BrownBunnies Demi Sutra Fucking the Construction Worker
- 2 years ago
- 14
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She said it softly like she was mystified not angry, so I stopped and turned toward her. She was wearing one of her shorter skirts and a tight sweater top. At least she didn't have a bare midriff. Looking up I saw her hair was streaked. It was her natural brown interspersed with streaks of a very white blond color. She liked to do things like that with her hair when she was Passing.
I said, "I'm going home. It looks like you don't need me here."
She looked puzzled so I said, "Since you're living with your lover I... ," that was as far as I got when she interrupted me.
"I'm not living with John or anyone else. I told you I have my own place. And he's never been there. I never told him where I live."
"That is not what some of your fans think."
"I don't know how they got that idea. It might be because I stayed with him for a week after moving out. It took me that long to find a place of my own. I slept in a guest room not with him."
She said that last a little fast so I wasn't sure if I believed her or not.
Just then someone called her from the stage, using her DJ name. She ignored it until the person got louder.
She turned and looked at the stage but turned back to me, "I would like to see you on my birthday ... to spend the day with you."
I started to say that it was a workday but she continued. "Please, it's my birthday I want to spend it with you."
She was almost begging which is unusual for her.
Someone closer, maybe the same person who yelled earlier, said, "It's time; we need to get this started."
She turned and took two steps toward them but turned back and said, "Please, I want to be with you."
She sounded like she would start crying if I said no. That too was unusual. To my surprise my heart tore at the tone of her voice.
I said, "Okay, I'll met you at the Dancing Garbage for lunch, at 11:30. I'll buy and ... Afterwards I would like to see your place."
She smiled one of her most radiant smiles. Then let her self be led away back to the stage. I left thinking about how beautiful she looked when she smiled like that especially when she smiled that way for me.
I had chosen the Dancing Garbage for two reasons. It was her current favorite restaurant and I wanted her to enjoy herself. We had never been there together but I still knew it was her favorite at the moment. I also wanted to send a message. I wanted her to realize that I wasn't as unobservant as she thought I was. I did miss some things like a new hairstyle or a new sweater she had bought, sometimes, but I also saw more then she realized.
On the way out to my car my good feelings were deadened when a question came to mind. How many times had she been there with John? Some of the times might have been innocent, just a couple of friends going out to lunch but after that first time they had sex was there anything innocent about their relationship even during the periods they weren't having sex? I couldn't answer that question.
Not that evening or when I thought about in the next few days. On her birthday I arrived at the restaurant early. I had made reservations but it was early enough that it wouldn't have mattered.
While I waited for her I realized that maybe I should have met her at her place earlier. I wondered if John was giving her a nice birthday present in private. A few minutes later she came in, significantly early. She smiled when she saw me. Today she was wearing a more modest knee length skirt with a nice looking blue blouse. And her hair was all brown. I wondered if she had dyed her hair or if there was some way she cheated to make it different colors. I knew she had two wigs that she wore when she was Passing, but I had seen her with pink hair that went down the middle of head like a Mohawk and I had seen her with wide blue streaks on both sides of her head. Even though at times I've watched her get ready I still didn't know how she did those colors.
She looked nice in this outfit and to tell the truth she looked very nice in her outfit the other night. That was one reason I didn't like her dressing like that. I knew more than a couple of men would be aroused while looking at her.
She sat and we talked for a moment before ordering. She was nervous and being honest again; so was I. We had been married a number of years and had been on a lot of dates but it was almost like a first date.
After the waitress left she opened her purse and took out the box with her rings in it.
"You forgot these were in one of the pockets of the coat you gave me."
"I didn't forget, I placed them in the pocket on purpose. I thought about giving them back to you. That was before I decided not to stay."
"Because of what you overheard at the party?"
"Not directly because of what I overheard. Those conversations made me realize my emotions were more confused than I thought. As I left that night I was feeling so many emotions I didn't know what I wanted."
Joanne looked sad for a moment and I said, "We can talk about that later. Let's celebrate."
She looked at me for a long moment before her expression turned very serious.
A second later she said, "Thank you for the check to the Home. I saw it and it was very generous."
"I always thought it was a worthy cause even when I complained about how much money you gave sometimes."
"I know, but it was still generous. Thank you again."
I wasn't sure what to say so I just nodded.
I asked her what she was going to do now that she had quit. She explained that she wasn't sure. She would have to get a job but the only thing she had experience with was being a DJ. There had been two offers by other stations in town but she wasn't sure if she could deal with it. She would have to make a decision soon though.
We ate and talked some more, much of our conversation was just as if everything was fine between us and we were just out on a date. I supposed that lunch could have been considered a date but I didn't think of it that way.
Finally when she finished eating I asked, "Do you want desert here or after we get to your place?"
She looked startled but said, "I would love it at my place but are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. This is your birthday and after we get to your place we can spend it naked if you want," I answered in a very low voice.
Her eyes went wide and smiling that wonderful smile of hers she said, "Yes, I would love that."
I stared at her smile lost in its beauty. She said something and I said, "What?"
"I said we need to go if you're done."
"I'm sorry; I was lost in your smile."
She looked pleased and shocked.
"You haven't said that to me in ages, way over a year," she said in a small voice.
I wasn't sure why she sounded ashamed when I should be ashamed if that was true.
I said, "I'm sorry in that case."
"Let's go and you can tell me how the rest of me looks."
