Heaven Or Hell? free porn video

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I wasn't scared, even though I should have been. The elevator was very classy looking, something I'd expect to see in Hugh Hefner's mansion. I just waited, patiently for the door to open, to see my first glimpse at what hell really was. I started to imagine what the first thing I might see - Fire? Satan? Maybe even a sinfully sexy woman in some sort of hellish outfit (which is what I chose to let my mind linger on).

Then a shot of adrenaline - the elevator's bell rang. The doors slowly opened. An elegant hallway, decorated similar to that of the elevator I had just stepped out of, leading to yet another unopened door. I started to walk towards it, slowly, then with an increasing pace. My curiosity had been tickled too much at this point, and I flew the door open as soon as I touched it. My jaw dropped.

Standing in yet another exquisite room was a girl I knew very well, although she did not know me at all. I knew her by the name "Sandy", which was probably a cheap made up pornstar named she had used for a video that she was in (the same video I had indulged in many, many times in my life).

She looked perfect - long golden blonde hair, a body that would make any man's dream come true, and a sexy face that made all your worries melt away in an instant. She was wearing a bright metallic pink bikini, as well as a thong of the same color. Then her lips, which were temptingly coated in a layer of pink lip gloss opened, and she spoke.


I almost fainted.

"I'm Sandy, welcome to the rest of your life," She said. "Please follow me."

She started to walk away towards the next mysterious door on my journey, and as I followed her (my penis would not allow otherwise) my guilty conscience kicked in and I immediately started to tell her about how the masturbation video she had performed in had turned many of the would-be frigid lonely nights into what were now hot wonderous memories.

She stopped, turned around and looked at me. "You liked that video?"

"I adored it," my voice almost squeaked.

"Then you're gonna be a very happy man in a few moments," she brushed her tongue over her top lip as she turned and continued on.

I couldn't believe what was happening, and I couldn't even imagine what was going to happen next. Just watching this girl walk in front of me had given me the biggest erection I have ever had, and the thoughts going through my mind were so explicit that an NC-17 rating would belittle them.

She opened the door to the next room, which was also stylishly designed, but the lighting was different in this one. It was a slightly dimmer, but much warmer type of light, and made the skin on both of our bodies look much more aesthetically pleasing. There was a single stool in the center of the room, with a slightly brighter light over it. There was also a comfortable looking chair facing the stool.

She closed the door, locked it, and spoke to me. "What is your name, sexy?"

I was sure I wasn't sexy, but if THIS girl said so, then I was. "Uh. It's..." I was so nervous. She was looking right at me and my hormones were simply rioting in the streets. "It's Alex... Alex Fetchmen."

I had such a geeky name, probably the reason I stuttered as I was trying to say it.

"Aww, that's such a cute name!" she said in that sexy college freshmen girl voice. "Okay Alex, sit down over here." She brought me over the more comfortable looking chair, and I promptly sat it in it. "Now put your arms on the rests and hold still." I couldn't see what she was doing, but she had activated some sort of device in the back of the chair, and within the blink of an eye, I was trapped.

Four leather straps had ringed around my limbs and tied me to the chair. I wasn't tightly strapped in, but I couldn't move. The chair was extremely comfortable none the less, but my mobility had been ceased by this sexy woman and her chair companion.

"Now just you wait, I'm gonna make you feel a lot more comfortable!" she giggled. She went over to a small cabinet and pulled out a pair of scissors. Suddenly I was terrified. All the wonderful things that I thought this girl was going do to me turned into images of freakish horror.

I screamed "Wait! You have to answer one question!"

She came over to my chair and stood right in front of me with the scissors and had this devious look on her face (which I will admit was still able to give my hormones yet another kick in the face).

I was scared, but I asked my question. "Is this heaven or Hell?"

She took the scissors, and grabbed my shirt. "Oh you confused little boy, you". She started to cut my shirt off. "You're in heaven now."

Words cannot describe the relief I felt, but the ongoing action quickly deterred my thoughts. She had finished cutting my shirt off, and was now working on my pants. It became clear that this unbelievably attractive female wanted me to be naked, but preferred to do it in this oh-so erotic way.

