My StoryChapter 3 free porn video

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When I got home there was a note on my pillow to call my mother at work. When I got through to her she asked me if I'd heard from Mr. Adams about my job at Dairy Queen and I told her no (and I never did hear from him or get what I was owed in wages). She asked me to meet her for lunch and I met her at Riggo's. After asking me if I'd had a good time at Abby's pajama party she told me that she had a job for me if I wanted to work full time until school started and maybe even part time if my class schedule would allow it.

"We need a file clerk at the office. It is nine to five and it pays three hundred a week."

"Three hundred a week? That's almost twice what I made at Dairy Queen. When can I start?"

"You can go in with me after we eat and fill out the paperwork and start on Monday. You can ride into work with me in the mornings."

My first day on the job was spent finding where everything was and meeting the people I would be working with. The second, third and fourth I was busy filing stuff that had been piling up since the last file clerk had quit. I'd seen Mark and the other two guys who had been fucking my mother (Sam and Alan) but they had stayed pretty much clear of me.

The fifth day was the eye opener.

The supply closet is on the other side of the thin wall that separates the supply room from the copiers and fax machines and I was in the closet getting paper for one of the copy machines when I heard voices on the other side of the wall. I recognized Alan's voice when he said:

"Damn it to hell. That fax from Campbell still isn't here."

"Relax" Mark said, "He said that he would get it here by twelve. We still have half an hour."

"Relax my ass! I can't leave until I have it and I sure don't want to miss my turn with Donna (Donna is my mom). I need to get off."

"You won't miss anything. We have all afternoon to fuck that slut."

"It was a stroke of genius to hire to hire her brat to work here."

"It was a no-brainer. Donna said no more pussy as long as the little twit was not working and could walk in on us at any time. Now we all know where she is during the day so Donna is free to be our pin cushion again."

"The kid is a pretty hot looking little bitch. I wonder if there is any chance we could snag her."

"That would be a kick wouldn't it? Fucking the mother and the daughter?"

"A bigger kick would be to have both of them in bed next to each other while we took turns doing them."

"Who knows? Donna is a big enough slut that we may be able to get her to go for it."

"Not a chance!"

"There are always date rape drugs. I'll bet we could slip it to both of them and then film it and hold it over their heads. They would have to fuck us forever."

"You think?"

"Why not? All we have to do is..." and I didn't catch the rest because they walked out of the room.

I wondered if my mom knew of their high opinion of her and then I wondered if she would do what they thought she might. Would she try to get all five of us on her bed? One thing I did know. I wasn't going to have anything to eat or drink around any man who worked there. One thing I overheard did get to me. I started to think that it would be a kink to fuck the guys who were fucking my mother.

Riding home from work that night with my mom I debated telling her what I'd overheard, but decided to keep quiet about it. Just as we pulled into the driveway mom told me that I shouldn't make any plans for Monday night.

"It's your birthday and your dad wants you to be home that evening."

"I already made plans to go out with a few of the girls to celebrate."

"Maybe after dinner, but your father was quite specific about my making sure to let you know that you are expected to be there for dinner."

The weekend was nothing special. Billy and Bert were home from football camp and Saturday night Bert took me to the movies and then out to Sloan's Lake. He did me twice – once on the back seat and then again on a blanket down by the beach. Nothing new there, but as he was driving me home he asked me how Ricky was handling my being gangbanged at Benny's birthday party. That is when I knew that unless Ricky was extremely open minded – and I'd not seen any sign that he was – we were most likely going to part ways. If Bert knew – and he had been away when it happened – then everyone knew and the word was bound to get to Ricky. I wasn't in love with Ricky and I was pretty sure that he wasn't in love with me, but I did like him a lot and I had been counting on him to be my steady until I settled in at college and got to know my way around.

Sunday was a day of doing nothing. I had expected Billy to try and get me alone for some slap and tickle, but surprise, surprise, he had found a girl that he liked and he was out with her so pretty much all I did was help mom around the house and paint my toe-nails.

My relationship with my mom was a little awkward. We hadn't talked much since the conversation in my bedroom on the day I found out about her and her co-workers and what little we did talk about never touched on what had happened that day. She still did not look me in the eye and when she did catch me looking at her she would turn away.

She was not embarrassed over what she was doing and I knew that because she was still doing it and I knew that from the conversation I'd overheard between Mark and Alan. She was however embarrassed that I knew about it. I suppose that I could have made things much easier on her – after all I was as big a slut as she was – but even though I loved my mom I loved my dad also and she was fucking over him.

We managed to get through our time alone together over the weekend and it wasn't until the ride to work on Monday morning that she acknowledged the elephant in the room where we were concerned.

"Are you ever going to talk to me again?"

"We talk."

"You know what I mean. You used to talk with me all the time about school, your friends and what was going on in your life, but now you only talk if I ask you a question."

"What do you expect? I find out that my mother is cheating on my father. Not even an affair for God's sake, but doing gangbangs and from what I hear at work it is an almost daily occurrence."

"What you hear at work?"

"Oh yes indeed mother dear; what you are doing is no secret."

I saw her knuckles turn white as she gripped the steering wheel.

"Who have you been talking to?"

"No one. I just happened to be in the supply closet while Mark and Alan were discussing it in the copier room and if I heard it the others with me heard it too"

Of course there was no one with me, but I told her that there was to give what I was saying more weight.

"I'm sure that the part about me being hired to get me out of the way so Mark, Alan and Sam could play with you went over real well."

"They said that?"

"Mark said that hiring me was – and I quote – "a no brainer" since you said that they couldn't have any more pussy as long as I wasn't working and could walk in on you at any time."

