UnexpectedChapter 3 free porn video

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As we drove home that night I thought to myself, "Yeah, we probably have discovered why Anna had left, but we were no closer to discovering where she had actually gone." So you can understand that I wasn't as elated as some folks in the car appeared to think I should be.

John Carpenter warned me not to go anywhere near the Talbot guy until he was ready. "We want to put a little pressure on before we approach him. It's all right for the likes of the Hennessey's to come down hard on little hoods like that Nielson guy, but we can't go treating an apparently upstanding member of the public that way. I had a word with the girls while you were playing snooker and they are willing to help us. By the way, if you happen to see any of them or my people around town, don't approach them. Okay?"

When John said that I had no idea what he was up to, but in the following few days I soon found out. I caught sight of all three of the girls and John's man Bert in the high road on a couple of occasions. It appeared to me that everywhere I looked, one of the girls was about, and Bert seemed to be everywhere as well. Well, to be honest our High Road isn't that big so I assumed the plan was that the Talbot guy would see one of them whenever he came out of or went into the insurance office.

Mind, the girls didn't look anything like the three little tarts that we'd met at the Hennessey's'; those girls had obviously been cheep prostitutes. Now they were dressed like respectable young ladies; whether that was Bobby Hennessey's influence or Helen Carpenter's I didn't know, but I saw Helen a couple of times over those few days.

Apparently Talbot recognised the girls though; I was to learn later that he went to approach all three of them on different occasions. But every time he got close to any of them, Bert would step in between. Bert was one guy Talbot had been trying to avoid talking to.

I was sorry that I missed the best bit though. From what Crystal told me later, I gather that Talbot with his wife and his or her parents went for a meal on the Friday evening at one of the best restaurants in town. The three girls and Bert let Talbot's party get into eating their meal before they sat themselves down at the next table. Crystal told me that she thought that Talbot was going to choke on his soup when he spotted them. Crystal said she thought that Talbot's wife suspected that something odd was going on, because she kept looking between the girls who were smiling in Talbot's general direction all the time and Talbot himself.

By the following Monday morning, John Carpenter decided they'd lent on Talbot enough. Sometime during the previous week, Helen Carpenter had been into the office and made arrangements for Talbot to show her and her husband over an empty property. Apparently Talbot had no idea who Helen and John Carpenter were, or that they had any interest in Anna's disappearance.

The five of us - the three girls, Bert and myself - were sitting in a people carrier with blacked out windows further along the road when John, Helen and Talbot arrived at the vacant property. After a cursory look at the outside of the house they went inside. We five followed them in as soon as they were out of sight.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I heard Talbot demand when he noticed Crystal enter the room.

By the time I got into the room as well, Talbot was looking from one face to another trying to figure out what was going on.

"We just want a word with you about what you know about Anna's disappearance," John Carpenter said. "You have a choice. You can talk to us now or we'll take the girls straight round to tell your wife what kinds of games you've been getting up to with them over the last few years."

"She'd never believe you!" Talbot tried to brazen it out.

"Oh, after Friday night, I pretty much think she will. From what the girls tell me, your wife was itching with curiosity," John replied in a very calm voice.

Some of the false confidence in Talbot's voice began to waver. Reading between the lines I assume his wife had been asking some very pertinent questions over the weekend.

"I don't know anything about Anna's disappearance! She just never turned in to work one day, that's all I know," he declared.

"No, I don't think so," John said. "From what I've heard about the week before she disappeared, there was an afternoon when only you and her were in the office for a while. When the other staff members got back to the office, more than one of them said that Anna appeared distant and upset about something. So just what passed between you that afternoon?"

"Nothing. I hardly spoke to the woman!"

