figured if I was going to an upscale club, regardless of its clientele, I had to look upscale." She paused before blurting out "Plus, I want to know if I am lesbian hot."
"Lesbian hot?" I asked stunned.
"Yes," I know I am relatively attractive for the boys, but I have no idea if I can make a woman all excited."
"Are you going dyke on me?" I asked.
"Oh no," she said, "I would never cheat on Rob, but flirting is still fair game."
I purred, "And don't you worry, you are definitely lesbian hot."
She blushed as we arrived at the five star restaurant and I said, "Indeed, flirting is allowed, but be careful; some of the women at this club are very aggressive."
As we got out of the car she said, "Oh, I can take care of myself."
I smiled to myself, thinking seducing her may be easier than I thought, but said, "Oh I know you can, ' but thinking that I was not so sure she could.
We went in to the restaurant and had a great meal as we talked about the wedding, which of course I hoped never would occur, but I played along like a maid of honour should. I asked questions, we discussed who to invite, blah, blah, blah. The whole time I just kept thinking how badly I wanted to make love to her; to declare my love for her.
As we ate I said, finally changing the depressing topic, "So you know the waiter has been checking you out all night."
"I thought he was giving my chest area a little more attention," she responded somewhat confidently.
"Want to freak him out completely?" I asked.
"How?" she inquired.
"Pretend to be a lesbian," I devilishly put forward.
"How would I do that?" she asked considering the idea.
At that moment the waiter came to the table and asked, "So how is everything tonight?" His eyes, moved slightly lower to check out Gwen's cleavage.
"Oh good," I said, "The food is excellent."
Gwen, now suddenly shy, said, "Yes, it is very delicious."
I got up then and decided to take a small risk and moved to Gwen and leaned in and gave her a three second tender kiss. I then stood back up and said, "I am going to the ladies room lover, be right back."
The look on both Gwen's and the waiter's eyes was one of complete shock. Gwen's look was one of bewildered surprise, while the waiter's was more of a 'wow, did I just see what I thought I saw' look.
When I returned, Gwen was on a second glass of wine. I sat down and said, "Sorry if that was awkward, but the look on his face was way worth it, don't you think?"
Gwen responded too quickly, "Oh yeah, that was hilarious." I could tell that she was still trying to process what had occurred. But in my mind it was clear, she enjoyed it.
Our waiter checked back on us every couple of minutes, each time lingering a couple seconds longer than necessary.
When he gave us the bill I saw that his phone number was on it. I smirked. I looked at the waiter and said, "Neither of us swing that way, but do you like to watch?"
The guy, who probably seemed confident when he put his number down, now was way out of his league. He babbled, "Um, yeah, I."
Gwen, surprising me, stood up, moved towards him, and whispered just loud enough for him and me to hear, "Ever seen two women fuck?"
I coughed, almost choking on the mint I had just popped in my mouth; but I recovered quickly as I added, "Maybe we could add a real cock, honey?"
Gwen playing along said, "Yeah, think you could handle us both?"
The guy was as red as an apple and he barely was able to answer, "Yeah, I, could."
Finally I broke the awkward situation by saying, "Well, we got your number." I kissed his cheek and Gwen and I left laughing so hard tears came down her face.
As we drove to the movie I said, "You know, you played lesbian pretty well, girlfriend."
She retorted, "Well I have watched you seduce quite a few women the last couple years."
"Are you calling me a slut?" I asked acting all sarcastically insulted.
"No, no," she said all apologetic, not catching my sarcasm, "It's just watching your seductions has always been rather entertaining."
"Really?" I asked, "I thought that repulsed you. I have often been tamer than I usually am."
"I am not repulsed by it. I accept you for who you are and if you are interested in women, then so be it. Actually," she continued, "watching you play the seduction game with girls has been fun to watch and kind of hot."
I decided not to pursue this now as we didn't have enough time to discuss this the way I wanted to. So I said with a purr, as the movie theatre came into view, "Well, I will try to really entertain you tonight."
Gwen did not respond and I could not read her face. Either she was jealous of my relations with other women or she was just a supportive friend. Which was it? Or maybe it was both. I decided right then as I parked the car that tonight I would try to make her jealous. Try to get her to play all her cards. If I played mine correctly, I may be able to play her bluff. But first I had to raise the stakes.
At the movie we split up as I got the tickets and she got the popcorn. It was our usual routine, almost like an old married couple I reflected.
By the time we got to our seats the previews, all seven of them (why are there so many fucking previews), were under way. We watched the movie in silence, sharing popcorn and Swedish berries. I made sure to time my popcorn reaches for when she did, so we would often brush hands, both of us lingering in the popcorn container longer than we ever had as I pretended to reach for popcorn. I really felt like a teenager in high school when a boy would take me to a movie and he would make slight moves to see how far he could get. I wanted to push it further, but I didn't.