She gave a shrug at that and said, "Well, it was my idea, but I never expected them to be so out in the open with it. But that's beside the point. You have no reason to put me out of your life because of what I'm doing. I explained it all to you. I love your father – honest to God I do – but I need more sex than he can give me and as I get older it seems like I want more and more. Baby, your daddy is a marvelous lover, but he can't go hour after hour after hour and that is what I need. I don't believe there is any one man alive who could give me what I need. There are times when after an afternoon with Mark, Alan and Sam I still want more.

"The closet your father and I have ever come to a divorce came about when I tried to stop cheating on him. I became irritable and a real bitch and I damned near drove us apart. I didn't mellow out until I started back up with Mark and Sam and then Alan. I love your daddy baby and I need him for me to be complete, but I need more – way, way more – physical attention than your daddy can give me. Please try to understand baby, please!"

When we pulled in and parked she reminded me that daddy wanted me to be home for dinner. I had a good idea of why. Billy's birthday was in June and daddy had given him a car as a combination graduation and birthday present and that is just where I was. I had just graduated and it was my birthday so if I was right in my guess I'd be getting a car. It wouldn't be a new car – Billy's wasn't either – but dad's best friend owned an auto repair shop so the car would have been gone over with a fine toothed comb. It gave me something to think about during work at least until lunch time.

I saw mom and Mark when they left for lunch. I saw several people in the office glance my way when mom and Mark walked into the elevator together and as the elevator door closed I thought about what mom had said. She did seem to show dad lots of love and affection and he did appear to be very happy with her. Maybe being a slut was saving her marriage. As long as she and dad were happy why should what she was doing bother me? It did, but I guess I could learn to live with it.

I just happened to be where I could see the elevator when mom and Mark came back to work and mom looked positively radiant. When I saw that I softened a bit. After all, I did know how she felt. I wondered if I looked anything like that when I'd been taken care of. Right then and there I made the decision to cut mom all the slack I could.

The ride home was pretty quiet until we turned onto our street and then I reached over and touched mom on the arm and said:

"Just don't hurt daddy."

She smiled at me and I saw a tear in the corner of her right eye. "I won't baby, I promise and thank you baby. Thank you for understanding."

Dinner was my favorite – liver and onions – and after dinner there was cake and ice cream. Mom gave me a bracelet, necklace and earring set and the earrings were quarter caret diamonds. Billy gave me an IPOD and then daddy slid a small box over to me and I opened it to find a set of car keys and said:

"It's out front."

We all got up and walked to the front door and looked out at the 1993 Mustang convertible and Billy said:

"Swap you."

"As if. Why would I want a Jeep?"

Then I had to take everyone for a ride. They all had a good laugh at my expense. It was a five speed transmission and up until then 99 and 44/100ths percent of my driving had been done in vehicles with an automatic transmission. There were quite a few jackrabbit starts until I got the hang of it.

I managed to get everyone home safe and then Billy asked if he could take it for a spin. I was not at all surprised when we pulled up in front of Jimmy's. "Time for your real birthday present" Billy said as we got out of the car. The two of them fucked me until they couldn't get it up any more and left me wishing that Bert and Ricky were there also. Was I my mother's daughter or what?"

Because of limited parking at work I continued to ride to work with my mom. We didn't talk much on the drive and I suppose it was because mom felt uncomfortable around me knowing that I knew what she was doing. There wasn't anything that I could say or do that would change that. Well, I guess there was. I could confess to being the slut that I was and that would maybe give us some common ground, but no way was I going to go there.

The work wasn't hard and there was plenty to keep me busy. As I worked I did notice that Alan always seemed to be watching me and after overhearing his talk with Mark I was pretty sure of what he was thinking and I remembered the thoughts I'd had about taking on my mother's lovers for the kick of it.

And I do have to admit that in the back of my mind I still remembered Mark saying that mom was a big enough slut that she might even be talked into trying to get me onto the bed with the four of them. I did spend some time wondering about that. She was enough of a slut to let herself be three-holed on her husband's bed; was she enough of a slut to try and pull me in if the guys asked her to? The more I thought of it the more I wondered if she would do it if the guys asked her to and I finally reached a point where I really wanted to know.

I kept an eye on Alan, Sam and Mark and waited to see if one of them would show an interest in me. As soon as one of them did (if one of them did) I would do some teasing and lead them on, but not let anything go too far. I would try to get them to the point where they would maybe go to my mother and ask.

Back at the ranch – so to speak – Ricky was back from the visit to his grandparents. I know because I saw him sitting in his car at the Sonic drive-in when I drove by. I wondered why he hadn't called me and when I hadn't heard from him over the next couple of days I accepted that he had heard about what had happened at Benny's party and didn't want anything to do with me.

Luckily Billy was home from sports camp, Jimmy was still around and I guessed that Bert's girlfriend wasn't giving it up because he got together with Billy, Jimmy and me once or twice a week. I wasn't being shorted on sex, but I was missing the things that Ricky and I did as boyfriend/girlfriend. Well, I had no one to blame but me. I wasn't so far out of it at Benny's party that I couldn't have fought Joey off if I'd really wanted to.

I did wonder how Joey and Ricky were getting along, but not bad enough to call Joey and ask and I sure as hell wasn't going to call Ricky.

Thursday I got a call from Abby and she wanted to know if I was up for going to a party on Friday.

"I don't know. Will it be anything like the last one?"

"That is strictly up to you girlfriend. No one forces anything on any one. There will be people there who were at the last one. They won't expect that you will do what you did the last time, but you and I both know that there will be some of them hoping."

I hesitated a couple of seconds as I thought about it and then asked, "What time do you want to pick me up?"

"I thought you had a car now."

"I do, but it is in the shop. Something to do with an EGR valve and an air sensor."

A lie, but no way was I going to drive my Mustang to a party where I might get looped on spiked non-alcoholic punch like I did last time. There were not going to be a DUI in my future. I wasn't dumb. After prom night and Benny's party I knew how big of a slut Abby was (just as she now knew how big of a one that I was) and I knew she wanted me at the party to take some of the load off of her so if she wanted me there she could be the one to get me there.

