DJ WifeChapter 2 free porn video

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She said it softly like she was mystified not angry, so I stopped and turned toward her. She was wearing one of her shorter skirts and a tight sweater top. At least she didn't have a bare midriff. Looking up I saw her hair was streaked. It was her natural brown interspersed with streaks of a very white blond color. She liked to do things like that with her hair when she was Passing.

I said, "I'm going home. It looks like you don't need me here."

She looked puzzled so I said, "Since you're living with your lover I... ," that was as far as I got when she interrupted me.

"I'm not living with John or anyone else. I told you I have my own place. And he's never been there. I never told him where I live."

"That is not what some of your fans think."

"I don't know how they got that idea. It might be because I stayed with him for a week after moving out. It took me that long to find a place of my own. I slept in a guest room not with him."

She said that last a little fast so I wasn't sure if I believed her or not.

Just then someone called her from the stage, using her DJ name. She ignored it until the person got louder.

She turned and looked at the stage but turned back to me, "I would like to see you on my birthday ... to spend the day with you."

I started to say that it was a workday but she continued. "Please, it's my birthday I want to spend it with you."

She was almost begging which is unusual for her.

Someone closer, maybe the same person who yelled earlier, said, "It's time; we need to get this started."

She turned and took two steps toward them but turned back and said, "Please, I want to be with you."

She sounded like she would start crying if I said no. That too was unusual. To my surprise my heart tore at the tone of her voice.

I said, "Okay, I'll met you at the Dancing Garbage for lunch, at 11:30. I'll buy and ... Afterwards I would like to see your place."

She smiled one of her most radiant smiles. Then let her self be led away back to the stage. I left thinking about how beautiful she looked when she smiled like that especially when she smiled that way for me.

I had chosen the Dancing Garbage for two reasons. It was her current favorite restaurant and I wanted her to enjoy herself. We had never been there together but I still knew it was her favorite at the moment. I also wanted to send a message. I wanted her to realize that I wasn't as unobservant as she thought I was. I did miss some things like a new hairstyle or a new sweater she had bought, sometimes, but I also saw more then she realized.

On the way out to my car my good feelings were deadened when a question came to mind. How many times had she been there with John? Some of the times might have been innocent, just a couple of friends going out to lunch but after that first time they had sex was there anything innocent about their relationship even during the periods they weren't having sex? I couldn't answer that question.

Not that evening or when I thought about in the next few days. On her birthday I arrived at the restaurant early. I had made reservations but it was early enough that it wouldn't have mattered.

While I waited for her I realized that maybe I should have met her at her place earlier. I wondered if John was giving her a nice birthday present in private. A few minutes later she came in, significantly early. She smiled when she saw me. Today she was wearing a more modest knee length skirt with a nice looking blue blouse. And her hair was all brown. I wondered if she had dyed her hair or if there was some way she cheated to make it different colors. I knew she had two wigs that she wore when she was Passing, but I had seen her with pink hair that went down the middle of head like a Mohawk and I had seen her with wide blue streaks on both sides of her head. Even though at times I've watched her get ready I still didn't know how she did those colors.

She looked nice in this outfit and to tell the truth she looked very nice in her outfit the other night. That was one reason I didn't like her dressing like that. I knew more than a couple of men would be aroused while looking at her.

She sat and we talked for a moment before ordering. She was nervous and being honest again; so was I. We had been married a number of years and had been on a lot of dates but it was almost like a first date.

After the waitress left she opened her purse and took out the box with her rings in it.

"You forgot these were in one of the pockets of the coat you gave me."

"I didn't forget, I placed them in the pocket on purpose. I thought about giving them back to you. That was before I decided not to stay."

"Because of what you overheard at the party?"

"Not directly because of what I overheard. Those conversations made me realize my emotions were more confused than I thought. As I left that night I was feeling so many emotions I didn't know what I wanted."

Joanne looked sad for a moment and I said, "We can talk about that later. Let's celebrate."

She looked at me for a long moment before her expression turned very serious.

A second later she said, "Thank you for the check to the Home. I saw it and it was very generous."

"I always thought it was a worthy cause even when I complained about how much money you gave sometimes."

"I know, but it was still generous. Thank you again."

I wasn't sure what to say so I just nodded.

I asked her what she was going to do now that she had quit. She explained that she wasn't sure. She would have to get a job but the only thing she had experience with was being a DJ. There had been two offers by other stations in town but she wasn't sure if she could deal with it. She would have to make a decision soon though.

We ate and talked some more, much of our conversation was just as if everything was fine between us and we were just out on a date. I supposed that lunch could have been considered a date but I didn't think of it that way.

Finally when she finished eating I asked, "Do you want desert here or after we get to your place?"

She looked startled but said, "I would love it at my place but are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure. This is your birthday and after we get to your place we can spend it naked if you want," I answered in a very low voice.

Her eyes went wide and smiling that wonderful smile of hers she said, "Yes, I would love that."

I stared at her smile lost in its beauty. She said something and I said, "What?"

"I said we need to go if you're done."

"I'm sorry; I was lost in your smile."

She looked pleased and shocked.

"You haven't said that to me in ages, way over a year," she said in a small voice.

I wasn't sure why she sounded ashamed when I should be ashamed if that was true.

I said, "I'm sorry in that case."

"Let's go and you can tell me how the rest of me looks."

I caught our waitress's attention and paid for the meal. Once outside the restaurant she gave me directions on how to get to her place. She lived in an apartment complex not far from the radio station where she had worked. The building was a nice place that was what I thought of as in the mid-range for apartments. Hers was small: one bedroom, with a bath and a kitchen and small living room. She had decorated it and it looked nice.

