Haunted by the Futa Ghost 12 Fucking the Futa Ghost
- 4 years ago
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My joyful night had turned to ash. Hangetsu, the great Kami of change and transformation, took an entire cycle of the moon to remake me. So I wasn’t there at the shrine to dance the Kagura and bolster Kanshu-no-Kami in his endless battle to keep the dread yokai Yokubo-no-Tako imprisoned. It was my most important duty as the miko of the shrine.
My father was dead, and the yokai had escaped, possessing Daimyo Todo Hidenaga, the father of my love, my Ojo-sama.
I had gained a cock, but the price was so high. Too high. I had just wanted to marry Mitsuko-hime so we could be happy together. But now ... My father dead, and hers may well perish if I couldn’t exorcise the yokai from his soul.
The samurai escorting me said not a word as we marched to the Daimyo’s castle upon the hill. A bulwark of earth and wood surrounded the towering structure made of stone. I had stared at it all my life, but had never been inside. If my Ojo-sama had not gone to the onsen to bathe, we never would have met. Never would have fallen in love.
The yokai never would have escaped.
I wanted to cry, to collapse in grief, but my duty was clear. I had to make restitutions for my actions. Mere apology was not enough to wipe away the stain of this dishonor. It required so much more than mere words.
“I hope you can do this, girl,” grunted the Samurai as we passed the outer bulwarks and climbed up the hill to the castle. “My Lord is possessed by the yokai.”
I gripped the wand in my hand. A gohei with a two shide, chains of paper diamonds, dangling from the tip. It was an implement of exorcism. My father had tried to use it to stop the monster, but it killed him.
“I will cleanse the Daimyo.”
The guards at the entrances carried long pointed yari, the spears’ long blades of steel glinting in the torchlight. They bowed to the samurai as we strolled into the castle, boots thudding on the floor. He led me deeper and deeper. We turned down a corridor. There, courtiers and their wives knelt along the hallway, fear on their faces.
“Through the door,” the Samurai grunted.
A rice paper door lay at the end of the hallway. Shadows moved through it. I walked down the hallway, trembling. I could feel the yokai in there, see its tentacles move around the Daimyo’s outline. A woman moaned, deep and sexual.
I shivered. This was all my fault.
Emotions overcame me. Tears fell down my cheeks as I passed by the courtiers and their fearful faces. I struggled to master myself. I couldn’t fall apart. I had to exorcise the yokai and protect Mitsuko-hime’s father. I couldn’t fail her like I had mine.
“Pussy,” the Daimyo groaned. “Bring me more pussy!”
And then my Ojo-sama appeared out of a side room. She fell to her knees before me, her face painted white, lips bright red. Her silky, black hair was gathered in an intricate bun and held in place by her favorite comb, the alabaster one her father had given her.
“You have to save my father, Sayuri-chan,” she gasped. “Please!”
“I will,” I said, kneeling before her. “I’m sorry I took too long to return. This is—”
“You’re here,” she gasped. “That’s all that matters. I had hoped your father would come, too ... I saw the fire. I feared ... Is he... ?”
I nodded my head.
“I am so sorry, Sayuri-chan.”
“No, I am the one who must apologize.” I bowed myself before her, pressing my face to the stones, my tears forming small puddles. “For taking so long.”
“Where have you been? An entire moon cycle has past. Searchers went into the cursed woods looking for you.”
“My Lady, your father suffers,” the samurai said. “You can ... reminisce with the miko later.”
“Pussy! Cunt! Twat!” bellowed the Daimyo. “Need more! One isn’t enough! Pussy!”
I lifted my head and whispered, “I did it. But ... the kami held me for a month, and ... I am so sorry. This is all my fault. I wasn’t present to dance the Kagura. That’s how the yokai became free.”
“But you can help my father?” Desperation shone in Mitsuko-hime’s dark eyes. “Please, Sayuri-chan, you can help him.”
“I can help him,” I said. My dishonor would be corrected and atoned tonight. I rose, standing straight and tall, the bells dangling from my haori tinkling. “Do not enter until it is over.”
500 years later...
“No,” Chris shouted, banging on the wall where the tentacle monster had vanished, dragging Ms. Lindon, Kat, and Lori to another dimension—Yomi. “Please, please, don’t be closed.”
Yoshiko’s heart beat in fear as she stared at the desperate Chris. The blonde, gender-swapped futa fell to her knees before the walls, large breasts bouncing, and cried. Cum leaked out of her body, dripping down her thighs.
Yoshiko’s cum.
Only moments before, the pair had been caught up in the lust churned by the demon’s slime. Consumed by the lust, they hadn’t cared that the monster had carried off Lori, Chris’s girlfriend and Yoshiko’s best friend.