Friday morning on the way to work I told mom that I would be spending the night at Abby's.

"She just broke up with her boyfriend and I'm going to be the shoulder to cry on."

"Speaking of boyfriends how are you and Ricky coming along? I haven't seen him lately."

"Yeah, well, I might be doing some shoulder crying of my own."

"What happened?"

"Don't know. He came home last week from visiting his grandparents and he hasn't called. Maybe he met someone while he was there. I don't know."

She didn't say any more since we were pulling into the lot at work.

I was plenty busy that morning, but not so busy that I didn't notice mom head for the elevator about twenty minutes before lunch time. Three or four minutes later Mark and San got up and left. I moved over to the window and saw mom, Sam and Mark get in Mark's car and pull out of the lot. Along with all of the other things I'd been wondering about lately I wondered about that also. Why did mom do it at our house? I came home early one day; didn't she realize that dad could also come home early? Could she need cock so bad that she let it affect her thinking? I shook my head and got back to work.

I broke for lunch at twelve-thirty and when I walked into the building cafeteria I saw Alan sitting alone at a table. He looked up as I walked in, saw me and smiled. I smile back at him, filled my tray and headed for an empty table, but before I got to it I changed my mind and sat down with Alan. Before he could say anything I said:

"You been bad or something?"


"I asked if you've been a bad boy. Did you do something to piss mom off so she told you that you couldn't join in for play time today?"

He looked at me for a moment or to and then gave me a look that was half leer and half grin and said:

"I wasn't bad, but I want to be. I begged off today hoping to catch you here at lunch."

"Whatever for?"

"As if you don't know."

I laughed and said, "Oh yeah; like I'm going to horn in on my mom's action. I'm not like you, Mark and Sam. You spend a couple of hours with her here and there; I have to live with her full time. Things are a little strained between since I walked in on all of you so I can just imagine how things would be between us if I started playing with her toys."

"You don't sound like you wouldn't mind playing if your mom didn't care."

I laughed again. "I can see it now. "Donna baby; how about we ask your daughter to join us?" "Hell of an idea Alan; I'll ask her." Oh yes; I can just imagine it."

Before he could say anything else Alex Combs came in and told Alan that he was needed in the office. Alan got up and as he walked away I thought to myself "The seed is planted; will it catch hold and grow?" And the biggie – if it did what would mom do? How would she handle it?

For the rest of the day every time I saw Alan looking at me he had a look on his face that told me he wanted me and I wondered if he wanted me bad enough. Would he keep trying?

I got my answer the next morning when at first break he sat down with me and asked me to have lunch with him. I looked at him without talking for a couple of seconds and then flat out asked:

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"I think you are trying to come on to me. Why? Isn't screwing my mother enough for you? Or do you maybe have a fantasy of a mother/daughter relationship?"

"What's wrong with fantasies?"

"That's it isn't it? You want us both. On the same bed at the same time? That is just too kinky for words."

I finished my coffee and stood up. Just before I walked away from the table I smiled at him and said:

"How are you going to sell that idea to my mom?"

I walked away leaving him sitting there thinking, "Well, she didn't say no."

Abby picked me up and we headed to the party. We were not the first ones there and those that had gotten there before us had already moved the furniture out of the way in the living room and dinning room to make a dance floor. Music was playing and some couples were already dancing. I hadn't told Abby, but I had no intention of letting myself be a pin cushion that night. I just wanted to have some fun and maybe – just maybe – find a replacement for Ricky.

I stayed clear of the 'supposedly alcohol free" punch and stuck to Diet Pepsi in bottles that I opened myself. I'd been there about an hour when I saw Ricky and Joey come in the front door. Ricky saw me right away and turned to Joey and said something. Joey looked over and saw me, said something to Ricky and then they both laughed. I don't know why, but seeing the two of them standing there looking at me and laughing pissed me off. I walked over to them and looked Ricky right in the eyes as I said:

"I already know why I haven't heard from you since you've been back, but what I don't know is what you are doing spending time with your dirt-bag buddy here. It doesn't bother you that he deliberately got me drunk and then pulled me into a bedroom and fucked me? It doesn't mean anything to you that the entire time he did me he kept putting you down saying things like "How does it feel having a real man fucking you instead of your wimpy assed boyfriend?" It doesn't bother you at all that your 'good friend' here held me down so that other guys could fuck me and that the whole time he kept saying "Fuck the bitch good so that she'll never want wimpy Ricky's prick again" and then laughing? How about knowing that he called me every day for a week to ask me if I wanted to do it again?

"The only reason I didn't call the cops and holler rape is that I was too drunk on the spiked punch he fed me to fight him off and by not fighting him off he could claim it was consensual and probably get away with it. You know? He might just be right. Only a wimp would let him get away with it. Fuck the both of you!"

I was smiling to myself as I walked away. Most of what I'd said except for the drinking part was all pure bullshit, but with any kind of luck it would poison their relationship. Got to get back at them when you can, right? On Ricky because the asshole didn't at least talk to me before kicking me to the curb and on Joey for being asshole enough to go after his best friend's girl. It would maybe have been different if he had come after me because he wanted a long term romantic relationship, but all the dirt-bag wanted was a quick piece of ass. Sure not my idea of a best friend.

After venting on Ricky I went out of my way to 'dirty dance' with the guys who asked me. I let a lot of liberties be taken as far as roaming hands were concerned just so Ricky could see it. I did notice that Ricky and Joey didn't seem to be so buddy-buddy any more. In fact I didn't see them together again that night.

I went looking for Abby and surprise-surprise I found her in one of the bedrooms doing what I damned well knew was the only thing she had come to the party for. She had three guys working her and another four waiting and I waited until the one in her mouth got his nut and then pulled his cock out and then I told her I was going to find a ride and take off.