She had reached my boxer shorts, where an embarrassingly large boner was still apparent. She smiled at me, as if she were flattered, and continued to undress me - her way.

Last but not least she removed my shoes and sock. There I was. Completely naked, strapped to a chair, with a monstrosity of an erection pointing right at Sandy.

"There, don't you feel more comfy now?" She beckoned me to say yes, but it was hard to do it without drooling. She then erotically walked back to the cabinet and put the scissors back, but she took out a few other things - a bottle of KY massage oil, a long bright pink jelly dildo, and a can of whip cream. My penis hardened at the sight of them.

"Alex, all I am going to say, is that you are going to quickly forget about the video of me that you used to watch." I was quite sure that my lust for that particular video was so strong that I could never forget it. I had watched a lot of pornography in my life, but something about that video had attached itself to me. Because of this, I was literally having trouble breathing as I waited to see what Sandy was going to do.

She started to move erotically, gliding her hands over her tight sexy body. She pulled her hair up in the back for a moment, and let it fall back down. He eyes were locked on me, giving me that 'come fuck me as hard as you can' look... but I couldn't. I couldn't do anything except watch.

One of her soft hands had found it's way underneath her bikini strap. She teased me with it - pulling it loose, and then pulling it tight again. She did this several times, and it started to drive me wild (which seemed impossible since I was already technically "wild" to begin with). Everything else I had ever wanted or had ever worried about was simply void. All that I wanted right now, was for her bikini to vanish from her body, so I could see her perfectly proportional breasts. Sandy gave an extra hard pull - there was a snap, and my first wish came true.

My penis had become so excited by the performance that I am quite sure that it started to grow. I had always had a fascination with masturbation, especially while watching her, but my wrists were just as strapped down as they were when I first sat in the chair, and I was restrained from touching myself in anyway.

Sandy continued to fondle her luscious breasts, my desire for her bikini to be removed having found it's way into the non-existent category. Her thumb slipped its way underneath the strapped of her thong, and my mouth watered. I remember Sandy having a cute, very tight, pink vagina in her video, and thought of seeing it for real was pure ecstasy in it's own.

Without teasing me as much, she slowly slipped it off. Finally, she was just as naked as me (except for 2 very sexy pink high heels which I preferred that she left on).

She let out a sexy giggle as she gently picked up her bottle of KY massage oil. She smiled at me, and my penis tightened up. She flipped open the cap of the bottle, and held it above her chest. She let the oil pour out all over her body, over her sultry breasts, and firm nipples. My jaw dropped lower and lower just as the oil trickled lower and lower down on her body. She turned around, and poured the oil all over her divine butt. She closed the bottle and started to rub the oil all over her body, her eyes closed gently as she gave herself an erotic massage.

I started to sweat from the heat that this girl's body was transferring to mine, though she was not even touching me. I looked down at my penis and I just gasped at the urge of wanting to stick it into her body. My wrist jerked over towards my shaft in a feeble attempt to satisfy myself, but the leather strap kept my masturbation fantasies in check.

"Do like the way I look Alex?" she asked genuinely, though it was a tease of a question.

"Sandy, I want to have sex with you, right now," I boldly stated after taking a deep breathe.

"Tee hee," she giggled. "Alex, you are so cute!"

She was the ultimate tease. For a second I thought maybe I was in hell after all - doomed to watch a perfect sex angel pleasure herself in front of my eyes for eternity without being able to masturbate to it. I had no choice, she continued on, and I had to watch.

She picked up her long pink dildo, glanced at me, and then closed her eyes as her lips enveloped its head. She pulled it out of her mouth to the tune of a succulent smooching noise, which, coupled with her sexy lip gloss, immediately grabbed my penis' attention. She started to moan, but gently, and in a cute way. She put the base of the dildo near her mouth, stuck her tongue out, and slowly licked it from bottom to top, all the way. I loved it when a girl did this, and she obviously knew it. She repeated this simple but explicitly wonderful act many times for me, to the point where I lost track of who I was and where I was. A small, but anxious drop of pre-ejaculate semen had gathered on the tip of my erect penis - my body wanted to do things to Sandy that I didn't even know how to do.