She saved me and then the monster took her while I just fucked Chris. Yoshiko hugged herself, her large breasts pillowing against her arms. Cum leaked out of her, too. A mix of Chris’s and Kat’s. Before Chris and Lori arrived, Yoshiko had fucked her bully, Kat, turning the girl into a futa, too. Then Ms. Lindon, their English teacher, had caught them just in time for the monster to seize her.
It all became a blur of sex after that, her body poisoned by the monster’s lust. She hadn’t even cared what happened to her let alone around her. She had even been seized by the monster, its tentacle-pussy sucking on her girl-dick while its tentacle-cock fucked her snatch.
“What is going on, Sayuri-chan?” Yoshiko asked, her legs buckling. Chris’s cries echoed down the hall of their school, Redwood Academy. It was after classes, the place deserted. “What was that thing?”
... A yokai called Yokubo-no-Tako. A dangerous monster kept imprisoned at my father’s shrine...
“What’s it doing here? Was it trapped in the tree with you and Princess Mitsuko?”
The futa-ghost touched Yoshiko’s shoulder, the spirit of Sayuri unseen. Then the ghost hugged her, the tingling presence comforting Yoshiko. She tried to hug the ghost back, but her arms past through Sayuri’s body.
... I don’t know how Mitsuko-hime nor my soul ended up in your land. Everything is a haze before I sucked your cock and you sucked mine. Then it all became clearer. I was just ... an impulse until then. An idea. I wanted to find Mitsuko-hime, I think...
“And turned me into futanari in the process,” Yoshiko sighed. She glanced at the main doors. Beyond lay the Japanese Pine Tree that graced their school’s ground. Once a magnificent specimen, reddish branches spread wide, pine needles a vibrant green. But a storm had raged last night and lightning had struck it, freeing the ghosts and the monster.
“How did it escape your shrine?” Yoshiko asked. “You said it was imprisoned.”
... I know not. My last memories of my life is the day my Ojo-sama took my virginity...
“That is not the last memory you have.” Yoshiko turned around in the ghost’s embrace, trying to find Sayuri’s eyes. She had no idea if she looked in the right direction, but she felt Sayuri’s smaller tits against her large breasts. “I saw past it when I entered your soul. You were fixated on that day, so happy, but I saw things that happened after the day you lost your virginity. Memories from when you were a futanari. I saw the fire.”
... NO!...
Yoshiko flinched from Sayuri’s outburst. It rattled through her mind. She thought her ears would bleed.
... I am so sorry... gasped Sayuri. ... It’s just that word make me shiver ... I don’t want to remember...
“But you might need to. I saw it, Sayuri-chan. The shrine was burning. And your father...” Yoshiko swallowed. “He was dead. And then you were walking through a castle surrounded by retainers. I saw shadows moving, like tentacles.”
Sayuri-chan trembled in my arm.
“And then, you were running through these dark woods, chasing Mitsuko-hime and...” Yoshiko shivered. “You were so scared, so frantic.”
... No, no. My last memory was happy. We must have died shortly after...
“That really doesn’t fucking matter,” screeched Chris. She whirled around. “Lori is in there with the monster. Miyu told me the thing will fuck girls to death. Lori! So I need help right now. It doesn’t matter how the thing got freed.”
“But...” Yoshiko swallowed. “Maybe it does. How did that thing get trapped into the tree, Sayuri-chan?”
... Someone could have bound it in there, but there had to be something ... holding it in. There had to be more than just the tree holding it in there. The tree is a natural object. Unless you saw it ringed with ofuda and a miko constantly dancing around it. The shrine in my village required two Kagura to be danced a year and it was blessed and contained a sacred statue...
“Maybe that was you and Mitsuko,” Yoshiko said. “Maybe that’s why you were in it. And when the town in Japan gave our school the cutting fro the tree, it happened to hold you three. And then when the lightning hit it, the thing was set free.”
“Along with a pissed off Mitsuko,” grunted Chris. “But that still doesn’t help us get Lori back. Please, Sayuri. How do we cross over to Yomi to save her.”
... The yokai fled to the World of Darkness?... Sayuri-chan shivered worse against Yoshiko. ... That is very bad. I do not know how to enter that place. It is the world of the dead. It is almost as bad as Jigoku...
“So you can’t get me to her?” Chris deflated, slumping against the wall. “Then she’s gone. We can’t rescue her. That thing will just fuck her to death.”
... I am so very sorry, Chris-chan...
“Fuck your apology.” Tears fell from her blue eyes. “It won’t bring Lori back.” Chris banged her head back into the wall.
Sayuri-chan gasped.