"Okay, Calvin, if that's the way you want to play things," John replied. "Right, Bert, run the girls round to the gym so that they can have a chat with Mrs Talbot, who should be just about to finish her workout. And we'll go down to the police station and let them in on the fact that our friend here had some kind of a disagreement with Anna a few days before she disappeared. You never mentioned to the police that you'd known Anna in the past either, did you, Calvin? Or that you had been alone with Anna in the office that afternoon. I'm willing to bet the police will be very interested in those little omissions.

"And, of course, if your wife is as jealous as she's reputed to be, I'll bet she has you out of the house before nightfall. The police might be interested in her reactions to your infidelity as well."

"How do you know what I told the police?" Talbot demanded.

"Calvin, we've been looking at you very closely for some time now, and you'd be surprised what we've found out. We know about those kerb crawling cautions as well. Does your wife know about them by any chance?

"And!" John said, quietly, pausing for effect. "Of course there's your other son, the one you pay maintenance for every month. Are your wife and family aware of his existence?"

Talbot hadn't had much colour in the first place. He lost all colour in his face completely when John mentioned this other child, whom I'd never heard of before either.

Talbot suddenly got physically shorter. I'd never seem a man shrink in front of my eyes before.

"I just asked her if she was still looking to turn a few tricks on the side, that's all."

"Bollocks!" Crystal exclaimed. "Sarah would have told you to piss-off, she was married and out of the business!"

"Oh, she did. So I left it at that," Talbot replied.

"Then what scared the shit out her so much that she ran away... ?" Crystal demanded; she was angry and for a moment I thought she was going to lay into Talbot.

"All right, Crystal, calm down," John interrupted. "No, Calvin, we can't believe you just asked Anna if she would turn a few tricks for you. I very much suspect that you told her that she would, otherwise you threatened to tell her husband here that she'd been on the game.

"Now it really isn't worth lying to us, Calvin, because your marriage and life as you know it is on the line here. Besides all that, do you know there are some rather violent people in London who are very angry about Anna's disappearance? They've only got to suspect that you had something to do with it, and well... You'll tell them the truth, of that I can assure you!

"Calvin, did you know that Paul Nielson has left the country, because those guys became upset with him? Now you tell us exactly what went on between you and Anna and no one needs be any the wiser, okay?"

I had to marvel at the calm quiet voice that John was using. I had to admit it did sound very menacing.

"Look, I just asked her if she would go with me now and again," Talbot finally exclaimed.

"And?" John asked in that calm tone of his.

"Yeah, well, I might have hinted that I would tell her husband about her being on the game. But as the girl said, she just told me to piss-off. I don't think she'd recognised me until I spoke to her about it..."

"Yeah, we never take much notice of little pricks like you!" Crystal butted in. She still sounded extremely angry. Possibly more angry than I was at that moment.

John raised his hand to silence Crystal and nodded to Talbot, telling him to carry on.

"Look, I didn't recognise her when she first came to work in the office, although her face was familiar. Then I remembered I'd seen her with Paul Neilson so I figured I'd take a chance and see whether she'd play ball. Well, she told me to sling my hook!"

"Did you mention Paul to her?"

"Yeah, well, sure I did."

"And did you by any chance tell Anna you'd tell Paul where she was?"

"Now look, I wouldn't have actually told him!"

"But you mentioned him and you no doubt knew that Paul was looking for Anna?"

"Yeah, well, so what, that doesn't mean I would have told him where to find the girl. To be honest, she was a nice girl, not the sort you'd expect to find on the game."

"They are all nice girls, Calvin. It's just that some of them don't make the right choices on who to be friends with when they are young," John commented. "So after that day you never brought up the subject again, or threatened to let on to anyone that Anna wasn't her real name or that she'd worked as a prostitute?"

"No, look, the moment I said it to her, I wished I hadn't. I tried to apologise to her a couple of times over the following days, but she blanked me. And then suddenly she was gone! I thought that Neilson guy had tracked her down or something."

"You didn't think it would have been prudent to tell the police about Neilson then?"