Then she got herself comfortable on the stool that was in front of me. With one leg on the floor, and the other sky high in the air, her adorable pink vagina came to view. It opened slightly, as her legs were quite spread apart. Her body was still shimmering from the oil she had poured all over herself earlier. She continued to suck and lick her pink friend, but with the intent of getting lubricated for the inevitable entry into her warm moist love tunnel.

She looked at me and said, "Alex, I want you to play a little game with me." I would have killed a man just to play checkers with her, so whatever she wanted to play, I was ready and willing. "I want you to pretend that this dildo is your penis, okay?" My whole head quivered, and I just barely nodded 'yes'.

She started to rub the dildo up against her clitoris, and her moaning became slightly more intense. Then, with her free hand, she spread the lips of her wondrous vagina open a little bit more, and nestled the head of her toy in the slit formed by her warm inviting labia. She gave me the most sincere and passionate look she had given me since I had arrived in "Heaven." Then, her eyes dimmed once more, and she slowly pushed the shaft of her toy all the way into her body, letting out the sexiest sound I have ever heard in my life.

The drop of pre-cum had accumulated even more since earlier and started to drip down the side of my shaft. I was watching quite possibly the sexiest girl in the world masturbate no more than 10 feet in front of my eyes, and I hadn't even been in "heaven" for more than a half hour. My body was cringing every which way, and had the chair not been as comfortable as it was, I might of had a heart attack. Every cell in my body, even the ones not associated with my reproductive organs, wanted to have sex with Sandy, but the only thing having sex with her in this erotic torture chamber was that dildo. I never thought I'd be so envious of a toy, but I was.

She continued to slowly drill herself, in and out, emitting cute teasing squeaks of lustful passion. Her vagina had grown very moist, and as she slid her dildo in and out, I could hear a sweet slick sounding slippery sound. She started to get a little more rigorous with herself, pushing it in and out a little faster, but not too fast. Her dildo must have been at least 9 inches long, and she was pushing it all the way into her body, and pulling it all the way out before re-exercising the motion.

After pushing it in one more time as far as she could, she slowly pulled it out. I could see a faint luster that the juices from her vagina had left on the lucky toy. Just as before, she held the dildo near the base of her mouth, stuck out her tongue, and licked the entire length of the shaft, only this time, she was licking her heavenly vaginal secretions from it. The head of my penis had grown so hard, and so erect that it was really starting to turn purple.

Sandy giggled. I knew she wasn't finished yet. The can of whipped cream had been left untouched, until now. Sandy had laid her dildo aside, and picked up the can. She gave it a few shakes, and before she did anything, she once again gave me that look. I wanted to be in her. I wanted to ejaculate every ounce of the semen that had manifested itself inside of me in her body, somewhere - anywhere... but we weren't there yet.

Sandy started to squirt the whip cream out all over her chest. It became clear that she was making some sort of design with it, and soon enough she had drawn a whipped cream heart right above her breasts, with the bottom point of it perfectly in the center of her cleavage.

"Alex, do you think I'm a good artist?" she teased me once more.

"Sandy," I said, my voice quivering as ever. "I don't know how much more I can take of this."

"Aw, Alex, you are so adorable!" She really knew how to keep this mystery alive. "You must be getting hungry seeing all this whipped cream... here, have some". I thought she was going to feed me the whipped cream, but instead she did something else. She knelt down in front of me, her mouth being the closest any of her orifices had come to my penis. She took the can and squirted a little puff of whipped cream out onto the tip of my cock. My jaw had dropped many times in the last half hour, but not nearly as far as it did this time.

"Tee hee, that looks so cute on you Alex! I think it's even better than the heart I drew on myself." She was adorable, cute, sexy, and hot all at the same time. "I guess that means I can get rid of it then." She stood up and started to smear the whipped cream from her chest all over herself. As she glided her hands over her curves, I could hear creamy sounds that made my ears perk up. I was sure more pre-cum had found its way out of my shaft, but the whipped topping made it impossible to tell.