I caught our waitress's attention and paid for the meal. Once outside the restaurant she gave me directions on how to get to her place. She lived in an apartment complex not far from the radio station where she had worked. The building was a nice place that was what I thought of as in the mid-range for apartments. Hers was small: one bedroom, with a bath and a kitchen and small living room. She had decorated it and it looked nice.
As we walked into the bedroom she said that the manager had given her a deal in one area but not in another. When he found out who she was he had said she would only have to give the first month's rent instead of first and last. She figured he liked the idea of being able to advertise that someone who was sort of famous was staying at his complex. However, once she talked to some of the other tenants she found out he had charged her a higher deposit than usual. She figured that was because he expected her to have some wild parties and there would be more chance of damage to the contents. She still paid less then usual so she was happy.
I had stopped and was looking around the bedroom. It was larger than I expected from the size of the living room. The bed was unmade which mildly surprised me. I looked at it for a moment and it wasn't until my wife spoke with an angry voice that I realized why.
"You won't find any stains on the bed and yo won't smell anything but me. Not any sex, I told you he has never been here and I haven't been to his place since I moved in here nor have we met any where else."
I looked at her puzzled for a moment as I recalled that I had been sniffing the air. That was when I realized that I had been looking for stains on the exposed sheets.
"I'm sorry," and I really was, "I guess I couldn't help myself."
She sighed and said, "I guess I'm going to have to live with things like that after what I did."
She sat on the bed and motioned to me to sit alongside her.
"Speaking of living with things before we go on with any thing else, I have another confession to make. I lied to you when I talked to you at my birthday bash."
She looked at the expression on my face and quickly said, "No, he has never been here. I told the truth about that. I've never told him where I live. I guess he could find it out at work if he really wanted, but I haven't told him and I wouldn't. And no I didn't go see him this morning. I haven't been to his place since I left it. What I need to say is that the first night I stayed at his place I slept with him, with all that implies. I don't know why I did it. The next day I woke up to find him gone. He was probably at work. I sat up, pulled my legs up, with my chin on my knees and thought about the night before. I wanted to hit myself for doing that and sleeping with him after what you said. The only reason I could come up with is that I was on autopilot after I drove away from our--your house. I remembered that I tried a couple of hotels but they were filled so I drove to his place for the night. The rest of the evening was a blur. I'm sure I didn't drink or anything because I didn't have any type of a hangover. I guess I just went along with what was expected of me. I'm sure we didn't make love but we did do something more than a quickie.
"As soon as I realized what a stupid thing I had done I got dressed and moved my bags to one of the guest rooms. From that point on I did sleep in there. And there was no more sex anywhere. I told you the truth about that I just left out the one day. When he came home and saw where my bags where he must have realized why I moved for he never asked me why or tried to talk me out of it. I think I heard him whisper something about the good times ending when he saw my bags but I wasn't sure.
A pause, then, "If you want to leave I will understand."
She looked like a puppy that knew it had done wrong and was expecting the worst in punishment. I thought for a moment, trying to get a reading on my feelings. A minute later I blew a gust of air through my nose. I was angry but the sadness on her face got to me. I had all but promised her that we would have desert and I needed some of that type of desert ... she was still my wife after all.
As I examined my emotions I found that I wasn't as upset as I thought I should be. Maybe because she confessed it when she didn't have to, maybe it seemed small compared to some other things she had done--well smaller anyway.
After blowing through my nose again I stood and paced back and forth three times. I stopped and looked at her. She was beautiful sitting there. All of a sudden I wanted her badly. Maybe it was all the tension from the last few weeks, maybe it was that deep down I still loved her and desired her, on top of that I hadn't had sex for over a month, I wasn't sure exactly how long. Whatever the reason, I felt like tearing her clothes off and throwing her on the bed as I tore off mine. She must have seen the desire on my face because for a second she looked nervous like she wasn't sure what I was going to do. I wasn't quite sure myself. I knew I wasn't going to rape her even if I felt like it, but beyond that I wasn't sure.
She stood and moved a step in my direction putting her arms out like she wanted to hug me. No matter what the look on my face this act said she trusted me.
Her reaching for me was all it took, I grabbed her and smashed my lips against hers. It was so hard I'm surprised I didn't bruise both of our lips. She was stiff for a second like she was still wasn't sure what to expect before she relaxed into the kiss. I broke the kiss and took a deep breath calming myself and getting myself under control again. I hardly ever lost control like that. There had been a couple of times during our marriage when I had; she sometimes had that affect on me., Usually, she didn't mind because she was as horny as I was.
I began nuzzling her neck. After a few seconds, I moved my lips up to her ear and whispered, "I'm not sure why I'm doing this except that you are so beautiful and sexy. You're so desirable I want to rip your clothes off." I took a couple of deep breaths because I almost lost control again.
She smiled and said, "I wouldn't mind right now, but I want to hear more of that ... I need to hear more of that."
I felt my ears burn in shame. I hadn't been carrying out my part of being a husband. I had let my hurt feelings interfere with the way I treated her for way too long. That didn't excuse her doing what she did but I had done wrong also.
I started to lick her ear and after a few seconds whispered, "I'm sorry. I held onto my anger and hurt too long. I should have been making love to you with my words."
"I shouldn't have done things to make you angry and to hurt you. I'm sorry."
The way she said it I thought she meant she was sorry for a whole lot more than what we were discussing.
I started to say something else but she said, "We need to talk about this but later. Right now, I want to hear how beautiful and sexy you think I am ... and I need to feel you inside me. As much as we need to talk about our relationship I want you on top of me and inside me more."
She took a shuddering breath and said, "God, I want your hard cock in my pussy so bad."