"Well, how could I without telling them how I knew him? Look, if my wife finds out that I've been visiting... Well, you're a married man; you understand... If Karen finds out, she'll divorce me."

Talbot didn't look a happy man standing there.

"Then you'll just have to hope that we find Anna in the long term, won't you? I'm sure if her husband here doesn't find Anna before too long, he's liable to lash out at the man who gave her cause to run."

"But I didn't... !"

"Oh, you sure did, Calvin! Anna was happy living a new life and you set about smashing that safe little world she'd built for herself. You had the choice to say nothing to her and let sleeping dogs lie, but you thought you could turn the situation to your own advantage. You know, you're one hell of a man," John said with a sarcastic tone to his voice. "I'm afraid that what happens next is up to Anna's husband here."

Talbot turned and looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Please don't tell my wife."

I didn't answer him; I turned and walked out of the room. Two wrongs don't make a right and I could see no sense in smashing two marriages. But I held any revenge that I might take in abeyance; Talbot would have to pray that I found Anna in the end.

"Are you going to tell his wife?" Crystal asked me, when she climbed into the people carrier.

"I doubt it, but it won't hurt the bugger any to worry about whether I will or not for a while. What's the point in upsetting his wife and family? Where are you girls going now, by the way?" I asked her.

"Saffie has got to got back to the rehab clinic; Bobby Hennessy set it up for her. You know, we were terrified of the Hennessey's, but they are being so kind to us."

"Perhaps they want you to work for them?" Bert suggested.

"Oh, they do, but none of us are going on the game for them. Once Saffie gets herself clean Jerry's promised her that if she stays off the drugs, she can go work as a croupier in one of their gambling clubs. Jerry Hennessey reckons that with her looks, the customers won't mind losing their cash so much. And Debbie here is going home to her folks; Helen Carpenter went up to see them the other day and they are keen on having her go back home."

"And you, Crystal?" I asked. "What are you going to do? Go home to your folks or work for the Hennessey's?"

"I don't know that I've got much choice. I can't go back to my family and I'm not as good looking as Saffie or anywhere near as clever."

"Why can't you go back home? Your folks aren't dead or anything, are they?" I couldn't understand why Crystal wasn't even contemplating trying to reconcile with her family. But then Debbie, who obviously knew Crystal very well, broke her usual silence to answer that question for her.

"Because her stepfather raped her when she was little and when she told her mother she was accused of seducing the bastard. Her stepfather was put in jail and Crystal finished up in care. Is that a good enough reason, for you?" Debbie sounded pretty pissed that I'd even suggest that Crystal went home. I believe I understood her anger, but I didn't know the details of Crystal's early life or how she'd finished up on the game.

"I ran away from that council home when I was twelve. It was like they'd put me in prison for what happened." Crystal didn't sound as angry as Debbie, just maybe a little sad. "I didn't finish school or anything. The Hennessey's said I could be a waitress at one of their places if I wanted to. But, oh shit, lying on my back isn't as hard work as being a bloody waitress."

"So you'd prefer to stay on the game?" I asked.

"No, I'm just too thick to do anything else," Crystal replied.

"Balls!" Bert said, joining the conversation. "Get yourself back to school girl and get some education behind you. You aren't dumb, girl. I'd say you're pretty clever to have lived on the street from the age of twelve!"

Crystal seemed to think for a little while before she replied.

"Easier said than done, Bert, I got to have money to live on. Perhaps I could study part time and pay for that by turning a few tricks."

"Do you really think that you'd be able to do that, Crystal?" I asked. "After all, you've been on the game for how long now, and you've never taken time out to study in the past, have you?"

"I don't have much choice really, do I? That's the trouble: I'm fucked, whatever I try to do."

I'm not sure why I said what I did next. It could be that I was feeling sorry for the girl or I could have been that I felt Crystal really did want out of the business, like her two friends were obviously going to get. But Crystal needed a little help.