"Not going to play tonight?"

"Not tonight. Ricky showed up and took some of the shine off the evening. Talk to you later."

As I walked back down the stairs I wondered if things had gone differently that night would I have been in there sharing that bed with her like I had at the last party. I laughed as I realized the answer to that question.

Gary Kinson was getting ready to leave and I asked him if I could bum a ride with him and he said okay. I saw Ricky watching me as I left with Gary and I wondered what he was thinking. I didn't care what he was thinking, but I still wondered.

The next thing I had to wonder about was what was going to happen when I got in Gary's car with him. Gary was one of the guys who had shared me at Benny's birthday party. Would he want an encore? Or maybe expect one for the ride?

It was a quiet ride for the first few minutes and then Gary said, "I noticed that you and Ricky didn't seem to spend any time together tonight. Could that maybe mean that you are no longer a couple? Or is it just a pot-hole in the road that can be patched and filled."

"Not a pot-hole; more like a bridge that has been washed out."

"Can the bridge be rebuilt?"

"I'm not sure that it should be. Might be best to just reroute the traffic."

"You know of course that there are a lot of guys who envied Rick and if you are really not a couple anymore those guys are going to beat a path to your door."

"I doubt that."

"Don't. I'm one of them and I want to take advantage of the fact that you are sitting next to me right now. That makes me the first in line of the bunch that wants to beat that path to your door. Any chance that I could take you out to dinner and maybe a movie tomorrow night?"

"Why would you want to do that? Because you think I'm an easy slut? That wasn't really me at Benny's party; that was someone who didn't know what was happening."

"I know that. I know that you were bombed and taken advantage of and I apologize for being one of the ones who took advantage of you. In my defense I can only say that some things are just too nice to pass up regardless of the circumstances."

He pulled into the drive and stopped. He got out and walked around the car and opened my door for me – something that I wasn't at all used to – and walked me to my front door. When we got there he asked:


I turned and looked at him for a second or so and then said, "How about we make it for six-thirty?"

"That will work."

I got up on my toes and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for the ride" and then I went into the house.

Mom was surprised to see me since I'd told her I would be spending the night at Abby's so I told her that Abby and her boyfriend were talking again so I thought that I'd better get out of the way.

When I came down for breakfast in the morning dad was out playing golf and mom was getting ready to go grocery shopping. As soon as she was gone Billy said:

"We are alone sis" and he led me up to his bedroom and we stayed there until we heard dad come home.

The date with Gary on Saturday was dinner and a movie and then he drove us out to the lake and we parked and talked. The talking led to some necking and when he put a hand on my breast I pushed it away.

"Behave" I told him and he kissed me again.

"You don't know unless you try."

I might have let him if Billy hadn't taken care of my itch earlier, but I didn't want Gary to think I was too easy so he was going to have to wait a date or two to score. I kept pushing his hands away.

"I told you last night that the girl at the party wasn't the real me. Now stop it."

He listened and the hands stopped, but we did neck for a little while longer before he drove me home.

"Can I see you again?" he asked as he walked me to my front door.

"I'd like that."



"Pick you up at two?"

"Okay" I said and I kissed him goodnight.

Sunday we went roller skating at Skate City and then we went for pizza. We ended up at the lake again and I let Gary get my bra off and play with my breasts, but I stopped him when he put a hand on my leg and moved it up under my skirt. He didn't know it yet, but he would get to go all the way on our next date. I expected him to ask me for our next date when he got me home. But he didn't. He kissed me and told me he would call me.

Monday mom had a doctor's appointment so I drove my Mustang to work. It was a fairly busy but quiet day and twice when I caught Alan looking my way he blew me a kiss. I just shook my head no and ignored him.

At lunch I was sitting with Tammy (our receptionist) when Mark and Alan came in and sat down at a table across the room. They were talking ad looking at me and I would have bet money they were talking about me and I would bet that the conversation was going something like this.

"I'm horny and I was looking forward to fucking Donna this afternoon."

"Yeah, me too. I forgot she had a physical scheduled for today."

"The little bitch is looking fuckable today. Think we could talk her into taking her mom's place for an afternoon?"

"I think she would if we could convince her that we could hide it from Donna."

"You think?"

"Either that or get Donna to go along with it."

"No way!"

"I've talked to the little cunt a couple of times and she gives the impression that fucking her momma's lovers would be a kick, but she won't do it because Donna would get pissed if she found out."

"So what you are saying is that we need to get Donna on board with it."


Tammy and I finished lunch and we had to walk right by Alan and Mark on the way out of the cafeteria. As I passed their table I reached out and lightly touched Alan and let my fingers trail along his arm and then fall away. I felt so wicked and evil. I was leading him on knowing that nothing was ever going to come of it.

When I got home from work that night I found Ricky sitting on my front porch steps. He stood up as I came up the walk and I bluntly asked:

"What the fuck do you want?"

"To do something that I should have done two weeks ago."

"And what the hell would that be?"

"Come to you, tell you what I heard and ask you what happened."

"No need now. I told you what happened when I saw you and your asshole best friend at the party."

"If what you say is true he is no longer a friend, let alone a best friend."

"If what I say is true? You need to know that I no longer give a rat's ass about what you think of me so you need to wrap your little brain around this. Whether I was drunk or sober your best friend fucked me. Your best friend fucked your girlfriend behind your back. It doesn't matter how he did it he did it and there were twenty or thirty people there who saw it. It does not matter whether I asked him to do it or whether I was too high to understand what was happening he was still your best friend, he knew I was your girlfriend and he fucked me anyway and when you found out it was "Fuck the bitch, you are still my bud."

"I didn't know."

"You didn't know what?"