The movie ended, it was like all Angelina Jolie movies, not bad, but not as good as it could have been. The movie was longer than expected and we headed to the club at 9:35, already five minutes late. We drove talking about the movie and its relative lameness as we headed to the club and I embarked on the next step of the seduction plan.
By the time we arrived at the club I was worried about a couple of things and I never worried. I was usually confident and sure of myself, but this uncertainty of how Gwen felt for me was overwhelming me with self doubt, I certainly didn't want to harm our friendship. My first worry was how Gwen would react to the club and its surroundings, although I felt she would be fine; my second worry was would Emma still be there when I was already twenty-five minutes late? That said, I would eventually learn that both worries were nothing more than that.
As we got to the club entrance I saw Emma, waiting, in a classic red dress, with black nylons, and matching red three inch pumps. As soon as she saw me she smiled, but when she saw Gwen the smile disappeared. I said, "So sorry I'm late, the movie was longer than we thought it would be and traffic was brutal."
She put on her fake smile and said, "No worries. I was late myself."
I ignored that, I didn't like disobedience, (I told her 9:30) but she was in an awkward situation. She clearly usually was the seductress and not the prey. She was trying to play the game, but truthfully she did not know how to play it from this perspective.
As we entered, not carded of course, I asked the security guard, "What time did my young slut in the red arrive?"
He answered with a sly smile, "About 9:15."
"Thanks stud," I said and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
I smiled to myself, she had not disobeyed, and actually she was eagerly early.
We walked into the heart of the club and found the last unoccupied table. We sat down and ordered our drinks. It was still a bit early, the place usually didn't get crazy until11, but some action was already under way. I said nothing as both the young dyke and my hopefully future dyke became immersed in the sexuality of the scene. The dance floor was only about a third full, but entertainment was still available. While most of the women were dancing as though it was any other club, a couple of couples were not. Two women were kissing passionately, each with the other's ass in their hands, while in the corner, a woman, at least 40, had her dressed raised and a girl, probably in her mid-twenties, had her hand under the dress and was clearly fingering her.
When Gwen saw this she had a look of complete surprise, yet she did not look away. Emma was looking everywhere trying to take it all in.
I said to Gwen, "It is rude to stare."
Gwen looked away and to me and said, "I just can't believe anyone would do something so intimate in such a public place."
I smiled and said, "Oh that is nothing. In here everything goes. See over there, the woman in the gold cocktail dress. That is Megan, she is a friend of mine. Look closer, can you see the shoes from under the table?" (Author's note: If you want to learn more about Megan and her seduction of her 18 year old babysitter read my Bedding the Babysitter series ... the last half of part 2 occurs at the exact same time as this chapter.)
Gwen did and it took her a while to process what was clearly occurring. "Is she?"
Emma answered for me as she said, "She is being serviced, isn't she?"
"Yes, she is. And you see that younger girl who just returned to the table?"
"Yes," Emma said.
"This is her first time here."
"How do you know," Emma inquired.
"Look at her. She is constantly looking around, but not making eye contact. She keeps fidgeting with her hands. Her face clearly displays both nervousness and insecurity. I bet she has only come out in the past month, maybe even the past week. Actually knowing Megan, that young ripe girl just lost her lesbian cherry last night."
"Wow," said Emma star struck.
All three of us watched as two other girls joined Megan at the table and then saw the girl crawl back up from underneath. After a minute or two, a second girl crawled under the table. Finally, Gwen shot her second drink since getting here as she said, "Really?"
I turned to her and said, "Everyone feels safe here. You can let out any sexual inhibitions and what happens at the club, stays at the club. For example, watching all this has made me pretty horny and I have a cute little dyke craving my pussy don't I?"
Gwen briefly thinking I was referring to her began to protest, weakly I may add, "I, um, am getting married."
But she caught on when I said, "Emma, on your knees."
Emma looked at Gwen, smiled and said, "If she won't please you, I will." She got on her knees and crawled under the table. I opened my legs, making sure my knee touched Gwen's. I felt my thong move slightly and then a tongue began lightly lapping my already very wet pussy.
As Emma tenderly licked my cunt, I explained to Gwen, who was well on her way to being drunk, "Gwen, I love the power of submission. For example, the little dyke under the table right now, is not someone I will love, but she is someone to have fun with. If I told her to, she would lick your cunt after she got me off. She will do everything I say tonight." I paused and moaned when Emma slid a finger inside me, before continuing, I looked Gwen right in the eye, hinting at my true feelings, and said, "That said, I want to fall in love. Unconditional, honest, heart-stopping love. I want to share everything I am with the one I love."
Gwen responded sincerely, "Oh honey, you will find that love." Her hand rested on my leg.
I looked her straight in the eye and responded, "I already found it; she just doesn't know it yet."
Gwen contemplated this, I think unaware at my implication, and said, "Well you have to tell her, show her, love is worth the risk."
I reflected on this said, "You think so?"
"I know so," she said, "No one would resist your charm."
