UnexpectedChapter 3 free porn video

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As we drove home that night I thought to myself, "Yeah, we probably have discovered why Anna had left, but we were no closer to discovering where she had actually gone." So you can understand that I wasn't as elated as some folks in the car appeared to think I should be.

John Carpenter warned me not to go anywhere near the Talbot guy until he was ready. "We want to put a little pressure on before we approach him. It's all right for the likes of the Hennessey's to come down hard on little hoods like that Nielson guy, but we can't go treating an apparently upstanding member of the public that way. I had a word with the girls while you were playing snooker and they are willing to help us. By the way, if you happen to see any of them or my people around town, don't approach them. Okay?"

When John said that I had no idea what he was up to, but in the following few days I soon found out. I caught sight of all three of the girls and John's man Bert in the high road on a couple of occasions. It appeared to me that everywhere I looked, one of the girls was about, and Bert seemed to be everywhere as well. Well, to be honest our High Road isn't that big so I assumed the plan was that the Talbot guy would see one of them whenever he came out of or went into the insurance office.

Mind, the girls didn't look anything like the three little tarts that we'd met at the Hennessey's'; those girls had obviously been cheep prostitutes. Now they were dressed like respectable young ladies; whether that was Bobby Hennessey's influence or Helen Carpenter's I didn't know, but I saw Helen a couple of times over those few days.

Apparently Talbot recognised the girls though; I was to learn later that he went to approach all three of them on different occasions. But every time he got close to any of them, Bert would step in between. Bert was one guy Talbot had been trying to avoid talking to.

I was sorry that I missed the best bit though. From what Crystal told me later, I gather that Talbot with his wife and his or her parents went for a meal on the Friday evening at one of the best restaurants in town. The three girls and Bert let Talbot's party get into eating their meal before they sat themselves down at the next table. Crystal told me that she thought that Talbot was going to choke on his soup when he spotted them. Crystal said she thought that Talbot's wife suspected that something odd was going on, because she kept looking between the girls who were smiling in Talbot's general direction all the time and Talbot himself.

By the following Monday morning, John Carpenter decided they'd lent on Talbot enough. Sometime during the previous week, Helen Carpenter had been into the office and made arrangements for Talbot to show her and her husband over an empty property. Apparently Talbot had no idea who Helen and John Carpenter were, or that they had any interest in Anna's disappearance.

The five of us - the three girls, Bert and myself - were sitting in a people carrier with blacked out windows further along the road when John, Helen and Talbot arrived at the vacant property. After a cursory look at the outside of the house they went inside. We five followed them in as soon as they were out of sight.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I heard Talbot demand when he noticed Crystal enter the room.

By the time I got into the room as well, Talbot was looking from one face to another trying to figure out what was going on.

"We just want a word with you about what you know about Anna's disappearance," John Carpenter said. "You have a choice. You can talk to us now or we'll take the girls straight round to tell your wife what kinds of games you've been getting up to with them over the last few years."

"She'd never believe you!" Talbot tried to brazen it out.

"Oh, after Friday night, I pretty much think she will. From what the girls tell me, your wife was itching with curiosity," John replied in a very calm voice.

Some of the false confidence in Talbot's voice began to waver. Reading between the lines I assume his wife had been asking some very pertinent questions over the weekend.

"I don't know anything about Anna's disappearance! She just never turned in to work one day, that's all I know," he declared.

"No, I don't think so," John said. "From what I've heard about the week before she disappeared, there was an afternoon when only you and her were in the office for a while. When the other staff members got back to the office, more than one of them said that Anna appeared distant and upset about something. So just what passed between you that afternoon?"

"Nothing. I hardly spoke to the woman!"

"Okay, Calvin, if that's the way you want to play things," John replied. "Right, Bert, run the girls round to the gym so that they can have a chat with Mrs Talbot, who should be just about to finish her workout. And we'll go down to the police station and let them in on the fact that our friend here had some kind of a disagreement with Anna a few days before she disappeared. You never mentioned to the police that you'd known Anna in the past either, did you, Calvin? Or that you had been alone with Anna in the office that afternoon. I'm willing to bet the police will be very interested in those little omissions.

"And, of course, if your wife is as jealous as she's reputed to be, I'll bet she has you out of the house before nightfall. The police might be interested in her reactions to your infidelity as well."

"How do you know what I told the police?" Talbot demanded.

