NeighborsChapter 7 free porn video

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A two-hour drive got us to a city with a zoo and some great hotels that I knew of, including a chain that owed me a few free nights on their preferred customer program. Our bellies were happily full from a stop at a popular chain restaurant. I knew I wasn't the top of the cuisine scale, but I also knew that Haley was always happy to eat at a local example.

We checked into the hotel, looking for all the world like a dad and daughter. She was carrying her little overnight bag and I was carrying my own larger, more battered version of the same. Her head swiveled from one side to the other as she took in the alien sights. In the elevator, she said, "I never stayed in one this nice, Bill. Never."

"It's just another hotel, baby," I said. "I've stayed in a bunch of 'em." I looked at her cute face. "But I never looked forward to it as much as this."

She smiled, but maintained her distance. Until the door closed behind us. Then I was treated to a happy, eager little girl leaping into my arms, wrapping her lithe legs around my waist, her lips against mine.

"Are you as excited as I am, baby," she giggled.

"You know I am, sweetness," I answered.

I kissed her hair and she said, "Nuh-uh," and pulled my head down so our lips met. I walked with her wrapped around me and set her down on the end of one of the two beds in the room. Her response? She flopped backward onto her back and extended her arms, which I slid in between.

"We have two nights, baby," she squealed. "All NIGHT. TWO nights. And we get to wake UP together."

"And I get armfuls of my Haley all night," I said.

She kissed me and then with bright, excited eyes said, "Let's go have a long shower an' then NO CLOTHES until we go to breakfast in the morning..."

"Brilliant idea, little one," I said. I stood up, then bent back over and started unbuttoning her blouse, relishing her giggles as I exposed the neat sports bra she favored for those firm young titties. Then I unbuttoned the button on her jeans and unzipped them. When I tugged downward, she responded by wiggling free of them. She stood, stepping out of her jeans and shrugging her blouse off her shoulders, leaving me with a vision of young cutie in panties and sports bra.

"You're behind," she giggled, tugging at my belt. I didn't spend a lot of time before I was standing in front of her wearing nothing but my boxers, a condition she saw as permission to slide her small hand into the fly and retrieve my dick.

Giggle. "I like lookin' at it." "It" was hard. She looked at me with mischief in those brown eyes and her head bobbed, producing spikes of pleasure through my being as she gave me a quick suck. "Get undressed," she giggled. "We got TWO days!"

The shower was wonderful. We took turns lathering each other up and then trading titillations on soapy flesh. I had my back lovingly washed, a particular pleasure and we kissed passionately as the water sluiced away the soap.

We got out, helped each other towel off, then she started drying her short, sassy hair while I shaved, then I helped her finish her task. Completed, she turned and struck a pose. "Ta-daaah!" she said.

"Ta-dah, indeed, cutie," I countered, scooping her giggly form up in my arms. She clamped her lips to mine as I carried her into the bedroom where I put her down.

"Let's pull the covers back, guy," she said, walking to the far side of the bed.

With the bed prepared, we met in the middle, tangling arms and legs as we pulled into one another. She smelled fresh and clean and I couldn't resist the allure of those perky nipples and discovered that she wanted me there sucking, her hands clasping the back of my head as I sucked and licked and nibbled, little gasps and mews coming from her mouth. When I stopped, her hands pushed my head downward.

"I've been thinking about this all day, baby," she purred. Her purr changed to a little gasp as I kissed her firm, tight pussy lips. She spread her legs as widely as possible and those pink lips spread open a tiny bit, revealing glistening delicacies waiting to be savored. A few more kisses and I NEEDED to put my tongue in there to savor the musk that was filling my nostrils. As I gathered the first of her juices to taste, she writhed, trying to put her little clit against my tongue.

No sense in teasing her now, I thought. I lightly flicked the pink pea-like head. "Ahhhhhh," she moaned. "Right THERE! You know what I need, Bill. Giveittome!"

I worked her over as she wished, listening to her, feeling her hips buck uncontrollably as she reacted, nearing climax. Her legs closed, heels digging into my back, spurring me, and she came. Squealing. "Ennnnghhhhhh! Yeahhhhhhhh! Ohgod!"

I moved up beside her and held her in my arms, stroking her hair, caressing her face. She looked at me, almost breathless, and licked her lips.

"I think THAT was the best EVER, Bill. I love you SOOO much!"