I don't know if she said it that way on purpose or not but I heard an emphasis on the word "your".
That's something I want to give you for your birthday." I said with a smile.
I started to lick her neck and her ear. As I did I moved my hands up the back of her blouse. I stopped though, for some reason I didn't understand, I almost always started with undoing her bra first. I remembered how she wanted some spontaneity. I dropped my hands to her waist instead. Slipping my hands down her waist I started kneading her butt cheeks. It took me a few seconds to realize that she was either not wearing panties or was wearing a thong. I moved my hands to her crack where I felt cloth.
She said, "I wore them for you, I thought about flashing you but I didn't get the chance."
"Your butt feels nice, but you don't need to wear them to turn me on. You can do that anytime wearing anything."
I think she whispered something that could have been, "Except when you're angry or when you are ashamed of me." But it was so low I wasn't sure.
I started nibbling on the top of her ear. She let out a sigh followed by a groan. It was one of her top erogenous zones; sometimes I had been able to able to convince her to have a quickie even when she was busy or a little angry by nibbling there. I realized that I hadn't done it in ages, as she liked to say. I let out a mental sigh. There were so many things both of us had let slip in our relationship.
Now she let out another sigh followed by a groan. I removed my hands from her butt and started undoing the buttons of her blouse. For a second I had a mental image of her wearing the outfit from her Birthday Bash with John removing the top she wore that night. In my image she wasn't wearing anything underneath it. I wasn't sure why I thought she hadn't been wearing a bra that night, except perhaps that sometimes, when dressed as Passing, she hadn't. In either case, I quickly quashed that image and continued undoing her blouse.
Once I had the blouse buttons undone I slipped it off her shoulders. I always liked undressing her and from what she said, she liked it when I did it. As I reached around her to undo her bra she smiled. It was a joyous smile mixed with desire. As quickly as I could I undid the bra, which was an almost sheer blue that went well with her blouse. As I pulled on it, she leaned forward to allow it to slip off her shoulders and down her arms.
As her breasts came into view I gasped. I stared at them just like I did the first time I saw them. They were still so wonderful to look at. I loved just looking at them.
She said, "Do you like them?"
It was a routine we sometimes carried out. She had asked me that the first time I saw them when I just stared and whenever I undressed her she would ask.
My response was always the same. I would either keep staring at them or look her in the eye, I wasn't sure what I had done the first time as I said, "I love them, they are so wonderful, so beautiful, desirable. I love them."
I recalled that I hadn't said that in way too long a period of time. So many things we hadn't done for so long. I sighed.
She said, "What's the matter?" "I was thinking it's been too long since I've said that. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to be that long." "I'm glad you feel that way but..."
I interrupted her with, "But you want my hard cock in your pussy and I very much want my hard cock in your wonderful, beautiful pussy." Her eyes widened for I didn't usually use those words. Neither did she, but she used them more than I did especially when she was Passing. She didn't use obscene language a lot when she was in her DJ persona but she didn't mind so much when they slipped out either.
I looked back down at her breasts. They were wonderful, they were what I thought of medium size with a certain sloping look that I've heard described on other women as a pear look but I wasn't sure if I agreed. The nipples were at the bottom of the slope. Most breasts I had seen in person or in pictures had the nipples in the center of a bowl shaped mound of flesh. But these were different and so arousing.
She said just like the first time, "You can touch them."
I looked into her eyes with an eager look on my face.
"Go ahead."
I reached up with both hands and gently squeezed them. I then caressed them getting the feel of them just like I did when I first saw them. It was another routine of ours that she loved. This time though, before I knew I was moving, I was sucking on one.
She threw her head back and groaned.
"I always love it when you do that ... ohhhhh uh more please."
As if I was planning to stop I thought. I played with her nipple with my tongue before gently nibbling on it. I alternated between the two for a quite a few seconds. Another stray thought popped unwanted into my head. I wondered if John was rougher with her breasts and if that was one thing that attracted her to him. I shook my head to clear that thought before sucking on the other nipple. I bit a little hard and she said "ahoo" definitely a pain noise not a pleasure groan. She liked very gentle chewing.
I licked around her aureole and alternated that with flicking her nipple hard with my tongue three to six times in a row.
I knew she was enjoying what I was doing even before she said, "I've missed that so much, oh, oh, oh."
I felt her bend her head down so she could watch me flick her nipple with my tongue. She watched me for some time before I reached around her and unzipped her skirt. I let it fall to the floor then, thinking about her thong I turned her around.
The sight that greeted me was so sexy I almost threw her on the bed and tore off my clothes. She leaned forward to make her butt stick out. I knelt down and started licking one of her cheeks, she groaned and wiggled her butt to tell me she liked it. I gave the whole cheek long sweeps with my tongue. I switched to the other one with the same results.
Finally I couldn't stand it so I moved the thong to one side and stuck my face into her crack. I licked the crack making my way down to her anus. When I reached it and started licked that cute brown puckered opening she groaned big time.
She said something that may have been "too long". I chewed on her anus and she bucked in pleasure. I stuck in the tips of two fingers and pulled her brown opening open. I licked inside; she moaned and bucked again.
This time I did hear her say, "It's been too long."
I licked more as she ground her butt into my face wanting more. I gave it to her. At one point a thought crossed my mind of something I had never done while licking her butt. I moved one hand between her legs and worked my fingers to her slit. She gasped and wiggled her lower body. I worked two fingers into her slit and started gently massaging one side of her pussy.