"Well, you could come to live at Anna and my house and study from there. You know yourself how dangerous being on the game is, Crystal," I suggested.

"Are you nuts? Why would you want a hooker living in your house for?"

"I don't want a hooker or an ex-hooker. But I'm happy to have another reformed one, living in my house. And I've got a friend who I'm pretty sure will help you with your studies."

"I do believe that you mean that!" Crystal said turning to look me in the eye. "But what's Anna going to say when she comes back?"

"Well, if we ever find her, I should imagine that she'll be pleased to see her friend again. I'm assuming you were her friend," I said.

"I always thought she was my friend and she did ask me to go with her when she ran away from Paul. But I told her that she'd have a better chance of disappearing if she was on her own."

"Well, there you are then. When we find her, you just being around will hopefully tell her that I don't care what she has done in the past. Crystal, it's what all of you do in the future that counts."

"Peter, if you weren't Sarah's husband I would kiss you," Crystal said with a big smile on her face.

"Just you keep remembering that I am Anna's husband and we can't go too far wrong, Crystal," I replied.

"You mean it! You really do mean it!" Crystal exclaimed. "Yes, please, Peter, I'll keep house for you and find a proper job so that I can pay my way. And I'll study as best I know how!"

Crystal lent over and kissed me on the cheek, then I noticed that all three girls were hugging each other.

When we arrived back at my house, we told John and Helen of the plan for Crystal to move in with me for the time being at least. Helen did take me to one side and asked me if I was sure I was doing the right thing.

"I don't know, Helen. But I can only hope that someone is looking after Anna as well as I am going to look after Crystal. She seems like a nice kid who got a rotten start in life. I'd like to make sure that she doesn't spend the rest of her life as somebody's plaything," I replied. "I'm not convinced that we're ever going to find Anna again."

"Hang in there, Peter. You know we've got people looking all over the country for her." Helen told me.

"Thank you, Helen. I know that you and John are doing everything you can. But I'm beginning to get the suspicion that if Anna doesn't want to be found, she won't be. She made a mistake and settled too close to her old stomping ground when she ran from Neilson. I wouldn't be surprised if she hasn't left the country completely," I replied.

Crystal moved into my spare room a couple of days later. As I thought she would, Marie-Lise took Crystal under her wing and became her personal tutor. There are minimum standards of literacy required to get anywhere in further education and Marie-Lise was adamant that Crystal would make the grade.

For a while Crystal did little but spend her time studying and looking after the house. Although once Marie-Lise persuaded her that all work and no play makes for a dull life, she started to join my friends and myself when we went out in the evenings. I think she'd been living at my house for about a month when one evening as we left a club to walk home she took hold of my arm. Once we were alone and couldn't be seen by any of the others, she lent towards me and kissed me on the cheek.

"What was that for?" I asked

"For being a nice man and a faithful husband to Anna," she replied.

I stopped walking and looked at her. I think the look on my face must have been asking the question.

"Peter, I'm sorry for not trusting you, but I'm going to unpack tonight!" Crystal said with a big smile on her face.

I'd never been into Crystal's room since the day she'd moved in. But Marie-Lise had told me that most of her meagre gear was still in the two suitcases she'd arrived with.

I still said nothing, so she went on.

"Peter, the last few years have taught me to be weary of all men. So when you invited me to move in, I wasn't sure what to make of it. At first I rejected the idea, but when you said I should remember that you were Anna's husband I thought I'd take the chance. You know I've been jamming a chair under the door handle every night, don't you?"

"No, am I that untrustworthy looking?"

"No, you're not. It's me. I'm paranoid about peoples - mainly men's - true intentions. Now I'm feeling very silly and I want you to forgive me for not trusting you."

"You're forgiven, Crystal. I think I can understand the sort of fear that you've lived in for the last few years. And to be honest I really don't blame you for being reticent to trust anyone. So you haven't unpacked so that you could make a quick run for it."