"That he had screwed you. When I got back from my grandparents Cissy Matthews couldn't wait to tell me what happened at the party."

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The Most Erogenous Zone Part Eight of Nine

The frightening thing was that the only current sensation I felt from Sara, the young drowned girl, was that ripple of wonder as she smelled flowers, and I only knew she sensed lilacs because I smelled them too at that moment. Other than that, everything I was getting from her was a memory, a lingering image of events just past, but nothing in the ‘now’.I reached again, trying to find her, to call to her, to give her something to grab onto to pull herself back. I’d closed my eyes to focus my...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Sunday Bruinch with Honey

Chapter 5 – Sunday Brunch We pull into the Holmstead’s long driveway and when I see the neatly manicured lawns and big house, I’m glad we chose to bring the sports car rather than the van. Mike greets us at the door. “Come in! Come in!” he booms. “Gloria’s out back”. He leads us through the beautiful high-ceilinged open great room to the lanai where Gloria is fussing over a large table laden with food and two covered stainless steel food warmers. “You’re here! So glad you could...

3 years ago
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A Come BackChapter 50 Mid December

"I've got it, don't bother." Earl's voice on the phone assured me he was at the site and the heater was on. "I'll come in if you need me to." I told Earl. It was a very cold December for this far south. I'd guessed the mountains being so near made the difference. The site had a few people working today to do basic things that needed to be done before the next step kicked in. Then they were to head home. It was a Friday and a cold one. There was no need to push for a full day's...

4 years ago
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The Writers Secret Chapters 910

The Writer's Secret by Ann Michelle ( Chapter 9: Laura's Mall Odyssey Loren was sweating bullets by the time Stephanie finally parked the car. He expected they would go home. They hadn?t. Instead, they were parked outside Raycine?s, a department store at one end of the Valleyview Mall. The mall was only five miles from their house and they shopped here occasionally. ?I can?t go in there.? ?You don?t have any choice,? she said with...

3 years ago
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Catching Up Part 5

My route home took me through relatively undamaged areas that were free of roadblocks and time-consuming diversions. My elderly neighbour Fred Curtis was out mowing his front lawn and gave me a cheery wave as I turned into my driveway. He stopped his labours and came over. My heart sank - Fred could be very talkative and hard to get away from; but he had always been a good neighbour and very kind to me, so I owed it to him to be sociable. Besides, I’d left a spare set of my house keys with him,...

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Emily looked at the door twice. She was sure she had locked it on her way out. As she peered through the opening, she could clearly see that the alarm was switched off, she was sure it had been turned on when she left the house. She took a cautionary step inside, she wanted to call out to see if anyone was inside but that would have been stupid. She closed the door and looked from room to room. There was no one. No one, that is, until she noticed the thick black coat hanging from the coat...

3 years ago
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My SexPacked Holiday Part 5 Abi and Me Again

The next morning, after breakfast, I was sitting by the pool reading a book. Matt had stayed all night with Sally in her room, and only crept back to get some clean clothes before breakfast. He looked a bit tired, but happy, and so did Sally when I saw her at breakfast. Lucky them: I’d just had myself to play with. After a while, I heard a car pull into the car park and saw Abi getting out. She saw me and waved, so I waved back. She came over, with a rather sheepish grin on her face.

3 years ago
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Guests part 2 Chapter 10

We continued with the idea of Monday through Thursday I would fuck the girls and Friday 5 PM the girls would  tie me down, ankles/wrists,  put the gag on my mouth and blindfold my eyes. Once again I was at their mercy. Although their mercy was my sexual pleasure. This Friday, as it was with so many other Fridays, the girls put a vibrating butt plug and I would go into this sexual pleasure that would have me thinking of sexual heaven. I do not know how long they were out but I fell them coming...

Group Sex
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I already have an idea for a part 2, so hopefully I will have that up soon.I didn't think it was possible. I didn't believe in hypnosis. I even told Jake, my best friend, that if it worked he could make me do whatever he wanted. But here I am, watching the video proof of him hypnotizing me.I don't remember it at all. My mind is completely blank. Jake showed me the video on his phone. I'm sitting there, completely under his spell. All of a sudden he pulls out his big, but still slightly soft...

1 year ago
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Unintended Consequences

It started out with me writing a story. It was more for something to do, rather than ever be published. I was recently retired and wanted something to keep my mind active yet not that demanding. I had an idea that I thought would make a good story, but knew I didn't have the skills to write commercially so typed it out on my computer intending family only distribution. I shared it with my eldest son; he suggested I post it on an online site. The story could be read for others for free and I...

3 years ago
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New Boobs New Friends Lesbian

Amy was a "cute" girl. That's how so many people looked at her and she was tired of it. People always assumed she was several years younger than she actually was. At 29 she is barely 5'4" and weighs only 105lbs. "Petite" is how most people describe her. Amy had dark brown hair and blue eyes.In her early teens when all the other girls went into their growth spurts, Amy had to watch in envy as her friends developed figures and she didn't. When she graduated from high school, she could barely fill...

4 years ago
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getting panties

So, after my first time wearing panties I had to do it again and again. I only had the one pair that I had gotten fromn the neighbor girl and wanted more. When I saw her the next day she ask me what I had done with her panties, I had hand washed them in my bathroom sink and hid them to dry. I did not wear them again hopeing she would give me another pair. I told her I had forgotten all about them but since all of my boxers were in the laundry I did not have any underwear on. She blushed and...

2 years ago
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Lisas Friend Abby Part 3

Both the girls had a good buzz as we made out way up the stairs, I let them lead if only because I get to see up their night shirts which is always a nice sight.We entered the bedroom and they both giggled when I told them I slept naked but I told them they could keep their panties on if they wished, “Thank you daddy” Lisa said as another big flash came through the window, the girls quickly got their shirts off and jumped under the thin sheet and asked if I would jump in the middle so they...

