TSINF 8 1 The Deal 1
- 2 years ago
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When I got home there was a note on my pillow to call my mother at work. When I got through to her she asked me if I'd heard from Mr. Adams about my job at Dairy Queen and I told her no (and I never did hear from him or get what I was owed in wages). She asked me to meet her for lunch and I met her at Riggo's. After asking me if I'd had a good time at Abby's pajama party she told me that she had a job for me if I wanted to work full time until school started and maybe even part time if my class schedule would allow it.
"We need a file clerk at the office. It is nine to five and it pays three hundred a week."
"Three hundred a week? That's almost twice what I made at Dairy Queen. When can I start?"
"You can go in with me after we eat and fill out the paperwork and start on Monday. You can ride into work with me in the mornings."
My first day on the job was spent finding where everything was and meeting the people I would be working with. The second, third and fourth I was busy filing stuff that had been piling up since the last file clerk had quit. I'd seen Mark and the other two guys who had been fucking my mother (Sam and Alan) but they had stayed pretty much clear of me.
The fifth day was the eye opener.
The supply closet is on the other side of the thin wall that separates the supply room from the copiers and fax machines and I was in the closet getting paper for one of the copy machines when I heard voices on the other side of the wall. I recognized Alan's voice when he said:
"Damn it to hell. That fax from Campbell still isn't here."
"Relax" Mark said, "He said that he would get it here by twelve. We still have half an hour."
"Relax my ass! I can't leave until I have it and I sure don't want to miss my turn with Donna (Donna is my mom). I need to get off."
"You won't miss anything. We have all afternoon to fuck that slut."
"It was a stroke of genius to hire to hire her brat to work here."
"It was a no-brainer. Donna said no more pussy as long as the little twit was not working and could walk in on us at any time. Now we all know where she is during the day so Donna is free to be our pin cushion again."
"The kid is a pretty hot looking little bitch. I wonder if there is any chance we could snag her."
"That would be a kick wouldn't it? Fucking the mother and the daughter?"
"A bigger kick would be to have both of them in bed next to each other while we took turns doing them."
"Who knows? Donna is a big enough slut that we may be able to get her to go for it."
"Not a chance!"
"There are always date rape drugs. I'll bet we could slip it to both of them and then film it and hold it over their heads. They would have to fuck us forever."
"You think?"
"Why not? All we have to do is..." and I didn't catch the rest because they walked out of the room.
I wondered if my mom knew of their high opinion of her and then I wondered if she would do what they thought she might. Would she try to get all five of us on her bed? One thing I did know. I wasn't going to have anything to eat or drink around any man who worked there. One thing I overheard did get to me. I started to think that it would be a kink to fuck the guys who were fucking my mother.
Riding home from work that night with my mom I debated telling her what I'd overheard, but decided to keep quiet about it. Just as we pulled into the driveway mom told me that I shouldn't make any plans for Monday night.
"It's your birthday and your dad wants you to be home that evening."
"I already made plans to go out with a few of the girls to celebrate."
"Maybe after dinner, but your father was quite specific about my making sure to let you know that you are expected to be there for dinner."
The weekend was nothing special. Billy and Bert were home from football camp and Saturday night Bert took me to the movies and then out to Sloan's Lake. He did me twice – once on the back seat and then again on a blanket down by the beach. Nothing new there, but as he was driving me home he asked me how Ricky was handling my being gangbanged at Benny's birthday party. That is when I knew that unless Ricky was extremely open minded – and I'd not seen any sign that he was – we were most likely going to part ways. If Bert knew – and he had been away when it happened – then everyone knew and the word was bound to get to Ricky. I wasn't in love with Ricky and I was pretty sure that he wasn't in love with me, but I did like him a lot and I had been counting on him to be my steady until I settled in at college and got to know my way around.
Sunday was a day of doing nothing. I had expected Billy to try and get me alone for some slap and tickle, but surprise, surprise, he had found a girl that he liked and he was out with her so pretty much all I did was help mom around the house and paint my toe-nails.
My relationship with my mom was a little awkward. We hadn't talked much since the conversation in my bedroom on the day I found out about her and her co-workers and what little we did talk about never touched on what had happened that day. She still did not look me in the eye and when she did catch me looking at her she would turn away.
She was not embarrassed over what she was doing and I knew that because she was still doing it and I knew that from the conversation I'd overheard between Mark and Alan. She was however embarrassed that I knew about it. I suppose that I could have made things much easier on her – after all I was as big a slut as she was – but even though I loved my mom I loved my dad also and she was fucking over him.
We managed to get through our time alone together over the weekend and it wasn't until the ride to work on Monday morning that she acknowledged the elephant in the room where we were concerned.
"Are you ever going to talk to me again?"
"We talk."
"You know what I mean. You used to talk with me all the time about school, your friends and what was going on in your life, but now you only talk if I ask you a question."
"What do you expect? I find out that my mother is cheating on my father. Not even an affair for God's sake, but doing gangbangs and from what I hear at work it is an almost daily occurrence."
"What you hear at work?"
"Oh yes indeed mother dear; what you are doing is no secret."
I saw her knuckles turn white as she gripped the steering wheel.
"Who have you been talking to?"
"No one. I just happened to be in the supply closet while Mark and Alan were discussing it in the copier room and if I heard it the others with me heard it too"
Of course there was no one with me, but I told her that there was to give what I was saying more weight.
"I'm sure that the part about me being hired to get me out of the way so Mark, Alan and Sam could play with you went over real well."
"They said that?"
"Mark said that hiring me was – and I quote – "a no brainer" since you said that they couldn't have any more pussy as long as I wasn't working and could walk in on you at any time."