I had to recount everything that was happening. I was naked, strapped to a chair with whipped cream on my penis, while watching a sexy girl that had covered herself oil and whipped cream as well (not to mention she had passionately fucked herself moments ago). There was one factor that would decide whether or not I was in heaven or hell. If the erection that Sandy had crafted were to diminish as a result of having an orgasm, surely I was in heaven. Otherwise, I knew perfectly well where I was.

Sandy continued to cream herself up. I started to think about how I wished the cream on her body hadn't come from a can, but rather had it come from my scrotum. She started to sensually lick the cream off of her fingers.

"Mmmm, that tastes so good!" She said this as if she had just swallowed the fluids of a man she had been wanting to please for a lifetime. "I think I want a little more."

When she said this, it hit me - I was in heaven after all. I knew for sure that it was only a matter of time before she came to lick the whipped cream off my penis, and because I was so horny and erect, I was probably only going to last a few seconds. Once again she knelt down. She smiled at me as if we had been madly in love our whole lives. Her eyes closed, and her mouth opened. As she had done with the dildo, she licked me from the bottom to the top, and enveloped the head of my penis, encompassing the puff of cream as well. The sensation was without a doubt better than all of Hugh Hefner's lived out fantasies combined. I screamed with pleasure. Her lips reached the base of my penis - my entire shaft was finally in her one of her luscious holes. I could feel the cream in her mouth, and it made things feel mushy and wonderful. As her lips glided their way up, the savory topping had left a creamy streak long the sides of my penis. She gave my head a sensual lick, which sparked my inevitable climb to orgasm. She continued to passionately suck and lick my penis, and she let out a sexy sound, one that made it obvious that she was enjoying this just as much as I was.

I screamed again as her tightened lips passed over the ring. She swallowed my penis once more, and it started. My groin area started contracting. I couldn't see it, but I knew that I was ejaculating the hottest gooiest load of semen in the history of man. I could feel all the tension in my body being routed to the very tip of my cock. It must have lasted an eternity. I lost sight of everything. All I could here was my voice screaming "Oh my god!" and Sandy's wet lips smooching along the boundaries of my package. I had felt the greatest sensation of my life. When my eyes finally opened, I caught sight of Sandy with a bit of my semen dripping out of her lips. A swift lick of the tongue quickly retrieved it and brought it inside her mouth. Her throat pulsed - she had swallowed all of it.

"Welcome to Heaven Alex Fetchman," Sandy said.

I was still shaking. "Oh my god... Oh my god..." Heaven was perfect, but what Sandy said next made 'perfect' ever better.

"Please note that we are scheduled to do this 3 times a day."

"Oh my god."


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Boy Meets Man Changing Short StoriesMitchell

Mitch sighed roughly as he shoved the rest of the clean clothes he was taking with him to his fathers for the Summer. "You will have fun Mitchell, you always do so stop throwing a fit." His mother commented as she walked past his door, a grunt pushing from his chest at her words. Yeah maybe he would have fun, however he was not looking forward to his fathers increasingly odd behavior towards him. Mitchell was twelve years old and his parents had been divorced since he was six. His father...

1 year ago
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Aunt Shelly

A favourite story from Literotica...Aunt Shellyby TryAnything Brian had always thought his Aunt Shelly was one of the most beautifulwomen in the world. Many times he had masturbated while thinking of her,her long blonde hair down to her waist, her sparkling blue eyes and widegenerous smile. He also liked her long slim legs, which she always seemedto showcase with either a short skirt or short shorts. But in any event,her legs were an enticing sight at all times. And she had full breasts.Many...

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Mene Or Meri Gasti Behan Shelly

Hello, mere dosto kaise hain ap sab log main apka apna raj jo punjab se hu aj fir apke liye ek nayi story le kar aaya hu jise pad kar apke lund esse khade ho jayenge ki muth marne ke baad bhi nahi bethenge or chutain bina lund liye nahi rah payengi per sabse pehle main ap sab logo ko thanks karta hu jo ap meri stories ped kar muje main kar rahe hain or mera or meri pyari gasti behan shelly ka hosla bada rahe hain aj main apke liye ek nayi sachai le kar aaya hu jismain mene or shelly ne mil kar...