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Innocent Neighbour Girl Seduced And Fucked

I barely come to my home which is in a small town. I used to have a neighbour who stays opposite to my home. I used to talk to her on a regular basis ever since when I was done with my B Tech and a jobless situation came. So, I used to go to her home and she used to come to mine. We became too close within a short period. My neighbour girl got to know that I become horny so quickly. Knowing this, she used to tease and poke me. I once used it as an advantage and spanked my neighbour girl when no...

4 years ago
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The new Mrs Harris Part 8

The day had finally arrived when Allen was due home, and i hate to admit it, but I was so desperate for a fuck there was very little I wouldn't have lowered myself to. I had already had to change my panties twice, and as i sat waiting on my husband to come home I was running my plan through my head. On the last few occasions I had gone for more than a few days without getting sexual relief, when Allen and I had finally fucked, he had come far too soon and I never got to orgasm, and on...

1 year ago
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Kinky Sex with the Innocent Server Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

His eyes were following her every move. Katya was serving the drink in the billionaire’s party, moving graciously, heads down, shying away from anyone who made a pass at her. His gaze had so much intensity that even I could feel them from a distance, the strength of kinky sex and roughness. I had no idea what he has in mind but I was about to find it out soon. I, Anaita, am 24 years old, just the same as Katya. We have been friends for quite some time now and we even work for the same catering...

2 years ago
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My Weekly Card Game

In college, my wife Tina and I lived in a private apartment near the campus. We had been married for a couple of years. Tina is very athletic and fit but even though she is trim she has rather large pendulous breasts. Men stare at her chest all the time. In the beginning, it bothered me and Tina kept teasing me about it. She rather enjoyed the attention and often flirted with other guys on campus.Two of the guys she always flirted with were my good friends Andy and Jim. The three of us played...

College Sex
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Lesleys ReturnChapter 4B

The next few days passed very slowly. Lesley saw very little of Frank Forster or Jill. They were both away from the company a lot. Without any obvious reason. Frank rarely told her where he could be found, or rarely did his diary indicate that he had appointments. Lesley knew she could contact him at any time, if she required him on his mobile phone. She knew where he was and what he did every moment of each day from her security consultants. But any normal secretary would not have known....

4 years ago
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Fucking my friends wife 3

So it’s been a few weeks and the fun has continued with my friend’s wife.Anna is one of those girls that when the booze goes in, her wild side comes out, and this weekend she came by my place hammered. It’s hard to describe just how a girl looks when you know she needs to fuck, but Anna certainly looked the part and she wasted no time dragging the guy she’d brought home to the bedroom.The two of them hit the bed entwined, and began pulling off each other’s clothes. Anna’s bra came off, and the...

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Arabian Plaything Chapter 8

Personal narrative of BABU 25-year old Arabian assistant to CARLOTTA who is in charge of training in the Stables of Quireme.The new girl brought over from the Harem to be trained as a Pony was quite some beauty. If she’d been a few inches longer in the thigh, she might one day won a top honor from Princess Karina. As it was, when she settled down, I reckoned she would make up into a very nice sort of filly. Aged 22. She was five foot eight inches in height, thirty eight inches at bust and hips,...

2 years ago
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Little Sucking Sisters

With the economy the way it its you probably won't be too shocked to learn that at 21, I am still living at home with my two two younger sisters. Mom and Dad's old place is really too small for five people, but my sisters Melanie, 14, and and Tammy, 16, didn't complain too much about sharing their room. I found out why last week. Mom and Dad were at the movies. I'd had a date, but she phoned and called it off at the last minute. If Melanie and Tammy had known I'd be home so early, they...

