Blackfeather19 Warehouse
- 4 years ago
- 37
- 0
“So, you like the idea of being our chef then?” I said. “When do you want to start? What salary would be appropriate, remembering that I have all your accommodations and food covered?”
“You’re asking me how much I’m worth, aren’t you,” Tom said, laughing. “I would say ... oh, I don’t know... 100k a year!” He was laughing out loud now. “Hey, you need me. I could do with a change of scenery and, yes, it would be great to be in a kitchen again. What would you need me to cover, and what help would I get?”
“Well it’s mainly evening meal that will be your thing. That being said, we do provide breakfast and lunch but they’re more of a help-your-self kind of thing. The girls put salads, cold meats etc. out, which seemed to be well received. I’m thinking that a few of us can take turns to get cooked breakfast options out. As to the help you get, well you have me!” I smiled the goofiest smile at him, “My whole staff consists of me, Jane, Claire, Beth & Jim and their kids. I’m sure between us we will help you with whatever you need.” We were just strolling around the lake. Jim shouted over to get my attention, so we started to walk back. “Look, I’ll offer you what I did for Beth and Jim which equates to $30k a year, with all the expected benefits, plus all your accommodation free. In return I need 6 days of meals. If we are full, that would be up to 100 guests and whatever staff are here. You honestly think you can do it? Beth and the girls are gonna be waiting the tables. Dinner is a dressed affair, by the way.”
“Well when I worked in the kitchens, we had ten to fiteen people to deal with up to 250 meals. So we will have a bit of fun, but I think we can do it. Ok why not, I accept your offer.” We shook hands, I could see that he was looking back at the clubhouse and the view was quite something. I could only see 2 people wearing any cloths and they looked like the new arrivals that were due to be late.
“Do you like your music?” I asked him, he nodded. “I once watched a music Documentary for a group called the ‘The Band’, their lead guitarist Robbie Robertson was talking about one of their early bookings and said that money was shit but the guy booking them had said, ‘You’ll get more Pussy than Frank Sinatra!’” He knew what I meant and roared with laughter. Jim had come over to meet us.
“The Simpson kid is at the gatehouse, suited and booted. I think his momma gave him a haircut! I don’t ever remember seeing him look that smart. He says he has an appointment with you.” Jim informed me.
“Thanks Jim. Meet Tommy. He’s our new Chef. Tommy, this is Beth’s husband Jim, one of our co-managers.” The men shook hands.
“So, you must be the reason that Kym is negotiating with her mum to help around the Kitchen!” Jim noted, laughing.
“I will tell you now, Tommy, no one has any restrictions here. Just remember, no means no, but you don’t seem the type to need that reminder.”
“And please treat all my girls well,” Jim added, winking at Tommy. “I’m still a husband and a father!”
“Yes sir, always,” Tommy answered, at the obvious meaning to what Jim had said.
“We are going to be a family first, all of us. Everyone enters this facility with their eyes open. I think that you will fit in well,” I said smiling at him. “Want to come with me to meet Carl? He should have brought some meat for the barbeque I had planned for tonight. I am also gonna be giving him a job. But he won’t be on the inside, to start with.”
“Sure, I need to get some stuff from my place. So, if you don’t mind, I want to run back to Little Rock,” Tommy explained.
“Of Course, I wasn’t expecting you start immediately!” I exclaimed.
“Why not, what else was I gonna do on a beautiful night like this. And, anyway, you have lots of gorgeous naked women walking around!” He finished with a big grin.
While we walked over to the gatehouse, I explained the situation with Carl. His anger problems and his learning difficulties. I also explained that his family was our main supplier for the fresh produce we were going to use. I suggested that he should go over and make contact with the Simpson’s, but not to expect them to be anything like Carl. They were good people. I told him to work with them on what they could supply for him to get his menus together.
When we entered the gatehouse, I got quite a surprise when I saw Carl. He was dressed in his Sunday best, full suit and tie. He was showered and cleaned up with a fresh new haircut. He was pacing around looking very nervous and uncomfortable.
“Hi Carl. Relax, you seem like you’re waiting for something bad to happen,” I said
“Hi Mr Barker. I’m sorry I’m early, but Momma kicked me out. She told me that I was to make a good impression,” He said nervously. “She also kicked my butt when Pops got me to tell her the truth.”
“I hope everything was alright after I left! I didn’t mean to cause you any problems.”