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Me and Shelly had been best friends since we first went to school, and as our parents always said we were inseparable. Throughout our lives, when one of us ended up in some sort of trouble, you could be guaranteed the other was close by. We both lost our virginity on the same night to 2 college guys at a frat party we gate crashed, Shelly was on the bed while the other guy fucked me on the floor. Shelly is a gorgeous looking redhead, she always keeps her hair quite short, she has large breasts,...

3 years ago
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How I met BBW Shelley

It was in Philadelphia on business eating at an Applebees myself. Shelley was sitting a few tables away with a gilfriend. She sent a drink over to my table. When the waitress pointed out who had bought me the drink I looked at Shelley, she gave me a beautiful smile and winked at me. I walked over and asked if I could join them. She said of course. So I had dinner with her and her friend Tammy. When dinner was over I picked up the check. Tammy was kind of a third wheel and we really could not...

1 year ago
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Sex Wars 8211 Seduction Of Shelly

Akash! Akash! shouted the school cleaner after knowing that he is sleeping in the school store room. Akash wakes up and sees that he and asleep in the store room and will now have to hear the scolding of the old and ugly school cleaner but he listens it quietly and walks away because he has just had the BEST EXPIERIENCE of his Life by sucking his computer teacher Mrs Shelly’s milky and oversized boobs.Ok,FLASHBACK: The Story starts with Akash masturbating in the room by fantasizing about...

2 years ago
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Watching Shelly

© 2003 Kenny N Gamera I looked at my watch, but Shelly still wasn't due for another ten minutes. I released the latest in a chain of sighs at the thought of another ten minutes of waiting in a college bar alone. It sent shudders through me. The thought of another ten minutes of waiting in a college bar with Fred in was even worse, but I intended to wait for her even if it meant watching him chase nineteen-year-old girls. I could have done without having to watch him make out with the...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess4e9 Shelly

Series 4, Episode 9: SHELLEY We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a built-up inner city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river – tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures... Now we’re on the windswept sea-front of an old fashioned English resort town. Out of season and on a windy, cold and rainy day, the place is virtually...

2 years ago
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Processing Shelly

Shelly is clothed not below her hips, except for a pair of nice, tight, slutty red leather high-heeled boots which come halfway up her calves. The rest of her legs are smooth, and pink, and shiny. Her nice round butt-cheeks are all uncovered and vulnerable upon the moist leather seat. Before her is a very big plate of paella, it is the Master’s special paella made of slime and robomeat and special lobotising rice. It rises from the plate in a tall, glistening, juicy, smelly tower. It rises to...

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ShellyShelly and I had known each other in High School and would see each other here and again afterwards. We partied with the same people and once or twice fooled around, but never really had sex. Lots of making out and petting was the extent of our fun. Years went by and we shared info on social media, but I lived up near Houston and she was down in Corpus Christi so actually meeting up was not possible. I decided to make a trip home and posted to social media and was surprised how many old...

3 years ago
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Heaven Shown By Indian Sex Stories Reader

Hello everyone, this is again mr.X.I am going straight away to my experience with a reader who is around 27 years old , has curvy hips , perky tits, and a beautiful ass. Feedbacks are welcomed at This happened after she read my story and just gave a feedback. We started sexting for few days, as our conversation continued in a good way, after getting complete confidence on each other we met in her place for having a beautiful sex. I am in the garden city and am in my mid-twenties.The heroin...

4 years ago
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Heaven With The Glamorous

Dear Indian Sex Stories readers. Hope all are good especially the sexy chicks and aunties. This is my first sex story in Indian Sex Stories dot net. Please do forgive me for my mistakes and for fun, chats (girls and aunties only) email me at I am Vinu from Chennai. 6.2 feet tall, 80kgs. Fitness freak has a tool of 6inch to drill women Let’s move to the sex story ( a bit longer one because have to capture the incident live ) This was my encounter with a sexy chick and her sister. The name of...

1 year ago
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Heaven With Neighbor

Hey guys, I am Jazzbir! Its is my first story which I am submitting on ISS. This is the story about me and my hot neighbor ;) her name is Meenu, she will be approx 28-30 with a child of age 5. Well some one had said good point to reach to mom we have to go thorough the kid ;) I started spending time with his kid and that kid use to be with me most of the time and Meenu use to come at my place to see where is her kid. It was 20 June morning when she came up to my place that his kid autowala had...