"Calvin, we've been looking at you very closely for some time now, and you'd be surprised what we've found out. We know about those kerb crawling cautions as well. Does your wife know about them by any chance?

"And!" John said, quietly, pausing for effect. "Of course there's your other son, the one you pay maintenance for every month. Are your wife and family aware of his existence?"

Talbot hadn't had much colour in the first place. He lost all colour in his face completely when John mentioned this other child, whom I'd never heard of before either.

Talbot suddenly got physically shorter. I'd never seem a man shrink in front of my eyes before.

"I just asked her if she was still looking to turn a few tricks on the side, that's all."

"Bollocks!" Crystal exclaimed. "Sarah would have told you to piss-off, she was married and out of the business!"

"Oh, she did. So I left it at that," Talbot replied.

"Then what scared the shit out her so much that she ran away... ?" Crystal demanded; she was angry and for a moment I thought she was going to lay into Talbot.

"All right, Crystal, calm down," John interrupted. "No, Calvin, we can't believe you just asked Anna if she would turn a few tricks for you. I very much suspect that you told her that she would, otherwise you threatened to tell her husband here that she'd been on the game.

"Now it really isn't worth lying to us, Calvin, because your marriage and life as you know it is on the line here. Besides all that, do you know there are some rather violent people in London who are very angry about Anna's disappearance? They've only got to suspect that you had something to do with it, and well... You'll tell them the truth, of that I can assure you!

"Calvin, did you know that Paul Nielson has left the country, because those guys became upset with him? Now you tell us exactly what went on between you and Anna and no one needs be any the wiser, okay?"

I had to marvel at the calm quiet voice that John was using. I had to admit it did sound very menacing.

"Look, I just asked her if she would go with me now and again," Talbot finally exclaimed.

"And?" John asked in that calm tone of his.

"Yeah, well, I might have hinted that I would tell her husband about her being on the game. But as the girl said, she just told me to piss-off. I don't think she'd recognised me until I spoke to her about it..."

"Yeah, we never take much notice of little pricks like you!" Crystal butted in. She still sounded extremely angry. Possibly more angry than I was at that moment.

John raised his hand to silence Crystal and nodded to Talbot, telling him to carry on.

"Look, I didn't recognise her when she first came to work in the office, although her face was familiar. Then I remembered I'd seen her with Paul Neilson so I figured I'd take a chance and see whether she'd play ball. Well, she told me to sling my hook!"

"Did you mention Paul to her?"

"Yeah, well, sure I did."

"And did you by any chance tell Anna you'd tell Paul where she was?"

"Now look, I wouldn't have actually told him!"

"But you mentioned him and you no doubt knew that Paul was looking for Anna?"

"Yeah, well, so what, that doesn't mean I would have told him where to find the girl. To be honest, she was a nice girl, not the sort you'd expect to find on the game."

"They are all nice girls, Calvin. It's just that some of them don't make the right choices on who to be friends with when they are young," John commented. "So after that day you never brought up the subject again, or threatened to let on to anyone that Anna wasn't her real name or that she'd worked as a prostitute?"

"No, look, the moment I said it to her, I wished I hadn't. I tried to apologise to her a couple of times over the following days, but she blanked me. And then suddenly she was gone! I thought that Neilson guy had tracked her down or something."

"You didn't think it would have been prudent to tell the police about Neilson then?"

"Well, how could I without telling them how I knew him? Look, if my wife finds out that I've been visiting... Well, you're a married man; you understand... If Karen finds out, she'll divorce me."

Talbot didn't look a happy man standing there.

"Then you'll just have to hope that we find Anna in the long term, won't you? I'm sure if her husband here doesn't find Anna before too long, he's liable to lash out at the man who gave her cause to run."

"But I didn't... !"

"Oh, you sure did, Calvin! Anna was happy living a new life and you set about smashing that safe little world she'd built for herself. You had the choice to say nothing to her and let sleeping dogs lie, but you thought you could turn the situation to your own advantage. You know, you're one hell of a man," John said with a sarcastic tone to his voice. "I'm afraid that what happens next is up to Anna's husband here."

Talbot turned and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Please don't tell my wife."

I didn't answer him; I turned and walked out of the room. Two wrongs don't make a right and I could see no sense in smashing two marriages. But I held any revenge that I might take in abeyance; Talbot would have to pray that I found Anna in the end.

"Are you going to tell his wife?" Crystal asked me, when she climbed into the people carrier.