“No sir, you ain’t caused me any problems. Truth is, they’ve all been of my own making,” he said. “Momma say’s I’ve been a fool, and she’s right. She said that I was never to raise my fist in anger again. Poppa told her that if I did here, that you would be very quick to put me on my ass. Momma said to tell you that you have her permission to do just that,” he added. Causing both me and Tommy to laugh.
“Ok then, let’s not upset your Momma. The job I want you to do is big. We have 3000 acres here and I want you to be in charge of making sure that it’s well kept. I have 400 acres of forest that goes up the side of the mountain, another 300 acres of marshland down along the Arkansas River, the rest is pasture. I have a secure border of electric fences and five foot trenches, a ten acre solar farm, five wind turbines, and a hydro plant that comes off the mountain into the river and the lake. That will all be under your control. The three acres around the clubhouse have manicured lawns and will need to be cut twice weekly. At some point, we will need to think about planting flowers and other fauna. Wildlife on my land is not to be hunted, do you understand?” I concluded.
“Yes sir,” He answered without hesitation.
“Carl, will you please relax, and for fuck’s sake, stop calling me Sir! Call me Jon ok?” I growled.
“Yes si ... Jon.” He said making himself snicker.
“Ok then, I need you to work out what machinery you are gonna need, and tell me what we need to buy. There’s a machine shop behind this building which houses some things, but you tell me. I see you arrived in your Dad’s old truck, so I will need to get you your own set of wheels.” Looking at Tommy, “If that was your truck out there, it looks like you could do with a replacement as well.” I turned my attention back to Carl and said, “Here’s the deal, I’m going to offer you twenty-five-thousand, but I want you to give your folks 20% to help them. We will be converting some of the rooms in the back here for you to have your own apartment. I am going to get someone to teach you and help you get past your issues. I’ll expect you to follow his or her instructions. Understand?”
“Yes Jon, thank you.” He was beaming.
“Lastly, I still want you to help your father when his supplies arrive. He’s getting older and can’t do it all on his own. Talk to him and find out when he will need you. I’m sure it will only be an hour here and there.”
“Thank you, Jon. I know Pops will appreciate it,” he said, smiling.
“OK then, I think we’re done. Anything you want to ask me?” I said, expecting him to ask me about the camp or something.
“No sir, I mean Jon. I have your meat in the cold box in the back of my truck. Momma put one of those fancy pies you like in there as well!” he explained.
“Fancy pies?” Tommy enquired.
“Barbara makes the best steak and ale pie outside of the UK. It just happens to be one of my favourites. I had to import some proper ale for her but ‘WOW’. It’s like a taste of home!” We went to retrieve the delivery.
Carl went to look around the machine shop, while Tommy and I had a quick chat.
“I shouldn’t be more than an hour or so to get organised, I live out of a bag as it is. Then I’ll show you how to do a classy barbeque. If we get the coals lit by 7.30, we can have the food on plates just after 8. How does that sound?”
“That works well for me. When you come back, the computer has been programmed to recognise your car. The gates will open for you and the computer will light the road to lead you up to my house so I can show you where you will be living.” We shook hands and he went on his way.
Carl came back to me to say that he would talk to his dad and get an idea of anything we would need, as he would know better than Carl did. He nearly broke my hand with his vice-like grip, when we shook hands. Then he was on his way.
It was 6 o’clock, 90 minutes until we had to meet the guests for the formal evening get together. Time for me to go and chill, up at the Warehouse.
I could smell the coffee when I walked in. I could also hear the chatter coming from the kitchen.
“Honey, I’m home!” I joked, as I walked into the kitchen to see Jane, Claire, Fiona, Genja, Beth, Kym and Sasha.
“How was your day darling,” Jane said, sexily, while getting off her stool to give me a kiss. Claire then came over to kiss me, which was then followed by Fiona and, finally, Genja.
Beth then said, “What, we don’t get a welcome as well!” so I walked round to their side of the island to get the same treatment from Beth, Sasha and, finally, Kym. “This place is fantastic! Jane has been giving us the guided tour. I hope you don’t mind?” She continued.
“Thank you. There’s still a lot of work to do, but so far it’s worked out well.”
“So, who’s going to be living here?” she said, vibrating with curiousity.
“Well once I get enough rooms completed, I will be leasing them to anyone that shares our philosophy. It seems that you are already following the guiding principles,” I said, smirking back at Beth.
Jane brought a coffee over to me as I climbed on the stool at the end, between Genja and Fiona.
“So, if you like fucking around, you’re following the rules.” She was being coarse to get a reaction from me. Giving away the truth with the way she smiled when she spoke.