Her breathing got louder and she said "Ahhh, ohh, ohhhh, yes more please. Lick and use your fingers. Ohhhhh."
I did as she instructed.
Finally her back must have gotten tired for she said, "Let's move to the bed." I didn't say anything but I stopped what my mouth and fingers were doing and sat back.
She turned around and put her hands on her thong. "You want to take it off?"
I nodded and slipped my hands into the waistband, As I slowly slipped them down she said, "I bought them just for you."
I almost asked, "How many did you buy for him?" but stopped myself before I got more than "How" out of my mouth.
She made a noise that wasn't pleasure and I think she had an idea of what I stopped myself from saying.
I told myself that I had to stop doing that or it would ruin the day. If it had been just for her I may not have worried about that so much, even though I wanted her to have a good birthday, but this was for me too. I needed it.
I slipped the thong down enough for her to slip out of it. When she stood I stood also and grabbed her. I pivoted us and pushed her onto the bed. She landed and bounced once before I climbed on top of her. I kissed her hard again, chewing on her lips and forcing my tongue into her mouth. I say forced but she wasn't fighting me. I grabbed her tongue with my teeth and sucked on it. She fought back with her tongue before grabbing mine and sucking on it.
Finally we came up for air.
She said, "You're still dressed. I want to feel you and we can't fuck with you in clothes."
Actually we could because we had done it a couple of times but I stood and hurriedly undressed. She scooted to the edge of the bed and helped me. Finally with my pants and briefs around my feet she grabbed my hard cock and placed it in her mouth. She sucked and licked it making happy noises as she did.
I usually didn't like it when she did that because I still had to take off my shoes and my pants. Twice over the years she had pulled me on top of her with my pants still around my shoes. She had grabbed my cock and placed it in her slit. I had shrugged my shoulders and fucked her hard like she wanted. It was harder because I couldn't get my legs separated very much and my feet were weighed down but I managed it.
This time after sucking me, licking up and down my shaft while fondling my balls, she finally let me take off everything I still had on.
As I threw my pants in one corner I was more than ready to do what she wanted. She didn't surprise me when she said she wanted to be on top. She liked it when I sucked her breasts while she stroked up and down on my shaft. Usually she would rub her clitoris on my shaft first. She seemed to have more intense orgasms while she was straddling me. I don't know if that was because she could push me in deeper, or if it was her rubbing her clitoris like that or me sucking on her breasts or all three, but she enjoyed being on top.
I just nodded and laid down on the bed. She climbed up watching my shaft the whole time. She had the glint in her eye that said she was almost lost in lust. I say almost because she still managed to have some control. She usually sucked on my shaft for a few seconds before climbing on top. This time was no different; it was as if she couldn't get enough of the taste or the feel of it in her mouth. Sometimes I felt that way about her clitoris.
Finally she maneuvered herself on top and grabbing my shaft she guided it into her as she slipped down around it. I gasped from the pleasure. As she leaned forward I lifted my head and captured one of her nipples in my mouth. She moaned as I sucked and she bounced. I licked her nipple and sucked as her groans grew louder. I switched my mouth to her other breast after a few seconds.
She said. "That's it. I missed that. I missed you ... I love youOHHHHH." I stopped sucking for a moment as I wondered if she ever said that to John. She didn't seem to notice as I felt my expression turn hard. I felt myself get angry. I had to stop thinking like that.
To distract myself I started humping back into her and grabbing her butt just like she liked me to do. I pictured her slit in my mind to get me going again. Soon her head was back and she was panting with her mouth open. That was a sure sign she was close. I let her direct the speed of her bouncing so I wouldn't interrupt anything. I had evidently done that a couple of times when we were first married. I grabbed hold of her breasts and squeezed slightly because she liked that. She let out a moan followed by a long loud gasp. She increased her speed for a few seconds before relaxing. She went "ohh" again but this time it sounded like the same type of moan you let out when getting an itch scratched.
"That was good," she said as she looked down at me smiling.
She didn't stop her bouncing though trying to get me to come.
I said, "Get off," as I slapped bare butt.
"I want to be on top, I want to feel your body against mine."
She bounced a couple of more times and said, "Are you sure?" in a playful voice.
We had done this before and sometimes she wanted to see if she could get me to stay under her long enough to have an orgasm. At times she succeeded.
"Yes, I am."
She got off and lay next to me. I moved around on my knees, in between her legs. I looked her over. After a moment she looked at me as if asking me a question.
"I was admiring the scenery."
She smiled that bright smile of hers and put her arms out inviting me to lie down. I did. My shaft slipped into her without having to be guided, she gasped as I did. I lay there for a moment before starting my thrusts in and out. It didn't take long for the buildup to start and I slowed as I neared my release.
I enjoyed the feeling of my shaft slipping in and out of her wet slit. I had missed that feeling and not just for the sex. I missed her underneath me - feeling her breasts against my chest and watching her enjoy what I was doing. I liked it when she got as much out of this as I did. Many times I made sure she got more out of it than I did. I liked giving her the same pleasure I was feeling. Now was no different even though my need was more than usual.
I'm not sure how long it took but I finally felt my orgasm building to the point of no return. I put my arms around her to feel more of her body and slowed a bit so I could enjoy the experience longer.
Finally I let out a grunt scream that she smiled at as I started pounding into her harder. It felt so good to finally release inside her. I grunted as I shot my load but grunted louder as the feeling intensified for a second. I managed to look at her and her smile grew as I finished my grunts.
Sometimes I didn't like the noises I made during my orgasms. They sounded too much like a caveman. The screams were okay, but the grunts were too undignified. But I couldn't help it so I usually lived with them.