“What?” Yoshiko asked, her heart quickening. Her own tears beaded her eyes. She didn’t want her beautiful, redheaded friend to die. Especially not fucked to death by a tentacle monster. It was something straight out of a filthy hentai.
... The wall... Sayuri-chan pulled away from Yoshiko. ... There is something strange about it. A barrier...
Chris lifted her head. “A barrier. Like there’s a doorway?”
... Yes... Sayuri-chan let out a wanton, lust-filled moan. ... Oh, my, it is brimming with the yokai’s ardor. I think I can open this...
“I thought you didn’t know how.”
... I am a ghost now. I’m not alive. Things appear to be different...
Chris was on her feet in a flash, big tits bouncing. Yoshiko scrambled upright a moment later, rushing over. Hope burned in her as she reached her gender-swapped friend. Chris looked so familiar to how she did as a boy and yet so different.
“How, Sayuri-chan?” Yoshiko asked.
... Lust ... The doorway is sealed by lust. I need your help. You two are closest to Lori. I can feel her energy. It is similar to your own. I need you to channel your lust through me, and then I can open the doorway...
“How do we do that?” Chris asked, her eyes so wide.
... I need you to fuck me. Your lust transmitted through my body can open the door. I hope...
“You think?” Chris demanded. “You’re not sure. You want us to waste time fucking you when it might not save her?”
“Chris,” Yoshiko said, shoving her hand down to her pussy. She stroked her clit, making it tingle, sending arousal fluttering through her body. “Do you have any other ideas?”
Chris opened her mouth and then closed it. She shook her head.
“Then we have to fuck the ghost.” Yoshiko shivered, her pussy clenching, and then her dick sprouted, growing from her small, pink clit. The olive tone of her skin appeared, the tip flaring into a dark, throbbing, spongy crown. The folds of her pussy wrapped about the ever-growing base until a hard, thick girl-dick bobbed before her.
“Let’s do this, Sayuri-chan,” moaned Yoshiko.
... Yes, please fuck me with your wonderful girl-cock, Yoshiko-chan...
Yoshiko looked around, searching for any sign of the ghost, her dick throbbing, aching. Residual lust from the monster’s slime pumped through her veins, slamming into the futanari hormones that had ramped up her sex drive. Her pussy clenched, juices and Chris’s cum leaking down her thighs. She wiggled, letting out a whimper as she stroked her cock.
She had no idea where Sayuri was in the intersection. Not even hearing Sayuri’s moans in her mind helped. They didn’t come from any particular direction but from all around the busty futanari. She blinked, giving Chris a look, her futa-dick sprouting now.
... Why aren’t you enjoying me, Yoshiko-chan?...
“She doesn’t know where you are, Sayuri,” Chris answered.
... Oh, yes, my apologies. I forgot. Turn to the right, Yoshiko...
She did, her dick and boobs swaying. She faced the wall where the monster had vanished. “Are you right in front of me?”
... I am...
Yoshiko reached out with her hands waving them before her like she walked through a dark room and couldn’t see anything. It was so surreal, searching for a hidden body. Her fingers wiggled, stretched wide apart and—
She slapped an invisible ass.
... There I am...
“Yes,” Yoshiko said, her hands exploring the round shape of Sayuri’s ass. Her fingers dug into unseen flesh, bringing a moan and whimper from the ghost. A shudder ran through Yoshiko. “Oh, your ass feels reel nice, Sayuri-chan.”
... Thank you ... I like your ass greatly...
Yoshiko’s sphincter clenched, still a little sore from Sayuri’s recent fucking. “I know. You’ve fucked mine a few times.”
Yoshiko fell to her knees, her large tits and thick girl-cock bouncing, the shaft slapping her thighs. She pulled apart the futa-ghost’s invisible butt-cheeks, leaning her face in, tongue outstretched, questing. She brushed Sayuri’s thigh with her cheek, a tingle racing through her skin. She moved upward, finding the ghost’s pussy.
... Yoshiko-chan... gasped the futa-ghost.
A faint, sweet musk coated Yoshiko’s tongue as she licked through the ghost’s pussy, Her tongue wiggled out into the air, probing Sayuri’s hole. The ghost shuddered, her hips undulating and butt clenching beneath Yoshiko’s fingers. It was different than eating Chris’s or Lori’s pussies. The ghost’s juices vanished almost as quickly as they coated her lips and chin. She could feel them evaporating away only to be replaced by fresh ones a moment later when she licked again.
But Yoshiko loved it. At her heart she was a lesbian, and though she had never been with a girl until today, she loved pussy. She used to masturbate to yuri hentai, cute lesbians loving each other. And now she could love Sayuri.