As we walked into the bedroom she said that the manager had given her a deal in one area but not in another. When he found out who she was he had said she would only have to give the first month's rent instead of first and last. She figured he liked the idea of being able to advertise that someone who was sort of famous was staying at his complex. However, once she talked to some of the other tenants she found out he had charged her a higher deposit than usual. She figured that was because he expected her to have some wild parties and there would be more chance of damage to the contents. She still paid less then usual so she was happy.

I had stopped and was looking around the bedroom. It was larger than I expected from the size of the living room. The bed was unmade which mildly surprised me. I looked at it for a moment and it wasn't until my wife spoke with an angry voice that I realized why.

"You won't find any stains on the bed and yo won't smell anything but me. Not any sex, I told you he has never been here and I haven't been to his place since I moved in here nor have we met any where else."

I looked at her puzzled for a moment as I recalled that I had been sniffing the air. That was when I realized that I had been looking for stains on the exposed sheets.

"I'm sorry," and I really was, "I guess I couldn't help myself."

She sighed and said, "I guess I'm going to have to live with things like that after what I did."

She sat on the bed and motioned to me to sit alongside her.

"Speaking of living with things before we go on with any thing else, I have another confession to make. I lied to you when I talked to you at my birthday bash."

She looked at the expression on my face and quickly said, "No, he has never been here. I told the truth about that. I've never told him where I live. I guess he could find it out at work if he really wanted, but I haven't told him and I wouldn't. And no I didn't go see him this morning. I haven't been to his place since I left it. What I need to say is that the first night I stayed at his place I slept with him, with all that implies. I don't know why I did it. The next day I woke up to find him gone. He was probably at work. I sat up, pulled my legs up, with my chin on my knees and thought about the night before. I wanted to hit myself for doing that and sleeping with him after what you said. The only reason I could come up with is that I was on autopilot after I drove away from our--your house. I remembered that I tried a couple of hotels but they were filled so I drove to his place for the night. The rest of the evening was a blur. I'm sure I didn't drink or anything because I didn't have any type of a hangover. I guess I just went along with what was expected of me. I'm sure we didn't make love but we did do something more than a quickie.

"As soon as I realized what a stupid thing I had done I got dressed and moved my bags to one of the guest rooms. From that point on I did sleep in there. And there was no more sex anywhere. I told you the truth about that I just left out the one day. When he came home and saw where my bags where he must have realized why I moved for he never asked me why or tried to talk me out of it. I think I heard him whisper something about the good times ending when he saw my bags but I wasn't sure.

A pause, then, "If you want to leave I will understand."

She looked like a puppy that knew it had done wrong and was expecting the worst in punishment. I thought for a moment, trying to get a reading on my feelings. A minute later I blew a gust of air through my nose. I was angry but the sadness on her face got to me. I had all but promised her that we would have desert and I needed some of that type of desert ... she was still my wife after all.

As I examined my emotions I found that I wasn't as upset as I thought I should be. Maybe because she confessed it when she didn't have to, maybe it seemed small compared to some other things she had done--well smaller anyway.

After blowing through my nose again I stood and paced back and forth three times. I stopped and looked at her. She was beautiful sitting there. All of a sudden I wanted her badly. Maybe it was all the tension from the last few weeks, maybe it was that deep down I still loved her and desired her, on top of that I hadn't had sex for over a month, I wasn't sure exactly how long. Whatever the reason, I felt like tearing her clothes off and throwing her on the bed as I tore off mine. She must have seen the desire on my face because for a second she looked nervous like she wasn't sure what I was going to do. I wasn't quite sure myself. I knew I wasn't going to rape her even if I felt like it, but beyond that I wasn't sure.

She stood and moved a step in my direction putting her arms out like she wanted to hug me. No matter what the look on my face this act said she trusted me.

Her reaching for me was all it took, I grabbed her and smashed my lips against hers. It was so hard I'm surprised I didn't bruise both of our lips. She was stiff for a second like she was still wasn't sure what to expect before she relaxed into the kiss. I broke the kiss and took a deep breath calming myself and getting myself under control again. I hardly ever lost control like that. There had been a couple of times during our marriage when I had; she sometimes had that affect on me., Usually, she didn't mind because she was as horny as I was.

I began nuzzling her neck. After a few seconds, I moved my lips up to her ear and whispered, "I'm not sure why I'm doing this except that you are so beautiful and sexy. You're so desirable I want to rip your clothes off." I took a couple of deep breaths because I almost lost control again.

She smiled and said, "I wouldn't mind right now, but I want to hear more of that ... I need to hear more of that."

I felt my ears burn in shame. I hadn't been carrying out my part of being a husband. I had let my hurt feelings interfere with the way I treated her for way too long. That didn't excuse her doing what she did but I had done wrong also.

I started to lick her ear and after a few seconds whispered, "I'm sorry. I held onto my anger and hurt too long. I should have been making love to you with my words."

"I shouldn't have done things to make you angry and to hurt you. I'm sorry."

The way she said it I thought she meant she was sorry for a whole lot more than what we were discussing.

I started to say something else but she said, "We need to talk about this but later. Right now, I want to hear how beautiful and sexy you think I am ... and I need to feel you inside me. As much as we need to talk about our relationship I want you on top of me and inside me more."

She took a shuddering breath and said, "God, I want your hard cock in my pussy so bad."

I don't know if she said it that way on purpose or not but I heard an emphasis on the word "your".

That's something I want to give you for your birthday." I said with a smile.

I started to lick her neck and her ear. As I did I moved my hands up the back of her blouse. I stopped though, for some reason I didn't understand, I almost always started with undoing her bra first. I remembered how she wanted some spontaneity. I dropped my hands to her waist instead. Slipping my hands down her waist I started kneading her butt cheeks. It took me a few seconds to realize that she was either not wearing panties or was wearing a thong. I moved my hands to her crack where I felt cloth.

She said, "I wore them for you, I thought about flashing you but I didn't get the chance."