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A Crossdressers Night in the Park

A Crossdresser's Night in the Park cd, bdsm, con, mm, anal, oral, toy Last night I was on line in a crossdresser chat room where I was talking with Master Brian about me being a pain loving, submissive, bisexual crossdresser who was looking a master to use and abuse me. As we talked Master Brian asked me if I was dressed as a woman while I was on line with him. I told him that I was and then he asked me what I was wearing. I told him that I was all dressed up wearing a black silk...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Flesh MassagedChapter 2 Daughterrsquos Incestuous Massage

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! A week later, and Olivia had yet to come back with her daughter. It was a shame. I had a great time massaging my first client and giving her such an intimate and delicious massage. Working at The Lady’s Touch massage parlor was exciting and fun. I had some great delights seducing clients into lesbian sex or just giving them what they wanted under the guise of a sensual massage. I gave them titty massages, vulva massages, nuru massages, blindfold...

2 years ago
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Naked on Summer Vacation Slut Summer SchoolChapter 34

My mother strutted out of the trailer, wearing nothing at all just like the rest of the girls. I can not imagine what the neighbors thought if they happened to be watching a line of naked girls emerge from this dirty trailer on a warm Florida day. Only Kiwi, Buddy, Lewis, and Jenny had any clothes on when we left. The girls carried all the cleaning supplies in one trip, and we waved at Rooster and Flick before we left. It was pretty evident from their satisfied cat-calls and comments that...

3 years ago
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September 1942 Private First Class Virgil George USMC is having a brief meeting with his commanding officer, the colonel cleared his throat gently then he began to speak to the young Marine "PFC George I am going to be brief and to the point, as you know the Japanese hit our ridge defensives last night and they gave us a severe beating a very severe beating." "It was so severe that they almost broke through and got to the airfield, if we lose the airfield we will more than likely lose the...

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The Last Ditch Bitch

The sun has me caught in it’s shimmering haze on this lazy day in July. It’s too hot to even consider doing anything that involves movement of any kind. The blinding rays are bouncing off the hotel’s oval swimming pool and hitting my eyes like a laser. My body is finally gaining a darker shade of brown after four days.It’s turning into a really great holiday. I’ve always got on well with Lee, he’s going to be my best man when I get married next month. We decided to come away as a last hurrah...

Quickie Sex
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A Difference of Identity

Chapter 1: Oh god am I ever glad that I decided to go out tonight! There's nothing I can really do except stare at this Aphrodite-like goddess sitting across from me. I mean statistics just say that it just isn't possible for a girl to be this hot, and this awesome to talk to, there's just no way. Add in the fact that she's actually into me, and there's a better chance of me spontaneously turning into a woman! One thing's for sure, it was the best idea that I've ever had to come out...

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Party Tease

I teased him for hours before I let him fuck me. We were at a party. I came alone, hoping to pick up a hot guy for the night, or at least a couple of hours. I was wearing a short, low-cut black dress, with black thigh highs just barely peeking out from under them. The dress was tight enough to show off my tight little ass (I love showing off my ass). I wore no bra, but my nipples weren’t showing yet, and wouldn’t unless I got very turned on. I was hoping that would happen very soon. My long...

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Barb and Mollie

The two had made it a day together. They turned a quick trip out to the mall into a girl's brunch that morphed into something else. They wanted the time away from things back home and the dreariness of domestic life. There was catching up to do; catching up on one another more precisely. One had moved in just down the street from the other and the two old gal pals could not have been more pleasantly surprised or happier.Barb and Mollie walked along through the promenade between the shops. They...

4 years ago
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Papa aur main

I am Tripta Misra from Kanpur and going to explain my first ever sex experience with my dad which happened a few months ago Let me describe myself I am 20 years old and long enough to be 5ft 4 inches 55 kg My bustline is my asset it is 38 26 36 and I am proud of that too but the incident happened around 3 months ago when I was all alone in the house as my mother has gone to live with my brother living in America and is there for around one year as my bhabhi is expecting child So we dad and me...