“That is so wild,” groaned Chris, slowly stroking her cock, precum beading the tip. “You’re holding empty air and wiggling your tongue like you’re licking her pussy.”
... She is licking my pussy, Chris-chan. And it is so wonderful. Mitsuko-hime would do this to me all the time when we bathed in the onsen. And I would return the favor...
“Damn, I would have loved to see that,” Chris groaned. She looked around, nervous. “I hope she doesn’t find us.”
Yoshiko was too busy licking hot ghost pussy to care. She nibbled on labia, feeling ghostly hair stickle her face. Sayuri, even as a spirit, had the same thick bush Yoshiko had witnessed when she fell into the ghost’s memories. She loved the silky feel on her lips, tickling her as she licked and lapped and devoured sweet pussy.
Her nose pressed into Sayuri’s taint as she feasted. Her hands kneaded the ghost’s ass. A shiver ran through Yoshiko. Feeling naughty, she took a long lick, flicking the futa-ghost’s clit before sliding up through Sayuri’s taint and between the cheeks of her butt.
... Yoshiko-chan, that is so dirty...
“You love it,” Yoshiko moaned between licks and swirls of the ghost’s invisible, puckered sphincter. The faint, sour musk sent a hot surge of delight down to her futa-cock and dripping pussy. She clenched, forcing out more of Chris’s cum to dribble down her thighs and the length of her dick.
... I do!...
Yoshiko wiggled her tongue into her ghostly lover’s asshole, the futa-ghost moaning in her mind. She savored the thrill of probing Sayuri’s bowels, swirling, teasing, returning the pleasure the futa-ghost had imparted throughout the afternoon.
... Yoshiko-chan ... Going to cum...
“Good,” moaned Yoshiko.
... This doesn’t help Lori-chan. I need you to fuck me. Please, Yoshiko. I...
... Cumming!...
The futa-ghost’s asshole clenched on Yoshiko’s probing tongue. Sayuri moaned and gasped, bucking and humping. Yoshiko wished she could see the pleasure on the ghost’s face, the simple joy brought about by an orgasm given by a friend and lover.
She’s my friend, realized Yoshiko.
“This isn’t helping, Yoshiko,” Chris groaned. “Fuck her. We don’t have time.”
Yoshiko flushed. “Sorry. I got carried away. Is being a futanari like being a boy? Just so horny you can’t think.”
“I’m far hornier as a futa than i was a girl or a boy,” Chris groaned. “Fuck her, Yoshiko. Give that futa-ghost a taste of your girl-cock.”
... Yes, yes! Please, Yoshiko-chan, fuck my wet pussy and make me cum!...
Yoshiko rose, keeping her hands gripping Sayuri. They moved, sliding up to the ghost’s waist. Yoshiko was half-afraid if she let go, she would lose the ghost. Her hard dick nudged invisible, wet pussy. Heat flowed down her dick. A wanton moan echoed through Yoshiko’s thoughts.
She reached down, dragging the tip of her dick through hot folds, searching for the ghost’s entrance. Yoshiko gasped when she found Sayuri’s hot, sucking hole. The futa-ghost undulated her hips, pushing back, engulfing the tip of Yoshiko’s dick.
“Oh, Sayuri-chan, that’s so nice,” Yoshiko moaned as she slid into the hot, tight embrace of the ghost.
She looked down, seeing through Sayuri’s body and staring at her dick wrapped up in hot pussy. Her dick angled upward, guided by the hot hole. It looked so unnatural. Her cock shouldn’t thrust upward to that degree. Her body shivered and her dick hardly moved, trapped in pussy.
Yoshiko drew back, fascinated by the skin on her dick sliding over the erect flesh beneath, gripped by the ghost’s pussy. Friction rippled through Yoshiko, heating her pussy. She groaned and thrust in again, her dick sliding upward at the same angle.
“Shit, that is so hot,” Chris groaned. “You’re fucking her pussy.”
“I am,” Yoshiko moaned, feeling the silky grip around her dick. “Oh, Sayuri-chan, I’m in you.”
... You are. Oh, Yoshiko-chan, your girl-cock feels so wonderful in me. So hot. Fuck me and let’s rescue Lori-chan!...
“Yes!” Chris and Yoshiko moaned together.
Yoshiko’s big breasts bounced as she thrust over and over. Her crotch smacked the invisible butt-cheeks of the ghost while her dick slid in and out of hot pussy. Yoshiko shivered, hands gripping Sayuri’s waist as she drove her dick harder and faster.
Precum leaked out of her dick, coating the insides of Sayuri’s pussy, leaving glistening streaks behind outlining the shape of her snatch. The more Yoshiko fucked her ghostly friend, the more precum stained the pussy walls.