"I doubt it, but it won't hurt the bugger any to worry about whether I will or not for a while. What's the point in upsetting his wife and family? Where are you girls going now, by the way?" I asked her.

"Saffie has got to got back to the rehab clinic; Bobby Hennessy set it up for her. You know, we were terrified of the Hennessey's, but they are being so kind to us."

"Perhaps they want you to work for them?" Bert suggested.

"Oh, they do, but none of us are going on the game for them. Once Saffie gets herself clean Jerry's promised her that if she stays off the drugs, she can go work as a croupier in one of their gambling clubs. Jerry Hennessey reckons that with her looks, the customers won't mind losing their cash so much. And Debbie here is going home to her folks; Helen Carpenter went up to see them the other day and they are keen on having her go back home."

"And you, Crystal?" I asked. "What are you going to do? Go home to your folks or work for the Hennessey's?"

"I don't know that I've got much choice. I can't go back to my family and I'm not as good looking as Saffie or anywhere near as clever."

"Why can't you go back home? Your folks aren't dead or anything, are they?" I couldn't understand why Crystal wasn't even contemplating trying to reconcile with her family. But then Debbie, who obviously knew Crystal very well, broke her usual silence to answer that question for her.

"Because her stepfather raped her when she was little and when she told her mother she was accused of seducing the bastard. Her stepfather was put in jail and Crystal finished up in care. Is that a good enough reason, for you?" Debbie sounded pretty pissed that I'd even suggest that Crystal went home. I believe I understood her anger, but I didn't know the details of Crystal's early life or how she'd finished up on the game.

"I ran away from that council home when I was twelve. It was like they'd put me in prison for what happened." Crystal didn't sound as angry as Debbie, just maybe a little sad. "I didn't finish school or anything. The Hennessey's said I could be a waitress at one of their places if I wanted to. But, oh shit, lying on my back isn't as hard work as being a bloody waitress."

"So you'd prefer to stay on the game?" I asked.

"No, I'm just too thick to do anything else," Crystal replied.

"Balls!" Bert said, joining the conversation. "Get yourself back to school girl and get some education behind you. You aren't dumb, girl. I'd say you're pretty clever to have lived on the street from the age of twelve!"

Crystal seemed to think for a little while before she replied.

"Easier said than done, Bert, I got to have money to live on. Perhaps I could study part time and pay for that by turning a few tricks."

"Do you really think that you'd be able to do that, Crystal?" I asked. "After all, you've been on the game for how long now, and you've never taken time out to study in the past, have you?"

"I don't have much choice really, do I? That's the trouble: I'm fucked, whatever I try to do."

I'm not sure why I said what I did next. It could be that I was feeling sorry for the girl or I could have been that I felt Crystal really did want out of the business, like her two friends were obviously going to get. But Crystal needed a little help.

"Well, you could come to live at Anna and my house and study from there. You know yourself how dangerous being on the game is, Crystal," I suggested.

"Are you nuts? Why would you want a hooker living in your house for?"

"I don't want a hooker or an ex-hooker. But I'm happy to have another reformed one, living in my house. And I've got a friend who I'm pretty sure will help you with your studies."

"I do believe that you mean that!" Crystal said turning to look me in the eye. "But what's Anna going to say when she comes back?"

"Well, if we ever find her, I should imagine that she'll be pleased to see her friend again. I'm assuming you were her friend," I said.

"I always thought she was my friend and she did ask me to go with her when she ran away from Paul. But I told her that she'd have a better chance of disappearing if she was on her own."

"Well, there you are then. When we find her, you just being around will hopefully tell her that I don't care what she has done in the past. Crystal, it's what all of you do in the future that counts."

"Peter, if you weren't Sarah's husband I would kiss you," Crystal said with a big smile on her face.

"Just you keep remembering that I am Anna's husband and we can't go too far wrong, Crystal," I replied.

"You mean it! You really do mean it!" Crystal exclaimed. "Yes, please, Peter, I'll keep house for you and find a proper job so that I can pay my way. And I'll study as best I know how!"

Crystal lent over and kissed me on the cheek, then I noticed that all three girls were hugging each other.

When we arrived back at my house, we told John and Helen of the plan for Crystal to move in with me for the time being at least. Helen did take me to one side and asked me if I was sure I was doing the right thing.

"I don't know, Helen. But I can only hope that someone is looking after Anna as well as I am going to look after Crystal. She seems like a nice kid who got a rotten start in life. I'd like to make sure that she doesn't spend the rest of her life as somebody's plaything," I replied. "I'm not convinced that we're ever going to find Anna again."