She gave a shrug at that and said, "Well, it was my idea, but I never expected them to be so out in the open with it. But that's beside the point. You have no reason to put me out of your life because of what I'm doing. I explained it all to you. I love your father – honest to God I do – but I need more sex than he can give me and as I get older it seems like I want more and more. Baby, your daddy is a marvelous lover, but he can't go hour after hour after hour and that is what I need. I don't believe there is any one man alive who could give me what I need. There are times when after an afternoon with Mark, Alan and Sam I still want more.
"The closet your father and I have ever come to a divorce came about when I tried to stop cheating on him. I became irritable and a real bitch and I damned near drove us apart. I didn't mellow out until I started back up with Mark and Sam and then Alan. I love your daddy baby and I need him for me to be complete, but I need more – way, way more – physical attention than your daddy can give me. Please try to understand baby, please!"
When we pulled in and parked she reminded me that daddy wanted me to be home for dinner. I had a good idea of why. Billy's birthday was in June and daddy had given him a car as a combination graduation and birthday present and that is just where I was. I had just graduated and it was my birthday so if I was right in my guess I'd be getting a car. It wouldn't be a new car – Billy's wasn't either – but dad's best friend owned an auto repair shop so the car would have been gone over with a fine toothed comb. It gave me something to think about during work at least until lunch time.
I saw mom and Mark when they left for lunch. I saw several people in the office glance my way when mom and Mark walked into the elevator together and as the elevator door closed I thought about what mom had said. She did seem to show dad lots of love and affection and he did appear to be very happy with her. Maybe being a slut was saving her marriage. As long as she and dad were happy why should what she was doing bother me? It did, but I guess I could learn to live with it.
I just happened to be where I could see the elevator when mom and Mark came back to work and mom looked positively radiant. When I saw that I softened a bit. After all, I did know how she felt. I wondered if I looked anything like that when I'd been taken care of. Right then and there I made the decision to cut mom all the slack I could.
The ride home was pretty quiet until we turned onto our street and then I reached over and touched mom on the arm and said:
"Just don't hurt daddy."
She smiled at me and I saw a tear in the corner of her right eye. "I won't baby, I promise and thank you baby. Thank you for understanding."
Dinner was my favorite – liver and onions – and after dinner there was cake and ice cream. Mom gave me a bracelet, necklace and earring set and the earrings were quarter caret diamonds. Billy gave me an IPOD and then daddy slid a small box over to me and I opened it to find a set of car keys and said:
"It's out front."
We all got up and walked to the front door and looked out at the 1993 Mustang convertible and Billy said:
"Swap you."
"As if. Why would I want a Jeep?"
Then I had to take everyone for a ride. They all had a good laugh at my expense. It was a five speed transmission and up until then 99 and 44/100ths percent of my driving had been done in vehicles with an automatic transmission. There were quite a few jackrabbit starts until I got the hang of it.
I managed to get everyone home safe and then Billy asked if he could take it for a spin. I was not at all surprised when we pulled up in front of Jimmy's. "Time for your real birthday present" Billy said as we got out of the car. The two of them fucked me until they couldn't get it up any more and left me wishing that Bert and Ricky were there also. Was I my mother's daughter or what?"
Because of limited parking at work I continued to ride to work with my mom. We didn't talk much on the drive and I suppose it was because mom felt uncomfortable around me knowing that I knew what she was doing. There wasn't anything that I could say or do that would change that. Well, I guess there was. I could confess to being the slut that I was and that would maybe give us some common ground, but no way was I going to go there.
The work wasn't hard and there was plenty to keep me busy. As I worked I did notice that Alan always seemed to be watching me and after overhearing his talk with Mark I was pretty sure of what he was thinking and I remembered the thoughts I'd had about taking on my mother's lovers for the kick of it.
And I do have to admit that in the back of my mind I still remembered Mark saying that mom was a big enough slut that she might even be talked into trying to get me onto the bed with the four of them. I did spend some time wondering about that. She was enough of a slut to let herself be three-holed on her husband's bed; was she enough of a slut to try and pull me in if the guys asked her to? The more I thought of it the more I wondered if she would do it if the guys asked her to and I finally reached a point where I really wanted to know.
I kept an eye on Alan, Sam and Mark and waited to see if one of them would show an interest in me. As soon as one of them did (if one of them did) I would do some teasing and lead them on, but not let anything go too far. I would try to get them to the point where they would maybe go to my mother and ask.
Back at the ranch – so to speak – Ricky was back from the visit to his grandparents. I know because I saw him sitting in his car at the Sonic drive-in when I drove by. I wondered why he hadn't called me and when I hadn't heard from him over the next couple of days I accepted that he had heard about what had happened at Benny's party and didn't want anything to do with me.
Luckily Billy was home from sports camp, Jimmy was still around and I guessed that Bert's girlfriend wasn't giving it up because he got together with Billy, Jimmy and me once or twice a week. I wasn't being shorted on sex, but I was missing the things that Ricky and I did as boyfriend/girlfriend. Well, I had no one to blame but me. I wasn't so far out of it at Benny's party that I couldn't have fought Joey off if I'd really wanted to.
I did wonder how Joey and Ricky were getting along, but not bad enough to call Joey and ask and I sure as hell wasn't going to call Ricky.
Thursday I got a call from Abby and she wanted to know if I was up for going to a party on Friday.
"I don't know. Will it be anything like the last one?"
"That is strictly up to you girlfriend. No one forces anything on any one. There will be people there who were at the last one. They won't expect that you will do what you did the last time, but you and I both know that there will be some of them hoping."
I hesitated a couple of seconds as I thought about it and then asked, "What time do you want to pick me up?"
"I thought you had a car now."