“Oh, my god,” Chris groaned. “It’s like you’re taking a cast of her pussy. Jesus, that’s hot.”
“Uh-huh,” Yoshiko moaned, leaning her body against Sayuri as her hips picked up the pace. Her breasts pillowed against invisible flesh, nipples pressing into her boobs as they rubbed on Sayuri’s back. Yoshiko’s hands reached around the ghost, one squeezing a small tit, the other finding a thick, long girl-cock.
I gripped my gohei as I thrust my hand at the rice paper door. The roars of Mitsuko’s possessed father resounded through it. Shadows moved. A woman moaned, the same throaty sounds that I had brought forth from my Ojo-sama during our time at the onsen. The sounds of pleasure. Of orgasms. “You must free him,” Mitsuko-hime begged. “Please, Sayuri-chan.” “I will,” I told her, trembling. So much had happened. I was a futanari now, but my transformation had taken a full turning of the moon. So I...
Chapter Ten: Futas' Horny Wrestling By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 My eyes opened. I lay in the grove where I had danced the Kagura to summon the great Kami Hangetsu. Last I remembered was the half-full moon blazing with light and shadow, the energy falling upon me, driving me to the ground. I blinked, struggling to remember what happened next. A presence had greeted me, cocooned me, changed me. I was a caterpillar. And now I was free to be a butterfly. Above me, the half-full moon...
Chapter Seven: Princess Double-Teamed by the Futas By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I savored my Ōjo-sama's breasts rubbing on mine as she lay atop me on the onsen's edge. Our lips devoured each other. Her hips moved, rubbing her hot flesh against mine. The little pearls in our clams brushed, kissed, sparking pleasure through my body. She moved her hips, undulating like she wished she had a cock to fuck me for real. And I wished I had a cock to fuck her. The cicadas sang around us...
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My eyes opened. I lay in the grove where I had danced the Kagura to summon the great Kami Hangetsu. Last I remembered was the half-full moon blazing with light and shadow, the energy falling upon me, driving me to the ground. I blinked, struggling to remember what happened next. A presence had greeted me, cocooned me, changed me. I was a caterpillar. And now I was free to be a butterfly. Above me, the half-full moon glowed in the night sky, looking down at me in the midst of the haunted...
“Will this work?” my Ojo-sama asked, hugging me from behind. Her damp hair brushed my neck. She still wore it loose after our bath. Our love-making. “I do not know, Mitsuko-hime,” I whispered. “But I have to try. Tonight is the half-moon. The transition.” It was the last half-moon of Summer. The next would fall on the Autumn Equinox, and that night I had to perform the Kagura and help Kanshu-no-Kami keep the yokai imprisoned beneath the shrine. And not long after that, Mitsuko-hime would...
I savored my Ojo-sama’s breasts rubbing on mine as she lay atop me on the onsen’s edge. Our lips devoured each other. Her hips moved, rubbing her hot flesh against mine. The little pearls in our clams brushed, kissed, sparking pleasure through my body. She moved her hips, undulating like she wished she had a cock to fuck me for real. And I wished I had a cock to fuck her. The cicadas sang around us in the warm, summer evening. Their chirping cries celebrated our love. My tongue brushed...
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I rubbed the polish carefully into the statue of Kanshu-no-Kami, the mighty kami wrestling the dread yokai Yokubo-no-Tako and keeping him imprisoned. I shuddered as I reached one of the octopus-like tentacles wrapped about Kanshu’s leg. The artist who had sculpted the statute caught the features perfectly. But so long as I danced the Kagura on every equinox, Kanshu would keep the yokai trapped, protecting our province. Behind me, the slap of my father’s feet echoed through the shrine. He...
Chapter Three: Juliet's Futa Taboo Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Xochitl Estevez's Week, Tuesday I was so confused. What was wrong with me? Why did that look in my futa-sister's eyes scare me? It was so intense. I felt like if I let her kiss me, if I let her make love to me before the rest of the cast and crew for the play, I would be lost. Lost in what? I shook my head. It was so much easier when I just hated my older futa-sister. When I fumed at her for ripping off my...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Sinful Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Did you know there's a convent in the middle of the Nebraska cornfields?” I asked Adelia, the delicious and fun woman interviewing me on my forty-eight birthday. We were talking about my life as the world's first futa while across the world people were watching the broadcast streamed live over the internet. “Really?” Adelia asked, blinking those soft-brown eyes of her. She pursed those delicious...