"I love you, angel. I'm glad I can make you happy."

"You don't just make me happy, baby," she said. "You make me lose my MIND!" She sighed. "Sometimes it's soooo soft an' loving, an' sometimes it's like this..." She pulled me down to kiss her again. "Now it's time for a soft, slow one ... for YOU!"

That meant her favorite position. I sat cross-legged and took her into my lap, facing me. Those same firm legs that a few minutes before were digging heels into my back now wrapped around my waist as she impaled her juicy young pussy on my shaft.

You know, I've laid awake at night after one of our sessions and tried to think of something that felt as good as smiling, cute Haley in my arms like this, and I couldn't come up with anything. And she WAS smiling. As she'd told me after one of our sessions, "It's like you an' me just REALLY connect, Bill. Not just makin' love, the sex part. It's like I can be soooo happy with you and you can be happy with me and I don't have to prove anything to you, but I wanna be the best ME I can, and you're there for me." Yes, sometimes she talked in run-on sentences, but I learned that if I hung on while she was talking, they made sense and they told how she thought and felt.

She had a way of turning a phrase that made me smile. At first I thought it was just the way she talked, but then one day she dropped one of those verbal twists on me and when I didn't react immediately, I looked at her and she smirked and raised an eyebrow as if to say, "Am I going too fast for you to catch that?"

"You're an evil little thing," I'd said, laughing. "I thought that was an accident."

"Nope!" And the grin. That was some of what I loved about my Haley. Yeah, the same Haley that was in my arms, coupled with me right now.

"You're thinking about something, Bill," she smiled. "I could see your eyes go far, far away."

"I was thinking about my Haley, the many, many reasons she's so amazing to me," I said.

"Then I'll excuse you for bein' somewheres else. As long as it's with Haley. I understand she loves you very much." And she kissed me with a soft, burning passion that belied her tender years. That simple kiss would have been ecstasy enough, but it was compounded and recompounded by the motion of her nether regions slowing beginning to slide back and forth in my lap, my dick glissanding in and out of delicious warmth and tightness.

She watched my eyes. "We make each other feel so good, babe," she said.

Yeah, thirty years difference in our ages, but when we coupled, we became the same, and I could be 'babe' to a fourteen year old girl. And absolutely love it. And with that sweet face inches from mine, knowing exactly what she was doing with those hips, I was headed to the heights.

Her eyes twinkled. We started out smiling and laughing softly with our happiness and for a couple of minutes that was love-making, laughing, relishing the sensations our bodies gave each other. I watched the cute face before me, the eyes with tiny wrinkles in the corners as she grinned, the smile on those pink lips as her expression changed from breathless sigh to smile as she worked herself against me, finding her little clit against the base of my dick, and I was consciously trying to use my own little thrusts in concert with hers. I KNEW I was going to come. I just wanted her there with me. And I watched her face while I could still see straight.

It wasn't long before we both lost cogent thought and gave in to the urges between us. Her chest pressed firm, still-blooming titties against mine as she clasped her arms around me for all she was worth. Her face was buried in my neck, her pre-orgasmic whimpers singing in my ear.

"God, baby..." I sighed, "You're the best..."

"Mmmmnnnnnnnn," was her answer as her hips became more demanding.

I increased my own thrusts as her breath hissed between her teeth.

"Nnnnnghhhhh! Yeahhhhhh!" she blurted, slamming her pelvis down onto me.

That was the final straw. I emptied myself into her, my waning thrusts causing her to react with her own, then she was still as she slid into trans-orgasmic semiconsciousness. Neither of us wanted to move.

So we didn't. We sat there in each other's arms, still coupled, each of us waiting for the other to speak. She slowly drew her face back, smiled that little smile that I found so adorable, and then she parted her lips, pressing them, almost brushing them against mine.

"Wow!" her voice was soft, but the single, simple exclamation rang in my innermost being.

"You ... Haley. My life..." I said.

"Mmm-hmmm," she said. "Mine too..." She gave me a gentle shove and I went onto my back with her on top of me.

She smiled. "I always feel so good here," she said. "Only bad thing is, we came apart..."

"I know, sweet one," I said. "But there'll be more."

"Mmmm-hmmm," she sighed. "We have all weekend."

We lay together for some several minutes, breathing together, then with a smile and a giggle, she started sliding down.