2 years ago
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An Indian Family Story

Ramu was an office boy in the Village Office. He was considered as somewhat of a big man. He knew every body. Any one with any work in the Village Office must seek his blessings first, before approaching the Village Officer himself. Otherwise one’s file will somehow vanish and will not appear till Ramu has been appeased. So he commanded a lot of respect in the village of Periaparai. Being a bachelor, he was also eyed by many girls in the village. His government job produced a steady income and...

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Sniper in the TreelineChapter 4

This final chapter of this summarized story is highlighted by my final departure from beautiful scenery and bad memories and it is really at the end of the hectic days of frenzied ground fighting in the south and heavy bombing in the north and along the “Ho Chi Minh Trail” which was more of a unpaved “super-highway” under the jungle canopy and not a simple path that wandered about without rhyme or reason. The conflict stretched on for another sixty months but the casualty statistics were a...

1 year ago
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Neon Green

Isabella stopped for a moment outside the door of her newest "client". She'd been working at The Hotel for almost a year now and had never had the courage to enact her most secret fantasy. On this night, however, she decided to try it. The funny thing was that shed never been nervous before. Shed always been eager and full of confidence. "Man up Isabella. Now or never" she said to herself. With a deep breath she knocked on the door. The door swung open to reveal a handsome man on the other...

Erotic Fiction
1 year ago
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Beautiful Milk Aunty

My name is krish ,30 from hyderabad. I stay in a apartment in a flat. About six months ago a new neighbour came to stay near us. It was a family consisting of uncle and aunty and they had a baby about 6 months old. That day they rang our door I came out to see and uncle were there they told me that they are our new neighbours that day I saw aunty for the first time she was gorgeous, fair as milk, she wore spects and that gave her just the sexy looks and her main attraction were her boobs they...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Restroom Sex 8211 Part 3 8211 The Restroom Again

This story is the continuation of the previous story. As I told before having sex with one girl led to a snowball effect. It’s really surprising to see that there have been so many women around me; whom I thought didn’t even care about boys or made people feel that they were confined to themselves; were not like that. It was the case of Janani Priya that taught me a lesson. We are all deluded about people. We just can’t find who is what. Ok enough philosophy for today. Ill introduce myself...

4 years ago
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A Good ManChapter 7

Awakening Tom was still tired, damn hadn't been like that since all this started. Rolling out of bed he was shocked to see Futha sitting beside his bed, she hadn't made a sound upon entering waiting quietly for Tom to awake. "Hello Futha, I'm sorry I wasn't awake to greet you," Tom said. Again Futha was surprised no one apologized to brownies, especially mages, they always seemed aloof like they were better than everyone. Hell that was the main reason the council of magical beings...

2 years ago
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The Distracted Manager Three

The Distracted Manager - Three Belladonna [Author's Note: Loosely based on an idea provided by Honoria] Terri and Eli sat across from each other as their dinners were placed in front of them. As the waiter left them alone in the sparsely filled restaurant, Terri asked, "Can we start talking about our little arrangement now?" Eli nodded while he began to cut into his steak. Terri smiled as she said, "You know I love having you work for me..." "Really, I wouldn't have...

4 years ago
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Best Sales Job In The World 01

PRELUDE Barb entered Cliff’s office with the calendar in her hand. She closed and locked his office door and smiled as she moved to where he was seated at his desk. It was a Wednesday and the sales and technical staff were out of the office calling on prospects. At 36 years old Barb was a sex dynamo. She was in great shape with a 34-25-36 figure. Her legs were long and shapely on her 5’8′ frame and her ass was second to none. Barb had short blonde her and alluring blue eyes. She had that fuck...

2 years ago
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The bar was crowded, smokey, & far to loud. I had not seen anyone I knew, that I would even want to be with. "Got a light?" I turned tosee the mst amasing woman. 5' tiny, blue eyes, tanned, and a set of tits that would keep going even after she was dead. I fumbled for a lighter! "Here..." I was going to tell her that she could not smoke in the club, she could have cared! "Thanks. I'm Jenni." she held her hand up. "I..I am Tig." Her smile melted me. It was notlove but lust! "I like that."...

4 years ago
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The boys in the group Pt2

The boys in the group Pt2: The meeting...My first time was with my best friend, later known as my boyfriend named Mark. It happened by chance one day after scuool, back at his parents house and he told me to keep it a secret afterwards. Mark even made me promise not to tell any of the other boys in the group, afraid that they might over react so I didn't.We all started hanging out together as a group again during my last year in highh scuool. After a long while of Mark and me doing things in...

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The Mandingo Club

I) ---Prologue--- I moved to Houston from Chicago about three years ago for a bunchof reasons; new job, more pay, warmer climate, better costs of living. Alltogether, it was a good move. One of the things I do miss about the WindyCity though is my membership in the Mandingo club. Maybe, as a white guy,I didn't actually have a 'membership', but I was fortunate enough to attendand serve at their monthly parties for almost two years. The Mandingo clubis a private men's club that is dedicated...

4 years ago
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Thankfully, at last, the final box had been unpacked. It was only when moving out of my parents’ house that I realized how much junk I’d accumulated. I was particularly pleased that my apartment was furnished and, therefore, I didn't have to transport furniture. Moving boxes of my personal stuff had been tiring enough.I’d been looking for something reasonably cheap when I saw an advert in the newspaper for what was called a mother-in-law suite. It seemed the lady had passed away some time ago...

2 years ago
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Late Night at the Laundromat

Getting back into writing, hope you enjoy this new story.I used to work the night shift at an all night coin operated laundry. It was an okay job for a college student and afforded me plenty of time to study. I worked from 11PM to 7AM, four nights a week and was often called and asked to work the other nights as well. I didn't mind, my last class was at 3 in the afternoon, so I would get out of class grab a bite to eat and crash until it was time to go to work. We offered a laundry service drop...