Chapter Three: Futa's First MILF By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 April 17th, 2047 “So, your boyfriend's mom walks in on you naked on her living room couch, your new futa-dick hard and thrusting before you. That sounds... interesting,” said Adelia Tash, the talk show host sitting beside me on the couch before her studio audience. The cameras rolled, the lights shining down on us, illuminating us for the entire world to watch as the interview was streamed across the internet. “Yeah,”...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Pep Talk By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “September 15th, 2018 was a memorable game in NCAA college football history,” Adelia, the caramel-skinned talk show host, said. She sat beside me on the interview couch, the studio audience watching on with breathless anticipation. “It was the first time an act of futa-sex was broadcast on any national television signal, whether here in the United States, or across the world.” I smiled,...
Chapter One: Keily's Futa Gift By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 November was my favorite month of the year. And even though it was cold standing out on the street waiting for the city bus to take us to Washington College, I didn't care. Two weeks ago, on November 3rd, I turned nineteen. Until December 6th, I was the same age as my older sister Deidre. A month of not being younger than her. Technically. And now I had another reason to love November. The days were so short. The sun...
Chapter One: Futa's First Naughty Pageant By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Welcome back to our celebration of President Becky Woodward's forty-eight birthday,” Adelia said as she sat beside me on the small couch. We were over an hour into our interview, streamed live across the internet to the world, and so much naughty fun had happened. I still buzzed from fucking my young wife, Sharron, up the ass with my futa-cock before we took the last commercial break. My pregnant...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Wild Party By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Now this sounds interesting,” Adelia Tash said. My interviewer leaned forward, her caramel face alight with curiosity. “What could have happened in your dorm room to so change your outlook on your futa-cock?” I shifted in my seat on the couch, glancing at the studio audience watching. I could feel the breathless anticipation buzzing through the air. I didn't fight the smile growing on my lips as I felt...
Chapter Four: Futa's First Sensual Contest By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “For the next year or so, you had a good string of diplomatic success,” Adelia said as we neared the end of our interview on my life. As much fun as it was to talk about my life on my forty-eighth birthday, I was eager to finish this last segment. I needed a break. But I still had to be positive and sexy, to let the world see me answer her questions without showing my fatigue. I had to be in...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Wedding By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So, did it work?” Adelia asked me, leaning forward, the interviewers dark eyes so warm as they stared at me. “Did they keep you distracted?” I patted her caramel-hued thigh right above the hem of her dress, my futa-dick twitching as I remembered that wild night. “They tried. My cheer squad showed up and kept me busy for a few hours, and the president of the University of Washington demanded a nice...
Chapter Five: Futa's First Russian Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “It wasn't a move I was expecting,” I said as I stared at the cameras. I shook my head. I still couldn't quite believe it had happened. “President Demyan Ignatov caught me completely off-guard.” “Is it safe to say that was the most surprising moment in your presidency?” Adelia asked, the caramel-skinned woman leaning forward, such interest in her eyes. She licked her lips. “Definitely,” I...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Fertile Hot Wife By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So, you were initially shocked and shaken by learning that women you had sex with, despite them being on birth control, were becoming pregnant,” Adelia, the caramel-skinned talk show host, said. “You clearly accept and embrace the fact now, but how did you get to that point were you found it...?” “Hot?” I asked, an amused smile playing on my lips, my clit-dick aching so hard beneath my skirt...
Chapter Four: Schoolgirl's Futa Eruption By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sasha Ford I couldn't believe what was happening at the new neighbor's house. Mildred, the mousy woman who'd moved in yesterday, had somehow dominated the Quick family. With my new stealth drone, I had watched an incestuous orgy in the family's living room with Mildred at the center. What I took to be a life-like dildo that was capable of ejaculating a simulated semen...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Passionate Ritual By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Surreal?” asked Amelia, her face growing serious, her eyes growing bold. I could see that skilled interviewer inside of her pouncing on my words. For most of our talk as we discussed my life as the world's first futa, she was laughing and giggling and horny to fuck me. Now she was focused. “In what way was it surreal?” “Because... I don't know any other word to describe discovering the...
“You were so beautiful dancing last night, Sayuri-chan,” Mitsuko-hime purred when I arrived at the onsen to bathe. She sat on the edge, still in her black kimono, her obi tied behind her back in a beautiful, thick bow of red. “Thank you, Ojo-sama,” I said, bowing to her, my cheeks warming. “You don’t have to be so formal with me,” she said, moving closer, her lips so red. I wanted to kiss them again. I had trouble sleeping last night, my pussy growing so wet between my thighs every time I...
Chapter One: Futa's First Naughty Practice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 The moment the talk show went to commercial break, my young wife, Sharron, bustled out from backstage already hiking up her skirt. She still held my panties in her hand, having stolen them from me two breaks ago, leaving my futa-cock to tent my skirt. “Two minutes,” the producer said, a young man with his hair dyed and spiked. “I'll get her off in two minutes,” Sharron said, her...