"I do, but it is in the shop. Something to do with an EGR valve and an air sensor."
A lie, but no way was I going to drive my Mustang to a party where I might get looped on spiked non-alcoholic punch like I did last time. There were not going to be a DUI in my future. I wasn't dumb. After prom night and Benny's party I knew how big of a slut Abby was (just as she now knew how big of a one that I was) and I knew she wanted me at the party to take some of the load off of her so if she wanted me there she could be the one to get me there.
Friday morning on the way to work I told mom that I would be spending the night at Abby's.
"She just broke up with her boyfriend and I'm going to be the shoulder to cry on."
"Speaking of boyfriends how are you and Ricky coming along? I haven't seen him lately."
"Yeah, well, I might be doing some shoulder crying of my own."
"What happened?"
"Don't know. He came home last week from visiting his grandparents and he hasn't called. Maybe he met someone while he was there. I don't know."
She didn't say any more since we were pulling into the lot at work.
I was plenty busy that morning, but not so busy that I didn't notice mom head for the elevator about twenty minutes before lunch time. Three or four minutes later Mark and San got up and left. I moved over to the window and saw mom, Sam and Mark get in Mark's car and pull out of the lot. Along with all of the other things I'd been wondering about lately I wondered about that also. Why did mom do it at our house? I came home early one day; didn't she realize that dad could also come home early? Could she need cock so bad that she let it affect her thinking? I shook my head and got back to work.
I broke for lunch at twelve-thirty and when I walked into the building cafeteria I saw Alan sitting alone at a table. He looked up as I walked in, saw me and smiled. I smile back at him, filled my tray and headed for an empty table, but before I got to it I changed my mind and sat down with Alan. Before he could say anything I said:
"You been bad or something?"
"I asked if you've been a bad boy. Did you do something to piss mom off so she told you that you couldn't join in for play time today?"
He looked at me for a moment or to and then gave me a look that was half leer and half grin and said:
"I wasn't bad, but I want to be. I begged off today hoping to catch you here at lunch."
"Whatever for?"
"As if you don't know."
I laughed and said, "Oh yeah; like I'm going to horn in on my mom's action. I'm not like you, Mark and Sam. You spend a couple of hours with her here and there; I have to live with her full time. Things are a little strained between since I walked in on all of you so I can just imagine how things would be between us if I started playing with her toys."
"You don't sound like you wouldn't mind playing if your mom didn't care."
I laughed again. "I can see it now. "Donna baby; how about we ask your daughter to join us?" "Hell of an idea Alan; I'll ask her." Oh yes; I can just imagine it."
Before he could say anything else Alex Combs came in and told Alan that he was needed in the office. Alan got up and as he walked away I thought to myself "The seed is planted; will it catch hold and grow?" And the biggie – if it did what would mom do? How would she handle it?
For the rest of the day every time I saw Alan looking at me he had a look on his face that told me he wanted me and I wondered if he wanted me bad enough. Would he keep trying?
I got my answer the next morning when at first break he sat down with me and asked me to have lunch with him. I looked at him without talking for a couple of seconds and then flat out asked:
"Why are you doing this?"
"Doing what?"
"I think you are trying to come on to me. Why? Isn't screwing my mother enough for you? Or do you maybe have a fantasy of a mother/daughter relationship?"
"What's wrong with fantasies?"
"That's it isn't it? You want us both. On the same bed at the same time? That is just too kinky for words."
I finished my coffee and stood up. Just before I walked away from the table I smiled at him and said:
"How are you going to sell that idea to my mom?"
I walked away leaving him sitting there thinking, "Well, she didn't say no."
Abby picked me up and we headed to the party. We were not the first ones there and those that had gotten there before us had already moved the furniture out of the way in the living room and dinning room to make a dance floor. Music was playing and some couples were already dancing. I hadn't told Abby, but I had no intention of letting myself be a pin cushion that night. I just wanted to have some fun and maybe – just maybe – find a replacement for Ricky.
I stayed clear of the 'supposedly alcohol free" punch and stuck to Diet Pepsi in bottles that I opened myself. I'd been there about an hour when I saw Ricky and Joey come in the front door. Ricky saw me right away and turned to Joey and said something. Joey looked over and saw me, said something to Ricky and then they both laughed. I don't know why, but seeing the two of them standing there looking at me and laughing pissed me off. I walked over to them and looked Ricky right in the eyes as I said:
"I already know why I haven't heard from you since you've been back, but what I don't know is what you are doing spending time with your dirt-bag buddy here. It doesn't bother you that he deliberately got me drunk and then pulled me into a bedroom and fucked me? It doesn't mean anything to you that the entire time he did me he kept putting you down saying things like "How does it feel having a real man fucking you instead of your wimpy assed boyfriend?" It doesn't bother you at all that your 'good friend' here held me down so that other guys could fuck me and that the whole time he kept saying "Fuck the bitch good so that she'll never want wimpy Ricky's prick again" and then laughing? How about knowing that he called me every day for a week to ask me if I wanted to do it again?
"The only reason I didn't call the cops and holler rape is that I was too drunk on the spiked punch he fed me to fight him off and by not fighting him off he could claim it was consensual and probably get away with it. You know? He might just be right. Only a wimp would let him get away with it. Fuck the both of you!"
I was smiling to myself as I walked away. Most of what I'd said except for the drinking part was all pure bullshit, but with any kind of luck it would poison their relationship. Got to get back at them when you can, right? On Ricky because the asshole didn't at least talk to me before kicking me to the curb and on Joey for being asshole enough to go after his best friend's girl. It would maybe have been different if he had come after me because he wanted a long term romantic relationship, but all the dirt-bag wanted was a quick piece of ass. Sure not my idea of a best friend.