"Hang in there, Peter. You know we've got people looking all over the country for her." Helen told me.

"Thank you, Helen. I know that you and John are doing everything you can. But I'm beginning to get the suspicion that if Anna doesn't want to be found, she won't be. She made a mistake and settled too close to her old stomping ground when she ran from Neilson. I wouldn't be surprised if she hasn't left the country completely," I replied.

Crystal moved into my spare room a couple of days later. As I thought she would, Marie-Lise took Crystal under her wing and became her personal tutor. There are minimum standards of literacy required to get anywhere in further education and Marie-Lise was adamant that Crystal would make the grade.

For a while Crystal did little but spend her time studying and looking after the house. Although once Marie-Lise persuaded her that all work and no play makes for a dull life, she started to join my friends and myself when we went out in the evenings. I think she'd been living at my house for about a month when one evening as we left a club to walk home she took hold of my arm. Once we were alone and couldn't be seen by any of the others, she lent towards me and kissed me on the cheek.

"What was that for?" I asked

"For being a nice man and a faithful husband to Anna," she replied.

I stopped walking and looked at her. I think the look on my face must have been asking the question.

"Peter, I'm sorry for not trusting you, but I'm going to unpack tonight!" Crystal said with a big smile on her face.

I'd never been into Crystal's room since the day she'd moved in. But Marie-Lise had told me that most of her meagre gear was still in the two suitcases she'd arrived with.

I still said nothing, so she went on.

"Peter, the last few years have taught me to be weary of all men. So when you invited me to move in, I wasn't sure what to make of it. At first I rejected the idea, but when you said I should remember that you were Anna's husband I thought I'd take the chance. You know I've been jamming a chair under the door handle every night, don't you?"

"No, am I that untrustworthy looking?"

"No, you're not. It's me. I'm paranoid about peoples - mainly men's - true intentions. Now I'm feeling very silly and I want you to forgive me for not trusting you."

"You're forgiven, Crystal. I think I can understand the sort of fear that you've lived in for the last few years. And to be honest I really don't blame you for being reticent to trust anyone. So you haven't unpacked so that you could make a quick run for it."

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A Soldiers Gypsy Ch 06

Dear Readers: This chapter is a definite change of pace from the other chapters. I hope you enjoy the combination of the two different stories. This may not be the juiciest of chapters, but I promise that will get better ,). Thank you for reading and please vote!! — I woke up stiff and bleary eyed the next morning. I suppose crying yourself to sleep does that to you. I couldn’t believe what Rae had said to me. We were best friends, how could she be with Gabe behind my back like that? And...

2 years ago
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Forever of the Wood Part One of Two

Daniel rose from his chair with a groan, wondering how many more times he might be able to accomplish it without help. As he picked up his cane from the table in his wrinkled left hand, he could almost hear old man Johanson’s words echoing back to him from across the many long years. My time is almost up, Daniel. I can feel it in my bones. Don’t you bother telling me it ain’t, ‘cause I know better. He understood now – standing in almost the exact same spot as the man who had been as a third...

1 year ago
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My new bride part 2

“Ride me” I whispered. “I was just about to” she said She then got on top of me and guided my dick into her tight little vagina. She started back and forth almost as fast as she could. After a few minutes of that I pushed my cock upwards into her vagina. And I came deep inside her pussy. She collapsed on top of my chest and we fell asleep in our embrace. The next day I awoke and Shelby had got off me and her head was on my chest, and her leg was over mine so that I could feel her warm...

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RayChapter 6

Walking back into his townhouse after picking up the morning paper, Ray wondered if you could have too much of a good thing. Through Jane and then Peg, Ray had met three wonderful, beautiful, intelligent women: Katie, Amy and Beth. They were all very successful in their chosen fields and all that any man would want in a sexual partner. They all wanted to see more of Ray but it was starting to turn into a juggling act. Ray was committed this Saturday to be Katie's escort to a bar association...

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The taken

Megan Fitzpatrick is 18 years old, a pretty and petite (5'3, 110) Irish-American girl with pale skin and a few freckles, red hair, green eyes, slim hips and 'C' cup breasts. She spent her whole life so far in a small whitebread town where everyone knew each other and was nice. She only ever had one boyfriend, a kind white boy from her church. Megan is a nice, sweet Christian girl. Nobody has ever been mean to her or taken advantage of her before. She would feel too guilty to be racist, even...