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Jock TalesGettin Dirty

Jock Tales—Gettin DirtySummer was going slowly—which I guess was a good thing. Usually seemed like it was over all too soon. That's why I so hated school. I mean I did good and shit, playing the model student athlete and shit, but mostly I was just there for football. If it weren't for that—I prolly woulda been a drop out after 9th grade. I just didn't deal very well with regimen, and rules, and people that acted like they were your daddy. It would prolly have blown the heads off about 99% of...

1 year ago
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My BFFs Uncle

Note : This story is completely fictional! One year me and my best friend were planning a vaction to New York City for the summer of our senoir year of High School. When my friend called his uncle who lived in New York City to tell him me and him were comming to new york for a month he told us we could stay there at his place. When we got to his unce apartment we just relaxed for the day and plus it was raining outside. When that night came my friend went to bed and i was still up with his...

Drunk sex
3 years ago
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my first sloppy second thrill

i'm 65 haha - but what a thrill to wait for :)I got on a meetup site that's commonly used for sex hookups - just thought i'd give it a try. my only rqmt was that they not be local, be here for work etc.I got a guy that works for a state agency, that comes here for occasional training. well first I got a gal, a flight attendant that was passing thru - that was fun. new pussy haha.anyway, this guy, we met, had a little dinner, then we went to his hotel room and he fucked me royally. he was in his...

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Shivani And Rahul 8211 Part 6

Welcome back. This is Rahul with the sixth part of the story. I hope the readers have read the earlier parts and enjoyed it. It had been 4 and a half months since Rahul came back to Bangalore. The sexual urge had taken over Shivani, and she again started having sex after 4 months. She did get Rahul’s approval before indulging in sex with another man. Shivani had begun having regular threesomes with Kavita and Aakash. Rahul had a dry spell, and he didn’t want to fuck a whore. Shivani would...

2 years ago
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Studio Seduction

It was to that ad I responded the day I decided to leave Kansas and move east to North Carolina. There was no school waiting for me, or man, or job, but it was out of Kansas and away from my obsessive ex. I pointed at a map, saw NC in big letters and instantly went online to find listings. That was the first of twelve ads I responded to with cheap rents and immediate results. That ad was the only one that said yes, and within five hours I was packed and in my car heading east. I didn’t have...

1 year ago
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Billionaire Mami Ko Saat Apni Virginity Lose Ki

Hi friends mera naam rahul hai mai delhi me rehne wala 21 saal ka ladka hu I m good looking mer height 5.9 ft hai…Aaj mai aapko meri or meri mami k beech hua ek beautiful experience describe karne jaa raha hu. Meri mami 50 yrs ki hai lekin she is extremely extremely beautiful and looks as if she is 38…She is 5.2ft and very good figure of 36-34-38. She is very fair coloured and has a extremely glowng skin. Vo hamesha saree pehenti hai. Lekin vo hamesha deep back wali blouse and low waist se...

4 years ago
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Makaleas Make Up Assignment

Summer classes would help Makaela graduate college sooner but having gone to her friend's birthday party, Makaela had not slept all night. She was also feeling a little sick from drinking too much. She sat in class feeling terrible as her professor handed out the exams. She heard Miss Lena ask sternly, “Makaela are you ok?” Irritated Makaela answered rudely, “Yes, Professor, I’m fine.” Makaela’s head hurt and she could barely see what was on the test. She did the best she could, as quickly as...

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sperm lover here

Richard here –I am a homosexual man addicted to masturbation with other homosexual men.Love to rub, squeeze, stroke, lick and suck their cocks – any age, size, shape, cut /uncut and any color – all are completely accommodated however they require.Prefer to suck for long sessions, slow, gentle, hard or fast or whatever is desired and I am a cock suck servant who will obey all and every instruction.My rewards are hot and creamy sperm loads – always eat every drop – direct from cock or from where...

2 years ago
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Soon 2

Thanks to the incomparable Steve Zink for editing this for me! Mindy asked me to write this sequel. SOON is her second favorite story of mine. Not only myself but all of us owe her so much I couldn't refuse! Have you read SOON? If not, why not! Shame! It would be helpful to understand the story if you have. Note - this starts about a month after the former Peter's tutoring from Madam Lafarge to make 'her' a Great Lady like April had been completed and takes us about ten...

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The Food Court

I love Friday paydays. I always go to the mall after work, do some shopping, eat some Asian food in the food court, watch the girls and masterbate till closing. It's a great way to end the work week. Especially since mine consists of working from 8-4 and then attending classes from 6-9. Except on Fridays, when I get a break from school. I work in an office as an administrative assistant so my typical attire has become white blouse and black skirt. I like my top low cut and my skirt the same but...

4 years ago
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Far Future Fembot DarleneChapter 48 Hope and Conflict

Thoughts Letting Bill leave the way he did was the greatest act of Faith yet for me. I trusted that somehow he'd find Anna when none of the rest of us had managed. And most of all, I trusted that he wouldn't also become lost forever to me. Apparently it's hard for many non-robots to understand how a mere two weeks with Bill devoted solely to me could be so significant in the fullness span of my existence-span — yet it was. And what does this say about my memories of Samuel? Another...

3 years ago
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Naked Sex

He stood naked over her looking at her nude body. His huge long thick cock was rock hard and standing straight out. The end was wet with the thick precum. He looked at her hard nipples sitting on her big double D tits. Her tits were firm and no sags just how he liked big hooters. He looked down her body where her legs were spread wide showing her bald pussy. He could see the moisture around her fuck hole. She was not only sexy but she loved to fuck. He had fucked her almost all night and this...