After venting on Ricky I went out of my way to 'dirty dance' with the guys who asked me. I let a lot of liberties be taken as far as roaming hands were concerned just so Ricky could see it. I did notice that Ricky and Joey didn't seem to be so buddy-buddy any more. In fact I didn't see them together again that night.
I went looking for Abby and surprise-surprise I found her in one of the bedrooms doing what I damned well knew was the only thing she had come to the party for. She had three guys working her and another four waiting and I waited until the one in her mouth got his nut and then pulled his cock out and then I told her I was going to find a ride and take off.
"Not going to play tonight?"
"Not tonight. Ricky showed up and took some of the shine off the evening. Talk to you later."
As I walked back down the stairs I wondered if things had gone differently that night would I have been in there sharing that bed with her like I had at the last party. I laughed as I realized the answer to that question.
Gary Kinson was getting ready to leave and I asked him if I could bum a ride with him and he said okay. I saw Ricky watching me as I left with Gary and I wondered what he was thinking. I didn't care what he was thinking, but I still wondered.
The next thing I had to wonder about was what was going to happen when I got in Gary's car with him. Gary was one of the guys who had shared me at Benny's birthday party. Would he want an encore? Or maybe expect one for the ride?
It was a quiet ride for the first few minutes and then Gary said, "I noticed that you and Ricky didn't seem to spend any time together tonight. Could that maybe mean that you are no longer a couple? Or is it just a pot-hole in the road that can be patched and filled."
"Not a pot-hole; more like a bridge that has been washed out."
"Can the bridge be rebuilt?"
"I'm not sure that it should be. Might be best to just reroute the traffic."
"You know of course that there are a lot of guys who envied Rick and if you are really not a couple anymore those guys are going to beat a path to your door."
"I doubt that."
"Don't. I'm one of them and I want to take advantage of the fact that you are sitting next to me right now. That makes me the first in line of the bunch that wants to beat that path to your door. Any chance that I could take you out to dinner and maybe a movie tomorrow night?"
"Why would you want to do that? Because you think I'm an easy slut? That wasn't really me at Benny's party; that was someone who didn't know what was happening."
"I know that. I know that you were bombed and taken advantage of and I apologize for being one of the ones who took advantage of you. In my defense I can only say that some things are just too nice to pass up regardless of the circumstances."
He pulled into the drive and stopped. He got out and walked around the car and opened my door for me – something that I wasn't at all used to – and walked me to my front door. When we got there he asked:
I turned and looked at him for a second or so and then said, "How about we make it for six-thirty?"
"That will work."
I got up on my toes and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for the ride" and then I went into the house.
Mom was surprised to see me since I'd told her I would be spending the night at Abby's so I told her that Abby and her boyfriend were talking again so I thought that I'd better get out of the way.
When I came down for breakfast in the morning dad was out playing golf and mom was getting ready to go grocery shopping. As soon as she was gone Billy said:
"We are alone sis" and he led me up to his bedroom and we stayed there until we heard dad come home.
The date with Gary on Saturday was dinner and a movie and then he drove us out to the lake and we parked and talked. The talking led to some necking and when he put a hand on my breast I pushed it away.
"Behave" I told him and he kissed me again.
"You don't know unless you try."
I might have let him if Billy hadn't taken care of my itch earlier, but I didn't want Gary to think I was too easy so he was going to have to wait a date or two to score. I kept pushing his hands away.
"I told you last night that the girl at the party wasn't the real me. Now stop it."
He listened and the hands stopped, but we did neck for a little while longer before he drove me home.
"Can I see you again?" he asked as he walked me to my front door.
"I'd like that."
"Pick you up at two?"
"Okay" I said and I kissed him goodnight.
Sunday we went roller skating at Skate City and then we went for pizza. We ended up at the lake again and I let Gary get my bra off and play with my breasts, but I stopped him when he put a hand on my leg and moved it up under my skirt. He didn't know it yet, but he would get to go all the way on our next date. I expected him to ask me for our next date when he got me home. But he didn't. He kissed me and told me he would call me.
Monday mom had a doctor's appointment so I drove my Mustang to work. It was a fairly busy but quiet day and twice when I caught Alan looking my way he blew me a kiss. I just shook my head no and ignored him.
At lunch I was sitting with Tammy (our receptionist) when Mark and Alan came in and sat down at a table across the room. They were talking ad looking at me and I would have bet money they were talking about me and I would bet that the conversation was going something like this.
"I'm horny and I was looking forward to fucking Donna this afternoon."
"Yeah, me too. I forgot she had a physical scheduled for today."
"The little bitch is looking fuckable today. Think we could talk her into taking her mom's place for an afternoon?"
"I think she would if we could convince her that we could hide it from Donna."
"You think?"
"Either that or get Donna to go along with it."
"No way!"
"I've talked to the little cunt a couple of times and she gives the impression that fucking her momma's lovers would be a kick, but she won't do it because Donna would get pissed if she found out."
"So what you are saying is that we need to get Donna on board with it."
Tammy and I finished lunch and we had to walk right by Alan and Mark on the way out of the cafeteria. As I passed their table I reached out and lightly touched Alan and let my fingers trail along his arm and then fall away. I felt so wicked and evil. I was leading him on knowing that nothing was ever going to come of it.
When I got home from work that night I found Ricky sitting on my front porch steps. He stood up as I came up the walk and I bluntly asked:
"What the fuck do you want?"
"To do something that I should have done two weeks ago."
"And what the hell would that be?"
"Come to you, tell you what I heard and ask you what happened."
"No need now. I told you what happened when I saw you and your asshole best friend at the party."
"If what you say is true he is no longer a friend, let alone a best friend."