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Lockeroom Gang

Entry for October 25, 2005Lockeroom Gang FMMMMMMM Lockeroom Gang FMMMMMM We had just finished our laps at the gym pool, heading off to our respective lockerooms. I was in the stall showers when I imagined I heard your timid voice over the din of the hot streaming water,” Max…? Max…?” I thought nothing of it until I noticed a few of the guys in the other showers stop what they were doing and all were looking toward the entrance to the showers. I peered out to see what had gotten...

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my fantasy48

i am lying on the massage tablewaiting impatiently 4 my masseurnot knowing that u have prepareda delightfully wicked surprise 4 me...i am lying fully naked & face-downwith a towel just covering my asswhen i hear the door open & close& then the lock being turnedas u quietly enter the room...i moan softlyas i feel your strong oily handsknead the muscles of my backthen all the way down my legs...when u have finished my backu whisper" please roll over 4 me !! "& i do so quickly...

3 years ago
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My Favorite Cocksucker

We all need role models. My personal favorite is a first class cocksucker I met out West while serving in the military. He was a piano player in a local lounge near the training facility I was attending. The back room of the lounge doubled as a private after-hours bar for selected clients. Our facility provided the majority of those who were selected: young, hung, horny studs.Don't get me wrong, this wasn't the backroom/black room, anything goes kind of gay bar scene. No, it seemed to be a...

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True story me and my cousin

I had just turned 18 and was in severe depression. mood disoders and social phobia. Never had many friends or a girlfriend or had sex. My older and quite cute cousin moved not too far by my house into a small apartmemt. She does not work and recieves disability and is a alcholic. She was 31 and I already knew from past she gets freaky with anyone when she is drunk and will literally throw herself at you. I started going to her house and she started to ask me to sleep over and i would for 2 or 3...

2 years ago
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Thank You Bitch

The should not have been happening but it was and I wasn't going to say "No". I had a naked 17 year old teenager straddling my lap, with her firm ass pressing against my hard cock and her lips mashing against mine. She had the sweetest of faces framed by her shoulder length curly black hair. Camille was beautiful - her beauty radiated when she smiled and laughed. I'm Grant and I'm 35 years of age divorced with an 18 year old daughter Sandy. Sandy was a bitch - just like her mother and...

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Lake Babylon

"Dad! Are you sure? I can stay if you need me!" Tim looked at his son thoughtfully. It was just like him to put family first over himself. He felt proud at this moment, knowing that his boy would walk his path, knowing right from wrong. He had done his job well. "Alan. We'll be fine. Please done worry. We've been through tough times before. We'll work it out, as we always do. Besides, you need this to get the scholarship for the University." The young man flushed out of embarrassment and...

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Diary Entries Of A Son8217s Lust For His Mother

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, narrated as excerpts from the diary. The excerpts narrate the secret thoughts, desires fantasies about various people in life. This story narrates the explicit incest between mom and son. Any person who is sensitive to close incest relations and doesn’t like such stories, please stop reading here. By continuing to read ahead, you agree that you are within the legal age limit and you are solely responsible for what you are reading, and neither the writer...

3 years ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleChapter 34 Meanwhile Back In Cali

Susan Castle’s antique four-poster bed found its owner sleeping along for more than 20 years. But she discovered that her old bed could easily hold three squirming, active females. Her firm, tight dancer’s body had to squeeze out from between her niece and their new roommate/lover, Missy Arnovsky. Missy and Maria were more-or-less entwined with both the sheets and each other, and Susan felt a little twinge of pride at these beautiful young women who were as in love with her as each...

4 years ago
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Between Two Cute Red Lips

I had just had a magical evening with my new lover, Zach. We went to this amazing diner downtown and had probably the greatest conversation I've ever had. I could just melt in those strong yet gentle arms, those deep brown eyes, that soft brown hair. His top shirt button was undone, so I could see a glimpse of dark chest hair, and I almost melted inside. After dinner, we went down to the beach just a few minutes out of town, and walked hand in hand down the shore line. We stayed a bit back from...