"Your butt feels nice, but you don't need to wear them to turn me on. You can do that anytime wearing anything."

I think she whispered something that could have been, "Except when you're angry or when you are ashamed of me." But it was so low I wasn't sure.

I started nibbling on the top of her ear. She let out a sigh followed by a groan. It was one of her top erogenous zones; sometimes I had been able to able to convince her to have a quickie even when she was busy or a little angry by nibbling there. I realized that I hadn't done it in ages, as she liked to say. I let out a mental sigh. There were so many things both of us had let slip in our relationship.

Now she let out another sigh followed by a groan. I removed my hands from her butt and started undoing the buttons of her blouse. For a second I had a mental image of her wearing the outfit from her Birthday Bash with John removing the top she wore that night. In my image she wasn't wearing anything underneath it. I wasn't sure why I thought she hadn't been wearing a bra that night, except perhaps that sometimes, when dressed as Passing, she hadn't. In either case, I quickly quashed that image and continued undoing her blouse.

Once I had the blouse buttons undone I slipped it off her shoulders. I always liked undressing her and from what she said, she liked it when I did it. As I reached around her to undo her bra she smiled. It was a joyous smile mixed with desire. As quickly as I could I undid the bra, which was an almost sheer blue that went well with her blouse. As I pulled on it, she leaned forward to allow it to slip off her shoulders and down her arms.

As her breasts came into view I gasped. I stared at them just like I did the first time I saw them. They were still so wonderful to look at. I loved just looking at them.

She said, "Do you like them?"

It was a routine we sometimes carried out. She had asked me that the first time I saw them when I just stared and whenever I undressed her she would ask.

My response was always the same. I would either keep staring at them or look her in the eye, I wasn't sure what I had done the first time as I said, "I love them, they are so wonderful, so beautiful, desirable. I love them."

I recalled that I hadn't said that in way too long a period of time. So many things we hadn't done for so long. I sighed.

She said, "What's the matter?" "I was thinking it's been too long since I've said that. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to be that long." "I'm glad you feel that way but..."

I interrupted her with, "But you want my hard cock in your pussy and I very much want my hard cock in your wonderful, beautiful pussy." Her eyes widened for I didn't usually use those words. Neither did she, but she used them more than I did especially when she was Passing. She didn't use obscene language a lot when she was in her DJ persona but she didn't mind so much when they slipped out either.

I looked back down at her breasts. They were wonderful, they were what I thought of medium size with a certain sloping look that I've heard described on other women as a pear look but I wasn't sure if I agreed. The nipples were at the bottom of the slope. Most breasts I had seen in person or in pictures had the nipples in the center of a bowl shaped mound of flesh. But these were different and so arousing.

She said just like the first time, "You can touch them."

I looked into her eyes with an eager look on my face.

"Go ahead."

I reached up with both hands and gently squeezed them. I then caressed them getting the feel of them just like I did when I first saw them. It was another routine of ours that she loved. This time though, before I knew I was moving, I was sucking on one.

She threw her head back and groaned.

"I always love it when you do that ... ohhhhh uh more please."

As if I was planning to stop I thought. I played with her nipple with my tongue before gently nibbling on it. I alternated between the two for a quite a few seconds. Another stray thought popped unwanted into my head. I wondered if John was rougher with her breasts and if that was one thing that attracted her to him. I shook my head to clear that thought before sucking on the other nipple. I bit a little hard and she said "ahoo" definitely a pain noise not a pleasure groan. She liked very gentle chewing.

I licked around her aureole and alternated that with flicking her nipple hard with my tongue three to six times in a row.

I knew she was enjoying what I was doing even before she said, "I've missed that so much, oh, oh, oh."

I felt her bend her head down so she could watch me flick her nipple with my tongue. She watched me for some time before I reached around her and unzipped her skirt. I let it fall to the floor then, thinking about her thong I turned her around.

The sight that greeted me was so sexy I almost threw her on the bed and tore off my clothes. She leaned forward to make her butt stick out. I knelt down and started licking one of her cheeks, she groaned and wiggled her butt to tell me she liked it. I gave the whole cheek long sweeps with my tongue. I switched to the other one with the same results.

Finally I couldn't stand it so I moved the thong to one side and stuck my face into her crack. I licked the crack making my way down to her anus. When I reached it and started licked that cute brown puckered opening she groaned big time.

She said something that may have been "too long". I chewed on her anus and she bucked in pleasure. I stuck in the tips of two fingers and pulled her brown opening open. I licked inside; she moaned and bucked again.

This time I did hear her say, "It's been too long."

I licked more as she ground her butt into my face wanting more. I gave it to her. At one point a thought crossed my mind of something I had never done while licking her butt. I moved one hand between her legs and worked my fingers to her slit. She gasped and wiggled her lower body. I worked two fingers into her slit and started gently massaging one side of her pussy.

Her breathing got louder and she said "Ahhh, ohh, ohhhh, yes more please. Lick and use your fingers. Ohhhhh."

I did as she instructed.

Finally her back must have gotten tired for she said, "Let's move to the bed." I didn't say anything but I stopped what my mouth and fingers were doing and sat back.

She turned around and put her hands on her thong. "You want to take it off?"

I nodded and slipped my hands into the waistband, As I slowly slipped them down she said, "I bought them just for you."

I almost asked, "How many did you buy for him?" but stopped myself before I got more than "How" out of my mouth.

She made a noise that wasn't pleasure and I think she had an idea of what I stopped myself from saying.

I told myself that I had to stop doing that or it would ruin the day. If it had been just for her I may not have worried about that so much, even though I wanted her to have a good birthday, but this was for me too. I needed it.

I slipped the thong down enough for her to slip out of it. When she stood I stood also and grabbed her. I pivoted us and pushed her onto the bed. She landed and bounced once before I climbed on top of her. I kissed her hard again, chewing on her lips and forcing my tongue into her mouth. I say forced but she wasn't fighting me. I grabbed her tongue with my teeth and sucked on it. She fought back with her tongue before grabbing mine and sucking on it.