"If what I say is true? You need to know that I no longer give a rat's ass about what you think of me so you need to wrap your little brain around this. Whether I was drunk or sober your best friend fucked me. Your best friend fucked your girlfriend behind your back. It doesn't matter how he did it he did it and there were twenty or thirty people there who saw it. It does not matter whether I asked him to do it or whether I was too high to understand what was happening he was still your best friend, he knew I was your girlfriend and he fucked me anyway and when you found out it was "Fuck the bitch, you are still my bud."
"I didn't know."
"You didn't know what?"
"That he had screwed you. When I got back from my grandparents Cissy Matthews couldn't wait to tell me what happened at the party."
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‘Hey Tommy, come out and play with us!’ Tommy was eating his baked beans on toast in the kitchen when he first heard them. They’d arrived five minutes ago. It was now a waiting game. Vicky and Carla were two hot-blooded sisters who went to the same school as Tommy. And because Tommy was the new guy, the other guys had warned him that if they were ever after his arse, to simply run and hide because the two hot- blooded sisters would not let up until they got what they wanted....
The Flower Child by Ivan Homeless A grubby hand thrust itself in front of Zane. "Spare some change, guy?" "Uh, sure, why not?" Zane fought back the feeling of unease that came with fishing out his wallet in public, and dug out a wrinkled dollar bill. He passed it to the dirty man leaning against the wall in front of him. Instead of showing gratitude, the beggar snatched the money and lurched past Zane, who stumbled against the corner of an alley as the man zeroed in on his...
Biker slut (2)A horny Biker slutDay 2It's another hot day and the whole Biker group rides again together on the highway. In the middle of the group, she rides on the duo seat of a heavy Harley.She has her motorcycle vest on with nothing underneath, her big tits loose in the jacket. Occasionally a Biker ride beside her where she shows her big tits.The Bikers are really horny for this Biker slut.On the way they stop again to refuel gasoline and from the Bikers she needs to pose at the gas station...
I had just gotten out of the shower while in getting clean I also shaved my ball sack trimmed all of my other pubes and shaved my man pussy for the first time ever. Never did that before but hey, why not and it felt really different not to have any hair down there.I was expecting a package later on that day so I was just sitting around in a baggy pair of shorts, no undies and a blue tank top. Around 1pm the door bell rang so I thought it was UPS with what I had ordered. ( 7 inch dildo for those...
Lamorbey Station seemed to comprise a sprawling house, a second, smaller house, a pair of barracks-like buildings, and a number of barns and sheds. At first it seemed more extensive than College, but fewer people. Richard had been introduced to the Millers and several other people at dinner, but he recalled none of them. He’d slept in his swag on the floor of Ferd’s room. They were up at six, washed, and outside to join a group of about forty, half of whom were aborigines, to hear the day’s...
Hi guys and welcome back to another erotic story of my lustful life. Also, thank you all for all of your lovely response and feedback. For those who don’t know me. I am a 29-year-old married woman from Mumbai. I have assets size of 34D and figure of 34-28-34. My life has been always a roller coaster ride of lust, especially after my marriage. So far Karan (my neighbor) and Rohit (my ex-colleague) helped me to fulfill some of my pleasure which my husband couldn’t fulfill. But as time passed they...
(As in most of my stories Marie is a real person and I've tried to represent her fantasy. She is a drop dead gorgeous blond with a body to die for. I chatted with her long enough to know she is a sweet and caring woman with a strong sex drive. Those of you lucky enough to be in the UK and meet her will want her, be you a woman or a man. I hope you enjoy her fantasy and like me wonder if she has really experienced it.) For weeks, months, maybe even years, I've known that I was missing...
Mike and I have always been best friends while we were in high school, and did a lot together. We shared a lot of the same interests and always had classes together. I used to spend a lot of weekends at his house watching movies and playing video games. After we graduated high school and went off to college, we made sure to make time for each other in the summer months.I was back from college and Mike invited me to go on vacation with his family to their summer cottage for the week. It sounded...
Linda turned away from the three guests and walked over to the bathroom door, making her ass sway a bit more than usual, just to pique their interest.Pete knew full well what it was like to split her fuzz, having done so several times since their first afternoon together, but Smitty had yet to get any pussy from her, and this was the first time Mac had seen her naked. She had been on her period the first time he came by, and she was wearing her shift, with her panties on, to hold the Kotex on...
Academic Achievement in American High Schools Man?s Best Friend Nancy Carol lay on her back, her wrists still bound to the headboard of the bed.? Her skin tingled as Jeff stroked her naked body, gently tracing the pink welts on her breast with his fingers.? He had waited until this soft time to make his proposal, when Carol was just emerging from sub space.? ?I think it is time to expand your training a bit,? he said.? ?You agree, of course? ?Of course,? she replied.? ?But what kind...
Chelsie Meets Her Mistress (based on a true story) by Mistress Lisa Chapter 1 Mistress Lisa sat in the hotel lobby, staring at a large screen TV, but not really seeing it. Her mind was on the man she was supposed to be meeting. He had served her online for over a year, but they had never met before. She was a touch nervous...something she DEFINITELY wasn't used to. She reached in her pocket to touch the pair of panties she had brought for her favorite cyber slave. "This is going to...
The plan is to take place on Saturday, but Jasmine didn’t want to go to school today as to not have to face the man she would probably never see again. Her feelings for him aren’t as strong as those for her father, but she has those feelings regardless. Bryce managed to convince her to go to school so that nobody will get suspicious. All it would take is one participant to get suspicious and ruin the whole thing. In the end, Jasmine decided to have one final romp with her teacher. Now, if...