“Do you think that describes me then. Someone who fucks around? Did you feel like I was just fucking you?” I paused for her to take in my response. “Beth, I will tell you what I told Jim earlier. The people around this counter, the people that work here, I consider my family. That means they come first in my mind. Whatever they need, whatever the reason, I will be there for them. If your kids have a problem that you can’t help with, even if they needed a lift to a friend’s house, I will be there for them. Apart from Jane, I have known the rest of you less than twenty-four hours but that’s how strongly I feel about you all!” To emphasize my point, I stopped talkeing.
“Wow! This place is fantastic!” Chrissy exclaimed as they entered the Warehouse, this being her first time in the building. “Truly amazing!” Gail added, holding some of the bags and following the others into the dining area. “Thank You, can I get anyone a drink,” he asked to the newer people as his ‘girls’ had moved in different directions to use the toilet or drop the stuff off in their rooms. “I think I need a coffee,” Sara stated. “It’s been a truly weird morning!” “Could I get a...
What exactly is housed at Warehouse-X? It’s a funny question, because I bet you’d come up with a completely different guess if you were reading this on another site besides ThePornDude. The brand name sounds like it’d make a solid comic book, sci-fi TV show or video game, but instead of wholesome entertainment for nerds, they’re peddling something for you to lube up and shake your dick at. So, what would be your guess about the contents of that titular house of wares? Here’s a hint: it ain’t...
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“What is this shit? Are you part of the government?” The small unkempt girl said. Standing in the middle of the entry of the cabin with her dyed Red hair, lip and nose pierced. Obviously very tired from her long trip, dressed still in her leather jacket, sweatshirt and jeans, a pair of sneakers that were so worn out that they were liable to just fall off her feet. The near ninety-degree heat not fazing her. Next to her was a taller girl with dirty blonde hair that obviously hadn’t seen water...
I had been working at it for months. The peephole was finally completed and now the glory hole was done. I admit it was a far fetched fantasy, but what the hell, it excited me into masturbation every time I worked at it and that’s all that mattered. I am a foreman in a huge warehouse. We hold imported goods from all around the world. Skids of Asian wicker and rattan furniture wrapped in burlap and piled high everywhere with channels for the forklifts. Some merchandise almost forgotten in...
A friend of mine had gotten a job through a friend of his families. He was helping to repackage Easter lillies to be delivered to stores by the Easter holiday. Weekdays after school and on the weekends, he was making good spending money. He had called me to let me know I could work there too, if I wanted some extra cash. I decided to go to the warehouse and check it out. I had never done that kind of work before. Most of my money was earned delivering newspapers. Walking into the...
Getting back into the Warehouse around 11.30 pm, Jon met Jim as he was returning from the Clubhouse. “Were the girls ok when you took them home?” Jim asked. “Yea they were fine when I left.” Jon responded, which was true after spending 90 minutes in bed with them. He had left them cuddled together, after making sure both of them had more orgasms than they needed in that short space of time. “How were things here?” “Quite quiet to be honest, a lot of people went their way back to the rooms...
I had been working at it for months. The peephole was finally completed and now the glory hole was done. I admit it was a far fetched fantasy, but what the hell, it excited me into masturbation every time I worked at it and that’s all that mattered. I am a foreman in a huge warehouse. We hold imported goods from all around the world. Skids of Asian wicker and rattan furniture piled high everywhere with channels for the forklifts. Some merchandise almost forgotten in rows by the walls....
Jon woke early, not sure as to why he decided to go and make a coffee. Untangling himself from the delicious flesh that adorned his bed. He smiled as he saw that Genja had returned at some point through the night, she was cuddled into Fiona. Along with Chrissy and Beth, the four were dead to the world. He grabbed his shorts and made his way down to the kitchen to grab a coffee. Walking past the Piper’s room he could see that Stefan wasn’t there, CC was lying on her own while Sasha was...
Slim Jones turned out to be a total contradiction to his name, the man was colossal, easily weighing in at over 300 pounds and standing well over 6’6”. When he exited his vehicle you could actually hear the springs singing in relief. Jim had been working with him for many years and swore by the guy. That alone was good enough for Jon, although the bear hug he received as a welcome nearly crushed all the ribs in his chest and the guy was being friendly. Carl, who had arrived by chance at about...