Finally we came up for air.

She said, "You're still dressed. I want to feel you and we can't fuck with you in clothes."

Actually we could because we had done it a couple of times but I stood and hurriedly undressed. She scooted to the edge of the bed and helped me. Finally with my pants and briefs around my feet she grabbed my hard cock and placed it in her mouth. She sucked and licked it making happy noises as she did.

I usually didn't like it when she did that because I still had to take off my shoes and my pants. Twice over the years she had pulled me on top of her with my pants still around my shoes. She had grabbed my cock and placed it in her slit. I had shrugged my shoulders and fucked her hard like she wanted. It was harder because I couldn't get my legs separated very much and my feet were weighed down but I managed it.

This time after sucking me, licking up and down my shaft while fondling my balls, she finally let me take off everything I still had on.

As I threw my pants in one corner I was more than ready to do what she wanted. She didn't surprise me when she said she wanted to be on top. She liked it when I sucked her breasts while she stroked up and down on my shaft. Usually she would rub her clitoris on my shaft first. She seemed to have more intense orgasms while she was straddling me. I don't know if that was because she could push me in deeper, or if it was her rubbing her clitoris like that or me sucking on her breasts or all three, but she enjoyed being on top.

I just nodded and laid down on the bed. She climbed up watching my shaft the whole time. She had the glint in her eye that said she was almost lost in lust. I say almost because she still managed to have some control. She usually sucked on my shaft for a few seconds before climbing on top. This time was no different; it was as if she couldn't get enough of the taste or the feel of it in her mouth. Sometimes I felt that way about her clitoris.

Finally she maneuvered herself on top and grabbing my shaft she guided it into her as she slipped down around it. I gasped from the pleasure. As she leaned forward I lifted my head and captured one of her nipples in my mouth. She moaned as I sucked and she bounced. I licked her nipple and sucked as her groans grew louder. I switched my mouth to her other breast after a few seconds.

She said. "That's it. I missed that. I missed you ... I love youOHHHHH." I stopped sucking for a moment as I wondered if she ever said that to John. She didn't seem to notice as I felt my expression turn hard. I felt myself get angry. I had to stop thinking like that.

To distract myself I started humping back into her and grabbing her butt just like she liked me to do. I pictured her slit in my mind to get me going again. Soon her head was back and she was panting with her mouth open. That was a sure sign she was close. I let her direct the speed of her bouncing so I wouldn't interrupt anything. I had evidently done that a couple of times when we were first married. I grabbed hold of her breasts and squeezed slightly because she liked that. She let out a moan followed by a long loud gasp. She increased her speed for a few seconds before relaxing. She went "ohh" again but this time it sounded like the same type of moan you let out when getting an itch scratched.

"That was good," she said as she looked down at me smiling.

She didn't stop her bouncing though trying to get me to come.

I said, "Get off," as I slapped bare butt.


"I want to be on top, I want to feel your body against mine."

She bounced a couple of more times and said, "Are you sure?" in a playful voice.

We had done this before and sometimes she wanted to see if she could get me to stay under her long enough to have an orgasm. At times she succeeded.

"Yes, I am."

She got off and lay next to me. I moved around on my knees, in between her legs. I looked her over. After a moment she looked at me as if asking me a question.

"I was admiring the scenery."

She smiled that bright smile of hers and put her arms out inviting me to lie down. I did. My shaft slipped into her without having to be guided, she gasped as I did. I lay there for a moment before starting my thrusts in and out. It didn't take long for the buildup to start and I slowed as I neared my release.

I enjoyed the feeling of my shaft slipping in and out of her wet slit. I had missed that feeling and not just for the sex. I missed her underneath me - feeling her breasts against my chest and watching her enjoy what I was doing. I liked it when she got as much out of this as I did. Many times I made sure she got more out of it than I did. I liked giving her the same pleasure I was feeling. Now was no different even though my need was more than usual.

I'm not sure how long it took but I finally felt my orgasm building to the point of no return. I put my arms around her to feel more of her body and slowed a bit so I could enjoy the experience longer.

Finally I let out a grunt scream that she smiled at as I started pounding into her harder. It felt so good to finally release inside her. I grunted as I shot my load but grunted louder as the feeling intensified for a second. I managed to look at her and her smile grew as I finished my grunts.

Sometimes I didn't like the noises I made during my orgasms. They sounded too much like a caveman. The screams were okay, but the grunts were too undignified. But I couldn't help it so I usually lived with them.

We rested for a moment with her hugging me before I slipped off. She loved to snuggle afterwards, which I usually didn't mind. This time it was only a minute or so before I started caressing her breasts. I slipped my hand down her stomach and through her pubic hair. I ran my hand over her clitoris feeling it with the skin of my hand before slipping the tip of one finger through and down her slit. I moved my hand back up to her breasts.

"Ummm, that feels good but what were you thinking of a few minutes ago?"

"Uh? I would have been thinking of you and how good you feel."

"I mean when you almost lost your hard-on. That isn't very nice to go soft while I'm fucking you."

"Oh" I had forgotten that. "Um, I was thinking of other things. I'm sorry." I turned my head when I said other things, for I almost said someone else.

She must have realized it for her voice turned serious and sad, "I have never told John that I love him even ... even while doing that. And I have never told him I missed him. Well, once I told him I missed the sex, that was at the start of the second affair but I never said I missed him ... I do miss you."

Many responses went through my mind, but I decided this wasn't the time. We could talk more about it later, and we would talk more about it.