It was almost dark when I woke up. The shadows in the room convinced me that the sun was setting, not rising. I became aware that I had to go to the bathroom. I reached out to switch on the light. Too far away. Holding the cast around the knee portion, I lifted it up, then pulled it out of the sling. The cast was heavier than I expected. Swinging sideways, I lowered it down on the floor. Sharp pain stabbed me. I let out a cry. Steven came immediately. "What are you doing?" he asked as he...
"If you can know this, what is it that you will do with that knowing? Will it become that humans begin to think together as we do, as Ghotagatogulagunga?" Meiersdottir had wandered into a discussion among Sviatoslavski and Singh and their two native companions just in time to hear one of the natives pose that question to the biologists. It seemed to baffle them both. "Well, no, of course not," Sviatoslavski stammered. "That's not it at all. It's just that the knowledge could have...
Pure total fantasy based on a monthly visit to the barbers.I have been going to the same barbers almost monthly for as long as I can remember. I’ve seen various members of staff, always male, come and go over the years until a couple of months ago when my trim was done by a new member of staff called Lyn (they all had their names in a graffiti style font above their station). My first visit was very pleasant; having a haircut always involves being in close proximity with whoever is holding the...
After a couple months of not talking, me and my friend Casey started talking again. Casey is a . She is tall, thin, and has the best tits ever. The other day I called Casey and invited her to see a movie with me. During the movie we were discussing sex. We have had some of the same partners. So I bluntly said "we should do it, and videotape it". The next day Casey invited me and another guy to her house. When i got there they were sitting on the couch talking. So i sat on her lap and looked her...
LesbianPRE-COLLEGE (September 1998) "That's right, baby! Grab my tits! Squeeze them! Fuck, yeah, I love your hands on me! Don't ever stop touching me! Fuck, fuck, FUCK! I'm cumming!!!" Doggy-style had become a favorite position for Ellie and me. Personally, I kinda liked it better when she was on top, riding me cowgirl style. That way, I had a wonderful view of all my favorite things. But that was for the few occasions we just wanted to take our time, to make love slowly and sensuously. That...
Hello to all readers,…I’m very bad at English, if any word or sentence goes wrong please forgive me. Actually I’m (kranthi,21, 5.8,average looking at present 8 inch) new to this site for past 10 days i studied lot of stories about different ways and types of sex written by some authors…by reading that i relay want to write my past stories or movements which i came across…me directly come to point…In my childhood while watching TV if any hot songs and scenes come our parents used to change the...
The ladies, all married and over sixty, gathered for tea each fortnight. The hostess was in charge of the entertainment and Helen was the hostess the week before Christmas. Her friend, Priscilla, would assist with the entertainment.Tea was served around two in the afternoon with scones and a smoked salmon salad. Malt scotch was served to those who requested it. All did but Helen. The ladies were elegantly dressed, wearing fancy hats, silk dresses and some wore gloves. They sat in a semi-circle...
VoyeurVeronica glanced at the rearview mirror to check her appearance. At 35 she knew she was still very attractive. She had kept herself in shape, running and dieting. She weighed just over 120 pounds, with large 38D breast that were very firm with no sag at all. That was why her husband, Mike, wanted to meet her today at a secluded Bed and Breakfast for a little afternoon excitement. Even after 10 years of marriage, he was always wanting to do something a little daring. Generally, she would not...
Hi there! It’s me, HarDick69. Without spoiling any fun, here’s the next part. Beena had a lot in her mind for us. We started sexting. I would text her how I would fuck her daily in the college. And my fantasy to fuck her in the green room when the cultural fest goes on on the main stage. I even got Remya’s number and slowly became friends with her too. When she messaged me that she was recently watching a lot of threesome porn, I got an instant boner! Beena was preparing something for me. She...
Introduction: Best friends become lovers When I was 16 I had a best friend, her name was Lisa. We spent a lot of time together. The summer between the 10th and 11th grade changed both of us. We were both really cute girls, the guys were always looking at us and neither of us had problems getting dates. We were both blondes, Lisa was about 54, large breast and a cute body. I was shorter, 51 nice body. One day Lisa & I were shopping and in the fitting room trying on clothes. Because we were...
It was my first job. Young and fit, I got hired to clean up around a new home construction site. Picking up spilled nails and discarded pieces of wood. Not exactly a skilled labor job, but I was just starting out and had to start somewhere. It turned out to be the best job in the world though!I had fantasized about being with other guys and sucking cock, but never acted on them. Never even had a chance to actually, but sometimes while watching porn, I would imagine it was me sucking those big,...
Ever a light sleeper, I was roused instantly into wakefulness when I felt my mother stirring against me. During our sleep, I had rolled onto my back; she had snuggled against me, curled beneath my right arm, her head on my chest as it rose and fell slowly. Remembering what we had done last night sped my heart, and I was sure she could hear- or at the very least feel it beating near her; one of her arms was folded between us, but the other lay across my chest, her hand on my left shoulder. It...
Cherry red and glossy lips (later she told me that the lipstick was a gift from an NRI aunty) and open loose hair, she did not wear any bangles but I did notice the silver anklet glinting in the sun light. She did not wear her mangalsutra as it doesn’t go well with the dress she said. We were in my bike , so she was scared as her hubby was in town and chances were that he could spot her with me on the bike. Well for her safety I took the longest route and not through the city as I didn’t...
As Maya led us into the conference room, I noticed all eyes on me and my father asked me to share my thoughts. You look like you’ve had something rattling around in that head of yours. Maya started to exit, but I stopped her and asked her to stay. Maya asked about the phones, I told her they would leave a message if it was important. I looked at our account managers, I asked; isn’t one of your daughters graduating from college later this year. Wendy replied that her daughter was graduating...