4 years ago
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Heaven With Stunning Aunty Neha

Hi to all readers, I am tarun 21year old guy, fair complexion, I have sibling that is little sister only, live in Delhi and doing BA. One incident I want to share with you which was happened to me 2 year ago with my neighbor aunty neha, let me tell you she is not that much smart but in my eyes she is very sexy and horny,I always want to have fun with her, her figure size is 34-36-38, she has 2 kids Nikhil(8yr) and tamana(6yr), I love them a lot and they too love me. This incident was happened...

3 years ago
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Heaven Sent Father Wanted

Author's note I was very wary about writing the original "Heaven Sent" story as I feel it is wrong to try to mix the innocence of children with the eroticism, either explicit or subliminal, in stories of male to female transition. In the end, I felt that the girls' grief at the loss of their mother put Jack's actions into context and while his motives for crossdressing and, ultimately transition, moved from wanting to relieve his daughter's grief to the realisation of who he was, it...

4 years ago
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Hello…. friends…. I’m new to ISS. I used to read stories from other sites. But,i was not aware of this site till one day i accidently found out. After reading some of the stories, i was really happy & i felt sad how much i missed this site. I thought i too should narrate about my experience. Hope u will enjoy. Please forgive if my narration is bad. This is a real incident which took place in my life. To be frank, there is no addition of fiction to this incident. Let me introduce u. My name is...

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It was a beautiful day at the beach. I was with my boyfriend Chris, his buddy Mike and his girlfriend Amy . We spent the day enjoying the ocean and warm weather. The waves were just prefect to body surf in. More than once my bikini top came down riding the waves. I know Chris enjoyed the view and I caught Mike take a quick glimpse as well. After a few hours of the beach we decided it was time to go. I went home to get showered and then headed over to their apartment. We planned on double...

Group Sex
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Halloween With Shelly

I'm Tony. I have been retired for the past five years. Sixty years young and living by myself since my wife's death two years ago. Sure, I still get horny sometimes but at my age it's pretty easy going without sex. An occasional masturbation session satisfies me for a week or two. I have to admit that it's lonely sometimes. There are only so many books you can read or movies you can rent. Once in a while one of my old co-workers will stop by for a coffee or maybe a beer. So I am not...

2 years ago
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My name is Salma Hayat and I am 37 years old. I have a daughter named Maria Hayat who is seventeen years old and a son named Babar Hayat who is sixteen years old. I belong to a well to do family and my husband is a high ranking government official. When I first saw ISS website and came across so much of incest stories, whether true or fantasies, it created a stir down my spines. “Do so many people fantasize or practically have incest relationship” was my first question to myself. I had never...

3 years ago
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Moving Mrs Mitchell

"Dude, Mrs. Mitchell is a hottie." Robin Mitchell froze at the top of the stairs that led down to the basement of her new townhome. Had she heard that right? "Shh, not so loud, Brandon." That was Paul, the kid who'd lived next door at her old house and had generously offered to help her move. No, not a kid anymore, Robin reminded herself as she thought of his biceps straining his tight graphic tee. "Anyway," Brandon continued, "you sure she's in her 40s? There's no way. Her legs...

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Dating Shelly

Shelly looked at herself in the mirror as she applied her lipstick. She smiled at what she saw, "No wonder the guys have been hitting on you girl" she thought to herself. She stood five feet one and had one hundred and five pounds distributed on a 34-22-32 frame. Green eyes and long brown hair completed the package. She took one last look at herself in the mirror and thought, for at least the tenth time, "You shouldn't be doing this girl" but then she shook the thought from her head and...

4 years ago
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XMen Hellfire

Hellfire. A name well known around America. Essentially a strip joint, but there are added perks if you're a senior member. Just like I have finally become. 3 years, I've waited, but I'm happy to say today's the day. I've finally joined the Hellfire club's inner circle. As a reward for joining, they offer me one of their "junior members," so to speak. Sebastian Shaw, the Club's leader, opens two doors on either side of the room with the push of a button, and I turn to look at the first girl: a...