We rested for a moment with her hugging me before I slipped off. She loved to snuggle afterwards, which I usually didn't mind. This time it was only a minute or so before I started caressing her breasts. I slipped my hand down her stomach and through her pubic hair. I ran my hand over her clitoris feeling it with the skin of my hand before slipping the tip of one finger through and down her slit. I moved my hand back up to her breasts.
"Ummm, that feels good but what were you thinking of a few minutes ago?"
"Uh? I would have been thinking of you and how good you feel."
"I mean when you almost lost your hard-on. That isn't very nice to go soft while I'm fucking you."
"Oh" I had forgotten that. "Um, I was thinking of other things. I'm sorry." I turned my head when I said other things, for I almost said someone else.
She must have realized it for her voice turned serious and sad, "I have never told John that I love him even ... even while doing that. And I have never told him I missed him. Well, once I told him I missed the sex, that was at the start of the second affair but I never said I missed him ... I do miss you."
Many responses went through my mind, but I decided this wasn't the time. We could talk more about it later, and we would talk more about it.
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Gay MaleI ain't never been the owner of a ranch, afore, soz I needed to learn a hell of a lot in a very short time. I talked to Jake about it, and we decided the best way to handle the situation was for me to follow him around as he did his daily work. The more time I spent with Jake, the more I knew that I didn't know a damned thing about ranchin'. I told Jake that it was a damned good thing that we had him to run the place, because it would sure as hell go to rack and ruin ifen it had to depend...
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So wife Sarah was up for deep throating a sizeable cock. I loved her expertise on my just over seven inches, but she wanted one in double figures. She got her big chance when four of our friends invited us camping on the Norfolk Broads so we left our c***dren with Sarah,s parents and drove to join our friends once I,d hired camping equipment. “ I don,t really like camping out as the mosquitoes will eat me alive” Sarah voiced her protests as we drove to the camping area. “Got loads of insect...
Mr. Foreman walked around the shop examining the work that had been done. The contractor was about to put the wall board up, and this would be the last chance to inspect things before they would be hidden from view. He inspected everything, looking for anything that might be out of place. Dan watched his former boss inspect the structure like he had seen him do hundreds of times before, then asked, “What do you think of it?” “He does good work,” Mr. Foreman answered turning around to look...
Partial Character List: Jeff – The Prime. Diana – The Clan Queen and Jeff's first wife. Arlene – Jeff and Diana's daughter and Jeff's young wife who is also a Queen. Susan – Wife and Diana's mother, who is also a Queen. Jennie – Young wife. Melissa – Young wife. Laura – Wife and computer guru. Ann – Laura's daughter and Jeff's young wife, also a computer guru. Helen – Genius wife and teacher. Nat, Nicki, and Whitney – Young wives who were rescued by Jeff and his team. Joyce –...
Reddit SexWorkers, aka r/SexWorkers! One of the things that I’m known for is being a sort of bully towards women. I mean, there are so many people out there who see me like that, but that’s just not true! For example, did you know I support sex work? Yeah, as a matter of fact, when I’m not feeling like giving 100 bucks on a dinner date without being sure if I’m gonna get to stick it in or not by the end of the evening, I just schedule a session with an escort instead! The only thing is that I...
Reddit NSFW ListIt was about 4:30 Wednesday afternoon that the Orange and Blue Taxi pulled up into the driveway at 51 Small Pine Drive. Reeve and Darlene Jordan paid the driver the eight dollar fare plus a fiver as a tip. Nodding toward the house Tammy's father said, "Tammy's home." "Reeve, I'm not stupid," Darlene answered. "I can see her car!" and gave him a playful swat on his shoulder. "Well, if she is home, why didn't she call us?" Reeve said. Darlene shrugged her shoulders and said,...
"But I'm not sure," she said. "You'll enjoy it, my dear," he told her. "You told me you were curious." Her face turned crimson. "I am, I just ... I just never thought I would." "You will," he said, "although you'll watch first. Now, come inside." Sadie let Gerard lead her into the red parlor, which was in the rear of the house. She shivered slightly, both from the chill and from nervousness. Was she really about to see this? Gerard had said she could watch as another woman,...
We all know about in general, but you haven’t had the opportunity to explore all the crazy categories and genres the platform offers. Specifically, one genre that caught my attention recently is cosplay cams. I mean, did you know that there are several girls out there with sexy-ass costumes they use to transform themselves into the chicks of your dreams? Well, in a matter of moments, by just putting on a piece of latex or an outfit, a girl can match the appearance of your...
Live Cosplay Sex CamsI waited behind him while he unlocked the door to his apartment. I was so scared that I was having trouble taking a full breath. He turned when he had the door open and held it for me, still the perfect gentleman. He closed the door behind me and offered me a drink. I shook my head. It was too early for me. I just wanted to get this over with. Whatever "this" was. He sat on the couch and indicated I should sit beside him. "It doesn't take a mind reader to figure out that you have never...
The trip is a lousy one. We flew from London to New York had a two-and-a-half-hour layover and then caught the flight to Hamilton. That's three bad meals, two bad movies, and a long, long day. At least we were in Business Class. Thanks, Nick. Mary, traveling from Boston through Newark arrived ten hours before we did. As we creaked off the plane, tired and cranky, there she was. Lisa got the first hug Amanda got the second. I got the third hug and a kiss. Even Barb got a hug. We shared a...