"Hee-hee! I love you soft an' sticky like this," she said as her smiling face bobbed downwards.

"You better hurry, baby. You're gonna lose that 'soft' part pretty quick!"

"Mmmmm, I know," she purred, taking short, licking sucks on me. "I like bein' able to make it work!"

And god, she could make it work. I was forty-four and she made me feel like a teen-aged boy. She'd sit between my legs, mine over hers, and play with me, exploring, talking softly, sometimes about sex, in which case I got as hard as an axe-handle, sometimes about everything else under the sun, playing with me idly as we discussed whatever came through on the bright stream of her consciousness.

This time, though, she was lying between my legs as she happily sucked and teased me with little licks and nibbles. She paid attention in earlier sessions and knew my delight in having my ballsack nipped and tugged, and she did that. She felt me shudder.

"You like this, huh?" she said, smiling.

"You know I do, sweetness," I said. "But I wanna taste of Haley."

"You sure? I can't do all this." She demonstrated what she couldn't do, pushing her face deep between my thighs, biting the very back of my scrotum. When she did that, a surge hit my dick and it jumped in her hand causing her to giggle while she was biting me.

"I know, but I get a very tasty, wiggly, giggly girl out of the deal."

She was already moving. Her weight atop me was negligible. The impact of my face between two athletic young thighs wasn't, nor was the sight of a pink pussy opening in front of me, the inner lips looking for all the world like the petals of a pink flower, complete with glistening dew. Her musk assailed my nostrils. I breathed it deep, then gently moved my face close enough to kiss the pinkness.

Her "mmmmm" in reaction to that resonated through me from my dick. It was in her mouth, at least the tip, being ministered to by her tongue and lips, and the sound, the vibration of her little purr, went right into me.

That caused a chain reaction. "Mmmmm," escaped my lips as they were pressed over her pussy, my tongue dipping inside for tastes of her juice. Well, it was both our juices from the earlier mating, although there was a sizable wet spot on the bed where some of it had oozed out.

"You taste so wonderful, little one," I said, then put my mouth back on her sweet moisture. Her reply came in the form of a wiggle as she scooted towards my face. Now she could hardly reach my dick with her lips, so I settled for kisses on its head. I knew what the maneuver meant and I started teasing and licking her clit with my tongue, four or five licks, then a trip into her hole for a taste of juice, then back to her clit.

Her hips became more mobile, urgent, pushing against my tongue as if she were searching with her pussy. I knew she was serious, so I stopped teasing and went to giving Haley what she was searching for.

"ohgodohgodohhhhhhh, Billllll!" She sucked in her breath in a hiss. I licked her more. "Nnnnnggghhhhhh! Yessss..." A shudder wracked her little body as she came. And then a sigh.

A gentle pressure from my hands and she turned to get into my arms. I held her and petted her gently as she rode through the afterglow. Little kisses caused her to snuggle more tightly against me and I brushed my lips through her hair, enjoying the soft sensation and the fresh, clean smell.

"That's soooo wonderful, Bill. I love you, you know..." She turned her bright face to connect our eyes. I could see the love.

I kissed her pert nose. "I love you too, Princess."

"'S too early to go to sleep, Bill," she said... "We can play..."

"Whatever shall we play?" I asked, with a pretty good idea of what she might have in mind.

My supposition was validated by her giggle. "Here! Prop up on these pillows." She piled pillows and I sat back, lounging. It was play time for Haley. I guess it was a combination of things: She was completely inexperienced when it came to the male body and was naturally curious. She enjoyed the sensations she could get from exploring me. And she KNEW I enjoyed it all. So there we were in a big bed with her kneeling next to me with all the flexibility of the youthful, sitting back, smiling with those big brown eyes as she tugged and stroked and explored.

"I know you like this," she said, grasping my shaft with her left hand as the fingers of her right stroked the head, measuring the ridge. Her fingertip went directly to the SPOT just underneath the head of my dick, causing its hard (hey! ONCE tonight already!) shaft to jerk involuntarily. She giggled, her index finger following the movement, making little circles on the sensitive skin.

"Bet I can make you squirt," she said.

"I know you can, princess," I answered. "You ALWAYS can. It's just a matter of what we're doing when it comes."