“I can’t believe this, all of you? Jane said “We’ve been planning it for some time sweetheart,” Jane’s dad Chris replied. “We met up at the end of last summer for a few drinks. Gwen and the girls we’re saying how much they missed not being with Jon and it was your mum that said why we didn’t come over to visit. Well that changed over a couple of weeks of talking to what’s really keeping us here. It’s not like we have great weather or anything. Then we realised the timing was perfect for a...
MMB 05 - The Great Warehouse RobberyTeaserEric pulled back a couple of inches; but all that did was rub the base of his cock right onto Sharon's inflamed clit. The contact caused her to jerk her pussy suddenly upward as a jolt of pleasure was sent through her body. Involuntarily, she grasped him tightly in her arms. This simply caused the 'Wonderful Rabbit' that was around the base of Eric's penis to become lodged in the mouth of Sharon's pussy.Chapter One - “The Night Shift”Having been built...
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Hi friends My name is Nanda and I am 32 Years old from Bangalore and would like to share my real experience which happened to me five years ago with my beautiful aunty. Sorry if any mistakes since its my first story pls forgive me. I have been married and have two kids enjoying sexual life ever much with my wife and loved ones and this story is about lovely aunty name is sheela. Who was working for warehousing company in Bangalore and I have been seeing her from past four to five months before...
Chapter One - "The Night Shift" Having been built just last year, the warehouse was a relatively new building. It was owned by Charles Johnston and was being used as a shipping and receiving point for his wholesale business. The building contained a vast assortment of items that varied in both size and purpose. There were things as large as a refrigerator to as small as watch batteries; and items as mainstream as baby blankets to as kinky as anal beads. The night shift, consisting of Eric...
Warehouse Whore - part 2As Kim gently swung back and forth Bill's cock slid in and out of her mouth and his tongue tickled and licked her engorged clit. Kim got nearer and neared to an orgasm as he worked on her then he gripped hold of her hair and pulled her sharply toward him forcing his erection deep into her mouth and down her throat. She gagged and heaved as his shaft pushed into her and then she felt the familiar jerking as he came. As his tumescent dick twitched she could feel the...
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I threw on some shorts and a t-shirt. Fiona put her slacks on to retain her modesty, along with my dress shirt that you could see her black lace bra through. I must admit, she looked hot, without any pretence of trying. Once in the car, she looked nervous, like she wanted to say something. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “I’m not sure whether there is anything wrong. I don’t know!” She sighed. “Twelve hours ago my life was simple. I knew what was happening around me. Genja and I went about our...
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The forty minute journey was filled with gentle conversation. Genja and Fiona were talking to Claire about her situation. It seems her boyfriend, also called Jimmy, like her brother, was a bit of a layabout and tried living off of other people’s money. The present dilemma had been caused by not paying back a five hundred dollar loan from a shady character in the area. All of this had been unknown to Claire, up until this evening. The girls then made small talk about their day to day lives,...
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The joy and euphoria that CC initially felt after her joining with Jon soon changed to doubt and worry. She wondered what this would mean to her relationship with Stefan. As wonderful and alive the young man made her feel, so could never do anything to her husband. Other things changed shortly after Jon and she had finished, she could sense ‘the girls’, she could automatically know where they were, she could tell how they were feeling. There were unspoken conversations between them, not that...
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There I sat at my computer, ready for another morning of chatting with my new online lover, much like all other mornings for the last two weeks. It had become quite routine for us to chat for about an hour in the mornings, then off to our lives. I was, quite honestly, starting to lose interest, figuring he was just another of the "Internet fakes". We have all run into them, the guys who are all talk and no action. This morning, however, would turn out much different and I was in for a quite...
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On arriving back at the warehouse we got changed and went to the clubhouse. I needed to find Jane. Fiona was holding my arm as we walked over. Staying as close to me as she possibly could. I could tell that she still wasn’t completely comfortable in the surroundings, but this time she had decided to dress down to her underwear. I was definitely enjoying the view. We found Jane working side-by-side with Genja preparing some food for the lunch buffet. They were both totally naked, apart from...
Three weeks after we started dating, as we enjoyed calling it, Lacie told me Rick would be out of town for a week. We made a date for me to come over Wednesday morning. I followed her suggestion and sneaked in from the park about 5:30; she took me to bed and we slept three more hours. When we woke up I was fully hard. We got into a leisurely 69, and soon she took me fully into her throat and expertly drained me. She came soon after. We relaxed and played with each other for a few minutes. She...