The morning finally arrived... I got up earlier than usual. I had to get up and do something to get my mind and body off anything to do with my new, awkward situation.The shaft of my penis was slightly sore from straining most of the night but felt okay. It was more the aching in my testicles that had me worried. The device kept them separated and outside everything else and they felt full and large. I'd just had an orgasm yesterday, but it felt like my body had already pumped them full again...
BDSMI had a quick look around, Lisa was sat next to her dad, herbrother was on the other chair. The only space for me to sit was nextto Judy, Lisa’s mom. They’d just had a family barbecue and as Lisa’sboyfriend, I had been invited along. We’d all had a bit to drink andnow we were inside continuing the party, having polished off the food.I had been with Lisa for just over three years and was considered verymuch as part of her family. Lisa was a year younger than me attwenty-one with blonde hair, and...
Wow! What a fabulous day! We’d just been away for a long spa weekend while we had the chance. Now, we always took every opportunity to enjoy each other’s gorgeous, sexy bodies, but little did we know what chances we’d have to have some fun. We were often quite daring in public. For example, in a crowded pub in Leeds, I once got Tigs as hard as I could for as long as I could, then dared him to go to the toilets, make himself cum into his hand, return to his seat, and let me lick every last...
I'm The Star Of The Show, I Guess... By Boredsitting Chapter 1: Am I really a light drinker? The roar of applause is very jarring, but at least it wakes me from my daze. Geez, I can't believe that I'm actually doing this. 'Go to a hypnotist show... you'll have fun... you get to laugh at the stupid people clucking like chickens,' whatever. Honestly, I think it's all just a show. The people acting hypnotized are obviously in on the joke or are the plants. I'm must be the guy...
Cherie’s slender index finger slid down the damp crotch of her skin-tight, acid-wash denim shorts into the heat of her groin. Her hard, french-manicured nail pushed against the taught fabric of her shorts, only just catching the fold of her labia. Her slim lips - adorned with Cherie’s trademark hotrod-red lipstick - pulled into a joyful smile as she felt the summer afternoon’s wind pushing itself through her wavy, long blonde hair. With a rush of pleasure, and a hearty flex of her...
This all began when my cousin became 18 years old. I had always had a soft corner for her but she didn’t know. She was this okay-ish girl but her ass was bigger than girls her age and her boobs were bigger too. Now when she turned 18 I for one started noticing that the size of her boobs was becoming even bigger. I am 19 and have a good 6 inch thick dick, and when i say thick i mean thick. I would dream of her and me going at it on the bed, in the bathroom and where not. I even had a dream that...
IncestI am the luckiest and happiest wife with the most wonderful husband.I realized this when as I was hit by another strong orgasm as the cock was pounding me from behind and as my pussy tightened around the cock and I felt him expand to release his load from his huge cock that was stretching my pussy to the limits. As I was cuming so hard, I turn around and with glazed over eyes saw my husband's face with a huge smile on his face as my unprotected pussy felt the cum flood my cervix! I felt such an...
September 13, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “Not having Guys’ Night and the Rap Session is a good idea,” Jessica said. “I just wish I could take a warm bath right now,” I said. “The swelling and discomfort isn’t something that aspirin or ibuprofen really helps a lot with. It doesn’t hurt, it’s just very uncomfortable. And the ice is almost as bad!” “No baths until you get the stitches checked. At least the swelling has gone down significantly since last night.” “Small favors,” I said. “I could...
------------------------------The Nanite Maker--------------------------------by themoonaticJackie luxuriated on her back in post orgasmic contentment, the semen oozing fromher sphincter with a tickling sensation that made her shudder with another wildorgasm, her seemingly nutless eight inch cock jumping and giving her thefull sensations of ejaculation without the fluids. She had her testiclesretracted up inside, awaiting her command to descend and produce more ch!ldrenor just make a...
Aw, fuck! Not again! I mean, come on! I've jerked it, what, four times today already? But sure enough, I can feel the rushing warmth of blood flowing into my swelling dong... Maybe if I just ignore it, the stupid thing will go down. I focus on my cereal, on the delicious, sugary-cinnamon taste of these delightful little--okay, that's not working. I can feel my plumping meat pushing against the pouch of my tight briefs and pulling them tighter against my ass. It feels good. NO! Not here. Not at...
GayAs i told you this was my first story plz ignore mistakes. This story is about me n my cousin Sneha. She is daughter of my aunty (mom’s sis).I have crush on her from my childhood. Hardly we get chance to meet at festive of rakshabandhan at mama’s house. Mama lived in M.P. Aunty lives in Indore. She visits our house only my cousins have holidays. Let me introduce my cousin my love. She is 20yr old with bomb figure 34-28-36.She fair in color. I’m of 22yr n m doing engineering in Pune. Baat 1yr...
Ellen was getting ready to go, and went upstairs to say goodbye to Sophia. "We've been up here three hours?" Sophia asked incredulously? "Yes, you have, dear," said Ellen with a smile. "I will see you later, at home, OK?" "Bye, Mom." They came down shortly after Ellen had left. "Were you guys on the computer the whole time?" asked Peg. "Yeah," Sophia admitted with a smile. "I think he's got me hooked. I was chatting with figure skaters from all over the country." "Oh,...
Friday I went to my classes and even did my homework and review before John showed up around 3:30. He had a new Mercedes-Benz 450 SEL in black. It was sweet looking. I threw my stuff into the trunk and hopped in. He didn't move. "That was pretty crazy in your room last night. You always seem to surprise me." "Yeah she is a long story. Do you know her mom?" I asked. "I do. She is a good attorney and actually works at my firm. She should be up for partner in a few years." "I told...