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If my boobs and ass won't be deflated by then, I'll just have to cancel! That really sucks because I was going to be paid about $80. I don't know why I even tried the Jiggle-Gel in the first place. I guess something about having my own boobs really turned me on. All of a sudden, it hit me. I could still do the job, I would just say that I can't do it and one of my friends that is a girl can do it instead. I would dress myself up like a girl, using some of the other products I saw, and...

2 years ago
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Killer Tuna Redux Chapter 8

Sam blinked and groaned from her fitful s!eep. She didn't want to wake up. She didn't want to face the world. She felt miserable and wanted to continue escaping through s!eep, but she wouldn't get to do that. She felt a weight shift on her high-rise bed, which was really just a mattress raised up on some metal pipes.The dirty blonde finally opened her eyes when she rolled onto her back and felt a weight on her stomach. She looked up to see Cat straddling her stomach and looking down at her with...

2 years ago
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WellPlanned Bus Ride0

Amber broke his heart, plain and simple. He had invested time, money, emotions, everything into that girl for years, and she decided to just hop on the next dick she saw? That was just plain fucked up. What made it worse, she seemed outright hurt that Jack didn't want to be friends with her after the fact. "I'm sorry it ended this way too, but we can still be friends if you want. That's better than nothing, right?" WRONG.... Jack sat at his friend's party, not really partaking in...

1 year ago
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Barrat Park The Finale

Soon I realised that we were still in an orgy and my cock began to rise again. So I went into the lounge and called everyone into it. I put a song on through the surround system (REALLY loud) and explained my idea. We would all form a circle in the middle of lounge. The guys would all be on their backs and the girls on their stomachs. The guys would firstly lie down in a wide circle, leaving a large gap between each of them them. In these gaps the girls would lie on their stomachs, their...

1 year ago
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Private Mischelle Klein Horny Teen Debuts With DP

Today in Private Specials, Teenagers Want it Up the Ass we introduce to Mischelle Klein, a horny teenager that shows off her beautiful pussy and sexy lingerie to Oliver Trunk and Andrew Marshall, enticing them both in for the hardcore threesome that she craves. Watch as Mischelle gets started with a double blowjob, gagging on both cocks before offering up her pussy and ass for a good fuck and some great anal action. Then watch as Mischelle will only be satisfied by two cocks at once, fucking,...

2 years ago
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licking my sister

It all started sometime back and I think the best way to write about it is by starting at the very beginning. I used to live with my sister, Eliza and my father, Louis.My mother died when we were young and then at my 21 st birthday my father suddenly disappeared, vanished no letter and certainly no phone calls. My sister was 17 at that time, she was quiet the lady, tall with long legs with long blonde hair reaching just past her shoulders, she wore a 34 b bra, I knew since she usually leaved...

3 years ago
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A Private Eye Finds Her FeetChapter 2

After that, it was anticlimactic. The next morning Tom Leech called Lydia and said he'd received her resume and when could she come in for an interview? She told him that she was available anytime and he asked her to come in at two PM that same day. Lydia was nervous; she'd never had a formal job interview before. She had no idea what to expect; so she arrived early. The address belonged to a huge building, relatively new, that looked like a giant storage shed made of steel siding. In...

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This story takes place in 1967- The Summer of Love. As he sat as his desk, he was the textbook definition of an authority figure. Dressed in his blue suit and grey tie, his badge attached to the left side of his belt. His ID card clipped to the breast pocket of his denim jacket. His short black hair was starting to gray. He had small, almond shaped eyes and full lips. His desk was cluttered with several long note pads which were filled with illegible writing. I sat opposite him and focused...

Oral Sex
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Hollow God

Hollow God Megan Roman When Gavin would think back to where it all started, he would realize how innocent he had been. He had been a simple high school student looking in his school library for some reference materials on a class project. He had been a lean kid, about 5-foot-6, so he was kind of small and youthful for an 18-year-old. He found a large book he needed on a shelf above his head, so he put down the books he was carrying, got on a stepping stool, and pulled it out with...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 426

Always Ask, never Assume... His request approved, the CNN News photographer quickly used a cell Phone to call the local airport to charter a flight. He was told a twin-engine plane would be waiting for him at the airport. Arriving at the airfield, he spotted a plane warming up outside a hanger. He jumped in with his bag, slammed the door shut, and shouted, “Let’s go”. The pilot taxied out, swung the plane into the wind and took off. Once in the air, the photographer instructed the...