Officer Big Knockers aka Angel Wicky is training officer Mugur at the station, and when the new Romanian man makes an error on the job he winds up being reprimanded in a most uneXXXpected way. In this 4K DDFBusty masterpiece, the curvy blonde glamour model whips out her big tits and demands that he titty lick her massive melons as she gives him a handjob, getting him ready for the payback which will be a hardcore pussy and ass fucking. Join the duo as they go at it and both of her holes are...
xmoviesforyouThe Things We Do For Love (When lust wants to have her way with envy, thingsare bound to get a little hot) Richard and I are still in love after seven years of marriage. We've havean imaginative sex life with lots of fantasy and role playing. More often thannot our games involve Richard in charge. It still sends a shiver through mewhen he takes control, ties me up, and ravishes me. For Richard it's a game.but when I feel his throbbing palm print on my blushing bottom I know I'm thecenter of...
Note: Thanks very much for all the great reviews and encouragement. I hope you enjoy this new chapter. There's plenty more to come if the interest is there! College Changes a Boy - Part 5 Taylor Jordon Nikki watched Brandon leave the dimly lit patio and felt the blanket of confusion and guilt envelop him. The satisfaction that he had felt moments earlier had been replaced by the memory of how he had changed so drastically over the last six months. He needed a minute to...
Hi I am Rahul and 24 years of age and I am a reader of ISS and I like stories very much now I am going to share my experience with all of u it’s a real story I lives in indore but works in Delhi and I had a flat of my own in which I lives lonely and I am unmarried I have a neighbour a Punjabi family in which there is a newly married son and his wife lives his wife name is Sheena and her hubbys name is Rajveer she is very sexy typical Punjabi girl she is fair she has big boobs and very sexy ass...
Payback is a Slut, Part I By Limbo's Mistress "Sorry, babe," I said into the phone pressed against my cheek. "I'm way too sick to come with you." There was a pause at the other end of the line, only about two or three seconds in length. Keeley weighing her options, most likely. For a moment, I was worried she was going to take the "concerned girlfriend" route and insist on coming over to play nursemaid. However, as I was already working on a good reason why she shouldn't, she...
This is for: LRock4fun, Acebottom, susan2be, A3anus and soeager2 – along with a few other girlfriends on here ;) Every once in a while a guy cums along that you just have the best feeling in the world about. I think that this Italian guy is my #4 or maybe #5. It isn’t just the sex, it’s the whole feeling being with him…right now it’s the sex. He’s 40ish, married and traveling alone; just stopped at our hostel by chance. He watched what was going on with the cops (paying the bribes) and figured...
It was always just my mother and me when I was growing up. My mum had me when she was only 17 and my father left when I was about 4, I don’t remember him much. My mum was a very loving and caring mother. She would spoil me and I wanted for nothing. Not only was she my mother she was my best friend, I could talk to her about anything. She worked hard as a nurse to keep us comfortable. When she'd leave for work in the morning I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She looked so sexy in her uniform....
I looked good, while I was not a cheerleader, I was very active. I played on the school’s soccer, basketball and track team. While I was not the best, I was a starter this year for both soccer and basketball and we did ok. I was in shape, since I was so active, I really did not care what I ate. I was also a good student and overall good person. I had a few boyfriends through out high school. Lost my virginity at junior prom and had sex only a handful of times with my boyfriend. My current...
Hi my name is Nani from Chennai, let me tell about myself I ‘m 6 ft tall 80 kgs regular gym goer I got 6.5 inch dick so I can satisfy anyone . I completed my 12th std a year back I took a year off so that I can enjoy after hard working. I will tell about my cousin now let me keep her name as “F”. She as chubby body her stats are 34d-30-36 she about 5’4. And she’s 4 year older than me she so fair. Any girls or aunties who need sexual pleasure can contact me at My first story so leave comments.....
IncestThe carriage rattled along the cobbled street, the leather and wood suspension barely isolating Minara from the uneven surface, the early morning light only just illuminating the still deserted city streets. It would be another hour before the traders would be opening their shops and the market holders advertising their wares, each adding to the noise and bustle common in cities everywhere. She yawned, and her mind wondered to the previous night, and she smiled to herself as warmth suffused...
When I opened my eyes, Robbie was propped up on an elbow looking at me. "Good morning, best friend," she said. "Good morning to you, too." My bladder was already calling for attention, but I took time to kiss Robbie gently. "I have to..." "Me too," she said. "But I was waiting." We got up, dressed, and let ourselves out of the tent. It looked like we were the first. "How about a run on the beach," I suggested. I figured I was getting smarter. This morning I wouldn't shower,...
Chapter Twelve ‘Have the others been briefed on the escape plan, Sire?… Sire?’ ‘Hmm? What were you saying?’ ‘The escape plan. I just want to be sure that, if need be, it won’t turn into a bedlam.’ ‘You think it might come to that?’ ‘She woke me up last night. She hasn’t done that in months. What’s more, she actually spoke to me from the tower. She said ‘let me out’. That shouldn’t have been possible with the earmuffs. Either she took a tremendous risk just to say those words, or she is...
Tonight I am on my way to another clients house. This one I have fucked many times before. It just keeps getting better and better each time we get together. To night he has requested me to dressed like a school girl. Cartoon cotton panties and all. I have on a short green plaided skirt, matching those of the normal Catholic School Girl Dress Code. But its way shorter than school regulations. Then I bend over my little ass pops out from under neight. I have a basic white cotton top on, with...