Oral Sex
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Daddys Little Boy

OK, maybe I should start explaining a few things. Life isn’t great. Never is. The gist of it is Dad divorced Mum a while back now. Alright a big while back, I was about 3. He’s a bit of a... what do you call it... evil rich twat? Something along those lines... So he bribed off the solicitors, my Mum’s never allowed to see me again and I’m stuck in the middle of nowhere with just super van man for company. Dad’s got this stupid haulage company. Basically he’s paid ridiculous amounts to...

3 years ago
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My first dry orgasms

I cant remember the exact age, but it was when i was 12/13. I would practice goal keeper dives onto pillows onto my bed. Once the action of falling on my front and my trousers rubbing along the bed caused things to stir down below, thing never felt before. Not knowing what this meant i ignored them and carried on. The more i did it though the more the feelings came. I cant say they were pleasurable like one knows now but they were intriguing enough to just jump straight onto my front and...

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my fantasy

Firstlet me tell you about myself. My name is Lexy and I'm 25. I am average weight, average height with a curvy body- not fat but with something to hold on to. I have size D breasts with very large dark areolas that contrast my pinkish white skin, and a nice perky ass. I have been married for the last two years to Tony. Our sex life is pretty wild- including toys, porn and so on. This weekend I was feeling particularly horny and decided to have some fun. We were going over to Toni's friend Mike...

Group Sex
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PornMegaLoad Aria Banks IttyBitty Freak

Occupation: Student; Lives: Norfolk, Virginia; Age: 19; Born: April 7; Ht: 4’10”; Wt: 102 pounds; Bras: 32A; Panties: Thongs; Anal: Licking; BJs: Swallow; Masturbate: All the time. She’s itty-bitty, loves sucking and fucking, has pierced nipples and a bright-pink pussy that’ll grip your rod and not let go until you’re ready to spurt. Aria is a teenage fucker who is going to make a splash in porn after the world sees these pics. “I started dancing in clubs as...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 51 A Hell Of A Mess

January 19, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “So what did you tell her?” Kara asked as we walked to get Jessica from the hospital. “That I’d think about it,” I replied. “Because neither of the girls is your ‘type’?” “That’s not the issue at all, Kara! You know me better than that!” “Sorry,” she replied, “but I think it IS like that. There’s a difference between bonding and dalliances. With bonding, you wouldn’t take that into account. For dalliances, you usually do. Liz is the exception.” “I...

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Growing Up In The Country Part Two

This is the SECOND part of my true life's past teenager adventures in my small Village located in England.....After the first sexual encounter with Carol in her Pool ? I was hooked now on having more and more sex, and like all young people my age I wanted it as soon as I could find it !!!!My :Early Morning Paper Round took me to lots of farms and also some private small house's that were spread all over the village, and most of them were cute looking buildings with flower filled gardens and...

3 years ago
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Sex with cousin8217s friend

Hello reader. My name is akash and I am from bahawalpur (Pakistan). Main aik computer profeesional hon, yeh un dino ke bat hai jb main university main parta tha. Wahan education department main meri cousin parti the. Main aksar us ko milnay us k department jaya karta tha. Wahan meri molakat us ke aik dost say hoe jis ka naam hina tha. Main pehle he mulakat main us say bohat inspire howa aur meray dil main us say dosti karni ke khahish paida hoe.lyken us nay meri taraf koi khas towaja na di....

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Blackfeather27 Hard to Do

I WAS CURLED UP in the middle of the bed with my knees against my nose crying when Aubrey found me. The raven called again. I felt the tug but stayed in Aubrey’s arms. I buried my face between her breasts and continued to weep. Before I drifted off to sleep, I felt Kyle lie on my other side and hold both of us. How could I ever explain this to my precious Aubrey? Four. I’d killed three men and a woman. It made no difference how Pa had tried to assure me that it was not me. I held the knife....

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