4 years ago
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A New PastChapter 28 Intrigues and Intrusions

“I’m serious, Paul, go to work,” Jeryl said. “You’ve been wonderful and supportive, and loving, but you need to go back to work. Besides, it’s not like I lack for help or companionship.” I smiled and kissed her. “If you’re sure.” She smiled back. “I am, really.” We had been home from the hospital for almost three weeks. Jeryl’s mother had been with us the first two weeks. My mom had arrived just over a week ago. Anna had started the week we came home, and Alison was near, constantly...

3 years ago
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The Perversion of Lady Jane GreyChapter 3

Holmes sat in his favoured armchair and looked out of the window on to the grimy street, he had an air of contemplation about him; eyes nearly closed, with pipe smoke wreathing his noble edifice. He barely acknowledged Brighton's exuberant entrance into the smoky room. "I say Holmes, what splendid day! One would not have expected such a sure herald of spring following on from the foul fog we encountered last eve." Brighton stopped talking, and coughed. "Mind you Ned, you are no stranger...

2 years ago
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Why Me MChapter 3 Compromise

Eric Stewart did not have much excitement in his life. He worked in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, which prosecuted about half the crimes which went to trial in the state of Illinois. Some of his colleagues prosecuted murderers, drug dealers, or perpetrators of intricate frauds. Eric was one of the guys who prosecuted traffic cases. He sang in the choir at Aldersgate, and the former choir director had made a habit of asking every possible singer in the choir to sing a solo at...

2 years ago
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Unwillingly In Love

-This is a bisexual story! -Must have proper grammar and spelling. -Must make sense with plot. Remember the victims are freaking out inside, but are extremely limited in response unless Alex allows it. Alexander is currently a college student. He has one dad and three brothers his mom left him when he was five, since then he has had his gift. Alex has used his gift subtly before, but now that he's on his own with a roommate named Justin attending BAGIA (Boys Academy Gifted In Arts) he no...

Mind Control
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Hawaiian Baby Woodrose

It was a short walk from the parking lot to the entrance of the garden center, but far enough for Rose to have already started sweating. True, it was an uncomfortably hot morning, and the sun grew more merciless as the minutes passed, but the reason had as much to do with Rose as with the heat. She had dressed lightly for the day-- a thin polyester dress with a floral pattern, sandals, a broad-brimmed hat-- but at 44 she was not a petite woman, and it didn't take much exertion for a film of...

2 years ago
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Disciplined at Work

David’s Secretary, Susan, came in to his office, obviously very angry, flashing her Bank Statement. “David. Someone has taken £100 from my account. I spoke to the Bank and they said it was taken out by my cash card.” She took one look at him and went in to a rage. He was blushing. She raged “How could you? I stood at the cash machine with my Mum and she saw the Bank reject giving me any cash. She had to wait with me and was getting more and more annoyed with me! Now I find out you stole my...

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Best day at the beach

Recently My wife and I went to the beach; it had been a very hot day, and a day away on the beach was just what we needed. The waves splashing on the shore looked so very inviting so we walked along until we saw a quiet spot and we sat down on the sand. We got undressed from our shorts and tie shirts, and it was then that I noticed that for the first time that she was not wearing the usual one piece bathing suit that I was accustomed too seeing, no, not today she was wearing two piece bikini...

1 year ago
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new orleans

New Orleans We had flown to New Orleans to attend a trade show. My wife and I work for the same company, which had lead to some interesting times. We try our best to keep a very professional work environment. Our private life is just that private and we have yet to tell anyone that we work with that we are married to each other. In fact none of our clients or vendors know. Our romance started out fast and furious. Within six months of our first date we eloped to Vegas. Since everything happened...

3 years ago
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Kate Fantasy 6

My husband is watching me, sitting in his easy chair in our living room. He has his pants open and his long, thick cock in one hand, slowly stroking it. I hear him groan and swear, calling me “fucking whore” and “cumslut” as he pumps his tool. I am naked on my hands and knees only a few feet from him. A man I do not know is kneeling behind me, pounding his hard cock deep in my pussy, slapping his hips against my ass with each hard thrust. He pulls my hair back and I am suddenly seeing one of...

4 years ago
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The Life and Times of an Expatriate Chap 8

Introduction: This is a story of a widower rediscovering young love overseas. It is not pure, graphic sex continuously. Some chapters do not even contain any sexual matter. But it does build to a strong finish that should satisfy the reader. This is my first written story of this type, so constructive feedback is appreciated. CHAPTER EIGHT As I drove Anita to school the next morning, she seemed a bit different like she was holding a secret. I was a little concerned and her wild lovemaking the...

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My Slut Wifebook Four

Chapter 1 If you have read my previous three slut wife books you will be aware of how our relationship has developed over the years. For those who haven't this is a brief background. Me and Jane have been married for some 6yrs now, during this time we have had various adventures with other couples and Jane has developed a taste for gang-bangs when she is the centre of attention for groups of guys. For new readers she is now 27yrs old, 5'6'' tall with a superb 36d/26/36 figure, large...

2 years ago
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Our Maiden Voyage Into Jasons Room

My girlfriend Amy’s nipples never got hard during sex until the day she realized that her roommate Jason had probably heard us going at it. She went to the bathroom right after I finished cumming, like she always did. I used some tissues to clean my own mess from my hand then lay down on her bed to relax. She returned to the room, wearing my running shorts and a t-shirt, because she didn’t like to remain naked after sex—not even if we kept lying in bed for a while—and slipped under the covers....

2 years ago
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Daddy Dom and Me

Introduction: True story about being a spoiled princess to a Daddy Dom. For a long time I was really confused about what I wanted since Im only 20 and hadnt much experience with these things. I knew I was submissive, but Im also pouty and like to be treated like a little princess. I recently found out through that there are lots of people with these relationship desire…and rather than hardcore bdsm doms, the men are called daddy doms. And Im grateful to be in such an arrangement! The following...

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