Chapter One: Stacie Breaks the Rules By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Stacie Ward's Week, Monday Winter break was over and it was back to Rogers College for the start of the next semester. The fall one had been wild. The Program had come to my school. Every week, four new students—two females and two futas—were chosen to participate. They had to attend classes naked, their flesh on display for the student body's enjoyment. You could grope them. Stroke them. Get them to pose in pictures....
Chapter One: Futa's First Hot Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Let me just touch up your makeup, Madam President,” the young man said, his black hair spiked up along the top and buzzed short on the side, a thick, gold hoop dangling from his left ear. I sat still on the couch before the live studio audience, my heart thudding. The ache in my futa-dick, tenting the front of my tight skirt, eased as the man rubbed liquid foundation on my face, thicker than what I...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Live Interview By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy...
Chapter One: Futa's First Nubile Intern By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “I love it when you just demand my cock,” I moaned to my pregnant, young wife. I was twice as old as her and so lucky to have found her. All those years aching for that relationship her parents had, the one I almost had before my transformation. I never thought I would find it with Kurt's daughter. “Mmm, I know,” Sharron said as she grabbed my futa-dick had hiked up her own skirt, revealing her...
“No,” I cried out in grief and regret. “No, Ojo-sama!” Tears fell from my eyes as shame overwhelmed me. I had failed her. I stared up at her beautiful form of Mitsuko-hime dangling from the branch of the pine tree, swaying in the breeze that groaned through the cursed woods. Her eyes bulged. Her white-painted face smeared by her tears. Her sandal had fallen off. I grasped her sock-clad foot. Slime soaked her sock, covered my hand. I jumped back, gaining my feet. Shadows writhed around her...
Chapter One: Futa's First Naughty Reunion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 I hugged and kissed my pregnant wife, Sharron, during the commercial break for Adelia's talk show. For the last two hours, I'd discussed my life as the world's first futa with Adelia and the watching world. We were finally hitting one of those pivotal moments. One of those points in my life where everything changed for me. Kurt's wedding. Once, I thought I would marry Kurt. We were high school...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Trick By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So perhaps before we talk about your interview with Amelia McCreery,” Adelia, the caramel-skinned talk show host, said, “we should give some background on why NBC fired her.” “Right, right,” I said, loving how her hand rested on my knee. I couldn't help but stare at her own thighs, just a hint of my pearly futa-cum squeezed out between them as my seed leaked out of her snatch. I still buzzed from...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Sorority Party By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “How interesting,” Adelia, the caramel-skinned host of the talk show, said. She was interviewing me on my forty-eighth birthday, delving into my life story as the world's first futa. “And I think we all know why a sorority was calling you.” I grinned at her while a titter ran through the watching audience. They were dark shadows to me thanks to the stage lights shining down on us. But I...
Chapter Six: Futa's First Naughty Soulmate By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “As we bring our retrospective look on the life of President Becky Woodward to a close,” Adelia said, staring into the central of three cameras filming us for the stream of her talk show, “I think we should end it on what, and I think Becky would agree, was the most pivotal moment in her life. We've all gotten glimpses of it these last few years, but let's hear it in her own words.” “Thanks,” I...
Chapter One: Futa's First Hot Game Show By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 I was still riding the emotional high of declaring to the world just how much I loved my young wife. Though our relationship was only four years and four months old, she had become my world. I had to wait until I was in my forties to meet my soulmate, but I did. The moment I laid eyes on Sharron, eighteen and quivering, she stole my heart. After talking about attending the wedding of Sharron's...
Chapter One: Futa's First Wild Ride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 Before the cheering studio audience, the host interviewing about my life for the last hour, was lost to her lusts. The sexy, caramel-skinned Amelia, pushed me down on the couch we were sitting upon. I didn't fight her, my futa-dick throbbing so hard against my dress. “Oh, Becky,” she groaned, her perfectly coiffed, brown hair spilling about the wild passion of her features. She had that delightful,...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Sultry Bride By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “The reception was absolute torture,” I said while the cameras filmed the interview, streaming it live to the world. I was recounting my life, speaking about attending the wedding of Kurt, my ex-boyfriend, to Rosemary Ramsey. Well, now she was Rosemary Albertson. “I just wanted to fuck the bride so badly, Adelia. It was so hard to think about my promise when I knew she was close to me.” “I bet it...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Award By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So I think everyone in the audience and watching live around the world is interested in who won, Becky,” Adelia, the talk show host interviewing me, asked. “Which one of the three finalists impressed you the most?” “Well, it wasn't an easy decision,” I said. “All three of them blew me away with their talent portion of the contests. They were all so eager to win and be crowned Ms. Bred 2019. Their...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Wicked Speech By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “What was your favorite part of campaigning for president?” Adelia Tash asked me. I shivered, and the answer came immediately to my lips. “The rallies.” It was so interesting to talk about the most public part of my life: my bid to become the first futa-president of the United States. I was popular. Almost every woman in America wanted to have my daughter. The all loved me. I just had to keep them...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Naughty Movie By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So you agreed to do a porno about your own life,” Adelia said, her expression both serious but with a hint of playfulness about her. “Well, that's how the project started,” I said, grinning out at the studio audience and, through the camera aimed at us, the world watching us streamed live across the internet. “Just a fun romp about the night I became a futanari. It wasn't the first one about...