Same as DJ Wife
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ARE WE THE ONES WITH DEMENTIA? ARE WE THE ONES WHO ARE AGING? ONE Recently, I went to McDonald's and I saw on the menu that you could have an order of 6, 9 or 12 Chicken McNuggets. I asked for a half dozen nuggets. 'We don't have half dozen nuggets, ' said the teenager at the counter. 'You don't?' I replied. 'We only have six, nine, or twelve, ' was the reply. 'So I can't order a half dozen nuggets, but I can order six?' 'That's right.' So I shook my head and ordered...

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Jakes Journal The Philippines with GandaChapter 2

I arrange to meet Drama at NAIA terminal #3. It is the place from which Cebu Pacific Airlines flies. If you haven't heard of that airline, then you simply haven't spent any time in the Philippines. It is something of an overgrown commuter airline. It is not possible to book one of their flights through Orbitz or Expedia. No US carrier has a code sharing agreement with Cebu Pacific. At this time, their website cannot process US credit cards. (Credit card problems were fixed in later...

4 years ago
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The Dark Night 8211 Part I

It was a very tiring week I said to myself. I went to a liquor outlet and got myself a bottle of Jack Daniels. Walking in a busy road all by myself, worst part is that I do not have a company to enjoy a good drink. Entering my room I could see a lot of takeaway cups cigarette buds couple of chopsticks, and magazines. Dropped my bag in a corner and entering my balcony to have a smoke I could see the traffic build up with lot of vehicles honking their way out of it. It was a busy street with lot...

1 year ago
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Paulas Baby

"She's ready now," said Sarah, her chin wet with Paula's cum as she eased back from between her spread legs. I gazed at her shaved pussy, glistening with her sticky juices, and stepped one pace over to the edge of the bed. Putting one hand on her thigh, I knelt between her legs, and slowly, slowly, rubbed my hard cock against her clitoris. Paula moaned, still sensitive from Sarah's tongue. I looked her in the eyes, seeing her need, and gently eased the head of my cock lower, an inch inside...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Sexventures Of Krish 8211 First Ever Blowjob

Hi fappers, I am Krish and this is my very first story writing experience. So please excuse me if there are any mistakes. This story is a combination of a little bit of my own experience and more and more of my imagination. Warning! It’s sensual and quite a long one as this part includes an introduction as well. So, please don’t expect to fap at the beginning itself. Okay, let’s move on to the story. I am 26 years old and my native is Chennai. I am from a conservative family where my parents...

3 years ago
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MilkChapter 2

Vanessa My eyelids fluttered as I awoke. I was confused by my surroundings. I just lay there thinking about what had transpired the night before. One thing I noticed right away was my arthritis was gone. No painful joints which greeted me every morning for the past thirty years. My eyes surveyed the room. Expensive Early American furniture was neatly placed all over. My bed had four large posters. My hand fell to my side and I noticed I was laying on sensuous satin sheets. I also had on a...

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Somali Pirates and Their Prey Chapter Three

Chapter Three “ Diamonds” Lord Vattendaul with his money belt strapped tightly around his waist is in a hurry to meet with these shady diamond traders! He has enlisted one of the crew's help as the yachts small power launch with him aboard heads for the small port of Mogadishu and this clandestine meeting! Once there he is blindfolded and and stuffed into the back of a Land Rover, then whisked away to this unknown appointed place. He is almost insane with lust to be the owner of these...

2 years ago
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Friend Ki Chudai

Hi friends, mera naam ankit indore se hu.mene bahut sari story padi is site par. Unme se muze kuch zhuti lagi to kuch sahi bhi lagi.par meri story ko pad kar ap hi bataiyega ki apko sahi lagti he ya jhuti ye baat kuch mahino pehle ki hi he. Meri ek bachpan ki dost he ritu. Ham bachpan se school me sath sath pade the. Sach bolu to ham dono dikhne me thik hi he. Matlab average na jada ache aur na hi jada gnade. Par ritu bahut hi soft thi. Who thodi si moti thi to uski body bhi thodi soft...

2 years ago
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Transported Back In Time

Transported Back In TimeBy Wonder_Dad - Story #13(A woman that has now Un-Friended me casually said that something I wrote to her in chat had 'Transported' her back to her past. I cannot specify the age however; this was to be a rendition of her 'Transportation'. )The noise of the fan overhead creaking assaulted her ears. Her clothing was in disarray. The white blouse shirttails hung unevenly beneath her jacket. The blue pleated schoolgirl skirt hemline was high on one side. Her bust stretched...

2 years ago
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Halloween Pool Party Part 7

Halloween Pool Party, Part 7 by Brenda I was allowed to sleep in late the next morning. Probably so there was time to get the medical room set up for the days events. When Annie cam in to get me up it was past noon. I was allowed a couple sips of water but that was all. My nipples and crotch were sore and that was to be expected. I couldn't see my sissy clit pulled back snugly and permanently between my legs. Annie helped me into the shower and stripped and climbed in with me. After...

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Revenge Is a Dish Best Served ColdChapter 3 The Confrontation

Ryan slowly awoke from his dreamless sleep. He knew where he was, but something was wrong. He was lying on his back on their bed, the rustic four-post bed that had belonged to his grandfather. He was turned sideways in the middle of the bed. His arms were secured to the right side posts. He had a leather strap secured to each wrist, and around each post was a similar strap just high enough that he could see it. There was a chain that ran between the two straps. He tried to move his arms;...

1 year ago
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A Mothers Confession 2

100% fiction! After a second or two he regained his composure and began to fuck me. He said, "Oh Mom, you're my first girl." Looking back I am not sure if that meant he was a virgin or if he was saying he had gay experiences before yesterday. Again, I probably don't want to know. After all, I'm not a pervert or anything. I rode his cock for a full 40 minutes and had 3 orgasms. I know he's my son and all, but it's hard not to cum when you are being fucked for 40 minutes. And unlike my husband,...