I was 19 when this happened. It was July 4th and I was working at an auto parts store before college. We were closing at 5 pm for the holiday, it was slow so Tim, the manager allowed an older guy to leave to be with his family. I'de brought clothes as I was heading straight to my cousins BBQ after work. They were famous parties due to the drinking,great food and "anything goes" atmosphere. Around 4 pm I got a call from my cousin. He asked when I'de be there as my Aunt was already drunk, a...
The Wxy'n physical peculiarity was that they had perfectly circular round eyes and a smaller mouth. The latter aspect was perhaps the reason behind the Wxy'n most distinguishing feature. They were a very quiet people. The Wxy'n were the last to establish a presence on Magnif. At first, their quietness was an unnerving trait to the other races, but in time everyone became used to their ways and it was not an issue. The Wxy'n Council of Four, two men and two women, were there to meet Jeff...
Lusty Adventures of a Trophy Wife (Part 4) Don Abdul (c)2010 It had been a couple of weeks since Lynda returned from her Caribbean vacation, and although the memories of her ‘Caribbean Double Chocolate Dip’ kept her usually voracious sexual appetite in check for a while, libido was on the rise again. The dull ache in her loins was once again becoming unbearably distracting. She was rather surprised that it had taken so long for the sexual monster inside of her to stir again, but then she had...
Straight SexMy sweet Ana looked a bit worried when she came home from her office that Friday evening.I did not ask what was the matter, because I knew that day she was asking her Boss for a promotion. So I guessed he had rejected it.My nice wife had been working hard during the last three years in the company and I knew she deserved a new vacant position, since a former manager had been fired recently. Ana was hoping this new position would be for her.She did not say anything about her day at the office...
It was the swimsuit that did it. Yes, when you get right down to it, everything that happened between me and my daughter Lisa that summer started with the damned swimsuit. It was early June. I was in the living room watching television when Lisa walked in. She had just turned sixteen that spring, and there was no denying it any longer - Lisa was becoming a woman. Fortunately she had inherited her mother's looks; thick black hair that cascaded around her shoulders, an angelic face with wide,...
IncestAuthor’s Note: This story is part real and part fiction. It is based on personal experiences but the outcome never actually happened. I hope you enjoy reading something that in effect was a source of personal torment. You’ll understand once you get into it. ***** I awoke with a start. Another dream of her. They were getting more frequent again. I had thought I was done with this but no. Of course, how do you just give up on someone you loved? You don’t. Or at least, I don’t. Or can’t. It...
I am a late 30's, mwm, with a trophy wife that I can't stop thinking about sharing with another. She is tall, attractive, blonde and an overall great person. She understands my fantasy but worries that it would affect our marriage if we start but there is a little interest; so I am holding onto Not sure where or how it started but several years ago, I awoke with a raging erection and interrupted a great dream. The dream; I was swimming, late at night with my wife and my best friend....
The players have finished their warm-up and leaving the ice. “That’s him, that’s my brother Peter, number 14!” Abby shouted, pointing to him. Brad just caught a glance of him leaving the ice. Abby took the time to explain the math that Brad had trouble with, and he seemed to understand it better. Brad took Abby’s right hand in his left, interlocking their fingers. She leaned her head on his left shoulder and sighed, “What’s wrong?” He asked. “Oh, nothing, I’m just content and happy, that’s...
Introduction: Jasmine and her two sisters cross every taboo line. 3 Sisters: An Incestual Lesbian Orgy Summary: Jasmine and her two sisters cross every taboo line. Note 1: This story came about one night when trying to console my sister after a rough break-up. A lot of good food, and exotic wine and the conversation got very, very personal. The dialogue at the restaurant in this story is mostly authentic as best as I could recall it a few days later…the rest of the story as well as the...
The next morning, David had finished one circuit around his running track and was starting his second when he heard running feet behind him. He slowed, and Nora caught up with him, quickly forcing him to lengthen his stride and run faster than he preferred. When they came up to the path that led to the copse of sissoo trees and Adirondack chairs, David took it, and Nora followed. Panting, he collapsed into one of the chairs. "Continue your run if you want," he said. She sat down. "No,...
[u]Chapter One I just had my thirty-second birthday. I have one sibling; my younger sister Deborah - or Dee – who’s twenty-eight. Since early adulthood my work has taken me all over the country and we lost touch, meeting up for Christmas and birthdays, but apart from that contact was infrequent; just the odd phone call or flying visit now and then. Despite that, we have always been close, and I have finally returned to our home town on a permanent basis, so we see each other regularly...
We spent the rest of the day calling on old friends; it wasn't just emotional, it was heart wrenching. Many of my old mates hadn't made it and were buried in some foreign field, if they were lucky, others were damaged, some very badly or mentally scarred.I'd been told by my boss in Berlin that I could commandeer a jeep to get around in from the local battalion, so I took advantage of his kind offer and did so, petrol was still scarce so I had to be frugal but it was a big help. Early evening we...
HistoricalIt was a nice night along the waterfront. The sky was full of stars despite the illuminous atmosphere of the city's nightlife. The moon was bigger that night than normal, and seemed to be smiling down at the couple. They had been walking along the riverside enjoying each other's company. Dani, a long-stemmed beauty, with flowing red hair that shimmered in the moonlight like bright burning embers of a fire was enjoying her evening with her boyfriend Jason. He was 5, 10' with dark hair and had a...
EroticThere he was, sitting near the rocks, whittling a piece of wood. Naked. Half the time, he was naked. I guess that was the perks of living in the woods by yourself. He was a real mountain man. A big, rugged fellow with tanned skin and dense dark hair all over, from his chest to his ass. He had a bulky body, but his arms and legs had natural muscle carved purely from physical labor from living out in the wilderness, and his thick uncut cock hung low like a third leg down between his...