Chapter One: Futa's First Innocent Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 My futa-cock erupted. My girl-jizz fired into Adelia's hungry mouth. My hand dug into her black hair, mussing her perfectly coiffed do as she swallowed my spunk. Every blast sent jolts of rapture zapping into my mind while winds of ecstasy howled out of my pussy. Her fingers plunged into my convulsing cunt, teasing me as my pleasure surged through me. “BECKY!” cheered the studio audience....
Chapter One: Futa's First Teacher By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 My young wife, only twenty-three years old compared to my forty-eight, sucked on my futa-dick with such hunger. Her blue eyes stared up at me with such love in them. Her strawberry-blonde hair fell about her fair cheeks, rosy with her excitement. She wiggled her ass, clad in her tight skirt and pointed at the watching studio audience. I could feel the excitement bursting through the audience. I...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Sultry Decision By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So you said that most of the contestants just sang songs?” Adelia asked, the caramel-skinned talk show host leaned closer to me. She liked doing that, getting close, her thighs pressed tight, stained with my futa-cum. “That's it?” “I know, it sounds so boring compared to the modern competitions where the contestants try to do the most outrageous solo sex acts they can to win style points,” I said...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Harem Treat By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So meeting with King Njam bin Mohammad ibn Saud was not what I expected,” I said to Adelia, the cameras rolling. My interview was almost over. We were in the final stretch. It was wonderful to tell, but I was feeling the mental strain now. Still, it was a wonderful way to spend my forty-eight birthday by looking back on my life. We were talking about my first year in office as president. “In what...
Chapter Two: Juliet's Naughty Futa Practice By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Xochitl Estevez's Week, Monday A nervous trepidation rippled through me as I approached my house. I could see my futa-sister's car was in the driveway. She was already home. I swallowed, not wanting to see her. I was just glad I was clothed now. This week, I was chosen for the Program. I was thrilled when my name was called. I was eager to have fun going to classes naked for a week. I had as much sex as I...
Chapter Two: Futa's First Naughty Reality Show By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “You don't make it sound like your time on Living with the Futa was all that much fun,” Adelia said as she interviewed me. It was a long one. We had been going for a few hours as I relived the roller-coaster fun of my life as the world's first futa. “I thought it would be,” I said. “I really did. Me living in a house with four girls, getting to know them, making love to the same women over...
Chapter Three: Futa's First Wild Debate By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “So it's the Saturday before the election,” Adelia said, the caramel-skinned talk show host who was interviewing me, “and you're finally included in the final presidential debate.” “Yep,” I said, shaking my head in disgust. “The Republicans and Democrats were both sweating. They felt the heat of my campaign. They didn't want me out on stage, didn't want to give me more of a platform, but they...
Chapter Two: Ginny's Naughty Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Tuesday I trembled as I let the shower spray fall on my rump and pussy, my fingers reaching into my sex to wash out the futa-cum my friend, Candice, fired into me. It was both our first time. She stood nearby me, watching me cleanse my new deflowered pussy of her girl-spunk. It was only the second day of the Program, and I had cheated on my futa-girlfriend, Samantha. People always claimed that...
Chapter One: Rebecca's Taboo Futa Discovery By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 October 13th, 2041 – Rebecca Woodward Today, my half-sister turned eighteen. Music thudded through our house while she and her friends giggled downstairs. Brita sounded like she was having a great time. I could hear their feet swishing over the carpet as they danced to the latest single from my other half-sister, Nari. I had a lot of futa-half-sisters out there. I was one of Becky Woodward's daughters. She had...
Chapter Five: Futa-Cutie Mind-Controls the MILFs By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sasha Ford If I could curse out loud, I'd be spitting vitriol. Fuck, fuck, fuck! screamed through my thoughts as I stared through the louvered slats of Mildred Dean's closet. I was trapped in here. Stuck with the panties that I so desperately wanted to don bunched in my hand. I had to pull them on and gain my own futa-cock. And have my own mind-controlling...