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Finally Sex With Cousin8217s Wife

Hey, guys, I’m back with another story for you guys, it’s been a long time since I wrote my last story so I will try to make this more interesting and hot for you guys. So this time I would like to tell you about this year’s summer vacations when I visited my cousin brother in haldwani(it’s a little town in uttrakhand) and how I ended up having sex with my bhabhi. But before that, I would like you a little about myself and my bhabhi. Well I am a 20 yr old guy with a heavy body but a big cock at...

4 years ago
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Shaqueena was one of the prettiest girls that I had sex with. We went to Junior High school together a long time ago and reunited in college. We were already very familiar with each other sexually be it that she gave me large boners back in the day. Even now Shaqueena still gives me a big hard erection, recalling how much she liked to wrestle and play rough. It was like foreplay for Shaqueena, and she would definitely feel how hard she made it when I pressed up against her body in various...

2 years ago
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A Night With Ms Davis

Tommy walked to Kevin’s house. Trekked the six miles with a beanie over his messy black hair, a backpack on his shoulders. It was two hours to midnight, cold enough that his breath made a cloud on every exhale, but he didn’t care. Fuck if he was staying at his house. Not after he watched his dad ‘sneak’ a bottle into the back bedroom. Left before the bastard could come back out.After jogging up the steps of a modest home, Tommy rang the bell. Kevin’s mom answered the door.Ms. Davis was still in...

4 years ago
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Body SwapChapter 12

After my talk with John Anderson, Katy and I had a long talk and we decided that we would join the local swim team as well as the one at our school. Fortunately both were run by the same coach. This meant we were training every morning of the week and two or three evenings as well. When we took in our homework and some of our house duties this did not leave us much free time. Shortly after we started training Isa arranged for Katy to see the Doctor and go on birth Control. This meant that...

1 year ago
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A Visit to the North Part 6

A Visit to the North - Part 6 by MadQuill This is a mystery story of Annabelle's life and the changes she encounters. The characters are all fictional. Please read the earlier parts and leave your comments. Mistress Donna had a splendid home with a view over the western city. There was light snow falling and someone had prepared a large fire. "Douglas please help our lovers feel comfortable near the fire, and ask for some drinks to be served." He moved about sliding a chair...

1 year ago
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Black Alley Part 2 v1

It was Friday night at one of the most exclusive restaurants in town. Kathy knew her husband Paul must have paid a pretty penny to acquire such a good table. All around, waiters hurried in and out of the kitchen carrying expensive plates of artistically cooked dishes for their high-end clientele. More notable, finely dressed men and women were arriving at the door, having their coats taken and being shown through to the bar area. Normally Kathy would have felt right at home but she was far from...

3 years ago
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Female Doctor

[/image]Just before heading off to college, I had a painful injury playing lacrosse. I ended up needing stitches on my scrotum and penis. It could have been much worse.After I started school in a new state, I had to find a doctor. I delayed doing it but eventually had to. Student Services recommended an office close to campus. The office was nice and used to having college students as patients.I needed to see a doctor soon to pass a physical. The physicians were booked. There was no one to see...

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She'd been drinking. That in itself was not unusual. Since she and her husband had started having their problems, she drank more each day. First, it was a couple of beers a night. Later it became a couple of beers and some champagne each evening to deaden that empty feeling. Now, it was a shot of bourbon and four or five beers. But still that empty feeling remained. The marriage was empty. He had not been intimate with her in a long time. She couldn't remember the last time they had made...

3 years ago
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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 31 Out of mind

7th April, 2009. Chez Butcher; Henley-on-Thames, Berkshire. "Well, I'm glad we've sorted out the misunderstanding," Baz Butcher said. "I couldn't understand why you turned down the invite to my wedding; we've been mates since primary school, and I considered your mum as an aunt, and a damn sight better looking one than my Aunty Flo." He drained his tumbler of whisky. "But why would your missus not only refuse the invitation but not tell you me and Sadie were getting married?" "Pure...

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When Words Dont Matter

Philosopher: Goodday class. Welcome to Philosophy 410, Introduction to Shyster. I’m your instructor, Dr. Shyster. Realist: He’s teaching a class in his own philosophy? How innovative. I bet his book is required for the class. Philosopher: We will begin by passing out the syllabus. As you can see, we have seven books required for the class. ‘The Word that is Spoken’ by Shyster. . . Realist: I knew it. Philosopher: ‘The Word that is Not’ by Shyster. . . Realist: How wonderful. . . ...

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Melissas Interview

Man, what did I need to do to get a job? I must have sent out about a hundred applications. Yet no one was hiring. I mean, I just sent five more over the internet. I didn't think it would have been this bad after I graduated college. My degree was in art, but no one's hiring art teachers or anything like that. Hang on a second, I have to get the phone. "Hello?" "Hi, I'm looking for Melissa Newman", said the woman's voice. "This is Melissa." "Hi, Melissa. I'm Elizabeth Peachey...

1 year ago
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First time shared with boyfriends friend

So about just over 2 & a half years ago, one of my Fantasys came true when my boyfriend let me be shared with his close friend, I had been wanting to do this for so long before it happened but I gave birth & had to recover etc. Anyway the plan was to invite him over chill etc with him, then later get on to the subject of talking about sex (we knew he was thirsty and hadn’t had it for 6months and only slept with 3girls as he was in a relationship for quite some time).. ..So the night is...

4 years ago
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Nie wszystkie przygody nadaj si do ballad

-Ariane weź przestań męczyć tego chłopaka. Jeszcze nam tu wybuchnie z tymi policzkami. - Najemniczka zganiła przyjaciółkę. Elfka odwrórciła wzrok od przystojnego młodzieńca, ewidentnie go prowokując pogłębianym dekoltem i niedwuznaczynymi uśmiechami. Chłopak był już na dobrej drodze by zemdleć, taki był czerwony na twarzy. -Daj mi spokój. Krzywdy mu przecież nie robię, a ile w tym zabawy. - Na potwierdzenie swoich słów, magini zatrząsła biustem. Jej obserwator zaczął się ślinić nie świadomie z...