"You did?" I teased, my moaning getting louder, "Hmmm, yes, I'm cumming, don't stop slut." I squeezed my legs around my little dyke's head as my orgasm sent shivers throughout my whole body.
As Emma returned to the table, I realized this was a perfect chance to seduce Gwen. I may never get a better chance, but she was drunk and I wanted our love, if it was to happen, to be built on a stronger platform. So I changed the subject as I said to Emma, "You are a damn fine pussy pleaser."
She blushed slightly and said, "I aim to please."
Showing my dominance to Gwen, who seemed annoyed that Emma now had my attention, I asked, "So Emma, if I asked you to crawl back under this table and please Gwen here, would you?"
"Of course," she said obviously, "I would turn this straight girl into a dyke overnight."
I laughed; Gwen blushed and looked around, avoiding eye contact of either of us.
I asked, "Gwen, do you need to get off?"
Gwen shook her head no, still not looking at us.
Emma shrugged, "Her loss."
I then said, "Indeed it is. So Emma, you are free to go mingle."
Gwen and I sat in silence as Emma disappeared into the growing crowd until Daphne Green, the governor of our state, and her daughter sat down with us.
The purple haired daughter said, "Hi coach."
I responded, "Hi Brittany. How are you doing?"
"Much better now that I know you are a dyke," she said aggressively.
I teased, "And why exactly does that make today so much better for you?"
"Because I have wanted to fuck you forever," she said.
"I see," I responded not really surprised, "Well we will see how tonight plays out. But first, introductions are in order." Gwen was speechless as she tried to comprehend seeing such a powerful person at such a club. I said, "Gwen, this is Daphne and her daughter Brittany. You probably know that Daphne here is our governor, while her rather blunt daughter is one of my volleyball players on the college team I coach."
The governor said, "Nice to meet you Gwen."
Gwen managed to respond barely, "Nice to meet you to governor."
The governor quickly corrected her, "Oh no, here I am not the governor, I am just another woman, just like you."
I corrected her, "Not like us Daphne, Gwen is not on our team."
"Oh, that is a shame. Gwen looks like she would make a very good little submissive." Gwen blushed as the governor put her hand on Gwen's leg and added, "Wouldn't you?"
"Um, I," Gwen stuttered.
The governor laughed and said, "I am just kidding. All kinds are welcome here." She then turned to me, her hand still on Gwen's leg, and asked, "So who is the fresh meat you brought?"
"Emma," I responded, "She is a tricky one. I think she is use to being the master, but has adapted pretty well to being the slave."
"I see," Daphne responded, reflecting on what I had just said.
Brittany had moved to right beside me, "So coach, I am not leaving here without fucking you."
"What do you propose," I asked coyly.
"We have a private room," she answered, "Bring your friend, she can watch."
Daphne said, "Brittany behave yourself, if Julia wants to go upstairs later she will; so back to Emma, do you own her or is she free to play?"
Gwen's eyes went big as Daphne asked the possession question.
I laughed, "Oh goodness no, she is just someone I thought I could toy with for a while; why, do you want her?"
"Well, I have my eye on her and that young girl Megan has tonight."
"Yes, she is a cutie. Way more innocent than Emma I am guessing."
"The two together would make a good threesome for me tonight," Daphne said rather casually, as if she did this every weekend, which she did.
Emma returned to the table at this moment and said slightly taken aback by seeing the governor, "Hi Mrs. Greene."
The governor smiled and said, "It is Daphne, hi Emma."
Emma looked surprised she knew her name and said to me, "This place is amazing. Over in the other corner is Mrs. Wilson, my old grade 12 teacher and someone said Candice Carter is here, although I can't find her."
I smiled and said, "She is probably with Big Rosie, she always sees Big Rosie when she is here."
Emma queried, "Who is Big Rosie?"
"She is a permanent staple to the club. She has her own stall in the bathroom. She is a very large black woman who has truthfully the best tasting pussy I have ever had. There is often a line in the bathroom of girls waiting to kneel down and please her."(Author's Note 2: If you want to read more about Big Rosie, read the last half of Bedding the Babysitter 2)
"Fuck no," Emma said not believing.
"Fuck yes," I sarcastically responded.
"This I got to see," she said and began to leave.
The governor said with some authority, "Emma, come back here."
Emma quickly spun around, realizing what the governor wanted, and said, "Yes. What can I do for you governor."
The governor looked her in the eye and said, "For the rest of the night you will call me mistress. You are coming home with me."
Emma looked at me and I gave her a nod of approval. Emma submissively responded, "Yes mistress."
The governor then said, "I will be leaving in half an hour. Be by the door at exactly 11:30. Until then go have fun. If you want to go and dominate your old teacher till then go do so. She is quite submissive. If she gives you any attitude or reluctance tell her the governor sent you. She will behave." The governor opened her purse and handed her a slim anal stick. "Here, she likes it in the ass."

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