1 year ago
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What happens in Reno

He picked her up off the side of the road. Normally, he was cautious about picking up random people, due to the stories he had heard of those good Samaritans who extended their car warmth to hitchhikers and, in result, ended up at the bottom of the local lakes, or in the city morgue. She looked harmless enough though. It may have been the cold rainwater cascading down on her barely-clothed body, or it may have been his Christian upbringing, but he pulled his black Sedan over to the side of the...

First Time
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Daddys Sweet Lil PUSSY Cat Chapter 1

Daddy's Sweet PUSSY Cat This story starts in early spring, it has started to warm up and the clothes are changing and I love it, Less clothing more flesh. I am heading upstairs to make sure my daughter is about ready for school, she is about to graduate High School and a couple Colleges have showed interest in her. As I head up the stairs I think how much she reminds me of her Mother. She has the same long legs, the 36d breast, the small waist. She has her own deep dark red hair...

3 years ago
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Fun With Team Leader At Resort

Hello everyone, This is Andy,from Mumbai.I’m happily married,working as a system engineer in a leading MNC.This is my second story in Indian sex stories.The story I’m penning is my own story happened at abroad when I went on-site.Professional people know more about this. The heroine of the story is Rachel,caucasian,in Toronto.She’s 31,divorcee staying alone.She got no kids.Coming to the story,I was asked to go Canada onsite for 3 months.As it is indeed a short period,I had left my wifey at...

3 years ago
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Pillbox Sex Dungeon In the beginning prologue Chapter 1

The prologue sets the scene so if you are here just for the sex, skip to Chapter 1. The story is a little slow to get going but I felt it needed some explanation and is worth it once we get there. Enjoy Pillbox Sex Dungeon - In the beginning (prologue & Chapter 1) Teen, MF, oral, light BDSM Prologue Gemma and Dan had been 'going steady' for about a month or so. Despite the age gap, other than some very heavy petting nothing had happened between the two, Dan being 22 and...

1 year ago
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Sex Ed and Sara Part 1

That day I had decided to dress more for the look than comfort. I went with the classic school girl get up that was widely accepted because you were intensionally trying to stand with a costume type look. A silk white blouse one size too small so even my chest would look big, wavy red and black checkered skirt, white stockings finished out with black mid length boots. I purposely took my time getting to my first class. I enjoyed the curious eyes unable pick between undressing me in their...

3 years ago
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Flashing women while driving on the interstate

This is a story about one of the most intense orgasms I have ever had from masturbating. So you can get a good mental picture of what I am about to tell you: I am male, 36, 200lbs., short brown hair and said to be very attractive. I have an athletic job, so I am in pretty good shape too. I like to masturbate. My dick is 7″ long and pretty thick, cut, and has a pretty big head. I know, not huge, but not small either. I came across these archives about six months ago and have masturbated to...

1 year ago
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Girls Just Want to Have FunChapter 17

After the girls leave him in the bed, Justin spends the next few hours sleeping. When he does finally manage to pull himself out of the bed, he takes a quick shower then slips out to the living room. He sees Lumi sitting there watching the television. So he takes a seat next to her on the couch. “What are you watching?” Lumi makes a face. “Some nature thing,” she says. “All I can say is I’m glad we’re civilized.” “You couldn’t go without the warm beds, hot showers or shopping malls?”...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 141

I figured that he might be ready to call a truce, but I was still going to go around tooled up and looking in the shadows. When I got the box to the room, I used a wash cloth from the bathroom to clean the blood from the box. Since it was junkie blood, I should have been a little concerned, but since I already had a mouthful of junkie blood, I didn't bother to wear gloves. I did use an antiseptic mouth rinse several times. I even drank some of it. Maybe it will kill something the stomach...

3 years ago
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SHORT STORIES Some Pervertacutes Fetishes With

Here are some stories of some habits of men that I had sex before.ANAL ONLY MANI used to have a relationship with this man that was only interested in fucking my ass. I met him because he used to give me a ride after an ongoing event that lasted around 6 months. He would always give me indirect compliments and talk sexual things to me. I think he was afraid to be more direct because I was much younger. One day after one of these events and he would take me home like always we finally kissed in...

3 years ago
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My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery

Introduction: Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman My Life As A Hermie Part 1 Discovery By Kim Fiction, Hermaphrodite, Virginity, Young, Written by a woman This is a work of fiction and the story idea came from: Triple Sex Ultimate by blueheatt For more information on this topic I suggest the book Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides . This is part one of Randis story. The other parts will be more understandable if read in sequence. My name is Randi and I am now 16 years...