2 years ago
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My dads new wife had a daughter named shelly

In the summer of my Sophmore year of High School my dad got remarried for the 4th time. He was living in LA county and I didnt see him very much. During the summer I went up to spend a week with him and meet his new wife. I really could care less. I was a surf k** who loved the beach and spending one week in Riverside was a version of hell to me back then. Anyway, He and I pulled up to the house and went in. He showed me a room where I would be staying. I asked about a room closer to the...

1 year ago
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Heaven was a big dick up my wife ass

My wife is a fantasy fuck, and she knows it. Drooling drunks will tell her their fantasy. She’ll find a way to make their fantasy come true, or do what she can do, and I have to find a way to deal with it. She doesn’t force dealing with it on me; in fact, she feels badly that I must, but is thrilled that I do. She will not look a gift dealer in the mouth, nor will she make dealing any more difficult than she is sure it must be. She tries to be sensitive, but her calling comes...

1 year ago
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Heaven Scent

Shopping in Manchester   Tom and I had trailed around the shops in Edinburgh, looking for some sexy outfits for Marks party. We just couldn’t find anything that grabbed our attention.   Oh there were loads of nice things, but nothing that made us shout, “Eureka”, if you know what I mean.   The last shop we entered, we started chatting, well, I did, to a very sexily dressed young woman. I asked her where she had purchased her outfit and explained to her that Tom and I had been searching all...

3 years ago
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Heaven Sent Chapter 5

Etan and Angel walked back to the bedroom, and he took her over to the side of the bed. "Kneel," he commanded and she smiled, kneeling immediately. As she watched, he took off his shirt and t-shirt. She looked admiringly at his chest.Even though she had seen it before, she still loved the way his chest looked and felt. The powerful chest, the muscular arms, the way it felt when she was up against it and wrapped in his arms. It was one of her favorite places to be. Then her eyes moved lower to...

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Heaven Sent Chapter 3

Etan didn't get much sleep that night. The events of the day had sent his mind reeling and he tried to make sense of it all. Had she just been a homeless woman sitting on that park bench, it would have been a lot easier. But an angel come down from heaven?Still, she knew things about him no one else could possibly know. Things in his past that he had long since forgotten, things he never told anyone. And what was this about knowing he was into BDSM? NOBODY knew that part of him! He made sure...

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My name is John doe and I'm dead. But it's ok because I'm in heaven now, and if you didn't know, when you go to heaven god gives you you're very own universe to be the god of. God said i can do whatever i like in this new universe except inherently evil things(rape, murder, pedophilia, etc.). God also told me that the devil would put someone who went to hell in this same universe with me, and as punishment for their sins on earth, I would be able to do whatever I want to them, even including...

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Sitting at the dining table, he found his eye’s drawn to her breasts. They filled the vest top that she had worn as part of a pyjama set, baby pink, with white clouds.His hands trembled as he lifted the cup to his lips. He could make out the unmistakable outline of her nipples, slightly raised. Pushing against the taut fabric, her breasts were large and firm, this only added to his state of arousal.She stood and moved towards the sink behind the table, now he could see that she wasn’t wearing...

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Heaven On The Highway

Hi readers, Thanks to all of you for your responses for my earlier stories and a special thanks to girls and aunties who offered me a best complements and for feedback you can mail me at To those who are reading me for the first time, I am Vikram a good looking 28 yrs old guy with fair and athletic body from Bangalore and am working in a MNC company. Well it’s all happened recently, For Gandhi Jayathi I had an holiday which was on Friday and next two days were weekends so totally I had some...

4 years ago
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Heaven Time With My Sister 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone Jazz here! This story is about how me and my sister got intimate with each other and did all the fun part!! Let me describe myself I’m 5’11” not so fair but bit fair, engineer, rich person, good dressing sense, tool size is good enough to satisfy girls.. Why to hide 6.5″ is my tool I last long.. The story which I am about to tell is a real incident I happen around a months ago thats November 2015, there was wedding in our family the wedding was of my aunts daughter!! It was the...


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