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Showering With Cousin

Megan and her father, Butch, lived happily in Oak Hollow, a sleepy little mountain town in Kentucky, where her daddy worked in the barrel factory. He drove a big truck that delivered barrels. Megan had just turned sixteen when her daddy got laid off and had to go to become an independent trucker to pay the bills and keep his truck. Now he had to find his own loads, and would be gone from home for as much as a month at a time. Since Megan’s mother had gone to the big city to find a job... and...

3 years ago
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My Name is Annika

Part I I grew up with a secret. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to be a girl. When I was very little, I would pray at bedtime that God would turn me into a girl overnight. When I put on my bath robe, I would imagine it was a pretty dress. In the neighborhood, when the boys would go off to play "war", I was always the spy that went with the girls as they played house. I was a chubby little kid but that was just my family genes. My dad, John, was 5'10 and was of slight build....

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The Harriss Part 2 the ThreatChapter 4

narrated by Steve Harris Despite my lack of quality sleep I dispatch my work load in short order and begin making a few client calls just to touch bases. I avoided the clients that were at Mary’s Party that may or may have not fucked my wife. I didn’t want to get into discussions as to the quality of my wife’s cunt. One client I called had heard about the party and was hinting at the possibility of banging Stella, but I told them that they would have to go through either Mary or Bart if...

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Help in the Library

What a stormy winter's day it was, the cold wind blowing relentlessly and the rain not abating one bit. On the bright side, she had noticed how handsome the friendly techno repairman looked with the water running down his face. That smile he always glanced at her made her think there might be some spark there. Maybe she was imagining it, perhaps the only sparks that day would be the lightning dancing across the bleak sky.He had certainly caught her eye before, a long time friend of the family....

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Padosan Bhabhi Neha Ko Hard Sex Ka Maza Dilaya

Hi friends, mera naam ankit and aaj aapke sath apni ek sachi khani share krne ja raha ho Yeh baat takribn 5 saal phele ki hai jab mai study karne apne ghar bathinda se bhar amritsar gya tha and muje amritsar mai 2 saal rehna tha mai phele kisi guest house meh rehta tha and khuch time baad me and my two colg frndz neh milkr ek house rent pr le liya tha hme waha naye rented house rehte 5-6 din hue the . Is se phele story shoro ho mai apne baare meh bta do meri hight 5foot 8 inc hai and normal...

3 years ago
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Disaster ReliefChapter 15

I guided her to the sofa, turned her shoulders, and held her as tightly as I could. She cried for a while. Stopped, then cried again. She looked up, "I don't think you know how much emotional support she gave me when I was over there. Raw, basic, emotional support. She loved my daughter and cared for her better than I could, at the time." I just hugged her. She said, "I know that you love her. Brianna does, too. She did more good for Brianna than I ever could have." She breathed three...

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Teachers Lake Fun

Both of them had left the school system. Both of them, at one time, were teachers who taught kids who were seniors, and both of them got to “know” one another on quite the personal level too. However, one thing or another led both of them to leave the school, and for that matter teaching altogether. A couple years went by. Her husband, it seemed, won the states lottery. Yes, it was a lot, but the couple was “adventurous,” and he decided to do something with some of the money. He invested it in...

1 year ago
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AllGirlMassage Nickey Huntsman Zoe Parker The Table Shower

Zoe Parker and Nickey Huntsman have never met, but the moment Zoe lays eyes on her newest client, she knows this is going to be a day to remember. As she explains the ‘Table Massage’ to her client, Nickey begins to think about the beautiful relaxing massage that Zoe’s describing. She takes the available opening, and Zoe gets the massage ready. In the open air of the Table Shower room they begin to talk and get comfortable with one another, chatting about their lives. Zoe...

3 years ago
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The flight was too short

America Airlines flight 1177, from Orlando to Washington DC, was scheduled to depart at 1PM. I deliberately took this Saturday mid-day flight to avoid all the children pumped up from a week of Mickey Mouse and Harry Potter. This flight also provided me the best opportunity for an upgrade. Unfortunately, many Diamond members had that same idea so First Class was completely full. I was, however, rewarded with a row in the back of the plane entirely to myself.I had settled back in my seat with my...