Love Stories12-07-2017 “When was the last time you heard from Stefan?” Jon asked but was met by giggling faces. “What? Am I missing something?” he continued. “You are kidding, right? You have just made me pass out with the help of my own mother” Nessa said smiling at CC as she was cuddled into Jon’s side, “and you ask if we have heard from Dad!” “I spoke to him earlier and he was ok. Sissy is struggling badly without anything in her system and he is having to use some hard love to try and get her the...
Jon Today was the day we received our first visitors to our adults only park, “Be Yourself”. Over the last two years I had built twenty two-bedroom cabins and a small hotel with ten unique theme rooms. It included a restaurant large enough to seat one hundred people and a bar with a seating area. There was also a gym with a workout area, Sauna and changing room. The staff quarters were on the ground floor and consisted of large three-bedroom suites with all the amenities. Even the lake, that...
He took her panties off the door handle as he left. I would have too. They were sexy and reeked of my wife’s pussy. I hadn’t realized he had her bra also. I couldn’t see it. She came out several minutes after he had split. She was taking small steps. Her clothes were on. Her hair was somewhat tussled, but not out of place. She sat in the minivan for a minute. She lit a cigarette. She usually only smokes when she drinks,but I don’t think she had had a drink yet. She tossed the smoke and split....
He took her panties off the door handle as he left. I would have too. They were sexy and reeked of my wife's pussy. I hadn't realized he had her bra also. I couldn't see it. She came out several minutes after he had split. She was taking small steps. Her clothes were on. Her hair was somewhat tussled, but not out of place. She sat in the minivan for a minute. She lit a cigarette. She usually only smokes when she drinks,but I don't think she had had a drink yet. She tossed the smoke and split....
He took her panties off the door handle as he left. I would have too. They were sexy and reeked of my wife's pussy. I hadn't realized he had her bra also. I couldn't see it. She came out several minutes after he had split. She was taking small steps. Her clothes were on. Her hair was somewhat tussled, but not out of place. She sat in the minivan for a minute. She lit a cigarette. She usually only smokes when she drinks,but I don't think she had had a drink yet. She tossed the smoke and split....
My naked body hangs from a thick chain. My wrists shackled above me. Liu sits in front of me on an old chair. His face is void of any expression. He chews his gum, as he watches me slowly turn. Once again, I am helpless in his before him. Sometimes I think that I live on the outskirts of life. The world travels one way, but I move in the opposite direction. I read in history class that people have fought and died for freedom, yet here I am willingly giving up mine. I don’t know why I agreed to...
My naked body hangs from a thick chain. My wrists shackled above me. Liu sits in front of me on an old chair. His face is void of any expression. He chews his gum, as he watches me slowly turn. Once again, I am helpless in his before him. Sometimes I think that I live on the outskirts of life. The world travels one way, but I move in the opposite direction. I read in history class that people have fought and died for freedom, yet here I am willingly giving up mine. I don’t know why I agreed to...
Oral SexJust before 8.30 the rest of the girls appeared. Chrissy looking even more radiant than she had been, was all smiles. The four girls sat with me and Beth all went and surrounded her with hugs and little comments. Sara wasn’t excluded but you could tell that Chrissy was being accepted into the sisterhood. With everyone present, Jim got them moving towards the coach. This was not before all of them, Sara, Kym & Sasha included, came to me and gave me hugs and meaningful kisses. I grabbed...
So here I was, walking into a bar to have my first bit of “me time” since arriving in the USA nearly two years ago. There was just the one available stool at the bar, as I was on my own that was all I needed. The Bar seemed to have a bit of a buzz going on, with most of the seats being occupied and a few groups engaged in animated conversation, but it wasn’t so full that you couldn’t move. A live band played at one end of the room and I have to admit they were pretty good. I settled into the...
I lay on my back, naked, staring up at the shaved pussy of the woman squatting over me, another woman helping her masturbate. Strictly instructed not to touch, I wait passively as the rubbing on her clit becomes more and more furious. The sound of kissing, licking, and moans surround me. My belly tightening, adrenaline rushing through me, giddy anticipation building. Without warning, her lips bulge, as if her pussy is trying to turn itself inside out, and I brace for the flood that I know is...
Group SexThere I sat at my computer, ready for another morning of chatting with my new online lover, much like all other mornings for the last two weeks. It had become quite routine for us to chat for about an hour in the mornings, then off to our lives. I was, quite honestly, starting to lose interest, figuring he was just another of the ‘Internet fakes’. We have all run into them, the guys who are all talk and no action. This morning, however, would turn out much different and I was in for a quite...