2 years ago
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Gazebos and Vermouth Part 3

Thinking that Max was the bronze Max, my quest took a hit. I don’t really know what I was expecting, after all we were strangers. If it hadn’t have been for the olive we would have passed in the aisle. She slid a piece of writing paper over to me on the counter top and started talking to a newly arrived couple carrying overnight bags. I put the piece of paper in my pocket and went into the lobby entrance to the Beachside Lounge. Being a frequent watering oasis the bartender, Frank, fixed me my...

3 years ago
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Miss Hessen 2014 landet im Bordell der Yakuza

Der Anfang Hallo mein Name ist Katharina… und ich bin mit gerade 18 Jahren in einem Japanischen Bordell der Yakuza gelandet . Alles fing damit an das ich mich in etwas reingesteigert habe was ich mittlerweile bitterböse bereue. Ich war hübsch ja und viele sagte das ich sogar bildhübsch sei und so war es natürlich für mich Normal das meine sehr konservativen Eltern insbesondere mein Vater mit großen Argusaugen wie ein Schießhund über mich wachte, dass mir ja kein junger Mann auch zu nahe kam…...

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El PasoChapter 20

I was a very busy boy for the next week, starting the day after we formed our partnership. On Thursday we all, minus a gimpy and grumbling Pen Smythe, took a walking inspection of the hotel with Wilfredo. It was nearly perfect as it sat. The only major changes I saw as being needed were converting most of the second floor to our gaming room, library, private meeting rooms and dining rooms. The El Paso hotel was four stories tall. The first floor (ground floor) had the lobby, restaurant and a...

1 year ago
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The Futa Fairy Futa Fairies Naughty Game Chapter 4 Becca Kimmies Bondage Fun

Chapter Four: Becca & Kimmie's Bondage Fun By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Becca Brittany My heart hammered in fear while pleasure still buzzed from my body. My cock dripped with the last drops of cum, drenched in the pussy juices of Dryad. But that damned fey had melted into her tree after her tree grabbed my arms. She left me bound, vulnerable. And one of Summer's futas had found me. Kimmie, a youthful beauty with brown hair framing a round face, stood before me. Her youthful...

2 years ago
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Julie Returns Home

I awoke the next morning to the initial thought that it had been all a dream. However once I ran my hand over my body and found the massive melons on my chest and looked around the bedroom, I realized it had all been real. I was still a little sticky from my night with Klintuck, so I decided it was time for a shower. I could still feel some of his cum inside me oozing its way around but my Ocklick was helping to keep it from leaking out. I made my way to the bathroom as I wondered what it was...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The vista spread before him wasn't landscape! by Oediplex (writing as TrojanSnake) αυστηρή γραμματικοί δεν υποχρεούνται να εφαρμόζουν * {be sure to look for the 'bonus boner' at the end!} It was just a most beautiful day, on a late May morning, I really wanted to get out of the house. Marty suggested a picnic, we hadn't had one in several years, and it was the perfect thing to do. Marty got behind the wheel, and I thought he was going to the town park, which has a lovely...

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Tante Gertilsquos Beichte Teil 3

Teil 3Diesmal haben Tante Gerti und ich uns nicht in ihren Wohnzimmer verabredet sondern zu einem Spaziergang. Die Tante ist ja trotz ihres fortgeschrittenen Alters noch richtig gut auf den Beinen. Ziel ist ein kleines Ausflugsgasthaus das ein bis anderthalb Stunden weit entfernt ist.Paul: Na, wie war das jetzt mit deinem Schotten. Du kannst ja kein Englisch, wie habt ihr euch verständigt?Gerti: Als erster sind ja die Franzosen bei uns im Ort gewesen. Wir waren wohl eine der ganz wenigen...

3 years ago
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Cuckold Camping

This year we headed out early so we could get to our favorite camping spot which was about a 3-4 hour hike. It is right where a small lake and a stream come together where we can swim if it is warm and there is a good fishing spot right there also. This summer was warmer than usual and my wife was looking hot in her bikini top, tight shorts and hiking boots. We are in our mid-thirties with two kids and have been married almost 15 years. My wife has spent a lot of time the last couple of years...

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