Larry grabbed his sister's right wrist and pulled it back harshly over her head, tugging the elbow straight. "Please don't make it too tight," Tamara said in a tiny shaking voice that struck Larry as pitiful. "I will tie the fucking wires as tight as I fucking please!" Larry said, spitting on his bedroom floor. He pulled Tamara's wrist so that it was pressed against the bedpost at the head of Larry's bed. He tied the wire around her wrist and the wooden post at the same time,...
Dinner, Cigars, ...and a NooseShe met me at the door as I arrived home from work wearing a simple black dress and black boots with stiletto heels."Put down your briefcase," she commanded as she began to undo my tie and unbutton my shirt. It didn't take long to get me down to my shorts. She turned me around and pressed me playfully with my face against the wall."Give me your hands."She took one wrist and looped a doubled length of cord around it, then placed its partner over and tied another...
Hey guys this is Natasha baby again… I am so glad that you guys loved my previous story.. I got a real good response. Any ways like I promised that I will be back with a new story and here I am. Now this story is about how my cousin brother fucked me hard hard hard. For those who don’t know me I am 23 and I am super sexy. Boob size 34. Ok so the story about me and my cousin Hrishi. He is 25 and he lives in Mumbai. From childhood only we were each other’s pet. We used to share everything. So...
Thank you all for your great response to my first two stories. I was notsure what I should write about next. Some wrote that I should tell moreabout Melly's and my relationship, and some asked to hear about some ofmy college adventures. I have decided to write about a time between thetwo. This is about my childhood friend Pam and how we eventually gottogether after college. I hope you enjoy it. I am GennyPam and I have been friends since 3rd grade. We lived on the same blockin a very Irish...
LesbianGiggling as you kissed me, I tried to wrap my arms around your neck. You stopped me. “No.” You said shaking a finger in front of my face. I gave you a confused look. You had got off of the bed and moved to the dresser. “What are you doing? I asked you, trying to see what was in your hands. “You are gonna with you were nicer to me.” You turned to face me with a grin on your face. You held in your hands a few neck ties. You walked over to the bed, climbed on me and started to tie me up; one...
Straight SexTube Kitty! The simple fact about tube sites is that they source their videos from other sites which means that their major challenge is to try and standardize their videos quality which at times they fail at terribly, but some try. Well, has fairly tried to bring you the best but what really makes the site stand out besides from its massive collection of videos is its diversity.Trust Tube Kitty to bring you the most exotic fetishes and kinks plus porn featuring these genres; gay/...
Porn AggregatorsDevlin is 25 years old, single, 6ft 2inches tall, black and well-built with a strong muscular physique. His parents came to Britain from Mali some 30 years ago but brought Devlin up as British. Most importantly for his job as an adult entertainment stripper, he’s very well endowed with a nine inch long fat penis when erect which makes him very popular with the ladies especially when doing his male stripper act at a local night club.The club like their strippers, both men and women, to have no...
I was on business in San Antonio Texas a few years ago. I saw the opportunity for me to be Stephanie in the evenings and nights while away. There was a LBGT club down town that was a known place that shemales, transsexuals, and cross dressers frequented along with the gay and bisexual population. I packed my bras, panties, hose, make up, and dresses under my male clothing in my checked bags. Being the panty slut I am I had to wear my red silky panties under my slacks. Luckily I didn’t need to...
TransThis story follows on directly from the previous chapters, which in turn follow on from ‘All Things Come…To He Who Waits’. Some characters from the first volume have reappeared, and Luke’s personality and abilities are assumed to be already known. The rhythm of the narrative is changing, but it is still the same story…. After posting eighteen chapters of the Luke Lancer Saga in the previous format, (plot and character / some hot / more plot and character / more hot / close chapter, between...
Sara was a flight attendant and she lived with an other flight attendant named Allie and 2 other girls. They were all mid 20s recent college grads sharing a big party house. Sara was a pretty brunette with big natural tits and a nice fat ass. Her body was built for sex. Sara and I had only hung out a few times before we began fucking. The sex was amazing and it only got better and crazier as the weeks became months. We would fuck like rabbits and the whole house would hear Sara's moans of...
My name is Jay. You're every day middle age guy with a family, wife, dog decent tech job. All the things in life you'd consider "normal". I'll never forget that lazy Sunday that changed my sexual appetite and outlook with my wife forever. Her name is Lisa and she's my sweet wife of 10 years and we've been together about 14 in total. One day I was lounging around without much to do on a Sunday and I started cleaning out some old stuff around the house. She had gone shopping with the family and I...
Adult BookstoreWe had had a lot of fun all afternoon at our local club throwing darts and the wife flirting with our regular friends. About dinner time we left for a restaurant across the river from Omaha in Council Bluffs. As we drove a sign we never noticed before came into view. Adult Emporium was what it read. LuEllen was feeling very good after having a few drinks at the club and we both looked at each other and said let’s check it out. We did a U-turn and headed back the way we came to...
His dick twitched as his mind filled with images of the driving lessons, since they always ended with Sarah taking his cock deep inside her tight little cunt. His teen daughter's appetite for his dick was insatiable and he was enjoying every minute of it. But he had had to work today and so he would have to wait until tomorrow to feel the sweet rapture that was his daughter's pussy, squeezing the cum from his shaft. As he walked up to the front door, he took a deep breath, not sure if he...