4 years ago
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Sex Lies and Videotape pt2

Over the next couple of months I used my digi-cam to spy on my wife whenever I worked away from home. I was lucky several times, if I overhear her making arrangements, with her lover, I set the recorder accordingly. On these occasions, I filmed Linzi and her lover, Barry, fucking and sucking for hours on end. Their behaviour became predictable, on most visits. Linzi would answer the door, dressed in sexy underwear. Within seconds of entering the living room she would have his cock...

2 years ago
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Tortured Ecstacy

She never really knew when it would happen, nor did she know why it was happening. It confused her as nothing else ever has, and yet she enjoyed it. Her pleasure was one of two certainties in this bewildering occurrence; the other being Jordan. It was never anyone else. Just Jordan. As she was cleaning off the baby after his lunch, a baby she loved as much as life itself (partially because he was part of Jordan), she was thinking of everything in a jumble of thoughts that seemed to control the...

3 years ago
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Fantasies of the Unsure

Will stopped abruptly just inside the door and scanned the room. Tim almost ran right into him. "What did you stop for?" Will could hardly answer. Here were all the people he worked with day in and day out and yet he could recognize only a few faces. He probably would have stood there longer if Tim hadn't pushed him further into the room. "You're holding up traffic, bud." Tim was slightly amused by his friend's rapt expression. Will had only been working at Alliance Computers, Inc. for...

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Wife Touches Buddy 6

My wife was an average player, but looked hot playing. That night she was wearing tight white pants. I could not see any panty lines so she was either wearing a G-string or no panties at all. Her top was tight too and low cut revealing her cleavage. I liked how she would wiggle her ass as she leaned over to take her shot. She wiggled her ass every time almost as if she was showing it off. She came over to the side of the table where I was standing to take her next shot. I stood there with her...

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MILF Machine Lite

MILF Machine Lite Br Dr. Beaubourg Boredom can be a terrible thing, especially for a young adult. Impressionable youngsters can often be led astray by their own boredom, getting into trouble just to pass the time. This is the case of Dan Nguyen and Michael Lane. Two otherwise ordinary high school freshmen who, in their boredom, would stumble upon a life-changing discovery, for better or for worse. Dan Nguyen was the new kid in town. Having moved in from out of state, Dan was just...

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How I Fucked Friend8217s Wife

Dear ISS members.Thanks to everyone for the response to my previous story. I have many sexual experiences happened coincidentally and now with your encouragement am going to share my next experience how I had unexpected sex with my friends -friends wife.Coming to the story it happened 5 months back. I am an entrepreneur and have a friend by name Rakesh who is also an entrepreneur got success at early age , he was in love with a girl of his far relative who is very rich in Tamilnadu and because...

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Wife Made Me GayMaker

The fantasy had been going on for so long. We’d shared all of my fantasies and she knew how much they turned me on. We’d signed up for a couple of matchmaking internet sites and gotten a few replies, but never had acted on them. Last week, we’d gotten a reply from a man that wanted to make me his slave. We’d read it and she made me reply to him. I wasn’t sure that I could go through with any of it, but she made me tell him about my fantasies and then she sent him some of the stories I’d...

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Slow DanceChapter 6

Nikki looked up into her son’s eyes as she slid her hand down to his crotch and cupped her hand over his bulge, which caused him to groan in pleasure. Groan turned to moan when she rubbed gently back and forth. “You’re right, David. That does feel really hard. My, oh my.” They kissed more passionately as Nikki one-handed his belt buckle, the clasp of his pants, then his zipper. “Mom, one handed? You have skills. You’ve done this before, I think.” “Yes. I’m a slut, whore, pervert,...

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When Red Is Golden

Yeah, I have to admit that I grew up being pretty naïve about girls — and women, in general — when it comes to talking with them, being around them, kissing, or — heaven forbid — having sex with one. I had only one sibling, an older sister, but she was four years older than me and we lived in different worlds, for all practical purposes. She struggled with schoolwork; I breezed through mine. She had lots of friends; I had very few. She was close to my parents; I tried to stay out of their way....

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Kathys Twin Sister

If you want to hear more just tell me, I have notebooks full of them. Katherine was an exceptionally good basketball player. She was 16 and a sophomore in high school. She made Varsity Co-Captain and landed on the first string after only the try-outs this year. Not only was she a great athlete, her academic performance was stellar. On top of it all, she was an exceptionally beautiful girl. She was about 56, had long jet black hair, bright green eyes, soft and smooth light skin, about full firm...

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Punk Beauty

Hey! Whoever’s reading this, I’m Jeff, and this my story. Well, actually it’s not my whole story, that could take a while. Let’s just say this is a really interesting chapter from my story. If you want the rest of it, you’ll have to wait for someone to write a biography about me someday when I’m rich and famous… like that’ll ever happen right? Anyways, I was 16 when this happened. I was at the mall with a few of my friends, namely Mike, Michaela and Katie. It was around 5:30, and we were...

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I was awakened early the following morning by the licking of my ear and the gentle stroking of my cock. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was my smiling Rosie. She leaned down to kiss me, morning breath and all, then slid into position on top of me. “Remember what I told you last night about morning, noon, and night?” I could only grin as she moved over me, rubbed my cock into her slit, and slid slowly down my pole. “I loved everything last night; it was just incredible and my...

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Mondos Clan part 2

15 I awoke to stillness, something seemed wrong, I reached around to grasp one of the cats... they were gone. I got up looked out side but everything looked to be alright Socar walked by and I asked if he had seen the Cats. He answered, “about 2 hours ago Sondi went into the cave and a few minutes later Bruno and Runt followed her. This did not alarm me the cats often hunted alone. I sat down and thought about the past two years since the clans had merged things had prospered and...