Robert Delaney wasn’t like most college guys. Robert liked women who were on the bigger side. The term is called “BBW.” He would pretend to like hot blondes with his buddies. He never wanted his friends to really know what really turned him on. They’d probably tease him. He just wanted to fit in with his friends. On campus, he would take out girls that had blonde hair and firm bodies. He’d let them suck his dick and occasionally he’d fuck them for appearance sake. The kind of women that really...
Mom had promised me that she and I would celebrate my eighteenth birthday at our cabin by the mountainside. I was eagerly looking forward for the occasion. I had always loved to visit our old little cabin, situated at the foothills. I also knew that perhaps it would be our last holidaying together for this season. With the winters were about to go, but the whether was still very cold. We all were looking forward for the upcoming summers. Within weeks the weather would slowly start getting warm...
"Then we have a deal?" "Let me get this straight," said Bart Manning, the saloon owner who also ran the brothel upstairs, "you have your own girl - working out of Pastor Graves upstairs bedroom of all places - and you're willing to cut me in for half if I supply you with customers?" "Right," said Miranda assuredly. They sat at a back table in the saloon. "Why should I send you customers when I can get ninety percent of the take here? Because you said yourself you sometimes...
Will I ever find someone to love? Someone to care for? To devote my life to and to have children with? In my 17 years of life this has been the most difficult thing for me, I know that I could find someone to be with; and love might grow in time, but will I ever meet that woman that I can't be without? That woman that I would give everything in the world to meet just once... or is it my fate to go through life without someone to hold and to talk to? Or to share my soul with? I really wish...
I met Nell when I met Alice, the woman who was destined to be a significant other, at a free concert in Central Park (Zubin Mehta and the New York Philharmonic). They were unlikely roommates, a true mutt-and-jeff pairing. To tell the truth, while Nell was the taller - by quite a bit - of the two, no one was ever going to call Alice a "mutt." Or Nell, for that matter. Alice and I hit it off pretty quickly. We exchanged phone numbers, and the first time I picked up the phone to call her, she...
My Dearest Jonathan, Tuesday, June 11th Well, the first week here has been exciting. Because I was a week late in getting here, the counselers had set everyone up in their cabins and they just fit. So I ended up in a cabin by myself. I was busy enough meeting new people the first two days and just getting settled in so I didn't notice it much. The orchestra is great. I think we've sight read more in the first two days than I've done all year at school. Anyway, our first concert is set up...
Hi my name is kumar i am 24 years of age.i am very handsome and good looking.my hieght is nearly 6 feet.my cock is 9 inch big. Muje apne age se bari women ko fuck karna bahut pasand hai kuyn k un ko fuck karne mai bahut maja aat a hai. Ab mai aap ko apni kahani batana shuru karta hoon.meri ek bhabi hai wo mjse taqreeban koi 4 saal bari hai.uffff kia cheez hai yaar. Aaj kal wo pregnant bhi hai to wo aur bhi dhamaka hai.us ke boobs bare bare hain jab wo chalti hai to wo uper ko machale hain jis...
By the time my brother turned my vision on the 'party' was well under way. Anne and Meredith were naked and being gang-fucked by six guys while Armstrong was sitting in a lounge with the beautiful, and naked, Erin Macintosh sitting on his lap." 'Actually she IS hot little brother, and I have to admit that whoever the surgeon was who did that job on her breasts he is right out of the top drawer.' I heard him laugh. 'It makes me almost want to renege on what I said before.' I was about...
A Bad Trip (Experience) In Self-Bondage A Bad Trip (Experience) In Self-Bondageby Hiliary Maria dubh nic SeamusI was 27 years old when this happened. I was out of the service and was enjoying several months of freedom (back from 'Nam -- after 4 years in the Sea Cadets, 4 years NROTC and 8 years duty in 'Nam) I was in New York City, staying with Phyllis - I knew her from college (she was 3 years ahead of me and also 3 years older - she was 30 at the time). We shared the same ideas and...
"Oh SHIT!" It was accompanied by a warm foot in the middle of my back, shoving me out of bed. "C'mon Ryan. We gotta move, or we're gonna be late." I know, I know ... RIGHT? When a girl sleeps in your bed and does unimaginably stupendous sexy things all night long - you are supposed to wake up to a nice loving, hot BLOWJOB and Sexy Girl part II. It's that way in every internet porn story I've ever read. I cracked an eye and looked at Rebecca. I don't know what I expected, but it...
My room at the hotel was comfortable, and the receptionist, Britte, spoke very good English, much better than my schoolboy German. She gave me a room on the quiet side of the hotel, away from the street. I thanked her took my key and went up to the third floor and found room 312. Being Tuesday, I decided that Cal would be in lectures or whatever until late afternoon, so decided on a nap, then I’d go and scout the best way to get from where I was to the student accommodation on Ismanninger...
It was about eight am when the phone woke me up. It was my sister on the phone. Would I like to go to the casino with her? Sounds good to me, what time you picking me up. Well I can’t go till Noontime she said. Gee it’s a four-hour drive there; it won’t leave us much time to gamble. She said. Well I though we could stay overnight. I told her ok. She said she would drive and pick me up at Noon. I ate my breakfast then showered and shaved and got ready. Sitting at the table and having my second...
IncestHi ISS readers, am Dheeraj and this is my first experience am going to tell about. Am writing for the first time and excuse me for my mistakes if there are any. Please leave me your comments to my mail About me am from Andhra Pradesh, Vizag Am 6 feet height, average colour not black, 6 inch tool fine looking body. Am a b.tech student of 3rd year. This incident happened when i went to my sisters place in Hyderabad for summer vacation. Her name is gayatri (name changed), she is a married girl...