Jon was awakened a short time later with warm moist lips on his cock. Opening his eyes, to see Genja was the owner and she gave him a very nice smile. “She tastes good on you,” she commented as she continued to tongue all around his tool. Cleaning all the secretions that Gail had left combined with Jon’s cum that had left a sticky sheen to his skin. “How long have I been asleep?” He asked. “Only thirty minutes, it’s just after 6pm.” She responded, still enjoying the job she had taken...
Fiona’s perspective What an evening so far. Gen and I were only going out for a couple of drinks. At a neighbor’s, we had slightly overdone it, when celebrating the holiday the night before. We’d been lazing around the apartment most of the day, when we decided to go out as a ‘spur the moment thing’. We were on our second drink when this gorgeous guy strolled in, causing both of us to look twice. His handsome face wasn’t the first thing that caught my attention. He was built like an Adonis....
The Party by DCRI was told to dress in a formal gown. This was very strange.Master usually took me to parties in the most revealing costume he had.I've been his slave for 4 years now, and never had such a request.I knelt before my Lord."Stand up, Little Cunt.", commanded master, "I want to see howbeautiful you look."I blushed. Master never called me beautiful. He knew I craved to beshamed.Master looked me over, as a groom inspects his bride. I blushed again.Since we've met, he's whipped,...
After tea on the Friday evening Thelma stopped me as I was going into upstairs to my room. Her eyes looked wild and her breathing was heavy. “I’m going to a party,” She said in a low voice, “do you want to watch me getting undressed?” I nodded like a puppet. “Wait in my room…I’ll be up in five minutes.” I skipped up the stairs two at a time! I nervously let myself into my sister’s bedroom. I’d been in many times before – borrowing her dirty knickers and stuff to use...
I had invited Kim to view one of the loft's and get her perspective.As Kim and I entered the warehouse I reached back, I quickly turned the door's deadbolt . Then I faced Kim and said in a calm clear voice, "Let's take the elevator to the 2nd floor." Arriving on the second floor walking to a finshed loft. As we enter the loft I turned locking the door, Kim resembled the perfect female. Her blonde shoulder length hair gracing her shoulders, the halter top revealing her 36C breasts that...
[for a reader who gave me some ideas....] “Only twenty-five years old. And already, your body responds like you’ve been doing this for years.” She struggled and managed to raise her head slightly. She looked at him through eyes swollen with tears and stinging from the sweat running down her forehead. From behind the ball gag, she grunted and whimpered, trying to beg him for a short break, just a few minutes to catch her breath. Joe gave her a big smile and turned to John. “It sounds...
a few days ago my partner told me about an incident that happened to her when she worked for the local branch of a large retail store. I will tell it in her own words.My job consisted of filling shelves during the day, and to do this I had to make several visits to the warehouse to refill my trolley with stock. There was several young men that worked there, all in their late teens and early twenties. I was fifty five at the time, and going through a rather nasty divorce. I still regarded myself...
( This is my true experience that happened to me about some 20 years back) I am a Brahmin and from a poor family. After I passed my school final examination I could not go to college because of financial constraints and so I started working under a merchant. My age was 18 then. This merchant, a Chettiar, was a rich man owning 3 big grocery shops. I joined as his helper. Daily I would go to his house in the early morning and till late night I will stay there doing whatever work that is...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
Thelma was 22 and like all of the young women at that time was still living at home with me and our parents in rural Kent; even though she had a good job in local Department Store. I was 15 and had just left school. The summer of 1965 was particularly fine so it wasn’t uncommon for me to sit around our secluded garden reading a Detective novel when my parents were at work. The difference today was that Thelma was on the first day of her annual holidays and had joined me wearing a very...
The front door opened and again Frank came in, a little less dramatically than the day before but no less intimidating to me as I felt timid and weak dressed in my mother-in-laws things. Frank was half expecting me to be dressed as my normal slouchy male self, ready to put a stop to all this, but he was happy when he saw I didn't have the fortitude to do that. He actually smiled at me, "There's my little wife. That dress looks nice on you." I smiled back not knowing what to do, it...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
As I walked up the stairs to the bedroom, I could see straight into Tommy’s room. What I saw made me smile. Claire was kissing Tommy while Kym was busy swallowing his dick. I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself as I carried on past their room and was still chuckling on entering my room. The girls were all naked sitting crossed legged on the bed, in mid conversation. I carried on straight to the bathroom, as I did Fiona asked “what’s so funny?” I came back to the door, “sorry I was just...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
Porn Pictures SitesI always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....
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