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Maxs Lingerie Parties Ltd Chapter One

Your wife’s old college pal Jenny and her husband Max are having dinner at your house one night. Max’s most recent business has failed and he is pitching his latest harebrained scheme. “So the bankruptcy of my clothing boutique was finalized this week,” says Max casually taking a bite of steak. Your wife furrows her brow in sympathy. “Oh, I’m sorry Max. That must be very discouraging.” “Don’t humor him, Erin,” laughs his wife, Jenny. “He’s got plenty more where that came from.” Max smiles...

1 year ago
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Car Lovin

My boyfriend Paul was about to leave to go to Germany, and this would be our last night together for over a year. We were in my bedroom and I was already horny just from thoughts that had been roaming in my head. I was teasingly rubbing my breasts through my shirt. Paul is a breast lover, and I already knew this because he loved sucking on my D cups and he had told me so many times how much he enjoyed breasts, especially larger ones. As I played with my breasts I could see that he was becoming...

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my wife and mother in law

My name is darrin and im 36 years old and ive been married to my wife alison who is 26 for 3 years but we have been together for 8 years. We have been swingers for most of our relationship. There's not alot of people or places i can share this story so i figured this was as good a place as any. For some time ive been wanting to fuck my mother in law. Not that she's a stunner by any means but mostly because i find it quite hot to have had both my wife and her mom. Even though my wife is into the...

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Ginas first Blow Job

"Dad. What's a blow job?"My heart stopped hearing those words uttered out of my daughter's mouth. "Um um. What was that sweetheart." What's a blow job?" Asking again. Up to this point I've been very upfront whenever Gina asked a serious question. I always felt it was better for me to tell her than to get the wrong shit off the streets. But this was totally different. I don't talk to much about sex with her, only the basics like, where babies come from, and shit like that. But other shit like...

3 years ago
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My Unplanned Foray Into Lesbo World

I am Vaishali (Lovingly called “Vaishoo) and am writing on one of the deepest secrets held within me. Sometime back, I was unsuspectingly drawn into a scandalous Lesbian affair with my office colleagues. I was quite scared in the beginning, but finally things got so hot that I gave in to the moment. I had gone to Digha with my colleagues on an Annual Picnic. Digha is a beach resort near Kolkata in India. Initially, I was reluctant to go because I was recently betrothed to my engineer fiancee &...

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Carol Part Three

We were deep into the early morning hours, and Carol had more she wanted to tell me about her past. What she had told me so far was not necessarily something I wanted to hear. It was interesting, titillating, and the supportive pictures she had shown me had raised my temperature. The rest of the story was interrupted by crying, some embarrassment on her part, and concern that I would end up not liking her. That latter part would increasingly become the focus of her telling me her tale. ...

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Next FemDom pt 1

my phone rang, it was her. i was not expecting this call."hello Mistress", i said, my voice crackling with the unexpectedness of the call."Get over to my place now bitch. Your presents is demanded.""Mistress i cant...""NO EXCUSES BITCH! Twenty Minuets." and she hung up.i didn't know if i would be able to get ready (and while i did not know what exactly was in store for me, i knew that whatever it was, i needed to be ready), and over there in time, but i had to tryi rang the bell. the door...

1 year ago
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18 August 2007Chapter 3

Dan and Lilly walked hand in hand to the living room where Karen and Wendy were waiting. “I’m taking Dan and Lilly shopping for a few things, would you like to join us?” Karen offered to Wendy. “We haven’t seen Tina here for a few days and though we work together, have decided to meet and have a coffee date.” “Bring her back for supper and we can enjoy some nice bedtime together,” Karen suggested. Wendy said goodbye, then drove a short distance down the street. When she noticed their car...

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ComrieChapter 10

Shannon in Dóchas Intelligence sent the Command Staff a message advising them that O'Toole and MacFarland had received threatening letters. They arrived by courier shortly after the office opened and were nearly identical. Each demanded that they immediately terminate their investigations into where Dale and Larry had sent the missing employees. If they did not, then they and their families would have a life-altering experience. This could be an accident, joining the missing women or,...

4 years ago
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Love Thy Neighbor Chapter 8

It had been several years since Connie had been woken from a sound sleep by the feel of a hard cock pushing its way into her pussy. Her last two men friends didn't stay overnight; one was married and wouldn't risk getting caught having an affair with her, and so he had to be home at night, and the other had serious commitment issues and somehow thought that spending the night would be taking things more serious than he cared to. So even though Connie was sexually active, she had been spending...