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Ever since I was little I've loved looking at men's penises. From myearliest recollection of bathing with my father I remember being captivatedby his willy. I would find excuses to go into the bathroom with him whenhe needed to pee so that I could watch. When I got tall enough to stand atthe toilet and pee I did so alongside him whenever I could, just so that Icould see his willy. I was equally fascinated by him peeing, so much peecame out of him and in such a torrent, I was awestruck. I...

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At the Adult Store

The other day i was at the porn shop looking for some fun toys that me and my husband would enjoy together. I went to the dildo section were of course all of the dildos are huge. Instantly i noticed i was getting warm. It must of been all these hard rock cocks in front of me. My husband is average size but sometimes a gal needs a little bit more in her life. I started to pick this one that was battery operated and had beads on it. It seemed a little too big for my pussy.When i turned around to...

1 year ago
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Establishing the friendwithbenefits boundaries

Part 2 of the seriesLayla and I had a wonderful romp in her new apartment off campus. I actually stayed the night with her, and then headed home to go to work. Classes… Part 2 of the seriesLayla and I had a wonderful romp in her new apartment off campus. I actually stayed the night with her, and then headed home to go to work. Classes began the next week. I didn't want to become obsessive and pester her nonstop. We ran into each other on campus on Thursday and agreed to get together the...

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Beginners night

Emily woke up, as coming out of a weird dream and opened her eyes slowly. Her mind was confused, and she couldn't remember where she was. Trying to clear her head, she looked around and then noticed a big, tanned hand over her left breast, cradling it, completely. Her eyes travelled down and discovered a brawny thigh, crossed over her own. She was cuddled up against a man, a very big, muscular man; her buttocks were pressed against his obvious, morning erection, her head using his broad chest...

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From Dildo to Cock Pt2

This is part 2 of my story. You can find the first part on my channelAfter a few days of searching and eavesdropping I finally learned the name of the guy who caught and fucked me, his name was Lucas and he seemed to work for the sales department. We crossed each other in the hallways a bunch of times for about a week, he smirked every time but I could barely look at him…I was still thinking about what happened every single day, so much that I couldn't sleep, I was still seeing his big cock...

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Maria is initiated Part 2

I didn’t say anything for a while then I apprehensively asked her again if she was still going to go ahead and invite a couple of friends over, I was hoping she would, I wanted to see her fucked again, she let out a sigh and asked didn’t I want her to now. I said no, I did want her to, she said good because her mind was made up, as soon as we got home she was going to ring two of our friends, my cock went hard thinking of it. True to her word as soon as we got home she was on the phone ,I...

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A Brothers Lust

Dan could hear the commotion in the kitchen already, his dad must be home. He had to admit he was a bit resentful. Everyone had seemed so overly excited for his sister's return from college for the summer...his, not so much. He got it, this was her first year in college...he didn't remember anyone being this excited for his first year either. It wasn't as if she hadn't been home for Christmas break. He was the one who'd gone on a ski trip with friends. They should be this excited to...

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With My Hot Sister Part 5

I am Sanjay 26 yrs back with another part. After I had been to Hyderabad, I was longing for my Bindu’s body more and more. We used to chat once i finish with my training time. I was staying with madan who was from salem. I have shown Bindu’s Photo to madan and introduced her as my Girlfriend. Madan had a great respect over her as she was my Girlfriend. Our chatting went on for four days. Fifth day madan was out for shopping, I forget to close the door. I called my darling sister Bindu over...

3 years ago
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By the Lake and in the Van

It was his turn to receive so after moving to his back, I went to my knees. It didn’t take much to find his dick that night as the stars shown on his skin. I still think he has the most beautiful dick I’ve ever seen. I slid my hand over his smooth hard shaft and lowered my head till my lips touched his head. I parted my lips slowly building up till they were completely open and my mouth enveloped him. I felt him hard in my mouth and my hand as the wetness of my mouth coated him and I could...

3 years ago
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The Girl in the Mirror

As I put the tea water on for my first morning cup I asked him "Frankie do you have to be gone so long" I said to him as he frowns then kisses me then says "Hey baby that’s how the bills get paid". I with a sad look on my face understand as he kisses me one last time and walks out the door to his limo waiting in front on the house. I watch as he pulls away when the phone rings. I wave once more as I walk over to the other side of the room to answer it. I pick up the call and...

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A Lie That Caused Change

Ella checked her watch. It was nine-thirty which meant that Lucy was home thirty minutes after her curfew. “Come in here straight-away, young lady,” Ella demanded as she had to impose the punishment that their chummy mummy had specifically told both girls would happen even when she was away, as she was now.Ella and Lucy were both eighteen-years-old and were school friend’s and were in a three-way relationship together with Sandra, their chummy mummy, who was thirty-two-years-old. They were both...

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My First Cum Craving Weekend

My First Cum Craving Weekend Once I started sucking guys off and getting fucked I was very basic and careful. Pretty soon after I realized I was a fetishist, and one of those fetishes was cum. I never knew why I hadnt swallowed yet or only had one facial. I had always loved girls in porn getting covered with cum and swallowing huge loads. So I decided I would swallow some cum. I was about 22 at this point, and one weekend I got really horny for cum. Little did I know how much I would end up...

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Anupama Pulls An Indian Train

After her victory in a seven-hour marathon indian sex fight Anupama was almost beside herself as we entered the jewellery shop. Another victory another piece of jewellery. It took her almost 3 hours to decide on the gold ankle chain and waist chain, and her final decision showed her taste. Not thin elegant or refined, but vulgar ostentatious, and as thick as a man bracelet. Early last summer I had noticed a group of Indian students who arrived, no matter the weather, to play cricket (that...

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