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Seducing A Hot Aunty On Facebook 8211 Part 4

Hey guys. Thanks for the support and likes. I am really happy that you people liked the story. I am constantly trying to improve my vocabulary and make the script interesting I might not be successful in this story. But I will try to put more efforts into the next story. Since it’s my first story based on real events. I am not able to change much. Coming back to the story. If you missed the previous parts. Please try to read the previous 3 episodes so that you could understand the story...

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My sisters friend Jade part 2

Being the summer holidays, it wasn't strange for me to be sleeping late and having the place to myself. It was maybe 11am when I'd got out of bed and showered, planning to meet a friend and go shopping - but this was to change.I'd literally just finished drying, dressing and putting my make up on when there was a knock at the door. I quickly got downstairs expecting there to be a parcel or something. Opening the door, my heart skipped a beat: those beautiful lips, that sleeve of tattoos, even...

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Krista 02

I wasn't sure what category I would put this story under. So, if I have placed it wrongly and angered or offended anyone, please just message me and let me know. Thanks. It had been 5 days since Krista had slept with her best friend Ashley’s boyfriend, Todd. And she had told him that they would never fuck again because Ashley was her best friend. But here she found herself at Todd’s house, in his bedroom, letting him titty fuck her. She was sitting on his bed, back against the wall squeezing...

3 years ago
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I Dream of Demie 16 Eudora

--- I Dream of Demie 16 - Eudora (MF, MFF, anal, bi, caution, cons, inc, magic, oral, f-solo) by Krosis of the Collective --- Demie didn't come back for a full week. Kate was quite glad for the attention, though I was getting a bit tired of ass fucking. Gets your dick covered in shit, y'know? Had to shower every time. Demie stood in the apartment entryway as the door closed behind her, arms crossed. She looked at me, still seeming pissed. Knock knock! Annoyed at the interruption, she...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 5

When I woke up the next morning, my crotch was sore. I lay still and rethought the events of the night before, remembering what Mom and Dad had said. It finally dawned on me that Mom had started her sexual experiences at about the same age I was. I also began to wonder if I was normal. While I was curious about sex, I had no desire to do any more than what I had been doing. I found great satisfaction in exploring my body and really enjoyed the climaxes I could provide myself. I got up, went...

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The Butlers tale1

My employer, or at least, my employer’s mother the dowager Lady H, was her usual disagreeable self. The Dowager or Lady Margaret. She must have been in her forties though she would have passed for sixty with ease in her dowdy black widows attire. She was still in mourning for her late husband who had departed this mortal coil some two years since. A happy release the staff surmised. Not that he was ill, merely hen pecked. She read the last of her letters. She sighed in resignation...

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Housewife Porn Star

???  ??? I had just kissed my husband goodbye from the front porch a few seconds ago and now I?m watching the car back slowly out of the driveway.? I can see his smiling face every time he glances back to me from behind the driver?s seat. I?m trying my best to look as natural as I can as I keep smiling at him. ?? I watch as the car slowly backs out into the street and I waive one last time before John puts the car into gear and waives one last time and turns the corner to merge onto the...

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No Regrets

They say that University is the best time in your life to experiment and push the boundaries. I left Uni earlier this year and can safely say that I made the most of that experimentation. Of course, learning about life isn’t just about sex, but to neglect that aspect would have been a missed opportunity.Having now left, I realise that I have changed and take a different view of my relationships, but during that time I was fairly wild, if not a little promiscuous, although that’s for others to...

Group Sex
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Family Raped And RavagedChapter 4

Cal looked down at Ellen and smiled. She was still tied up on the bed. Mickey was still down stairs with Cindy. Cal wore one of Phil's robes, and it made Ellen miserable to see him in it. She still had Mickey's jism on her tits and face. Cal teased her about it. "You're a fucking mess. Did you like Mickey?" Ellen sobbed and said, "He's an animal!" Cal chuckled, "You'd better be a good girl. You've got to be nice to both of us. If you're good to us, we won't hurt Cindy." He...

1 year ago
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A Night Out

I stepped out of the car onto the damp dark road, looking out at the empty streets. The club music was muffled by soundless window panes and I looked in, mesmerized by the underwear, their hard ons clearly shown. The entertained drunks hollered and threw money at the dancers, enjoying themselves and their show. I walked over to the bar, not afraid to show off the boner going on in my jeans. They got tighter each time I turned around to look at the stage, but I just sat down and ordered a...


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